The Boys of Beacon Hills

By moc.liamtoh@reyefxinoif

Published on Mar 6, 2014


The Boys of Beacon Hills

*Please Note: This story is an original work of slash fiction and does not imply any real or true events, nor the true sexuality of these Characters or the Actors that portray them. 'MTV's: Teen Wolf' is sole property of MTV and MTV networks. *

Author's Note: Thanks for being so patient in the long awaited release of Chapter Three. I love to hear from all of you, it makes my day to hear so many wonderful thoughts and reactions to this story. So feel free to drop me a line or two. You can message me at:


Chapter Three: A Dark Seed

Jackson leaned against the wall, staring placidly at the plain white bricks of the English hallway. Although his gaze was locked firmly upon the non descript door of a janitor`s closet, his heightened hearing had found something much too interesting to ignore.

He had returned to Beacon Hills only a few days ago, and yet it seemed that the world he had returned to was vastly different than what he had remembered. Or maybe he was just too different for it to feel familiar anymore.

He hadn't bothered to reach out to anyone, no, not with how he had left things when he slipped away that night at the warehouse. He had made promises to call, to check in. Promises that, even as he made them, he had no intention of keeping. But he had no choice. It was easier to leave, to take his memories and new found power and go somewhere, anywhere that he could start over. His time as a kanima had shattered everything he knew of the world, and nothing anyone could have said would have erased what he knew...what he had done.

Jackson shuddered. The dark memories of blood and screaming faces had flooded his mind every night as he drifted off into the recesses of dreams. Even now as he found himself in the trappings of a life that seemed so far away, the echoes of those nights and the pain they had brought him followed him like a heavy shadow.

No. He thought, forcing back the guilt and anger that always seemed to dance together in his stomach. It wasn't me. It wasn't my fault.

All those months ago he had left this place, trying to leave behind everything that was threatening to drown him. That night in the warehouse, after Scott and the others had released him from his service as Gerard`s hand of vengeance, he had felt like he had awoken from a nightmare. But instead of retreating, this nightmare continued its reign of terror in every waking moment. That night, he was afraid the sheer agony of the kanima's memories would sear away his soul. It was oppressive, and every breath had seemed to hurt. But in the crashing waves of guilt and desperation he could feel the wolf stirring as it took it's rightful place in his being. It had longed to be free, free of the chains that the kanima had brought with it, free of the pain and restraints that Jackson had always carried in the depths of his body.

It had arisen that night, even as Lydia had come to his side, he had felt its power stretching throughout his body like a drug ensnaring his senses. And in that moment, he could see his way out. Like a single shaft of sunlight on a black, roiling sea. The wolf could take him away from here, it could save him from himself. He had silently begged for the wolf to hear him, to answer him, and it had. He knew that if he had stayed any longer, everyone would have tried to keep him there. He couldn't do that, wouldn't have been able to bear the looks they would have given him everyday. Poor Jackson...he was a murderer...he didn't deserve their kindness. No, he had to leave.

He had barely made it outside of the warehouse doors when he had felt himself already slipping away. It was the bargain he had made with the wolf, who would grant him the mind-numbing oblivion he so desperately wanted...but only as long as he gave it his body. He had agreed almost immediately, but he had felt a small twinge of fear as the world faded away into nothingness.

The first time he had come to, he had found himself standing nearly naked in the woods. It was cold here, wherever that was, he realized as he looked around at the banks of snow and ice that blanketed a mountainous terrain.

It had taken him nearly two days to find his way down the side of the mountain. It had been a dangerous trek, leaving him curling up at night in what little shelter he could find as he tried to keep himself warm. That's when the dark dreams had first begun, like a rushing stream breaking through the freeze of winter to spill across his mind.

He had eventually found a small outpost, a defunct ranger's station at the foot of the mountains. He was grateful to get out of the weather, a near constant curtain of snow that whited out most of the landscape. Inside he had found ill-fitting clothes and rations, which he had eaten greedily to quiet the growling that was threatening to tear his stomach apart.

He had been shocked when he seen the map that was hanging on the wall inside of the Ranger's outpost. Enough that he had dropped the plastic sleeve of food as he stumbled across the room to look more closely at the map. Thankfully, someone had marked the location of the outpost on the map, but he looked at the corner of it with a new found sense of dread as he reread the words. Mount Waddington...British Columbia...He was in Canada.

`Unnnnh!' A moan from inside the closet drew Jackson's attention away from the past into the hallway. His mind retreated from the depths of the blackness he had found himself wandering in so often these days.

Jackson's mouth drew sharply into a tight smirk. He didn't need x-ray vision to know what was on the other side of the door. His wolf senses were more than capable of distinguishing who was inside, and more satisfying perhaps, what they were doing.

Scott and Stiles? Together? He choked back the urge to laugh, it was simply too perfect. It was like a big present, wrapped up with a giant red bow. A homecoming gift that he wanted to savor. He had been gone for months, and he knew things were bound to change, but this? He couldn't believe-Well, yes. He corrected himself slightly amused. Yes, he could believe it.

The wooden door swung open slowly in front of Jackson, hiding him from view as the occupants of the closet cautiously stepped into the hallway.

"Well...What do we have here?" Jackson said, every ounce of his personal amusement at the situation pouring into his voice.

He could see Scott's back stiffen as the wolf turned to face him. For an instant, Jackson wanted the eyes looking at him to soften, to crinkle at the corners. For Scott to smile and welcome him back home.

"Jackson?" Scott said, a strange expression masking his face.

Jackson's heart skipped a beat, maybe things had changed.

"What are you doing here?" Scott said sharply.

His heart dropped like a stone. Of course, why would he expect anything different? He had never been friends with Scott, or anyone else for that matter, not really. The foolish optimism fled his heart as his face hardened.

"I'll tell you what I'm doing here." He said icily. "If you care to tell me what you were doing in there."

He watched Scott's jaw tighten as the wolf clenched his fists. He could take it back. Say you're sorry. Start Over. Maybe he- Jackson shoved the thoughts aside angrily.

"That's none of your business." Scott said.

"And me coming home is none of yours."

"What do you-" Scott began.

"Scott I really think we should take a shower, I`ve got cu-" Stiles stopped, his eyes widening with surprise. "Hey, Jackson! Man!" Stiles fidgeted with this pocket as he tried to recover. "So where've you been? I was starting to think you had forgotten you're way home. I mean, they say animals have a keen sense of direction but I don't know-"

Jackson glared at Stiles, the hollows of his cheek tensing as he forced back the desire to hit him.

"You know McCall, I somehow knew all along that you were just dying to bury your bone in his backyard..." Jackson said taking a step back as Scott lunged at him, laughing coldly as Stiles pushed himself in between them.

"Okay. Scott...don't bother." He said, glancing over his shoulder at Jackson. "He's not worth it."

Anger rose up in Jackson's chest, acrid and fuming as he spat. "I wonder what Alison thought about you two hooking up. I'll have to ask her when I see her."

Jackson smiled, she was always his weakness, and he wouldn't give a second thought to using her to get to him. He watched as Scott recoiled from him, staggering back a few steps as a bewildered expression washed over his face. Jackson's brow furrowed as he watched the wolf. He could feel a small pin of regret stab his chest. What was the look on Scott's face? Why was he acting like that? Jackson had expected Scott to be angry, but the wolf looked as if he was miles away. He looked like he was in...pain. What was going on?

Stiles turned on him, his mouth tensed as his pink cheeks turned a darker red, he shoved Jackson hard.

"What the hell man?" He said angrily. "I thought you were low, but this...this.." He shook his head.

"What?" Jackson said.

"She's gone..." Stiles said, his voice dropping low to a whisper. "She didn't make it."

Jackson felt like he had been punched in the gut, the hallway seemed to waver around him as he realized what Stiles was saying. He wanted to ask how, he wanted to know what had gone so wrong while he was away. And there was Scott, he could feel the guilt churning in his stomach, he could see the glassy look in the wolf's dark eyes. He suddenly wanted to go to him, maybe they weren't friends, but even so, he would never have said such a horrible thing.

"Scott...I'm-" Jackson started to step forward, his eyes searching Scott's for some response, a response that never came.

"Just go." Stiles said, turning his back on him as he went to Scott's side.

Jackson was about to say something else, but he found his feet carrying him in the opposite direction. Leading him down the hallway and into the courtyard. Run. The voice whispered in his head. Run away again, you're good at it. You'll never be one of them. So Run.

The world outside was disorienting, it felt like all the colors were blending together in a muddy puddle of green and grey. The familiar and sickening ache of pain gripped his chest as he bent over in the courtyard. His eyes flashed a bright blue, the color of glaciers, as he breathed through the emotions that racked his body.

Run. The voice called again, promising the gratifying release of freedom that he had only half-enjoyed in the past months. He felt his body shifting, his muscles flooding with power and strength. The voice came again, softly. Run. And so he did.

Danny paced back and forth across the ruddy, olive-colored carpet of the hotel room. Aiden had been watching him pace and wring his hands nervously since they had checked into the Lodge Express, a run down, single level motel at the edge of town. He had all but dragged Danny from the car and into the tiny room, eliciting a strange glance from the clerk at the front desk.

He toyed with the phone in his hands. Had he made the right decision? He had assured Danny over and over again that Ethan would be fine, but he couldn't shake the gnawing sensation in his stomach that something was very wrong. He would know if Ethan was seriously injured, he would feel it. They were connected, like all twins, but unlike most twins, they were wolves. There was a power between them that went beyond just a sharing of blood.

He eyed Danny warily, the boy kept pacing and mumbling to himself. He couldn't be sure how much of it was worry, or if he was in shock. Sometimes his kind could unravel the human mind. The human psyche was a frail thing, and when it encountered something that couldn't be, or shouldn't be, possible, it usually tore itself apart trying to reconcile what it believed and what it knew.

Aiden swore to himself as Danny walked over to the telephone beside the bed and picked up the receiver. He moved like a snake, uncoiling gracefully from his position at the end of the bed. He placed his hand around Danny's and firmly pressed the phone back into its cradle.

"You can't." Aiden said firmly.

"This isn't right." Danny said, saying the same three words he had been repeating for over an hour.

Aiden took a deep breath, willing what patience he had left into his voice.

"I know." He said. "But you're not going to help him or anyone else by calling the police. Come here."

Aiden pulled Danny close to his chest, he could feel the boy's body shaking. Normally, he wouldn't bother, he couldn't stand how frail and weak humans sometimes were. But he couldn't bring himself to push Danny away. Not now, not with everything that had just happened. He felt Danny relax slightly in his arms, breathing deeply against his body. He had laughed at his brother before, when he had said that Danny smelled like rain and white flowers. How naïve and romantic he had thought it then...but his brother's lover really did smell of summer rain, and flowers in the night. It was a heady scent, somehow soft and pure.

"It's okay.." He found himself saying softly. "Everything's going to be alright."

He smoothly pulled Danny down onto the lumpy mattress, stretching the tense muscles in his body as the boy held onto him. He wasn't going anywhere. Even if every fiber of his body wanted to go back, he couldn't leave Danny alone. He told himself that Danny might do something reckless, but even he wasn't convinced that's what was keeping him here.

Aiden stared at the ceiling, his mind sifting through possibilities as Danny slipped into a deep sleep at his side. Danny was beyond the worries of this world now, he noticed, as he looked at the still face against his chest. He idly brushed the back of his hand over the curve of Danny's cheek. His skin was like golden honey, smooth and warm.

He could see why Ethan had been so taken with him. He was beautiful. Even now with his eyes puffy and tired, Danny was breathtaking. It was like looking at a statue, somehow looking as flawless and smooth as marble, and yet fragile all the same.

"You`ll see..." He said to the quiet room as he leaned his head against the wall. "...everything's going to be okay."

Danny sighed in his sleep, burying his face deeper into Aiden's stomach and wrapping his hand around the strong muscles of his neck. Aiden tensed briefly at the tender moment, before running his fingers through Danny's soft black hair. As he listened the boy's steady breathing, he could feel his own eyes growing heavy, until he finally gave himself over to the enticing promises only sleep could offer him.

Ethan groaned as his eyes fluttered open in the darkness. His entire body felt like one big bruise, but his head was pounding. What the hell had happened? He searched his mind for the last thing that he could remember. But his mind felt lazy and lethargic, as if it he were trudging waist high through a swamp. Ethan took a deep breath, his thoughts were jumbled and unfocused.

He began to sit up, nearly landing flat on his back when the world dove away from him. Where was he? He wondered as he took in his surroundings. It was dark and he was laying on what felt like stone, wet and slimy. He could hear the faint patter of water nearby, that echoed as it dripped like a leaky faucet. He grunted as he willed himself to roll over onto his stomach, every muscle in his body protesting as they stretched.

Ethan pushed himself up, his muscles straining to support his unsteady body as he managed to get his feet under him. Wherever he was smelled of musty earth and something metallic. His senses heightened as he caught the trail of another scent. He could feel the wolf inside of him rousing to life, trying to shake off whatever stupor his human form could not. His eyes flashed red in the cold black darkness. There was danger here, he could feel in every inch of his skin. His new senses enveloped the area like a balloon expanding over the foreign place. He was in a cave, craggy spires of stone twisting here and there as the clung to the dark rock above and below.

He stumbled again, trying to put his back against the safety of a wall as the dangerous scent drifted past him again. The memories drifted back to him like an ember blazing to life. Gregor. He thought bitterly. He must have been knocked out shortly after...after. His heart twisted as he remembered Danny, white faced with terror as Aiden had drug him around the house and out of sight. At least he was safe, Aiden would take care of him he said to himself, trying to comfort the roving anxiety in his nerves. But the reassurance died as the fear seeped further into his bones, Ethan wasn't safe with Gregor, he knew that all too well.

As if his fear had torn itself from his mind and sprung to life, Ethan caught the movement of shadow, blacker than the rest of the dark cave. The shadow twisted and curled on itself as it took on the hazy shape of a man. Two gleaming red eyes sprung to life, fiery orbs that held his own gaze as the man came closer.

Even in the dark, Ethan could see the familiar frame, tall and imposing. He himself once thought this man was captivating, with alabaster skin that stretched across a barrel chest and wide shoulders. Gregor had a square jaw with angular eyes that burned beneath dark black lashes, the same as the short, midnight-black curls that spun around his face . He was a sea of whip-like muscles, taut and poised in thick curving masses on a sturdy frame. But his eyes where violent pools of garnet, that betrayed his noble features. He was as kind as he was sadistic, like a flame that offered your warmth in the cold night only to scorch your skin. And that angry fire had burned Ethan countless times over the years that he had known him.

Gregor walked silently across the stone floor, his chest rising and falling almost imperceptibly under a think black tank top. His jeans were tucked clumsily into a pair of military boots that were shiny from the wet mire of the cavern around them.

"Ethan." He said casually, there was an amused look in his eye that Ethan couldn't quite pull away from. "It's good to see you."

Ethan felt the heat in his cheeks as the anger rose in his stomach. He bit back an insult, it wouldn't be wise to anger Gregor. Not when he had no idea where he was, he could be miles from the entrance of this cave, not to mention, Gregor might not have come alone. It would be better to stay calm.

"Gregor." He said, trying smooth the anger from his voice. "I'm surprised to see you here." What the hell do you want? He is what he wanted to ask.

"No doubt you are...I would have been surprised to see me too, especially when the last time you seen me you put a knife in me." He said coolly, pausing to touch his side. "But I think I have your friend Deucallion to thank for that."

Ethan shifted uncomfortably, It was true, he had joined Deucallion and had tried to kill the alpha that was standing in front of him, his alpha, his mind corrected. And he had thought that he had succeeded.

"I-" Ethan started, but there was nothing that he could say. In the pack he was raised, no one had ever challenged Gregor, no one that lived anyways. Was that why Gregor had tracked him down? Was he here to end the life of a traitor that had slipped a knife in his ribs while he slept?

Gregor raise his hand, asking for silence. "Ethan, I don't blame you." His eyes dimmed to the mossy green Ethan knew so well, as if he was now the most harmless person in the world he continued. "I know it wasn't your were young, and Deucallion is as cunning as he is mad. Do you think he hadn`t tried his little song and dance with me before?"

Ethan's brow furrowed, his jaw clenching as he listened to this alpha. He had to keep his wits about him. Gregor wasn't just any alpha, he had his own unique gifts as well, the kind of special traits Deucallion had always had an eye for. Gregor was a hereditary wolf, he had been born this way, just as Ethan and Aiden had. But unlike most wolves, he had an innate ability to sway the will of those around him, to entrap the minds of others in a prison of his choosing. Ethan had seen it time and time again, wolves had challenged Gregor only to find themselves rendered harmless and obedient by a mere gaze. Ethan had often thought it was this talent that had kept Gregor out of Deucallion's pack, and consequently, it was the way he had kept Ethan and Aiden by his side for all those years.

Gregor was coming close, Ethan pressed himself against the wall, readying his body for a fight if he needed to. But no blows came, Gregor only sighed, looking disappointed.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." He said softly.

Ethan could feel the warm caress of Gregor's power, like a gentle wave draining away all the tension in his body. No. You have to fight it. A voice, from the depth of his mind said firmly. His eyes fluttered for a moment as he tried to push away the drug-like tendrils of persuasion.

"Then why-" He began.

"Why did I bring you here?" Gregor mused as if reading his thoughts. "I wanted to speak with you...I've missed you Ethan."

Already, he couldn't quite remember why he was angry with Gregor. The waves of Gregor's power washed over him again, this time they were stronger. The memories of how he had gotten here were already fading, his betrayal, Deucallion, Beacon Hills, it all felt like it was slipping away like sand in between his fingers. He didn't want to fight, no, he couldn't have if he wanted to he realized calmly. Even if he could, why would he?

Ethan relaxed as Gregor reached out to him, he was happy here. He felt the electric crackle of ecstasy ripple over his skin as Gregor's powerful hand took hold of his neck. He felt as if he were in another room, somewhere else in his mind, as Gregor's rough lips pressed against his. There was a longing rising deep from inside his body, familiar and yet aching as it choked his will.

Before he knew it, he had sunk to his knees on the cold, wet stone of the cave floor. Ethan ran his fingers along the firm muscles of Gregor's stomach, breathing heavily as he buried his nose in Gregor's pants. It was like fire, this scent, burning his lungs as he drove his mouth along the bulge beneath. It was consuming him, bit by bit, and he knew that what lay beyond the sturdy fabric was even more rapturous.

Gregor laughed softly, a sound that took on an almost musical quality as it echoed off the walls of the cave. He pushed Ethan's head away as his hands went to unfasten the pants that wrapped his trim waist. Ethan looked up at Gregor, his eyes still burning red, as he pleaded silently with the alpha. He wanted to serve him, to bring him whatever pleasure he could. Gregor smiled darkly as he withdrew his stiffening cock from the shadows of his pants. It was a thick, pulsing muscle, whose length, as thick as a beer bottle, curved slightly upward as its wide tissue thrummed to life. Ethan licked his lips expectantly, remembering the many nights he had spent worshipping the member than Gregor swung lazily in front of his face.

Gregor brought the tip of his cock, a short flaring helmet of flesh, against Ethan's lips. He grinned greedily as he smeared the pre-cum already lubing the end of his dick along Ethan's soft lips. Ethan waited, almost in pain, for Gregor to let him taste the hot member at his mouth. He could smell the intoxicating mixture of sweat and amber, warm, like Egyptian musk. He whined softly, his breathing falling in short bursts before Gregor finally pressed his cock past his shimmering, pink lips.

"Unngh." Gregor moaned as the warmth of Ethan's moist mouth wrapped eagerly around his cock.

He didn't wait to languish in the pleasurable adoration of Ethan's tongue. He had already been waiting this long, and his patience was spent. Gregor placed his hands against the rough wall, forcing Ethan's head against the stony surface as he brought hips forward, driving his thick cock deep into the boy's throat. Ethan sputtered and gagged as his throat stretched hastily around its girth, but he made no move to stop the alpha that stood over him.

Gregor breathed heavily as the spasm's of Ethan's throat gripped his cock tightly, making it harden and twitch excitedly. He shuddered as he began fuck Ethan's silky throat, the fire like waves of pleasure lapping at his groin and stomach in an intense blaze. He had missed this boy, he had been stolen away from him in the dead of night, but now as Ethan hungrily devoured his cock, he almost felt forgiving. Almost.

Ethan's mind felt like it was a spinning on some carousel, shadows and mirror reflections whirled around him in a dazzling show that stunned and enchanted his senses. Even his body felt aroused by the hard cock that slipped in and out his inviting mouth. He buried his nose in the thick tufts of coarse, black hair that surrounded Gregor's cock. Every fiber of his body felt like it was poised on the edge of a knife, painful and exhilarated.

He didn't cry out when Gregor seized his soft brown hair and carelessly flung him to the ground. He wanted it. Even when he felt the warm and wet drops of blood weeping from the small cuts on his arms and hands, his mind, his body told him that he deserved it. Ethan tried to look back, but grunted gratefully in pain as Gregor forced the side of his face against the cold wet surface of the stone beneath him. He felt his eager body screaming with anticipation as the waist of his jeans slid away from his body, leaving his lower half naked and bent over in front of the alpha. His Alpha. His mind corrected him again.

He didn't have time to think before Gregor entered him, a vibrant wave of light and joy crashing along his spine. He moaned loudly as the thick cock buried itself deep inside of his body, the tissue quivering as it welcomed the heat and stimulation.

"Oh, Mmmmmm.." Ethan crooned quietly, biting his lip as Gregor's cock toyed with his interior.

"You like that, don't you boy?" Gregor grunted huskily between thrusts. "You've missed this haven't you?"

"Yes, Sir." Ethan found himself saying.

Ethan's body surged with delight at the attention of his alpha's cock. He ran his fingers over the rough stone beneath him, the textures spinning under his touch. The power that rolled off of Gregor was heavy, like the last moments of drowning, when surrendering was the greatest bliss and sweet release one could imagine. Closing his eyes, Ethan twisted his hips, biting his lip harder as the pleasure spread throughout his mid-section.

In the darkness that stretched around his vision he was ready to relinquish all that he was into the void before him. He reached out to touch the abyss just as a sliver of ice shot through his chest. Danny. The name came to him, strange and unbidden. The sound was foreign in his mind and yet, it felt so familiar...Danny. It came again, this time Ethan reached out, trying to grasp the slippery edges of the intruding thought.

Danny. It was louder then, like a clap of thunder breaking the silence of the night. Ethan felt his body come alive, his sleeping senses screaming painfully as they awoke. Panic blossomed in his chest and surged through his veins forcing him to remember. Ethan clung onto the name, saying it over and over again in his mind. He could see him, Danny, with his beautiful eyes, swimming amidst a the bright golden skin. He could remember, he could see him so clearly now, asleep and peaceful. The images in his mind shattered, like so much glass ripping him apart. This was wrong, so terribly wrong, he thought as his eyes snapped open in the dark.

"No! Stop!" He yelled as he struggled to push himself up, but Gregor had felt his mind sway beneath him.

He had barely spoken before he felt his arm burn with pain as Gregor wrenched it behind his back, his other hand forcing Ethan's chest to the ground. Ethan tried to twist underneath the pressure of Gregor's body, but he cried out as Gregor's power lashed out again. He could feel the stillness setting in his bones, the ability to move and speak being stripped away. But the comfort, the ecstasy that had once been running through his body had fled, now there was only the bitter bite of pain and half-felt pleasure.

"This could've been...easier...Ethan..." Gregor said between breaths as he forced his cock into the tight space again and again.

He could feel his balls, pendulous and heavy, smacking against the smooth skin of Ethan's underside. The slick sound of Ethan's ass as he drove his hips against it had him grunting with satisfaction. He knew he could bring Ethan back under his sway, he was a strong wolf, and he had broken him time and time again. This time would be no different he told himself confidently. Gregor moaned as he fucked Ethan mercilessly, his body beginning to shake from the effort as he got closer and closer to his long-awaited release.

Ethan stuggled against the power that gripped his body, numbing his muscles and fighting to still his mind. He could feel the alpha's body clenching on top of him, the thrusts growing hungrier and more urgent. Ethan wanted to scream, the cock that slammed into him brought more fire with every stabbing thrust, but air was all that left his body. He fumbled to get a grip on his thoughts, to quiet them as Deucallion had once taught him. He would never help himself if he couldn't even control himself.

He heard Gregor moan loudly behind him, he could feel the cock inside of him jerk as it tipped over the edge of climax. Now was his only chance. As Gregor came, Ethan felt the power that rippled around his limb weaken. He summoned every ounce of strength he had, reaching for the wolf deep within his body. He needed him, he needed every bit of that power to keep him alive.

Ethan screamed as the wolf inside surged forward, overtaking him. He faltered for just a moment...It felt different. The power that he had grown so used to, that had so often filled his body with its strength now slid over his was burning him. He felt like his entire body was on fire as he heard the sickening crunch of bone and tissue. He was only vaguely aware that Gregor was on his feet now, saying something that Ethan couldn't hear over the loud rush of sound in his ears. It took him a moment to realize it was him. A low, angry howl of an alpha that reverberated throughout the cave. His vision changed, going red as he forced himself to his feet. He didn't know how he had done it, but as he turned to face Gregor, whose eyes were wide with surprise, he knew that this alpha was facing the large feral black wolf that only alpha's could claim. A form, he had never shifted to before, but right now, he would take anything he could get.

"Ethan-" Gregor began, putting his hands up in mock innocence as his eyes blazed red.

Ethan could feel Gregor trying to sway him, but he only tossed his head, growling savagely and bearing his large canines. For some reason, Gregor's power slid off of his body like water on stone, maybe it was because his wolf's mind was different than his own, not so easily bound by the persuasions of man or words at all for that matter.

Gregor's form wavered, Ethan could feel him reaching for his own wolf. But Ethan moved before he could think, his large body closing the distance in a single motion as he swiped Gregor's torso with his large claws, knocking the alpha against he wall of the cave.

Gregor crumpled to the ground, struggling to regain his focus and bearings. But Ethan had already turned to run, his powerful body carrying him swiftly through the tunnels. Tunnels that felt much smaller to him in this massive form. It took him only a few minutes to reach the mouth of the cave, a large round opening in the earth where water tumbled down from a mossy ledge above.

Ethan burst through the curtain of water, landing nearly two stories below the entrance onto the forest floor. He paused, shaking the water off his coat as he heard the low grumble of Gregor's howl call out to him from the cave. I'm coming for you.

Ethan felt the anger rise in his body as he turned to run, running towards home, to Danny, to Aiden. He threw his howl to winds, answering Gregor in the cold night.

Come for me if you dare.

Danny sat up in bed, his chest pounding as he looked around the room. It was night, he realize as he looked at the darkened parking lot through the space between the ugly curtains. The street lamps cast large circles of light on the concrete and the few cars he could see outside. He didn't remember falling asleep, just the last few moments of Aiden's warm arms pulling him close.

"Ethan.." He whispered.

He looked beside him, wishing for a moment that it was Ethan laying on the bed. He stood slowly, looking at the boy who had fallen asleep beside him. His head propped stiffly against the wall in a way that looked uncomfortable. Sleeping, Aiden looked so much more like Ethan, his face was softer, more peaceful. Something that Danny knew would change if the eyes that rested beneath dark lashes were looking back at him. But still, Aiden had been there...something that, even now, made Danny like him just a bit more.

Danny walked to the sink in the back of the room, splashing cold water on his face as he stared at his reflection beneath the flickering fluorescent lights. How long would it take for the crushing weight he had felt earlier to return? How long before the anxiety that made him feel like all the world had been ripped cruelly from his hands came rushing back in? He stood looking into the mirror for what felt like forever, searching his own eyes for some answer. Maybe he was too far beyond worry, maybe he had sunk so deep beneath their tumultuous waves that he couldn't feel anything anymore. He didn't know.

Sighing, he turned away from his own face, propping himself against the sink as he watched Aiden sleep. A part of him wanted to crawl back into the bed, to wrap himself in that strong, warm embrace. But sleep had fled him, there wouldn't be anymore rest tonight. Not when the voice in the back of his mind kept reminding him that Ethan wasn't there. His grip tightened against the smooth countertop as his mind settled itself. He knew what he had to. He needed to find Ethan, even if that meant leaving Aiden here. He couldn't just sit around and wait, not when Ethan needed him.

Danny quietly padded into the room, his eyes searching the bedside table and the floor. Where had Ethan put his keys? Walking over to the bed, Danny scanned the sleeping boy's body, his eyes resting on the front pocket of Aiden's jeans. He could see the silvery edge of the key ring poking out of the tight denim. Of course it had to be there. He swore to himself as he bent over the bed, putting one knee of the mattress next to Aiden. He felt his breath hitch as carefully reached his hand out, his fingers resting on the firm muscles of Aiden's waist.

Taking a deep breath, Danny gently slipped his fingers into the warm space between the fabric. Now if he could just hook his finger through the key ring he could pull the keys loose. Danny nearly screamed when a hand darted forward, seizing his wrist in its tight grip. Looking up, he saw Aiden's shining black eyes fixed on him intently.

`What, are you doing?" He said, a vaguely amused expression playing over his face.

"Um, I-Well, I thought-" Danny began, feeling his cheeks start to burn. He had been caught.

"Thought you would take advantage of me while I was asleep?" Aiden said in a dangerous and playful tone.

Danny tried to pull away, that hadn't been what he was doing at all. He tried to explain, he was flustered and his voice wavered. But Aiden only shrugged, letting go of his wrist as he sat up.

"I'm only joking, Danny." Ethan said finally. "I know you want to go after him...I do too." Aiden looked around as if getting his bearings after having been asleep before he continued. "I'm starting to think that we should...he should have found us by now."

Aiden must have seen the flash of fear in Danny's eyes, his eyebrows rose slightly in concern as he stood up.

"Look. I trust Ethan. Even if I think he may be in trouble, he's capable of taking care of himself. He's a lot stronger than you know..." He seemed to take a moment to weigh what he was going to say next, Danny watched him chew his lip as he glanced at the door and back into his eyes. "If you want to go, I won't stop you. But I'm coming with you...Ethan would never forgive me if I let something happen to you."

"Okay." Danny said as he walked over to the door. He looked back over his shoulder with a determined look in his eyes. "Then let's go."

Danny turned the knob, knowing that Aiden would be right behind. The thought that he wouldn't be alone, was a comforting one. Right now, he needed Aiden, almost as much as needed Ethan again. He could feel the fear creeping into his stomach, but he didn't care. He opened the door, ready to face whatever he needed and then looked up.

Danny shouted as he opened the door, making Aiden nearly throw himself between the boy and whatever danger lurked outside. He pushed Danny behind him, his guarded gaze searching outside, eventually resting on a pair of obsidian eyes that mirrored his own.

Stiles turned his keys in the front door, his fingers fumbling for a moment as he looked over his shoulder. Scott hadn't said a word to him all afternoon, not when he had found him sitting aimlessly in his car after school, or when Stiles had taken his keys out of his hand and drove him home. He face was a blank mask, devoid of any of his warmth or charm. It felt like a knife in Stiles' heart whenever he looked at him, no doubt the dark shadows in Scott's eyes were only a portion of how the boy felt.

Stiles walked inside, shutting the door behind Scott as he shuffled past him. He turned, about to ask if Scott wanted him to come up with him, but Scott was already at the top of the stairs. Stiles leaned against the wall for a moment, resigning himself to stay. He wouldn't leave Scott like this, even if he had he wouldn't be able to sleep.

He pushed open the door to Scott's room quietly, his mouth tightening at one corner at the sight. Scott was sitting at the end of his bed, his head buried in the palms of his hands. Whatever he was feeling, Stiles thought, he looked more exhausted than anything else. Stiles stood in the doorway, not sure of what he could do. He felt exhausted himself, after everything that had happened in this very room the night before, he felt like it was all too fragile. He could feel Scott pulling away from him, even now, retreating somewhere into the haunted halls of his own mind. He forced back the urge to cry, to be angry, he wished Scott would, surely he felt it too.

Stile pushed away his own worries, right now, Scott needed him. Whether he liked it or not, he was staying. A new sense of strength forged its way through his body as he crossed the room to kneel in front of Scott. What could he say though? There weren't any words he could think of that were going to magically heal the pain in the wolf's eyes. Even when it had first happened, when she...when Alison had been taken away, Scott had shut himself off from the world, including Stiles. It had hurt, but Stiles couldn't blame him. But he would blame himself now, if he let Scott do it again.

"Scott...Look at me." Stiles said softly, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Stiles..." Scott's voice was husky, as if he were hoarse.

"Just look at me...please." His own voice cracked with sadness.

Scott peered up at Stiles from under his hands, they flashed red for a moment before settling back into the warm brown. His eyes were raw, glossy from tears that never came. It was enough to break open the very flesh and bone of Stiles' chest, it killed him to see him in this kind of pain.

"I know I can't fix this...I wish I knew how, I wish-" Stiles began, trying to fight the emotions in his own voice. "But I'm here...I'm here, Scott...Right now. Please...just hold onto to something, hold onto me." He pleaded quietly.

Scott closed his eyes for what felt like a long time, before he dropped his hands into his lap and rested his head on Stiles' chest. Stiles put his hand on the wolf's back, rubbing the tense muscles there slowly. He could feel the loneliness that hung in the air around them, the kind of bitterness that was born from loss. He could feel Scott clinging to him as if he were the only raft in the vast sea of emotion he found himself in.

Stiles simply held him for a while, enjoying the warmth of his body so close to his own before he stood up. He didn't know how to fix all the problems, Scott's or his, but he could at least give him what he did have.

"C'mon.." Stiles said, talking hold of Scott's hand as he led him into the bathroom.

Scott looked questioningly at Stiles when he shut the door behind them, leaving the room dark except for the dim glow of the nightlight that shone beside the bathroom mirror. But he didn't move or say anything as Stiles cranked the squeaky knobs of the shower sending jets of hot water coursing into the white tub. Stiles partially smiled, a look of only some comfort as he lifted the hem of Scott's tank top up and over the bronzed muscles. Shirtless and quiet, Scott stood still as Stiles undid his jeans and bending over to pull them off his ankles.

"Stiles, I don't-" Scott started to protest as Stiles slid the red underwear away from his narrow hips, but stopped short as Stiles paused to give him a concerned look before pulling them down the rest of the way.

"I'm not asking for anything Scott..." Stiles said softly as he began to tug off his own clothes. "Just to stay with you."

Stiles could feel Scott's gaze on his own body as he stepped out of the pair of boxers at his feet. Even as awful as it all felt, he couldn't help but blush from the attention, especially when he took in Scott's muscular form. Stiles gave him another half-smile as he pulled back the curtain on the shower and stepped in. Scott hesitated for a moment as Stile reached out to him.

"Okay." Scott said before he stepped slowly into the warm current of water, closing the curtain behind him.

Stiles sat down in the tub, feeling awkward when Scott gave him a puzzled look.

"Just, come here." He said impatiently, motioning for Scott to lay down with him.

Scott knelt down and turned over, carefully laying the back of his head on Stiles' chest. Stiles felt him relax almost instantly under the hot spray of water that ran over his chest and down their bodies. He began to run his hands along the thick ridges of Scott's pecs and his shoulder, all the while resting his mouth against the slick black hair of his head. If he could just give him some peace, or keep him in his arms tonight...maybe things would be okay. He shifted his legs, his feet resting on either side of Scott's hips, as he stared at the droplets of water that pooled across the hollow ridges wolf's hips and the sharp angles of his stomach. He loved him...with every bit of his being he loved him.

Stiles talked about everything he could think of, bringing up old memories, the happy moments they had shared, the fun times that seemed like they were a lifetime away. He talked for what felt like hours, as Scott just rested in his arms, not needing to say anything. He had started to wonder if Scott had fallen asleep, but he wouldn't move, not until Scott was ready.

He had settled on talking about the last book he had, a small work of fiction about shape shifters that had been born when Egypt was still young, when Scott sat up slowly.

"Scott?" Stiles asked tentatively as he pulled himself up behind him.

But Scott didn't answer, he only stood and reached back to pull Stiles up with him. Stiles was ready to ask him if everything was okay, when Scott pulled him into a soft kiss. His lips had barely touched Stiles', almost as if he were afraid that he might break if he pressed any harder.

Stiles put his hands on Scott's chest, resting them on the warm skin as he ended the kiss. Looking up into Scott's eyes, they looked weary, but brighter than they had before. Scott turned away, cutting off the water and pulling Stiles out of the tub. What was going on? Stiles wondered as Scott pulled a towel out of the small bathroom closet. He didn't say a word as he brought the soft material against Stile's wet body, slowly running it over his chest before circling lower.

Scott knelt on the floor, his chocolate brown eyes looking up into Stiles' as he brought his lips to the boy's stomach, gently kissing the pale skin around his hips. There wasn't anything overtly sexual about this, Stiles thought to himself. There wasn't any fire in Scott's eyes, just a soft, desperate gleam that would have melted his heart.

They collapsed on the bed, their bodies still damp as Scott pulled the sheets over them. Stiles was pulled tightly in Scott's arms, his back sliding gently against the firm muscles of Scott's body as if the wolf was trying to forces their bodies into one whole.

"Stiles..." Scott whispered softly into the back of Stiles' neck. "I'm not going anywhere..."

Stiles could have cried then, maybe because he was so tired or because he was happy to hear to those words. It didn't matter.

"I love you too, Scott." He said, smiling in the dark bedroom.

He could feel Scott shift behind him, nuzzling his shoulder gently before his body relaxed around him. Stiles looked at the pale moonlight that was shining on the floor, saying a silent prayer of gratitude. He hoped sleep would bring the peace Scott needed, hoped that that it would still the memories that were best left in the past, too painful for the present.

The trees bent and swayed overhead in a silent dance as the wind drifted through their canopies. Jackson was laying on his back in a dry bed of leaves as he opened his eyes to the bright stars that dusted the night sky above him. He had gotten used to waking up in strange places. The disorienting blur of memories in his mind as he came back to consciousness was worth the oblivion he always felt when the wolf took over.

"It's peaceful here isn't it?" A voice asked.

"It is." Jackson said as he stared at the cold sky above him. He was used to talking to himself at this point, he was all he really ever had.

"Do you think you'll be staying this time?" It asked.

"I don't know...I'm not really wanted here. But where else can I go?" He said, the loneliness creeping into his voice.

"It's not safe out here. But you're welcome to stay with me."

Jackson's brow furrowed, what a strange thing to say. He looked quizzically at the sky, wondering what to say. Maybe he had finally snapped, all those months alone. Could it all be getting to him?

"No offense, but we're kind of stuck together, so I don`t think I could say no even if I wanted to..." Jackson said, somewhat amused at the odd turn in conversation.

"Well, okay then..." The voice paused. "...Are you done lying down there? There`s an alpha in these woods."

Jackson sighed as he sat up, since when was the wolf ever in a rush? And what alpha was he talking about? He put his hand on the ground to steady himself as he stood up, his eyes locking onto to the a pair of sneakers standing a few feet away. Jackson followed the owner's body to find Isaac Lahey staring at him, his eyebrow cocked with a smile.

"Ready to go?" Isaac said friendly. "It'll take at least twenty minutes to get my house from here, and that's if we run."

Jackson flinched at the word, his jaw tensing as he realized he had been talking to this boy. He had briefly felt embarrassed, but a new heat was claiming his face replacing the feeling with a flash of anger. He was about to spit an insult at the foolish looking boy in front of him, but he stopped short. He had done this already today, and he had regretted it.

"You want me to come home with you?" Jackson asked instead, keeping his voice flat and neutral.

"Sure. Why not?" Isaac said as he took a step into the clearing. The faint moonlight shimmered across his sandy hair, making his skin look like porcelain. "You said it yourself, you don't have anywhere else to go."

Jackson smiled softly, despite his best efforts. It was true, he didn't have anywhere else at the moment. He stared at the lean boy in front of him, not sure at all that he liked the idea, in fact it made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't trust anyone, at least not willingly.

"Fine." Jackson said, a little sharper than he meant to, but Isaac didn't react, he only smiled wistfully as he turned to lead the way.

Isaac was fast on his feet, much faster than Jackson had anticipated. He slipped quietly through the brush and tight stands of trees as if he were swimming through water. Jackson caught him looking over his shoulder, his bright yellow eyes gleaming in the shadows of the wood with a mischievous grin. He didn't really know Isaac well, but then again, he had never made an effort. He found himself hoping for a moment that there could be a slight chance of friendship. That is, if you don't ruin it. A dark voice reminded him in his head. Jackson shoved the intruding thought away, puffing short breaths as he tried to maintain the unrelenting pace that Isaac had set for them.

They finally broke through a clearing that emptied out into the well-kept back lawns of an apartment complex. The moon was now shining brightly in the middle of a clear sky. Jackson slowed down as Isaac came to a walk speed in front of him, taking air into his tired lungs.

"Wait...I...Thought...You..." Jackson said between breaths. "Were taking your house..."

"I am." Isaac said, turning back to him with a questioning look.

"But you used to live across the street from me."

"Used to. After what happened.." Isaac said as he tried to dance around the issue. "I moved here...It turns out there was some insurance money, and I didn't want to be there anymore. So..." He said gesturing widely. "This is home now."

"Oh." Jackson said, trying to force the dark memories back into their cage. "It's...nice."

"I know, it's nothing fancy, but its comfortable." Isaac said.

He was smiling again. What's with this kid? Jackson wondered.

Isaac led him up the back stairs to a second floor apartment. Jackson stared absentmindedly at the gold plated numbers that adorned the dark green door. He could still leave, he thought. He could walk away and disappear into the night again. It would be easy. He shifted uncomfortably, straightening the edge of his t-shirt as Isaac invited him inside.

The main room was small but large enough to comfortably hold a large T.V. and a single couch along the opposite wall. It looked like a teenager's room, with a few posters of movies and bands hanging here and there, but it was clean. Impressively so. Jackson turned in place looking at the cozy room, there was a small table behind a short bar and just beyond was what Jackson guessed what the kitchen.

Isaac shut the door and kicked off his shoes, plodding silently into the other room. Leaving Jackson standing in the living room by himself. He was about to follow him when the boy emerged from the kitchen with two beers.

"I know a guy." Isaac said casually with a grin as he dropped one in Jackson's hand and flopped gracefully onto the black couch.

"Uh. Thanks." he said as he cracked open the top.

He didn't know what else to do besides pull off the athletic shoes he was wearing and join the boy on the couch. It felt awkward, Isaac was practically a stranger. Sure, they had known each other from lacrosse, from school, he had even been there the night he left Beacon Hills. But, what did you say to someone who you knew so much about and yet so little?

"Just relax." Isaac said, as if reading his mind, before he turned on the T.V. "I wasn't planning on inviting you here for a candlelit dinner." He chuckled, taking swig from the bottle. "Even if you are my type."

What? Jackson reclined into the couch but he felt far from relaxed. Was Isaac flirting with him? Or was he always this friendly and open? Jackson couldn't tell, but his casual personality made him feel a bit uneasy. He likes you, does it matter why? His mind announced in an plaintive way. He shrugged to himself, watching Isaac out of the corner of his eye. The boy had fixed his attention on the T.V. as he flipped through the channels and didn't seem to be bothered by his silence. Jackson silently agreed with the thought, he wasn't in any position to turn down a friend, let alone someone who knew who and what he was.

"Your type?" Jackson said, probing the subject. "What type is that?"

Isaac laughed as he settled on a reality show, propping his chin up with a hand as he got lost in the drama that was unfolding on the screen. Jackson was beginning to think that he hadn't heard him or maybe he didn't want to comment on what he had said.

"I dont really have a type per se..."Isaac grinned, still distracted by the T.V. "but in your case, you're lucky I have a thing for Pretty Boys'."

"Do you always say what you think?" Jackson didn't know what else to say, he wasn't offended. He was a pretty boy. But there was something about the way Isaac spoke that both unnerved and intrigued him.

"Pretty much. Does that bother you?"

Jackson felt the heat running to his cheeks. "No...but most people don't."

"And that usually works out so well for them, doesn't it?" Isaac turned to look at Jackson.

Jackson could feel tension brace the air between them on the couch. He was right though, how freeing it would be to just say what you felt. Jackson couldn't imagine it, he'd never felt like he could do that with people that were supposed to be his friends, let alone someone he barely knew. For the first time since he had come back to this world, Jackson felt like he could drop his guard. Or at least some small part of it.

"Are you hungry? I can fix something if you want." Isaac asked.

Almost instantly his stomach churned at the mention of food as he realized how empty his stomach was, it felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks...strangely, he couldn't remember if he had. The discomfort was enough to make him wince as he nodded.

"Sure...I mean, if it's not too much trouble."

"It's not." Isaac said as he stood up. "I'm going to go change into something comfortable then I'll figure out what we're working with in the kitchen."

"Okay." Jackson said as he watched him bound down the hallway into his bedroom.

Jackson stood and paced around the living room, only half watching the T.V. as he tried to will his body to relax. It was a familiar feeling, one he had known most of his life. Anywhere he went never felt quite like home, as if he didn't fit. Would it always feel this way?, he wondered to himself.

Isaac returned quickly, his hair tousled and wearing a green tank top with gray knit shorts that clung to his lean frame in a way that made him look younger than he was. Jackson gave him a subdued smile as he took in the boy's body, his eyes following the long lines of muscles that coiled into tight balls here and there. He wasn't slender by any means, but there was supple shape to his body that looked more like a dancer's, made for powerful precision movements and speed without any of the bulk.

"I-uh, I laid out a few things on my bed for you. You know, in case you wanted to get out those." Isaac said, gesturing towards Jackson's heavy sweater and jeans before walking into the kitchen.

Jackson shed his clothes gratefully, slipping into the comfortable muscle tank and gym shorts that he found on the bed. His brow furrowed for a moment as he looked around the bedroom. It was a simple space, with a large bookcase, a small desk, and a comfortable looking queen size bed against the wall. Something was amiss. He looked around quizzically, but nothing felt like it was out place here, and that's exactly what was drawing Jackson's attention. The blankets were drawn over the bed tightly with near military precision and upon looking further, all the books were shelved alphabetically by title. It was strange in a way, almost surreal.

Jackson flipped off the light on his way out, his bare feet enjoying the soft texture of the beige carpet underfoot.

He found Isaac standing with the fridge open, his arm hanging loosely on the door. The bright light from inside made his blue-green eyes shine eerily, although Jackson knew the faint glow was an effect of the bite.

"Find anything?" Jackson said as he leaned against the doorframe of the small kitchen. Spotless. Jackson noted to himself.

"That's not the problem." Isaac said as he looked up, his eyes lingering for a moment on Jackson's muscular legs and waist before meeting the boy's eyes. Jackson could feel a brief chill of excitement in his body that made him wonder if he was blushing. "The problem is too many choices."

Jackson found himself smiling as Isaac chuckled, his mood was infectious as it was endearing. Was there anyone that didn't like Isaac? He thought absently.

"Okay, Well, what's our choices? Maybe I can help you decide?" Jackson moved, propping himself against the counter, making his biceps flex behind him as he crossed his legs.

"We could have the lasagna I made yesterday, there's a bunch of it left...I have these pizza bite thingies here...I have a chicken, but it would take a while...OR." He stopped, a mischievous half-smile revealing his glistening white teeth. "I prepped these great Sushi packs...I was saving them for this weekend, but if you're game, they're amazing."

Jackson couldn't help but laugh, Sushi?. What high school student makes sushi? He wasn't sure if he was laughing more from the strangeness of it all or the obvious excitement and quirky mannerisms of his host.

"Sure, let's have the Sushi." Jackson's cheeks had reddened from laughing, making his jaw ache.

"Naked Sushi it is." Isaac said happily as he started to pull plastic wrapped trays and colorful sauce bottles out of the fridge.

"Naked Sushi?" Jackson echoed, his eyebrow raising as his jaw went slack. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"You know, when the Sushi's flavor is supposed to stand out. There's not a lot of extra sauces and wrappers, get it?" Isaac said with his back to Jackson as he busied himself with opening the trays.

"Oh..." Jackson said. "For a minute I thought we would be eating sushi, naked." He shook his head, chuckling to himself as he added. "That would have been interesting."

"Good, 'cause I was just fucking with you." Isaac said as he walked past Jackson and into the other room, calling over his shoulder. "That's exactly what it is."

"What?!" Jackson sputtered as he went after the lanky wolf, in time to see Isaac tugging his tank top over his head.

Jackson stood at the edge of the living room as Isaac placed his hands on his bare waist. The overhead light cast a nefarious, golden glow around the grinning wolf, whose wide shoulders broke into angular and whip-like muscles that laced tightly across his chest and stomach. Jackson caught himself tracing the shallow indentations of his hips that slid into the thin knit shorts, eyeing the thin trail of blonde hair that plummeted below his navel.

Isaac raise his eyebrows expectantly, this wolf was brash and unapologetic. A fiery and inviting mixture that had Jackson wondering just where the night might lead. He could already feel his body pulling him toward Isaac, like a bug entranced by a bright light, even though his mind wasn't sure of anything yet. But the inescapable energy that seemed to pour off of him was too enticing. How could he not want to be near him? Touch him?

Jackson hesitated for a moment before peeling the soft fabric of the muscle tank away from his body. Isaac whistled low as his chest became visible, two swollen curves of muscle that sat above the deep ridges of well-maintained abs. He half-smiled, the confidence he so often exuded naturally returning as he answered the dare in Isaac's eyes. Maybe it was just his inability to back down from a challenge that spurred him forward, relinquishing himself completely as he pushed the shorts down to his feet. Isaac smiled wryly as he stared at Jackson's body, not hiding his interest as he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly.

Jackson's body was a solid chain of developed muscles, his lower abs held a tracery of visible veins that branched across his pelvis leading Isaac's eye to the soft cock that hung enticingly beneath a groomed curve of dark hair. His cock was a shade darker than his skin, it's length hanging nearly four inches as it ended in a smooth pink helmet.

"Uh..D-" Isaac started before he snapped his jaw shut as if to emphasize his surprise.

"What?" Jackson said smoothly, laying down on the floor with a roguish smirk.

"Uh-Nothing...Nothing at all." Isaac said as he shook his head, not quite meeting his Jackson's eyes.

"Are you going to join me down here?" Jackson said, enjoying every moment as he watched the wolf squirm. "This was your idea after all..."

Isaac laughed, regaining his composure as he hastily slid down the knit shot around his long, muscular legs. Jackson's lips pulled to one corner as he admired the wolf's naked body. He could see the edge of the boy's ass tense as Isaac lowered himself to the floor. His thighs were well-muscled, no doubt from running, and had a light even coat of blonde hair that grew thicker as it got to his calves. He would have though that the dusky blonde hair would have made the boy's skin look paler, but it almost had a coppery tint underneath the light. It was Isaac's uncut dick, that held his attention the longest. It was still soft, hanging slightly to the side as it fell onto the boy's inner thigh. He had seen other intact guys before, but never close up. He bit his lip, he wanted to touch it, to play with the creamy skin that clung tightly to the wolf's cock.

Isaac shifted as he pulled the trays of various cold seafood and wrapped concoctions between their bodies. He looked as if he was distant for a moment, a shadow of thoughts passing through his face before he picked up a green roll in his fingers and stuffed it in his mouth. They started to eat, a comfortable silence settling between them as they glanced at the T.V. and each other occasionally. The food, although not what he had been expecting, was a welcome relief to Jackson's stomach. He had resigned himself to stealing glances at Isaac's body whenever he reached to take food off the tray.

"Here." Jackson heard Isaac say casually before he felt a icy chill on his stomach.

He looked over to find Isaac's face close to his chest, an impish fire gleaming in his eyes. Jackson didn't have time to wonder what the boy was up to as Isaac brought his mouth to the smooth skin of his abs, his lips caressing the surface as he picked up the Sashimi with his mouth. Isaac swallowed the bite of food, his gaze never shifting, as if posing the question they had both been thinking.

Jackson nodded. He didn't know exactly what Isaac was offering him, but he doubted it was more than companionship. Who didn't want a warm body to share their bed with? Jackson watched, interested in the wolf who had shown him nothing but kindness when he'd done nothing to warrant it.

Isaac brought his tongue to Jackson's stomach again, following the grooves that ran along its length. He briefly kissed the tight ring of flesh around the navel giving Jackson a playful glance as he ran his hands across the plump muscles of his chest. It felt like a gentle buzzing had sprang to life in his chest, spreading as it followed Isaac's expert mouth.

Jackson moaned softly as he felt the warm gloss of Isaac's tongue sweep over the edge of his pelvis. His mouth working lower until it rested on the base of his hardening cock. It had been a long time since he had been with anyone, and the pleasure of this wolf's touch was igniting a steady fire in his groin.

"You taste like cinnamon...' Isaac said softly, his pink lips shimmering and wet. "Has anyone ever told you that?"

Jackson smiled despite himself. "No..." He began, the surge of passion beginning to roll along his cock as it throbbed to life. "No one's ever said that."

"" Isaac muttered between the laps of his tongue along the length of Jackson's cock.

Jackson let himself go to the floor, his eyes crinkling as he chuckled softly. He felt free here, like no one was watching him, judging him. It took him a moment to recognize the strange feeling that touched the edges of his mind. Then it hit him, like the last piece ofa puzzle clicking into place. He trusted Isaac. When had that happened? He brought his hands over his body, twining them behind his head. His chest lifting off the floor as he felt the hot interior of Isaac's mouth embrace his dick.

`Ssssss..." He hissed softly, it felt like every muscle in his body had finally blazed to life.

Isaac pawed at the rises in Jackson's hips, his mouth moving further along the rigid seven inches. He could feel Jackson shuddering softly each time the boy's round tip touched the back of his tongue. His cock was becoming slippery as a glass-like sheen coated the length, his own saliva sliding down to the base.

Isaac wrapped his slender fingers around the hard flesh, Jackson's cock looked perfectly straight, with a single, tiny freckle where it joined his body. The sweet and spicy taste that lived in Jackson's skin was intoxicating, making his own hungry body tremor with delight.

Jackson peered down along the valley of his own stomach as Isaac ran his tongue along the ridge of his cock's head. He felt his eyes shift, burning a brilliant sapphire blue as he pulled himself into a sitting position. With Isaac's head in his lap, he scanned the lanky wolf's body, his eyes settling on the long, rock hard cock that lolled expectantly between his muscular thighs. He had wondered what it felt like only moments before, and now he was determined to find out.

He reached out, his fingers brushing only briefly the soft curls of sandy brown hair that rose above. Grinning momentarily as the pale skin twitched, the uncut cock was slightly longer that his own, but not quite as thick. He could see the faint traces of veins that ran along the underside and to the edge of foreskin that wrapped the end. Jackson brought his thumb along the soft ring of skin, tugging gently on it as it stretched.

"Mmph..." Isaac managed to moan around Jackson's cock.

He liked that, Jackson noted. He started work the skin between his fingers, fascinated by the smooth texture and elastic feel. Carefully, Jackson began to pull the skin away from the head, a shiny pink tip that was swollen and plump. He let the sheath of flesh recover the end, bringing his mouth down to explore the interior with his tongue. Isaac moaned softly as Jackson pushed his tongue into the snug space, excitedly running his tongue across the slick, salty flesh. He could feel his own cock pulsing away as Isaac withdrew his mouth and began to jerk him off.

"Oh, fuck." Isaac said, his golden eyes rousing to life from the attention, as he twisted his hand up and down the length of Jackson's slick shaft.

Jackson wrapped his hands around the firm muscles of Isaac's ass, pulling the boy's body hastily against his own as he took the uncut cock deeper into his mouth. He could feel the smooth head sliding out of the taut skin as he went down, his tongue welcoming the semi-sweet taste of pre-cum that danced across it in an electric wave. Jackson could smell the lanky wolf, a musky sweet scent that reminded him of lavender and dark chocolate. The aroma drew him in, plunging deep through his nostrils and straight to his cock. How did his skin feel like silk? Like Glass? He found the texture maddening as his fingers greedily clawed at the boy's supple flesh.

Isaac was the first to pull away, his balls already tightening against his body as he climbed on top of Jackson, his lean legs straddling the wolf's hips. The boy's inviting gaze made Jackson growl softly as he laid down on his back, bringing his knees up to brace Isaac's back. Jackson was grateful that Isaac didn't hesitate to take the lead. His bright yellow eyes flashed with desire, the tips of sharp, white canines dragging the edges of his bottom lip as he lifted Jackson's cock against the tight muscle of his own ass.

Isaac breathed heavily, his eyelids fluttering briefly as the tip of Jackson's pressed into his interior. The muscles around Jackon's cock felt like a tingling vice that quivered from the thick head entering its depths. They both moaned in unison as Isaac teased the head of Jackson's cock with his wet hole, taking it into himself just before he reached the shaft and then retreating slightly. Jackson's chest contracted sharply in short pants, his dick wanted so badly to dive deeper, to force itself past the torturous ring of flesh that pleasured him only enough to leave him wanting more.

"Do you want it?" Isaac said, with some obvious amusement as he circle his hips, driving the head of Jackson's cock deeper along the rim of his ass.

"Yes, Oh, Fuck yes...I want you." Jackson uttered loudly as his drug his fingers along his torturer's soft legs.

The room felt brighter, intense as the hot flesh of Isaac's ass dipped down along Jackson's shaft. He couldn't remember when his body had felt this alert, so alive in the near constant rush of longing and fulfillment. He gritted his teeth as Isaac rode his cock, the friction of their skin like a live wire. Jackson moaned as, sweat glistening across his skin as they slipped into the ecstatic rhythm that carried them ever closer to the promise of release.

Isaac slid his hands along Jackson's inner thighs, the hard, slick muscles were contracting under the weight of his body. Stretching backward, his fingers moved gently at first across Jackson's balls.

Jackson growled as he felt the grip around his swollen balls tighten, a knife of pain laced with pleasure cutting its way as it exploded at his core. He snapped his hips up forcefully, forcing his cock into the hot channel as hard as he could. He was close, so close to spilling the contents of his body, he could taste the fringe of its arrival.

"I'm gonna' cum...Oh! Uh!" Jackson nearly shouted as he rode the edge, his head rocking back against the ground.

Isaac slid away from the wolf's tensing body, taking the Eden of ecstasy with him as he agilely maneuvered himself between Jackson's legs. Jackson groaned as his balls throbbed from the climax that had been stolen from them.

"Why did you st-" Jackson began to ask as he felt his legs lifted away from the floor and the searing hot pressure of Isaac's cock crashing against his clenched hole.

"Unnnnnh!" He moaned as the fullness spread inside of his body, making his eyes squeeze shut against the blossoming wave of pleasure and discomfort. He had never bottomed before, nor had he anticipated that he would tonight. "Fuuuck!"

Jackson's hand flew to his cock, furious to release the pressure that was making his balls ache. He could hear Isaac panting loudly as the uncut cock slipped in and out of the depths of his body. There was vulnerability to it, his body was open completely to another's, a sensation that felt both dangerous and exhilarating. He could feel his balls tightening, their plea desperate and raging as his fingers pressed down roughly along the length of his engorged dick.

He could barely stand it anymore, the electric pulse of each stab of Isaac's cock, Isaac's body that slammed hungrily against his own.

"Cum for me, Jackson." Isaac said as he seized the wolf's bruised balls in his hand once more.

"Oh Fuck!" Jackson cried out from the vice-like pressure that encircled the tender flesh. He whimpered, the rush of adrenaline coursing its way like burning fuel in his veins. "Oh...Oh...Mmmm..."

Jackson felt the world bend around him, his entire body stiffening as the muscles in his stomach spasmed. Isaac watched hungrily as thick white strands of cum erupted across the flexing muscles of Jackson's body. Pooling in hot puddles onto his chest and stomach. The wolf beneath him continued to twitch and jerk as he squeezed his cock, riding the euphoric waves that he had so desperately wanted.

Isaac watched Jackson's body draw inward as he removed his rigid cock, extracting a single gasp that made the wolf's firm pecs expand. Isaac worked his dick hastily, his hand drawing back the skin in rough tugs as he prepared to spill his own seed. He felt his balls leap higher, a rush of pleasure running along the underbelly of his cock. Biting down on his lip he moaned as the wet strings of cum spilled over his hands, dripping onto Jackson's softening dick and pelvis.

Jackson looked up, into Isaac's golden eyes, his face was soft and blissful. He finally felt peaceful, after all these months. Truly peaceful. He smiled when Isaac grinned at him, his head stooping as he brought his mouth back to Jackson's sensitive cock. He was surprised when Isaac pulled the soft shaft into his mouth gently, sending a wave of heavy sleep-like restfulness through his body. He eagerly watched as the lanky-wolf licked every trace of the their bodies off his skin, the thick trails of cum disappearing beyond his pink lips. If he wasn't so exhausted, Jackson thought contentedly, the tongue-bath would be turning him on.

After Isaac had finished, he stood up, his softening uncut cock swinging lightly from the motion.

"Did you want to sleep in the bed with me?" His voice was casual, but his eyes looked as if he wanted the answer to be yes. "I mean, I can make up the couch if you want. It's no trouble at all."

Jackson smiled wistfully, reaching out to pull Isaac's hips close to him. He looked up into those eyes that were fading away to their natural sea-foam green, and brought his lips to the boy's cock. Relishing the taste of his own body and the mixture of cum and sweat. Isaac looked as if in awe, or maybe just surprised himself , when Jackson brandished the shiny pink head and took it into his mouth, slowly cleaning the length of its exterior.

Standing slowly, Jackson ran his hands along Isaac's body, stopping briefly to kiss each of the boy's nipples and the sharp bend of his neck. Without a word, he slipped his fingers into Isaac's and led the way into the wolf's pristine bed.

"Does this answer your question?" Jackson said softly as he pulled Isaac into his arms.

Isaac smiled, his face barely illuminated by the faint luminescent glow of the moon outside. His eyes seemed to shine with an inner light, brilliant pools of color that made him look older and far too young at the same time. Maybe that was his magic, Jackson thought.

Jackson breathed in his scent again, a comforting smell that mixed with the clean scent of detergents and cologne that clung to the bedcovers. He could feel the arms of sleep coming to carry him into dreams. It was peaceful here, in the warmth of Isaac's arms. Jackson fell asleep to the soft beat of his companion's heart, a constant echo that kept the darkness at bay. Tonight there would be no nightmares. Tonight, for the first time in a long time, he would dream.

Everyone wants a warm body to share their beds, their bodies with...don't they?

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