The Kea Tribe

Published on Feb 2, 2022




"THE KEA TRIBE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Andrej Koymasky © 2019
Written September 13th 1993
English translation by the Author
kindly revised by my friend John


It all started when Carlos and Jaime, two of the most herculean sailors aboard the brigantine "Morisco" of the Spanish King's Navy, decided to rape Sancio.

One evening they waited for the ship's boy, when he was ready to finish with the bucket and broom. Carlos approached him and with a mysterious tone said:

"Come and look. Sancio!"

"What?" the boy asked, curious and not at all worried.

"Something you'll never forget in your life time," Carlos answered, "if you come in time..."

The ship's boy followed Carlos, unaware that Jaime followed both of them. Carlos took him to the hold, between the cargo crates and the bales; he hooked the lantern to a beam and said:

"Look there..." and as the boy turned toward the spot pointed at by the sailor, Carlos seized from behind, holding him fast with his arms behind his back, closing his mouth with a strong hand and lifting him up from the floor.

Jaime moved in front of the boy, who, now scared, saw the sinister light in the man's eyes - he started to wriggle with all his might. Jaime untied his breeches and pulled them down. All Sancio's kicking and desperate attempts at freeing himself were useless - his eighteen years had very little power against those two sailors, all muscles and determined to have their way.

Then Jaime took a roll of tow and as soon as Carlos pulled out his hand from the boy's mouth, before the boy could even emit a yell, pushed it all inside Sancio's mouth and held it there with his scarf. Now Carlos, with both his hands free, could hold the boy better while his companion pulled down a bale.

Carlos grabbed hold of Sancio and made him lie on his back on the bale and held him down. Jaime spread the boy's legs forcibly and wedged himself in; he opened his breeches and pulled out a knotty flesh cudgel, hard and throbbing. The boy widened his eyes and grew pale in fear. He tried again to wriggle away, but Carlos immediately blocked him with a firm grasp - his hands seemed like steel.

Jaime spat on his hand and wet his monstrous tool that seemed to become even bigger and harder, while all the time his eyes looked with lust at the unfortunate ship's boy. He grasped Sancio's legs and folded them against his chest, pushing them down, and Carlos promptly blocked them up, so that now Jaime could spread wide the boy's buttocks with both hands.

"Get ready, Sancio! My tool is bigger than what you get from Esteban. I'll make you squeak like a mouse and so you'll learn not to say no to my friend Carlos. And after, I can warrant you, you'll be no more able to deny him entrance, I give you my word! Right, Carlos? Hey, Sancio, look at Carlos - he got a hard-on just thinking that after me it is his turn... look how his breeches are swollen between his legs!"

Sancio trembled in terror. The big man's sex touched his buttocks, rummaged in the fold until it found the boy's hole, and stopped on it. The callous hands of the sailor held firmly and wide open the soft buttocks of the poor boy.

"You ready, Sancio? I'm going to put you on my spit!" the sailor said laughing scornfully, and gave a big push forward with all his might.

Sancio stiffened all his muscles - a lightning pain went through his body and exploded in his head. Jaime had succeeded entering him and for a while continued to slowly sink in him applying all the weight of his massive body just in that point - it was like a burning brand pressed on raw flesh.

A chocked rattle came from the Sancio's gagged mouth and all his body shook violently. Jaime stopped, then started to give a set of formidable back strokes so that he was now entering the boy jerkily, widening the boy's guts, invading him, until the he emitted a shrill victory yell.

"Hah! Here you are, put on my spit, little piece of shit! Now daddy Jamie will thoroughly rasp your precious little hole, and at the end even the bowsprit will enter inside it, mark my word! He his hot like a furnace, Carlos - you too are going to enjoy him! And he is quivering like a virgin girl. Yeah, he is a very good fuck!"

The man grasped Sancio at his waist and started to give hard strokes with his powerful club, jolting even the heavy bale where Carlos held still the boy's body. Sancio was now inert, completely devoid of force, giving himself up, and the only signs of life were the deadened wails he exhaled at the same rhythm of the frantic strokes, and the tears that crossed his face.

The man in him accelerated his strokes.

"It's good to find aboard an ass hole still so tight, every now and then. But we know - Esteban is not so well endowed, right? Ha, a really old good sailing ship, the Morisco, with its load of nice new ship's boys at every voyage!" the man was saying, continuing to fuck the boy with vigour and strength.

Sancio felt like fainting for the pain and hoped to really swoon, so that he could have some relief, but the fainting didn't came. After a time that seemed him endless, Jaime panted strongly, stiffened, and fired his load deep into the poor ship's boy's bowels which were now aflame.

Carlos looked at the scene excited.

"You enjoying him, old pig?" the sailor asked in amusement.

"And how! Even in your ass hole I never enjoyed so much. On the other hand when I fucked you the first time, you yet did take it in several good strokes, no?" the man answered with a scornfully laugh.

Jaime suddenly withdrew and from the reddened and aching boy's anus came a stream of blood mixed with sperm. Jaime turned around the boy's body and took the place of Carlos, without even replacing in his breeches his still half hard fleshy rod.

"It's your turn, amigo. Work hard on him, Carlos, do justice to yourself. He is all yours, now, take your time!" Jaime said, holding still the ship's boy. His massive sex, loosing partially its erection, lay on the suffering boy's face.

Carlos went at the place of his mate and with feverish moves, pulled out from his breeches his fully erect rod. He too lubricated it with his own saliva and quickly slipped it in the opened and tortured channel of poor Sancio who was unable to oppose any resistance. He took the boy with such violence that, even if his mace was not as big as his elder accomplice, provoked in the boy a new, sharp, shooting pain.

"You didn't want me with persuasion, Sancio? Now you will enjoy me and put a good face on it! I'll tame you, break you in, little colt. Learn who is in command, here aboard!"

Carlos underlined his exclamations with vigorous slaps on the boy's buttocks, so that soon they were aching and ablaze, and he accompanied that with violent pushes of his pelvis, fucking the boy.

"Little piece of shit! You had just to say yes when I asked you! I would have made you enjoy it, you little piece of ass. But now you are settling down your ideas, right? And the next time you'll ask me to fuck you, right? Unless you prefer we fuck you in four! Or in six! Or in eight! It depends on you alone, my nice, little, good piece of ass!"

Carlos continued in that way, streaking big slaps with his hands and pounding his pestle in the hole in flames. Sancio continued to violently tremble in all his body and felt like he could have died for the pain.

"You didn't want my cock? And now I'll make it come out from your mouth! Do you feel it, little asshole full of shit? Are you enjoying it all? Carlos always gets what he wants, never forget that!"

Carlos fucked him for a longer time than Jaime, it seemed like he would never stop. But at last he too reached orgasm and unloaded into the raped body with long and plentiful spurts.

When he was finished, he slipped his still hard rod out of the boy's hole and cleaned it rubbing it against the reddened boy buttocks and then put it back in his breeches.

"Good!" Jaime's voice thundered, "We promised you something you'll never forget all your life long, and as you see we have kept the promise, we gave you something you'll never forget! We are men of our word, no? Who knows why they say sailors promise?" he exclaimed laughing at his own wit.

Carlos took the lantern again and Jaime finally put back his sex back in his breeches, admiring his ten inches at rest, and followed Carlos. The hold was plunged into darkness. Sancio, continuing to tremble, tried to get up from the bale but slipped down on the wooden floor. He untied the scarf from his mouth and spat out the tow roll. His breath was broken by syncopated sobs, even if no more tears came from his eyes.

He gropingly searched for his breeches in the dark and after several attempts, he found them. He put them on, feeling pangs of pain at each movement of his legs and pelvis. His head was spinning, he felt weak, emptied, dizzy. The sound of the planking creaking strongly resounded in his ears. Leaning against the crates then against the bulkheads, he succeeded in finding the faint brightness coming from the ladder place and painstakingly climbed up to the deck and let himself slide in a roll of rigging.

The fresh and saltish air of the evening helped him recover a little vigour, but he felt more acutely the pain where he had been ravished. His body was shaken, time to time, by a convulsive trembling. He felt something trickling between his buttocks, on his thighs.

Ramiro, a young sailor, passed near him.

"What happened, Sancio? Are you sick?" he asked, noticing his distraught face, and crouched down near him.

The ship's boy nodded yes.

"Seasick? And yet it's three months you are aboard, now..."

The boy nodded no.

"Well, then... I'll call the shift boss, perhaps it's better."

Sancio again shook strongly his head then, with a very weak voice said:

"Call Esteban, please..."

"But now he is on the lookout..."

"Then Gonzalo... or Pedro..."

The sailor stood up, went below deck to look for Pedro who was not on duty. He nodded to him and went back up on deck, followed by the man. With a nod toward Sancio, he said:

"He's ill but he doesn't want me to call the shift boss. Look at him..."

Pedro went near the boy and put a hand on his forehead.

"Hey, hombre, but you're burning!"

The ship's boy opened his eyes and looked at the sailor and the man read in those eyes an unutterable suffering.

"What's happening, boy?" he asked reading in his eyes the look of a wounded animal.

"Jaime... and Carlos..."

"What did they do to you?"

"My ass."

"Shit! So much as to reduce you that way?"

Sancio nodded in assent.

"Did they take you against your will?" asked the man, frowning.

The boy again nodded yes.

The man then nodded to Ramiro, who was still standing nearby and the young sailor approached.

"Help me to bring him to his berth. And try to steal a cup of rum from the storekeeper."

"He has four eyes..."

"Then promise him a fuck: he always say yes if he can have a good fuck."


"Do as I say. He's not bad, Miguel. A favour for a favour. For Sancio."

"I thought I was your boy..." Ramiro said in a low voice and with a hint of grudge.

"You are and you remain my boy. But don't play the Virgin Mary, now. You let Esteban and Ramon fuck you, right?"

"But that was before!"

"Well, you decide - or you steal the rum or you make an exchange, but come back with it, quick!"

They carefully put the boy down in his berth and while Ramiro went for the rum, Pedro sat near the boy who was shaking uncontrollably.

"Calm down, now, it will pass. Jaime you said? That man has a dong bigger than that of a donkey. When I was a ship's boy he took me, and I walked all crooked for a full month... even if I was no virgin for sure. But to do it bullying! I really didn't expect that. It's a sick thing, not to be done. And also Carlos... I never did it with him, but I've heard that he has a good weapon too. My poor Sancio, how they have reduced you!"

Ramiro was back with the rum and handed it to his friend. At first he made the boy take a couple of sips.

"Enough, for the moment. Now turn over, so I can medicate you with the rest..."

He helped the boy to turn on his tummy, untied his scarf from his neck, opened his breeches and, with the help of Ramiro, lowered them to the boys knees.

"Keep his butt open, but be careful." he said to his young mate.

Then, after soaking a corner of the scarf in the rum, he lightly cleaned the boys anus. And Sancio, at each touch, even if so delicate, had a pain spasm.

"They really messed you up..." Pedro muttered.

"Blood?" the boy asked wit a very low voice.

"Just a little, but yes. More jism than blood. Relax boy, in a while you'll feel better. Those pigs! To rape a little ass so tender!"

"You fucked Sancio, didn't you?" Ramiro asked with a sly smile.

"Yes, but with care..."

"Did you take his cherry?"

"No, he was initiated by Gonzalo. In this cruise it was his turn to initiate the new ship's boys, especially the virgin ones. And Gonzalo is skilled..."

"But when will it be your turn, or mine, to take the cherries?"

"For me... perhaps in six years, but you not less than ten. But it is not just a question of seniority. Each new trip, all the sailors around thirty are cast lots and so one is in charge of teaching the new ship's boys to comply with the sailors wishes... That's the rule, the tradition here on the Morisco: at fifteen you can start to be fucked and you become a fuckee and at thirty you become a fucker. In between, it is your chance, but the older is always the fucker, of course."

Pedro, finished healing the boy, re-arranged his breeches, made him turn over, and covered him with a rug.

"Do you feel better, now, boy?"

"Yes, thank you, Pedro."

"My duty. I would have rather seen your nice ass in a different occasion, sincerely. Now try to sleep."

"Will you warn Esteban?"

"Sure. You're his boy now, right?"


"From when?"

"A couple of weeks."

"A good choice. He is a very good sailor, your Esteban. Do you know that we started to be ship's boys in the same trip? Eight years ago."

"Tell him to wake me up, when he can come..."

"Sure, boy. But now try to sleep."

The boy nodded yes and while the two sailors went away, closed his eyes...


Esteban's voice woke up the boy that, as soon as he recognized his friend, sketched a smile that soon extinguished in a pain grimace.

"Sancio, Pedro told me what those two rotten rascals did to you! Poor friend."

"For a while... if you please... don't fuck me... It's so aching..."

"Sure! That's understood."

"If you don't resist, if you need it... don't look for another boy, please... I... I know that a real man would never do it, but you... you can use my mouth..."

Esteban ruffled his hair and shook his head:

"It is not necessary, hombre."

"Will you do it with other boys?"

"Are you jealous?"

"I know I shouldn't ask..."

" No, I will not go with others, you have my word."

"But if the yen becomes too strong, Esteban... you did it every day, with me... so..."

"Well, if I got a big yen for sex... I'll accept your offer, ok? But I don't want others knowing that, I don't want you to be considered a bitch, a woman."

"For you... I'll do it willingly. Once I did it and... and... I liked it."

"Really? And with who, my little pig?"

"I gave head to Xavier..."

"And you enjoyed that."

Sancio nodded yes and Esteban glanced at him smiling:

"With those talks... you gave me a hard on, boy!"

"Open your breeches, go on..."

"No, my boy. Somebody could came and see us, and I don't like the idea. Is it hurting a lot?"

"Yes, it burns. As I move it is like they pierced me there with a burning iron..."

"Well, now have a good rest. You'll se that tomorrow morning it will be better. I... I go to have a chat with our friends, now." he said and he gave another friendly glance at the boy, winked at him, and went away.

He looked for Pedro, Gonzalo, Santiago and Eusebio and told them what Jaime and Carlos had done to Sancio.

"Besides the fact that Sancio is with me, and they know that, it was never heard of a rape to a ship boy! It's against the ship's rules. We all know that, you can convince a ship's boy to be fucked, with allurement, flattery, a present, for friendship or else because the boy is a little tipsy and let you have your way. But never with violence, moreover holding him in two and gagging him!"

Everybody assented and Santiago said:

"But unhappily it has happened before, here aboard..."

"It happened?" a couple of the man echoed in surprise. "To whom, and when?"

"To my Lope, at the beginning of the previous cruise."

"Always Carlos and Jaime?"

"No, Ramon and Luis."

"Ramon? Well I'm not surprised about Luis, but Ramon... And others?"

"And then two years ago, in the back journey. Alvaro was raped by Diego, Carlos and Gil."

"But... wasn't Alvaro Gil's boy, at that period?"

"Yes, but Gil had... lost him at dice with the other two. That's why Alvaro left him and became Juan's boy."

"Those are things we had to know before," Gonzalo said with hardness, then continued, "but above all they have not to happen again, or else this ship becomes a brothel... and a powder keg!"

Pedro asked him: "What is your advice, then?"

Eusebio said: "We can report it to the captain."

"No!" Gonzalo said sharp and resolute, "he is a heartless man and a bigot. He will punish the victim, I'll bet!"

Then Santiago said: "We can punish them!"

"But how? Especially Jaime and Diego. They are the old men of the ship and they are in the captain's good books."

Esteban intervened: "But we cannot remain twiddling our thumbs!"

Gonzalo for a while scratched his bristly cheek: "Well... for what I know we are... seven steady couples here on the ship. And the ones who are the objects of such attack seems to be the ship's boys, and possibly the ones who have just became sailors, like Manuel... Juanito... For the moment, then, done the fact that we are fourteen and three to five in real danger... we have just to be careful not to leave our boys alone, never, even for a moment."

"I agree," Esteban said, "but I ask that Carlos and Jaime also be punished."

"Oh, good God..." Pedro suggested, "on a ship an accident could always happen, you know..."

"Mmmhhh..." Gonzalo answered, "but they are shrewd and careful. But I think that... we can talk with Miguel. What do you think, Eusebio?"

"Yes, Miguel does know very well those rascals. Anyway we have to talk to Felipe also, he is one of ours." Eusebio answered.

"And to warn Juan and Miguel. Decided."

The five men put their right hand in a heap in the ancient gesture of sailors symbolizing a pact, and left in silence. Eusebio vent to talk with Miguel the storekeeper and explained the problem to him. Miguel listened, then brushed his nose for a long while:

"Jaime is very dangerous, very dangerous. He already killed two men..."

"Two? But when?"

"Yes. He wanted Diaz at all cost... do you remember him?"

"Diaz? Sure, that Andalusian sailor who was with Domingo, right?"

"Exactly. And to have him, first he made Domingo drunk then cracked his skull with a spare spoke, threw him in the sea and started to shout: man at sea, man at sea... They fished up poor Domingo and decided that, being too drunk, he had fallen overboard and hit his skull on the broadside. A good funeral, it was...

Then he tried hard to persuade Diaz to become his boy... But Diaz didn't want to hear about that. So Jaime, one stormy night, asked him to help tie up the royal sail that had slipped out. Diego was waiting hidden there. They tied up Diaz and they both raped him, one after the other, while the other was on watch... Diaz swore he would have reported the rape to the Captain. Then Jaime pulled out his knife, cut the balls of the poor sailor and put them in his mouth, then butchered him like a ram, cutting his throat. They untied him and threw at sea... The storm cleaned the blood..."

"But the corpse could be found..."

"It was a place of sharks... and the rascal knew that very well... He played safe."

"But you... you did see them."

"Domingo, yes, with those same eyes. But for poor Diaz... That time Bartolome saw all and told me in terror. That's why I advised him to become Gonzalo's boy..."

"I don't think Gonzalo knows all about this..."

"I don't think so either. I said to the boy to forget everything, not to tell a living soul. You are the first to hear about it, I think."

"But all the others have to know it. Jaime has to pay for all and for everybody he has harmed!"

"I don't want to be involved. Here I said it; here I deny it. But you... you can do as you think best. You are a sailor, man. You were also a fine boy, Eusebio, hot, because you like your sex, like me. We spent beautiful nights together, didn't we?"

"Ten years ago - an old story..."

"But Miguel never forgets... especially someone hot like you were. Or like Juan. Another splendid little ass, perhaps even better than yours." the man said, leaving.

Eusebio, the following day, told his friends all about Jaime's crimes.

Felipe summoned another meeting. The sailors often formed groups to discuss, or play games or to drink and sing together, so nobody took any notice. All the friends participated except Sancio who was still in his bed.

Pretending to play dice, cursing or shouting from time to time, they discussed what action to take. At the end, after lively discussion, they decided the only solution was to kill Jaime. One of the few who didn't agree was Manuel. He continued to insist that they had to report all to the captain. At the end, seeing that he could not change their minds, he said:

"Listen, men. If we kill Jaime, we are no better than him... No, please, let me continue. I... if you all swear to keep a secret..."

"What secret?" more than one asked.

"Before I tell you, you have to swear..."

The men placed two knives on the floor boards in the shape of a cross, then put down their right hand and repeated the old sailors formula: "I swear, on my soul!"

Then Manuel said: "Perhaps there is who can help us..."

"Who's that?"

"Don Hernando Xavier Francisco Arias Espertero de Arragon, Duke of Rivas!"

"That one? But if he is arse and shirt with the captain!"

"No, don Hernando is a man of honour and, this is the secret you swore to keep, I'm his boy lover. So he can understand our problems and can help us to see how to punish Jaime without breaking God's Law and staining our hands with a man's blood."

Everybody remained silent for a while, then Miguel said: "Now I see why you continue to serve in the important cabins! Now I understand, you cunning boy!"

Gonzalo intervened: "This doesn't concern us, now. Perhaps Manuel is right, if it is so. In my opinion Manuel can talk with don Hernando. For me, do speak."

"For me too."

"And for me."

"Not for me."

"I say yes..."

All the men answered one after the other as Gonzalo looked at their eyes. The majority agreed so Manuel spoke to don Hernando. He could not mix with the sailors, but through Manuel let them know that he would back them and that he would do all in his power to have Jaime judged and punished. He just asked them to give him some time.

While Manuel was relating to the others don Hernando's message, Ramon, notwithstanding that he was on duty, had hidden in the sails store to take a nap on the sly. From behind a wooden partition that divided the space from where the men had assembled to discuss, he had succeeded in hearing some pieces of the men's discussion. He didn't hear don Hernando's name, but he heard enough to understand the plans of the group and he understood that, if Jaime was in danger, also himself, and Carlos, Luis, Diego and Gil were no less in danger. So he called them and told them the little he had understood. The men seemed worried, but Jaime, after he heard the story, burst out in a loud laughter and said:

"He has still to be born who can harm old Jaime! Gimme just half a week of time, men, and I'll find the way to fix that rabble!"

The diabolic mind of the man had already formulated half a project. He spoke, unseen, with a couple of his acolyte ship's boys and with two or three sailors he had in his power and he relied on, but that on board nobody suspected were tied to him, even his own friends. They were his secret pawns. It was years that Jaime had his feet in different stirrups thanks to those men that he paid with special favours. So he could spy and know all that was happening on the ship for his own profit. His five acolytes, feigning indifference, with a little spying, a little talking around, were able to bring Jaime the information he required.

So the old sailor called all his five friends and said:

"The plan is ready. Listen carefully and learn well your parts, hombres..." and explained all in detail.

When the captain, as every day, at evening summoned in his cabin all the responsible of the ship, and at the end also Jaime who was the head crew, the man reported to the captain some "serious suspicions" he had. The captain asked him what evidence he had to support what he was reporting.

"No, sir captain, that's why I told they are suspicions. But if you want, you can get first hand proof... In fact I'm told..." the man said and put into action the first part of his plan giving to the captain some of the information he had collected.

Meanwhile the others, completely unaware of Jaime's plots, were making plans to control the situation, in the hope to be able to punish him as soon as possible in some way, and make him pay for all his crimes and misdeeds.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 2

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