The Forceps Mark

Published on Apr 25, 2022




"THE FORCEPS MARK" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on September 3rd 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised
by Anonymous 2thenth°

2 - Olaf learns to offer his services

Olaf life was a living nightmare. Petre noticed that the boy had changed and asked him what was wrong; but the boy, seeing a dark look on Jan's face, didn't dare tell him what was happening.

Winter came, with its long nights and very short days.

One day Lukas got an idea. One night, after both took advantage of the boy as usual, he suggested to Jan, "Listen, Jan, some of my friends would pay us money if they could bugger Olaf. The problem is finding a place; then we could make some good money. What do you think?"

"Shit, yes! I think some of my friends would be game, too. We can have Olaf deliver the bread, instead of us. We can organize the affair... I've got it! Gerth lives alone, we can let him fuck the boy for free if he lets us use his house. Olaf would bring the loafs of bread to Gerth's place and whoever wants to fuck him goes there, buggers our pussy boy, then takes his bread..."

"Do you think Gerth would be game?" Lukas asked excitedly.

"I think so. When I was a boy, he tried to bugger me. I'll go ask him tomorrow."

"He tried with you?" Lukas was curious.

"Yeah, but he has a huge tool and I was scared; I said no. Back then I wasn't turned on by the thought of doing it with a man. But I think he still likes it. Gerth is twenty six years old and isn't married yet... he says it is because of a vow..." Jan sniggered.

Olaf listened to all of this from his pallet and trembled. He didn't want to do it, he didn't want to do it at all! But what could he do? How could he stop it? Did he have to tell everything to Petre? The man, who was crazy about his sons, would he believe him? Probably, not! What could he do, then? All he could think about was fleeing.

But where? He didn't know about the world, he never went out of the town. He had heard that there was an important city somewhere on the road going to the coast. To go to the sea, yes, that's the ticket. He wanted to se the sea, all he just knew was from some travellers tales...

He went to sleep resolved, and felt better. At the first chance he had he would flee. He just couldn't give the two brothers the faintest idea what he was going to do.. Perhaps he should wait until they sent him to Gerth's place, to deliver the bread, and instead going there, to flee taking with him the bread, so he would have something to eat for a while. Afterwards, he could beg. From time to time there were beggars in town and people would give them a coin or food; they always gave something to them. He would find a city far away, where they could not find him, and then he would look for a job.

A few days after, he heard that Gerth gladly agreed to take part.

Jan handed him the bread basket and sent him off: "Bring this bread to Gerth's. It is for my friend Wald. He already paid for all. First you will let Wald bugger you, then Gerth, then you will come back. Don't make fuss, understood?"

"Yes, Jan." the boy said with submissive voice.

"Good. Go and quick on the road. Do whatever Wald and Gerth want so they won't complain about you; or I will make you pay!"

"Yes, Jan, whatever you say." the boy said, his heart in his mouth.

He took the basked with the warm bread wrapped with heavy linen, put on his fur boots for the snow, and hurried off at a fast pace. He went towards Gerth's house but as he passed the Old Tower he turned, as fast as he could, and took the road leading to the sea. He walked and walked, asking himself how much time he could have before they realized he was gone and if they would chase after him or not. He didn't want to be caught at all. He didn't want to live that life any more. He would rather die frozen in the snow. He had to be careful not to be seen, especially while he was still near the town.

When he finally looked back, the town was hidden from sight. The deep snow made his way difficult, but he was determined. He still had a few hours of light then the long night would start. He wondered if he would he be able to walk also in the night darkness or should he have to stop?

And where could he stop? If he slept in the snow, wouldn't he freeze to death?

He passed by an inn. From its windows shone rays of warm light and the sound of merry voices. He was tempted to enter, but he thought he was still too near the town, and that the innkeeper was likely to know Petre and his family. He decided to go farther without stopping and without letting himself seen.

It was turned dark and the road was barely visible. He ate some of the bread with pleasure and continued on his way. His legs started to get heavy, but he didn't want to stop, yet. The road was deserted and he hadn't met any passers-by.

He went behind a tree to relieve himself, when he heard a muffled noise. From the town came a horse at gallop. The rider passed the tree and disappeared into the night. Was he looking for him? At this hour they would be sure that he had fled. He didn't recognize who was riding, but the horse was a bay horse. Petre owned a black horse. Could it be one of Petre's friends? Did any of Petre's friends or neighbours have a black horse?

Olaf trudged on looking back and forth, afraid somebody looking for him would come, or somebody might recognize him and tell Petre.

He reached a group of houses, a small village on the edge of the road. Windows glowed with light and from some chimney pots smoke rose straight on the shy, immediately disappearing into the night sky. Olaf continued on, though fatigue and cold made his limbs heavy. Far away, a wolves pack howled making him shudder with fear - he remembered tales of hungry wolves attacking a passer-by tearing them to pieces and eating them...

He was almost unable to walk any more, he was exhausted, and was wondering if he should lie down by the road's edge when he saw an isolated small house, with a lit window. He decided that he was probably now far enough from the town. He wanted to ask for a roof over his head that night. They might ask him who he was, what he was doing out alone in the night, with all that bread... What story could he tell? He didn't know, and he didn't care; he was too tired to go any farther.

He knocked on the door of the little house.

A hoarse male voice called out: "Who is it?"

"A stranger passing by..."

"What do you want?"

"To sit by your fire out of the snow... I am tired, it is cold..."

The door opened just a little and a wiry, craggy face suspiciously looked him over: "But... you are a boy! What are you doing out this late?"

"I'm going to the sea, to look for a job." Olaf answered.

The man opened the door a little wider and looked him over from head to toe. Then, brusquely said: "Come in quickly or all my house will become cold." sideling aside to let him enter, then locked the door behind Olaf.

The man studied him. "Did you run away from home?" he asked.

"My parents died, I am an orphan. The people who took me in treated me badly, and then..."

"What do you have in that basket?"


"Bread? Just bread?"

"Yes... look."

The man took a loaf in his hand: "Mmmmhh, still fresh. Would you give me a loaf? It has been months since I've eaten some good bread."

"Sure, help yourself." Olaf said.

The man took two loafs and bit into one of them. Then made a gesture to the boy towards the table: "Sit down. What is your name?"

"Lukas..." the boy lied, still a little wary, but grateful for the warmth starting to heat him.

"Pull out something, Lukas, here it is warm. So, you ran away from home. They did treat you badly, isn't it?"


"And now you are going to seek a job at sea. Do you want to become a sailor?"

"I don't yet know. Any job feeds me will be good. I never saw the sea."

"Me too, when I was a boy, I ran away from home and worked on a ship. First as ship's boy, then as a sailor for almost twenty years. With the money I saved, I bought this little house and the field behind it. Now I can live without worries."

"Do you live alone? Didn't you marry?"

"I married, yes. But just after three years she went away, with our child. She went back to her family. She couldn't stand living so isolated, without other women to gossip. On the other hand, I am happy secluded away. Do you want a sip of brandy? I made it myself, it is good."

"I am not used to drink. I would rather like some water."

"Water? Yes, sure... but water... Take a sip of brandy, it makes you good. It warms you to the bones."

"I don't know, I've never drunk brandy, it is too strong for me. I'd rather have water."

"Well, all right, here... start with a ladle of water. Then, you'll keep me company and have a sip from my cup, it can't harm you."

Olaf quenched his thirst with the good fresh water and took the cup the man offered him.

"Have a good sip, you'll see how you'll feel better." the man said with a smile.

Olaf nodded and took a sip. It burnt his throat and his eyes tears up; he turned as red as embers.

The man laughed: "When I was your age I gulped down a full cup like it was water. So how do you feel, now?"

Olaf felt slightly dizzy, but he also felt an agreeable warmth spread all over his body: "Fine, but it is strong..."

"But it makes you feel great, doesn't it? Did they make you work too much before you ran away?"

"No, I liked to work."

"Did they beat you?" the man insisted.

"No, just a couple of times..."

"Then? Why did you run away? Didn't they feed you enough?"

"No, no, the food was good and plenty."

"I don't understand, they didn't beat you, gave you food, you liked to work... but you ran away. Why?"

"Well... I'm ashamed to tell..."

"Did you steal?"

"No! That is... just this bread when I ran away."

"So what is it? What are you ashamed of? Ah, did you get a girl knocked up?" the man said giggling with cunning air.

"No. They had two sons who were older than me. I fled because of them. They made me things that..." Olaf said and suddenly blushed again.

The man looked at him, then nodded: "You mean the two sons buggered your little ass?" he asked gently. Olaf again blushed. "Yes, that's it, right? Well, I took many rods on the ship when I was a boy! Then, it was my turn to fuck. It is life, isn't it? All things considered, I didn't dislike it at all. I mean, both being fucked and then the fucker. But you didn't like it, so you ran away, right?" the man asked.

"They hurt me. Then to make it worse, they decided to sell my ass to their friends. So, I fled."

"I see, I understand. Yes, being buggered can be good, but can also be bad, it depends on how and who... There are times I liked it, other times I didn't, that's true. I was lucky that the first man to bugger me was a young sailor, and he was skilled, so I liked it. I would be able to make you like it. No, Lukas, don't worry, I will not touch you if you don't like it. You asked for my hospitality, and the guest is sacred. I have just one bed, you will have to sleep with me. But I will not touch you, I promise, even if I want you very much." the man said lightly as he caressed the boy's hair.

"Thank you." Olaf said. He instinctively felt he could trust the man.

"Have another sip, go on... then we can hit the hay." the man said handing him again his cup.

Olaf took another sip and gave back the cup to the man, who emptied it. The boys head felt light, so light, and again the pleasant warmth spread through his body. The man took him to his pallet, and they laid down, next to each other.

The man spread wide fur over their bodies, shut off the lantern and said: "Good night Lukas. Sweet dreams!"

"Good night... What's your name?"

"Right, I still didn't tell you... Beof, my name is Beof."

"Good night, Beof, and thank you."

"May I... may I just hold you in my arms? I always sleep alone, I would like to just feel the warmth of your body."

"All right." the boy sighed quietly.

The man hugged him and Olaf curled against him. The man body warmth was wonderful.

Beof caressed his hair: "Sleep easy, Lukas. Sleep well."

Olaf sweetly fell asleep, confusedly thinking that he liked that warmth that wrapped him, tender, protective, strong. He slept soundly for a long time. When he woke up, it was still dark. He felt the warm body of the man against his, and also felt something... the man had an erection that was throbbing against him.

"Beof?" Olaf whispered, wondering if the man was awake.

He didn't get an answer. Just that hard dick pulsing against him through their clothes, Olaf instinctively pushed himself against the man's erection, and was aroused in turn. It wasn't menacing like the two brothers, but warm and pleasurable like that of his stepbrother Drach, when he was a child. Making his hand slip between their bodies, he lowered it to caress the stiff, hot virile member. He gently searched the man's breeches, until his hand found the bare skin of the vigorous flesh pole. He caressed it with pleasure, feeling it throb.

Then he felt Beof's hand on his own, and the man murmured: "Lukas... what are you doing?"

"Does this annoy you?" the boy whispered, intimidated.

"No, on the contrary... but so you are making it hard not to touch you as I promised."

"You may if you want."

"Didn't you say that you don't like it?"

"With you... I think I would like it." Olaf murmured quietly, moving his hand on that pole, excited and aroused.

"Are you sure?" Beof asked as he moved his hand to touch the boy between his legs, and finding his erection, "Do you really want to make love with me, boy?"

"Please..." Olaf answered pushing his genitals against the hand that cupped them, gentle and strong.

Then the man started to slowly undress the boy, caressing all his body with tenderness and desire. To Olaf these were completely new and wonderful feelings. He felt the man bustling a while, then he felt his completely naked body lying on top of him, chest against chest, belly against belly, his strong erection pressed next to his own, his legs intertwined with his.

"Oh, I want you, Lukas..." the man murmured with emotion. Now Olaf was sorry about telling him a fake name, he felt like he had cheated on him. The man brushed his body against his, awakening strong and pleasurable sensations in the boy. "I like you, you are fresh like a Spring flower. I want you..."

"Take me." Olaf murmured, and felt he was really desiring it with all his self.

The man rose a little propping himself up on his knees and elbows: "Turn over..." he said gently.

Olaf laid on his belly and the man laid on top of him. The strong pole searched between his cheeks, resting on the little hole teasing it, and finally it started to enter him. It was completely different from what he experienced with Jan and Lukas - this time the boy was enjoying it. The man, his body tense, was sliding inside him little by little. Olaf felt a slight pain, it is true, but he endured it willingly, because he felt that the man was not abusing him. For the first time, he was also feeling intense pleasure from the penetration that was happening with a sweet intensity.

"Oooh, yeees..." the boy moaned.

"So you like it?" the man asked upset, starting to move inside the boy with slow ups and downs.

"Yes... it is beautiful..." Olaf murmured, astounded by the pleasure he was feeling. The man slipped his hands under the boy's chest and teased his nipples. "Oooohh.... it's great... " Olaf again said, strongly moaning.

Then the man came, gripping him and moaned his intense pleasure. Then he pulled out and, made Olaf turn and took him between his legs in his lap. He gently masturbated the boy until also the boy came in his hand, moaning with happiness. Then, putting the fur back on their bodies, the man hugged the boy and sated said, "Now we can sleep some more, my sweet Lukas."

When he woke up again, Olaf was alone in the bed. The lantern was lit and the man was up and dressed, stirring up the fire. He heard the boy moving and turned to look at him: "Did you sleep well, Lukas?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes, very well." the boy said stretching and brushing his bare chest.

"I'll fix something to eat. You better dress or you'll catch cold."

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you for last night, Lukas." the man said looking at the boy's still naked body and smiled at him.

"Thanks to you, Beof... and... my real name is not Lukas, but Olaf. I told you a lie, forgive me."

"I guessed so - a boy running away from home normally will never says his real name. And I thank you to have said it to me, now. You really enjoyed what we did, last night?"

"Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. It is completely different from what these two did to me. I could feel that to you I was not just an ass to screw, do you know what I mean?"

"I do. You are a sweet boy. Do you really want to go to the sea? Wouldn't you rather stay here with me?"

"Thank you, but I want to go to the big city by the sea. As soon as it is light, I will continue on my way."

"As you wish, boy. But now, let's eat something."

As soon as the sky was light, Olaf bid Beof farewell. He left him half of his bread and the man gave him some dried food. He wished him good luck and stood at the door looking at him until Olaf disappeared at the bend in the road. It started to snow again, it was a light flurry so the boy kept walking at a good pace. He thought about the night spent with the former sailor and to what they did. He really enjoyed it. The man didn't take him like an objet to use for his pleasure, but as a precious thing to enjoy with gratitude. Yes, it was worthy, it was beautiful. He had found in Beof Drach's gentleness, but more adult, more complete.

Olaf passed a caravan of three asses loaded with goods, and three men who could be a father and his sons. They waved to him, without stopping.

He passed a village whose inhabitants, profiting of the few light hours, were out bustling in various activities. He asked for some water from a girl. She gave him a full ladle with a sweet smile but he then continued on his way. It was starting to become dark again, but the snow had stopped falling. The road and the fields up the hills were all white, and all was hushed. A little fall murmured on the roadside, making a shining ice column on which still water flowed. He wished he had a cup or ladle to take some. If he used his hands, he was afraid he would freeze them. He continued on. Now it was dark. He hoped to find another house. He was losing hope when he saw a faint light up ahead. He quickened his pace. It was an inn. He entered and a fat woman looked at him carefully barely nodding a greeting.

"Please forgive me, I have no money, but... if you allow me to take shelter for the night I could do some work for you. Please... outside it is so cold..."

The woman looked at him and growled: "This, my dear, is an inn. No money, no services. And I have no work for you. Therefore..."

"Where can I go, to pass the night?" Olaf asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"What do I know? You should not go on a journey without money. You can't expect everything to be free."

"I have some food... I'll give it to you in exchange of a shelter." Olaf again tried.

"No, no!" the woman said annoyed, "Go away, boy, you are getting on my nerves!"

"Come on, let him at least get warm for a while, it costs you nothing!" said one of the men who was sitting at a table and eating. Then talking to the boy, said: "Come here, sit near me. I'll feed you dinner. Bring a dish to the boy, it is on me!" said to the woman.

"Pay in advance, then!" the woman said sharply.

The man threw her a coin and had Olaf sit next to him. The boy sat down, putting his basket on the floor, near him. "I have some food, sir, thank you. You don't have to spend your money for me."

"No, you need some good warm food, boy. It's too cold. I've paid for a bed for tonight, you could sleep with me."

"Eh no, my dear sir, if you use the bed for two, it will cost you more." the woman said as she put a steaming dish in front of the boy.

"Is this enough?" the man asked as he fished out another coin and gave it to the woman. She nodded and pocketed the coin, and went to tend to the other customers.

"Thank you very much, sir. Why are you taking pains for me?" Olaf asked starting to eat with pleasure the warm soup.

"Because I like you, boy. And because the night is long and I don't feel like spending it alone. Eat all your food, then we can go to my room and talk for a while. And I am not a sir. I am just a pots merchant and am going at the Capital for the fair."

"Towards the sea?"

"No, why?"

"I want to reach the sea."

"Oh, it is a long way. It will take you several days on foot. Is somebody waiting for you?" the man asked.

"Yes, my brother. He works on a ship." Olaf lied, as he didn't want to tell the truth.

"So I see. Well, we can go now. Take your basket and come."

The room was narrow, but there was a brazier with embers making it warm. The bed was not covered with a fur, but with a soft blanket of knitted goat wool.

"You might as well undress, boy, so we can hit the bed." the man said starting to pull off his clothes. He was fattish and under his clothing he wore underwear in cream coloured hemp. Olaf didn't wear underwear, so he remained bare chest and with his breeches on him. "Pull them off, boy." the man said.

"I have nothing, under them." Olaf said somewhat embarrassed.

"So much better!" the man laughed, "What's up, are you ashamed to show me your willy? You are amongst men. Look, I'll go first..." the man said and pulled off his hemp underpants.

Olaf looked at the soft member hanging between the man's legs, surrounded by a thick bush of reddish hair, and followed suit.

The man sat on the bed's edge with his legs apart: "Come here, boy. How old are you?"

"Sixteen, sir."

"Well, to be just sixteen, you are already well hung," the man said stretching out his hand and after taking and weighing it in his hand; playing with it.

Olaf trembled and blushed when he felt he was getting a hard on at these manipulations; the man was calmly jacking him off.

"Come here on the bed, boy, and kneel at my side. So, good. Yes, you have a nice dick, I like it." the man said. To Olaf's great amazement, the man started to lick it, then to suck it with evident desire.

Olaf shivered with pleasure - that warm mouth, those soft lips, that darting tongue were giving him very strong, good sensations. He had never thought of doing it with the mouth!

The man went on for a time, then said to the boy: "Why don't you put your face in my lap and give me head, boy. The nights are long in Winter, we might as well amuse ourselves."

Olaf was not sure he would like it, but he let the man give him pleasure that way and he felt he could no step back. He bent down and did what the man asked. At first the sensation of that soft flesh in his mouth didn't give him pleasure but it didn't bother him, it was just weird. But then, as he felt it harden and throb between his lips, he started to like that sensation. Well, it was not as good as when the man sucked him, but it was good.

The man made him stop, and started again to suck the boy. Then he made Olaf suck him again, alternating several times the parts. Each time Olaf liked it more and more and was aware that also the man was receiving at least the same good sensations. That way of giving pleasure using the mouth seemed strange to the boy, but fascinating at the same time. The man didn't seem at all interested in his ass. Suddenly he felt the man vibrate all over, and his hot member throbbing in his mouth; Olaf realized that the man was reaching his orgasm.

He tried to pull away, but the man seized his head with both hands and held it against his groin, saying with hoarse voice: "No, don't move away, drink it all... drink it all, go on, my brandy!"

Olaf felt his mouth filled with hot jism. He gagged but the man was holding him with force and he had to swallow it all. When the man left go, Olaf coughed, and his cheeks were wet with tears.

The man smiled: "Don't tell me this is your first time, boy! I thought you were one of those boys going to the inns and earning a living selling themselves."

"It is my first time..." Olaf said drying his tears and trying to stop the gagging that still shook him.

"And you didn't like it? Come here, I'll show you how to do it. I like it a lot, now it's my turn to drink your sweet brandy, the elixir of everlasting youth! Come here, boy."

Olaf obeyed, docile, and the man started sucking him again until he reached the explosion of pleasure. The man greedily drank all. The boy had an orgasm stronger than he had ever before.

He laid down panting, and the man caressed his genitals that were rapidly wilting: "Let's get some sleep. Later we will do it again, and again tomorrow morning... You'll see, you'll come to love it."

Olaf nodded in silence. He thought that he was ready to try it again to feel that intense pleasure, he would even drink it. He still had the taste of the man's cream, and after a little thought decided that it was not unpleasant. It was just a question to getting used to it. It was plain that the man loved drinking from him it.

He felt the warmth of the man's body next to his. It was not a nice body, and yet he liked that warmth. He fell asleep.

"Are you sleeping boy?" the man asked him many hours later.

Olaf woke up at these words: "No..."

"Wait, then, I'll light the lantern... so then..."

It happened more or less like the first time, but this time Olaf was prepared and managed to swallow the jets sprouting from the merchant's rod without difficulty. Then the man took again care of the boy's pleasure. And it happened again in the morning.

"You're a nice young man! It's a pity you don't want to come to the capital with me. Bah! Let's go eat now, and then I have to be on my way. Let's get dressed, go on!"

After they had eaten, the merchant paid for both meals. Then Olaf offered to help him to load his asses. The merchant gave him a coin. Olaf asked him if he could give him a cup or a ladle to take water long his way. The merchant gave him a hammered copper cup. They bid farewell and each took his direction.

Olaf thought about what the merchant said him about boys going from inn to inn selling their bodies for food or bed. He asked the man to explain him how they did it. They entered like he did, saying they didn't have money, but they didn't address to the innkeeper, but the customers, asking if they could be their guest in exchange for his "services".

At nightfall, Olaf stopped at the first inn he met on the road and, entered, he addressed to the customers: "Does any of you gentlemen want to help a poor boy without a coin? I don't know were to spend the night, and if one of you gentlemen wanted to help me, I would be glad to offer him my services..."

It worked. A soldier made him sign to drew nearer: "You can came in my room, boy. Did you eat?"

"Not yet, soldier." Olaf answered sitting near him.

The man quickly felt Olaf's ass with a satisfied smile he ordered a meal for the boy.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 3

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