Tarzan King of the Beasts

By tarzan

Published on Mar 19, 2021



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot. The story is my intellectual property and is (c) to tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

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Chapter Five -- The Beast King

"For the final test, I need someone that knows equestrian, to handle the reins of a horse cart while I am on the other!" Leather declares, searching the crowd for someone who can handle a horse.

Tarzan drops his boulder at the end of the contest, gasping for breath, muscles sore. He stuffs his hard cock back into his loincloth, which can barely contain it.

Leather doesn't even talk to the two men anymore--they are nothing but animals to him now. He talks to the crowd, engaging them in the humiliation of these two fine specimens.

Both Tarzan and Juluka are sweaty and so tired, only adrenaline and the code of a warrior carries them on. Leather snaps his whip at Tarzan and points over to one of the horse carts.

"You are going to be my mount, Tarzan," Leather says, leaving no room for response or thought on Tarzan's part. Tarzan trudges to the cart, unsure of what is expected of him, but not wanting to falter in this display of strength after coming so far to prove his dominance in front of all the jungle.

Leather explains to the crowd how both bucks will be tethered in bondage to a horse cart and expected to pull the carts and riders down the beach and back in a full lap while under the whip and reins.

The crowd is thrilled to see these two warriors used like beasts of burden. All that strength and power, harnessed, trapped. Leather gets Tarzan to stand between the wooden arms of the cart, binding him to it. A leather head harness goes on with blinders on the sides and a bit in Tarzan's mouth. His neck is fit not with the gold collar, but with a thick leather posture collar. His massive chest is placed in a leather chest harness, and a nipple clamp is attached to each nipple that has a chain fastened to the cart.

Leather removes the weight and rope from Tarzan's balls and places Tarzan's cock in a leather sheathing laced super tight. He binds Tarzan's balls in a ball stretcher harness that has a chain fastened to the horse cart.

Tarzan bristles as he is tightly bound in the equipment, unaccustomed to so much restraining his untamed muscles. He tries to pull free as his manhood is encased, and Leather strokes his sheathed cock, trying to sooth the savage beast.

"Now be calm, Tarzan," he says, as he pulls the chain attached to the ball stretcher harness down and back, tightly attaching it to the cart.

Leather slaps Tarzan's sheathed cock a few times.

"Just stay focused under the whip and reins, Tarzan," Leather says as Tarzan's cock bounces back and forth as he slaps it, firmly letting the beast know that Leather has it all under control. Tarzan can only grunt with the bit in his mouth.

The crowd watches in anticipation of the event. Leather slaps Tarzan's leather cock a few more times, holding the reins in his hand as the other contestant is being bound up to his cart.

Tarzan's cock grows even harder as its smacked, adrenalin starting to race through his body, his muscles pumping, building up steam. Leather slaps Tarzan's hard cock some more and tugs at his nipple clamps, getting him all pumped up to work like a beast under the whip and reins when it is time. He is pleasantly surprised at Tarzan's reaction as he slaps his cock harder, his muscles pumping in direct correlation.

The crowd is irresistibly turned on at the sight of the king of the jungle harnessed like a beast, being treated like some kind of work ox. Leather reads Tarzan, seeing how the abuse keeps him focused and hard. He gives him a few more slaps and pulls at the nipple clamps.

"You're going to work like a beast, aren't you Tarzan?" Leather demands, and Tarzan snorts into his gag, stamping his foot, his muscular legs rippling.

Leather watches Tarzan drool heavily from the bit in his mouth. He holds the reins firmly, showing his mastery over Tarzan as a rider. He slaps Tarzan's cock and then pulls at the reins.

"You're going to work hard, like a mule, aren't you, Tarzan?" Leather says, and Tarzan howls into his bit, his crotch thrusting forward, either from the slap or the pull.

Leather sees the other contestant is ready, so he pulls at Tarzan's reins, lashing his whip at Tarzan while he walks before him and the cart, leading Tarzan by the reins on his balls, over to the path.

"It's time Tarzan, follow your rider!" Leather commands.

Tarzan is pulled hard by his ball reins, his arms bound to the yoke and harness, his chest flexing as the clamps bite into his nips. Leather leads him by the reins attached to his ball stretcher harness, cracking the whip.

"Follow me, Tarzan!"

The crowd is gasping, laughing, and cheering at the sight of the savage stud, bound like a beast, leashed by his balls. Leather leads him by the reins on his ball stretcher harness like a prize beast. Once led to the path, Leather climbs up and sits in the single-man horse cart.

It is a striking image, the mighty ape-man, king of the jungle, bound and harnessed, cock trapped in leather, balls leashed to reins, and Leather above him, superior on the cart, the whip poised to drive this beast to victory.

Leather feels his tights bulge as he sits back and holds the leather reins to Tarzan's balls in one hand, the whip in the other. He gives the crowd a show as he pulls at the reins and cracks the whip.

"Pull!" he commands.

Tarzan yelps as his balls are yanked and the whip bites his flesh. He instinctively begins to try and pull the cart, digging in to slowly start it moving, overcoming inertia, struggling to pull the cart. His huge legs plow beneath him, building momentum.

Leather shows no mercy with the reins, keeping them pulled taught as Tarzan feels the lashes of the whip.

"Pull, Tarzan, like an ox. A strong beast of the jungle! Pull!!"

Tarzan digs in harder and harder, the whip and the reins reducing him to only the sensation inflicted on him there, driving all thought from his tiny brain, reducing him to his animal instincts, reacting to the pain with explosions of energy. His hard cock threatening to burst out of the leather it's trapped in, his huge muscles straining in their restraints.

Now harnessed in leather, pulling a horse cart, he has no thought process, only primal instinct to obey the lash of the whip and tug of the reins. Leather sees Juluka can't even get the cart going, and he laughs.

"Seems we have a good start, my beast!"

The other warrior remains a warrior, unable to submit himself to being nothing but muscle for man to manipulate. He does not have Tarzan's talent to break himself down to pure flesh and muscle and use his strength and power to its full advantage.

Being a trainer of slaves and animals, Leather quickly sees the potential of Tarzan when he is in this state of mind. The warrior, Juluka, and his rider look with amazement at Tarzan's transformation. The release off all that testosterone and adrenaline has transformed Tarzan's mind so he is simple and animal-like, focusing only on the work given to him.

Leather sees how Tarzan's body can be a powerful tool in his hands, his mind useless under Leather's expert control. He pulls on the reins and lashes the whip, guiding Tarzan to turn and go in a large circle on the beach for everyone to see.

"Pull, Tarzan, pull!"

Tarzan blindly plows on, working at full speed, his massive body drenched in sweat, grunting as he pulls for all he's worth. Tarzan is the only one who doesn't know the contest is over. It has become an exhibition.

Being a skilled trainer, Leather realizes the state of mind he has Tarzan in, and he keeps him there, not letting him revert back to a thinking Tarzan, but now a harnessed beast of labor with a simple mind. The crowd is totally won over by Leather's display of superiority. He pulls left on the reins for Tarzan to change directions, having the beast go slowly about the crowd and hearing the cheering and applause. Tarzan runs along the edge of the crowd, his sweat flying into them, grunting and snorting, his huge leather hard-on jutting in front of him to seal his humiliation, the crowd seeing the mighty stud as inferior for the first time in memory.

The crowd has finally witnessed the true purpose of Tarzan, to be used like a slave pulling a cart. Tarzan hears their cheering, and their tone instinctively triggers something in Tarzan, sensing his place.

Leather tugs on the reins and stops the cart. He gets down from the cart and stands in front of Tarzan, holding the reins while he pets his head with his other hand.

"Seems you are more animal than man, Tarzan!" Leather says, pleased with his new thoroughbred. "I may have found a use for you!"

Tarzan is panting, drooling, dripping in sweat. Leather looks into his eyes and sees they are so far away, his mind gone. He hears Tarzan grunt and wheeze while he drools and sweats like an animal beast.

"Cool yourself down beast, easy," Leather says, soothing the savage once more.

Leather starts to unbind Tarzan from the cart, eager to place the gold collar on the beast.

"You worked like a slave under the whip and reins!" Leather says. "Good boy, Tarzan!"

Tarzan grunts into his bit, looking around, wondering about the other warrior for the first time since the race began.

"You worked hard, like the animal you are!" Leather says. "And now for your reward."

Leather holds the gold collar high for all to see. Tarzan stands tall as he realizes he has won the contest, proving once and for all he is the strongest stud in all the jungle.

He loses himself in the rapture of the gold collar he still thinks is a crown, his mind vulnerable as he gazes at the jewels. Leather sees Tarzan's face go blank again as he lets out a mindless groan and gets weak in the knees. All eyes are on the mighty jungle stud, the crowd watching Leather work the simpleton like a puppet on a string.

Leather holds the collar, waiting for Tarzan to kneel so he can place it on the savage stud.

"You want to wear this now, don't you, Tarzan?" Leather asks.

Tarzan grunts through his bit, eager to wear the priceless treasure his strength has won him. Hearing Tarzan grunt and drool, Leather points to the ground in front of him.

"Kneel for this collar, Tarzan," he commands.

Tarzan drops to his knees to accept the honor, his chest puffed, his chin up. Leather removes the leather posture collar Tarzan had on for cart pulling, and places the gold-jemmed collar on the man-ape. As he clasps it shut, locking it securely in place, the red jewels begin to pulsate.

A change comes over Tarzan's proud body as the collar is secured. Like a prisoner as the barred doors close and lock on him. Or like an animal trapped in a cage as the steel bars are locked shut. All watching can see the difference between a proud king and property.

With the collar secure, Leather points with his whip to the horse cart.

"Go fetch the leather leash I have in the driver's seat of my horse cart!" he orders the beast.

Tarzan rises to his feet and trots to the cart, his weakened mind knowing no other purpose than retrieving the leash Leather asked for.

END OF CHAPTER FIVE -----------------------------------------------

Thanks again for your emails! If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 6

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