The Kea Tribe

Published on Feb 11, 2022




"THE KEA TRIBE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Andrej Koymasky © 2019
Written September 13th 1993
English translation by the Author
kindly revised by my friend John


They had been living with the natives for almost a month. They succeeded in communicating more and more by teaching the natives some Spanish and by learning some of the native words. In this way they learned that they were not the first "Kea" to have landed there in Kaawai island. One generation ago, when the chief was still an adolescent and his father was still the chief, a "very big floating house" with very wide "mats hanging from leafless trees", full of many "Kea", just like them, had landed there. The chief showed Hernando with pride the gift received by his father from the "Kea chief". It was an embossed, wide, copper basin with a relief decoration of fruits and leaves, and in the centre there was a cartouche and inside were carved the words "H.M. Ship Victory - 1676"

So Hernando asked himself what he could give to his host. He pulled out his bandolier with the empty sheath of his sword, that he had had to consign on board, and gave it to the chief. The man accepted it with a wide smile, admired the refined chiselled buckle, caressed the light sky blue velvet and then, helped by Hernando, proudly girded it. Then, in turn, he gave a present to Hernando. He gave him a low stool of finely carved wood and a cloth to wear around his loins, explaining him that the drawings on both the objects were the ones reserved for a chief.

All month long, the sailors had had to resist the repeated sexual offers of the girls, made with spontaneity in front of everybody. Just Felipe and Alvaro accepted once, and were taken by the girls amongst the thick vegetation on the surroundings of the village, where they had sex. Afterwards their fellows pulled their legs:

"Well, Alvaro, did you convert to women?"

"No, God save me!" the boy said making the sign of the cross, "I just give vent to my curiosity. Closing my eyes and not thinking to it... even if I would have preferred one of those charming boys. Their boobs were annoying, were always in the way, and between their legs something essential was missing..." the boy answered with a funny expression that gave rise to the laughter of his companions.

In some quite rare occasions the sailors could withdraw to have sex between themselves, but it was not so easy, in fact several people of the village seemed always to be following them. Notwithstanding the sailors were more than attracted by the native male beauties, both Hernando and Esteban had ordered them not to try with the local men.

"We don't know how they would react. Possibly even worse than our puritans, even if here they seem quite free about sex. If it is not one of them, men or boys, to try it with us in an explicit way, we have to absolutely abstain or we risk to end with our throats cut like one of their little pigs!"

The men understood that it was right, and even if half-heartedly, complied.

The sailors were going to fish with the village men, learned to manoeuvre the lean but sound little boats, or they were climbing the trees to gather fruits, and had also learned to do other little works. The native community in reality did little work - nature seemed to give in abundance food without the need to get tired. The only activities were catching from time to time one of the wild little pigs, or fishing, mending the huts or building a new boat, waving mats, carving woods, plaiting flower garlands, cooking, waving clothes, eating, singing, dancing and making feasts. It really was like an Earthly Paradise.

So, after being on the island for more than one month, Jose and Juan secretly went together to a secluded place, not too near the village, to make love. They found a small beautiful cove between two tall rocks, lapped by the sea and surrounded by perfumed flowers. The two men undressed and dived in the sea to swim a little, then they went back ashore. They stretched under the sun and started to touch and to arouse each other. Their members quivered, hard and straight, caressed by the rays of the sun and each others hands, and the two men were at last enjoying that warm intimacy, so difficult to get in the village, and so long desired.

They were just starting to masturbate each other in a gentle abandon, when a shadow crossed their bodies. They looked, surprised and a little intimidated - they didn't hear nobody approaching. It was a native about twenty four years old, beautiful like all the others, who was looking at them with an amused little smile on his eyes.

"Play like children? But you no children." the youth quietly said.

He crouched near the two men and lowered his hand to touch one, then the other member. The two sailors let him do, a little embarrassed, a little excited.

The youth asked: "How do you call this game?"

"Feeling" Jose answered.

"Oh yes. Good feeling. I too feeling, you too feeling." the native said and untied his cloth from his loins, uncovering his genitals. "Feeling?" he asked pointing at his member not yet turgid.

The two men didn't need to be begged and in a short while also the native, who sat naked between the two sailors, had a full hard on.

"Hmmm, yes, feeling!" the native murmured when the two sailors started to touch him all over his body.

After a while the young man reached his orgasm with an expression of intense pleasure, moaning with a low voice:

"Hmmm, very good, feeling!"

"But you are no more a child." Juan cunningly said.

"No, I married, but like play feeling with Kea. All you Kea do this feeling?"

"Yes, sure."

"Yes, good feeling." the youth repeated standing up satisfied. He wore again his short pareo and went away, bidding them goodbye with a wide smile.

The two men, when alone, started again to make love, until, fully aroused, Jose eagerly penetrated the more than willing Juan and after a long, pleasurable, resolute fuck, they both reached their orgasm.

When back in the village, the two sailors told their companions of their adventure, pointing out to them discretely the young native protagonist of their activity.

"I now understand why, that very one, a little before came near me, took me in his hut and, pulling out his pareo, said to me: you feeling me?" Esteban said, "and he wanted... feeling me!"

The young native, after that day, from time to time asked one of the sailors to "feel", in spite of the fact that he was married. So, the boy got the nickname of "Sobeo" (feeling). That was the start of a fast change in the relationship between the sailors and the young men and boys of the village. One night, in fact, during a feast, Sobeo approached Jose and whispered, looking at him with shining eyes:

"Jose come with Sobeo?"

Jose guessed the reason for the request and willingly followed him. They reached a nearby clearing, and here there was a boy around seventeen waiting for them, one of Sobeo cousins.

"He too wants play feeling with Kea, but he shy. We three feeling, Good?" Sobeo asked.

Jose recognised in the boy the elder son of the village chief and hesitated.

"But... he really wants?" he asked uncertainly.

"Yeeees! He wants feeling, he likes, I teach and now he always does with friends, but he wants do it with Kea. You not like him?"

"Yes, I like him very much."

"Then we made feeling all three?"

"Sure, with pleasure." Jose answered surrendering to his desire for the splendid boy.

He embraced him and pulled him on the grass. They undressed. The boy, his body fresh and agile, started to brush with all his body against the sailor's body and was prey of an evident pleasure. The sailor, on instinct, caressed his firm little ass. At a certain point the boy said something to Sobeo in a whisper, looking at Jose. Sobeo nodded yes, giggling, then addressing to sailor, said:

"He, before I marry my woman, took my hard thing here." he said touching the ass of his cousin, "and also hard thing of other friends. He feeling your hard thing, good thing. But he wants your hard thing here. Want you put your hard thing here, yes?"

Jose looked in amazement, first Sobeo then the boy, who smiled to him and, caressing the sailor's hard member asked in a low, seductive voice:

"Kea enter me?"

"Yes, with pleasure, my boy!" the sailor answered aroused, and caressed again the boy's ass. The boy widened his smile as soon as the man's caress became more intimate. And when the sailor's finger lowered to rummage in the fold between the buttocks and tested his warm hole, the boy sighed and said to his cousin:

"Kea enter me!" and joyfully went on all fours in front of the sailor.

Jose leaned on him and took him without feeling the slightest resistance. He penetrated the boy while Sobeo, sitting near them, was feeling all over their bodies. When Jose started to hammer inside the boy's warm channel, this one pushed back his small ass to be better penetrated, and started to happily buck, to better feel the firm rod moving inside him.

"You are a colt!" Jose said to him, enjoying that unforeseen, but very agreeable ride.

"I Muleto! (colt)" the boy repeated without knowing the meaning of that word (there were no horses in those islands).

"Yes, you are a Muleto." the sailor said continuing to mount him with growing pleasure.

"You Muleto, you too Kea name." Sobeo merrily laughing said, "I Sobeo, you Muleto. Muleto happy. Also Jose happy?"

"Yes, I like Muleto." the sailor panted feeling his orgasm rapidly approaching. He pushed away Sobeo's hand from the boy's hard member and started to fast masturbate him, while he continued to vigorously ride him. Muleto merrily shook under him and murmured in his language, in an unceasing singsong:

"Strong Kea, beautiful Kea, strong strong, beautiful beautiful, oh Kea!" until they both reached the orgasm in a set of vigorous contractions.

And then all three laughed aloud, happy, and relaxed.

Little by little the sailors had erotic adventures with other boys, friends, cousins, brothers of each other. Some of the local boys did try once, other three, four times, out of curiosity, but then ceased to press for sex. But other of the boys became regulars. And, thanks to the extreme availability and simplicity of the native boys, also the sailors started to make their proposals to the boys they felt more attracted to. Also Sobeo had explained to them that, before marriage, it was thought normal that the boys masturbate amongst themselves and also that the elders penetrated the younger ones, as he did with his cousin Muleto.

One day Sancio saw a sixteen-year-old boy who was washing himself, naked, in a stream. The boy was handsome and he at once felt attracted. So he approached the boy, undressed and went into the stream to wash himself near the other. He saw that the boy was openly looking at his half-erect member, so he too started to clearly look between the boy's legs. He saw that the boy was getting a hard on, his member was rapidly rising up. So Sancio knelt in the water in front of him and took the boy's turgid member with his hands. The boy smiled, without any escape reaction. Sancio bent forward and took it in his mouth. The boy had an amazed expression and an instinctive gesture as if he wanted to withdraw, but Sancio had his hands on the boy's buttocks and firmly pulled the boy to himself. The boy, tense, emitted a moan, but little by little relaxed and Sancio understood that he was feeling pleasure. Up to that moment the boy hadn't said a word.

But then the boy said: "I too do this to Kea..." and made Sancio stand up, he knelt in front of the sailor and started to suck at his rod, at the beginning hesitantly, but then with real relish. They alternated that way two or three times, until the boy came and Sancio swallowed all.

"You drink?" the boy astounded asked.

"Sure, it's tasty." Sancio answered standing up, with a smile.

"Tasty? I too drink!" the boy said and lowered to suck it again until also the ship's boy reached the top of the pleasure and unloaded into the warm and eager mouth. The boy drank all, then stood up and said with a satisfied smile:

"Yes, good drink. Great drink. We know not it so good drink, but I now know!"

After Sancio, the boy wanted to try also with other sailors and he did it with such a relish that Juan nicknamed him Gloton (glutton), a name that the boy accepted with pride.

The native boys told each other what they were doing with the Kea. So one day, while Felipe was quietly sitting, alone, between the rocks to enjoy the sun that was setting on the horizon into the sea, a boy around nineteen approached him. He stopped near the man and leaned against a rock. Smiling, the boy looked at the sailor and said:

"I followed Kea."

"Yes..." the man answered, looking at him.

The boy had a body more thin than the other boys of his age, hairless like all the natives, but with strong and firm legs.

"I... I very hot for you." the boy said and cunningly smiled at him.

"Really?" Felipe asked with an encouraging smile.

"Yes, very, very hot. Look..." the boy answered letting his small pareo slide away from his loins.

He had between his legs a thick tuft of black hairs from which rose, straight and hard, a beautiful member, not big but really well shaped.

"I very hot. Feel!" the boy offered with an inviting smile.

The man stood up, drew nearer the boy and touched his strong erection. The boy quivered with pleasure. The man passed his hand on the small and firm buttocks of the boy who quivered more intensely. The sailor pushed his finger on the crack and tested the hot hole. The boy opened in a wide smile and pushed his ass against the inquisitive finger, then said:

"I hot, right?"

"Yes, you are a boy in heat." Felipe said pushing his finger more inside the warm receptacle.

"Then I Celo (in heat)?" the youth said picking the last words.

"Yes, Celo." Felipe confirmed moving his finger into the palpitating hole of the boy, who, filled with lust, was enjoying the finger fucking.

"Other friends have name from you Kea. Now also I, no? I Celo. You take Celo? Put this all inside?" the youth asked fingering the man's hard member through his clothes.

"Sure, come..." Felipe said and, freeing himself from his scanty clothes, took in his arms the smooth body that had ignited in him a very strong desire. "Come, Celo, give me your little nice ass." the man said with a lusty smile.

He made the boy turn between his arms, standing there near the rock, and slipped his hard member between the boy's buttocks, searching for his hot hole. Celo, with his hand, guided the hard rod of the man.

"Here..." he simply said and Felipe started to push and to sink in him. "Oh, yes, true! You Kea very good in these things." Celo pleased murmured, grinding and swinging his fully penetrated little ass against the groin of the strong sailor. He put his hands on the rock and at each stroke of the man, he pushed back his ass, moaning in delight. Felipe brushed the boy's nipples and masturbated him, while continuing his vigorous hammering in the warm and tight love channel. The boy bent back his head, his eyes closed, a blissful expression on his face. And finally the boy came with a long, modulated moan, and the contractions of his hole around the man's rod, made him reach a wonderful orgasm.

Then they slowly parted, and sat down on a rock nearby, relaxing, smiling and satisfied. Felipe asked him:

"But you, Celo, aren't married?"

"Sure, after sun is eighteen times low, here all married. But I like much thing hard in my... little ass?"

"Yes, little ass."

"I like, but here difficult, after married, just easy before and if young, then no. You Kea instead like, true?"

"Yes, we like very much fucking. We Kea don't marry with women. We Kea prefer men."

"Yes, I understood. Then I follow you here. Very good, no?"

"Sure, Celo. I loved fucking you."

And Celo introduced his fifteen years old brother, who was called Machizo (firm) for his nice firm and welcoming buttocks, then also a twenty three year old cousin, who got the name of Chupon (sucking boy) because he really loved to give head to all the sailors. Also amongst them, the boys started to call each other using with pride the nicknames given them by the sailors. So, there was a Duz (sweet), a splendid and gentle youth of seventeen, and Manso (meek) who was eighteen. They became friends with Mimo (spoiled boy) who was sixteen and who tried to have sex with everybody, and Vilo (orgasm) so called because he always had very intense orgasms. Then Zaga (little ass) who was fourteen, and who asked to everybody to fuck him, both to the Kea and to his friends; then Hincado (driven), sixteen, so called because when he penetrated one of his young friends or was penetrated he always asked "Is it well driven in?"

Then there was also Balano (glans), so called because, although just fourteen, he had a member and a glans that seemed more of an adult man than of an adolescent. Then Hito (peg), a very beautiful twenty two year old who had between his legs a "peg" really worth admiration, became their close friend, and he always desired to have sex more with one of the sailors than with his wife. And last the youngest of the boys, Mozuelo (little kid) who was just thirteen, but nevertheless had an inexhaustible sexual appetite.

The Kea now didn't have any time to be bored, on the contrary at times they had to refuse the offers of their new friends. Just Hernando and Manuel always refused all the boys' offers, remaining faithful to each other.

Also Santiago had started again to have sex, and soon he was in an almost steady couple with Celo, in whose house he was hosted, and who for certain aspects reminded him of Lope. Another steady couple soon formed, it was that of Juan and Muleto, the chief's son.

And it was because of Muleto, even if not his fault, that a serious problem rose between the Kea and the village.

Muleto was near his eighteen birthday and his father chose a wife for him, to give continuity to the family and to make of his son the future chief, and wanted to decide the marriage day. But Muleto said to his father:

"I want to remain with my Kea, Juan. I don't want to marry."

"As long as you were a boy and you played with your fellows, or also with the Kea... well, we all did it. But now you are becoming a man and it is time to cease those games. You have to forget your amusements and to start to assume your responsibilities, to do your duty. You will have a first wife, then others, as is required of a chief. Forget the Kea and your child's play! Men must marry!"

"But the Kea are men and they don't marry. I want to be like them. And I want to remain with my Kea, Juan!" the boy, stubbornly repeated.

They discussed, his father went into a rage, but Muleto was unyielding. The discussion dragged on for several days, but in spite of the hard pressure of his father, the rages, the menaces, the beating, Muleto didn't surrender. At the end his father decided to disown Muleto and to nominate his second son as his heir. But the chief was shaken by this development. So he assembled the elders of the village and they decided to send away the Kea from the village because, it was now evident, with their presence and with their strange custom to have sex exclusively amongst men, they were a menace to the village traditions. In fact some of the elders reported that for some time the wives of Sobeo, Duz, Hito and Chupon had complained about being neglected by their husbands, who seemed to prefer having sex with the Kea.

So, the chief summoned Hernando and told him that he had to leave, taking with him all his men. Hernando nodded in assent and asked:

"Are there other inhabited islands, nearby?"

"Yes," the chief answered, "but I sent messages to the other chiefs warning them about what it is happening here in my village because of your presence, and I'm sure you will not be welcomed in their islands or villages."

"Will you at least allow us to go to live in that island up there? With our boat it will be impossible for us to go farther..." he asked pointing at the island from where they came.

"Yes, that island belongs to our village and nobody lives there. You can go and live there. But I warn you: if one of you tries to come back here in Kaawai, or to land on another island, we will be constrained to forget the hospitality rules. You are not bad men, but you are too different from us. Your presence here has become a threat."

"Yes, I understand, chief, and I'm sorry. I too, in your place, would probably have taken the same decision."

"You are a good chief. I'm not bearing a grudge against you." the man said, placated by Hernando's ready acceptance.

The chief was magnanimous. He ordered to give them food, some live baby pigs, and tools. But when the Spanish sailors were about to board their boat, Muleto with six other boys told the chief that they wanted to follow the Kea into exile. The chief, frowning, started an animated argument with them, but the seven boys were determined so that, at the end, with tight lipped words, the chief gave his consent. But then the wives of Celo, Duz and Hito who were part of the group of the voluntary exiles, declared that they also will follow their men. So Duz said to his wife:

"Why do you want to come with us? I want to stay with Esteban, I would not be a good husband for you, don't you understand?"

"It doesn't matter. But what could I do here in the village without a man? I am anyway your wife, and I'm not a widow, no man would take me, don't you see? So, I prefer to come with you, and the same is for these two women. You don't want me any more as a wife, I can't help that, but at least I will no more be mocked by the other women of the village."

"The woman is right." the chief said.

"Yes, she is right. They can come with us." Hernando said.

But at that point happened something that nobody could foresee: a group of seven girls, all of marrying age, went forward, compact, their eyes lowered, and one of them declared that they wanted to follow the exiles. Both the chief and the Kea looked at them astounded. Hernando tried to dissuade them:

"With us you risk to never have a man, here instead..."

But the girls, even without giving any explanation, were resolute: they wanted to follow the Kea. At the end the chief, visibly shaken and annoyed, thundered:

"Anybody else wants to follow the Kea?"

Nobody spoke.

"Good!" he said, still frowning but with a sigh of relief. Then he continued: "You Kea are no more welcome in any of these islands. Remain there, or go farther, if you want. About you, sons of Kaawai... if one day you want come back and accept the village traditions, nobody will send away the blood of our blood."

The group of exiles, now composed of the nine Kea, seven boys and ten girls, boarded the boat and nine pirogues that the chief had to give them, and parted rowing towards their exile. The sailors who had arrived a few months before, in the midst of songs and dances, flowers and celebrations, were now leaving the island in the complete silence of all the village people lined along the shore.


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 6

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