Tarzan King of the Beasts

By tarzan

Published on Mar 26, 2021



I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot. The story is my intellectual property and is (c) to tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

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Chapter Six -- Pirate Prize

Tarzan got what he wanted. He won the contest, impressing the gathered crowd with his animalistic muscle-and an equally animalistic mind. The crowd sees the primitive intellect of Tarzan now, as he is collared and in a frame of mind like an animal. The relentless attack on his cock and balls worked him into his animal state, and now, though the crowd doesn't know it, the powerful jewels in his new collar are keeping his mind in Leather's control.

Leather has Tarzan's cock sheathed in leather with just his cock head sticking out and his balls pulled tightly in a ball stretcher harness. Tarzan's bound manhood can be seen even from his loincloth. Leather has a leash attached to the ball harness, and the bejeweled collar is locked on the savage stud.

The crowd is hushed, astonished as they see the mighty king of the jungle treated like an ox, a mule, a beast bred to answer to its superiors. Leather puts Tarzan in a wooden yoke, his arms bound out to his side and the whole apparatus locked onto his thick neck. Leather holds the leash to Tarzan's ball harness, talking to a few people as Tarzan stands in the yoke bondage.

The other warriors who had competed smile as they see the savage stud yoked for his winning, a sense of superiority coming over them as they see the fate that could have been theirs.

Leather tugs at the leash on Tarzan's ball harness and brushes his cat o' nine tails whip over Tarzan's sheathed cock and harnessed balls. Tarzan flinches at the feel of the leather over his cock head.

"I have more work for you, Tarzan!" Leather says, and Tarzan's cock bounces as his balls are tugged, an inviting target for the whip, hungry to taste its flesh. Leather snaps the whip at it and pulls on the leash.

"I have some more labor for you, beast! Follow!" Leather walks in front of Tarzan, leading him over to some crates.

The lash of the whip against his hard cock makes Tarzan spring quickly into action, desperate to keep up as Leather yanks him by the balls to the crates than pulls down hard on the ball leash.

"Crouch down, animal!"

Tarzan obediently crouches in front of the crates. If the jewels on his collar weren't enough, the pressure on his balls gives him no choice but to obey. Leather smiles as he hears Tarzan grunt, drooling heavily as Leather fastens a crate to each leather rope hanging down on each side of the yoke. A hard pull up with the leash and a lash of his whip at Tarzan gets the savage stud going.

"Up, Tarzan!" he orders.

Tarzan grunts and growls as his cock and balls are whipped and pulled, but he finds he cannot resist, rising up as he is ordered. Leather gives Tarzan's sheathed cock a few strokes just to keep him on edge. Then Tarzan feels the lash of the whip and tug of the leash.

"To work, Tarzan! Follow!" Tarzan snarls as his cock is whipped again, baring his teeth in frustration, but helpless to do anything but follow the man who has leashed him by the balls.

"Show me those fangs one more time, animal, and a leather muzzle goes on you!" Leather says, scolding Tarzan in front of everyone as they watch him slave away in the wooden yoke.

Some in the crowd are slightly confused, unsure of why Tarzan seems to still be engaged in feats of strength even with the competition over. But most of them can see what has happened, recognizing that after all his years ruling the jungle, Tarzan has finall been mastered by a superior.

Leather leads him like a pet on a leash with Tarzan carrying the two small wooden crates by yoke to the ship at dock. Leather whips him again and yanks the leash down, forcing Tarzan to crouch so the crates can be removed.

Tarzan growls as he crouches, the pain in his cock blinding him to the shame of being humiliated in front of the people he has always ruled with his savage strength. Leather hears his deep raspy growl and springs into action.

"I am taking no chances with you, savage!" he says, and he gets a leather muzzle that fits like a head harness and fastens it on Tarzan.

Tarzan is even more an animal now, the power of speech taken from him by the muzzle, ensuring that he is reduced to nothing but muscle. Tarzan's tongue sticks out and swirls from the hole over his mouth. Leather hears him trying to talk, but his tongue just squirms about as he drools.

"Keep flailing that tongue about like that Tarzan, and I will put it to good use licking my boots!"

There are a few in the crowd, younger ones, who have never laid eyes on the mighty Tarzan before. But this is not the legendary figure they were expecting. This is a mindless animal. Powerful, no doubt, but clearly an inferior beast in the jungle hierarchy.

Leather leads Tarzan back off the boat and over towards the crates again. The jungle inhabitants all watch now, mighty Tarzan in a muzzle, collar, yoke, led by a leash on his ball harness. Tarzan's huge powerful legs plodding along behind Leather, his strength harnessed, put to use for once.

Leather stops in front of the crowd of people, letting them view the bound stud.

"Since this animal is smart enough to train in moving crates by yoke, I wonder if it would train well to lick boots?" Leather says, chuckling with pride, knowing his stature is rising quickly among these jungle natives.

Tarzan growls in his harness, grinding his teeth, still enough in his mind to know the indignity Leather is suggesting. His protests are met with a pull on the leash and a lash of the whip.

"Be silent, beast!"

The crowd gasps at the brutal attack on Tarzan's cock and balls, then laughs to see the savage stud so helpless, realizing he cannot threaten them while Leather has him under leash and lash.

Leather holds the leash and whip like a skilled trainer of beasts, displaying his knowledge in Tarzan's bondage. Tarzan stands alert, ready, muscles tensed, crotch thrust forward to keep the pressure off the tight leash.

Leather displays his mastery over Tarzan, letting go of the leash. He whips Tarzan.

"Go over to the wooden crates and kneel, beast! Wait for your trainer!" Leather commands.

Tarzan grits his teeth, swallowing a snarl. But his weak mind has been mastered, and the jeweled collar has robbed him of the strength of will to resist the orders. He slowly turns and walks to the crates, kneeling in front of them.

"That animal is training well," Leather says as Tarzan walks off. "Such a simple­minded beast, he will be licking my boots by the days end!"

The crowd is fully won over by Leather's mastery -Qf-the ape-man, enjoying seeing the mighty stud brought into step, even aroused by his bound muscle, finally catching sight of his throbbing cock and swollen balls sticking out from under his loincloth.

"Just what an ape-man like that deserves, a yoke and leash under the whip!" Leather says to the crowd as he points at Tarzan with his whip. The crowd cheers and laughs in approval, mocking the jungle stud as he kneels for all to see, his lowered stature raising them up.

"The only thing a simple-minded ape-man like that is good for is for slavery," Leather says. "Nothing more!"

Tarzan has always been the biggest enemy of slavery in the jungle, banishing the slavers and protecting the tribes from capture and enslavement. Now the crowd must wonder if there was ever any sense to that, seeing how perfectly suited this manbeast is to wearing the yoke and collar of a slave.

Leather walks over to Tarzan, the crowd following close behind him. He nudges Tarzan with the handle of his whip.

"Ready for some more work, slave?"

Tarzan can only grunt in response. The crowd laughs at the beast, his answer obviously meaning no more than asking a horse if he is ready to ride beneath his master.

Leather walks over and bends over to grab hold of Tarzan's erect sheathed cock. He slaps it down on top of the wooden crate for all to see. Tarzan's cock bounces up off the crate, the hard jungle cock too hard to lie still.

The crowd pushes closer to get a glimpse of the long hidden cock, pulled out of Tarzan's loincloth and bound in leather.

Leather lifts his heavy boot up and steps on Tarzan's sheathed cock, keeping it trapped. Tarzan winces as his cock is trapped between the crate and Leather's boot, keeping the savage in place. Leather presses with his boot, impressed at how hard the bound cock is.

"This savage relishes his bondage!" Leather says, an evil smile twisting onto his face.

The crowd murmurs its approval at seeing how the ape-man is put in his place beneath Leather's boot, the women wet, the men hard, kids making fun, holding long sticks between their legs while their friends whip their fake Tarzan cocks.

Tarzan whimpers as Leather's boot grinds into his cock, his cock harder than he's ever felt it, desperate to defend itself,

"You all will never be menaced by this simple ape-man ever again!" Leather proclaims. "He belongs to me now. His life is that of slavery!"

A cheer rises up from the crowd, thrilled to see the former king reduced to property, his manhood crushed beneath Leather's boot. There is no sign of loyalty to the brute who used his muscle to force the tribes into compliance all those years.

Leather keeps his boot on Tarzan's cock and pats his head.

"You're my property now, slave!"

Tarzan grunts and whimpers, kept in place as Leather grinds into his cock, what little brain he has telling him he can never stand tall in this jungle again.

"I just wonder what else you are able to be trained to do, Tarzan," Leather says, looking at his new catch, such a marvel, a wonder.

There is no shortage of people in the crowd who would love the chance to hold Tarzan's leash, keep him beaten down and enslaved. They watch in respectful awe as Leather's bulge in his riding tights grows at the thoughts running through his mind.

"Maybe some training will be best done in private," he says, smirking.

The crowd smiles, imagining what is in store for Tarzan, but their smiles fade as they wonder if they will lose Tarzan from the jungle, now that he is finally in a position to be of real use.

"But first, let all those who live in this jungle celebrate the downfall of this savage brute," Leather says, smashing his foot on the crate under Tarzan's cock and busting it open, revealing dozens of bottles of that refreshing drink Leather introduced the jungle to back when he first started trading with the inhabitants.

He kicks open another crate, revealing a wealth of exotic food for the celebration.

The crowd jumps into action, pulling out the food and drink and starting the festivities.

Leather yanks hard on Tarzan's leash.

"Up, Tarzan!" he demands.

Tarzan responds quickly to the leash's tug on his balls, standing up straight and ready, his cock throbbing after finally being freed from beneath Leather's boot tread. Leather leads him over to a wooden pig pen, opening the gate to the small wooden caged pen and whipping the savage stud.

"Get in there, slave!" Leather orders.

Tarzan crouches down and steps into the low pen, sinking into the mud, confused at what possible task he could have there, his arms bound in the yoke, his mouth muzzled.

Leather tethers Tarzan's ball leash tightly to the wooden cage bars.

"You stay put until your Master returns, slave!"

He turns from his slave to join the celebration as the hogs in the pen quickly move toward the new beast, their snouts poking at the thin loincloth barely protecting his ass.

Tarzan can do nothing but wallow patiently in the muck, watching as his triumphant master takes center stage in a raucous celebration over mighty Tarzan's fall from ruling the jungle.

END OF CHAPTER SIX -----------------------------------------------

Thanks again for your emails! If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at tarzanstud1@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 7

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