The Borg

By Bucky-18

Published on Oct 28, 2003


This story is fictional in every account, contains graphic sexual language, depiction of homosexual sex acts, and is not intended for audiences who are under the age of 18 years old or do not wish to read it. You have been warned and the author assumes no liability in placing this wherever it is placed, read by whoever, or how it is used. The Borg and Star Trek are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and are used here with respect to Paramount. No humans or Borg were harmed during the writing of this story, and hopefully, all the animals in my computer case decided it was time to move.

This is Sci-Fi, not celebrity!

The Borg By Buky-18

6 - The Assimilation Ring

I had no idea what was in store for me. I had never heard of gay sexual drones. In fact, I had no idea what they did, but I was soon to find out (soon being a relative term). There were six drones surrounding me. Four of them were tactical drones, fully plated with armor and circuitry. The implants on them were hideous and disgusting.their bodies were bulky and repulsive, covering any beauty of biology and sexual appeal. The implants on their faces distorted their skin and tore it, revealing metal plating and bone. On the other hand, the two naked drones were particularly appealing. Their implants were minor and well designed. They added to the muscular look of the muscled bodies. Plating was sparse, and their skin had a beautiful texture, along with a rich color not at all like gray skin of tactical drones.

The first naked drone was mostly naked, with very few implants compared to the other naked drone. The sparsely covered drone had tubes running out of the crotch and several out of his arms and his head and legs.

The second naked drone was more hardware intensive. There were lots of implants around in his midsection and a large control panel on his right pec. His left hand was gone and there was a large mechanical manipulator attached to it with many dangerous implements on the end.

Two of the tactical drones began by lowering some sort of device over my head and affixing it to my shoulders with an adhesive. It immobilized my head. The first naked drone injected something into my neck. Within moments, my head stopped hurting. It must have been a narcotic.

One of the tactical drones lowered a large light, oval shaped object from the ceiling and positioned them over my body. A bright light began to pulsate from a source directly above my head. I could not look away. I closed my eyes, but it was still incredibly bright. The warm light passed over my body, creeping into every crevice and crease. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. The drones removed the device from my head and shoulders, and then said, "STAND UP." I got off the table and stood in front of the drones.


The sparsely covered drone put his hand on my shoulder and the other naked drone walked in front of me. They led me over to one of the giant ring like devices that was larger than me. Around the edge of the ring, I could see that the devices I had seen from a distance were wrist restraints as well as supports. The ring began to move, making a large arc lowering to the floor on its side. It was just the right width for a human with all his limbs extended. "LIE DOWN," they ordered. I sat down in the middle of the ring, lay down and waited.

Two tactical drones that had both hands and the first naked drone then knelt down and began to fasten my arm and ankles into the restraints. I looked at their bodies. The right foot of the naked drone was within inches of my face. It was plated with some sort of metal. The other was bare, except for a tube or two and the occasional small implant. Upon closer inspection, his toes and entire foot was studded with strange metallic bumps, larger ones on the toes and toe knuckles. Miniature wires snaked throughout his skin, mostly under it. The bone was definitely not bone anymore.more like a metal alloy. Purple honeycombed structures bulged from beneath his skin.

The cessation of motion brought me back to what they were doing to me. I was secured in the restraints, which were not uncomfortable, neither cutting off circulation nor chaffing.

Then, the ring began to rise back off the floor, stopping when it was perpendicular to the floor. I hung there stretched out and naked, with no idea what was happening. Then, suddenly, I became weightless. I stopped weighing on the restraints, which moved along the ring to put my hands at my sides and my legs spread slightly apart.

One of the naked drones held up some sort of laser device and started to move it along the surface of my skin. As I watched, all my body hair was eliminated. They removed it from everywhere - my head, crotch, legs, back, and arms. After I was hairless, the drones took out several small pin devices. There were needles of varying lengths and thicknesses attached to tubes, which they began to insert first into my legs, then my waist.

Each leg had about 40 needles with tubes in them. My waist, belly, chest, arms, back, and butt had together about 350 needles that I could see. They didn't hurt at all, but they looked very painful. Then, after they were done inserting the tubes into my skin, they hooked each one of them up to a device with a huge control panel.

Upon activation, a warm light bathed my body and the machine activated. My body began to change - they were removing and reshaping the fat layers under my skin. In some areas, they only redistributed the fat, in others they removed it completely.

My stomach wasn't the best looking in the world, and I was a little soggy around the waist, but within a few minutes, all the excess fat from my chest, legs, butt, belly, and arms was removed and reshaped. My muscles showed extremely well on my chest and my abs.

After they had reshaped my body, the light deactivated and the naked drones approached me again. They inspected the work and felt my arms and butt to make sure the right amount of fat was there, then they began to remove the needles.

Next: Chapter 7

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