The Forceps Mark

Published on Apr 26, 2022




"THE FORCEPS MARK" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on September 3rd 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised
by Anonymous 2thenth°

3 - The Knight Guntar rescues Olaf

So Olaf spent his nights in the beds of various travellers, finally reaching the sea in the great port. During his nights of sex he had also earned some silver. One night a middle aged man asked to be fucked, it was his first. He enjoyed it. Not all his encounters had been fun, not that they had been completely unpleasant. But he really liked some of the men he met, especially a young man of twenty-six years, who was going in the neighboring kingdom to marry.

"You're gonna get married, but you like boys?" Olaf was amazed.

The man laughed: " I really like fiancée's brother; if we are to be lovers, he decided I'd have to marry her. We understand that this way we can live together. We will live together as two couples. We will go fishing and when we are at sea we can make love without fear."

"How'd you meet?"

"At sea. Last year he was shipwrecked and I rescued him. We fell in love and decided we had to live together. He shared his house with little sister, and so..."

"And you both are man lovers?"

"I am. He... I am his first man. He started fucking me out of gratitude. He learned that he prefers sex with me over his wife. It doesn't hurt that his wife is a cold fish."

"I believe you, you are a splendid lover, I like what you did a lot!"

"Olaf, you are a delicious boy also..."

When Olaf reached the sea port, he went from inn to inn. Many a sailor would offer him room and board in exchange for sex. Olaf hadn't found a job he liked, but he wasn't worried, he was able to make a living by hustling.

Come the Fall, he decided to leave the port and move to the neighboring kingdom. There was a chance he could have better luck there. He also hoped to meet the young man he liked, the beautiful fisherman with whom he had had spent the wonderful night of love.

Olaf was seventeen years old and was very handsome. He started on his way, with his bundle on his back, walking along the coast road stopping in the inns every evening. He always found somebody ready to take him in his bed.

At one inn, a half drunk man invited him at his table. Olaf was considering his invitation when another handsomer man who was fairly sober made the same offer. Olaf decided to go and join the second man at his table.

The first one stood up, grabbed Olaf's arm and said: "I asked you first - come with me!"

"Let the boy go!" the other man said harshly. He stood up and put his hand on the hilt of the dagger hanging from his belt, "He'll stay with me."

It dawned on the drunk man that the man with a dagger was not joking and let go of Olaf and quickly returned to his table. There was hate in his eyes.

Olaf wondered if he'd done the right thing, but it was too late to change his mind. He stayed with the man with a dagger, they ate, then they went to the man's room. As the door closed they started to make love; the man was tireless. He was rude, but not violent and, all things considered, Olaf wasn't a bit sorry about going to bed with him. When the man finally allowed him to go to sleep, Olaf was sated and worn out. He was wakened at dawn and he made love with him again. Olaf was amazed by the man's never ending sex drive.

His host, having reached his umpteenth, relaxed, was apparently sated; Olaf told him: "I've never met a man able to do it, to fuck me as much as you have... you are out of this world."

"It has five years since my last fuck. I needed it badly and you are a beautiful young male."

"Five years? How's that?" the boy was astonished.

"Can't you guess it? I was in jail, that's why."

"In jail? Why?" Olaf asked. The man didn't seem to be a criminal.

"Why, you ask? For a boy beautiful as you are. He was the son of the Vice-constable of King Oder. To think that he had been the boy to seduce me, a simple dog catcher."

"And that's why you've came to the land of King Harold?"

"Yeah. I was granted a pardon and was exiled."

"But, if the boy seduced you, why'd you end up in jail?"

"When they caught us, he lied and they believed to him, of course. I was the perverter of youths; a servant is always wrong. I spent five years, by myself, in a dark, wet cell; for surrendering to my yen for a young man like you."

"What'd he look like?"

"Handsome, like you. He was stronger than you, but if you exercised... I could believe that you were the son of a noble family..."

"A noble, me? Come on! My parents are unknown, I was born in a small village up the mountains."

"Who knows? Your father could be a noble who dallied with a nice girl of your village. You are too beautiful to be the son of commoners," the man said thoughtfully as he caressed the boy.

"But that boy... he wasn't your first, right?"

"No, sure. I bedded my first boy when I was fourteen. He was the blacksmith's apprentice, he was eighteen years old. He almost raped me. I say almost; at first I didn't want him, but then his fucking turned me on so much that I wanted him to do it again. When I was your age, I took another boy for the first time. He was fifteen and he had a golden little ass, a real delight. I loved him so much that I decided to stop being a bottom. After that I was almost always on top. Yeah, that boy was really skilled, he knew how to make bring a man pleasure. He was boy to half the garrison, but it was not enough for him. You say I'm tireless? He was inexhaustible! He'd get out one man's bed and would be looking for the next one. But one day, he fell in love with a clerk, and then he would only go to his bed - it was unbelievable! All at once he was faithful to one man!"

Olaf liked this man, but he left him to continue his journey in search for more encounters and, above all, a good job.

He walked along the road next to a fjord and saw three men ahead sitting on a fallen tree trunk by the side of the road. They looked like fellow travelers or passers-by to him, taking a break. When he got closer, he saw that one of them was last evening's drunk... The man recognized him and jumped up next to Olaf taking hold of his arms.

"Ha! Here you are! This time you can't escape me, bosom boy!"

"Let me go! Whadya want from me?"

"I want your ass, boy, just your ass."

"Hey, let him go, what happened to you!" one of the seated men asked.

"Eh no! Last night this young gentleman refused to join me in my bed. Instead he went and had sex with next guy to ask him. Now I will screw him, willing or not." the man said firmly.

Olaf tried to wriggle out, while the two other men were laughing: "Ah, an inn-boy, eh? We might as well fuck his ass while he's here..." the third man said standing up and holding Olaf's other arm.

Then the man who'd been on the log joined them with a lusty smile and took Olaf's chin: "A very young'un. Yeah... it's time we had some fun." he said.

"Lemme alone." Olaf shouted, desperate to get free.

But the three men laughed and picked him up and carried him into a grove of trees. Olaf wriggled pulling with all his might and shouting, but it all was useless; the six hands held him tight and when they were in the bushes, stripped him. They were calm and let him shout as they laughed coarsely, turned on by the boy's resistance.

"Who's first?" one of them asked when the boy was at last stark naked.

"Me. I saw him last night. Hold him tight," the man said as he raised his tunic and pulled out an erect rod.

The two other men forced Olaf's body so his ass would be easy to fuck. He continued to struggle with all his might and yelled although he knew it was useless.

"A really nice little ass, right my friends?" the first said, preparing to penetrate it, "I think I'll ram it all into that ass right away!"

"No, please... noooo..." Olaf shouted.

The other two men laughed aloud: "Please? Yes, we will be pleased to drive our cocks in you!" said one of the man holding him in place.

Olaf felt the man raping his ass ands yelled, not as much from the pain but from his rage.

Suddenly a voice behind him yelled: "Leave him be, ye knaves!" and Olaf was set free.

He thought it was the man with whom he spent the night; when he turned around, naked and trembling, he saw the three men running away as fast as they could. A few paces form him stood a knight with a bare head so his blond hair waving in the wind and a sword in hand. The knight frowned after the fleeing men wondering if he should chase after them. He turned towards Olaf and Olaf looked at him - enchanted - he'd never seen a man as beautiful as this avenging angel! He was young, no more than twenty-five years, his eyes, were the deep blue of a clear mountain lake and they gleamed with anger. He turned towards the boy and re-sheathed his sword; he gazed at Olaf's naked body, and his eyes softened.

Upon seeing the young man's look, Olaf remembered his nakedness and blushed as he instinctively covered his genitals with both hands.

"I hope I was in time, boy." the knight said in a deep, warm voice that made Olaf get weak.

"Not really, yer worship." the boy answered on impulse.

"I'm sorry; as soon as I heard your screams I got my horse as close to you as I could, dismounted him and ran here. You should put your clothes on, now."

"Yes, yer worship... thank you."

While Olaf picked up his ragged clothes from the ground and got dressed the knight asked him: "What's your name, boy?"

"Olaf, yer worship."

"And, how old are you?"

"Seventeen, yer worship."

"I thought a couple more... You have a fine body. What you do and where do you live?"

"I have no home, yer worship. I'm looking for a job, that's why I'm traveling."

"Your family?"

"I'm an orphan, yer worship..." Olaf said, now dressed, looking at the rich clothes of the beautiful knight.

"Without family and looking for a job? What do you think, then, becoming my servant? I travel alone and your company and help would please me."

"Do you want me as your servant, yer worship? Really? I'm yours, you rescued me, and..." he said and stopped. He was about saying 'you are so handsome!' but he was afraid the knight didn't appreciate these words, so he became silent.

"Let's go. My name is Guntar and I am a knight in the service of king Harold. I am doing my investiture service..."

"The investiture service? What does this mean, Knight?"

"The king made me a knight at the Mid Autumn Festival, and for one year I have to travel around all over the kingdom, protecting the weak, chasing criminals, gaining experience and strengthening myself. We shall not have a comfortable life for the rest of this year. But with me you shall have clothes, food, shelter and protection. When this year is over, you shall come with me to my family's castle and estate where you shall be paid your wages. This is what I can offer you. In exchange, you will learn to take care of my horse, of my armor and my clothes, and always obey my orders. Do you accept?"

"With real pleasure, Knight."

"Good, Olaf. I shall order clothes worthy of a knight's servant from a tailor. You cannot follow me wearing these rags. You will have to bathe frequently. You don't smell very good right now," the knight told him. He smiled to soothe the harshness of his words.

Olaf slightly blushed and said: "If you will teach me to be a good servant, I will see that you never regret hiring me, Knight."

"And don't call me Knight; Sir, will do, Olaf."

"Yes, knight... I mean Sir."

Guntar remounted his horse and started at a walk. The boy who was walking at his side felt happy that he had found a job working for such a handsome knight. They traveled for several hours, just stopping to drink from a stream and water the horse. When they reached a small town, Guntar stopped at an inn. They went to the stables in back where he taught Olaf how to groom and how and what to feed his horse. He then entered the inn and ordered the innkeeper to prepare a warm bath and to summon a tailor.

When Olaf entered the inn, the bath was ready. Guntar asked Olaf to help him to pull off his armor and his clothes, entered naked in the tub and asked the boy to wash him. Olaf was excited - his knight's body seemed to him wonderful, and the idea he would touch it stirred him up. He hoped the knight would want to have sex with him. While he thoroughly scrubbed Guntar's splendid body, nothing happened. The only reaction from Guntar was a sentence, said with extreme naturalness.

"You have a gentle touch, I like it. Now you may dry my body. Then you should take a bath. When you have new livery, you will also bathe as needed." Then Guntar explained him: "When we eat in public places, you shall serve me and will eat when I am done. You have to learn to serve at table, we shall start now. When we are alone, we will eat together." He showed him how he wanted Olaf to use serving materials, from what side he had to serve, how to refill his cup, and how to clear. Olaf learned quickly, thanks to his sharp memory and his good will.

The tailor came. Guntar choose the fabrics and made him prepare three changes of underclothes and two complete liveries. The tailor assured him that everything would be ready the next day. Olaf, at the thought of having underwear, felt rich. The idea of his livery, in his knight's colors, the light green and sky blue, enchanted him.

They went out for a walk and the knight did some physical training in a wooded area, and made Olaf do them too. Then, tired, they went back to the inn. They went up the knight's room. The bed was wide.

"The servant always sleeps at the foot of his knight, here on my bed, crosswise, at the bottom. He has to protect his sleep and be ready to his orders. At home, you will have a bed crosswise at the bottom of mine. Do you understand?"

"Sure, er yes Sir. Shouldn't I sleep on the floor until I get my uniform? I don't want to dirty your bed with these dirty clothes."

"No need, tonight you will simply undress and wear one of my shirts. Then you will have your underclothes and there will be no more problems. It will be enough you keep yourself clean. You now need to learn how fold my clothes, when I undress."

"Do I help you undress?" Olaf was hopeful.

"No, you don't need to. When I take off my armor you have to help me. For the clothes, I can do it by myself, I'm no old, after all!" he said with a smile.

Olaf liked his knight's smile - he felt in it an indescribable freshness, sincerity, warmth.

When they were nude, Guntar handed Olaf one of his nightshirts and wore one himself. They lay down and Olaf snuffed the lamp.

"You told me you are alone, Olaf."


"Did your parents die?"

"I never knew them. I was a foundling in a basket near a well. When I was a child, they called me 'Olaf of the well'."

"And who took care of you?"

"A woman of the village who was still nursing her last child. She raised me."

"So she had been like a mother to you?"

"Yes. But when her husband died, she married again. Her new husband didn't want children who weren't his in the house, so she apprenticed me to a backer who lived in a different town down the valley."

"She abandoned you? I guess you were disappointed..."

"Well, no. I understand her. She had been good to me and I was old enough to leave her house."

"So why did you leave the baker?"

"His two sons were cruel to me. I decided to leave and to try my luck elsewhere..."

"You have not had an easy life..."

"I don't complain, Sir."

"You lived in King Oder's land, right? What brings you here to King Harold's lands?"

"I didn't have a real reason. I wanted to move south, where the winter nights, I hear, are less long. Maybe because destiny decided I was to meet you... who knows."

"Right. And it seems I met you just in time. Those men were taking advantage of a defenseless boy! I had to kill all three like scabby dogs!"

"Have you killed men before, Sir?"

"Not as yet. Perhaps, if a war had broken out..."

"What does a King's knight do?"

"He puts his life in the service of his liege lord, the King."

"Yes, but... practically, what does he do?" the boy insisted.

"If the king asks him to act, he does it no matter what is asked. The rest of his time, he always trains to be ready, is courtly to ladies, composes poems or ballads, hunts, takes part in tournaments and jousts... in short, he does what he likes best. It is different from the titled nobles, he doesn't normally have responsibilities of an entitled noble."

"But... are you born a knight?"

"No. You can be born in a noble family, but the younger sons don't inherit the title, money or lands so they normally become knights. My father was a count of the king, I am his forth son, therefore..."

"Just noble men can become knights?"

"Normally yes. It is rare when the king invests as knight a man not of a noble family. Yes, very rare. In my lifetime I've never heard it happened. It could happen. Why? Do you want to become a knight?"

"Me? No, I didn't even fancy such a thing! You are the first knight I've met, I am a little curious. To me, it is already an incredibly good thing becoming your servant."

"Really? Why?"

"Because... you rescued me."

"It was my duty as a knight. The king has the duty to protect the weak and he does that with the help of his knights. We are the king's hands, eyes, ears, and feet, as well as his sword!"

"How is the king?"

"King Harold? He is an extraordinary king, the best king one could desire. He is wise, strong, right, magnanimous."

"What is your horse name?" Olaf asked changing suddenly subject.


"He is beautiful."

"Yes. I have had him since I was a squire. I could say we grew up together. He won't allow anyone to saddle or ride him but me. He obeys me and only follows my orders."

"But he let me clean him..."

"Because I asked him, or else you wouldn't even be able to brush him with one fingertip."

"Do you talk to him?"

"Of course, he is my friend."

"May I talk to him too?"

"If you like..."

Olaf was happy. He fell asleep happily, he felt that he was starting a new, wonderful life, at the side of an extraordinary and beautiful man.

The next day Olaf went to curry Thunderbolt and he talked to him all the time, telling him a thousand things, caressing him from time to time. The animal followed him with his eyes, meekly listening to him. The tailor came with new livery and underclothes for Olaf. The boy, after taking a good bath, changed into his new clothes and threw away his old ones. He proudly went in front of his master. Guntar was astonished at what he saw.

"You seem another person. You are completely transformed. Do you know that you are really beautiful? You could pass for a noble!"

"Sir, don't pull my leg! A noble, me? I'm a common mountain boy!"

"I am not joking. All it would take is to cut your hair like the court pages wear them... I'll ask the innkeeper if he has scissors, and I'll cut your hair properly."

After Guntar cut Olaf's hair, he looked at him and was satisfied: "Now you are perfect. In court, you would be the most admired page boy!"

"Were I a noble; I am just a commoner," Olaf said with a smile.

Guntar didn't say anything. He stood up and said: "All right, we can go train, now. Come, and do as I do."

At the end Olaf was completely winded, but skin was white and red like a bit apple and was happy. On the other hand, Guntar was fresh and calm as if he didn't put forth much effort.

They left the inn and traveled along the coast road, going around several fjords, until Guntar decided to stop for some days. Each day they trained and Olaf, was strengthening bit by bit to his knight's satisfaction. He also took care of the clothing, and the armor was always immaculate and shining. He also kept Thunderbolt perfectly curried.

One day, Guntar entered the stables and heard Olaf talking to his horse: "... then, I took my sling, swung it round and, with just a small stone like this, I hit a flying duck on its head and it fell down dead. So I took it to the market and earned enough money to eat for several days. Nobody was better than me with a sling, do you know? I really was skilled!"

"Really? You never told me you were skilled with your sling..." the knight said with a smile.

"Oh... I didn't hear you coming..."

"You tell Thunderbolt because you think he'd believe everything?" Guntar asked, pulling his leg.

"No, I really was good..."

"Fine, so why don't you show me?"

"I don't have a sling, now."

"You could make one?"

"If I had a piece of good leather... sure."

"Good, let's go to find some good leather, I really want to see if you are skilled as you say you are."

Guntar took the boy to a saddler, and told Olaf to choose the best piece of leather he could find. The boy tested with his hands different pieces, but seemed never satisfied. He wanted it thinner or thicker, more rigid or softer... Guntar smiled silently thinking it was just a pretext not to be put to the test.

But suddenly Olaf, tested a piece of leather, said triumphantly: "Here it is, this is perfect!"

"It is the best leather we have... " the saddler said, "It is tanned with roots, with the ancient system..."

"Good, I'll buy it." Guntar said. Then asked the man a pegging awl and handed it to Olaf: "So then, cut your sling, boy."

"Such an expensive leather for a sling, Knight?" the saddler asked, almost horrified at such a sacrilege.

"Of course! Let's see what sort of a sling our Olaf will make with it."

The boy studied for a long while the leather piece, then cut it with quick, sure moves getting three different sizes slings from it.

He tested them to his satisfaction and said, "Here. With them I can now hit anything you ask of me, Sir."

"Good. Will you hit the small stone on top of that chimney?" Guntar said, pointing at the roof of a house across the village square.

"Sir, that's easy! It is a still target. All I have to find is the right stone," the boy said sure of himself. He started to search the ground. "A river stone would be better, but... here, this could be good."

He put it in the smallest sling, gripped it and started to whip it around while carefully looking at the target. Suddenly he let go one end of the sling. The stone whistled in the air and hit the target with a sharp snap and bounced away.

"Good! A prefect shot!" Guntar said with sincere admiration.

Olaf didn't seem to hear him. He bent, picked up another stone, put it in the middle sling and started to whirl it faster and faster.

"What do you want to hit, now?" Guntar asked, his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"That bird up there, flying towards us," Olaf said, his eyes glued on the target. Guntar followed the boy's gaze and saw a small black arch high in the sky.

"A swift! You'll never hit it!"

The sling shot the stone whistling away fast disappearing from view, and the small black arch stopped flying and fell to the ground.

Guntar stood there agape. "Boy, these slings in your hands are deadly weapons! Are you able to hit an arrow in flight?"

"I've never tried, Sir. I would have probably to practice before being able to do it all the time. I have no idea..."

"Yes, I really think you have to train, my boy. In war I will always have you at my side, and I will feel more safe than having ten men at arms at my side..."

A second thing that stupefied Guntar was another time he watched Olaf absorbed in currying Thunderbolt.

The boy was saying to the horse: "If you get down, I can do a better job of currying your back, it'll make you handsomer..." and Thunderbolt lowered himself. Olaf carefully curried him continuing to tell him a thousand things, then said: "Good, done! Now stand up so I can curry your flanks and legs... good boy, so..." And Thunderbolt stood up and brushed his muzzle on the boy's shoulder.

Guntar looked speechless - his horse docilely did everything the boy asked of him! So, after going back inside the inn, he summoned Olaf.

"Here I am, Sir!" the boy said arriving in a run.

He made the boy enter the room and told him: "Olaf, when you are done currying Thunderbolt, saddle him, and ride him around for exercise. I don't feel like doing it myself today."

"But, Sir... Thunderbolt surely won't let me saddle him, you know that very well! I've never ridden a horse, I don't know how to steer him." the boy answered in amazement.

"Well, try to manage. Obey me in this!" Guntar said with a serious and frowned expression and leaving the boy dumbfounded, he went up to his room. He gave Olaf his orders so that he was sure Thunderbolt could not hear him.

Olaf went back to the stable, and as he finished currying the horse, he said: "Listen, our master ordered me to saddle you and then to ride you taking you for a walk. I know that you don't allow anybody to do this, but I have to obey our master. Please be patient, Thunderbolt; you know I am not lying. There, there... now you are beautiful and gleaming. I'll take your saddle... be good, please, or our master will be angry at me..."

Thunderbolt gave the boy a little push with his muzzle, towards the saddle to encourage him.

"You will do it, then? Thank you Thunderbolt." Olaf said caressing his muzzle and smiling warmly to him, while he saddled him.

After a while Guntar, looked out his window and saw Olaf coming out from the stable, seated on Thunderbolt's saddle, without using the reins, saying to the horse: "... now to your right... let's go out of the gate..." So he went down and approached them.

He caressed Thunderbolt muzzle and said: "Good, Thunderbolt. You like Olaf, don't you?" The horse whinnied. "So we have to teach Olaf how to ride a horse." The horse neighed again and shaking his head up several times, as though he were nodding a convinced yes.


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If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 4

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