Tarzan King of the Beasts

By tarzan

Published on May 5, 2021



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot. The story is my intellectual property and is (c) to tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

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Chapter Eight-The Pirate and the Pygmies

Tarzan hauls Leather and his load of goods deep into the jungle, farther than Leather has ever ventured on his past trading routes. He is eager to get to the fabled Slavers'City driving his beast of burden past a couple smaller villages and only barely slowing down to ensure Tarzan's new status is witnessed wherever jungle people live.

"Keep your Master's cart pulled at a steady pace, slave!" Leather calls out.

Tarzan struggles pulling the heavy cart through the uncleared jungle, the simple foot path filled with roots and rocks to bump the load. Whenever Tarzan gets to a root, Leather pulls on the reins and lashes the whip a few times, expertly biting the tip into Tarzan's cock flesh.

"Pull, slave, pull!" Leather demands.

Tarzan responds to the whip, summoning every ounce of strength, all his focus on pulling his load, obeying the mind of the whip. Leather shows no pity, using Tarzan for what he is, just a beast for slavery under the whip. There is no chance for Tarzan to think, only to obey and serve his purpose.

Tarzan can't even look up or side-to-side, his head bowed, his gaze fixed on the ground as he trudges along, dripping in sweat as he mindlessly hauls his load on.

Leather is free to take it all in from his seat on the cart, and he spots pygmies in the bushes along the trail. He recognizes them as sentries at the outer limits of the pygmy village, and Leather knows that word has already been sent back of the unbelievable sight headed their way.

Leather smirks to himself, not having anticipated the full effect of driving the bound and harnessed beast into a village that had long cowered under Tarzan's fierce and stubborn rule. Leather can already sense the new respect these pygmies have for him as a powerful man, clearly a superior, having the Lord of the Jungle as his slave.

The pygmies have traded with this pirate captain many times before. And many more times they have endured the uncompromising brute power of the savage stud pulling the pirate along like a beast.

They had never thought so much of the pirate trader before, but they cannot deny his power as they see he holds the apeman's balls tightly leashed. Leather needlessly grips the reins even tighter, tugging, yanking, clearly showing that the big bull balls at the end of the reins are Leather's.

More and more pygmies line the path as Leather drives Tarzan toward the village, cowering at Leather's power over the enslaved savage. He lashes the whip at the raw, inflamed balls, just so the pygmies can see he has Tarzan mastered.

"Pull slowly now, slave!" Leather says sternly.

Tarzan slows down, rising up a little from the low crouched stance he's taken to pull hard for his master. Tarzan is drenched in sweat, his pecs pumped, his yoked arms throbbing, the pouch in front of his loincloth pointing straight ahead, the back flap reduced to a few stray scraps from Leather's lashing, exposing Tarzan's ass to the bite of the whip and the awe of the pygmies.

Leather fills with pride as the pygmies stare at Tarzan's bound balls, never having seen a slave's balls in reins and a harness before. Tarzan's balls are bright red, swollen, big like a bull's. The pygmies are amazed at the size of them, but they are just as amazed to see the mighty jungle king drooling from the bit in his mouth.

"Tarzan is my slave now!" Leather says proudly to the pygmies.

They come a little closer, despite their fear of Tarzan. They can see he is helpless to do them any harm, completely controlled by this new master.

Leather sees dollar signs ringing up on a'big old cash register every time he sees a pygmy's eyes light up. As an expert equestrian and trainer, he can see the value in owning a slave like Tarzan, the ultimate beast! He can't wait to get him home to his estate, saddling him up to ride him through the fields, harnessing him to a plow, getting five times the work out of him that he can get out of an ox, free from the constraints of animal cruelty laws.

Leather unharnesses Tarzan from the cart so his slave can unload some goods he brought to trade with the pygmies. The pygmies are fascinated at the sudden transformation from the mighty jungle stud to a mindless beast of burden. Leather lashes his whip at Tarzan and points to a couple large wooden crates.

"Fetch those crates from my cart, slave!" Leather demands.

Tarzan's muscles spring to attention at the crack of the whip and the exhausted slave quickly goes for the heavy crates. He struggles to get hold of a crate on his own, barely able to hold it as he staggers to Leather, the pygmy chief and some of his top men beside him.

"Carry that crate of goods over to the chief's hut, slave!" Leather orders. Tarzan can't see the pygmies as the crate blocks his vision. He doesn't know which way to go to follow them, but Leather tugs on the reins on his ball harness as he walks behind the slave, guiding it left.

The pygmies' eyes grow wide, seeing the king of the jungle controlled by his balls. Tarzan can't see a thing with the crate, and he goes as he is led by Leather's grip on the reins.

"That's it, slave, be mindful of Master's reins."

The pygmies are barely half Tarzan's size, and walking beside his tree trunk legs, they eye his bulging loincloth and the leash coming from it, controlling the mighty jungle stud.

Leather sees their reaction to Tarzan's captivity, and as he looks at the collection of shrunken heads displayed as though on a voodoo alter over the entrance to the chief's hut, he decides to make his play.

"I have a deal for you my little friends," Leather says to the elders at his side as thye watch Tarzan labor under the several hundred pounds of goods in the crate.

END OF CHAPTER EIGHT -----------------------------------------------

Thanks again for your emails! If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 9

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