The Kea Tribe

Published on Feb 15, 2022




"THE KEA TRIBE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Andrej Koymasky © 2019
Written September 13th 1993
English translation by the Author
kindly revised by my friend John


In the men's house, at night, they often made love in threesomes or foursomes, but also in couples, making love without problems near another couple united in a hot embrace. In fact the men were twelve and the great hut was divided into just four spaces, around the central pillar. But in the small community there was neither false decency, nor exhibitionism. Making love was for them just a simple and spontaneous thing like eating.

The sexual act little by little enriched their lives and nowadays there were no more sexual taboos. To take the hard rod of a friend in his mouth, or being to be penetrated by a younger boy was accepted by everybody as the most natural thing. Everybody was doing what more he liked, with the person he more liked. The only rule was that nobody could force another to do what he didn't like. Also being naked at home, or at the fall when they were washing, had become quite common and nakedness was shown without shame. The sailors gradually completely abandoned the use of their breeches and started to go around wearing just the short, elegant and comfortable pareo.

One night Santiago went to wake up Celo.

"Come." he just told him.

"Where?" Celo asked.

"Outside, with me."

"We can do it also here, no?" Celo said, becoming aroused.

"No, I need to talk you. Come."

Santiago took the boy on the shore of the bay, between the pirogues.

"Celo," he said, "Do you want to unite to me? To become a steady couple?"

"Forever? With the marriage rites?" Celo asked.

"Yes, sure." Santiago answered with a low and warm voice.

Celo smiled and brushed lightly the man's chest with his fingers: "Do you like me so much?"

"I like you more than everybody else. It is a long time I desire to be united." the man answered starting to caress the boy in a more intimate way.

The boy shuddered with pleasure and let his pareo slip down in a silent offering; he then untied the man's pareo and caressed his hard rod: "I like you very much, Santiago. And I like also making love with you, I always feel well and willingly stay with you. But, honestly, I like also Jose, and Vilo... and I don't think I will be able to stop with them..."

Santiago nodded, somewhat disappointed. Celo smiled him gently and, pulling the man down on the sand with him, said: "That's why they called me Celo, because I'm always in heat. I'll never get tired to make love. I like you very much, and in this moment I also desire you very much. Possibly you are the one I desire the most, but, honestly, I desire also the others, as I said. I liked it so much yesterday night, while Jose was fucking me while Gloton was giving me head, and I was sucking Sancio..."

"Yes, I saw you... And I was a little jealous..." the man said lying on his friend and brushing Celo's body with his body, and, fingering his turgid member, lightly bit the boy's nipple.

"Oh, Santiago! I'm sorry to give you pain... I... I'll come with you any time you want it, I promise. But I can't promise to you to stop with all the others, especially with Vilo and Jose... I'm sorry..."

Santiago caressed the boy between his buttocks and then Celo spread his legs and folded them on the sides of his chest, offering himself to the man. Santiago lowered and licked the firm buttocks of the boy, then rimmed his nice hole, making him moan aloud and whining for the pleasure.

"Oh... oh... thrust inside me your rod, please! Take me, fuck me with all your means, man! Let Celo feel how much do you want him! Ooooh... ooooh... soooo! Oh, you are so strong, Santiago!"

Juan and Muleto were making love in their hut.

"What's up? Somebody is moaning outside... somebody is sick out there..." Juan asked, taking his mouth away for a moment from the hot rod of his lover.

Also Muleto let the shining stake of his man slip away from his mouth and listened: "No..." he said smiling, "It is just some friends enjoying each other out near the boats."

"And are you enjoying me, beloved?" Juan asked with a cunning smile.

"Sure, even if I don't moan so loudly. With you I know a happiness I didn't even imagine fancy before you arrived. The games with the friends... were just games. And even when at times I did something more involving with a friend, it was agreeable, but never as it is now with you. And I'm happy to be yours forever."

"I too, Muleto, am the happiest man on the earth, now that I'm united to you."

"Before, you were with Alvaro, right?"

"Yes, mainly with him, but at times also with others."

" Don't you miss Alvaro?"

"No, not at all. You, Muleto, have the freshness of an adolescent but the vigour of a mature man. You are my perfect lover, Muleto."

"Do you like more taking me or being taken by me?"

"Both. You always are a colt full of life, hot and strong as your name says."

"Then... take me, now. I like feeling you opening me, entering me. I love feeling it hard and strong, hot and big, while you move it inside me. I love being ridden by you, to be your Muleto, while longing the moment when I will be riding you." the boy said, joyfully preparing himself to receive his man inside his hot channel.

A few days later, one afternoon, Celo entered the forest furtively, going far from the village. When he arrived near a tall bread fruit tree, he pulled out his pareo, and languidly leaned against the trunk, putting his hands behind his head, and standing on one leg only, the other softly crossed over. His member hung soft on the sack of his balls, crowned by his thick bush of black hairs.

He was silently praying inside his head.

"Gods of the Kea tribe, listen to me! Guide to me a man. If he will be Santiago, I will understand it is your will I belong only to him, and I'll unite to him with the sacred rite. And if it will be another man, I will understand that I have not to accept Santiago's offer. I remain here, waiting for your advice."

He waited for a very long time, but he didn't feel tired. He was trustful, the gods would have made him understand their will. Meanwhile he recalled, one after the other, all the men with whom he had sex. Jose who mounted him with his experienced thrusts, making him get the orgasm even without touching himself. Gloton, who was able to suck him even his soul, giving him such intense pleasure. Esteban, who first took him to the stars liking him all over to then throw him headlong in the enjoyment, making his powerful and skilled rod slip completely inside him. Zaga, offering him his eager little ass, and shaking under him with such a heat to make him think that he too was to be called Celo. Sancio who was able to kiss with sheer passion, and whose seed was sweet like coconut milk. Vilo who enjoyed with him like a little pig, in his strong and intense orgasms, and who was ready to start again as soon as he had ended. Hito, who after receiving head, hammered his peg all the way inside his hole, and whose eyes shone like stars while he was fucking him with intense pleasure. And then, Santiago... the gentle and strong Santiago, his broad and strong chest, his vigorous arms, his muscled legs, his beautiful rod, sweet when in the mouth and strong when in his small ass, when it was rummaging inside him tirelessly, giving him ecstasy, filling him with tenderness and pleasure...

Now Celo had his member up straight, throbbing, turgid, and the boy had difficulty not to lower his hand to give himself some relief. But no, he had to wait. The gods would send him their answer, he could feel that. So he started again to recall the sweet Duz, sweet both when he was on top and when he was the bottom, and more far away in time, before they united, the handsome Juan and the tender Muleto, full of burning energy, of joyful passion, but now happily married.

A rustle between the trees made him understand that somebody was approaching, and his hard member jolted in anticipation. Whoever he was, he would have made love with him. And he would have decided what to do, following the gods will. A second rustle, nearer, and a second jolt of his glorious rod, and his heart started to beat stronger.

And Santiago was in front of him. The man glared at him at first with a surprised look, then with eyes filled with pleasure and desire.

"What are you doing here, Celo?"

"I was waiting. I was waiting for you." Celo sweetly said.


"Yes, you." the boy happily repeated.

"But, I didn't know where you were. I was just looking for one of our little pigs that fled from the enclosure..."

"The gods made you run after the little pig to guide you to me." the boy said with conviction.

The man approached him and caressed his body. He lingered on the throbbing rod of the boy. Celo caressed his wide back, marked by the scars.

"You did suffer so much for an unlucky love, I don't want you to suffer again. Take me, Santiago, make me yours."

"Yes, my handsome boy! You know how much I desire you."

Celo let himself go between the arms of the young man, feeling wrapped by a heat, stronger than his own usual heat.

"Make me yours, Santiago!" the boy repeated, shuddering for the intensity of his own desire and of the desire of the man. He turned between the sailor's arms, leaned his hands on the strong tree trunk and brushed with pleasure his little, quivering and firm ass against the powerful erection of his friend.

"Make me yours." he almost implored, his voice broken for the emotion.

Santiago prepared him, then slipped inside him with impetuous passion. "Now you are mine, do you feel it?" the man said pushing with vigour his way to the deepest.

"Yes, fill me with your milk! Give me your good seed!" Celo panted, lost in ecstasy.

Santiago moved inside him his vigorous mace in a series of strokes, holding the boy tight to him, teasing his nipples and the beautiful hard member, caressing and kneading his swollen balls, the nice tense belly, kissing, licking and biting his neck and his shoulders. Celo, his eyes closed, savoured the union with which he was silently and happily consecrating himself to the man. And they came in unison, both moaning loudly their intense pleasure, and Santiago gave his seed to Celo's body, and the boy spurted his own seed on the trunk of the ancient tree, quite as a silent and grateful offer to the gods' decision. Yes, this one was his man, is only man from now on, Celo thought, moved with his passion.

And when Santiago slowly slipped out of him, he said to the man: "Santiago... I want to be yours, only yours, forever."

The man looked at him astounded, then his eyes lightened with joy, with love, he caressed and kissed his friend, and, intertwined, they glided on the soft grass under the tree and started again, ravishingly, to make love.

It was evening when they went back to the village, holding each others' hands.

"Santiago! The pig came back by itself!" Vilo told him.

"Yes, I guessed so." the man answered with bright eyes, smiling at Celo.

Everybody understood that something special, beautiful had happened to the two. It was possible to read it in their eyes, in their smiles. They followed them to the house of the chief.

"Hernando," Santiago said, "Celo and I ask you to help us to build our home, and to decide the day for the rites at the aku marae, for our union."

Everybody clapped their hands with joy, and they intoned licentious songs in their honour. As also Luolani had decided to unite with one of the girls, they decided for a double rite, and built the new huts. Now the village was composed of four houses in the men's part, and of three in that of the women.

They had been living for three months on the island, that they started to call Islakea, with one of the many new words of the mixed language they spoke, when two pirogues arrived from Kawaai, one with two boys and one with two girls. The two boys were Mozuelo and Manso.

When they had beached in the cove, they said: "We made a tour of the island, and we were afraid that you had left tor the great sea. Do you accept that we stay with you? We would like to become part of the Kea tribe."

They were joyfully accepted.

The evening of the day after, chief Luolani sent to say to Hernando that she wished to meet him. As usual, their meetings were held at the aku marae.

"Hernando, the arrival of the two new girls has started a discussion amongst the women."

"Do you have problem accepting them?"

"Oh no, on the contrary. But the women are worried."

"And what is worrying them?" the man asked.

"You see, in this island... our tribe... we are still young, perhaps by time in time some more youths will come like yesterday to become Kea. But, many of the women... would like to have children."

"You do know that my men don't feel attracted by women, Luolani. This is one of the reasons we had to leave Kawaai. If you want to go back... you would be accepted, I'm almost sure."

"No, we don't want to have a husband, to live with a man. We are all right here, amongst us. We just want to have children. That, besides filling our days, grants us a future. We will become old and then, what can we do, alone? We will die one after the other and that, without new generations, would be really very sad. If instead there are children..."

"But this could create other problems. The father and the mother, possibly, each of them would like to keep the children. And so quarrels could start. Moreover the children, growing up, could like to make love like us, but some for sure will like to do it like in Kawaai, that is a boy and a girl..."

"This is not a problem. We women have discussed all that. We are twelve, and you eighteen. We can build here, near the aku marae, two new huts. One to conceive the children, another to bring them up. At each new moon, in the night without light, a man and a woman in turn, drawn by lots, will couple without seeing each other, without recognising each other. And when the children are born, two or more men, and two or more women, in turn, will bring them up in the children's hut, for one moon each. Not necessarily their real fathers nor mothers. The children will simply be the tribe's children and we all will be their mothers and fathers. They will live in that hut until their maturity and then we will teach them to make love, with their same and with their opposite sex. So, after a while they can make their choice: the boys if to remain with you men, the girls with us women, or if instead they prefer to make love in the old way, we can take them to Kawaai and we will entrust them to the old tribe."

Hernando, who had listened to the woman in silence, at the end asked: "Is this the desire of you women? Do you all agree on this plan?"

"Yes, everybody does."

"Good. Give me the time to talk to my men, then I will give you our answer."

"But, do you personally think what we are asking is possible?"

"Yes, I do. But all my men have to agree, I cannot force any of them to go against their nature."

"Do you think it will be so difficult to have sex with one of us, just once in twelve moons, or a little more, for you men?"

"I don't think so. But I cannot speak for the others."

"It is fair."

They said goodbye and each went back to his own house.

Hernando assembled all the men and explained to them the request and the proposition of the women. They discussed. Feliz, Duz, Sancio, Celo, Manuel and Manso said that they too would have loved to have children who would grow into boys to enlarge their community. Muleto, Esteban, Jose and Alvaro said that one night with a woman just once every so many moons, was not such a big sacrifice. Hernando, Esteban, Hito, Juan and Felipe underlined the importance of not finding themselves one day in a village of just old people burying each other one after the other, waiting their turn to die. Manso, Hito and Alvaro said that with children and boys around, the days would have been more happy, and that the idea of leaving their houses to somebody was a reason to build them more beautiful and comfortable. Just Santiago, Zaga, Gloton, Vilo e Mozuelo said that they didn't like at all the idea of having sex with the women, but that they would accept the new law of the Kea tribe and that, if drawn by lot, they would accomplish their duty. But they asked that who was drawn once, couldn't be drawn again until at least two thirds of the men had coupled with the women. So, finally, they all accepted the women's plan.

The two communities, started to build two new huts behind the aku marae, between this and the fall, at the sides of the pool. A smaller hut for the coupling, and a bigger one for the children.

The second hut remained empty for almost one year, and they built it little by little, making it very beautiful, with all the pillars and frames finely carved. The coupling hut, instead, was inaugurated at the following new moon.

They had established a simple rite for the coupling. The two communities, when the night was completely dark, would held two festivals amongst their houses. At a signal, each community would draw the lots choosing the selected man and woman. The two chosen persons, following with their hands a rope having both the goal to guide them in the dark moonless night and to make them enter from the two opposite doors of the small hut, would have gone to the coupling rite. They had to undress before entering the hut, and, while the two communities were dancing and singing, the two would carry out their duty, mating. During their union both had to avoid anything that could made them recognised - they couldn't talk, touch their faces, leave a sign on the other's body. Then they had to go back to the respective community, always following the ropes.

The first drawn by lot was Juan. With a funny resigned face, when the signal came, he followed the rope, leaving his friends while they continued to dance and sing, eat and drink. From far away the wind at times brought the women songs. Juan disappeared in the pitch dark of the night.

After a short while, Muleto said: "He is back! he was fast!"

As he was back, Juan sat at his place and Duz, who was sitting at his side, asked him: "So, how was it? Tell us!"

Everybody repeated the question, laughing, so Juan started to tell.

"I was a little nervous, approaching the hut. I was asking myself if the woman was yet inside or if she was coming. I hesitated. I pulled down my pareo and entered, my cock soft (laughter of his friends) asking myself if it could ever become hard. And I almost tripped on her, who was already lying down (more laughter). So I too lied down and we searched for each other with our hands to understand where was the essential point and not to take the wrong hole (giggles). She touched it, and touched it again, and it seemed that my cock didn't want to understand reason, but then happily, he started shyly to rise its head and at last it was hard. Well, not hard hard as when you, Muleto, touch it, but hard anyway (more giggles). Then I lied on her and she guided it with her hands to be sure I didn't take the wrong hole, until I entered her. Well, the most difficult part was ahead, so I started to fuck her, even if with little enthusiasm. It was not bad, it was a warm hole, but a little ass is all another thing! (laughter and nudging to Muleto). Moreover, the two things big and round as coconuts on her breast, were annoying, and cumbersome. Happily you don't have them, Muleto! (more nudging and laughter). Anyway, brush and brush, up and down, happily at last I came. I was almost amazed I did achieve it! (laughter). So, we stood up and each of us left, and here I am. I hope I did make a child, elsewhere so much pain for nothing..." Juan concluded with a funny mimic, and everybody clapped hands, laughing aloud.

In a moment of silence, they heard the women laughing on the other side of the cove and the men again laughed amused.

"You possibly are without any energy left, now, Juan..." Muleto said cunningly.

"No, no, oh no! You will have rather to give me a prize, later at home, to reward me for my sacrifice!" Juan exclaimed.

They started again to sing and dance, to eat and drink, then they withdrew to their huts.

When they were alone, Muleto asked him: "You really prefer me?"

"Sure! Feel here, it is hard even without touching it!"

Muleto untied his man's pareo and caressed the beautiful erect pole. "Well, then, come here, my beautiful male. I'll make you forget everything!" he said and kept his promise.

The second drawn was Gloton, the third Felipe and the fourth Zaga.

And finally from the women houses rose one, and then two strips of cloth waving at the top of a pole: it was the sign that two girls were pregnant.

Hito married Zaga, then Felipe with Manso and two new huts were built. And three more for the girls. Men and women, even if living separately, didn't avoid each other, on the contrary, often they fished together, and always they built the new huts together. They had amongst them a relation like brothers and sisters and they also started to call each other as such in addition to their names. Between the two groups there was friendship and respect, but no promiscuity.

In the communal house there were still eight, but they never slept separately in the four rooms. They always used two, maximum three rooms. Esteban was in some ways considered the leader of the communal house, being the elder.

The two communities celebrated the second year of their life on the island and for the first time Hernando and Luolani wore their magnificent feather mantles and headgear. They were splendid, and everybody was really happy to see them in the ceremonial attire. Three children were born, two girls and a boy.

A few months later, Esteban and Duz made their marriage rites and a new hut was built.

Esteban told Manuel: "Duz, with his sweetness, succeeded in conquering me little by little, until I felt that I couldn't share him any more with the other friends. Sure, I miss a little Sancio, Vilo... and Mozuelo. But not so badly. Duz is able to satisfy me completely. He is really a very sweet boy, and making him happy, makes me happy."

"You too are sweet, Esteban. Moreover, in my opinion, Duz is the handsomest of us all."

"Yes, it is possibly true, he his really a beautiful boy. I like very much looking at him when it is our turn to look over the children - he is so tender and happy with them. It has been a good idea, having children. A very good idea!"

"Yes, Hernando too is skilled with the children. Do you know that the eighth child will be born soon? If he is a male, they will be four males and four girls, even. If not, five to three."

"Do you think there will be many children who will decide to stop here with us?"

"I don't know. I believe that really, without fixed rules and pressure about sex, about one half will prefer his own sex, and the other half, the other sex. But we will see."

In the communal house there remained just Jose, Vilo, Sancio, Alvaro, Gloton and Mozuelo. This last, who was now fifteen, besides having become very skilled in making love, was also becoming a very handsome boy, very sensual and well shaped. Sancio was more and more attracted by Mozuelo, but neither of them, even if they preferred each other to their friends, seemed to think of a steady union.

During the third year, Machizo came from Kawaai; he was now eighteen and when he had to marry, didn't feel like and went away. With him two girls also arrived. When Gloton saw Machizo naked in the men's communal house, he became mad with joy. The newcomer, in fact, had unveiled a smooth club, velvety but corpulent, that at rest measured about a span and half. When Gloton went down to suck it, besides having to keep his mouth wide open, he could push inside just one third of it, so that, continuing to suck at it, he could beat off the other two thirds that remained out of his eager mouth. Also Machizo's body, developing, had become more sound and firm, and it was a pleasure both looking as much as touching it.

Even if Gloton had available the six members of his obliging friends, and one big and juicy like that of Machizo, he didn't feel sated and started, when he was alone with one of his friends united with the rite, to try to convince him to let him to give him head. But all of them sent him away, some in a good way, others in a bad way. But the boy was a thirsty little satyr, and didn't desist.

One day Gloton caught Esteban asleep between the trees, his legs charmingly spread. He burnt with desire. He crouched to spy under the pareo and caught a glimpse of the object of his greed. As nobody was around, he cautiously slipped between the man's legs, shifted away the pareo a little and quickly took the member in his mouth, starting to greedily suck it and caressing the inner thighs and the belly of the man. The member at once hardened and at the same time, Esteban woke up. At first, lying down and not seeing the other, the man logically thought it was his lover and then, pleased for such a nice surprise, pushed up his pelvis to better enjoy the very pleasurable waking up.

He murmured in excitation: "Oh, Duz, what an ardour, today!"

He enjoyed for a while those passionate cares then, feeling dangerously near the orgasm, said: "Come here, love, I want to take you..." and sit up and then he recognised the boy. "Gloton! What are you doing! I am with Duz, you know that..."

But the boy continued hot and fiery to suck at the throbbing meat cudgel that he pushed deep in his own throat.

"No, Gloton, stop it! I don't want!" Esteban protested but the imminent orgasm was taking away all his energies and the boy didn't stop, didn't leave him.

Esteban quivered and couldn't avoid unloading his seed in the greedy mouth of the boy. Gloton noisily swallowed the powerful jets of tepid juice that he extorted from the man. When the sailor had unloaded all, he found again his energies and pushed violently away from his groin the boy, and furiously he grasped his arm and made him too to stand up.

"Now, first, you'll come with me to see Duz and to ask him for his forgiveness for what you did. And then, we'll go to see Hernando and I'll ask him to punish you!" the man said harshly and determined.

Gloton lowered his head and said nothing. Esteban dragged the boy to the houses, looked for Duz and made Gloton kneel in front of him and confess what he did and how, and to ask for forgiveness. Then, Esteban and Duz brought the boy in front of Hernando. The chief then gathered all the community and asked what punishment the boy deserved for what he did. They decided that Gloton was banned from all the houses for a full moon, and that nobody for this period would have sex with him. And that if he tried again, the punishment would be doubled. Gloton, totally ashamed, understood he had done wrong and asked for forgiveness from all the community, and resigned himself to remain isolated as he deserved.

A new law of the Kea tribe was so created...


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 8

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