The Forceps Mark

Published on May 5, 2022




"THE FORCEPS MARK" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on September 3rd 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised
by Anonymous 2thenth°

7 - Bjorn gives himself to Athal
in order to have Niels killed

To tell the truth, Bjorn, though he made the best of things, was full of resentment about Niels, the unknown youth who had taken his position as crown prince. Having been the center of everyone's attentions and now, suddenly, he felt neglected in his second level role. He was jealous of Niels, though he did not show it.

But Guntar, who watched Niels more than before, saw it. For a while he said nothing about his suspicions, but carefully watched Bjorn's manner. And at last he had a strong fear that the young prince was up to something.

So, one evening, when they were in bed, caressing and kissing each other, Guntar said: "Niels... your brother Bjorn is plotting against you, I can feel it. We must be very careful."

"Bjorn? I don't see it, he is always so kind with me. Don't see problems where they are none."

"Niels, do you forget the prophecy of the Brett on the mountain? He said words that then seemed odd and unlikely to us. I'm afraid that he may have been right."

"What... The old man? He was totally wrong. He said that our love would become perfect when the lesser gave himself to the grater, but I already was yours, was I not?"

"Oh no, that was true prophecy; we just didn't understand it at that time. I am the lesser, forsooth, even if then we did not know it, I am just a knight and you my prince. Our love became perfect on the day when I asked you to take me. He foresaw that too, even the time and place. It is just now we can understand it. Therefore, my Love, we have to be very careful about Bjorn."

"All right, beloved. But let us think of ourselves, won't you? Do you know I long for you all the time?"

"Yes, I can see it, Love. But when you are aroused, you are even more beautiful. You are splendid with your prince's attire, but I prefer you naked, that way... naked and ready to take me or to give yourself to me, that way I know that I am yours and you are mine." Guntar murmured and lowered to suck Niels' nipples while caressing his turgid, throbbing manhood.

"Oh, Guntar, I love you... I want you!"

"Do you want me?" Guntar asked coyly.

"Yes, of course. You know that I love taking you... and how I like being taken by you! Oooh, my Guntar... yeees..." Niels murmured excitedly while his lover started too suck his stiff, strong member, taking it deep into his throat, then teasing its tip with his tongue and bobbing his head up and down rapidly.

"Go all the way inside me, now, Love!" Guntar panted as he gave himself to his lover, "You have become more virile -- make me yours again, take me!"

"Yes... here I am... oooh! Do you feel me?"

"Yes, Love... push... oh, how good it is. Oh, Niels! How strong you are... this way... so... yes..." Guntar panted while Niels vigorously filled him with passion. "Oh, Niels, Love... you are so strong... so beautiful..."

Niels was pumping inside him with endless energy, impetuously taking him, shaking with his passion, and Guntar in kind pushed himself against him with each thrust, relishing how the firm flesh pole slipped in and out with force.

Guntar loved the rapt look on Niels as he took him -- he was glowing with intense pleasure causing Guntar's pleasure to grow. His bright, blissful smile and joyful shudders increased Niels' passion in reciprocating reactions. At last Niels sank his shaft deep in his beloved with all his strength; he shook and trembled, and with a series of low, husky moans, he orgasmed and emptied himself, one jet after another, inside his man.

Then they tightly held each other, kissed, and Guntar caressed him all over as Niels slowly found the golden calm after his orgasm.

"Now take me, Guntar. Let me feel your manhood. Make me feel I'm always yours. Slip your powerful scepter inside me, enjoy my body, it belongs to you... Make me feel how much you want me."

"Love, I want you, yes... see... welcome me... in your delightful love nest." Guntar murmured excitedly as he started to slip his rock hard rod, covered with silky skin, inside Niels with tender, passionate pushes.

Niels relaxed completely to receive him, with a blissful look on his face. "Do you like my little ass?" he asked sweetly.

"Yes, I adore it. It is warm, soft, welcoming. But I also adore your strong rod, your sweet lips, your hands... all of you. Making love to you is the most splendid thing I have ever known. I love being yours, and making you mine."

"I can tell, what I would give that these splendid sensations you bring never end."

While the two lovers were making love, Prince Bjorn was sneaking into the room of a knight named Athal. The whys and wherefores of his nighttime visit were not brought by desire or by love.

"Athal... are you sleeping?" Bjorn whispered after closing the door. He raised his candle and walked towards the bed.

The squire jumped out on his cot, stiletto in hand: "Who goes there! Who are you?"

"I am Prince Bjorn. Leave this room and leave us alone."

"Yes, sire." the squire said recognizing him.

While his squire left, Athal got out of bed, he bowed to the prince. "To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" he asked slightly taken aback.

"Athal, you swore fealty to me."

"I did, my liege."

"Good. The time to show your fidelity is nigh. I am here to ask you to act on my behalf. Should you do it, in exchange, you can ask me anything... anything, do you understand?" the prince said staring at him intensely.

"Anything, your highness?" the knight asked as he studied Bjorn with a leer, "You know well what my greatest desire is..."

"That too. But only if the deed you carry out is successful."

"You really are to become my lover? What do you want from me, it must be quite important to you..."

"Yes. I want you to kill Prince Niels."

"Eh, what?! Assassinate Niels? You are asking the impossible of me. Were I to succeed they would cut off my head, how could you be my lover?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I am not asking you to get blood on your hands, but to arrange it so he will be killed without it being traced back to you. And the prize I'll give you..."

"You told me that you dislike sex between man. You refused my love. And now you came saying that you are ready to be my steady lover... I do not trust you. It would be easy, after the fact, to get rid of me."

"You have my word."

"Your word is not enough. If you truly want me to do what you want me to do, I require two things -- First, you put this in writing, this will be assurance for my life. Second, you will be my lover now, at once, here. At least, if I am caught and sentenced to die, I will have enjoyed you for a while. If you won't give me this, I will forget you came here to visit me."

"You ask much of me."

"You ask a great deal of me, your highness. If you want time to think it over..."

"No need, I accept your conditions. But if you fail, I will kill you with my bare hands; am I understood?"

"Ha! And what is to stop you from killing me if I am successful?"

"You will have to take me at my word. If you are successful, I see no reason to kill you."

"I can think of some. You may want to stop having sex with me, as you don't like it. There is nothing more dangerous than an unwilling lover."

"Well, then, let's do so -- I will lay in your bed fifty times. I will do all you desire, whether it brings me pleasure or not. Should I want to end this contract, I will pay you twelve measures of gold for every time I don't share your bed."

"Agreed. This will also be in writing. Now undress, I want to collect the first of the fifty fucks you owe me."

"What do you want to do?" Bjorn was startled.

"I want to fuck you. To take your delicious little ass I've been dreaming about for months and months. I want to ride it as I please."

"Wont that hurt me? I never took it, there..."

"I have an ointment I use when I bugger my squire. He got used to it, you will too long before the fiftieth time, highness." the knight said as he leered while pulling out his already erect member.

He forced Bjorn down on his bed on his belly and he started to spread the ointment with his fingers on the tight, inviolate hole. He then pushed the tip of his forefinger in, pushing it open as made room for his middle finger in him.

"Ouch, be gentle... wait..."

"It's just a finger; get used to it. Relax, it will hurt less. You have a fine ass, your hindness."

"Spare me your sick mind... Ouch, be gentle... I don't know if I really can take your dick, it is too big..."

"Don't worry, it will slide inside you like a sword in its sheath. You are not the first boy I've deflowered, everything will be fine, if you relax," Athal said as he massaged his finger inside Bjorn's tense sphincter that greatly attracted him.

"How many boys have you deflowered?"

"Many. More than one wanted to do it again after I was done, most more than I wanted to, they enjoyed being worked by my tool." Athal answered starting to slowly pump his two fingers in and out of Bjorn's' tight, hot chute.

"Who deflowered you?" Bjorn asked out of curiosity.

"My master of arms took my virginity when I was thirteen. But I wasn't his bottom for long and I started to be a top. Relax, come on! You're still too fucking tense -- I'll hurt you if you stay like this. Relax. You'll find it will get smoother each time and it will get better the more we do it, believe me."

"Come on, fuck me fast and get it over with that. I don't like it."

"Then spread your ass. More... I'm going to fuck you and make you mine." Athal said as he mounted Bjorn. He placed the head of his massive rod on his hole and started to push, but Bjorn squeezed his hole shut with all his might.

"No, not like that, it will be worse. If you want me to get rid of your older brother you will have to let me fuck you no matter what. Just think what you will get in exchange for your ass -- a kingdom! It's worth it, eh?" Athal said as he kept pushing in with greater force. But he couldn't enter him not one bit. Then he sighed and said: "Well, next time it will be better, I'll stop here and content myself with brushing my rod on your sweet hole, without entering it and let you get used to its presence."

"Yes, it will be better..." the boy murmured with relief in his voice as he relaxed with the danger over.

But Athal was just waiting for that. He lightly brushed the tip of his member on the boy's hole and as soon as he felt that Bjorn had relaxed, he pushed into him with all his strength, taking him unaware, and succeeded getting a couple of inches in him.

"Yeeoouch!!! You filthy bastard, you said that..."

"I'm inside, now."

"It hurts... pull it out!"

"No, Bjorn, no... I would rather go all the way in, now..." Athal said holding him fast as he pushed in with vigor.

"No... stop it... nooo... you are hurting me..."

"Silence or you will be heard..." Athal panted as he continued to push in with powerful, short strokes.

"Oh fucking shit, you are smashing in me! Stop it..."

"Do you want to break the pact?"

"No, but... ouch... you are too big!"

"No, no; it's the right size, you see how it is in you now... All you have to do is relax... relax, your highness..."

"That's easy for you to say... oouuch... you are a beast... a pig..."

"I like you, prince Bjorn... aaah... here it is, I'm all inside you... can you feel it?"

"Shit, of course I can feel it! Don't move, now, for a while... please..." Bjorn moaned peevishly.

"I shall, while you get used to it. But then I'll fuck you, your highness; that's how it is done. I want to enjoy you for a long while."

"For a long while? Are you crazy? Hurry up, ooh... but gently, be gentle... no, wait, not yet... Nooo... oh, shit! Be gentle... its like a branding iron, it glows... it burns... Oh, my poor ass..."

Athal was fucking him with long strong strokes, and felt Bjorn finally surrendering.

"Good, that is the way, Bjorn! Now you'll enjoy it!"

"Like fucking hell I'll enjoy it! This is torture!"

"No, no... let me feel..." Athal said as slipped his hand under Bjorn's hips and felt his member, "It's getting hard, you are enjoying it, aren't you?"

"No, I don't like it at all... who knows why it is..."

"It keeps getting harder... tell me you like being fucked..."


"Yes, you like it. Good, relax more, that way. Aah, this is great... tell me it's great..."


"You don't have to say it; but your body will tell me when you spill your seed."


"Yes, Bjorn. We will die together, I promise you."

"Noooo... oooh... oooh, nooo... ooooh... oh, shit..." the boy groaned because in his pain he was beginning to feel a dull pleasure growing and seizing him. He was furious at the idea he was feeling pleasure being fucked by his subject; he felt humiliated.

But he couldn't help it, he felt his release get near and he knew there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Athal was aware of Bjorn's inner conflict and this, more than the physical act in itself, increased his pleasure. In fifty times, he told himself, he would make Bjorn like it so much he would become his lover, his sex slave. One day Bjorn would become King and he would be sure to make a profit in that. He had fifty fucks at his disposal and it was best to start at once.

Athal continued to hammer inside Bjorn, but gently, his hands touched the boy's body in the most sensitive spots increasing Bjorn's pleasure. He also moved his rod so it would brush against his prostate. He could tell his plan was working.

Bjorn was moaning in a low, hoarse voice and was shuddering: "Oh, filthy bastard... oooh... you like... fucking me... don't you? Oooh... no... nooo... oh bastard... Noo... nooo... oooh... oh no, oooh... ooooohhh!!!" the boy moaned as he spilled his seed in Athal's hand, while he unloaded inside him, plunging with vigor in the hot and throbbing chute.

For a while they panted and held still. Then Bjorn tried to escape the body on top of him and still deep inside him.

Athal rolled away and let him go. Bjorn turned, lifting himself on his elbow and looked at him with disgust, full of wrath: "You really are a pig, Athal. A perverted profiteer."

"I am just your faithful subject, your highness. And I will do what you asked of me. The price you are paying is not that great, is it?"

"You treacherously took me... and my ass hurts so much that I'm afraid I wont be able to ride for a while."

"You would not relax! I did it the best way I could to help you, don't you understand? You will see the next times that it will not be so hard. Each time it will be a little better, believe me, your highness. Have you ever buggered a boy, my prince?"

"You know well I only bed women, I am not a pervert like Niels or you."

"Then you don't know what you are missing. You must do it one time. If you want, you can bugger my squire - he is able to take it with real skill and would be able to make you enjoy it more than with any woman, believe me. And he will be honored to be your bottom."

"Don't speak nonsense! I'll pay the agreed price, but don't fool yourself into thinking you will make me like it!" retorted Bjorn as dressed.

"Please remember to give me those two documents, your highness, before you come again to my bed to please me. Meanwhile I will figure out how to help you with your brother."

Bjorn left Athal's room without adding a word while the knight smugly returned to his bed that was still warm from Bjorn's freshly deflowered body. And, recalling the fuck, he became aroused again.

As soon as his squire returned, he said him: "Come here, I want your ass."

"Yes, sir, I'm ready!" the youth answered cheerfully as he stripped and climbed into Athal's bed and gave himself to his lust.

Two evenings later Bjorn returned to see Athal and had two sheets of parchment in his hands, as well as his seal.

On the sheet with the order to kill Niels, he wrote: "I, Bjorn, son of Harold and Gertrude, Prince of this land, hereby order the knight Athal to find a means of disposing, by any means, the usurper who styles himself as my late brother Niels; in so doing he is taking advantage of my father, King Harold; my mother, Queen Gertrude; the court, and the nobles of this land."

"Here it is. Will this do?" he said as he handed him the papers.

"Yes, quite well. You keenly chose your words; it is enough for me. With this, I feel safer."

"Good. Give me sealing wax that I may protect it." Bjorn said. He folded the sheet, sealed it and gave it back to the Athal. "Where will you keep it?"

"In a safe place. I am yet to decide where. But now, undress, your highness..."

"All right. Just try to be fast," Bjorn glowered.

He stripped and laid on Athal's bed; while he was freeing himself of his clothes, Athal took some ointment with his fingers and started to play with Bjorn's hole, making it slippery. With his other hand, he skillfully titillated him on his most sensitive spots, arousing his passion. And this time he set himself to bugger him with less force than the first time.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? Do what you have to do and be quick about it!" Bjorn muttered torn between the pleasure Athal was giving him and the rage at having to submit to any vile sexual practices.

But Athal knew what he was doing, and took his time, and when he thought that Bjorn's member was hard enough, he took it between his lips, while gently finger fucking his back hole.

"Oh! What in the name of Hell are you doing? Nooo... This... was not... was not... in our agreement..." the boy moaned as he curled up his mid section without trying to escape.

"All and everything is in our agreement, your highness. This time I feel like starting this way, before I screw your ass."

"You are a pig..."

"Yes, your highness, I am a big pig. But I like you, and you make me an even greater pig." Athal said merrily starting again to give Bjorn head with all his skill. Then, after a while, he said: "Good, turn on your belly, now, and be ready to welcome my spear inside you... your highness!"

Bjorn turned and spread his legs. Athal was on top of him and, as he had guessed, the resistance the boy had to his entrance was less strong, more easy to destroy as he was really trying to relax. He sank inside him with a set of well-measured strokes, as he brushed his nipples and groped Bjorn's member prisoner between his groin and the mattress.

"Is it painful, yet?" he asked aroused completely.

"Of course it hurts, you bastard. You are hung like a horse!"

"Did you feel how it easily went in you? You have a really delicious little ass... hot... tight... And I enjoy it more when you tighten it in like that..." Athal murmured sinking completely inside Bjorn's throbbing channel.

As he expected, the boy ass muscles stopped spasming. Then Athal started to fill his rectum with long and passionate strokes in and out, his main concern was giving Bjorn as much pleasure as he could. There was no generosity nor love, he did it because he wanted the boy to give in all the way to practices he was loath. Athal also understood that Bjorn liked being talked to dirty while having sex, so he started to murmur in his ear, while fucking him with consummate art.

"Do you feel my beautiful big cock inside your tender little ass? And my balls slapping against your tight little butt each thrust? I like screwing you... Bjorn!"

"Yes, you filthy pig... I know that... Go fast, come on."

"No, Bjorn, I want to enjoy your man pussy while it is being done. And I will fill your bowels with all my jism... "Athal whispered as he continued his rhythmic fucking as he kept track of Bjorn's growing pleasure.

The knight felt master of the situation and he liked it. He also liked how passively the prince took the fuck, compared to the last time. Truth be told, Athal liked boys who were active in taking it, who made him feel their pleasure. But the mere fact that Bjorn didn't want to admit to the pleasure was starting to feel, gave him a sense of power that aroused him.

The first thing Athal did the next day was to secretly give the sealed documents to his closest friend, asking him to not tell a soul he had them, to hide them and to only open them in the case that ill befell him.

Then he started to plot the best way to kill Niels. He thought that the best occasion could be during a hunt, it would seem to be an accident. A dart straight through Niels' heart, in a thicket would be ideal. An arrow with the colors of another aristocrat, stolen, perhaps, from the armory a long while ahead of the hunt so nobody would connect it with him. An arrow shot by a skilled archer and ready to make such a shot. Somebody like his old whoring friend Waltha. He had to find a way to bring him back to court, but what bait would make him return? Waltha had left three years before when he inherited his family estates, and installed himself in his small but wonderful castle on a fjord. He brought tens of wonderful boys for his personal pleasure. Money would not do, nor the chance to have a gorgeous boy, in fact he had more than enough of both. What might Waltha want that he didn't have?

So Athal decided to visit his old friend Waltha. After having spent his fifth night with Bjorn in his bed, with the prince still feigning not to enjoy it, but each time he had more intense orgasms, he told him he planned to go to see a friend to ask him to return to the court to help dispose of Niels. Bjorn at first was not happy with that -- the more people aware of the conspiracy, the more he feared it would be discovered. But Athal calmed him explaining that it was necessary for such a plan to involve more people. Of course they would be trustworthy people; surely his friend Waltha was...

Athal rode off at dawn with his faithful squire. They traveled for two days whereupon they reached Waltha's castle. He went to the gate and announced himself. Anon, Waltha came to welcome him.

"It is a pleasant surprise, Athal! Enter, my friend, you must be tired after a long ride. I'll made my boys fix you a good warm bath... come, and choose who do you want to serve you..."

"I shall stay but short while. I came to discuss a peculiar enterprise. I need your help, my dear friend."

"Good, all I can... But for now, come and calm your spirits for a while. My friends all enjoy my hearth and house. Come in and rest. I will call my boys." Waltha said.

Athal sent his squire and horse off to the stable and told him to make himself at home with his work and he would be summoned later.

Waltha lead him into a room lavishly furnished, with furs to warm the floor and precious weapons on the walls. He rang a bell. Anon, a door opened and a dozen of boys entered wearing Waltha's livery, black and orange, who looked to be between the fifteen and the twenty years old.

"Ah, these are my pages, you may chose two or three to your liking. They all are equally expert and willing to please you."

Athal looked at them, they were a right handsome group. So he would amuse himself while relaxing. The skillfully tailored livery clearly showed off the young men's bodies. He pointed at two of them.

Waltha nodded and said: "If I remember your tastes, take him as well -- I'm quite sure you will enjoy him.

"Go draw a bath for my friend Athal, chop-chop. Be certain that he is fully satisfied with your service in every way." Waltha ordered the three pages who bowed and smiled as they took their leave.

"Waltha, now that we are alone, I must tell you the reason for my unannounced visit..."

"We have all the time we need, my friend. Go take a nice bath with those three young men, take all the time you need to enjoy them. Then we will sup and you will choose other boys to warm your bed. Then, before we go to our rooms, you can tell me everything. Under my roof, nothing is done in haste. We enjoy life. And, aside from my pageboys, there are other servants and there are guards, remember, ready to please you."

"For the night, I have my squire."

"Goodness no! We shall find someone for him for his amusement, tonight. A change will be good for both of you."

"You have made a paradise, I see."

"Well, yes, for me and for my friends."

"How do you manage to have so many people, all beautiful and young and completely available? What is your secret?"

"I have no secrets. I have three men in my service, a former squire and two of my former pages. They travel the kingdoms by horseback. When they see a handsome lad of about fifteen, especially if of a low family, they first try to fuck him. If he boy is game, they offer him a chance to enter my service. Most of them are attracted by a more comfortable life, so they accept. They bring him here and the boy starts his career."

"True, you have a taste for youths, don't you? What do you do with them when they grow older?"

"I keep the best in my service as servants or soldiers, the rest I send back to their villages with a purse of coins and a good service dismissal letter."

"So you always have fresh meat around, don't you?" Athal smiled. "And with little effort."

"I am investing my wealth, a good bit of it was gathered by my ancestors. I believe this is the only castle in this kingdom, or in any of our neighboring kingdoms, where the shadow of a woman darkens not the indoors. Ah, good, I see your bath is ready, at last. Have fun, my friend." Waltha said as he saw one of the three pages return.

Athal followed the boy to a bright room in a tower, with a large, wood tub filled with steaming water in its center. The other two boys were already naked and started to undress the knight, while the third one undressed himself. They started to wash Athal's body, sensuously touching him, and after rinsing him, they started to lick him, brush their bodies against him, causing his ardor to rise. Athal fingered them, touched, kissed the three beautiful, fresh and sensual bodies. Then they opened a thin, soft and wide couch; lay on it and offered themselves in an inviting manner.

Athal took one of them and penetrated him, while the other pages kept licking and kissing him all over; an orgy with Athal at the center. He fucked all three in turn, relishing their skill in pleasuring him. He settled on one who he enjoyed most and put him under himself, ready to fuck him until he reached his climax. Then the others moved so that one was licking his ass and balls, and the other nibbled his nipples rapidly bringing the man to such an intense pleasure that Athal could control himself no more and burst in an incredibly strong orgasm.

Then the boys washed him again, making him sink inside the wide tub of scented water, making him relax. Then they dried and redressed him. Then they dressed and brought him to their master.

"Good, are you satisfied, my dear friend?"

"I am sated, Waltha. Thank you for their use!"

"You are welcome. And now to supper; it is ready."


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 8

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