The Three Diapered Amigos

Published on Mar 19, 2014


The Three Diapered Amigos III Chapter 10: Mark and Craig are Reunited

The Three Diapered Amigos

Book III: The Kidnapping

Written by JD © August 2013

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Chapter 10: Mark and Craig are Reunited


Once again, I found myself alone. To be honest, after the evening I been through, I am very grateful for the phone call that took my tormenter away from here. If I had thought the things he had done to me before this afternoon were bad, I was mistaken! Like I said, if it hadn't been for the phone call, who knows how far he would have taken it... Just maybe, I would have been his next victim.

The phone call was a surprise for me as I had never considered the idea that the guy may have had a phone. At the time I was being forced to lie flat on my stomach with the beast on top of me! I was not only able to breathe again but also move my head and watch him as he got off of me, reached down, and picked up his pants. He dug through the pockets until he found the little silver phone.

"Yes." He answered and then listened to whoever was on the other end.

Suddenly he seemed very irritated. "I am in the middle of something!" He answered angrily.

"No it is not something that can wait!" he argued.

"NO! YOU DEAL WITH IT!" This last thing he yelled into the phone. I guess whoever he was talking to must have hung up because a few minutes later he threw the phone down. "Mother Fucker has to always ruin the moment!" He swore.

Then, even though it sounded as if he had refused to do whatever the person had wanted him to do, he angrily got out of bed. He grabbed his pants again and pulled them on one leg at a time. My mind was in a lot of pain and shock from what had been happening to it but for some reason I noticed this for first time; the fact that he hadn't been wearing any underwear. My mind quickly jumped from that thought though to something else much more important. I was looking at where the phone had fallen on the floor, hoping beyond hope that he would forget about and leave it behind.

He had finished dressing and I had thought, "Great now all he has to do is go out the door." but it was as if he could sense what I was thinking.

"Ta Ta Ta!" He announced as he reached down and picked up the small cellphone. "You don't think I would actually forget this would you?" And he laughed as he said this. "Well boy, at least count yourself lucky for one thing, you just got yourself a reprieve!" And he laughed again as he headed for the bathroom.

As I listened to him relieve himself, it reminded me that I was lying in the bed with no protection. It had also been a while since I had last relieved myself. I knew if I didn't want to have another accident; that I better go ahead and pee as well. So as he was coming out of the bathroom, I was going in.

"Well boy, maybe you are getting smarter after all!" He laughed as he saw me enter the bathroom to pee. "While I am gone, I want you to clean up all the pee puddles you made on the floor earlier." This time his command seemed less strict and much nicer.

I just nodded my head and that seemed to appease him as he left me to do my business. It was kind of weird how nice he was these last few minutes compared to how mean and hurtful he had been all evening. This of course left me feeling very confusing but no matter how confusing I felt, I still knew I wanted to escape this person's clutches.

It was as I was peeing that I heard him leave, there was no mistaking the sound of the metal door closing. I even was able to hear the other metal door as well. Even though I couldn't hear the lock click in place because of where I was at in the bathroom, my mind was able to recreate the sound it made!

With that mental click, I was imprisoned but also free of the sexual abuse that my kidnapper had put me through this evening. My mind was full of anguish and my heart hurt so badly because I was no longer able to produce tears that it was trying so hard to do. This was due to the fact that they had dried up earlier that evening due to the torture that I was put through. I also felt dirty because of what he did to me. There was a slickness in my bum and a dirty feeling deep in my soul. There was only one answer and that was to try and scrub away the dirtiness that I was feeling.

I think I ended up taking the longest shower ever in my life that night. I didn't come out until every bit of hot water was gone and even then I let some of the cold water wash over me. I am not able to say that I was 100% better but at least I was able to think somewhat again. My mind was now able turn towards other things, like wondering where my tormentor had to go in such a hurry. So far he had been gone for around 20 or so minutes and I wasn't sure when he would be returning. My only hope was that by the time he did return, he would be too tired to go back to his previous activities that he was doing with me. The activities that I wanted nothing to do with. I also wondered who he would be that willing to just jump up and leave for like that, even when he didn't want to.

Thinking about this reminded me of another thing... The cell phone!

"He has a cellphone." I thought to myself. "Maybe I can wait until he is asleep and use it?"

Of course this sounded way too easy and even though I was a kid, I wasn't completely dumb. It was possible that as long as I didn't know he had it, he would have not have considered it a threat to him. But now that I know that he has it, he may make it somehow not accessible to me when he is asleep. He has already goaded me with it so I am sure he wasn't going to make it easy for me to use it. Then again I wasn't going to just not try; especially not after what just happened tonight!

By the way, the power of the shower not only cleansed me but it also allowed me to be able to cry again. This time I was able to cry the tears of a child in deep pain and sorrow; but also a child who is able to do so without being tormented with physical pain at the same time. As I laid there in bed crying and therefore flushing my system, I thought of everything that happened to me since the creep came back that afternoon.

As I said earlier the kidnapper had returned that afternoon to find me in a fugue state of mind. My failure of escaping through the door after I popped all 3 of the pins in the door hinges brought on the fugue. Anyway, he was not happy to find that I had sat there all morning and afternoon and soaked my GoodNite and even soiled it as well. In fact the diaper was so saturated, that it was puddling underneath me.

I was ordered into the shower and the bastard grinned and watched as I washed myself. He would not allow me to fully close the plastic curtain, so this gave him full view of my nudity. He even inspected me close up before he would let me get out. His excuse was that he wanted to make sure that I was actually completely clean.

When I was finally allowed out of the shower, he refused to allow me anything to cover my nudity, not even a GoodNite. He just looked at me and grinned. When I asked why I couldn't get dressed he just looked at me and smiled.

"Boy it is time to start giving out that promise you made me." He continued to smirk as he reminded me of the promise I made in order to stay alive.

"Whhaaattt ddddoooo yyyyoooooou wwwwaaannntt me ttttoo do?" I asked, stuttering badly from not knowing what to expect.

"Well boy, you are about to learn a whole lot on the subject of how to pleasure somebody!" Again he smirked as he stated this and then let out a howl of laughter after he saw the fear on my face grow. "That is right boy; be afraid!" He howled through his laughter.

Over the next couple hours I indeed did learn a whole lot. As he promised, I in fact learned how to pleasure somebody. To be honest, like before, some of the things I truly enjoyed which confused me as I really didn't want to enjoy anything that man did to me! Then there were things that I hated and felt like I would be physically sick doing them.

I won't go into full detail of what the asshole did to me or made me do to him. Suffice it to say, I had to suffer through periods of great pain and do things that disgusted me. I found that he also loved to humiliate me, which due to my bladder problem happened often. He also seemed to love spanking me, which he did a lot of and by the end of the night; my bum was one big blister!

For now though, I was torture free and I could weep freely without fear of being hit or tortured in any way. In a way the tears were refreshing as they helped cleanse my soul.

"Just maybe something will happen to the Ass and he won't be coming back." I whispered to the empty room as the tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

My tears were finally coming to an end, and as I sat up rubbed my eyes, I wondered how long my captor had been gone. With my eyes dry, I looked over at the clock and saw that it was now approaching close to an hour since he had left.

My stomach grumbled loudly not for the first time that evening. As I had said, it was late and way past dinner. I had already missed lunch as he never fed me and now it looked like I wasn't going to get dinner either. The only meal I had that day was the half eaten bowl of cereal that I never finished. By the time I had gotten done with the door, the cereal had become soggy and no longer any good, so I had thrown it away. The kidnapper had left me just enough cereal and milk for that 1 bowl for breakfast, so another bowl was not an option.

Now I didn't want to get into trouble for eating any food that I wasn't told I could eat, but I was hungry and couldn't stand it any longer. It also looked like if I didn't look for food for myself that I may never eat again. Well that is if I were to wait until my captor finally got around to feeding me!

So I decided to search for food. First though, I grabbed the mop from and did as I was told and cleaned up all of my pee puddles from earlier. After I had the floor cleaned I started my search of the cupboards. Of course I had searched a good portion of the cupboards already and knew there was nothing in them to eat. Instead I searched the ones I hadn't looked in yet and double checked the refrigerator to make sure I didn't miss something.

"You got to be kidding me!" I grumbled when all I found was a few ketchup packages, a bottle of whiskey, some old moldy thing, and a box of baking soda. "What the hell does this guy eat around here?" I continued to grumble.

Of course it never occurred to me that the jerk never ate here.

I was in the middle of trying to figure out what the hell the moldy stuff was, without getting it too close to my nose, when I heard the outer door open. For some reason I froze as if I was caught red-handed as I heard the inner door open. I didn't move at all as my tormentor walked inside the small efficiency apartment.

I did notice that he was carrying something bundled up and thrown over his right shoulder. But that didn't keep my attention very long, at least not right then. Something else got my attention instead, something my nose detected. It was the smell of cooked meat.

Sure enough, he was also carrying a bag of burgers and fries and had a 2 litter of pop stuck under his arm. As he passed me he gave me a weird look as he saw me at the refrigerator with the mystery substance still in my hand.

"I figured you probably would be hungry but if you would rather eat that, I would be more than happy to eat your share of the burgers." At this he laughed.

Of course I didn't find this funny at all. I just threw whatever that was back into the refrigerator and walk over to the table where he set the bag of food down. I barely even paid attention to the fact that he deposited the large bundle onto the bed, as I said, I was hungry and all my attention was the food at that time. My mouth was watering over the delicious smells that were coming from out of the bag. I wanted badly to just dig in and grab a burger but I was afraid of what might happen to me if I did. Instead, I waited patiently for him to come back and hopefully give me one. A part of me was afraid that this was another torture and he planned on eating the burgers in front of me, not offering me even 1 of them.

"I see that I got you properly trained but first, go put on a GoodNite." He commanded.

It wasn't until he said this that I realized that I had completely forgotten to put one on. I had been walking around naked as a jaybird since he left. It was only a miracle that I hadn't peed on the bed or elsewhere. Anyway I did as he told me; I grabbed one of the diapers and quickly pulled it on over my little doodle. Then, I quickly took my seat at the table. Boy was I relieved and happy, as my captor sat a couple burgers and some fries in front of me. He then poured me out a glass of pop. Like right before leaving, it was almost as if he was trying to be normal and trying to make up for being so mean to me earlier.

"Maybe this meant that he was sorry for what he did and won't do it anymore?" I thought to myself.

Of course I guess you can say that was wishful thinking on my part. Still one can wish can't they?

He sat down next to me and for a while, we ate in silence. I quickly devoured my first burger and half my fries. After that I started to eat slower and enjoy my food more. By the time I had most of my fries and a little more than half of my 2nd burger eaten, I was starting to feel full. It was also around this time that I noticed that the bundle on the bed moved. For the first time since my captor came back, I realized the bundle he brought back with him, was a person.

"That's not good; he shouldn't be waking up yet!" The kidnapper announced as he got up from the table and walked over to the bed.

I watched as he carefully unwrapped whoever it was. A part of me became worried and scared. I could tell from the size of the bundle that it meant one thing only; it had to be a child. I tried to see who the kid was from where I was, but was not able to even after he or she was unwrapped due to the fact that my kidnapper blocked my view. I considered getting up and going over to the bed, but fear kept my butt planted to the chair that I was sitting in.

"I hear you 2 know each other." My kidnapper stated while finally stepping away so that I could now finally see his face.

What I saw scared me and horrified me all at once... It was Craig!


"NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T BE REAL; IT HAS TO BE A DREAM!" I cried out as I saw Craig sprawled out on the bed.

I jumped up from my spot at the table and tried to run towards my friend. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I approached Craig but before I could get any closer, my tormentor... our tormentor, grabbed me and roughly threw me across the room. My small body hit the wall hard and for a moment I was afraid that I might pass out as I felt real faint and I swore I saw stars. I felt my bladder let go inside the GoodNite and could feel as it soaked up my urine and swell between my legs. When I realized that I was going to be okay, I got up and once again tried to make my way over to my friend. My GoodNite was now drooping between my legs, from the heaviness of my pee.

"Boy kid! What do I have to do to you to teach you to leave the boy alone! He is going to be out for a while still anyway. His movements were only caused by the drug he was given. For now, I want you to sit back down and finish eating! If you try to go for the boy again while I am here, I will knock all your teeth out! GOT IT!" And from the way he said the last part I was sure he meant it.

I nodded my head as I found it hard to talk with the large lump that was now forming in the back of my throat from trying to hold back my tears which I was failing at miserably. Still, I tried to continue to force myself to stop crying so only a few tears were now making their way down my cheeks. On top of that, there was now a stream of snot running from my nose over my lips and onto my chin. This was another reason why I didn't want to talk as I didn't want to get any of that snot in my mouth. As soon as I retook my seat at the table, I used my napkin to clean the snot off my face and then found another one to dry my eyes.

Now that I was again seated, our tormentor smiled (as to what he was smiling to, I wasn't sure if it was because I did as I was told or because I looked funny with snot running down my face.) and retook his seat.

As I said, I was already getting full; so I only ate a few more bites of my food and other than that, I just sat there waiting to be allowed to go to Craig. I passed the time by watching Craig to see if there was any sign of him awakening but I never saw any. In fact I never saw him move again during this time. Because of this a part of me unreasonably thought he might be dead! Of course I knew this was not true, as I had seen him move earlier but the fear in me overtook my brain and ran with it.

Of course my tormentor recognized the fear in my face. "That is right boy, you and your friend are mine and don't you forget it!" He got up and started to chuckle to himself in such a manner that the skin on the back of my neck began to crawl. "I suppose I will leave the last burger for your friend there when he wakes up." He then gave me a look and winked at me. "Or you could eat it. What your friend doesn't know won't kill him." At this he laughed like some moron.

I really wanted to tell him off. To tell him that I was a real friend and real friends don't do things like that, but I didn't really want to take the chance that I might anger him. The last thing I wanted to do was piss him off and then have him go in a rage and kill us both.

"I would love to stay and play some more but unfortunately, I have to get some sleep before morning." He announced, interrupting my thoughts.

I watched as he headed towards the door and opened it and suddenly I realized what was happening. I wasn't sure why it was happening but only that it was. For some reason our Kidnapper was once again leaving and for reasons unknown, I got the feeling he was going to be gone for several hours. This of course would allow me the ability to go ahead and check on Craig. At the same time I also realized that I would not get a possible chance for a while to use the Kidnappers cell phone for help with our escape.

"Well at least I will be able to be with Craig." I thought to myself as I watched the jerk start to leave through the door.

Just before he shut the door behind him, he looked back at me. "Be good and maybe I might bring you something for breakfast." The way he said this, it was almost as if there was a chance he may never feed us again!

With that last thing said, he left me and Craig alone. As I heard him lock the first door behind him, I rushed to the bed and took Craig into my arms. I laid there in bed with him, my arms securely around him listening for sound of the 2nd door to close and the sound of us becoming locked away... in our possible tomb!

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Next: Chapter 24: The Three Diapered Amigos III 11

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