Super Jeff

By John Tucker (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 10, 2006


The following is a work of gay fiction. If the subject matter is offensive to your or you are too young, please exit now. This story is the property of the author and may not be reproduced without permission. John Tucker


Chapter Twenty-five


Damn, I miss having the family around! I'm glad to be home and of course Paul is taking grand care of me. We plan on flying to Las Vegas to be with the boys and Amanda tomorrow, but that will give us only a couple of days before Mandy and Rick leave for the East. Wow! Has she changed! I'm not sure who was more surprised, Jeff or me by her sweet personality. When she arrived, I couldn't believe it was the same person I had known for so many years. When she first left for school and even during subsequent visits home the only description that would fit was `bitch.'

At first I was unwilling to believe that her new attitude was genuine. I'm sure that Jeff felt the same way. I know he had the other boys primed to meet `the wicked witch of the west', and then she appeared as a true sweetheart. The other boys must have thought that Jeff had lost his mind. I know he was confused as hell. I sure was.

I don't know whether it was the influence of Rick or the fact that their parents' fate was, and still is, undetermined. If it is the latter, it's the only good thing to have come out of that ordeal. Well, that may be a bit of a misstatement. Because of it Jeff and Mandy hired Tyler Turner's company. That Tyler is one fine gentleman and has a body that makes my mouth water. It's a good thing that I have Paul. I really love the lunk, but damn, that Tyler is the piece d' resistance in eye candy. What really impresses you though is that he's so real. He's a certified good guy who has every right to be stuck on himself, but instead comes across like he was your brother. You can't help but love him. He's taken us under his wing too. I know that it's business for him, but at the same time, you'd never know it. He treats this whole thing like a personal crusade.

I guess what really blows me away is that he calls me every day to make sure I'm alright. I mean, he doesn't have to do that! I'm just the major domo around this place, not some first-born' or something. I appreciate the hell out of it though. Jeff has called every day too. That boy couldn't be in a better place than Tyler's right now. Not only are he and Mandy protected far better than they could be here, but he has Tyler as an example of an admirable gay man. If Tyler's better-half' and his brother and his brother's partner are like Tyler, watch out! Mr. Super Jeff is going to become Mr. Super-duper Jeff!

I'm out of bed now and can move around a bit, though with some pain and discomfort. I can't lift anything yet and have to be careful, but I'm recovering fast. I rest a lot and am under doctor's orders not to engage in any "violent" physical activity. That had me pretty down at first until Paul reminded me that there are a few things we could do together that required little physical exertion. He's a wonderful guy! ;-)


The week is sure going by fast! Here it is mid-week already and in a couple of days Mandy and Rick will be leaving. I thought I'd die before I ever said it, but I'm going to miss her a ton. I'll miss Rick too, but Mandy has turned into the sister I've always wanted and now she'll be leaving too soon. She's promised to come home far more often though, so maybe we'll see her and Rick on a more regular basis. Frank couldn't get leave from his doctor to travel as soon as we hoped, so he and Paul will be arriving in the morning so they'll not have too much time to visit before she leaves.

I hope Mandy `lands' Rick. He's the nicest guy she's ever dated and I'm sure that he cares for her deeply. It doesn't hurt that he's awesomely handsome or that he's loaded either. Mostly we all like him because he's really a nice guy and treats our sister with love and respect.

I pray to God that the old' Mandy never resurfaces. I've never seen such a change in a person as I've seen in her. In that respect I'm glad they've not made any life-long commitments yet. Maybe a year of seasoning', a year that predictably will have its ups and downs, will `weld' her new approach to life into a permanent part of her. I hope so. I like Rick too much to see he him hurt.

She tells me that I have changed too, and for the better. If that's true it's because of Chris. I can't wait for school to start. Together we're going to accomplish so much this year. Already his athletic ability is showing through. I think there's no one more surprised than he is. I'm sure he's had it all along, but now it's developing and fast! He just needed some coaching and encouragement. He's still growing too besides `buffing up'. I wouldn't be surprised to see him top-out at six feet. If so he'll be a smidgeon taller than me, but it wouldn't make me love him any less. Right now he and I are about the same height but he's still eight pounds lighter. Our workouts and his growth spurt have made him into one desirable hunk! It's hard to compare him to the scrawny appearing guy that I found a couple of months ago. He's smart too and a great lover. I don't know how I got so lucky.

Well, Tyler and I are about finished with our 5 miles. Tyler, Chris, Rick, Jon and Ben all started out together with us in the beginning of our run.. Ben and Jon have a bit of a problem keeping up and can't really go the distance without feeling it the whole day, so they quit after four miles. Tyler and I pulled away from the rest of the pack, which had set a more leisurely pace, after a couple of miles. Chris and Rick decided to remain with the slower group. I'm sure that both of them could do the five and even at our pace, but Chris, being the loving guy he is, wanted to stay back with our newest `brothers'. No wonder I love him so. I'd love Rick too, but Mandy would kick my ass. Ha!

As Tyler and I closed the remaining gap back to the house we could see the other guys by the reflecting pool in front of the mansion. They had gotten back before us, but you could see from Jon and Ben's winded condition, it wasn't much before. I could make out Chris and Rick sitting on the steps leading up to the main house chatting while the younger guys recovered their wind.

Tyler is looking at me and grinning. Damn him! He's picking up the pace for a little sprint back to the house. I will my legs to move faster. Can't let the `old guy' show me up. The gap is no longer widening, but I don't dare try to run any faster; I'll collapse from exhaustion before I get to the house. Maybe he'll tire.

He just glanced back at me with a big smile on his face. I pour every ounce of strength and stamina into my legs and lungs as I attempt to close the gap. I'm gaining on him but I can see it's not going to be enough. As we race across the drive, the official end of our run, he begins to quickly slow down. I reach him in three strides, streaking past then slamming my exhausted legs into a stop. I look back at his still smiling face as I gasp for air. I can see he's breathing heavily, but not like me. I want to just find a piece of grass where I can collapse and die!. It's not to be though. Tyler, seeing my exhausted condition has moved up beside me, standing upright, next to my hunched over position, with my arms supporting my upper body on my bent knees.

"Good run Jeff," Tyler said in between rapid breaths of air.

I couldn't reply. My body only wanted two things: air and more air. Tyler pulled me upright and started walking me around on the drive.

"Don't want to get cramps," he said as we moved slowly around in a big circle. As I recovered my breath, I became aware of my surroundings. All the guys were watching Tyler and me, and Chris really had a shit-eating grin on his face. What was that all about? Was he glad that Tyler had beaten me?

After making about 8 circles, Tyler guided me over to the steps where Chris and Rick sat.

"Good run Babe," Chris said as he and Rick stood. "I thought you had him there for a minute. I'm proud of you."

"He's a hell of a runner," Tyler said complimenting me. "Not only did he keep my pace for five miles, he damn near matched me step-for-step on our home-bound sprint. None of the other guys here, including my brother Ron can do that. I leave their shaggy asses in the dust every time."

"Thanks Tyler," I said as my heavy breathing had subsided. "I'm not used to coming in second on a run, except maybe with the top two or three distance runners on my high-school track team. The coach tried to get me to go out for track, but it's not really my thing."

"I'm sure if you trained for it you could be up there with the best of them," Tyler commented.

"Maybe so," I said, "but you can't do everything. I'm happy playing golf, exercising, and just doing some conditioning with my running. I'll be busy the coming year anyway with Student Government."

"You got elected to something?" Tyler asked.

"He's the student-body President," Chris said proudly. "Everyone admires Jeff."

"I'm impressed," Tyler said. "Well guys, I have to shower and get off to work. We have some really exciting things going on there, and of course I need to check up on the latest news about your parents."

"Thanks for the run Tyler, and thanks again for all you're doing for us," I said.

"You're most welcome," responded the handsome man. "What are your plans for the day?"

"We're borrowing the Escalade and taking a tour of the Strip," Rick said. "I'd like to go though some of those fabulous buildings."

"That will be fun," Tyler agreed, "and something all visitors to Las Vegas should do."

"Mandy and I are the only ones old enough to gamble," Rick said, "and it's not something we really crave, so I think it will be just a walking tour. Any recommendations?"

"Don't miss Caesars Palace and Bellagio," Tyler advised. The Venetian is also interesting and close to the other two. The Luxor is a fascinating building also but you'll have to drive. It's more than a mile away from the other three and in the hot weather of mid-day it's a miserable walk."

"Thanks, we'll give them a try," promised Rick.

"I've got to get going. See you later guys," Tyler said as he began a fast climb up the stairs.

"Bye," we all echoed.

I was surprised to see Ben and Jon run up the stairs, trying to catch Tyler. Once they were by his side and spoke to him, he slowed his pace. After a moment of conversation, Tyler continued on and Ben and Jon stood on the steps watching him go. I was dying of curiosity. I could see that Chris was too.

Later that day we took our tour. I was more than impressed. Caesar's Palace was awe inspiring. I'm sure the ancient Romans never had it so good, not even Caesar himself. The place was more than just decorated. It was embellished with all the architectural features that made Rome so outstanding. The Forum Shops were like a Roman street scene with a curved overhead ceiling that looked like the sky and it changed from day to night on a periodic basis. Next we went to the Venetian, which has all the most famous buildings in Venice Italy depicted including the Rialto Bridge, the Doge's Palace, Saint Marks Cathedral and the famous campanelli tower. I was really impressed with the shopping area too, which was on the second floor. There were walks and bridges connecting the shops and down the middle of it all was a replica of the Grand Canal replete with gondolas and gondoliers singing Italian opera. Yikes!

I think the place I liked best though was the Bellagio. It was Italian in motif and every step inside and out reeked of money. The mosaics were beautiful, the stained glass was world class and the decorating was nothing but the best quality. My favorite spot there was a room that had nothing but plants in a mammoth display of flowers in beautiful designs. I understood that all the plants were grown in their own on-site greenhouse and were changed regularly so that only blooming flowers were displayed. We were told by some visitors that saw us gawking that the display at Christmas was even more unbelievable.

Going back to our car, we decided, almost reluctantly, to give the Luxor a shot. It is a huge black pyramid covered in glass and has an over-sized sphinx in the front that you drive under as the porte-cochere. We had a valet park the car and spent about an hour and a half there. As it was near noon we stopped at one of their cafés for lunch. The interior space was not what I expected. The main casino is down some steps and is not open to the huge pyramid-shaped interior space above. Above the main casino are restaurants, and other attractions that are open above. The interior volume of space in that building is incredible, but the most interesting thing for me was the `inclinators", which are elevators that rise up the interior corners to the guest rooms, but instead of going straight up and down, they go up on a slant.

We were tired when we finished our tour at the Luxor and decided that we'd seen enough, at least for this trip. The car was hot at first but since it had been parked in a garage it was not scorching like it would have been had it been in the sun. It only took a few minutes to get it comfortable, temperature-wise. It was mid-afternoon by the time we got home and all decided to take a swim in Tyler and Dan's outside pool before dinner. After parking the large SUV in the garage, we went to our rooms to change.

We had only been swimming for about a half-hour when Sterling appeared on deck with a `walk-around' phone in his hand.

"Mr. Jeff," he said, heading toward me. "It's Mr. Turner. Tyler, that is."

I leaped from the water taking the phone from Sterling's hand.

"This is Jeff," I answered.

"Jeff, this is Tyler," came the reply. "I thought you'd want to know. We've confirmed the location of your parents. They are living in the hospital where we suspected they might be. They are kept in seclusion away from most staff and all the patients, so it was difficult to confirm that they are there. We know approximately where they're being kept. From the looks of it your dad is treating Osama Bin Laden, presumably for cancer, since that's his specialty. There is a curious anomaly though that has us puzzled. I'll fill you in after while when I get home."

"How are we going to get them out?" I asked.

"There are several options that I want to discuss with you tonight. We'll get into the details then."

"Alright Tyler. I'll pass on the news to Amanda. It's the first confirming news we've had that they really are alive. I really appreciate your calling with the update."

"You're the customer, Jeff. You've also become a friend, so it's become doubly important. I'll see you tonight."

"Thanks again Tyler," I said. "Goodbye."

"Later," Tyler said.

I quickly waved Mandy and Rick over to the side of the pool. Chris had been watching me talk with Tyler so he came over with the others.

"Get out so we can talk away from the screams of the kids," I requested. The damned pool was erupting in laughter and horseplay, making conversation impossible.

The three family members' climbed out of the pool and, after grabbing towels and drying themselves off, followed me into the exercise/entertainment building. We took seats around one of the metal glass-covered tables that surrounded the inside' pool which was now deserted.

"Tyler just called. They've confirmed where Mom and Dad are being held captive. It's in the hospital that they suspected in Damascus. At least we know they're alive. Tyler is going to tell us more tonight, and tell us what the options are for getting them back. In one way, I'm happy as hell, but in another, I'm fearful."

"Did he say why they're there?" Rick asked.

"They think that Dad is treating Osama Bin Laden for cancer, but he said something is odd, but wouldn't say what it is on the phone. He said he'd tell us tonight."

"I'm relieved that they've found them," Amanda agreed," I'm not sure about the rest. I guess we'll just have to wait until tonight. I don't know about you all, but I've had enough of swimming for the day. I'm going back to the room to shower, rest, and get cleaned up for dinner."

"I'll go with you," Rick volunteered with a lusty gleam in his eye.

There's nothing like sex to take your mind off your problems.

"Capital idea!" Chris said silently agreeing with my observation. "Come on Jeff, let's hit the shower. Maybe we'll have time to lie down and rest," he continued in a quiet voice, "or whatever."

I grinned. I love `whatevers'.

At dinner, I noticed that Rick and Amanda looked as `refreshed' as I'm sure Chris and I did, if shit-eating grins are any measurement. At least the tension created by Tyler's news had been relieved, if only temporarily. Even though the conversation at dinner was upbeat and casual, the atmosphere was still a bit unusual. Ron, Matt and their boys had joined us, but unlike our other dinners with Ron, he didn't offer a joke before asking God's blessing on the meal. It was almost a cultural shock to the Turner boys who looked at each other with silent questions in their minds. I knew then that Tyler had briefed the Turner adults on the situation with our parents.

After dinner we adjourned to the family room, except for the Turner boys who headed for the exercise/entertainment building. Tyler saw Ben and Jon looking at him with furtive glances, and he excused himself, asking Ron and Matt to accompany him to the study. He beckoned to Ben and Jon who followed the three men out of the room.

"What's going on?" I asked Dan who had remained with us as the host.

"I'm not sure about all the details," Dan admitted, "but I think Ben and Jon are going to ask Matt to get them into the Thornton Center."

"Why would they want to do that?" Mandy asked. "They've been there twice already in the past four days."

"I think Dan means that Ben and Jon want to live there," I explained.

"Why would they want to do that?" Mandy asked again.

"I think they're uncomfortable at our home in Palos Verdes," Chris explained. "Their backgrounds are so much different than yours that they feel out of place amidst all the signs of wealth that surround them there. I came from a lower middle class family, and I was uncomfortable at first. Only with Pop and Dr. Mel's help and the continual support of Jeff was I able to adjust. They come from a far less advantaged home environment than I did and it's obvious that they've been struggling. I see Thornton as a place where many of the kids come from backgrounds similar to theirs. There are families' there too. The house moms and dads are much like any moms and dads in a real home with a large family, except that they're specially trained to help the kids in their care. Those families have a lot of support too, financially, staff wise, and educationally. It's a real chance for the two of them go get the help they need in growing up to face the world on their own. I know that Jeff and I can't give them that kind of support and the availability and interest of your rents to provide it is very much up in the air for now at least.. Personally, I think it's a good option for them and I think they're smart enough to recognize it. Hell, if I'd known about Thornton when I was thrown out of my blood parents' home, Jeff would never have found me in the park that day. I'd have been walking to Las Vegas."

"I'm glad that didn't happen," I said, recognizing the truth of his statement.

"You're probably right Chris," Amanda said. "They're both young and you guys have enough responsibility just taking care of each other."

"Yeah, but it's a responsibility I wouldn't trade for anything," I responded looking lovingly at Chris

"Me either," Chris added.

I laughed.

"That's because you're in love with each other," Rick assessed ignoring my loud guffaw. "With Jon and Ben it's different. They'd have to be like your little brothers, and that would be tough enough considering their backgrounds, but as Chris said, at least for now there are no parents in your home to confirm their continued welcome."

"Do you think they're trying to let us off the hook?" I asked.

"The thought had crossed my mind," Rick admitted. "I don't think it's the primary reason, but without your parents being there to reinforce a permanent place in your home for them, the prospects and stability at Thornton could look pretty good."

"I think they learned enough about Thornton in their two visits there to believe they could be happy and successful there," Dan added. "As you might know, Ron and Matt were the movers and shakers that got the Thornton Center going. It's been very successful and no boy who has left there after staying for more than a month has departed without a decent career start or, if interested, has gone on for a higher education. Ron insisted from the beginning that the family' approach had the highest chance of success, even though most of the guys there come from broken homes or were rejected by their parents. They have a staff psychologist there to help new guys get reoriented as many of them are initially negative about rejoining a family. They were hurt once and shield themselves from being hurt again. Nevertheless you'd be amazed at how much familial love is present there. The guys learn to love and trust each other, most often as brothers would, and are very supportive in bringing new members into the family', even if it takes `tough love.'"

"Chris and I have been aware of Ben and Jon's uneasiness since they came to live with us. I'm sure we should have given them more attention than we have," I said.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," advised Dan. "You are not their parents. They are lucky to have two friends like you that would take them in."

"I'll miss them if they leave," I said. "I suppose that Thornton is the best place for them. Now I guess the question is, `will Thornton take them?'"

"If Ron and Matt agree that Thornton is the place for them, I can guarantee it," Dan stated. "The Thornton Trust was set up by Ron and Matt and is administered by Matt. It provides virtually all the monetary support for Thornton. Beside, if they didn't' have room, Ron would just build them another building," Dan concluded with a chuckle.

"Ron must be a hell of a guy," Chris stated.

"You don't know the half of it," Dan replied. "He's a miracle worker and his brother, my Tyler, is another. Matt and I are lucky men and deeply in love with our partners."

"Prejudiced, huh?" I asked with a grin.

"Absolutely," Dan replied grinning back.

Another twenty minutes passed by in casual but enjoyable conversation with Dan before Ron, Matt and Tyler returned. Behind them followed Ben and Jon.

"Ben and Jon have an announcement to make," Matt declared.

The two boys were waved up beside the adults.

"Jeff, Chris," Ben began haltingly, directing his remarks at the two of us, "Jon n' I have asked that we be llowed to move into the Thornton Center."

He looked down at the ground and tears sprang from his eyes.

"We don't want ya t' think we don't love you an' ain't thankful for all ya done for us, though," he blubbered. "It's jus' that it's where we belong. It's where we need to be."

Chris and I stood and hurried over to the two youngsters.

"We understand," I said as I took Ben into my arms and Chris did likewise with Jon. "We've been talking about it since you left with Ron, Matt and Tyler. If that's what you want, and it's what you need, then you have our support and blessing."

"Ya knew we wanted t' go there?" Ben asked.

"It was pretty hard to miss your interest in the place," Chris said. "We noticed that you weren't entirely comfortable at home too. You have to make your own choices in life even sometimes when you're young. I think it's the right choice for you. I'm sure that Jeff agrees with me. That doesn't change the fact that we'll miss you."

"Ya won't forget about us?" Jon asked almost shyly.

"Never," I declared emphatically. "Now that we've made friends with the Turners, we'll probably be over here so often that you'll be sick of us."

He grinned.

"When will you move in?" I asked

"I'll have to check with Leonard Johnson, the Director there," Matt said, "but I'd guess they'll move in permanently on Friday. I'm sure that Leonard will want to talk to them first though, but that can happen tomorrow."

"Good guys, you will still be here to see us off," Amanda stated to Jon and Ben. "We've both come to care for you and hope you'll consider us family."

"We're mos' honored," Ben stated. "I'm sure ya thought Jeff was crazy t' have us in yer house when ya first got there, but ya treated us good anyway."

"Jeff is a good judge of character," Amanda stated with a grin, "and you two certainly are characters."

Both boys giggled at Mandy's little joke.

"Guys, why don't you join the other youngsters in the game building," Tyler suggested to Ben and Jon. "The rest of us have some other business to discuss."

"K," Ben said. "Le's go Jon."

They turned and began walking together toward the large building on the other side of the rear court. "Laterz," they both said with a wave as they disappeared.

The eight of us found places to sit where we could talk.

"I guess you're wondering about what our next steps for your parents are going to be," Tyler started.

"I've been thinking about it all afternoon," I admitted.

"I'd like to preface my remarks by a condition I'm making," Tyler declared. "What I'm about to tell you is so confidential, we haven't even shared it with the law enforcement people, either here or overseas."

"We understand," I declared. "Nothing you tell us will ever be repeated."

"Alright," Tyler said. "Now that we know where your parents are we need to decide on a plan of action. There are several options which I'd like to discuss: The first one is that we could do nothing."

"I'm not in favor of that option," I insisted.

"It may not be all negative," Tyler countered. "It could be that your dad may have `struck a deal' with Osama that could ultimately result in their being released. That presumes of course that Osama is a man of honor, and that his medical treatment is successful. Personally I don't believe that he is and the second is indeterminate. Nevertheless it's a possibility and far better than nothing."

"What's the second option?" I asked. "I'm still not for the first one."

"We could turn our information over to the Feds and let them handle the whole affair. That has an advantage in that it costs you nothing, and there is the power and abilities of the U.S., the most powerful nation on earth, handling the matter. The U.S. has more resources than we could ever hope to bring to bear, especially if brute force is required. I would caution though, that their aims are somewhat different than yours. I'm sure you, as an American, would like to see Osama Bin Laden brought to justice, which probably means dead. That too is the goal of the Government, especially the present Administration. However, one of their options is to bomb the hospital, obliterating it and treating the civilians there, including your parents as casualties of war. You're primary goal of course, is the return of your parents and if Osama escapes in the process, then it's unfortunate, but not fatal to your objectives. I don't want to put down other alternate strategies that the Government might try, however," he continued. "They might try negotiation, but that's pretty far-fetched. They might enlist the aid of the Israelis who, quite frankly are better at operating in that part of the world than we are. It's a mixed bag at best, and it depends on the two governments' objectives."

"Go on," Amanda said. "What are the other options?"

"There is only one remaining that makes sense," Tyler said. "It is to go in there and get them out ourselves."

"Is that possible?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's very expensive and still has a high risk factor," Tyler answered. "It would also take a little time to put together, time which we might not have."

"How much risk? How much time? How expensive?" I asked.

"We've been working on this option from the time you hired us. Because of that, it would take about a week to ten days to execute." Tyler said. "We believe that our chances of success are about 75%, and it will cost between one and three million dollars."

"The money is not an obstacle," I declared. "I'm in favor of the third option." I looked at Mandy who was nodding her head in agreement.

"There's one other possibility that may be even better. It combines some of the best features of the last two options."

"We're listening," I said.

"Some of the people in the European company we purchased have close ties to the Israelis. It's possible that they might make the raid under the condition that their first objective is to extract your parents. I'm sure they'd make every effort to capture or kill Bin Laden too, but there are no guarantees."

"How can we find out if they'd do it," Rick asked.

"We can make contact, but we can only do that with Jeff's and Amanda's permission," Tyler stated. "Once the cat is out of the bag, we can't put it back in. It might preclude our third and best other option, but not likely."

"I think it's worth the risk," I stated. "Those guys from Israel have no fear."

"I agree," Amanda stated. "Let's continue working on the option where we get them out while we inquire though so that we don't lose any time. If the Israelis are not interested, then we'll be ready."

"It will cost more than if we wait," Tyler warned.

"It's of no consequence," Mandy said. "Time is money and we have plenty of money, just not plenty of time."

"Somehow I knew you'd say that," Tyler said with a smile. "Okay, we have our marching orders. I'll set the plans into action as soon as we're through talking."

"Before we break up, I'd like to know what the strange anomaly is that you spoke to me about on the phone," I queried.

"Yes, I'm sorry Jeff," Tyler said. "I guess we should have talked about it first, before we started our talking about the rescue. It's about Osama's medical condition. We got copies of all the medical tests done in France on him and have had some medical experts examine them. The results are far from what we expected^Å."


I looked again at the test reports as well as the negatives of the scans taken. I had settled in my mind what my diagnosis would be. Before I could step back and ponder the consequences, the door opened and two men, one of whom was Osama Bin Laden, entered the room. The other I recognized as his interpreter.

Osama took a seat and spoke to the interpreter in Aramaic.

"Mr. Bin Laden asks for the results of your diagnosis," the interpreter declared.

I turned to the patient and began to speak.

"I need to ask the patient a series of questions before I decide for sure," I replied. It appears that he has two problems, which might affect each other."

After a brief translation exchange, the interpreter said, "Ask your questions."

I began a series of questions regarding symptoms I suspected that he was suffering. The symptoms inquired about included: fatigue, flu-like symptoms, nausea, aversion to certain foods, weight loss, depression, tenderness in the abdomen and jaundice. Virtually every symptom was answered in the positive. I nodded as I noted the answers on a chart I had been making.

"Mr. Bin Laden," I began ready to give him my diagnosis, "I believe you have two problems."

The interpreter translated as I spoke.

"First and perhaps the less serious of the two conditions, is a tumorous growth in your stomach," I continued. "There is a good chance that it's malignant, though a simple biopsy will confirm it. In either case it should be removed surgically since even a benign tumor can continue to grow and cause discomfort or pain. It is fairly serious surgery, but it's nothing that any good surgeon could not perform successfully. I would be lying if I said there is no risk, however. Every major surgery has risk. The good news is that there is no indication that it's spread to other parts of the body, at least through the lymphatic system which is often first affected.

A discussion ensued between the two men, then the interpreter again turned to me.

"Can you do it?" he asked.

I said, "Yes" while nodding in the affirmative.

Bin Laden smiled, then spoke a few more words.

"He'll have it done," the interpreter repeated. "What is the other problem?"

I paused for a moment before answering.

"I believe, with some high degree of certainty, that Mr. Bin Laden has contracted the Hepatitis C virus," I announced.

Next: Chapter 26

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