The Boys of Beacon Hills

By moc.liamtoh@reyefxinoif

Published on Oct 28, 2013


Teen Wolf - The Boys Of Beacon Hills

  • Please Note: This story is an original work of slash fiction and does not imply any real or true events, nor the true sexuality of these Characters or the Actors that portray them. 'MTV's: Teen Wolf' is sole property of MTV and MTV networks. *

Author's Note: Thanks for the overwhelming response to this story. So why has it taken so long for me to get out the second chapter you ask? I've been in the process of moving but have finally settled into my new house. So no more waiting guys, here's the second installment in my story. Please let me know what you think, I love to hear from all of you. You can message me at: ENJOY!

Chapter Two: When the Past Comes Knocking

The school's parking lot was already a sea of commotion as Scott swung his silver sports car into its assigned space. The cars, a veritable cross section of social classes, were in tight rows. Their owners and friends gathered around the fenders in semi-circles as they discussed the weekend's wild parties and disastrous dates. `No matter what else changes, School always manages to stay the sameбн', Scott thought as he glanced down at his fingers that were interlocked with Stiles'.

The chatter of conversations was cut off as Scott rolled up the windows of his car. He looked over at Stiles, who was staring vacantly out the window at the brick buildings across the perfectly manicured school lawn. Thoughtfully, Scott rubbed his thumb over the spidery streams of veins and deep sitting tendons of the boy's pale hand. He was just beginning to realize that even with his perfect sight, there was something so beautiful about Stiles that he had never really noticed before. Like layers of dirt and dust had been wiped of the windows of his eyes revealing something that had been there all along.

"Are you ready?" Scott said, looking up at Stiles with a smile.

"Huh? Oh, yea, sure.." Stiles uttered reluctantly.

Stiles was glad that he and Scott had been able to talk about last night on the ride over. The kiss they had shared had cemented things in a way, but as they had pulled into the busy parking lot a new anxiety had begun to gnaw away at his stomach. Only an hour before he had been unsure of where he and Scott stood, and now they were dating. I guess you skip all of the red tape in relationships when you've known the person half your life' Stiles thought bemusedly. But it wasn't the overnight blossoming of his relationship with Scott that had cornered his mind. It was the sinking fear of what would become of them outside of the messy four walls of Scott's room. It wasn't exactly like either of them were known as "the gay guy" on campus and he wondered how Scott and his classmates would react. That is if they ever find out..' A dark voice whispered in the back of his head. He didn't know which would be worse. Scott and him could handle what people might say, but he couldn't help but worry what it might do to their budding connection. It might just be enough to put Scott off altogether. But then, he wasn't sure he could live with constantly hiding their relationship either.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked tentatively. Stiles could see a line of worry wrinkling Scott's forehead.

"Yea, I'm fine. Great!" Stiles lied, feeling stupid for letting his mind run away with him when he finally had what had been wanting for years in his hands. "Ready!"

Scott brought the back of Stiles' hand up his lips and tenderly kissed the soft skin. Stiles looked surprised as he held his hand there for a moment.

"You worry too much, Stiles." Scott said answering the questioning look on his boyfriend's face. "We'll deal with whatever we have to.."

"How did y-" Stiles began, both unsettled and relieved by Scott's knowing gaze "Oh rightбнYou're using your werewolf mojo aren't you?"

"I don't need to smell your fear to know that you're worried about something." Scott said, a reassuring smile pulling the corners of his mouth. "You get the same look on your face when you get bad news, or when your Dad is late coming home from work.."

"So what do we do? I mean-Are we gay all of a sudden?" Stiles spat out in a hurry, his voice becoming frantic. "Hey everyone, Scott McCall, one of Beacon Hills' most eligible bachelors is off the market. He's currently shacking up with Stiles on the weekends having sweaty gay sex. Why don't we just tell everyone that you're a werewolf while we're at it? I'm sure that would go over just as well."

Stiles' mouth went slack as Scott burst into laughter. He stared at the teen wolf incredulously as Scott fought the storm of giggles that racked his stomach.

"Oh that's funny is it? I'm glad that the potential destruction of our social lives is a laughing matter to youбн" Stiles said lightly, a faint smile breaking the seriousness of his face.

"I think you're overreacting a little bit Stiles!" Scott said as he wiped the tears away from his eyes.

Scott sat up in the driver's seat, pulling Stiles across the interior of the car by his hand. He could see that Stiles' mood was changing, but the worries that were obviously bothering him got him thinking. He didn't care what people thought, not if it meant losing what he had just gotten with Stiles. Maybe it was just the intensity of the wolf that shared his body, or just the perfect closeness of Stiles' face at that moment, but he couldn't stand the thought of Stiles with someone else.

"It's going to be fine.." Scott said softly as he ran his hand along the angular curve of Stiles' jaw. "If it isn't, we'll make it fine."

Stiles relaxed under Scott's hand and comforting words. He wasn't convinced at all that everything would okay. But the certainty in Scott's voice was enough to momentarily slam the door on the anxiety in his stomach.

"Okay.." Stiles whispered finally. "I trust youбн"

"Good!" Scott said cheerfully before planting a small kiss on Stiles' lips. "Let's get going, we've only got six minutes to get to first period and my Mom is going to kill me if I get another detention!"

Scott snatched up his black backpack from the backseat and quickly hopped out of the car slamming the driver's side door. Stiles, following suit, grabbed for the small mesh bag and began to reach for the door. His hand fell through the air as he realized that Scott had already opened it and stood grinning outside the car. He looked like a chivalrous gentleman from the old movies that played on T.V. late at night.

"Thanks." Stiles said awkwardly. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he stepped out of the car. Looking around he seen that the parking lot was nearly devoid of people except a few random stragglers who briskly walked towards the main entrance. `He really had meant it with the dating comment..' Stiles thought to himself somewhat surprised.

The air still felt cool outside, Stiles noticed as he and Scott walked up the sidewalk at the back of the school. He could see the prisms of light refracting off the drops of dew that covered the short blades of grass by the sidewalk. They were beautiful tiny orbs of light that shimmered in a multicolored show of dazzling color.

"Stiles?" Scott said walking closer to the fair skinned boy beside him.

"Yea, Scott?"

"What exactly did you mean when you said that I was only ONE of Beacon Hills' most eligible bachelors?" Scott's voice sounded amused.

"Well I couldn't say you were the only eligible bachelor, that would sound like favoritism." Stiles joked, bumping his shoulder up against Scott's solid frame.

"So there's no one else that you'd rather be with? I mean, I could maybe put in a good word with some of the guys if you wanted. I'm sure that once they heard about how you are in the sack they might be willing to give it a go." Scott chuckled softly.

Stiles looked sideways at the bronze muscled werewolf and smiled. "NopeбнI don't want anyone else."

Scott smiled at that, as he took a hold of Stiles' hand. "Good." He said finally as he opened the squeaky metal door that led into the main hall. "I don't think I can share."

The two boys walked into the fluorescent lit building, hands entwined as they headed off towards the first class of the day.

Ethan cut off the purring engine of his bike and carelessly pushed down the kickstand with the heel of his boot. His skin was warm despite the icy wind that had been pelting his bare skin only moments before as he jetted down the side streets of Beacon Hills. `One of the many perks of being a werewolf' he thought to himself as he climbed off the bike.

The campus parking lot looked empty except for the hundreds of cars that sat parked in neat rows. He frowned as he noticed an empty spot at the end of senior's parking spaces. Where are you? Ethan wondered, pulling his cell phone from the back pocket of his jeans.

The screen read `No New Messages' in a small script that made Ethan's mouth pucker in concern. He leaned against his bike, putting the phone back into his pocket as another bike pulled into the space.

"What's up, bro?" His twin said, twisting his keys out of the ignition.

"Nothing. Danny's just late.." Ethan said as he looked at Aiden.

His twin brother unseated himself and stretched, the muscles in his arms flexing and tightening in a show of physical grace. Ethan had always enjoyed the shared good looks that he and his brother possessed. They had lean, sturdy frames that sported endless lines of coiling muscle. Their faces were more classical in the sense of male beauty. All strong jaws and hollowed cheeks. They would have appeared cute. Except for the cool eyes, that looked more like black than brown, gleaming like obsidian under their sturdy brows.

"I'm sure he just overslept." Aiden said dismissively. "Or maybe you're starting to rub off on him."

"Your point being?" Ethan asked, slightly annoyed at the careless tone in his brother's voice.

"Well, if you haven't noticed. We're not exactly on time ourselves. How many days have we missed altogether?" Aiden said stuffing his keys into his jacket. "I don't know why we're still bothering. The only reason I'm here is because of you, and the only reason you're still keeping up appearances is to play this game with him."

"It's not a gameбнBesides, we didn't finish High School when Deucallion found us, did we?" Ethan stated morosely.

"Whatever you say.." Aiden said lightly, dropping the conversation that had turned into an argument several times over the past few months.

They had spent the summer setting up house in the outlying foothills of town. With all the money they had been able to pocket in their time with Deucallion, Ethan had turned the stolen money into a small fortune with his affinity for numbers and stocks. They were now the owners of a sizeable property and three story house that was nestled in a secluded strip of forest.

Aiden chuckled to himself, while he had been busy making their home the hottest party scene in Beacon Hills, Ethan had spent countless hours trying to make it look like the houses you see on the covers of magazines. But he couldn't blame him. They hadn't had a place to call their own in long time. Even before Deucallion had found them and claimed them, they had been at the bottom of their pack, mistreated and abused by the other wolves.

He was happy for Ethan, he could see how much all of this meant to him. The house, the school, waking up under the same roof with food in the fridge, even his human boyfriend Danny. Although Aiden was still not too happy to share his brother so readily with another person. They had both had various flings and meaningless sex from time to time, but this was different. He could see the way his brother looked at the human, like he was the only thing in the world. Maybe he was jealous that Ethan had been able to make that kind of connection, then again he thought, maybe he was just angry that he didn't care to.

Ethan shuffled his boots restlessly as he shifted sideways on the seat of his bike. He felt the small St. Sebastian medal that Danny had given him on his birthday shift across his collarbone. Thumbing the flat shiny medal, Ethan couldn't help but smile. He was glad that he and his brother had finally gotten out from under Deucallion's controlling reins. They had helped Scott and the others outmaneuver Deucallion and the druidess, and since then Scott had been more than willing to bury the hatchet. Derek Hale however, was a different story altogether.

Ethan looked over, blinking away the memories that marched through his head as a blue car pulled in. "Danny." he whispered, breathing a sigh of relief.

"That's my cue." Aiden said as he shot a half- forced smile at his brother. Before adding thoughtfully "I'm going in, I wouldn't want to miss whatever boring lesson Mrs.Wilson has planned.."

Ethan watched as his brother trudged up the steps to the front door before turning to jog down the aisle of parked cars. As he rounded the golden Camry that was parked next to Danny's car, he saw his boyfriend getting out in a flurry of movement. He noticed that his light blue sweater was slightly wrinkled and his usual perfectly styled hair wasn't quite as pristine as it usually was. But it didn't matter, the huge white smile that was plastered on his boyfriend's face as he spotted him, was the only thing he could see.

"You're late Mr. Mahealaniбн" Ethan said in a mock serious voice. "We'll have to talk about this is my Office."

"Hey Babe. I know, I'm late! My alarm didn't go off this morning and I'm positive I set it last night after I got home from work." Danny said as he strode over to Ethan, clasping his hands around his strong neck. "ButбнWe can do whatever you want as long as I get my kiss."

"Really now? You might regret thatбн" Ethan smiled before setting his lips firmly against Danny's. "Mmmmmбнmaybe I'll ignore your tardiness just this once."

Ethan wrapped his arms around Danny's long athletic torso, resting his hands in the small of the boy's back. He could smell the familiar clean scent of Armani aftershave on Danny's neck. Ethan loved the way he smelled, his natural scent always reminded him of rain and white flowers.

"I don't like it when you work all weekend, I miss you.." Ethan said sweetly as he pressed his forehead against his boyfriend's. His warm breath tickled Danny's eyelashes.

"I know, I missed you too. But I've been trying to make sure that I get the IT internship next year. You don't want an unemployed boyfriend do you?" Danny asked, running his hands along Ethan's hard muscle bound shoulders.

"I've told you, I can buy you anything you wantбнjust say the words."

"You make it hard to be a honest contributing member of America's work force, you know that?" Danny teased, looking into the dark flinty eyes he'd memorized a thousand times. .

"You could do it from home, that way we'd never have to leave." Ethan said as he played with the hem at the back of Danny's sweater. He lifted the dense pale blue material and ran his fingers along the two muscular divots above his butt.

Danny's heart skipped a beat at the touch of Ethan's warm hands. Everything about his boyfriend was dark and seductive, like a predator luring it's prey into its final moment. He had been instantly attracted to the languid and graceful demeanor that Ethan always seemed to possess. Even when Ethan was doing the most mundane of tasks, every movement was perfectly controlled and purposeful. It was like watching a dancer move silent and perfect across a stage.

The school bell rang, a shrill and piercing sound that brought the two entangled boys out of there gratifying embrace.

"Shit!" Danny swore as he looked back the school. "We're gonna' be late to first period."

"Well, technically we're already late." Ethan said smiling coolly. "Come on, let's bail. I have a better idea."

Danny hesitated at first, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to go with him. He could always forge a Dr's note. He'd done it last year when he skipped school to go to a concert in L.A. Besides, he thought, there weren't any tests today, so he could grab the homework from someone later tonight.

"Okay." He said finally, pressing the small button on his key fob to lock his car. Smiling he added "Let's go make up for this weekend."

Ethan grabbed Danny's hand and drew him down the line of cars to his sleek black Ducati. His eyes darted around the school making sure there weren't any staff members lurking outside. He didn't mind if they saw him, but he didn't want to get Danny into trouble, especially not so early in the school year.

"Here.." Ethan said pulling off his leather jacket, a wistful smile pulling up one side of his pale pink lips . "you'll freeze without this."

Danny started to object, but Ethan always seemed to be warm enough. He was like a furnace, Danny thought, most of the time he ended up kicking off the sheets because it was so scorching hot with Ethan's body against his. He had wondered before why that was, but then again there was always something so mysterious about Ethan. Danny had never gotten a full grasp on his past, but he would always see the look on Ethan's face when he asked and figured it was just too painful to talk about.

"Thanks." Danny said as slipped the smooth leather over his arms, zipping it up to the hollow of his neck.

Ethan straddled the bike and pulled it upright, sending the kickstand up with a firm nudge of his boot. The motor came to life under his practiced hand as he started it. He was greeted instantly by the perfectly timed purr of the well-tuned engine. It was a sound he had always enjoyed. Looking over his shoulder he motioned for Danny to climb on.

Danny slid onto the seat of the bike, locking his arms around Ethan's sculpted waist. It had taken him several trips on the back of Ethan's bike for him to start to relax and enjoy the thrill. Ethan walked the bike backward out of the space he shared with his brother before sharply twisting the throttle. They peeled out of the school parking lot, the engine roaring loudly as it geared up. A moment later they were speeding down the main road weaving through morning traffic.

Stiles sat in the uncomfortable desk, fighting a losing battle with his sleepy eyes. He propped his chin up on top of his hand and absentmindedly doodled on the paper in front of him. He had managed to pay attention during his first period History class enough to know that he would be forced to write a paper on the industrialization of Europe later that week. Why anyone thought History first thing in the morning was a good idea was beyond him, he thought sourly.

He eyed the large stubborn wall clock that hung above the whiteboard at the front of the room. Each stroke of the minute hand felt like hours were passing instead of seconds. Come on! Stiles thought, trying to will the next fifteen minutes of Senior's English to pass. He had said goodbye to Scott after History, during which he had spent nearly the entire period glancing over at the wolf next to him ever few seconds. There was an uneasy tangle in his stomach. It felt strange to be away from Scott after last night and his mind was jumbled up with a near constant thought of him. It was like having the melody of a song playing in the back of his mind only to find he couldn't remember the lyrics. It was driving him crazy. Luckily next period was his and Scott's lunch and every class after that they had together. He just had to get through the next few minutes.

Stiles nearly knocked his desk over when the bell rang resulting in several strange glances from the other students in his class. He rocketed to his feet and out the door, nearly sprinting through the growing mass of people to get to his locker. As he came around the corner he felt two hands grab onto to the back of his T-Shirt, dragging him backward into the darkened recesses of a janitor's closet.

"Wha-" Stiles' shout was muffled as a strong hand clamped around his mouth.

"Shhhh! Be quiet!" Scott whispered in his ear, reaching around his to pull the wooden door shut.

Stiles relaxed and let go of the hand that Scott has used to quiet him. He could barely see except by the faint glow of the lights outside the door that shed a ghostly aura across the small room. Scott's hands on his shoulders squeezed lightly as they turned him to face the back of the room.

Scott was standing in the shadows, a pleased look on his dark face. Stiles could see the flash of his eyes that were well suited to the black inky shadows. That's an unfair advantage Stiles thought to himself grumpily. He was about to say so when Scott closed the space between them, hungrily locking his lips against his own.

"Iбн..mmбнCouldn't waitбнmmmбнI had to see youбн" Scott murmured breathlessly between kisses.

Stiles raked his hands through Scott's thick silky hair, grabbing two handfuls as he kissed Scott back. His eyes closed as he explored the velvety wet mouth connected to his. There was an urgency in his body, the need to feel Scott's skin and breath on his flesh was unhinging every reservation he had. He felt like he was starving, and Scott was the only way to end the hunger inside him.

Sensing Stiles' frantic state, Scott slide his palm down the boy's stomach. His fingertips digging their way past the waistband of the jeans and boxers he had given him that morning. Searching for the cock that lay just beyond, it didn't take long for his fingers to reach the base of the semi-hard dick that was still filling out from the excitement.

"OhбнScottбнMmmm.." Stiles moaned, breaking away from the kiss as Scott's hand massaged his growing shaft.

Stiles slid his hands down Scott's built chest and abs, coming to rest at the small silver button of his jeans. Stiles smiled slyly as he unbuttoned them, pulling the zipper down slowly. Scott let out a heavy breath of approval, the muscles in his shoulders bowing forward slightly.

The cotton of Scott's red trunk briefs felt like a second skin as Stiles ran his fingers along the flat muscled surface of Scott's pelvis. It was warm and the muscles tensed under his hand. Stiles licked his lips leaving a shimmering gloss on their exterior. He peeled the tight fitting underwear down, exposing the perfect light brown skin that sat above the dark tufts of black hair.

Hefting the hardening cock out of the shadowy confines of Scott's jeans, Stiles inspected its flexible body from a new perspective. It was wide and sturdy at the base, with large ropey veins spreading out around its length. He could barely close his fingers around the girth but it wasn't even completely hard yet he thought. Scott moaned audibly as he began to stroke the smooth swelling head. His fingers caught its thick flaring neck, causing the cock to twitch and drool in his hand. Scott's cock was beginning to feel like iron in his hand, impossibly hard and smooth. He realized his own cock was aching as Scott toyed with it in his jeans.

"God Stilesбн" Scott breathed as he jerked the underwear and jeans down from around Stiles' hips.

Stiles could feel the cool air around his bare legs and ass. A sensation that sent shivers up his spine. Scott moved his hand away from his hard cock as he bent down, pulling off Stiles' shoes. Stiles didn't stop him as he slid the jeans and underwear off his ankles, leaving him completely naked, except for his socks. Scott backed away from him until he was standing against the back wall of the closet. What was he doing? Stiles wondered.

Reading the puzzled expression on Stiles' face Scott held his hand out and motioned for him to come to him. Stiles followed, moving carefully through the dark.

"Put your arms around my neck.." Scott said as he tugged his own jeans down to the floor.

Stiles reached out and clasped his hands together behind Scott's neck. He felt the muscles tighten as Scott stooped and firmly gripped his legs. In one deft motion, Scott lifted Stiles up and onto his hips.

Stiles clumsily wrapped his legs around Scott's waist, his cock now wedged between their stomachs. His face was so close to Scott's that he could feel his hot breath on his collarbone in steady bursts. The electricity that he had felt last night was back again, arcing its way up between their bodies.

Scott leaned the center of his back against the wall and brought the tip of his throbbing hard on up to Stiles' ass. The muscles in his arms bulged and rolled as he held onto Stiles, firmly gripping the boy's butt in his hands. Spreading the cheeks apart, his cock slipped into place against the soft pink flesh. Stiles gasped at the sudden heat against the depression. The glistening head of Scott's dick pressed firmly against the entrance making the tight muscle contract. Stiles whimpered as the muscled released, allowing only portion of the large head to slip through.

"Mmmphбн" Scott crooned as the first waves of pleasure rolled down along his swollen shaft.

He nuzzled Stiles as he lowered him onto his dick, letting the weight of the boy's body carry him down its length. Stiles moaned softly, his interior stretching to accommodate the large dick that sought out it's home. The pain was much less than the pleasure he felt this time around, although its sting was growing more and more addictive to Stiles' body. Stiles began to breath is short pants as he came closer to the growing base of Scott's cock.

"That's itбн" Scott murmured "Take it all in.."

Scott bit his lip, aroused by the mix of pleasure and pain on Stiles' face. He liked to see his reaction, something that he didn't get to enjoy last night. Stiles' ass was only a few inches away from his pelvis and Scott could feel all of the boy's muscles quivering at the growing pressure. Scott let his arms go slack, letting Stiles' slide down onto the full length in one quick motion.

"Ah!" Stiles cried sharply as the last few inches forced themselves past his tender hole.

Scott began to grind his pelvis against Stiles' ass, making his dick burrow around the tight warm space. Stiles slipped into a mass of moans and wiggles as Scott's dick lit up the sweet spots in his ass.

"Oh fuck! Holy Shit!" Stiles cried with each prod of Scott's pleasure inducing motion. "Fuck Me Scott!"

Scott began to swing his hips, bringing them up sharply to force his cock deep into Stiles. He growled as the soft cushion around his cock slicked up, wet and slippery from Stile's arousal and his own precum. His back protested from the rocking motion that sent it slamming into the hard concrete wall with every powerful thrust. Stiles started to pant as he bounced against Scott's hard body, the force jarring the nerves his already straining legs.

Stiles' hearing was blurred with the wet smacking sound of his own ass against Scott's balls and the faint chatter of people outside the door. He had nearly forgotten where he was but the thrill that they could be caught any minute rushed down his dick. The space opened up between their body as he shifted in Scott's hands. Holding on to Scott's thick muscled neck he drove his other hand down to find the soaking wet head of his own cock.

"Mmmmбн.Oh!" Stiles moaned as he began to jerk off. His body lurched as rivulets of precum dripped from the round end of his appreciative cock.

Scott shuddered as Stiles' muscles contracted from the influx of pleasure. His balls tightened up, their essence begging to be spilled out. He gritted his teeth, willing himself not to cum. He puffed in deep short breaths as sweat began to bead across his arms and forehead from the intense workout.

"I want you to cum for me." Scott said, his voice low and rough.

Stiles' cock jerked in reaction to the smoldering voice. He began to pump his dick faster, his lips pulled tight in concentration. The head of his cock was getting more sensitive with each stroke of his hand. He could smell the thick salty aroma of his and Scott's precum and sweat hanging in the air like a dense fog. It turned him on as much as the wet sliding sound of his own hand on his cock.

"Uhhhhn! Scott!" Stiles cried out at he bucked his hips eagerly against his fist letting Scott's dick slide out of his ass in a tingling zap of gratification.

Stiles' balls contracted as he clung onto to Scott's chest with his other hand. A blinding explosion of blue and black streamed across the back of his eyelids as his cock sprayed Scott's chest and stomach in a shower of cum. He felt each of the shots leave his cock in a mind-bending barrage of bliss.

Scott watched as the euphoric waves spread through Stiles' body and realized that his arms were the only thing keeping him upright. He gently lowered him to the floor, letting him crumple onto his knees. Stiles looked up at him with those bright eyes that were now full of contentment as Scott ran his hand along the side of Stiles' head, His short hair tickling his palm.

He began to jerk off, the warm sticky lube of their own invention felt amazing. Every fiber in Scott's body wanted to cum for Stiles. Wanted to share every bit and inch of itself with him. Scott brought his dick closer to Stiles, the head nearly pressing against his cheek. He moaned as the underbelly of his cock caught fire.

Scott pushed his cock through his fingers one last time as long white rivers of jizz shot along the side of Stiles' face. His knees felt as if they were going buckle underneath him as his balls released the pressure that had been mounting since that morning.

Finally, after the last of the tremors had passed through his cum spattered body, Scott knelt down in front of Stiles. He looked as if nothing could touch him, as if he was floating along some sun soaked river at the edge of the world. Scott leaned in close and kissed his lips. He could taste his own cum on part of Stiles' mouth, which they shared as they worked against one another's lips.

Scott raised up as he pulled of his damp shirt, revealing a black tank top underneath that clung to his sweaty skin. He smiled, somewhat amused by the mess he had made on Stiles.

"Hereбнwe'd better get you cleaned up.." Scott said as he toweled off the side of Stiles' face with the soft cotton.

"Maybe we should start wearing raincoats.." Stiles finally said jokingly.

"Into rubber much?" Scott said fixing him with a surprised stare. "I never knew.."

"Ha and Ha, Scottбн" Stiles said standing up and snatching the shirt from Scott to wipe the slick coat of cum off his softening cock.

When they was satisfied that they weren't dripping with the results of their closeted encounter they began to get dressed. Both of them stealing a few last glimpses of the other's body.

"I love you Stiles.." Scott said softly kissing his forehead.

"I love you too Scott."

Scott lingered for a moment, savoring the tender moment passing between them. It felt like the world had slowed its turning just for them, as if time itself had stopped its endless procession just to witness their stolen moments. Was it always going to feel this way? Was Stiles always going to affect him so powerfully? Scott wondered as he went to open the door of the closet.

"We should still be able to grab a quick bite before our next class.." Scott said looking back at Stiles who smiled.

"Sounds goodбнbut you'll probably want to stop by the locker room to get another shirtбнI mean, we can't have you parading around like that all day. No one will get anything done. " Stiles said in a playful voice, giving the sexy werewolf a once over with his eyes.

"You're probably rightбнNot many people can handle this" Scott said lifting the tank top to show off the perfectly toned abs and deep cutting "v" above his hips.

"Alright, Alright." Stiles said pulling his tank top down. "You don't need to make us mere mortals in the room even more self-conscious."

Scott laughed as he turned the doorknob and walked out into the emptying hallway. He waved behind him to tell Stiles that they were in the clear when we felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Well WellбнWhat do we have here?"

The forest slipped by in a blur of green ,yellow, and fiery reds as Ethan and Danny careened down the stretch of highway outside of Beacon Hills. Danny's stomach was buzzing with adrenaline as Ethan masterfully navigated the hairpin turns that wound its way further into the foothills. He felt like the furiously humming bike beneath them had transported them into a different world as he took in the scenery. The changing trees stood among large shifting banks of low lying fog that clung to the hillsides. Even under the heat of the Sun that rode across the sky sending shafts of light here and there, the fog persisted. He swore that if he closed his eyes he might open them in some different place, a different world full of dreams and magic.

Danny smiled every time Ethan shifted on the bike, his muscles swaying and tensing as he maneuvered the machine along the road. Ethan always seemed so at home when he drove, like the bike was an extension of his own body. He felt the bike lean as they turned onto a gently curving road off the highway.

The grade in this road was much steeper, and he could smell the dense clusters of pine trees that grew up along either side. He wondered how old they were, a few were obviously younger but there were some that looked like ancient sentinels standing watch over the valley with thick bristly nettles the length of his forearm.

Danny felt the bike gear down as he and Ethan crossed a small metal bridge that arced over a large stream. The stream's surface was like a thousand blue green mirrors that gurgled as it rushed over the masses of large stones and boulders. The stones looked ancient as well, he thought, with fingers of lichen and moss spreading over their surfaces.

Ethan had slowed the bike to a more careful pace as he drove them across the wet metal bridge. He relished the feeling of Danny's interlocked fingers against the firm pit of his rib cage. Most of the time he made any excuse he could to take his bike, which Danny really didn't seem to mind anymore. He loved the freedom he felt when he sped along the open roads, not to mention the enjoyable friction of Danny's body against his.

As they reached the other side of the bridge, Ethan opened up the throttle sending a barrage of loose gravel and stones flying as they took off up the hill. The woods were closer on either side of the road now, thick with small bushes and crawling vines. A movement to the right caught Danny's attention. He turned his head, looking back as he saw a dark shape dart in between two tall oak trees. His eyebrows drew together in concentration, he wasn't sure what he just seen or if he seen anything at all. He wondered if the woods were just playing tricks on his eyes.

"Everything okay back there?' Ethan yelled over his shoulder as he felt the balance of the bike shift behind him.

"Yeah! All Good!" Danny shouted over the roar of the motor. He tapped Ethan's chest twice as if to reiterate his words.

They came to a fork in the road. Ethan didn't slow the bike as he took the one on the right. Ethan and Danny sped up the short rounding drive that emptied into the circular turn about in front of a house. It was a large three story home that sat at the top of a rise that over looked a great deal of the woods below. The home looked like it had been an architects' modern spin on an old lodge, all glass and heavy wood. Danny could see the other side of the house through the large clear walls of glass that stretched around the massive exterior.

Danny had been impressed by Ethan and his brother when he had first seen the house. Not many adults, let alone a pair of high school seniors, could have afforded a home like this. It had a ground level that was visible only in the back that let out into a large patio complete with its own heated pool. The two upper floors that he could see as Ethan pulled the bike up to front, had open floor plans, which made the space look even larger.

"Home sweet home.." Ethan said softly as he felt Danny slide off the back of his bike.

Ethan killed the engine as he parked the bike near the front steps. Getting off, he watched Danny who was turning in place looking at the surrounding stands of trees and the countless shrubs and ferns he had planted around the house. He smiled as Danny spotted a large bush with pale green buds that poked out here and there around the sturdy looking plant.

"This one is new.." Danny said as he walked up to the recent addition, Ethan had a small forest of his own growing up around the house. Something Danny hadn't expected the first time he'd visited the flinty eyed boy's house.

"Yeah." Ethan said as he walked over. "I just put him in last week, It's a Moon Hybrid RoseбнIt reminded me of you." Ethan said, his voice was soft as a wistful smile pulled one corner of his finely curving lips. "It started budding a few days after I got it in the ground, I think its going to try and bloom one last time this year."

Danny's eyes sparkled and narrowed, Ethan had a deep streak of thoughtfulness and caring that most of the world never seen. It was his own private version of the sharp and rough edged bad boy everyone else saw when they looked at Ethan.

"Its beautiful. I can't wait to see it." Danny said, looking up to see Ethan staring at him with those captivating charcoal colored eyes.

"My thoughts exactly." Ethan said as he stepped towards Danny, his hands taking hold of the other boy's hips. He tenderly kissed the soft skin of his mouth. They embraced for a moment, Danny's dark eyelashes fluttering against Ethan's cheeks.

"Come on, let's go for a swim." Ethan said pulling his lips away reluctantly.

"Sounds good." Danny said, grinning from the contact that dazed his senses.

Ethan led the way up the stone stairs that ran up to the impressive front door, quickly turning the key and letting Danny inside. The entry way rested a few feet above the floor of the main level. It was a large open space with only the heavy wooden beams and furniture to define the areas. The entire house seemed like it was in a constant state of contradiction, the open space and floor to ceiling glass walls made the rooms look bright and almost ethereal. While the floors and accents were made of some dark stained hardwood that made the rooms feel somehow heavy and solid.

They walked through the spacious living room, which was packed with mahogany colored leather couches and low sitting glass tables. Danny liked the minimalist style that Ethan had worked hard to create in the house. He knew that many of the framed photos of black and white landscapes that hung along the interior walls were original prints, but there were no pictures of Ethan and Aiden, or anything that would resemble a family to be found anywhere.

Danny wandered casually through the white walled hallway behind Ethan, whose characteristically graceful gait made no sound on the hardwood floors. Unlike his own, he noticed, that issued various squeaks and scuffs from the rubber soles of his sneakers.

Ethan ducked into a bathroom, grabbing two fluffy black towels before they came to another wide room at the end of the hall. A room that Danny guessed had been meant to serve as a den with its large fireplace. But Ethan had let Aiden turn it into a game room of sorts. It had a huge Flat screen T.V. against the interior wall complete with shelves of video games and their matching consoles. At the front wall of glass were several long tables lined up for pool, air hockey, and ping pong.

They crossed the room to the glass door that led onto the deck. The deck ran the length of the house above the ground floor and over looked the patio, pool, and spacious backyard. Danny could see a bird circling low as it prepared to land in a pine tree at the edge of the yard. He loved to stay here when he could. It felt so far removed from the busy streets of Beacon Hills and its constant clamoring of people.

They took the deep concrete stairs that led down to the patio, the Olympic sized in-ground swimming pool was crystal clear and he could see the blue and white tiles dancing along its sides in a geometric pattern. The air was still somewhat cool he noticed as he watched the faint tendrils of steam coming off the pool's warm water.

Ethan had already laid the towels across one of the lounge chairs when he turned back to look at Danny. His eyes were slits as he grinned a white gleaming smile. He slipped off his thick soled boots without untying them and pulled off the socks underneath. Danny watched as the muscles in his arms flexed and popped with the motions. How did he get so lucky? Danny wondered as the dark eyed boy began to pull his skin tight shirt over his head. The sides of his ribs and lateral muscles expanded as he lifted his arms, making his chest look even larger in contrast to his narrower hips. Danny could see the white band of his underwear riding along the front of his lower stomach, clinging to the plunging lines of his muscles.

Ethan unbuckled the thick leather belt that had been pulled snug around his waist. The buckle jingled as he unbuttoned his dark washed jeans and pushed them to the ground. The air was cool, but he barely seemed to notice as he stepped out of the crumpled pants that wrapped his ankles. He liked it when Danny watched him, it sent a jagged point of excitement straight into his chest. It was more than a chemical and physical attraction, he thought, there were always the deeper constraints of love and devotion that he willingly bound himself with.

The air rushed out of the world as Danny looked at the muscular boy in front of him. The sounds of birds in the treetops and the quiet murmur of the water cycling in the pool all fading away into whispers. Ethan was moving towards him, the precise movement of his muscles was like watching a panther stalking through some dark jungle. His arms were taut balls of muscle that lengthened into long plump ridges down his forearms and his chest spread from a deep groove into two firm hills topped with dark pink nipples the size of quarters. There was an easiness to the way his muscles wrapped around his frame, fluidly moving from the thick tissue of his chest into the tight lines that segmented his stomach. His legs were elegant and shapely limbs with dense curves that ended in long nimble feet.

"Here, let me help." Ethan said, chuckling to himself as he unzipped the borrowed motorcycle jacket and gently pulled the sleeves off of Danny's sweater clad arms.

Lifting the edges of Danny's shirts, Ethan breathed a low audible sigh of approval. Danny's jeans sat loosely around his small sculpted waist, the lower reaches of his abdomen diving into the designer jeans. He tossed the sweater onto a nearby chair and wrapped his hands around Danny's smooth trim shoulders. The skin under his fingers was soft and warm, his flesh was color of golden honey.

Ethan stooped as he kissed the sharp indentations of Danny's collarbones eliciting a breathy gasp from his lips. He slid his mouth along the bone, burying his nose in the other's neck as he kissed the deep hollow at the center. Danny's cologne was strongest there, and Ethan loved to feel the delicate tissue under his lips. His ears pricked up as he heard the solid thrumming of Danny's heart increase. He latched his mouth onto the boy's neck, the tendons and sleek muscles stretching under his lips and teeth.

"Ethanбнoh." Danny murmured as heat spread from his neck into the rest of his body.

Ethan growled lightly in response, running his palms over the tensed muscles of Danny's biceps. Danny pressed his bare stomach against Ethan's, feeling the hot muscles burn away the cold air that had been chilling his stomach. He felt his jeans slide away from his hips as the other boy hastily undid the button, letting them slide to the smooth concrete.

Tearing his hungry mouth away from Danny's reddening neck, he pulled the athletic sneakers and sock off of his bony feet. As Danny lifted his leg to free himself from the jeans, Ethan grabbed a hold of his calf bringing his lips down to the warm jutting curve of his ankle. Lifting the other, he kissed the pale surface of Danny's foot while running his hand along the back of his muscular legs.

"So I take it we're skipping the swimming part?" Danny said with an amused smile.

Ethan looked into his dark brown eyes, a roguish expression pulling its way along his brow and lips. "I didn't know you were so eager to get wetбн"

Ethan put his arm behind Danny's knees and back, swiftly cradling him in his arms as he stood up.

"Whoa!" Danny shouted surprised at the speed of Ethan's movement. "Wait, no! No, No, NO!" He yelled as Ethan carried him to the shallow end of the pool, the other boy's chest contracting as he laughed.

"Now would be a good time to hold your breath." Ethan said between laughs, his legs tensing as he jumped into the pool taking Danny with him.

The water exploded into clouds of bubbles as they sank in its crystalline depths. Danny had managed to suck in a lungful of air before Ethan had sent them crashing into the warm water but the sudden drop had him questioning whether or not he had left his stomach somewhere on the patio. He opened his eyes, the water sliding over their surface as Ethan's powerful arms found his back and lifted him to the surface.

He sputtered as the water from his hair dripped down across mouth. Ethan was standing shoulder deep in the water in front of him. As they looked at each other they erupted into laughter, sending spasms across their stomachs. Danny swatted the surface of the water, send a wave of water into Ethan's face. He soon regretted it as Ethan launched himself through the water. His hands moved deftly as he targeted the sensitive areas of Danny's body making the boy squeal and giggle from the relentless tickling.

"Ah! Please! St-Stop it! Please, Mercy! Mercy!" Danny screamed between breaths as he thrashed in the water.

Ethan's laughter was ringing in Danny's ears as he said "Do you take it back? Huh?! Do ya'?' His fingers jabbed deeper as if to punctuate his questions.

"Yes! Yes! I take it back! I swear!" Danny shrieked trying to get away from the onslaught of Ethan's fingers.

Ethan pulled Danny close to him, the other boy's body was still quivering. "Good." He said before reaching around Danny's back and seizing his firm ass through the soaked underwear. He pressed their bodies together tightly, his hands massaging the round muscles. Their cocks were squeezed between their hips, with only a thin layer of cotton dividing them.

Danny brought his hand up, running his finger along the side of Ethan's wide and strong jaw. There was a sadness to his face, but Danny wasn't sure if it was just the pouty curve of his lips or the pronounced brow that was always drawn down firmly. He knew there was more than Ethan ever said, but he was willing to wait. He pressed his lips against Ethan's wet mouth clumsily.

"Mmmmбн" Ethan moaned between their lips making Danny's mouth tingle.

Ethan slipped his hands under the waistband of Danny's underwear, the firm smooth skin dimpling as the muscles tensed. He pressed down, pulling the waterlogged boxer briefs down to Danny's slim thighs. His cock pulsed once as he ran a hand down the deep crease of the other boys ass.

Danny pulled away from the kiss, a hiss of enjoyment cutting across his tongue. He slid his hand to the back of Ethan's head, drawing the boy's lips into his neck once more. He felt the sharp tips of Ethan's teeth graze the sensitive skin there as he worked the crease of his ass. There was a slight pressure as Ethan hungrily pressed his finger into his tight hole.

"UnnhбнEthan.." Danny whispered breathlessly against Ethan's shoulder. He could feel the finger slipping in and out, teasing the interior of his ass.

Ethan moaned as Danny's cock filled out, the head grazing the length of his own semi-hard shaft through the thin material of his underwear. He couldn't wait to get at that hardening muscle, to run his tongue along its length. Ethan brought his lips away from Danny's neck and slowly slid his finger out of the boy's warm flesh. Danny moaned once as the finger left the entrance of his ass, sending a twitch through his pelvis.

"Why'd you stop?" Danny asked looking surprised and somewhat disappointed.

"I'm not.." Ethan said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Danny's back and under his bare bottom. "I just need to get you out of this pool so the fun can really begin."

Danny smiled and wrapped his arms and legs around his strong boyfriend. "Then by all means, let's get out!"

The water sloshed around them in broken waves as Ethan carried them up the tiled steps that led out of the pull at one corner. It was much colder outside of the heated water, making Danny shivered as a small breeze ran along his back. The sun was now high in the sky above them, it would be about noon now Danny guessed.

Ethan carried Danny in his arms leaving a trail of dark spots on the concrete where the water dripped off their bodies. Bending over, he deposited Danny in a long white plastic lounge chair. Ethan smiled as Danny looked up at him, the other boy's eyes were warm and innocent. But the thoughts of Danny's innocence vanished as the boy placed one arm behind his head and ran the other hand across his chest and down the center line of his stomach. Twisting hips slowly, Danny pushed down the underwear that were still dripping around his thighs, using his foot to drop them at Ethan's feet. He was putting on a show for him, Ethan realized. Danny brought his hand back up, running a finger along the underbelly of his hard cock that laid lazily across his stomach.

Ethan loved the shape of his dick, it was sleek and nearly eight inches long with a almost perfectly round pink head. He could see the bright glossy sheen of water riding along its contours in glistening lines under the sun light. He licked his lips as Danny brought one leg up, rolling his shapely balls in his fingers.

"Damnбн" Ethan said as he crouched at end of the chair "You know I'm the luckiest guy in the world, right?."

Danny smiled, he felt the chair shift underneath him as Ethan started to pull himself up between his legs. A chill ran up his back as Ethan's tongue slid across the smooth muscles of his inner thigh. He inhaled sharply as teeth closed around the tender flesh there before turning into softer kisses.

Ethan made his way expertly along the ribbons of muscle. He knew all the sensitive spots on Danny's body by heart at this point and never missed an opportunity to use them. Pulling his mouth away with a small pop, his eyes found their way to the sexy pair of balls that hung between the boy's thighs. Danny's cock bounced on his stomach as Ethan's tongue darted under his balls, pulling one of the round fleshy orbs into his warm mouth.

"Oh yeah, Babeбн" Danny crooned as the hungry wet mouth worked it ways around his balls.

With his nose buried deep in Danny's skin, his nostrils flared as they pulled in the boy's unique scent of rain and flowers that mixed with sweat and a faint trace of chlorine from the pool. A tongue of fire licked down his own cock, making it bulge uncomfortably against his soaking wet underwear. A frenzy was climbing its way through his body as he slipped his hands under the backs of Danny's legs. He pressed them upward into the other boy's stomach revealing the smooth tight curve of his ass. Ethan spread the crease of the flesh there, excited by the sight of the delicate pink ring. He could feel his own cock twitch in approval as he lowered his mouth to the tensing muscle. Danny squirmed, short moans leaving his throat between breaths, as Ethan's tongue worked against his hole.

"Oh fuck, Ethan! Mmmmmбн" Danny exclaimed as Ethan sank his face feverishly into the sensitive area, his wet mouth was sliding around the flexible muscle franticly.

Ethan reluctantly drew his mouth up from Danny's ass, he didn't want to stop but he wanted to taste Danny's cock more. Indecision furrowed his brow for a moment before Danny brought his legs down stretching them alongside Ethan's arms. He caught sight of the long erect dick that jabbed towards Danny's bellybutton and pounced.

His tongue lapped its way up the underside of the pulsing shaft, enraptured in the smooth texture of the bulging ridge of muscle that passed under his mouth. He looked up into Danny's face who was eagerly watching him before wrapping his lips around the polished head. He used his lips to maneuver the shaft into his mouth. The first few inches slid over his tongue, a salty and tingling taste erupting over its surface.

Danny shifted in the chair, his ass muscles clenching as he lifted his hips upward. He moaned as Ethan's hot slippery mouth enveloped the end of his dick. Ethan dove down on the hard cock forcing its length into his welcoming throat. The sprays of the neat and trimmed black hair at the base of Danny's cock tickled his nose as he twisted his mouth around the shaft. He began to suck the other's boys dick in slow passes, rolling his tongue over the spongy head. Danny continued to buck his hips, trying to push his cock in as deep as he could, into the arousing warmth of Ethan's throat.

"Oh godбнthat feelsбнso good" Danny managed to squeeze out between moans.

Danny floated in the ecstatic waves of Ethan's touch. It felt an eternity passed while his boyfriend teased and attended to the raging state of his dick. He felt like he could cum soon, but he didn't want to, not yet, not without Ethan inside of him. Danny gingerly wrapped his fingers in Ethan's short brown hair bringing boy's gaze up to meet his own. His balls clenched tightly as Ethan let his cock slide out of his mouth with a satisfying pop. Ethan's pink lips were glossy and wet with precum and spit as his mouth split in a devilish grin.

"What?" Ethan asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Come here." Danny said softly, moving his hands to rest on Ethan's shoulders.

Ethan climbed up the chair. His legs and arms bulged as he supported his weight, levering himself over Danny's body. Danny gasped as Ethan's cold wet underwear touched his thighs.

"Sorry!" Ethan said as he realized the cause of Danny's reaction. "Guess these have got to go, huh?"

Ethan leaned to one side as he jerked on the elastic of his underwear, eventually pulling them down far enough that he could kick them off in a wet sloshing sound on the concrete.

"There." Ethan said smiling as he situated himself back over Danny.

Danny bit his lip as he felt Ethan's long thick cock graze his pelvis. It felt hot, like a glowing red brand straight out of a fire, against his skin. He raised his head bringing his lips to Ethan's, there was a moment where their lips touched. A moment that sent a shower of tender sparks across his face. Danny could taste his own salty mixture in Ethan's mouth, something that he couldn't help but be turned on by. Wrapping one leg around Ethan's hip he threw his weight so that he could trade places with Ethan. He was sure as soon as he did it, that if Ethan hadn't controlled the sudden motion he would have sent both of them tumbling onto the ground. But in the end, he found himself on top, straddling the hips of a naked Ethan who was now staring up into his eyes.

Ethan smiled as Danny took control, he enjoyed that his boyfriend, although much less dominant than he, liked to be on top of the action from time to time. He looked up at Danny, rays of sunlight were exploding into a bright halo behind his head. He looked like his own dark version of an angel. Enjoying the change of a pace, Ethan put both of his hands behind his head ready to receive whatever Danny had in store for him.

Danny half-smiled, a coy expression darkening some of the light that always seemed to shine from somewhere behind his eyes. He was aroused by Ethan. Somewhere deep in the back of his mind he knew that even more than all the attraction he felt for the muscular boy, there was the ever present thought that he could really be the one. His soul mate. The thought made him chuckle, his eyes connecting with Ethan's in the magnetic way they always had.

"Close your eyesбн" Danny said softly as he trailed his fingers across the taut surface of skin around Ethan's belly button.

"HehбнOkayбн" Ethan crooned, clearing his throat once before the long thick lashes around his eyes closed.

Danny was still, mesmerized by the beautiful way Ethan's chest expanded in slow even breaths as he waited. Danny couldn't help but stare, everything about his boyfriend was perfect.

Ethan was about to peek when he felt a warm breath graze the sensitive skin of chest. He nearly jerked when a velvety wet tongue drug its teasing length along the outside edge of his ribcage. He hadn't been expecting that. The drying line of spit left a chilling sensation down his side as the cold air brushed his skin. He shivered as Danny's tongue returned, flicking across the round curve of his pec before a sharp set of teeth seized his already hard nipple.

"SssssбнAh!" Ethan hissed as Danny worked his nipple between his teeth and tongue. It stung, but he could already feel the head of his cock becoming slippery from the excitement.

With his eyes closed, Ethan's other senses became heightened. He could hear the slightly elevated beats of Danny's heart who he could tell was thoroughly aroused. But more, his skin was alive from all the rubbing of Danny's bare flesh against his. It was like a web of pulsing energy was spinning across the contours of his body.

He felt Danny shift on top of him as he changed positions to play with the other nipple. As he moved, Ethan felt his boyfriend's ass rub against the shaft of his engorged cock. His semi-dry skin stuck to the delicate tissue, making the head of his shaft skid teasingly along one ass cheek. He growled, the glistening pink skin of his lips partially parting to reveal the tips of his white teeth. At that moment, all he wanted to do was force his dick past that wonderfully supple hole. As if the fates had conspired to torture him and planted a thought in his boyfriend's mind, he felt the firm ass swing lower to sweep along the top of his cock.

"Unnnhhбн" Ethan moaned as the valley of Danny's ass perched at the tip of his throbbing shaft.

Danny smiled, placing his hands on the firm angles of Ethan's shoulders as he toyed with the thick member that curved along the back of his ass. He could feel the small curls of hair above Ethan's dick tickling the underside of his balls, making the swollen orbs contract in their sac.

"Danny." Ethan breathed. "Oh God. Dannyбн"

Danny watched the thick muscles that wrapped around Ethan's stomach flinch each time he ran his ass along his cock. His realized his own cock was screaming with desire as he drug its head across the flat hard surface of Ethan's belly with the motion. Standing up on his knees, Danny was about to take hold of Ethan's hard cock when it slipped past his ass and slapped against the boy's stomach with a wet thud.

Ethan's eyes fluttered opened, as his cock lolled to the side, and he grinned at the surprised expression on Danny's face.

"Oopsбн" Danny said quietly, curbing the urge the laugh. "He's a little slippery.."

Ethan chuckled "He's just really excitedбн" His eyes scanned Danny's torso, stopping at the beautiful dick that jutted out from the boy's pelvis. "And I can't blame him."

Danny smiled wistfully at the compliment as he reached behind him, his hand eventually finding the hefty base of Ethan's cock. It felt heavy in his hand and hard like iron as he pried it away from Ethan's stomach. He was always surprised at how hard Ethan's cock got when they were together. It was unlike any other guy's he'd ever felt.

Ethan shifted his hips under Danny, the muscles in his dick stretching almost painfully as the boy brought its length up to his ass. He brought his hands out from behind his head and rested them gingerly on the neat trails of black hair that ran along Danny's muscular legs. Looking up, Danny's eyes were shifted to the sides as he concentrated on getting his cock into position.

"Mmmmбн" Danny hummed softly as the large head slid into place against his tensed muscle.

Ethan watched the boy's face, a mix of pleasure and pain knotting his brows as he slowly eased down the first few inches. He breathed heavily, the warm muscle enveloping his throbbing cock in an ecstatic embrace. There was a small release as the head slid deeper into the warm recesses of Danny's ass eliciting a stifled moan from Ethan's throat. Danny began to work the end of his cock with practiced motions. It felt like countless tongues of flame were licking the underbelly of his dick, making it impossibly hard.

The world swung away from Danny as the thick shaft of Ethan's cock penetrated his tender hole. It was a feeling of fullness and pleasure that he had come to crave when he was away from his dark eyed boy. He exhaled sharply as the sturdy muscle swelled in girth inside of him. The sensitive ring of flesh was buzzing as the round lip of Ethan's head teased its interior over and over. He felt Ethan stir beneath him, his strong legs raising up to brace his back before Ethan pushed deeper into his ass.

"OH!" Danny exclaimed, swearing as the swollen cock barreled halfway into his body. He could feel the powerful pulse of Ethan's blood as it pounded its way through the hard flesh.

Danny tossed his head back as the member continued to plumb his depths. His sight was blossoming into a field of red from the glaring light of the sun that filtered through the back of his eyelids. This was it, this was the only thing he needed to keep living every day, he thought to himself. Just Ethan and me. He would follow Ethan into his mysterious world, somewhere where magic seemed somehow possible, and he'd never look back. Danny let out a loud moan as Ethan's hips swung upward, pushing the last of his thick inches home.

Dropping to all fours, he hungrily locked his lips with Ethan's. There was an urgency that always overtook his senses when they were together, a deep need to be as close as possible for fear of letting the other slip through their fingers like smoke. Danny dug his fingers into the thick masses of Ethan's shoulders. The entirety of his body was quivering from the constant onslaught of Ethan's massive cock. It was as if an electrical storm had been unleashed in his entire body, singing its way from the depths of his being and out along his limbs.

Ethan's ears were filled with the rapturous cacophony of passion around him. The wet smacking of his hips against Danny's soft skin and the moans that welled up inside his lover's throat only to be lost in between their interlocking mouths. All against the never ceasing thrumming of blood coursing through Danny's body, engineered by the heart that furiously worked in Danny's chest. It was all enough to send him plummeting ever deeper into the would-be enchantment that spun its web around their bodies. He never heard the sound of footfall quietly breaking through the underbrush of the forest. Nor did he pick up the familiar scent that meandered its way on gentle breezes.

"You know, if you were throwing a party the least you could have done was invite your older brother.." A voice said, cutting through all the spell binding distractions of Ethan and Danny's private world.

Like the swiftness of a jungle cat, Ethan sat up in a flurry of near invisible movements. His knees drew close pulling Danny's bare body against his own to shield his lover's naked flesh from the on looking eyes of his twin brother.

Danny was about to ask what was wrong when Ethan's gaze drew his eyes off to the left. He suddenly felt somewhat self-conscious as he saw the object of Ethan's apparent fury. It was Aiden, shirtless and standing with his sinewy arms crossed over his chest, a sly smirk gracing one corner of his mouth. Ethan never looked like that, Danny thought. The shadows that always seemed to dance around him were like the cool shade underneath a tree during the hottest part of the day. He was like a shining piece of antique metal that had tarnished from years in the elements. He was charming. But Aiden was cut from the blackest part of a starless night sky. His steely eyes and demeanor screamed of danger and wild abandon.

"What the hell are you doing Aiden?!" Ethan spat furiously at his twin.

"I'm hurt.." Aiden said with mock-injury, closing some of distance between them as he languidly walked around the pool. "And here I though we shared everythingбнI mean, we always have, haven't we?" Aiden paused, a self-amused tone creeping into his voice. When Ethan didn't reply he continued, stepping close enough to their entangled bodies that Danny could smell his cologne and rugged scent. "There was the boy in Tucsonбнthe actor in Los Angeles, his name was Daniel too if I remember correctlyбнand who can forget the guy in Ontario, now that was night to re-"

"Shut up Aiden." Ethan cut him off, obviously annoyed at all of the unnecessary reminders. "He's not like that.." Ethan stated, his eyes cutting toward Danny for a split second before fixing his stern gaze back on his brother.

"Don't you think he should decide that?" Aiden said, a seductive expression smoothing his face. "Not everyone gets to date one part of a matching set. And I'm sure the thought is bound to have crossed his mind at some pointбн" Aiden crooned as he ran his finger along Danny's bare muscular shoulder, sending a wave of sparks down into his spine.

It was true, Danny thought as he looked at Ethan's angular face. There had been nights when he had fantasized about Ethan and his brother. How could he not? It was enough to send his mind reeling with the implications of what Aiden had said. It was like a thousand clips to nameless movies stretched out in front of him. He could see Ethan and Aiden sharing their bed with dark, mysteriously beautiful men around the world. Jasmine scented Nights under pale moons, spent worshipping the glistening bodies of men and each other in tangles of vibrant crimson colored sheets. He could imagine the seductive and magical dance of twin bodies, like a mirror meeting its own shining surface.

Ethan glanced at Danny, whose eyes were distant. It was as if his spirit had fled those dark eyes to some welcoming respite elsewhere. He looked up at his brother, a knot of embarrassment and fear creeping into his stomach.

боAiden, I don't think he's comfortable with that.." Ethan began, he started to move as if to pull Danny as far away from Aiden as he could when the boy spoke.

"Yesбн" Danny said softly, as if in a trance. So softly that Ethan wasn't sure he had spoken at all. "I meanбнif Ethan wants toбнthen I'm okay with it."

Danny looked at Ethan, whose expression was surprised at first and then blank. He couldn't believe he had said anything, let alone that he was fine with all of this. But there was something in his body urging him forward. Something that pressed him to experience all the wondrous things that seemed to be a part of Ethan's world. He wanted so desperately to be a part of Ethan's past, and to share his future.

Aiden smiled, locking eyes with Ethan who gave him a slight nod. His eyes almost pleaded with Aiden as if to say `Play Nice' before his arms relaxed around Danny's lean frame.

The metal closure of his belt jangled noisily as it fell away from his waist, followed by a sharp zipping sound as he undid his pants. Aiden was pleased when Danny's eyes turned to him, apparently eager to see what he was doing. Ethan, whose face was still somewhat blank, also watched with interest as he let his jeans fall to the ground in a cocky display. He never wore underwear, it almost always seemed to bunch uncomfortably and inevitably would end up in places he never wanted it to go. He could feel the slight chill of the fall air graze against the bare skin of his legs and butt. It was enough to make the fine hairs stand on end but he never got cold anymore.

Danny unconsciously bit the corner of his lip as Aiden stepped out of his tattered dark jeans and shoes. The semi-soft cock that graced his body swung lazily from the movement making Danny's softening member lurch with renewed excitement. Aiden's body was identical to Ethan's, muscular and taut, everything down to the fine hair patterns that dipped low above an impressively thick cock. He had almost forgotten how close Ethan was to him, when he felt the other boy's familiar shaft beginning to fill out and pulse underneath him. They must have done this a lot, Danny thought to himself, a bolt of momentary panic gripping his stomach. What have I gotten myself into?

"I have to say brother, you did pick a pretty oneбн" Aiden said, as if he were commenting on a car rather than a person, which elicited a venomous glare from Ethan.

Ethan's entire being was at war with itself. A part of him wanted Danny all to himself. He wasn't like the others, he wasn't just a one night stand they had picked up in a sleazy bar or on some darkened street. Danny meant more to him than all of that, he was more. But there was something in Danny's eyes that told him Danny had thought about this. Some latent curiosity that seemed to spur him onward. If he wanted this, then he wouldn't stand in his way. He sighed audibly as he willed the rebellion in his mind to cease, forcing the voices that warned him of potential ruin into some forgotten crevice. He and Danny were strong enough to do this, right? He asked himself. We have to be, another part of his mind answered him.

Aiden stepped closer, standing himself proudly in front of the pair with his hands resting on his hips. He looked at Ethan passively before settling his seductive gaze on the dark pools of Danny's eyes.

The corners of Ethan's mouth pulled up slightly as he watched Danny. For all the times in the world for him to become shy. He could feel Danny's hard cock wedged in the hollow of his stomach, he knew he was turned on, so why did he look so terrified? Is he waiting for me? Ethan asked himself. Gently, Ethan slid his fingers along Danny's arm taking the boy's hand in his. The sudden contact brought Danny's attention back to him. Ethan's obvious amusement at the circumstances seemed to lighten the stressed expression that rode his exotic features. Ethan raised Danny's hand and placed it carefully against the sharp, muscular abs of his brother.

The tension seemed to drain out of Danny's body as Ethan led their hands down the deeply ridged surface of Aiden's stomach. He paused for moment as he pressed Danny's hand down the smooth plain of Aiden's pelvis. The heat of Aiden's body was rolling off in waves. Withdrawing his hand, Ethan watched as Danny hefted the hardening cock into his hand.

Danny's heart skipped a beat as the spongy member throbbed powerfully in his grip. He lifted the heavy mass, letting his palm slide down it length slowly. It was a beautiful thing to behold as it twitched in his hand. The big head was growing increasingly larger as blood poured its way into the shaft and the pendulous balls rolled in their sac as Aiden shifted his weight.

"YeahбнStroke it." Aiden murmured as he peered at Danny through heavy lidded eyes. "Get it nice and hard.."

Danny began to massage the growing length in his hand, rubbing one thumb across the tip of the head in circles. He was rewarded with a shiny dribble of precum that slicked the surface of his thumb. Aiden was getting rock hard and so was Ethan, he noticed, as he felt his boyfriend's iron hard shaft pressing roughly against the inside of his ass cheek.

He was surprised when he felt the strong hold of Ethan's hand cradle the back of his neck. Ethan was pressing his head close to Aiden's dick. He glanced sideways at Ethan who had leaned forward. He too, was only an inch or so away from it's glistening hard tip. Ethan brought their mouths together across his brother's rigid cock in a wet kiss that slicked the end of its length.

Aiden moaned as he watched his brother and Danny worship his cock together. He could feel the velvety texture of their tongues working the sensitive head that seemed to ache from the arousal. It wasn't long before Ethan broke away from the joint effort. He began to suck on the round orbs beneath as Danny took the first few inches of Aiden's cock in his warm wet mouth.

"Fuck yea." Aiden uttered gruffly as he grabbed ahold of Danny's hair forcing down further on his cock.

Danny's cock jerked as Aiden took control of his mouth, working its interior with his wide dick. He heard a loud wet popping sound as Ethan came away from his twin's balls and readjusted underneath him. He wondered where he was going when he felt Ethan's solid hands wrap themselves behind his legs and bring his ass up against the head of his own massive cock.

Ethan watched Danny service his brother hungrily as he smeared his own sticky precum along the clenched muscle of Danny's ass. It was warm and wet, begging to welcome his cock back into its pleasurable interior once more. Ethan smiled wryly at the heady sensation before using his muscular legs to force his length into the tight space.

"Ah!" Danny moaned loudly around Aiden's cock at the sudden entry. "Mmmmбн"

Ethan began to fuck Danny, using his leverage to slide his dick further into the hot cushion of flesh. He would bring it out to the tip before diving deeply again, which set the pronounced ridge that ran along the underbelly of his cock abuzz from the repeated motion. He was starving for release. After being interrupted ealier, his cock wanting to empty its milky substance more than anything else.

Aiden's moans were low short pants that erupted steadily as they tore their way from his throat. He bit down hard on his lip, feeling the warmth of blood welling up from his lips as he thrust his cock deep into Danny's throat. Burying the boy's nose in the fine sprays of hair that surrounded the base of his cock. Aiden's balls leapt ecitedly as Danny gagged on its length, the muscles of his throat spasming around his fleshy head.

Danny's body was wracked in waves of pleasure as the twin's took him from both ends. The unceasing torrents of electricity that rode along his nerves drove his own cock into a frenzy of activity. It was like a dam inside of his body was filling up with nowhere to spill over. He sucked in a lungful of breath as Aiden pulled his cock roughly from the depths of his mouth.

"Unh.." Danny breathed, panting as Ethan continued to hammer away maddeningly inside his quivering muscles.

Aiden moved deftly behind him, pushing Danny onto all fours. He kneeled onto the sturdy lounge chair sliding his hand down the length of his slippery cock a few times before laying its head firmly against the occupied hole.

"Ready?" Aiden asked breathlessly.

Danny was about to ask what he was supposed to be ready for but Aiden didn't wait to hear answer before Danny's vision blurred in a dance of red and black. He could see Ethan's eyes open from their private revelry as Aiden's fat head wedged itself painfully into the already stretched hole.

"Ah, God!" Danny shouted as Aiden pushed deeper. "Fuck!"

Ethan moaned as he felt his brother's dick slide alongside his own. He was mesmerized as he watched the mix of pleasure and pain play across Danny's face. His boyfriend's eyes were squeezed shut and he could see the bright white tips of his teeth as he bit down on his lip. Ethan slowed his own thrusting as he reached up and touched Danny's face tenderly. He was greeted with the shining surface of two dark brown eyes that instantly locked onto his own.

He drew Danny back into their world, their private oasis they always shared. Without breaking their entwined gaze, he slid his other hand between them and gingerly took hold of Danny's hard cock.

"Mmmmmmmm" Danny moaned, the sudden pleasure of Ethan's touch taking the edge away from the pain that was blossoming further below.

Aiden began to fuck Danny hard, taking hold of the boy's hips for additional leverage. He growled as Danny's muscles twitched and moved from his probing, sending his cock into violent shudders of ecstasy.

"UnhбнUnhбн" Ethan started to moan louder as his brother's cock pushed his own to the edge of orgasm. The head of Aiden's cock was rubbing the bottom of his, sending waves of fire licking down its length.

Danny felt Ethan's hand close painfully tight around his cock, the muscles in his boyfriend's stomach contacting sharply.

"Ah!" Ethan yelled as his cock went over the edge and exploded into a mind-numbing wave of pleasure through his body.

Danny felt the hot jizz spill out into his body, adding another layer of sensitivity to the tender flesh of his ass. Ethan lay still beneath him, his body jerking occasionally as Aiden continued to thrust his cock hungrily into the space. There was a strange sense of fullness that expanded inside of him, made even more stark when he felt Aiden pull out of him. He began to stroke his own cock, desperate to unload the mounting pressure in his balls.

Ethan smiled lazily as he watched Danny jerk off on top of him, he was so eager to watch his boyfriend cum that he barely noticed Aiden walking around to his side of the lounge chair.

Aiden rested one knee on the chair and brought his cum soaked dick up to his brother's mouth. He saw Ethan's surprise and smiled greedily when he took his cock into his mouth without hesitation.

Ethan moaned as he tasted the salty mixture of his own cum and Danny's ass on Aiden's rigid dick. He began to work the head between his lips, eventually wrapping his fist around its girth.

"Oh Fuck." Aiden moaned as Ethan jerked and sucked him off. "God, Ethan, I forgot how good you are at this.."

As Aiden's cock began to throb from its impending release, he pulled it from Ethan's mouth and jerked its length ferociously. He took his balls in his other hand as he began to cum.

Danny increased the speed of his strokes as he watched Aiden shoot several long strands of thick white cum across Ethan's mouth and cheek. The pearlescent liquid had begun to pool in the curve of his face in large puddles. Danny began to moan loudly, pushed further to the brink as Aiden smeared the rivulets of cum across Ethan's mouth, who began to lick it off the swollen head. It was more than Danny could stand. The walls inside his being collapsed in a deafening eruption as his balls squeezed tightly in their fleshy sac.

"Ahhhh!" Danny cried out as he came, several arcs of jizz spouting hastily across Ethan's neck, chest and stomach.

Danny lurched forward, dropping his face onto Ethan's chest trying to catch the breath that had left his body.

"Damnбнyou could have put someone's eye out.." Aiden remarked as he look at the cum that Danny has shot across Ethan's upper body. He shook off the last few drops of cum that clung to the end of his dick and began to chuckle to himself.

The three boys erupted into bouts of laughter. Danny was the first to stop, sitting up, slowly so that Ethan's softening cock slipped easily from his ass. He watched as Aiden sauntered away from them and bent over to pick up his jeans. He had the same grace as Ethan did, Danny noticed. Aiden's firm ass flexed as he slid his jeans on, taking a moment to tuck away his cock inside before zipping them up.

"I guess we should get dressed too.." Danny said sadly as he looked up at the sun. "I have to be at work this afternoon. What time is it anyways?" Danny asked looking at Aiden.

Aiden dug in his tight pocket and pulled out a sleek black phone. "ErrrrбнIt's almost 2:00.." He said casually as he stuffed it back in his pocket.

"Shit! How is it that late already? We just got here!" Danny shouted as he hopped up from the chair and sprinted over to his clothes.

Ethan watched Danny's body move in a flurry of muscle and tensing tendons distractedly. "Oh." He said as he realized he was watching Danny dress idly. "What's wrong?"

"I have to be at work this afternoon. So I need to go home and pick up my clothes and shower."

"No worries, babe." Ethan said sitting up and going to find his own clothes. "I can drive you back. You still have time."

Ethan stopped as he buttoned his jeans. The wind picked up, rustling the vibrant red leaves that clung to the limbs of nearby trees. He smelled something, something very wrong. Turning in place, he faced the woods that lined the back of his property, a chill winding its way down his spine. The scent was getting stronger. Its fingers tugged at the strings of some memory, but the first thing he realized was that a wolf was heading their way. His heart dropped as he heard Danny's voice asking him if he was ready to leave. Danny. It was all he thought as he sprinted forward, launching himself across the yard towards the tree line. He had nearly reached the thickets and growth of underbrush at the edge when he heard trees bending and splitting as something large crashed toward him.

A large black shape bounded through the overgrown stand of pine trees and launched itself at Ethan taking him to the ground hard. Ethan's lungs caught fire as the air left his body. Pushing past the pain, he felt the wolf inside him snarl and rip its way to the surface bringing new strength and power with it. His muscles tensed and expanded as he kicked off the ground, pushing his attacker off to the side. He crouched, his fangs and clawed tearing through the soft flesh of his mouth and fingers. Rising to its feet across from him was a massive black wolf. An alpha.

The alpha circled, trying to line up another assault as he pawed the ground viciously. Ethan's mind was slipping through memories as he tried to place the scent, but it stayed just beyond his reach.

Danny gasped as the large animal cleared the tree line tackling Ethan to the ground. His heart slammed away in his chest, sending adrenaline careening through his veins.

"Ethan!" Danny screamed as he started to step forward.

Aiden had begun to run towards the impending brawl when Ethan's eyes snapped back in his direction.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Ethan snarled loudly before spinning out of the way as the Alpha lunged at him. "NOW!"

Indecision cleaved through Aiden's mind. Stepping backward once, he assessed the fight frantically before turning his back on his brother and taking off around the pool. Ethan could hold his own, he told himself over and over before he reached Danny.

"Come on!" Aiden spat as he seized one of Danny's wrist and started to drag him toward the side of the house.

Danny would have fought him, but he couldn't move. He felt like he was trapped somewhere inside his own body watching an awful horror movie come to life. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. He could feel Aiden's strong grip pinching the tendons in his wrist, but he couldn't cry out from the pain. He just felt his feet clumsily trying to keep up with Aiden's swift gait.

He looked back as he and Aiden rounded the corner of the garage. He could see the massive creature and Ethan dancing around one another, one always missing the other. What the hell is Ethan doing? His mind screamed. Why isn't he running too?

"Get in!" Aiden yelled at Danny, who realized the dark twin had managed to back the sleek red sports car out of the garage without him noticing.

"I..I have to help him. I need to go ba-" Danny said numbly.

"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!" Aiden shouted, waiting only a moment before reaching across the width of the cab and jerking the boy haphazardly into the passenger seat. The door closed with a bang as he threw the car into gear.

The tires screeched as Aiden tore his way down the driveway. He kept glancing at the rear view mirror, but he wasn't sure what he was expecting or wanted to see there. As they turned onto the road, he punched the gas and shifted up gears. The car roared as it surged forward pressing its passengers forcefully into their seats.

All the sound seemed to rush back in as Danny's mind caught up with his body. He twisted in his seat and looked back at the house before turning to Aiden.

"Stop the car, We have to go back!" Danny yelled as he gripped Aiden's shoulder.

"We can't" Aiden said flatly.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CAN'T? TURN THE CAR AROUND! THAT THING'S GOING TO KILL HIM!" Danny's voice raised as octave as tears stung the back of his eyes.

"He's fine." Aiden said, looking at Danny sharply. "He can handle himself. Besides you heard him, he told me to get you out of there."

"Are you crazy? He's not fine! We need to go back. We've got to help him." Danny said his voice breaking. "Give me your phone, we can call the police!" Danny uttered frantically, grabbing at Aiden's pocket.

"No." Aiden said sternly, smacking away Danny's hand.

"No? Why in the hell not?"

"It's complicatedбнbut suffice it to say, we're not going to help anyone by getting the police involved."

Danny was quiet for a moment. "WHAT?!" He yelled. "I don't think that you're thinking clearly Aiden. What the hell is going on? Answer me!"

Aiden's hand crossed the cab in a flash as he shoved Danny back into his seat, his forearm pressed forcefully across the boy's throat.

"Be quiet or I'm going to end up wrecking this crap car of Ethan's." Aiden growled between his teeth. "Like I said, it's complicated. Ethan is okay, and that's all you need to know. You are a distraction, and your being there could get him or you killed. Either way I lose him, at least this way he has a chance. So be quiet and let me get you somewhere safe.." Aiden removed his arm and silently watched the road ahead.

Danny's mind spun off into countless directions as he processed what Aiden had just said. He didn't understand what was happening and the way that Aiden was speaking scared him even more. Danny brushed a single tear away that rolled down his cheek. What was that thing? And Ethan, he had seen his eyes change in a flash of red. Beyond anything else, he was afraid of losing Ethan. He could see the beautiful steely eyed boy lying mangled on the ground where they had just shared a passionate afternoon entangled in each other's embraces. His stomach rolled torturously at the thought.

"I don't know what I'd doбн" Danny said weakly. "I can't lose himбн"

Aiden sighed heavily as he peered sideways at the boy beside him. He looked so frail, and utterly helpless. Some part of him felt bad for Danny.

"Look." Aiden began sharply before softening his voice. "Ethan cares a lot about you. I've never seen him taken to someone so much beforeбнHe's going to be alright."

"How could you know that?" Danny asked, finally managing to whisper. "He could be dead alreadyбн"

"No. He isn't.." Aiden snapped. "I would knowбн" He paused looking over at Danny. "And you would too.."

Ethan cried out as claws slashed along his left shoulder. Blood blooming up around the wounds and sliding down his arm. He cursed from the pain and brought his elbow down, catching the large wolf in the ribs with a sickening crunch. The wolf side stepped, a whine escaping its mouth as it struggled to regain its composure.

"Come on!" Ethan yelled at the beast as he crouched low.

The Wolf turned, snapping at Ethan as it charged. Ethan wrapped his arms around its neck trying to throw his weight so he could bring the Alpha to the ground. But as he bent to throw the wolf off balance, he felt the canine buck underneath him sending him sprawling onto the grass. Ethan winced as his head hit the ground first, sending a bone jarring wave crashing through his limbs. He blinked away the black dots that swam in his vision as a figure overhead swung into view.

Ethan tried to sit up, to move, but the person standing over him pinned him to the ground with his foot. The man knelt, his weight bearing down on Ethan's chest. Ethan struggled to pull away, to get free, as the pressure forced itself out through his sternum. His vision was blurred but as the man got closer his memories came flooding back in a tumbling wave of anger and fear.

"Gregor." Ethan managed to spit out as he grabbed ahold of the man's bare ankle to relieve the pain spreading in his chest.

"I'm glad you remember me Ethan.." Gregor laughed darkly. "Because I haven't forgotten you."

Next: Chapter 3

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