The Borg

By Bucky-18

Published on Jul 9, 2004


This story is fictional in every account, contains graphic sexual language, depiction of homosexual sex acts, and is not intended for audiences who are under the age of 18 years old or do not wish to read it. You have been warned and the author assumes no liability in placing this wherever it is placed, read by whoever, or how it is used. The Borg and Star Trek are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and are used here with respect to Paramount. No humans or Borg were harmed during the writing of this story, and hopefully, all the animals in my computer case decided it was time to move.

This is Sci-Fi, not celebrity!

The Borg

By Buky-18

Chapter 11 - On the Road to Activation

The drones waited several minutes for whatever change that was taking place inside of me to finish. My body ached and my muscles were sore. The pain in my arms and legs subsided. Little devices were being constructed and altered - the nanoprobes were changing the implants in and on my body.

One by one the drones assimilating me swarmed around me. Naked drones 1, 2, 4, and 5 surrounded me on each side while staring down at me. Seeing the drones from this angle was completely different - their implant riddled bodies looked to have a smoothness that I had never noticed about drones. The skin and the implants melded flawlessly and there were no ugly parts of these drones' bodies. They gathered so close that their feet touched me.

Simultaneously, they picked me up by my arms and legs and carried me back to the assimilation table. As the drones lay me on the cold table my head slumped to the side, as my neck was limp. A drone took hold of my jaw and pointed my face toward the ceiling and clamped my head down to the table headrest.

My point of view was fixed and I could only stare up at the ceiling. In my peripheral vision, I saw two naked drones #1 & #4 approach my head and pick up small surgical instruments. Bracing one hand on my forehead and my cheek, they inserted the tips of the sharp tools into each connector that had been implanted into my skin and bone on the right side of my face/head. As the pikes were inserted, the connector opened and was made ready to accept something. After each connector was prepared, it made a soft whirring sound after they removed the pikes.

The drones then inserted some object into my right ear. I could not see it, but it was small and shaped like my ear canal. Everything went silent. There were wires that sprouted from the device, which they then extended from the thing in my ear outwards toward my pinnae. At the outer edge of my ear, they implanted spikes or pins. The thin wires (they inserted about 30 pins) were wrapped tightly around the pins then the pins were driven down into my skull. This had the effect of flattening my ear against my head, besides putting something in my ear.

A few moments after my ear was flattened, a small tube started to writhe out of my ear, closer to my jaw. The tube burst through the skin and totally blocked my ear canal. I could no longer feel or hear anything - something had ruptured my eardrum. All that was left was a slight tingling sensation.

This tube that extended from my jaw was pinned down with similar and bigger pins, then wrapped around the outside of my ear. It was then clamped down to my skull with a few small metal plates/braces. Small pieces of skin were removed to allow for the implantation of several layers of circuitry. They attached the circuitry to the new wires holding my ear flat against my head and then placed metal plates over the open wounds. They used a dermal regenerator to heal the incisions.

Naked drone #1 picked up a rectangular piece of metal plating that had 2 triangular outcroppings. On one side of the plate there were thousands of tiny pins and male connectors that were the opposite of the connectors in my face. The other side of the plate had several cylindrical devices and circuits on it. Naked drone #3 took it out of naked drone #1's hand, picked up the plate and fitted it over the implanted connectors on the right side of my head, right over my ear. Naked drone #1 then pushed on the left side of my head while drone #4 pressed it firmly into my head. I could feel the pins puncturing my skin and being bonded with the bone underneath. As the connectors came into contact, the plate and my skull became one. Naked drone #1 used a fusing device to meld the metal with skin.

After the plate was secured, they began to implant 3 tubes in my head/face. The first tube was implanted near my nose on the right side of my face, very close to my eye. After coming out of my skin it traveled at a 45 degree angle to the bottom triangular protrusion of the metal plate. The next tube was implanted in my left cheek then wrapped around the back of my head to be implanted in the base of my skull. The third tube was implanted in my forehead and wrapped around my head, then attached to the implant covering my right ear.

Naked drone #4 picked up another device from the tray of implants near my head. He held it over my left eye. A bright light pulsed on my face; I was temporarily blinded. Naked drone #1 then held a metal plate over my eye and started to push down. It was a Borg sensorscope. He twisted the attachment and pressed down firmly against my face. I heard several snapping sounds, then the implant itself pulled the sensor scope onto my face. Little metal needles/claws detached and dug into my skin, boring through bone and tissue. The sensorscope was permanently attached to my face. My eye was gone forever.

Gathering strange looking dental tools, the drones were obviously preparing to alter my mouth. Naked drone #4 opened my mouth very wide and inserted a clamp so that my jaw would stay in position. My limp tongue lay at the back of my mouth - ready for whatever they were going to do.

Very carefully, the drones used sharp surgical pikes and dental tools to examine my teeth. I have three fillings.they seemed to be removing them. In a matter of moments the drones had removed all the dental work that had been done to me. I so wished I could have watched what was going on, but unfortunately, it was a mystery to me other than the feeling of a stiff rod being implanted into each tooth from the back that had a small metal ball on the end. They were positioned behind my teeth so that they did not show.

On the roof of my mouth, the drone inserted hundreds of micro pins, and then snaked the tube feeding through my cheek to the back of my throat. They connected it to some strange device that I had not noticed before when I examined the work done after I was put out. Naked drone #1 lay a thin layer of metal etching around the area below my tongue, pulled my tongue out, and pinned the etching to the bottom of my mouth. While my tongue was pulled out, it was studded with thousands and thousands of the pin devices. After that, naked drone #4 removed the clamp and shut my mouth.

After they were finished with my mouth, they propped up my head so that I could observe what was being done to my body.

My right foot was of particular interest to them. The implants they had inserted underneath my toenails turned to a silver color. Etchings seemed to radiate outwards from the nail to the knuckles. There was a servo underneath each ankle that was protruding from my skin, as well as the two tubes in my foot. Using surgical pikes, they opened the ports on my ankles and clamped down the tubes implanted in my skin. Moving up my leg, they installed clamps on the tubes, then bonded the clamp to my skin. The tubes no longer moved freely and hung loose, but they did stretch with the movement of my leg.

The drones held my right leg in the air, making it almost perpendicular to the table. Naked drone #3 stuck little adhesive bits of metal to the biggest section of all my muscles in my foot, calve, and thigh. In all, there were about 20-30 of these little devices. After they were applied, naked drone #4 came along with a spring-loaded hammer like device. He placed it over each of the implants and activated it. The hammer came down as the two perpendicular rods and slammed the devices into my skin. Small needles extended from the devices and bore into my muscles, securing the spider shaped implants to my body.

Once implanted the devices were barely noticeable - they didn't stand out and weren't large; the only indication that they were there was a small (very small) lump in my skin and a slight metal bumped protrusion about 3mm in diameter.

The drones lowered my leg and placed it on the table and moved to my left leg. Their visual inspection proceeded slowly as they examined every single crevice of my foot and leg. Naked drone #3 applied thin metal etchings to some of my skin around the blue material that was permanently adhered to my body. The underside of my toes was of particular interest to them, but I couldn't see why.

Moments after applying about a dozen of the etchings on my toes, arch, and sole, the drones lifted my left leg up as they had my right leg. Just as before, naked drone #3 stuck the spider shaped devices to my major muscles, about 30 in all, and then naked drone #4 "integrated" then with my body. Once that was complete, they lowered my leg and moved on.

Naked drone #3 walked away for a moment only to return carrying a rather large piece of equipment in his hands. I instantly recognized what it was a manipulator arm. On one end were what appeared to be surgical instruments and on the other was a large port. Long tubes dangled from various parts of the manipulator that swayed as he walked toward me. When he reached my table naked drone #1 stopped the inspection and held up my right arm. While it was elevated, he held the connector that was attached to my wrist and made sure it was parallel with the incoming manipulator arm. Naked drone #3 held up the manipulator attachment at a 45-degree angle with the table and closed the gap between my stump and the manipulator.

As the manipulator port came into contact with my stump, the two seemed to have a magnetic attraction to one another. The manipulator assembly instantly clamped onto my arm and with the aid of the drones, servos activated to lock the device in place. It was part of me now.

Two drones then moved to my waist, one of which was naked drone #1, but the second drone I had never seen before. From what I could see, waist up, was that his penis and groin was heavily altered and that there was a large manipulator assembly attached to his left arm. The first naked drone held my penis at the base between his forefinger and thumb, pinching tightly, then removed the cockring that had been there from hours ago. The other naked drone lowered his manipulator arm around my penis and allowed it to enter the assembly. As he finished engulfing my penis, he activated the device. I couldn't tell what was happening, but I feared for the sake of my genitals. I knew of drones that had their genitals removed and I really didn't want to be castrated.

He deactivated his manipulator arm after several minutes, then unlocked the seal around the base of my cock and removed the device. My penis flopped onto my belly in a way it had never done before. They had not removed my penis after all...they had made it larger - I would say about 7" flaccid. The Borg had just made the impossible possible - they made my penis bigger! After observing the flaccid size, naked drone #1 reached over and took it into his mouth. Within moments I had a full erection, probably over 9". As soon as I was hard, the drone took it out of his mouth and held my penis at the base. Although it was much larger than it had been, it still lacked girth and substance. The head was disproportionately larger than the rest of my penis.

The penis enlarger drone lowered his manipulator over my penis and once again closed the seal at the base. For ten minutes I waited while the drone did something inconceivable to my penis. Without warning and with no indication of stopping, he disengaged and removed the enlarging arm. What I saw I could not believe. Rather, I refused to believe it. My penis was over 2.5" thick and 9" soft. The veins pulsed in my penis, making it look ever more alive. The head was perfectly proportional to the width. It flopped onto my implant-covered belly with a heavy meaty sound.

Getting me hard was more difficult this time for naked drone #1. He pinched my cock and started to jerk me off. After a few minutes of working it, he eventually got me nice and hard. Instead of growing in length and size like a regular penis, my penis only got hard and grew a little bit. While it was over 10", and nothing to laugh at, it was not as big as some of the penises I had seen on the various drones. While erect and full size, naked drone #1 held it up while naked drone #3 started to apply adhesive metal strips to the head of my penis. The strips were about 2mm in width and radiated outwards from my piss slit toward the rim of the head. He placed 19 of these strips then naked drone #2 studded the entire surface of my penis with the small pins that were all over the rest of my body. The pins were so dense that it changed the color of my dick.

Naked drone #1 released my penis and it sprang onto my stomach. I was still hard after over 30 minutes of relentless work by drones. Precum leaked from the head of my altered cock onto my stomach, slowly accumulated, and rolled off the edge of my stomach in small beaded droplets. Even after they had stopped touching my cock it would not soften. I stayed hard throughout the rest of the time of my assimilation.

While they were working on my groin, two other drones were permanently attaching the manipulator assembly to my arm. They began placing pieces of metal plating over the gaps and a housing mechanism over a large portion of my forearm and some of my upper arm. Organic looking metal plates were grafted over the joint of my elbow. As they attached the movable plates and housing, my arm took on a very Borg like look. I guess that's to be expected from being assimilated. What I hadn't noticed before is how organic and fluid these manipulators were structured. It wasn't like a piece of machinery; it was smooth, long, and erotic. The joining of the metal to my arm was fitting and graceful...not a mish mash of dominant technology over biology. It was made to be part of me, like it always belonged.

My left thigh was in a situation similar to my right foot and my head - there were metal ports in an outlined shape over my entire left thigh. Three naked drones inserted the same metal pikes used on my feet and head to open the ports on my left leg. After they were done on the front of my leg, they pointed my foot toward the ceiling and lifted my leg as far as it would go. I could feel the speedo adhered to my body stretch as well as the feeling of metal rubbing against metal. The drones opened all the ports and bent my knee at a 90-degree angle with my leg.

Naked drone #1 approached from a dark corner carrying a strange looking metal frame. It was about the size of my thigh, had a giant elliptical gap in the front and back of it, and had millions of tiny pins on the inside of it. He arrived at the table and stretched the plating open. The plating was flexible and pliable, so much so that I didn't think it was metal. When they started fitting it over the lower end of my thigh and aligning it with my waist, I knew it was metal. The cold temperature and the sound of their hands clinking against it were distinct.

The plating was pressed against my skin and stretched so that it surrounded my thigh along the ports in my leg. Small popping sounds signaled that it was going well and attaching to my led. Pressing against it forced the pins into my skin. Instantly, the plating, which was very much like that of tactical drone plating, was part of me. They lowered my leg and examined how it fit with my waist and speedo line. Naked drone #1 held my knee in one hand and my foot in the other while he stretched my leg. I could only guess they were testing movability, but I can't really begin to understand much of the process. No adjustment was necessary and the flexible metal looked amazing. The tubes in my thigh were connected to cylinders on the armor and tightened. Each tube noticeably distended from my skin.

On my right thigh, tubes were being inserted into my skin and into the cylinders on the metal strips affixed to my leg. There were ten, maybe twenty tubes snaking around my right thigh - one went up to my right hip and was inserted above the underwear line, and another ascended the curve of my butt cheeks my back.

Naked drone #3 continued to place the small spider shaped devices along my major muscle groups while the other drones would integrate them. My torso was next, but they only implanted the devices along my sides - my stomach and chest were ignored. My arms were not ignored, however. Peppering my arms with dozens of the devices, they worked from my wrists (what was left of them) to my shoulders and upper arms.

Pausing for a moment to adjust the last of the tubes on the front of my body, they were now ready to finish my back. Seven drones, two tactical, as well as all the naked drones that were working on me, carefully flipped me over onto my stomach - I was still completely limp. Naked drone #4 adjusted the headrest so that my head lay flat and I could breathe.

It was disconcerting that I could not see what they were doing. The drones were altering my body, claiming it for the Borg, and I was powerless to stop them - never mind the fact that I had submitted willingly. I wanted to be a drone. Now that I am finally here at this point, I have to admit that I had fantasized about being assimilated for quite some time. I was being assimilated and I didn't know what to think. My cock was still rock hard, shoved against the left side of my waist - it was so big I could feel it poking out and getting fresh air. The drones were implanting more tubes. I knew the feeling of an incision being made, a tube shoved deep underneath my skin, and the incision being healed/closed. I had felt it many times over the past days.

I had no idea how long I had been here. I have been lying on this table for hours upon hours - I'd been in surgery and I had awoken with no reference to gauge the passing of time except the completion of one of my fellow assimilatees. In my memory, only a week ago, I had been performing my regular duties, thinking of Kevon, and going about the daily routine. It was so boring - get up, shower, go on duty, go off duty, and have nothing but ships computer functions to regulate. There were social things and there certainly were other gay men on board who I shared the occasional suck and fuck with, but nothing to hold my interest. I had ample time to speculate about what things would be like if I had done things differently. What would have happened if I had not joined Starfleet? Would I have gotten a job and found someone I loved?

A drone walked in front of my field of vision. The bare skin and implant speckled feet were instantly recognizable as belonging to a naked drone, but I could not tell which drone. The pair of feet moved directly below my head and the penis came into view. It was a covered drone - the flexible plating all over his body left exposed parts while accentuating his musculature. The penis was long - as long, or longer than mine...but it was fatter and more heavily altered. As he implanted a tube into the back of my neck, his penis swayed from side to side. I felt a second tube being implanted in the back of my neck, but quickly realized it was the other end of the first tube that had been implanted. He backed up and walked away. I was again left only with the sensation of action on my back.

At the time battle of Wolf 359, I was only 11 years old. I joined Starfleet because it was a chance to explore and see new things. By the time I was 20, I was onboard a starship and had the rank of ensign. That's the first time we encountered the Borg. It was a flyby of a dead planet where a cube had crashed for unknown reasons. We didn't investigate and we didn't land. We observed and ran. No one waits around for the Borg to regenerate. I jerked off that night imagining I was on the planet being assimilated.

The next time, the ship had been near the edge of Federation territory looking for signs of Borg activity I had almost considered stealing a shuttle and flying it directly toward a cube. My eagerness to experience assimilation was erotic and strange - I didn't want to be a slave, but I did want to be changed. I heard assimilation was painful and I had no real wish for pain...I still wanted it. I didn't steal that shuttle, but I wished I had.

A different pair of feet appeared where I could see them, but they were the unaltered feet belonging to the penis enlarger drone. I imagined what a letdown it must be to be assimilated and become a mere penis enlarger - no implants besides his cock, head, and manipulator arm. He didn't look like a drone - he looked unfinished.

This wasn't so bad so far.and I had consented to my assimilation. I wondered how many other like me that this had been done to in this way. Certainly the ones who were assimilating me underwent a similar procedure. Were they willing? Did they dream about it? Did they get excited and jerk off at the thought of being strapped to an assimilation table and assimilated?

Only now, I didn't wonder. The drones were implanting many of the small spider shaped devices in my back and shoulders. Tubes were clamped down and secured to my body. I didn't have to fantasize anymore..I WAS being assimilated, albeit not as I had imagined, but who could have imagined such a thing as naked drones?

I couldn't see what was going on. I could only feel the parts of my body they were touching.scratch that.altering and assimilating. It took a moment for me to come out of my thoughts and realize that they had stopped.

Motion around me had stopped. No more hands or surgical instruments were touching me. The tables around me were still busy but mine was still. Suddenly I felt them turning me on my back again. I was greeted by the sight of the assimilation chamber and my fellow assimilatees. Many were as far along as I was. They carefully lay me on the table and adjusted the headrest back to normal position. Green light was filtering through the ceiling and a, a fog spilled over the chamber walls and into the room. The drones assimilating me stood still. All activity stopped. I could see the mass of the collective beyond the wall of the assimilation chamber. Millions of eyes watched as I lay there naked, broken, bruised, filled with implants, unable to move, and truly and utterly powerless.

The naked drone I had sucked off - the one that used to be wearing the green Speedo - picked me up on my left side, and naked drone #4 picked me up by my right side. My limp legs dangled over the edge of their hands and dragged on the floor as I was taken towards the corner of the room with the large tanks. It stank. It reeked of a horrid smell. A hint of hyacinth and a load of rancid unwashed cock smell bathed the entire section.

They approached one of the tanks while a tactical drone operated the controls. The tank drained and the top seal disengaged and lowered the rim to the level of the deck. Inside was a metal frame with several straps obviously intended to hold me. The drones stood me upright and lay me against the upright frame. Naked drone #4 held me against the frame while the green speedo drone fastened my feet into the straps. He fastened the ankle straps, then the knee straps, the two straps around my waist, one around my stomach, then one around my chest/shoulders. After securing my body in the frame, they connected two thick tubes to the ports near my groin. Naked drone #4 released his hold on me and held my head up. The green speedo drone opened my mouth and fitted some sort of ring in my mouth that kept it open.

My lips eased around the edges and I breathed freely from my mouth and nose. Naked drone #4 released my head, letting it dangle and face the floor. My semi-hard cock was straining against the strap so the green speedo drone freed it. My cock hung downward, looking very similar to both of the drone's cocks. I felt them release their hands as they backed up. The tactical drone backed up, the containment field was activated, and the chamber was sealed.

As my head was not strapped down and the fact that I could not move, my head slumped and I was left staring at my feet, not knowing what was going to happen. I could barely breathe. My body rested tightly strapped in the frame as fluid began to fill the containment field from the bottom. The field was shaped like my body and the frame - it extended two or three inches from me. I could feel the liquid as it passed over my body. At first, it happened covered my feet and got dense as it rose. After a few minutes the liquid was up to my waist. With my body disappearing in the metallic liquid I started to panic. It was slowly creeping upwards and engulfing me. The fluid eventually rose above my head and I could no longer breathe. I choked and sputtered, but still could not move. The thing in my mouth stopped me from closing it.

The field filled to the top. I stood there and slowly used up the last of the oxygen in my lungs. I was drowning. The fluid entered my lungs and I tried to choke it out, but there was too much fluid and no air. Within moments my lungs were filled with the familiar metallic tasting liquid.

My body jerked. My arms strained against the restraints and my legs twitched. I banged my head against the frame and would have slid to the floor of the tank if not for the straps. I felt as if I had drunk 30 cups of coffee; the stress and pressure I felt was beyond belief. I felt an incredible tension in my joints and muscles, like all my muscles were clenching at once.

Each twitch or contraction of a muscle was an interconnect being established between my nervous system and the Borg implants. Servos activated the implants and they were taking control of my motion. It felt as if my body was being turned inside out. After a few minutes, I began forcing the fluid in and out of my lungs. The metallic taste was very strong, much like the cum from the drone I had sucked off. My body stopped jerking after several minutes. I stopped panicking.

A slight tingling sensation started in my the kind of feeling when your legs fall asleep and they're just waking back up. It quickly spread to my legs and waist. In my gut I could feel the tickling, prickly feeling creep up towards the rest of me. It was very odd. It felt warm yet cold at the same time. The tingling spread to my arms and my head. The feeling wouldn't go away like normal numbness - it stayed with me. I lay in the tank for what must have been more than an hour and then the tingling began to go away. It was replaced by normal sensation. Without warning my head started to rise.

I stared out into the room. There was an incredible pain in my head, neck, and shoulders. It felt as if someone were driving a stake into my skull. Ghostly images flicked in and out of my visual field. The noise of the ship and my surroundings in the tank started to become white noise. Whispering drifted in above the noise. I began to hear voices. They were faint at first, discontinuous, and chaotic. The din slowly grew louder and I wish I could have shut them out. They got so loud that it hurt, yet I wasn't actually hearing anything. There were trillions of voices, all different, each contributing something, but strangely calm and organized. My mind felt as if it were wrapped in cotton - my perception of time became unreliable.

Just as the pain was worst, the voices snapped to a single voice speaking at once in a language I could never describe to anyone who has not experienced assimilation. It all began to make sense. The tank, the fluid, the voices... I was in the final stage of assimilation. My drone-body was being activated. The last of the implants on the surface of my skin became operational. Two lights on the sensorscope, one red and one purple, blinked on an off in random patterns.

I felt a sudden twitch of my left pec, where the large plate/display was implanted. The twitching cascaded from my left pec to my other muscles. The tubes draped across my body became taut, hoses writhed, servos whirred, muscles bulged, and my body went rigid. The voices began issuing strange instructions to me:

Initiate uplink...uplink established. Checking primary and secondary systems. All systems engaging. Entering neuromuscular enhancement mode. Format neural interconnect system. Waiting for status referral. UPLINK TO LEVEL 6 ESTABLISHED. Drone identification number found..initialize all systems. INITIALIZED. DRONE identification: 6 of 7. ALL IMPLANTS OPERATIONAL. DRONE ACTIVATION IN 3, 2, 1...6 of 7 HAS BEEN ACTIVATED.

As the instructions flashed across my mind, my vision, and in my very thoughts, I felt like I had been sucked into some extraordinary highway. Objects darted around me and I around them as I joined the link. The things that I felt were more mental presence feelings rather than actual objects - like posts on the road, but I could feel them.

I stood in the chamber as the liquid drained out of the tank. I did not breathe. I was completely still. The sensorscope came online and my perception of the world was forever altered. Instead of the near perfect vision I had known, I could now see into the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum. The underlying layer of subspace that permitted the existence of the collective flowed through my line of sight so clearly, I felt as if I could touch it, but I was no longer in any sort of control of my body.

The containment field deactivated and I stood exposed to the air of the vessel once again, completely naked and cold. I was still dripping with the liquid as drones 1 & 3 unlatched the straps and released me from the frame that held my body. My mouth opened and a very mechanical voice croaked,


As I spoke, the other drones parted. With a giant transition into my new life, I stepped out of the nanoprobe introduction tank and approached the drone I had sucked off. His implants perfectly placed, skin perfectly smooth.the god like body was utter perfection. He was still as gorgeous as ever, but now I had new insight as to what he was and what he experienced. 1 of 5's entire purpose as a drone was to produce nanoprobe cum for the ingestion by a human male assimilatee. He had no manipulator arm, he had the minimal amount of necessary implants, and his entire body focused on one thing and one thing alone: his penis.

His penis was a massive, versatile, intricate piece of machinery that brought assimilatees into the world of the Borg. The drone that stood before me was once much like I had been - but he was not willing. He was created to suck and be sucked...and I loved what he did to me, yet I hated it at the same time.

I stood in front of the drone that used to have the green Speedo and he kissed me one more time. This time, I kissed back under the full control of the collective. He ran his down my chest and stomach, passing his hands over my implants, and then brushed my cock.

I pulled away from 1 of 5 and faced the assimilation chamber. The instructions I was given were seamless and instantaneous, feeding the implants and my mind at a constant rate. I scanned the room with my visual input system. Bodies lay on tables; fellow drones were assimilating the rest of the biological prospects that I had known as my fellow assimilatees. I yearned to be with them and to touch them, but they were no longer my kin. I was now a drone.

I was now a drone. A perfect meshing of the biological and mechanical. My bones were replaced by tritanium alloy, my muscles intertwined with billions of strands of tensile material - my entire body had been transformed into an intricate, perfect and beautiful machine.

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