The Borg

By Bucky-18

Published on Nov 19, 2003


This story is fictional in every account, contains graphic sexual language, depiction of homosexual sex acts, and is not intended for audiences who are under the age of 18 years old or do not wish to read it. All characters are fictional and all events depicted are fictional. You have been warned and the author assumes no liability in placing this wherever it is placed, read by whoever, or how it is used. The Borg and Star Trek are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and are used here with respect to Paramount. No humans or Borg were harmed during the writing of this story, and hopefully, all the animals in my computer case decided it was time to move.

The Borg

By Buky-18

Chapter 7 - Assimilation Begun

As the last needle was removed, they deactivated the levitation device and I hung from the restraints once again. I faced the collective, nearly nude, about to be assimilated, and hard as I had ever been in my life. My cock stained against the material of my Speedo, just barely peeking out the side. My body hung limp and tired, awaiting the torture of assimilation.or perhaps, the pleasure of assimilation.

They lowered it to the floor and removed the straps from my right hand, then my left, then my feet. I lay there on the grating not knowing what to do next. I waited for several minutes before the drones ordered me to stand up. One of the sexual drones reached his hand down to me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and I stood behind him.

A tactical drone led me away from the levitation ring to the table where I lay before. On the way, I passed Jezader and Tim. Tim looked terrified. There were black marker marks all over his body; some lines went from head to toe, others were horizontal and short. It looked as if his entire body was a circuit pattern.

We arrived at the table and they motioned for me to lie down. I lifted myself onto the table and swung my legs around, positioning myself so my head rested on the headrest. At the same time, I took off the Speedo I was wearing and tossed it onto the floor. My cock sprang forth and audibly flopped onto my stomach. After taking the Speedo off, I straightened out on the table and ran my hands over my body, stopping to grab my cock and stroke it a little bit. My legs spread out a little bit and my feet rested on the pads at the end of the table.

I glanced around to see what was happening to everyone else. Jim was being escorted to the levitation ring and Lt. Bryant was standing beside the table while his hair was being removed. I couldn't see anyone else.

The six drones that attended me before gathered around. The two naked drones were pushing carts of surgical instruments and implants (I could only assume they were implants). After they had surrounded me, they split up into teams of two. Two drones moved to the foot of the table, two moved towards my midsection and the two naked drones stood near the headrest on my assimilation table. The two near my head lay their hands on my shoulders/pecs and held me down - sometimes massaging my chest.

The naked drones at my feet worked as a team. The left drone, naked drone #1, the one with the least amount implants and both hands intact, would hold one of my feet in the air while the second naked drone (naked drone #2), the one with many, many more implants and the manipulator arm, started to insert small pins into each joint in my toes on both feet. They were small round looking devices, barely noticeable with heads like pins, about .5" long. When they inserted them into the joints, only the heads of the pins were visible, like a small round metal bump.

Naked drone #2 grabbed my left big toe and stretched it outwards so he could get between the toes. He took a small device, no more than 3mm square and shoved it into my skin. It came alive and began to expand/burrow into my skin like an insect. None of this hurt in the slightest..."These are GREAT pills!" I thought.

He continued to shove the burrowing implants between my toes for several minutes. Once he was finished with my left foot, he did the same to my right foot. It took him about 4 minutes to implant all the little things, and when he was done, I wriggled my toes to see how it felt.I couldn't detect any difference. The pins in my toes and the implants between my toes had no effect on the flexibility of my joints.

The first naked drone set my left foot down and paused. Naked drone #2 turned around and picked up a frosted white container that seemed to contain some liquid. After peeling the mylar lid of the top of the container he held it up for the other naked drone. I started to sit up and get a closer look but the drones at my shoulders held me down. Naked drone #1 reached into the container and pulled out a long piece of blue material, dripping with goo. He started to open the end of the thing and stretched it out.

Naked drone #2 tipped the container over my foot and poured some of the goo onto my foot, smearing it around with his hand a little until it was thoroughly covered. Then, naked drone #1 guided my foot into the open end of the material. It fitted like a long, wet, gooey, rubbery sock. As it passed over my skin, it became translucent. The sock was made of very thin material, much thinner than spandex or latex.

He pulled it over my foot and up my leg, stretching it as he pulled. It went all the way up to my knee then he stopped pulling. He let go and the opening quickly shrank and tightened around my knee. As time passed, it began to dry and shrink; it shrank so much that it became like a second skin.

Each toe was outlined perfectly and wrapped. As I moved my foot the material bent and stretched with my skin. It was too cool. My foot had been shrink-wrapped! Just when I was starting to like being encased in the stuff, naked drone #2 held his manipulator arm up and began to cut large openings in the material and remove sections of it. He made large oval shaped cuts, square cuts with rounded edges, circular cuts, and weirdly shaped soft rectangles, and removed the material. Most of the skin on my foot showed through, except for my toes, which were still wrapped in the blue latex.

He then started to do the same thing to the latex on my leg. He used his hand to hold my foot up in the air while he cut large oval and soft rectangular shapes out of the latex on my leg, going from foot to knee. Never were any long cuts made horizontally.only vertical slim rectangles.

After he had removed almost all the blue latex material, he set my foot down and my leg once again rested on the assimilation table. Naked drone #1 approached me with a small device in his hand and began to fuse the latex material to my skin. It emitted a warm amber glow as it melded the latex with my skin. He passed it over my toes, my foot, my ankle, and then up and down my leg. He turned off the device and turned away.

"I don't think that's ever coming off." I thought.

As soon as it was bonded with my skin, naked drone #1 picked up my foot and held it high above the table. He inspected the job and touched a few parts that looked suspect. He nodded to naked drone #2 and lowered it to their waist level.

Naked drone #2 held his manipulator arm near my foot and lowered the mechanical tip to my big toe. The end transformed into some sort of pad about 3 inches square, with hundreds of needles sticking out from the bottom. They were sharp, incredibly small, and vicious looking. Naked drone #1 relinquished the task of holding my left foot to naked drone #2, who used his "non manipulator" hand to hold my foot.

He began to insert/inject small pins with very small heads into the entire surface of my foot. He would pause, snap his manipulator arm, and then move to another spot. He did this to the sole of my foot, the arch, the ankle and toes. Only after he started going up my leg did I see what he had done to my foot.

There were pins everywhere...little pinheads. Super tiny micro pinheads lined every bit of latex and exposed skin on my left foot. The sheer magnitude of their numbers made it look as if my foot were made of metal, but only so far as to give it a metallic sheen. It was still skin.

While drone #2 attended to my left leg, naked drone #1 was working on my right foot. He implanted a pin into the tip of each toe, then a pin into each joint in my foot. He took parts off a tray lying nearby and began to shove little metal pieces under my toenails, which protruded slightly from underneath the toenail - he trimmed the implant to fit. He held my foot in his hand close to his face, picked up a metal frame from the same tray of implants, and pressed into the sole of my foot. It wrapped around my heel and snaked forward towards my toes, then wrapped itself around my big toe. He used the same fusing device to adhere it to the sole of my foot.

He put my right foot down and naked drone #2 began studding my foot with the microscopic needles with microscopic heads. He implanted millions of them all over my foot and leg. While drone #2 studded my foot and leg, naked drone #1 held a laser scalpel in his hand and a strange black ribbed rubber tube in the other hand. He made an incision just back of my right ankle about 3 cm in length, took the tube in his other hand and shoved it into the incision about 4" under the skin. He sealed the wound with a dermal regenerator. After the wound was healed, he wound the tube around my leg once, snaked it back to my calve, and then taped it in place.

Naked drone #2 took an implant off the tray, a rectangular looking device with many attachment ports for hoses and tubes, and fitted it over the calf muscle of my right leg. Using his manipulator arm, he implanted several retention pins around the area where he was going to put the thing. Then, naked drone #1 took a laser scalpel and removed the portion of skin where the implant was to rest. Naked drone #2 fastened the implant to my skin with adhesives and then melded it with my muscle tissue and skin.

Naked drone #1 removed the tape on the tube and inserted it into one of the ports, twisted it, then locked it into place - permanently. He took two more similar tubes and connected them to two more similar ports on the other side of the implant, locked them in place, and sealed the implant forever.

He made two more incisions into my calve muscle, shoved the tubes in, sealed the incisions, and made another incision near the plate. He took another tube from the tray and shoved it deep into the incision, somewhat tearing my skin. The drone then healed the wound and snaked the tube around my leg once and taped it to the inside of my right thigh.

He made another incision near the back of my knee on my right thigh, shoved the tube in, and healed the wound. Apparently, they were finished with my right calf, because naked drone #2 started to stud it with the microscopic pinheads, starting at my ankle and stopping just above my knee.

Along my left leg, naked drone #2 began to affix three cylindrical/conical devices to the upper portions of the rubber material. They looked like they had ports for tubes on each end of them. He placed one on either side of my knee and one towards the back of my knee. After the devices were placed, naked drone #1 took several long pins/screws and permanently drilled it into my tibia and fibula. Obviously, these weren't going to be removed. Naked drone #2 began studding the surface of my left knee with the micro- much in fact that it made my leg give off a metallic sheen. He finished inserting the pins and the manipulator arm tool returned to the default tip. Naked drones #1 & #2 paused for a moment and turned away.

They stood over the trays and appeared to be conversing, but their mouths did not open. After standing there for a minute or two, they walked away. I followed them with my eyes, admiring the look of the naked surroundings were too distracting for me to pay attention for very long. I looked at the drone on my right side, trying to figure out what they were doing/going to do. He looked back at me with his sensorscope and, completely to my surprise, smiled! His smile quickly faded away as the emotion was destroyed by his Borg circuitry.something I would soon have.

I reached up with my right hand and put it on his stomach armor/circuitry. It pulsated with energy, yet was cool to the touch. The humidity gave it a greasy - almost sticky - texture. I ran my hand down his stomach and across his hips, slowly down to his crotch, carefully groping his package, which was encased in flexible metal. It didn't get any bigger or tense as I massaged was so strange. I wanted to try to make him get hard, so I shoved my thumb into his crotch and felt for his penis, but there was none there. His balls were also was hollow space! Tactical drones, it would appear, are castrated!

The naked drones approached again, this time carrying many more trays of implants and instruments. Two new drones accompanied them, both naked drones. The drones at my sides departed as the new naked drones assumed their positions. Naked drone #3, on my left, was a scantly clad drone with many tubes traversing his muscle god body. He wore a translucent red Speedo, and his penis was hard, straining against the side of the garment. His skin had a silvery hue and both of his hands were intact. A metal plate was on his sternum and it stretched down his chiseled abs towards his belly button, and then stopped. Tubes then birthed from the plate and wrapped around his waist and descended into the Speedo and his skin.

Naked drone #4, the new naked drone at my right, was a strange drone.completely covered in what looked to be the blue latex material that my left foot and leg were encased in. His hands were bare and so were his feet. His head was covered in the usual plates, tubes, and sensorscope. He had an awesome body that was not overly muscled, but just enough to make you want him. Nice pecs, great abs, and of course, his legs/ass were to die for. The covering around his crotch was missing, and a large circular gap surrounded his genitals. From that circular gap hung a massive 9" cock - soft! There were all sorts of metal fragments implanted into the surface of it. For a moment I really wanted to suck it. But, naked drones #1 & #2 were approaching me and about to resume my assimilation, so I paid attention to them again.

Naked drone #1 took a long, slender piece of metal that had many pins on one side off the tray and handed it to naked drone #3. He held it near my right thigh and stood there. Naked drone #1 took another piece of the metal out and handed it to naked drone #4, who then hovered near my right thigh. Then, naked drone #1 held one large, long, and narrow strip of metal along my thigh and lined it up vertically, going from hip to knee. They removed them and then cut six very long and nasty incisions into my leg, making sure not to cut any blood vessels or nerves - they only cut the skin and the muscle. The cuts ran vertically, with the bone, and were 2-3" in length each. In each section of muscle tissue around the incision, they placed a retainer that would allow screws to slide easily in between the muscles, while at the same time preventing muscle growth and healing in the slits.

They placed one on either side of my thigh and one on the front. On these strips of metal, naked drones #3 & #4 began placing small half-cylinders horizontally. Some were big, some were small, but most of them were oddly shaped with varying circuitry embedded in them. On the half circle ends of the pieces were connectors that looked exactly like the connectors on the rest of the implants - before they had hooked tubes up to them. The drones finished securing the strips in place with long screws. The ends of the screws had teeth, but the remainder of the length of the screw was smooth and chrome. Underneath the metal, the incisions remained open, but no blood flowed. The metal strips bonded with my skin and formed a waterproof seal. After everything was done, naked drone #2studded my right leg with the little pins.

The naked drones crowded around my left thigh, obviously about to begin making alterations to it. Naked drone #4 held a small black marker in his left hand and began to draw outlines of something on my thigh. He started at my knee and dragged it to the edge of my hip. Then, he circled my thigh, crossed t my knee several times around the circumference of my leg, then came back up to my hip. The upper edge of the line was parallel to the tan line of my speedos. He put the marker down and stood back.

Naked drones #1 and #3 worked together to apply a red spandex wrap around my left thigh. It was tight and applied in three pieces, all going vertically down my leg. The surface of it was sticky, yet somewhat porous. The shape curved inwards as it approached the inside of my leg and jutted upwards as it approached the outside of my thigh. After it was positioned, they bonded it with my skin.

On the surface, they began to place connectors that burrowed deep into my leg, and remained on the surface. My left thigh, instead of mobility incisions being made, the connectors were implanted firmly in the muscle tissue, bonding to it and making the surface of the rubber material tense with my muscles.

There was a large elliptical opening in the bulk of the rubber along the front left side of my thigh, and one again at the back right side of my thigh. Retaining snaps were implanted every 3cm along the edge of the rubber/spandex.

Naked drone #2 studded my left thigh with the micro- pins. Naked drone #1 made an incision close to my knee in the large opening on the front of my thigh. Then, he shoved a black tube into it that was much thicker than the other tubes in my legs. He healed the incision and fed the tube up my leg and taped it to my stomach. He implanted a second tube near my hip and draped the tube over my stomach as well. After he had healed the incision, they were finished and moved on to my upper body.

I looked over to Tieren's table and he smiled at me. They had covered both of his legs with the blue latex stuff. His left foot was covered like mine, but his right foot didn't have any latex on it. I waved to him, but his assimilation drones surrounded him and began to work on his torso and arms.


Next: Chapter 8

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