Super Jeff

By John Tucker (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 7, 2006


The following fictional story involves gay sex. If the subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young, please exit now. This story is the property of the author and may not be reproduced without permission. John Tucker,


Chapter Three

Jeff's POV

"So what did you guys do today?" my Dad asked, after we were seated, returned thanks and had been served by Frank.

"We went shopping to get Chris some clothes," I answered. "Then we went to the Club for some work on our golf games before coming back here. Chris got settled in while I practiced the piano. We missed our workout, except for the morning run. We just ran out of time."

"I hope Jeff bought you several pairs of running shoes Chris," Dad said with a laugh. "He's a compulsive achiever and rarely slows down. If you're going to keep up with him, you'll need good running gear."

"We got lots of everything," Chris answered. "I never had so much stuff."

"I'm sure you'll put it all to good use," my Mom replied with a smile.

I was really pleased at how quickly they accepted Chris. In spite of my outward appearance of confidence to Chris at bringing him home, inside I had my doubts about their reaction. It almost seemed unnatural that it had been so easy. Something inside was telling me that there was more to their acceptance than they were letting on. Now was not the right time to bring it up though. I felt sure that Chris was still feeling insecure after being rejected by his parents without me questioning my own.

"Mel tells me that you're gay like Jeff," my Dad remarked to Chris as calmly as if he were reading off the baseball scores.

Chris, for the second time while eating, almost choked on his food and his face turned a bright red.

Dad, seeing Chris' embarrassment, quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry Chris. I guess I shouldn't have been so blunt," he said. "It's just that we've known about Jeff so long, it just seems natural to us."

"I wish my parents felt the same way," Chris said with sadness.

"They may get used to the idea after a while," Dad said. "I must admit that we were both surprised when Jeff told us about himself."

"You were great about it though," I interjected. "Chris didn't have it so easy."

"Yes, we'll need to talk about that soon," Dad said. "Like I said earlier, if he's going to stay here indefinitely, we'll need to do some legal things to make sure he can be cared for in an emergency, and we can act as his guardians for school and those kinds of things."

"I don't want to see my Dad again," Chris said adamantly, "or my Mom either."

"It might be best if my lawyer takes care of the matter," Dad said. "I wouldn't mind doing it myself, but I want to make sure that we don't have any legal problems later."

"I'm sorry to cause you so much expense and trouble," Chris said. "I don't know how I'll every pay you back."

"That's nothing for you to worry about," Mom said. "We have much more than we will ever need, and even though we work, it's because we want to, not because we have to. The little extra expense for you to be a part of our family won't be noticed. We're just glad that Jeff has such a good friend."

"I told Jeff that I'd get a job," Chris offered again.

"And I told him `no', that we had too many things to do," I interrupted. "I think Chris has a lot a potential, and I don't believe he'll be able to be all he can be by flipping burgers."

"I agree with Jeff," Dad said. "In fact, Chris, you should start thinking of what you want to do with your life and how you're going to get there. For instance, if you have weakness in a subject in school, we could get a tutor to help you this summer."

"Actually, my grades have been quite good," Chris replied with more than a little pride. "I'm not much of an athlete though. My parents never had the money or time for us to participate in sports."

"I'd like to take credit for Jeff's athletic prowess," Dad responded, "but I can't. Mel and I have spent most of our time with our careers. Jeff is self-motivated though, so he's still excelled in whatever he's chosen to do."

"Don't worry about Chris and sports," I said. "We're gonna start a program that will have him up to speed by the end of the summer. He had his first golf lesson today."

"How did it go?" Dad asked Chris.

"I was horrible," Chris admitted. "I couldn't hit the ball."

"That's to be expected," Dad said kindly. "Golf is a lot harder than it looks. I love to play, but it just takes too much time. I'm afraid that Jeff is going to have to uphold the family honor in that sport."

"I think Chris has potential," I said encouragingly. "He had a lesson with Jack at the Club today and after a couple more, I'll take over."

"I hope you're not wasting your time," Chris said. "I've never been too good at sports."

"Not a problem," I replied with a grin. "You just need some encouragement and practice."

"I'd like to get the legal stuff taken care of this coming week," Dad said. "Mel and I have plans."

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Yes, we're planning on a trip to Europe. We'll be gone three weeks."

"Do you have anything you need us to take care of while you're gone?" I asked somewhat discouraged, but knowing that a protest would do little good.

"Probably not," Dad said. "We'll see to Chris' legal stuff before we go. If necessary there might be a little that you need do, but I doubt it. It sounds like you have a pretty aggressive schedule anyway."

"I'm sure we'll not be bored," I assured my folks, "It's just that I thought that maybe you'd have some time to really get to know Chris. I wouldn't mind some time with you either. You're my favorite parents."

"Your only parents," my Mom interjected at my attempt at humor.

"Maybe we can all go on a short trip somewhere when we get back," Dad suggested. "There will be plenty of summer left."

"I'll believe that when I see it," I said, somewhat disgruntled.

"Your sarcasm is not becoming," my mother scolded.

"I'm sorry, it's just that sometimes I feel I need to do something bad or get into trouble, just to see if you'll notice me."

"I'm sure you're overreacting," my mother said. "We trust you and allow you to do what you want, because you've always been responsible. I'd hate for us to lose that trust."

"I'd hate it too," I admitted, "but I really would like to spend more time with you."

"Maybe it won't be so bad now that Chris is here," Dad said. "We really will make an effort to go on that trip when we get back."

"I guess that's all I can ask," I relented. "Sorry if I upset you."

"Not a problem son," Dad said with a smile. "Right after dinner, I'd like to talk to Chris alone, if I might. I need to contact my attorney at home and see if he can get the legal work done this week."

"I'm not invited to your talk?" I asked in surprise.

"No son, I think there are some things that he and I need to talk about privately. He can tell you about it afterward, if he wants."

"Well, here comes the dessert," I announced, seeing Frank enter the room balancing a tray containing four portions of some gooey concoction that looked messy, but I'd bet was delicious.

After clearing our places, Frank deposited his latest attempt at dessert in front of us. I was right; it was wonderful, but messy. The table conversation was put on hold while we dug into the treat. Ten minutes later, Dad wiped his mouth with his napkin and pushed his chair back.

"I'll be in the library when you're through Chris. Take your time. Mel, would you ask Frank to bring me my after-dinner coffee in there?"

"Of course Jeffrey," Mel replied. "I'm about finished myself. I'll be in my private office upstairs if you need me. I have to decide if I'm going to accept the Professorship at UCLA that I've been offered. I know I'm a good student, but not sure I'd make a good teacher."

"I'll be up later," Dad said as he stood. "We can talk about it then if you'd like."

"Of course Dear," she said with a smile.

Dad left the room heading for the library. Frank must have heard the movement, because he immediately reentered the room.

"Frank," Mom said, getting his attention. "Dr. Richards would like his coffee served in the library."

"Yes Ma'am," Frank acknowledged. "Would anyone else care for coffee or perhaps another dessert plate?"

"Not me," I moaned. "It was sure good though. I'm full as a tick!"

"Jeffrey!" Mom scolded. "What talk! And at the dinner table too! Chris is going to think we're aborigines!"

"I'm sure Chris has more important things to think about. The idea of having a `private talk' with Dad would make any newcomer nervous," I offered. "Are you ready?" I asked Chris.

"Yes," Chris responded, a look of fatalism on his face. "I'll go now."

He excused himself, stood, complimented the hostess, my mother, on the meal even though she had nothing to do with it, then looking again like a lost soul, followed the direction my father had taken just a few moments before. As the door swung shut, I turned to my Mother.

"What's Dad gonna say to Chris? " I queried.

"I'm not sure," Mom replied. "You'll just have to ask him later."

Chris' POV

To say I was nervous heading into the library to talk with Jeff's Dad would be the understatement of the century. My knees were weak and a bead of perspiration popped out on my forehead. I was feeling light-headed as I grabbed the handle to the library door. I needed to sit down quickly or I might pass out. Pushing down on the handle and inward, the door swung open revealing Jeff's Dad sitting in one of two large upholstered chairs facing a gas-log fireplace that was burning. Seeing me enter, he indicated that I should take the other chair. I moved to the chair as the door to the room again opened and Frank appeared with a silver tray containing a small coffee pot, two cups, and two silver pieces containing cream and sugar as well as two spoons. Moving to the table between the two chairs, Frank set the tray down and asked if there was anything else he could provide. Dr. Jeff replied in the negative, thanked Frank, and dismissed him. Frank quickly disappeared the way he came in. Jeff's Dad poured coffee for us both and invited me to use the "additives" to make the coffee taste as I desired.

Even though I had not requested coffee, I now was glad it was there. It gave me something to do with my hands, which were clammy with perspiration. I poured myself a bit of cream and watched as the white liquid mixed with the dark before I picked it up and took a careful sip. The rich taste of the hot coffee for some reason had a calming effect that was unexpected but welcome, as I returned the cup to the saucer.

"First Chris, I'd like to reiterate what we said before. Both Jeff's mother and I are glad to have you with us. I must admit that your being here is a surprise, but not necessarily an unpleasant one. I'm sure Jeff has told you that we don't have much time to spend with him. It's unfortunate, and perhaps later we'll regret it, but it is a real fact that we live with. In that respect Jeff's having you here for company is like an unexpected gift and is probably the real reason that we are so accepting of you. I hope you don't mind my frankness."

"No Sir," I replied. "It seemed rather unusual to me that you could take in a stranger, someone whom you'd never met before. I'm grateful that you explained it to me."

"Perhaps it's because we recognize that we're not the best parents," Dr. Jeff continued regretfully. "It's not that Jeff wants for anything that money can buy," he admitted, "It's because we have so little time with Jeff that we feel guilty. He rarely complains, and I'm sure that Mel and I will discuss it on our trip. Perhaps we need to rethink our parenting roles. One thing I'm afraid you won't find, is our smothering either one of you with affection. We're just not the touchy-feely types."

"Sir, I really think you should be talking to Jeff about this, not me," I responded. "I'm so grateful for you taking me in, that I'd sing your praises if you made me sleep in the garage."

Dr. Jeff laughed at the thought.

"You don't have to worry about that," Jeff's Dad said with a smile. "Jeff has made his choice that you should be here, and we accept that. I'm sure we don't tell him enough, but we're terribly proud of him. We love him too, though we're not very demonstrative."

"If you don't mind me saying so," I responded, "letting him know that is something that is easy to change and I know Jeff would appreciate the gesture, even though I'm sure that he truly believes you love him."

"Harrumph," Dr. Jeff said clearing his throat with a clear exhibition of being uncomfortable.

"We'll discuss it. That's all I can promise," he said, closing the subject. "What I really asked you in here for was to discuss you and your relationship with Jeff."

My feeling of uneasiness quickly returned as I listened.

"Let's take care of the `housekeeping' items first," he continued. "Are your accommodations to your liking?'

"Oh yes sir," I quickly blurted out. "This place is a palace to me, and my room is bigger than the master bedroom at my parents'. Except when I was a baby, I never had my own room before."

"Good," Dr. Jeff responded. "On Monday, I'll have an account opened for you at our bank and will secure an ATM card for it so that you can access the funds. We'll deposit $500 a week in there, just as we do for Jeff. For now, if you and Jeff need further funds, he has our credit cards. We'll discuss giving one or more to you later when we are sure that you'll be happy with us. We'll also see about a car for you. In the meantime, Jeff knows where we keep our spare keys if you need to go somewhere he can't take you."

"That's way more than generous sir," I said in astonishment. "I'm sorry to be such a burden."

"Nonsense," Dr. Jeff countered. "We want you to feel free to do as you wish, and not be dependent on Jeff for your every need."

"I appreciate that Dr. Jeff," I said gratefully, "but I can't help feeling like the poor relative."

"Well, get over it," he insisted. "You're now part of the family. If you need anything, just ask."

"Thank you sir. I'll do as you say, though I can't imagine what else I'd need."

"Now I'd like to switch to a more delicate and personal subject," he continued. "I'd like to talk to you about your personal relationship with Jeff."

I gulped, fidgeting nervously.

"That's going to be a short discussion," I muttered. "Not more than a few hours ago, I was astounded that Jeff would even speak to me. I can assure you sir, that gay or not, Jeff and I haven't done anything that you might consider personal, and certainly nothing of a sexual nature."

"That's good to know," Jeff's Dad said, "but I'm a physician, and was once a young guy myself, with all the urges that young men have. I'm sure that your relationship with Jeff will change. I'm not sure where it all will lead, so that's why we're talking. You may just become Jeff's brother, or his friend, maybe even his best friend, might become his lover. I'm not passing judgment whatever the case may be. I am insisting though, that if your relationship does become intimate, you will always practice safe sex."

"You needn't worry about that," I said in embarrassment. "I've never had sexual relations with anyone, at least not beyond the touching stage. I don't know why Jeff would want to do that with me anyway."

"Don't put yourself down," Dr. Jeff advised. "You're a very attractive young man. I can see why Jeff was drawn to you."

My face felt hot from all the blood rushing to it.

"I--I don't know what to say to that," I responded. "I've never considered myself good looking."

"That's probably because you've never had the chance to dress attractively," he responded. "I can assure you, that you have the body and face of a model, except that you're a bit underdeveloped. I'm sure that Jeff will take care of the deficiency."

"I'm overwhelmed that you think so, but I'll accept your assessment," I replied modestly, wanting to drop the subject. "I'm surprised too that you'd think that Jeff could possibly be interested in me in a more intimate way, but I won't argue, since I really don't know Jeff that well yet. Heck, we've never even talked about sex or our being gay or any of that."

"I'm sure that all will come with time," Dr. Jeff asserted. "Since we're going to be gone a few weeks, I just wanted you to know our feelings on the subject. If you and Jeff do have sex, it had better be safe. That's all I have to say on the subject. Now, unless you have something to say to me, that's it."

"I'd only like to thank you and Dr. Mel again," I said. "If not for you, who knows where I'd be right now? I shudder to think of it."

"Just be a good friend to Jeff," Dr. Jeff said. "That's all we ask."

"I'll be the best friend he could possibly want," I promised.

"I'm glad," he said. "Now get out of here and go find your friend."

"Thanks I will," I said rising, offering my hand. "I'll do my best to make you proud of me too."

Dr. Jeff smiled, nodded, shook my hand then with a wave said, "Git."

Smiling back I turned, left the room, closing the door quietly behind me, and went looking for Jeff.

My mind raced as I left the room. Had Jeff's Dad just okayed that we have sex? The thought frightened me. It wasn't that I wasn't attracted to Jeff. Quite the opposite! I had admired him from afar at school, but knew that we were from such different social strata that he'd never even notice me. Now here I was in his home, and with him wanting to be my friend. Don't screw things up, I thought. What did that mean? I wondered. How should I act? Does Jeff like guys that are `yes' men, who always do what he wants, or does he like guys who are different, and more independent? I didn't have a clue. I guessed that there would be a lot to learn about Jeff if he was going to want me to stay.

Climbing the stairs to the second floor I turned into the bedroom wing where Jeff and now I had our rooms. Stopping at his door I knocked.

"Come in," Jeff said in a loud voice.

I pushed down on the lever and entered.

Seeing me appear, he offered me a chair and as I sat down began the questioning that I knew was coming.

"How was the third degree?" Jeff asked. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Oh it was okay," I replied. "Your Dad was very courteous and way more than generous."

"You getting an allowance?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, he said I'd be getting the same as you."

"That's good. It's more than I need. I put part of it every week into investments. They're doing pretty well too."

"Would you put some of mine in investments for me?" I asked. "I can't imagine what I would spend $500 a week on."

"I'm sure we'll find something," Jeff asserted. "Did he give you a credit card?"

"No he said that we'd see how you and I get along before doing that. He said that if we needed to spend beyond our allowance that you were to put it on the credit cards you have. He said we'd talk about a car later too."

"Yeah, a guy has to have wheels," Jeff declared. "What else did you guys talk about?"

"He told me why he and your mother were so willing for me to be here."

"That's gotta be good. What did he tell you?'

"He said that they felt guilty about spending so little time with you, and having me here would be good company for you. He said that they're proud of you and love you too."

"They don't show it much," Jeff said dejectedly. "They were right about having you for company though. I don't know when I've been so excited about anything as I am about you living here."

"I'm still in a daze," I revealed. "I really don't understand any of this. I mean, here I am an impoverished, rejected teenager, someone you don't really know at all. Yet you bring me into your life like I was your best friend. My heart is cautiously ecstatic, but my mind is saying, `Nobody does this! At least not without something in return. I don't mind telling you that I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, then find myself out on the street again."

"Ain't gonna happen Bro," Jeff said with conviction. "I never start something I don't finish. I've had a little time to think of it while you were talking to Dad. I've decided that it's the best thing that ever happened to me. Somehow I know that you belong here."

"What's to keep you from changing your mind in a week?" I asked.

Jeff paused, thinking.

"I admit that it's possible, but if it happens, I promise that you won't be thrown out. We may just end up being friends and live our own lives, but both of those lives will happen out of this house."

"What can I say but I'm grateful," I responded.

"Do you think you might not like being around me?" he asked.

"Oh no! Not at all! I love being around you," I exclaimed. "You're good looking, popular, athletic, smart and all the things that I admire. Best of all you're nice to me."

"Wooo! Watch it! My head is swelling," Jeff laughed before returning to the inquisition. "So tell me, is that all he said?"

"No... he talked about my relationship with you. I told him that we didn't have a relationship, especially one that involved being intimate with each other."

"Would that be too bad?" questioned Jeff.

"No it would be wonderful," I quickly said. "but right now it would scare me to death. I just feel too insecure."

"Well you're right about waiting," he agreed. "We haven't known each other long enough. But I want you to know that I'm attracted to you."

"Wow!" I said almost to myself, then speaking to Jeff said, "I'm attracted to you too. I've dreamed about you at least these past two years!"

"To much information," Jeff declared with a laugh. "Don't tell me that. I didn't even know you back then."

We had advanced English together last year," I offered. "You probably didn't even notice me."

A surprised look of recognition appeared on Jeff's face.

"You're THAT Chris!" Jeff exclaimed. "I thought I knew you from somewhere. You're the only one that got a better grade than I got!" "Sorry," I said apologetically.

"Heck, don't be sorry," Jeff exclaimed. "The better man came out on top."

"Well... I don't...."

"Cut it!" Jeff insisted. "We both know it's true. Why do you think I'm being tutored in English?"

"Just because I got a better grade?" I asked. "That seems silly."

"You don't know how competitive I am," he declared. "You got a better grade, and not by a little either. I couldn't believe it and went in to meet with our teacher. She told me that you were an outstanding writer. I didn't believe her at first until she let me read a writing assignment we had just turned in. It knocked me on my ass! I couldn't wait to get good enough to write that well."

"What paper was it?" I asked in disbelief.

"It was that paper we wrote on Nicholas Nickleby. I got an A minus and you got an A plus! I couldn't believe all you got out of that story and the way you explained it. My paper was a piece of garbage comparatively."

"I'm sure your paper was better than that," I replied. "I just happen to love Dickens. I've read that book three times."

"Well that may explain part of it, but it doesn't explain how well you summarized the plot and explained the meaning behind the story," he said.

"Hey, you're embarrassing me," I said. "My stuff wasn't that good!"

"It was, but I'll shut up if I'm making you uneasy. I just want you to know that I admire what you wrote. I may be good in some things, but you're really a good writer."

"Thanks," I said hoping that we'd talk about something else.

"Do you write fiction?" he asked me.

"I've written a couple of stories, but I tore them up when they were done," I admitted.

"Why?" he asked. "I would have liked to read them."

"Uh..." I stammered, "they stories."

"Damn! All the better. I read stories on Nifty, Crvboy, Awesome Dude and other internet sites all time!" "What are they?" I asked, not understanding.

"They're sites on the internet where amateur gay writers can post their stories. Some of the stories are just jerk-off pieces, and those are most often short, but some of the stories are great, with great plots, with and without torrid sex scenes. There are a number of stories that are really long too, I mean like novel size, 1000 pages or more."

"Man, that must be interesting. Like I told ya, we don't have a computer much less an internet connection. Even my friend that had a computer had a blocker so he couldn't see much stuff, but we found a little. Besides that, I sure as heck couldn't read that stuff in the library at school."

"Yeah," Jeff said with a laugh, "Old Mrs. McCarty would have a coronary!"

"Tomorrow we've got to get you a computer," Jeff declared. "I'm not even gonna ask Dad. I know he'd want you to have one. This one here," he said pointing to a computer work station in the corner," is the fourth one I've had. My first one had 20 megs on the hard drive, and I thought that was huge."

He laughed.

"The one you see over there has 100 gigs of hard memory, and you can get a lot more than that if you want. It's at least 100 times faster than my first computer too, but a lot easier to use."

"I took some computer classes in school, of course," I said defensively. "I haven't had a chance to do much with it though, since I don't have a computer. Just using the ones in the library, I've not had time to get really good on it except for using Word."

"Heck, I've looked at those computers," Jeff said derisively. "They are yesterday's lunch. Wait until you see what we get tomorrow. You're gonna love it."

"I'm sure I will," I agreed. "I'm sure that I'll need help in the beginning though."

"Master, I'm here to serve," Jeff said with a giggle.

"Uh...when am I gonna have time to work with it?" I asked. "It seems that you have a pretty busy schedule for us."

"We'll have to work on that," Jeff said deep in thought. "I guess you could practice with it when I take my piano and English lessons. Then there are the evenings. You should have some time then."

"Yeah, that would work," I agreed. "I guess we should talk about something else too."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Well, I don't want you to think that you have to entertain me every minute. I know you need your own time and your own space. If you get tired of me being around you all the time, you can go do what you want without me. I won't get offended."

"Thanks," Jeff said. "You're right of course. It's more likely though that you'll get tired of me. I'm so excited that you're here, I want to spend every minute I can with you."

"I'm more than flattered, Jeff. I feel the same way, but I know you can kill someone you love by holding them too tight."

"You love me?" Jeff asked in surprise.

"Uh... well... Uh... I guess. But I'm not in love with you, at least not yet."

"You guess?"

"Well, I know that I care for you a lot. You've been so good to me it makes me want to cry in gratitude. I'm really attracted to you too. It's just that I can't believe that you could feel that way about me, and I really don't want to be hurt."

"I'll try never to hurt you," promised Jeff. "I love you too, but I haven't sorted it all out in my head yet."

"Yeah, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how we feel as time goes on."

"Do I give you a stiffy?" Jeff giggled with a wink.

I blushed.

"I have to fight it," I admitted. "The only thing that's kept me from having a permanent hard-on has been the rejection I've felt from my parents and the fear of what's going to happen to me."

"You can forget the part about your parents," Jeff asserted. "Mine are `no day at the beach' when it comes to showing affection, but they are really wonderful people and I know down deep in my heart that they love me. I'm sure that in a short time they'll feel the same way about you. Better than that, you have me. Any time you need a hug, just look my way. I know that we'll get mutual satisfaction. As for the fear part, I hope we settled that already. Just trust us. You'll see how much we need you too."

I looked at the clock and realized that it was nearly midnight. The evening had flown.

"Uh, I hate to break this up, but don't you think it's time to hit the rack?" I asked.

Jeff looked at the clock and whistled. "Yeah you're right. Our 7 AM run is going to come early. I just wanted to ask you one more thing though before we go to bed."

"Ask away," I offered.

"Uh..." Jeff said, looking as if he was reluctant to ask the question. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Next: Chapter 4

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