The Boys of Beacon Hills

By moc.liamtoh@reyefxinoif

Published on Sep 16, 2013


Teen Wolf - The Boys of Beacon Hills

*Please Note: This story is an original work of slash fiction and does not imply any real or true events, nor the true sexuality of these Characters or the Actors that portray them. 'MTV's: Teen Wolf' is sole property of MTV and MTV networks. *

About this series: This story is based around my own imagination, so you may find that some storyline has been altered in its creation or that some details have been added in order to support the current events desired in my story. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1 - Somewhere between Friends and Friendlier

Scott stood in the middle of his dark bedroom. Even with only the pale light of the growing moon outside, he could see perfectly the familiar haphazard and jumbled arrangements of lacrosse gear, clothes, and text books that were scattered from wall to wall. Unlike his Mother, he never worried about the stray shoe poking out from under the bed or empty cereal bowl perched precariously on the edge of his desk. Why bother cleaning when you know its just going to get messed up again?

He eyed the half-open door of his bathroom. After a night like this, all he wanted to do was collapse onto his bed and fall into the tempting oblivion of sleep. But he couldn't push away the fear of his Mom peeking inside his room after working all night to find her teenage son splattered with clumps dirt and blood. His chest heaved in a sigh of defeat as he tiredly shuffled into his small bathroom and closed the door.

Flicking on the lightswitch, he was half-startled as he caught his reflection in the mirror. In three years, he had never gotten used to how the Bite had changed him and he doubted he ever would. The bite had a way of perfecting those that received it, like an iron taken to a wrinkled shirt. His brown eyes were always a little bit too bright, and his tanned skin just a little too clear. These changes had excited him three summers ago. What teenager wouldn't be thrilled to have a perfect body? But now they unnerved him. He wondered if anyone else had noticed these smaller transformations. Surely Stiles would have, but he had never mentioned it. He had commented though, on many occasions, the not so pleasant changes that had come crashing into all their lives the night he was bitten. It had become almost normal to trudge home through the woods covered in mud and god knows what else. He frowned as he thought of all the countless clothes he had to throw out after his adventures with Stiles and the rest of the gang.

Turning around, Scott reached past the black shower curtain and turned the knobs, sending warm jets of water cascading down the black and white checkered tiles. Steam started to roll in billowing clouds as he slowly began to peel his sweaty and blood splattered white t-shirt off his skin. He winced as it stuck in places taking newly healed skin with it. Dropping the shredded shirt on the floor, he kicked off his mud covered sneakers sending one flying against the wall in spray of grime on the tiles.

"Shit!" He swore as he shimmied out his tattered jeans, looking at the clumps of brown on the white tile. "That'll be fun to clean up...."

Pulling down his dark green boxer briefs, he stepped into the shower. Almost instantly he was glad that he had forced himself to wash off. All of the night's tension and soreness seemed to seep out of his muscles under the steaming hot water.

Propping himself up with his forearms, he leaned under the showerhead, letting the water roll down the curve of his back. He sputtered as sheets of water ran down the curling locks of his black hair and across his face. His mind was still cloudy and somewhat dazed, everything that had happened in the past two months still felt like a dream. Like he was watching a T.V. from another room. It had all been too much to take in, too much to handle. But one thing was clear to him, She was gone and all of his dreams had left with her.

Snapping out of the stupor that had claimed his attention, Scott pushed the memories of what felt like a another lifetime far away. He washed the stubborn dried bits of blood and smears of mud off his skin. Looking down, his mouth screwed up in disapproval of the questionable color of dirty water that circled the drain. Just as he was about to grab the bottle of conditioner he heard a faint clicking noise. He stopped, letting his heightened senses take over. He could tell someone was in his room. It was much too early for his Mom's shift at the hospital to be over and he certainly wasn't expecting company tonight. The knobs in the shower squeaked as he hastily cut off the water.

Cautiously stepping out onto the soft bath mat, he reached for the clean towel that hung on the back of the bathroom door. He wrapped the towel around his waist with a careless tug, and seized the doorknob. He threw the door wide open with a bang as it hit the wall to his left...

Stiles cupped his hands to his mouth as he blew onto them trying to regain some feeling in his cold fingers as he walked up the shrub lined driveway. Shoving them deep into the front pocket of his dark blue hoodie, he could see the half formed Moon shining to the west. It cast dark shadows across the front of the white house, making it look much darker with the lack of lights on inside. He had been surprised at how cold it was when he and his father had gotten back into town tonight. Summer had only just ended and yet it felt like winter was just a few days away.

His keys jingled in his pocket as he bounded up the steps, nearly tripping over a loose board at the edge porch. He glanced sideways at the car parked in the driveway, a small silver sports car that had been a present to Scott on his Eighteenth birthday.

He was home then, Stiles thought. He had been texting Scott since he had gotten back into town, but he had never answered. Stiles always worried when his best friend went hours without replying. But anymore, it seemed like Scott was losing ot breaking his phone every other week now. Shrugging, he went to the door and slid in his key. The key that his friend had made for him in the eight grade, much to his Mother's dismay.

Inside, he turned on the light in the foyer, thankful to be out of the chilly night air that had left his cheeks a bright pink. He could hear the low patter of water upstairs as he crossed the foyer into the hallway. He stopped off in the kitchen cracking open the fridge.

"Well, I see you've been working double shifts again Mrs. McCall..." Stiles said as he looked at the barren contents of the refrigerator. Taking out a soda, he closed the door and headed upstairs.

He could hear the shower running as he reached Scott's bedroom. The bedroom door was slightly ajar, but only darkness was visible beyond. Pushing it open, Stiles turned on the small lamp that sat on the dresser nearby. He was greeted by the familiar and messy sight that had been a near constant through all the years he had known Scott. Just as he sat down on the bed he heard the water stop. Right on time, Stiles thought, as he twisted open the bottle of soda he had in his hands. As he took a gulp, the bathroom door burst open revealing a tense and angry looking Scott. His feet set apart in a wide stance. His fists clenched at his sides and his eyes blazing gold.

"Whoa, man! Only me, geez!" Stiles said, nearly falling off the side of the bed, trying not to spill his drink. "Are you trying to scare me to death?" He said grabbing his chest and breathing heavily.

Scott's face shifted through emotions, first looking confused then concentrating, finally his body relaxed along with his face. "Scare you? I thought someone was about to come through the bathroom door and gank me in the shower.." He said half-grinning.

Stiles chuckled at the imagery as he climbed back on the unmade bed, kicking off his red chucks in the floor. He stretched out on his back, reclining against the pillows that were wedged against the wall.

"I thought you were supposed to be up at the lake all weekend with your Dad. You know, Father-Son bonding time before college next year and all that?" Scott said in a mock serious tone as he crossed the room to his dresser beside the bed.

"Well, you know how those things are...two days fishing and hiking, my Dad can't stand being away from work and his radio for that long.." Stiles paused and then grinned. "And of course you would have known all of this if you had bothered to check your texts. But I'm assuming that either you've lost in somewhere in the woods or it's been eaten by some creature from Greek mythology..."

Scott picked up a shirt off the floor and chucked it at Stiles. "It is not!" He said laughing. "The battery just died-" Scott's face dropped at the word, becoming a numb mask that Stiles had grown to hate. "I had to plug it in.."

"Oh..well, no problem. I didn't send that many texts anyways...I just figured you were out with Isaac or Derek.." Stiles backtracked trying to think of something to change the current collision course of the conversation. "So...there's a marathon of American Pie on tonight, I thought we could order some pizza and chill out."

With his back turned to Stiles, Scott closed his eyes and willed himself to relax. He was thankful to change the conversation. "Sure. Order the pizza and I'm there." He said as he opened the top drawer of the heavy wooden dresser. He pulled the corner of the towel where it was tied, and it fell to the floor.

Stiles, who had pulled up the local pizza place's site on his phone, glanced up as the towel fell away from Scott's waist. His breath caught for a moment as he took in the naked body of his friend. He had seen him undressed in the showers after lacrosse practice nearly every day. Even before that, they were always at each other's houses and they had never been shy. But he never gotten over how Scott had changed in the past few years. He'd had a crush on him since Freshmen Year, which surprised even him. He had never been attracted to other guys at school before, but something about Scott made him realize that those feelings were there.

His eyes followed the lines of Scott's body, trying to commit them to memory for later when he could jerk off at home. Scott's hair was raven black, tousled and still dripping in short spikes around his face. His warm tanned skin was like bronze with the bright light of the bedside lamp. There was a powerful definition in his muscular shoulders and the pronounced dip in the small of his back. Below that, his eyes were drawn to his tight and firm ass, which were two slightly less tanned, mounds of muscle with a light trail of dark hair. The hair grew thicker and denser as it spread down Scott's legs, which flexed as he rummaged around in the drawers. Stiles could feel his own cock rousing to life, a warm pulse growing with the excitement of seeing his dark haired friend wet and naked body. He shifted on the bed, his cock slipping to one side of his underwear leaving the distinct sticky feeling of precum on his leg.

Stiles bit his lip as Scott raised his arms to put on deodorant. His arms were well-muscled, the biceps curling into thick round masses like hills in a sandy brown landscape. Stiles loved the ropey veins that surfaced here and there on Scott's upper arms, before joining at the crease of his elbow. Where they crisscrossed and laced around his muscle-corded forearms and squarish sinewy hands. But that was nothing compared to the manly tuft of dark hair that was visible from under his armpit. Stiles wanted to bury his nose in the dense hair and take in the spicy, almost cedar-like scent, that he had come to associate with the new Scott.

He absentmindedly began to rub the head of his cock through his jeans. A small dark spot started to soak through the fabric. Scott had turned towards the door as he slipped on a pair of light blue boxer briefs. Stiles jerked his hand away from his pants, grabbing a nearby pillow to cover his now rock hard dick. Even with the boxer briefs he could see Scotts well-rounded butt. Scott turned to face him. reaching back into the depths his dresser. Stiles could hardly tear his eyes away from the bulge that rode at the front of Scott's underwear. He knew there was a thick shaft that was about five inches long when soft that sat above a beautiful pair of balls. He had never seen Scott's cock when it was hard, or atleast not without some sort of clothing over it. He wanted to tear away that thin layer of blue cotton and find out. He wanted to run his tongue along those hard rows of abs and down the tightly trimmed trail of hair that eventually reached a short thick bush of hair at the base of Scott's cock. He wanted to-

"Stiles?... EARTH TO STILES...Come in Stiles!" Scott stood at the side of his bed looking at his friend whose eyes were glazed over. He appeared to be lost, deep in some thought. But that was nothing new to him, Stiles was easily distracted most of the time and Scott could never remember a conversation where Stiles had been able to stay on remotely the same topic. Then again, he'd given up trying to understand the eratic way he always seemed to string thoughts together.

"W-What? Sorry, spaced out there for a second.." Stiles said as he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"Did you order the pizza?"

"Umm, yea...I ordered the pizza..It should be here in about twenty minutes.." Stiles managed to spit out in a hoarse voice. He quickly pressed the 'Order' button on his phone, realizing that Scott had put on a pair of yellow mesh gym shorts during his steamy mental vacation.

"Sounds good. Here's the remote." Scott said throwing him the remote to the flat screen that hung on the wall opposite the bed. "I'm gonna go grab a water from the fridge. Ya' want anything?"

"Nope...I'm still working on this one." Stiles said with a forced grin, brandishing the nearly full bottle of soda.

He noticed Scott's bare chest was very still and expanded, as if he was holding his breath. Watching him walk out of the room, leaving the door open behind him, Stiles could have sworn Scott's bulge was a little bit bigger in those shorts that he remembered it.

Scott let out all the air that was starting to burn his lungs and sucked in a deep breath of fresh air as he walked down the hallway. What was going on? He wondered. He could smell the arousal in the room, Feel it even. Like a low flame in his groin had been turned up to scorching temperatures. He could taste the small traces of blood on his lip were his canines had extended for a moment. He hadn't experienced this feeling since he was with Alison, and yet here he was. His head swimming in a pheremone induced haze, his heart pounding away in his chest. He realized even his dick had slowly started to fill out like water balloon on a low pressured tap. Taking the stairs two at a time, he tried to wrap his head around it, to gain control over the snarling wolf that was gnawing away at his will. Reaching the kitchen he pulled open the refrigerator door, happy to have the cold air on his face and chest. He felt like he was on fire, every nerve in his body firing in a frenzy of signals. He was tempted to stuff a handful of ice into his underwear if he thought that would help but quickly pushed the thought away.

How could this be happening?.And with Stiles? Scott thought to himself as he grabbed out a bottle of water. The bright light of the fridge was beginning to irritate his currently heightened vision, so he shut the door and leaned against the cool marble countertops. He couldn't think clearly, all he knew was that he had felt something when he was getting dressed. He couldn't believe that Stiles was interested in him, they had been friends since he and his Mom moved to Beacon Hills. But, he couldn't get away from the fact that he had been turned on too. With that thought, he heard the T.V. come to life upstairs, a quiet laugh told him that Stiles had found the station that was playing American Pie. A small smile stretched his lips. Stiles in any capacity always had the power to cheer him up. He snatched the bottle of water off the counter and headed back upstairs, willing the fiery storm in his midsection to subside the entire way.

Stiles had turned on the T.V. and was laying on his stomach with his elbows propped under him to support his chest. He had shrugged off his hoodie and laid it half-folded in the floor near his sneakers. He looked up as Scott walked through the doorway a bottle of water in his right hand.

"I hope the pizza gets here soon, I'm starving.." Scott said as he flopped down on the bed next to Stiles, hoping to cut any tension that might be in the room. He noticed that the stimulating scent had faded dramatically, now it was faint compared to Stile's citrus based cologne.

"That would be great..My Dad sucks at cooking, but he tried to top his Christmas dinner several times over at the cabin the past few days Ugh.." Stiles commented, turning over to look at Scott with a look of disgust on his face.

"I'm sorry...that was an awful dinner!" Scott said laughing. The Sheriff had tried to cook a festive spread of turkey and a whole table full of gourmet dishes. But had ended up with a blackened bird and bowls full of unidentifiable crusty foods.

Their conversation slowly fizzled out as they fixed their attention on the screen. It wasn't long until the pizza arrived and they fell into their familiar rhythm, piled up in at the head of the bed, laughing with mouths half full of pepperoni and cheese. Reclining against the pillows, Stiles shifted in his seat every few minutes, never quite still enough to be comfortable. As the credits began to play, Scott climbed out of the nest of pillows and half-ran to the bathroom.

"I had to go for twenty minutes!" He shouted over his shoulder as he went into the bathroom.

Stiles looked at the doorway and then the T.V. From where he was sitting on the bed, he could see Scott standing in front of the toilet. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Scott yanked down the waistband of his shorts, pulling out his cock. Stiles couldn't help but turn his attention to the half-naked boy in the bathroom. Scott's arm obscured most of his shaft, but Stiles could see the head the hung over the toilet. It was a large round bell that flared right before it met the length of Scott's cock. Stiles licked his lips nervously as he watched his friend piss. His cock had started to grow along his right leg, a hot poker against the flesh of his inner thigh. As Scott stopped and shook off the last few drops, Stiles felt a surge roll through his body, making his dick twitch in response. Stiles hastily drew his legs up to hide his boner as Scott came bounding back into the room, jumping onto the bed from a few feet away.

"Are we ready to watch the next on-" Scott began to ask. But as he landed in the sea of pillows, blankets and a nearly empty pizza box, the scent hit him like a cloud of thick smoke.

Scott's eyes flashed a bright yellow, the color of golden foil. He could smell Stiles' excitement all over the bed. It felt maddening, like a deep craving or an itch you can never quite reach to scratch. He could feel the blazing heat spreading from his midsection up into his chest and throat. The arousing scent was stronger in this close proximity. His arm was inches from Stile's stomach, he could see the steady rise and fall of his breath underneath the thin white cotton shirt. His was neck thin with pronounced tendons streatch taut under the milky white skin. His lips were a bright tender pink, soft and yielding. Scott rolled over, pulling himself onto all fours.

"Scott what's going on?" Stiles asked nervously as he looked into the fiercely burning yellow suns in his friend's eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"I-I can't help it..." Scott struggled to speak, trying to push down all of the fire that was burning its through him. He could hear the Wolf snarling. Feel it furiously clawing away at his resolve. "I don't know why...I feel this way...."

Stiles cautiously backed up against the wall, wishing he could somehow retreat into its flat surface. "Okay..Take it easy...I'm sure we can figure it out..Just CALM down..." Stiles said trying to keep his voice flat and even. He couldn't figure out what was happening to Scott, but he had talked him down countless times throughout the years. "Now tell me what you're feeling...the moons not full so that can't be just ate so you can be hungry..."

"Do you think I can't tell?" Scott grumbled, gasping for air, trying to slow the change. "I can smell it all over you. You're turned on..."

Stiles' eye went as wide as saucers, A wave of embarassment and guilt crashed around his brain. He did this, he was the one that made this happen. "I don't know what you're talking about Scott..." He said trying to sound as convincing as he could, but even he didn't buy what he was saying.

" Don't lie to me!" Scott snarled angrily, his jaw tightening around his words. "I don't know why but I feel it too..So Please...don't lie to me.." His voice was somewhat softer but Stiles could tell he was still fighting the change.

Stiles racked his brain to figure out how to help Scott, but he came up empty handed. They must have ripped out the page in the Werewolf handbook about how to handle your best friend's secret gay crush, he thought to himself darkly. What can I do? He thought about the time Scott and him had worked together to control the wolf, and it hit him.

Scott watched Stiles working through the myriad of tunnels that only his head could contain. He looked down at the sheets, his fingers were dug deep into the soft padding of the mattress. He flinched as Stiles took hold his jaw, lifting his gaze. Before he could pull away, Stiles moved forward on his knees and gently touched his lips to his. A flurry of sparks and electricity flew as his brushed the soft skin of Stiles' mouth. It was like fireworks had lit up behind his eyelids in a dazzling display of blue and white.

Stiles could feel Scott's body tense as he kissed him but just as the logical part of his brain told him to stop, he felt him relax under the pressure of their lips. Scott slid his hand along Stiles' jaw, caressing his ear before firmly gripping the back of his head. Stiles could feel his cock pulsing as it jerked and twitched begging for the attention of Scott's hand.

Scott's tongue parted Stiles' lips with a tender force as his other hand wrapped around the small of his friend's back. Lifting the hem of the shirt his hand travelled up Stiles's back smoothing each of the ridges in his spine. He felt Stile's shudder with pleasure under his touch. Scott could feel his dick filling out, fighting against the tight cotton underwear. The head forced itself painfully against the elastic hem that clung to his leg as it begged for its release.

Scott broke the kiss, gently letting his hands drop down to Stiles' hips. Stiles opened his eyes to see Scott staring at him. Scott's eyes were no longer yellow, but dark pools of a warm chocolate brown. He couldn't tell what Scott was thinking, let alone feeling. But he could feel Scott's rock hard cock trapped between their legs. He must have looked down, because Scott chuckled softly.

"I don't want to do anything that you don't want to do...but I...well, I think you know.." Scott said, his voice low and vulnerable.

"I do.." Stiles said, he felt as if he was a million miles away. Everything had taken on a surreal quality that made him question whether he was really awake. "I'm ready.." He managed to say finally.

Scott smiled. He looked at his friend's familiar and comforting eyes. They were a mossy shade of Hazel that always sparkled underneath thick black lashes. He slowly pulled Stiles' shirt off, biting his lip as he looked at his friend's lean muscled body. His torso was long and his abs were only slightly defined. He looked fragile in some ways, with creamy fair skin the tone of a porcelain doll's. Scott traced his finger along one nipple, a juicy pink thing the size of a nickel. It was already hard as he toyed with the tip, flicking the end lightly with his finger. He watched Stiles' body jerk in pleasure.

"Oh God Scott..." Stiles breathed.

"Lie back, Stiles.." Scott growled softly against his friend's smooth chest.

Stiles' back slid down the wall, either of his arms situated on the mounds of pillows. He reclined his head against the hard surface and looked at the sexy wolf that was kneeling between his jean clad legs. His chest was broad curve of muscles that cascaded into the tightly carved abs that ran the length of his stomach. He could now properly see the werewolf's hard dick through the shorts, a large bulging mound held tight against his leg. Stiles' dick was soaked in a coat of precum as he watched Scott crawl towards him.

Scott ran his hands up along Stile's legs, resting them on his ribs. His fingers traced the firm indentations as he brought his mouth to the center of his friend's bare chest. He slowly worked his lips across the skin, eventually taking the pink nipple in between his teeth. He felt Stiles' chest heave under him, a small whimper escaping his mouth. He alternated playing with tongue and teeth, his other hand teasing Stiles' other nipple. Scott left the now red and rock hard nipplies. His tongue tracing a line down the center of his stomach. He reached his navel, a tight ring with a sparse trail of reddish brown hairs that went further below. Scott began kissing the flat surface of Stiles' lower abdomen, eyeing the hips bones that jutted out creating a small gap in between Stile's jeans and his skin. He began to run his fingers along the sharp edge of his hips, sending Stiles into random crunching motions.

"They're sensitive!" Stiles said trying hold back the laughter

Scott grinned as he popped the button on his friend's jeans. He smelled the heavy waves of arousal rising off of Stiles' skin, a sharp stinging scent mixed the soft citrus cologne that his friend always wore. Scott felt his own cock twitch as he pulled the jeans down, tugging them off of his feet. Stiles' legs were even whiter and creamier than his chest was, Scott whistled low as Stiles pulled his legs up, the gracefully lean muscles flexed underneath small patches of red-brown hairs and freckles. His feet were longer and more angular than Scott's.

"Damn...You're sexier than I remember..." Scott growled, dragging his fingers up the inside of Stiles' legs. He felt the pale skinned boy shudder, moan, and then lift his hips upward spreading his legs further apart.

Hearing Stiles moan, and seeing him prostate himself in from of him excited Scott. He felt the fire that had been burning in his cock leap. Taking the elastic of Stile's striped green boxers, Scott tore the fabric viciously from seam to seam. Stiles gasped as his cock sprung free slapping his stomach, a shimmering thread of precum trailing across his pelvis. Scott eyed the beautiful dick, it was atleast seven and a half inches long, possibly eight with a gentle upward curve that ran along the shaft. The head was wide and round and darker pink, like a lollipop. It's shiny surface was wet with precum that drooled over the underside. Scott could his balls sitting high and tight, waiting to explode.

Taking Stile's balls in hand, Scott ran his tonuge along the underbelly of his cock. Stiles whimpered again his hand eventually finding Scott's to hold onto. Stiles felt like every nerve in his dick was alive, he enjoyed each slow pass of Scott's tongue, who would stop just before he got to the base of the head. It was enough to drive him crazy. Scott was languishing in the unique taste and aroma of Stiles, he could smell the frabic softener from his boxers and more cologne. Stiles bucked his hips, silently begging for more. Scott seized his friend's cock around the middle with a tight grip. His dick was unbelievably hard, pulsing away with his frantic heartbeat. Stiles let out a louder moan as Scott wrapped his mouth around the head of his dick. Scott felt his own cock screaming against the small underwear as if it were in a vice. Stiles started panting in short breaths as Scott began to suck his hard dick. Scott relished the salty and tingling taste of his precum that continued to seep out of Stiles' head. His cock was smooth and slick, and he enjoyed the texture as he worked the shaft with his tongue and lips.

He felt Stiles' grip tighten around his hand. Hearng a muffled moan, he looked up to see him holding a pillow clamped tightly over his face with his other hand. Scott had never given another guy head before, but he figured he must be something right. Scott pulled off of Stiles' cock with a wet popping noise that made Stiles stomach spasm. Stiles gasped for air as he threw the pillow across the bed. Scott's warm wet mouth around his dick had him riding the edge of ecstacy. He looked down at his friend and was met with a impish slackjawed grin that crinkled the corners of those dark brown eyes.

"Please Scott...Please don't stop, I'm so close.." Stiles pleaded as he sat up.

"Dont' worry....the fun's just beginning.." The wolf crooned in a soft voice.

Scott encircled Stiles' head with two fingers and pressed down firmly. Stiles cried out at the tormenting pleasure as Scott repeatedly jerked him slowly. Stiles reached for his cock, trying to find release for the searing pressure in his balls. Scott moved so quickly, Stiles wasn't sure he moved at all until he realized Scott was holding both of his wrists in his hand, pinning them to one of his hips. Scott could feel precum dripping down the inside of his leg. He was getting even hornier as he dominated Stiles.

Stiles begged as he wiggled, trying to free his hands from Scott's steely grip. The head of his cock was was raw and sensitive, it felt like it was vibrating with each pass of Scott's hand. Scott smiled, and begin to increase the pace, applying even more pressure in with his fingers around Stiles' pre-cum soaked dick. Stiles twisted back and forth as the pleasure and pain increased. He arched his back, his chest heaving in short breaths.

"Oh God! Scott, I'm gonna cum!" Stiles said nearly shouting as he let his head fall back. "Uhhhhhn!"

Stiles' cock jerked as it sprayed several jets of pearlescent cum across his stomach. With several strings hitting Scott's chin and arm. Scott continued to jerk him off, white ropey strands dripping over his knuckles. Stiles twitched as he struggled to catch his breath. FInally Scott released Stiles' wrists from his grip which feel limp at his sides. Before Stiles could speak, Scott ducked his head licking up a remaining drop of cum off his head, the salty flavor exploding on his tongue.

Stiles lay flat on the bed listening to his heart hammering away in his ears. He could feel the hot splashes of cum across his stomach and his body exploding into a euphoric afterglow as a tongue flicked across his wet head. He closed his eyes, feeling as if his entire body was spinning in place.

"Oh my god Scott....I never....I didn't realize how hot that would be.." He said between breaths. "I mean...I fantasized...but holy shit..." He paused, opening his eyes when Scott didn't reply.

Stiles looked up to see Scott standing over him on the bed, his gym shorts and underwear were gone. Stiles' stared at the thick cock that stood fully erect above him. It was longer than he had expected and guessed it was atleast nine and a half inches. He could see the large bell-shaped head was swollen at the end of a thick meaty shaft. Veins wrapped around the length, large and engorged. His large balls hung lower and touched one thigh as he shifted his weight.

"Now it's my turn..." Scott said with a wry smile that stretched his glistening lips. Stiles could see that his eyes were smoldering a light gold again.

The woods were dark and cold as Isaac crashed through the underbrush, his clawed fingers kicking up showers of dirt and pine nettle across the forest floor. His eyes glowed a bright amber as they cautiously scanned the terrain ahead. Coming to a halt at a wide clearing, he watched the the stretch of highway in front of him. His heart was thumping in his chest as his hot breath spilled out into the cold night air in white steamy puffs. The highway that emptied into the main road in Beacon Hills appeared deserted, with nothing on it but a glistening wet sheen of dew.

The sweat that dampened his hairline was getting cold as he waited. He had been running for what felt like hours. His mind was reeling with all the crazy events of the night. He and Scott had stumbled onto the rogue Alpha they had been looking for near the High School. They had been able to lure him away from town and into Beacon Hills forest, but it had taken Isaac over an hour to shake him off his trail. He had gotten seperated from Scott somewhere past the old Hale place and had stopped to look for him. But when the Furious and chase-hungry Alpha broke through a stand of Oak trees, Isaac had sprinted off into the deeper growths of the woods. An Alpha was the strongest of his kind sure, but Isaac had known he was much faster and lighter on his feet than the rage-filled monster of a wolf.

As he watched a solitary car speed past him down the deserted highway, he hoped that Scott had made it home safely. But the worry that knotted his stomach resolved his need to be sure. The muscles in his legs tensed as he crounched, like rubber bands ready to expand. He leapt from the clearing, his sleek muscled body stretching out as he sailed through the air. Landing softly near the shoulder at the other side of the highway, he used the momentum of the jump to propel himself forward on all fours. The cool air whipped though his sandy brown curls as he sprinted into the woods heading south.

He climbed the rise in the hill that fed into the curb at the end of Scott's street. Standing up, he stretched his arms over his head, The tendons were sore from running and his elbows popped in protest. As he stretched he could feel the chilly air graze his hips in the gap between his shirt and jeans. Taking a deep breath, his eyes dulled to silvery blue. He could feel the sting of his claws and teeth as they retracted into his skin, and he wondered if the process would ever become painless. He kept in the shadows of the treeline, his gray hooded leather jacket pulled tight around him as he walked down the length of the street. His eyes darted here and there, the adrenaline of the chase was still making him paranoid. He came to a white two-story house with dark blue shutters and a silver car in the drive. His eyebrow lifted sharply as he noticed a black hardtopped jeep wrangler parked against the sidewalk near the house.

"Stiles..." He said smiling.

He had been fond of Scott's skinny sidekick since he joined the lacrosse team as a freshman. Wherever Scott was, Stiles wasn't far behind. He had wondered if Stiles batted for the other team, he had never had a girlfriend that Isaac could remember and he had heard him ask Danny, the token gay guy on the lacrosse team, if he thought he was hot on several occasions. Not that he'd mind if Stiles was gay, he was bi himself. He had checked out the lean muscled teammate in the showers more than once. He chuckled at the memory of Stiles' firm little white ass dripping under the open showers. Isaac shook his head, clearing away the thoughts of Stiles. His eyes were drawn up to single lit room, shadows darting across the ceiling from the movement of the occupants inside. He crossed the street, sending an empty can skittering across the pavement with his shoe. Stalking up the drive, he could barely hear the murmur of leaves that rustled in a tiny breeze.

He knocked lightly on the dark wood of the front door. He waited a few moments, scuffing the front of his shoe on the porch as he stood there. He just wanted to make sure Scott was home, safe and sound. He knocked again before leaning to one side trying to peer though the small decorative glass windows that flanked the door. The lights were on in the foyer and he could see down the hall and up the stairs, but no one came down either.

Isaac sighed loudly, feeling a little disappointed and restless. He wrapped his fingers around the tarnished gold doorknob of the front door and turned. It was unlocked. He hesitated, chewing abesentmindedly on one side of his lip as he debated whether or not he should go in. He had been to Scott's house a few times before, but there was a difference between being invited and letting yourself in. He looked over his shoulder nervously, half expecting someone to be standing behind him. Rolling his eyes, he turned the knob and stepped into the house closing the door gingerly at his back.

"Scott!..Hello? Anybody home? " Isaac whispered as loud as he could. He took a few steps down the hallway before he heard a muffled groan coming from upstairs.

Isaac's eyebrows knotted together in concentration as he tried to pinpoint the sound. He could make out two rapid heartbeats and a wet noise he couldn't identify. He wondered if Scott had been injured, if somehow the Alpha had doubled back before his friend had made it home. Panicked, Isaac walked quickly up the carpeted stairs, his hand riding along the polished banister. He stopped at the top of the landing, if he remembered correctly Scott's room was on the left. He looked and saw a shaft of light pouring out of a crack in the doorway and into the dark hallway. He was sure the sounds had come from there.

He walked down the hallway and was about to reach for the doorknob in the shadows when he caught the scent. A mixture of smoking wood, sweat and cum. The aroma reminded Isaac of a wet campfire. He felt as though he just walked into a wall of heat that threatened to scorch his skin. He could feel an electric surge crackle across the muscles in his arms and chest. His vision and hearing sharpened, and looked up from the foot of the door and into the room beyond through the two inch opening. His mouth opened slightly as his jaw went slack. He was staring at Scott's naked backside. His eyebrows raised as he watched the dark haired boy stand up on the bed. His legs stood wide, straddling something Isaac couldn't quite see, His eyes adjusted again, and he realized that between Scott's muscle bound legs lay a fair skinned, slender body that was splayed out in exhaustion. Stiles?! He thought in disbelief.

"Now it's my turn.." He heard Scott growl in a low voice.

Isaac licked his lips and glanced back down the dark hallway afraid that he was going to be caught. He debated turning around and going back downstairs but the predatory nature that was boiling up in his stomach wouldn't let him. He could smell the excitement and hear the powerfully seductive tone in Scott's voice. Isaac knew Scott was a true Alpha, a wolf that claimed dominance through sheer will. It was this power that flooded over him in burning hot waves.

Isaac felt his dick rousing to life in his black jeans, the shaft sliding against the flesh of his leg. But his eyes were locked on the dominant wolf. Isaac had to admit to himself that Scott was sexy. The curve of his sculpted ass, firm and tensed along with the carved muscles of his legs that bulged in tight sheaths. He could see the sweat glistening across the werewolf's smooth dark back. Small streams of it rolled down his butt and legs, slicking some of the body hair in spots where it gathered.

Stiles pushed himself up with his elbows, his muscles still shaking from the recent orgasm. He looked deep into gleaming yellow circles of his friend's eyes. A part of him was nervous that Scott might lose control. But as he felt his semi-soft cock begin to harden again he realized this side of Scott was making him even hornier. He pulled his legs under him and was about to stand when he felt Scott's strong hands on his shoulders. Stiles was eye level with his stomach and he could feel the heat pouring off of Scott's body. He sucked in air as he looked at the large swollen cock that was now only a foot away from his face.

"No..Down there is good." Scott said, inching forward to hold his dick only an inch from Stiles' mouth. "Stick out your tongue Stiles." His voice, although soft and gravelly, echoed with force.

Stiles looked up at the werewolf hesitantly, but obeyed. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, but he kept his eyes on his would-be master. Scott dragged the thick head of his cock down the length of Stiles' tongue. Stiles could taste the thick and salty glaze of precum that smeared across his tongue. His own cock was once again begging for attention as Scott used his tongue to pleasure himself. He could see the ropey arteries in Scott's neck pulsing away and his adam's apple jump as he swallowed. Stiles wanted to please him, everything in him wanted to beg him for more. Scott smiled softly, his eyes flashing as his other hand took hold of the scruff of Stiles' neck.

Stiles gagged as searing hot flesh slammed against the back of his throat. His lips stretching uncomfortably around the thick shaft that buried its length deep in his mouth. He pushed against Scott's solid and sweat covered legs, trying to free himself from the massive head that was sliding down the back of his throat. Scott growled as he rocked back, withdrawing his cock so that the head barely left Stiles' lips. Stiles sucked in a quick breath around the slick head before Scott buried his nose in the short curling hairs at the base of his dick again.

Scott moaned loudly as he fucked Stiles' mouth, he felt his balls leap each time his head pushed past those wet lips into the soft warm throat beyond. He wanted to be rougher but a little voice in the back of his mind reminded him that he might really hurt Stiles. He thought he might cum every time he felt Stiles' throat constrict, extracting a wet gagging sound from the boy.

Stiles' mind was a crashing black spotted void as Scott raped his throat. Tears welled up in his eyes as blinding white pain slammed its way through his nerves. Scott's fingers were digging into the flesh of his neck forcefully drawing small beads of blood. He whined repeatedly around Scott's raging hard on, a high pleading note. He could feel his own stiff cock brushing against Scott's legs with each rocking entry into his mouth. The hairs on Scott's legs tickled the sensitive head of his cock as it left a glistening sticky trail across his tanned skin.

Scott, feeling the aroused member of Stiles wet against his leg, pulled his cock out of Stiles' mouth. Stiles breathed in and out rapidly trying to catch his breath. As Scott examined his own cock that was dripping with a shiny mixture of spit and precum. He had never been this hard in his life. His dick was aching and it rolled in slow circles from the constant surge of blood that continued to fill his muscle. He started to masturbate slowly, the slick contours of his dick sliding around in his rough palm.

"I want to fuck..." Scott said, in a matter-of-fact kind of way.

"I thought you were." Stiles said breathless as he looked up at him. His neck was burning and his jaw sore from the rough treatment it had just underwent.

Scott laughed once and said "Not your mouth Stiles..I want that little bubble butt of yours." He could see the conflict in Stiles' eyes, but he knew they were both too wound up to stop now.

Before Stiles could reply Scott had hooked his hands behind his friends thighs, pulling his knees out from under him. Stiles' dropped onto his back before Scott turned him over onto his stomach. Stiles' eye widened as he stared at the wall. He knew Scott was beyond aroused, his neck could attest to that. But he had fantasized about this a million times as he laid in bed at night jerking off. And now as Scott's hands gripped his bony hips and lifted his vulnerable ass in the air, he knew his fantasies were about to become real.

Isaac watched a Scott mercilessly throatfucked Stiles, he enjoyed hearing the lean muscled boy whine. Seeing Scott, who was more dominant that he was, man handle Stiles was hotter than any porn he ever watched online. He unbottoned his tight jeans and hastily jerked the zipper down.

Isaac pulled down the front of his bright pink boxer briefs, letting his eight inch uncut cock snap to attention. Wrapping his right hand around the middle of his well-rounded shaft, he began to roll his thumb along the sensitive ring of skin that covered the head of his cock. He stifled a moan in his throat as he drew back the fleshy wrapper. The layer of sweat and grime from tonight's exertion in the woods made the skin feel tight as it resisted being drawn away from the head. He gave a quick tug with his hand, a mix of pleasure and a little pain exploded across his dick as he roughly stretched the foreskin. He began to jerk off. His fist that wrapped around his cock buried itself in the flesh of his pelvis over and over. The tension of the skin being pulled back forcefully each time was pushing him closer and closer to the edge. He glanced back up, watching Scott maneuver himself behind Stiles.

Scott slid his dick along the crease of Stiles' ass. He exhaled sharply in delight at the feeling of the smooth and soft skin beneath his cock. Stiles held his breath in anticipation of the hard and burning hot flesh that was now moving lower and lower towards his virgin asshole. He bucked forward as Scott ran a finger over the soft and tender pink ring. His finger felt rough against the delicate skin there.

The teenage werewolf ran his hand along his inflexible dick, covering his fingers in a glossy mixture of precum and drying spit that shimmered in the light. Stiles moaned as Scott's rugged hands smeared the slippery substance along his tight hole. He tangled his fingers in the black bedsheets that puddled around his elbows as the persistant hand firmly massaged the opening. Scott hissed as he explored the narrow entrance with his fingers, he couldn't wait to feel the wet quivering ring around his swollen dick.

Stiles couldn't stand the waiting, this moment had fueled his fantasies over and over again for the past three years. He wanted Scott to take him, to be inside of him. He couldn't think of anything else as his mind spun through all of the imagined encounters he had pleasured himself with in his own bed.

"Scott...Please....I want you- No, I need you to do it." Stiles uttered in small whisper. "I'm begging you.."

Scott wrapped his hands around the creased bend between Stiles' hips and legs. His fingers plugged firmly against the milky white freckled skin of his stomach. Looking down at the slight framed boy that kneeled on all fours before him, he realized how beautiful his friend was. He brought the bulging head of his dick up against the wet pink surface of Stiles' hole. It felt right as his dick caught in the dipping curve there, like a key against its matching lock.

"I love you, Stiles.." The words tumbling out of his mouth without a thought as he thrust his cock into the constricted muscle.

Stiles barely registered what Scott had said before a scalding pain spread inside his interior running all the way up his spine. He cried out, tossing his head back and contorting his back. His muscles strained as the plump cock buried itself deep in his ass.

"Ungggh!" A deep and breathy grunt of satisfaction escaping Scott's throat.

Scott's cock erupted in waves of pleasure as the hot wet flesh swallowed its length. His abs contracting tightly as he withdrew to the flaring base of the head. He felt a shudder pass through Stiles' body that virbated against his cock sending him careening further into ecstacy. He began to plunge his dick into the depths of his hole trying to satisfy the craving that was wracking his entire body.

He dropped onto all fours, his sweat covered chest sticking to the pale skin of Stiles' back as he pounded his ass. The potent smell of sweat and musky deodorant filled his nostrils savagely wrapping its seductive fingers around his mind. Scott growled with the added stimulation, his hips smacking loudly against Stile's ass as he tried to force himself even deeper into the tight space.

"Oh god! Aaaah! AH!" Stiles moaned loudly as the sensation blossomed into a new punishing mixture of pain and pleasure inside of him.

His own hard cock swung chaotically under him, occassionally slapping his stomach from the force of Scott's relentless thrusting. He had never felt this kind of mind numbing ecstasy before. It felt like a fiery drug was crashing through his veins, making his brain feverish and erratic. He began to grind his ass against Scott's hard muscled pelvis, the sweaty clumps of coarse hair there tickling his backside. Scott moaned into his back in response to the attention. Stiles started working his ass harder, thrilled to ellicit pleasure from the werewolf.

"Oh...Ungh! Stiles.." Scott moaned, his tenor voice cracking between hot ragged breaths.

Scott wanted to make Stiles scream, to beg for more. The Alpha in him wanted the clear obedience of the boy beneath him. He wanted to see him squirm under his hand. Driving his cock deep into the boy's ass, he wrapped his right hand around the front of Stiles' throat. The muscles in Scott's arms tensed and bulged as he bent his friend backward, a whimper escaping Stiles' mouth. He continued to fuck him as he reached around, his left hand finding the seven and half inch cock that hung on the otherside.

The pain that flared along Stile's back from the uncomfortable position disappeared as he felt Scott's sinewy hand close around his dick. His body jerked at the contact, the vice-like grip of Scott's hand unleashing an onslaught of electricity through him. He moaned, a single high animal-like whine.

"You like that, huh?" Scott said with satifscation.

Scott panted heavily, his arms starting to burn from the strain of holding Stiles' weight and jerking him simultaneously. He continued to savagely thrust into Stiles. The head of his cock was buzzing with the constant stimulation and he could feel his balls tightening in anticipation of the coming release.

Isaac dug his canines into his lip, trying not to moan out loud as he watched Scott plow Stiles. His hand was viciously sliding up and down along his cock in rapid strokes. He could see the tension in Scott's body, like a the upward climb of a Yo-Yo before it droppped. It wouldn't be long now, he thought. He could sense the mounting pressure in the other werewolf, his own cock was reacting in kind. He cupped his balls in his left hand and squeezed, a thrilling flood of pleasure shooting through his body. Isaac stifled a growl that rose up in his throat

Stiles' mind was blurred, there was a never ending feeling of free-fall that swung from his scrambled thoughts. He couldn't hold out much longer under Scott's hungry hand and werewolf charged stamina. The force of Scott's hand around his throat was making it harder to breathe, setting off all the pleasure centers in his body. Moans escaped his lips in short mounting cries.

Responding to the apparent bliss of Stiles' moans, Scott tightened his hold on the boy's dick driving his hand down in harder strokes. He felt Stiles buck his hips harder against his own, his own cock salivating inside the boy's eager ass.

"Scott, Oh...I'm gonna cum!" Stiles shouted weakly, fighting for breath.

Stiles' cock convulsed in a spray of hot white jizz in the shadows under his body. The sticky strings of cum ran down Scott's hand and his inner thigh. Scott threw his head back, a loud snarl tearing its way from his throat as the boy's ass muscles contracted sharply around the width of his cock. He pulled Stiles' twitching body against him, wrapping his arms around his lean chest. Burying his mouth in the soft white flesh of Stile's neck, he snapped his hips forward spearing the warm cushion of flesh as his balls emptied their milky contents. His body shuddered as several streams of cum erupted from the head of his cock.

"Ungh..." Stiles moaned lazily as the heat of Scott's cum spread inside of his around the still stiff cock. He could feel Scott's hard body pressed against his back, the muscles of his legs against his own shaking lightly from the intense orgasm that controlled him.

Isaac watched the climax of his friends through the sweat soaked curls that stuck to his forehead. Watching the last hungry thrust of Scott he slid his hand forward along his cock encircling the head of his long uncut dick. He rubbed along its tip in short rapid tugs that sent him over the edge in a rush of ecstasy. His abs contracted in a spasm as he came, sending thin pearlescent streams of cum streaming against the bedroom door and along the underside of his cock.

The two teenage boys collasped on the cum splattered sheets, their bodies heaving in short breaths against one another. Tenderly, Scott wrapped his arm around Stile's stomach drawing him closer into the bend of his own body. He could feel the thin trail of hair that ran down the center of his belly under his hand.

"I love you too Scott..." Stiles said softly as he stared at the poster that hung on the wall beside the bathroom.

Stiles still felt lightheaded, but there was a warm feeling in his chest that demanded his attention. Scott had said that he loved him...I have to be dreaming he thought himself. He wanted to turn over, to search those brown eyes for answers. He wanted to know what Scott was feeling, but he was afraid to ruin the moment they had just shared.

As if stepping out of a trance, Isaac was caught off-guard by Scott's admission of love to Stiles. He suddenly felt like he was intruding on a delicate interlude he had no business to see. A rush of blood to his cheeks sent him hurriedly packing away his semi-soft cock and back down the hall. He took the stairs quietly, his shoes padding softly across the foyer as he pushed through the front door and out in to the cold night.

Stiles half-opened his eyes as he turned over in bed. He spat a curse as a beam of sunlight from the window burned his still groggy eyes. Sitting up underneath a tangled mess of sheets and blankets he realized that he was in Scott's room. The memories of last night came back to him in a thrilling rush that brought a smile to his lips. He wondered if Scott was happy, if he still felt the same way. 'Wherever he is' Stiles thought as he realized the bed was empty beside him. He reached across the width of the bed and snatched his cell-phone from the cluttered bedside table. The screen lit up and he saw the time. 7:30 a.m. 'Where could Scott be this early in the morning?' He wondered. And why am I awake for that matter?' He was about to lay back down and snooze when the door opened quietly.

Scott stuck his head into the room, an uneven grin spreading across his angular face as he saw Stiles awake and sitting up in bed.

"Hey, you're awake!" He said sounding alert and surprisingly chipper.

He came into the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He was fully dressed, wearing a well fitting black t-shirt and jeans although he was still walking around barefoot. Stiles noticed that his black hair was shiny and hung in short clumps around his forehead. He's already taken a shower and gotten dressed...Stiles mentally noted...Why?

"Not because I want to be.." Replied Stiles grumpily. He had wanted to go back to bed, but he was excited to Scott. Even though his good and obviously energteic mood so early in the morning seemed a little odd to Stiles.

Scott went over to the chair that sat in front of his desk and came back with a handful of folded clothes. Sitting them on top of the dresser he paused with his back to Stiles. Scott was wasn't sure of what to say, last night had changed things. Things that he wasn't sure he knew how to handle yet. 'I'll wait until he brings it up." Scott thought before turning to face the begrudgedly awake Stiles.

"Well, you'd better get dressed. I found some of my clothes from Freshman year that should fit you." Scott continued when he saw the confused look pass over Stiles' face. "School? You know the place we are required to attend?...Today's Monday, remember?"

Stiles threw back the sheets, the colder air of the room biting his bare chest. Looking down he realized that he was wearing a baggy pair of Scott's boxers and shorts. He didn't remember putting them on, or falling asleep for that matter. Only spending what felt like an eternity wrapped up in Scott's strong and warm embrace. It hit him that Scott must have put them on him and covered him up. Something about that struck a chord in Stiles. Sure, Scott was his best friend, but there was tenderness coming to the surface in him that he had never experienced before. Scott's voice drew him out of his own thoughts.

"You should have enough time to take a quick shower." Scott said while fidgeting with a rogue thread that was hanging off the hem of his shirt. "That is if you want to."

"Yea..I probably should after last n-" Stiles stopped himself, Scott had shifted his gaze to the floor, looking uncomfortable. "I'll go grab that shower"

Stiles stood up from the bed reluctantly. Scott didn't move a muscle as he reached past him to pick the clothes up off the top of the dresser. He could smell the spicy smell of Scott's cologne mixing with his natural woody scent, making him wish he could just bury his nose in the wolf's wide chest. Last night he would have, he did, but Scott seemed distant and unreadable. 'I prefer the annoyingly-good-mooded-morning Scott' he thought before shuffling into the bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs when you're ready.." He heard Scott say as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

Stiles had washed up quickly, distracted by his growing anxiety over Scott. He toweled off and pulled on the borrowed clothes, which ended up fitting him well enough. Grabbing his car keys and his phone, he quickly stuffed his feet into the red chucks that were still laying where he had kicked them off last night.

Scott was waiting by the door downstairs, he had something wrapped in a paper towel in one hand and his backpack slung over one shoulder. He seemed to be in a pleasant enough mood Stile's noted, but there was still the same unreadable look in his brown eyes.

"Here.." Scott said holding the paper towel wrapped rectangle.."I made you breakfast...well, I just heated it up actually."

Stiles peeled back the unusually neat wrapping and found a warm toaster pastry inside.

"I already ate, but I figured you might be hungry.." Scott said casually. "Oh! I almost forgot." He grabbed a bottle off the small table that stood near the front door. He handed a bottle of chocolate milk, that Stiles knew had not been in the nearly empty fridge last night.

"Thanks, Scott...." Stiles said unevenly, his eyes scrunched up from the growing weirdness of the morning. "Where'd you get this?"

"Oh...I went out earlier this morning, I knew we didn't have anything..Mom has hasn't had time to go to the store yet..So I just grabbed a few things.." Scott's words were hurried, why did all of this have to be so hard? "Are you ready to go?" Scott said finally managing to put his mind back on track.

"Yea." Stiles said following Scott outside and into the driveway.

Scott walked around his Mom's car, unlocking and opening the driver's side door. He was about to get in when he realized Stiles wasn't with him. He looked around and seen him walking down the drive, his keys jingling in his fingers.

"Hey! Stiles! Where are you going?" Scott shouted at the back of the other boy who turned immediately looking surprised.

"What do you mean? My jeep is parked on the curb. I'll catch you at school." Stiles said loudly, he turned and started to walk down the rest of the driveway.

He could hear Scott's car door shut as he got to his jeep. He fumbled with his keys, he couldn't help but feel confused and upset. He and Scott had been friends forever, and even though they had been much closer last night than they ever had before he felt like Scott was pulling away. He finally managed to unlock the door when he heard Scott's car start and the sound of the car backing up. As he began to climb into the seat he saw the silver sports car back out, pulling even with his Jeep.

"Get in." Scott said through the open passenger window.

"I can drive, Scott..." Stiles said sounding more irritated than he had meant to.

"Stiles-" Scott's started his voice raising an octave in frustration before continuing in a calm yet firm voice "Get in the car, please.."

Stiles let out the breath he had been unconsciously holding and dug around in the backseat for his own backpack. He finally found it wedged up under the back of the passenger seat and had to pull on the straps to get it out. He locked his jeep and got into the car with Scott.

Scott drove with one hand, with his left arm resting on the ledge of the driver side door. He enjoyed the cool wind that whipped past the car and tousled his hair. But he couldn't help but think the car was much colder. It had been several minutes since they had left the house and yet no one had said a word. The car was filled with an awkward silence that Scott was suffocating under.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Stiles nimbly eating his breakfast and looking out the window at the houses that rushed by. 'Great, now he's mad at me. Good going Scott.' he thought, mentally kicking himself in the stomach. He had to say something, anything to cut the tension in the car. A thousand things went through is mind, but nothing seemed right or appropriate. As they pulled up to a stop sign, he nervously tapped on the steering wheel trying to will his brain to come up with something when he blurted out.

"I meant what I said last night." A part of him had regretted the words as soon as they were out but somewhere much deeper it felt like a relief.

Stiles flinched at Scott's sudden outburst. "What?"

"What I said, last night...When we were.." Scott fumbled around for the right words.

"What? You mean when you said 'I love you' while you were balls deep in my ass?" Stiles said sharply. He knew he was hurt and anxious, but he couldn't handle the thought of dancing around the issue for the rest of the week.

Scott looked taken aback, which made Stiles feel just little bit better. He looked at him, his brown eyes wincing as if hurt by some invisible force under his furrowed brows. "I meant it Stiles..I do love you."

With those four words Stiles felt all of the uncertainty he had been feeling drop away like he had just went upside down on a carnival ride. Scott looked vulnerable, maybe even fragile to Stiles as he stared into his friends familiar face.

"Then why with the brooding werewolf routine?" Stiles said. "I wake up this morning and you're all moody...what's going on?"

Scott started out the windshield for a moment. Stiles could see him swallow several times before he answered. "I don't know...This is all new, and I don't want to fuck it up. Last night was amazing, better than amazing..And it wasn't just the sex.." He looked at Stiles with a faint smile of amusement before he quickly added "Don't get me wrong the sex was unreal, I never you knew were I also never knew that I could feel that way about you." Scott stopped, he was obviously trying to work this his feelings.

"Last night, after what we did, you fell asleep in my arms. Even after you fell asleep I kept you there, holding you just felt right. It felt...perfect. But after a while, I tried to wake you up so you could change before my Mom got in, but you were dead asleep and looked peaceful. So I moved you to one side of the bed and put some clothes on both of us.,,,.I woke up early this morning and the first thing I saw was you. You had your hand on my chest...and everything was different. I was different. Looking at you, I felt something that I haven't felt for awhile.." Stiles shifted in his seat as Scott got lost for a moment. "So I got up and went to the grocery store. I wanted to do something nice for you." Scott eyed the half-eaten pastry in Stiles' lap. "I had even thought up something say, but when I saw you awake in my bed. I couldn't think...I was afraid that I'd mess things up between us..."

"Like acting like a total nutjob?" Stiles interjected a smile on his face. "Because I think we've already crossed that bridge."

Scott laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah. I guess we have."

"I meant it too." Stiles said looking down at his worn in sneakers. "And the sex was great. I mean the way you worked my dick." Stiles whistled low and looked down at his jeans. Before continuing lightly "Don't get me started on yours-"

Scott felt his cheeks redden at Stiles' ongoing commentary. It was awkward at first, but he was beginning to loosen up. He couldn't try to see Stiles the same way, or else he'd never get past it. He smiled as he listened to Stiles recount the many things he enjoyed about their hot night together.

"-and I thought I was going to die when first you stuck it about-" Stiles' words were cut off as Scott leaned over and wrapped his mouth around his pale pink lips. Their lips locked for what felt like hours as they enjoyed the comfort of each other's comapny.

They were drawn out of their revelry by the angry blasting of a car horn behind. Scott and Stiles looked out the back windshield to see an obviously irritated man in a suit waving his arms and honking the horn of his BMW. They both laughed as Scott wrapped his left hand around the steering wheel and punched the gas pedal. Scott glanced at Stiles as he reached to take his friend's hand in his.

"Does this mean we're dating?' Scott said tenuously, a small smile playing across his mouth as he turned down a street.

Stiles turned his head, his eyes shimmering mischeiviously and said 'Yep..You're my girlfriend."


Next: Chapter 2

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