The Three Diapered Amigos

Published on Jun 15, 2013


The Three Diapered Amigo's Book II - Chapter 3: The Twin's Come to Stay and Just One More Night...

The Three Diapered Amigo's

Book II: Craig's Battle for Diapers

Written by JD © February 2012

Warning: The story you are about to read contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. The following is evil, illegal, should be banned, and all that other blah, blah, blah. If reading a coming of age story of self-discovery about pre-adolescent and adolescent boys that wet their beds, wear diapers, and explore their awakening sexuality with each other does not tickle your pickle (or if the law in your area says that pickle tickling is illegal) then don't read it.

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Chapter 3: The Twin's Come to Stay and Just One More Night...

I had been out riding my bike all morning and going nowhere in particular. I had thought about going over to the park and either riding the bike trails or maybe even playing on the playground equipment. I had quickly vetoed both ideas because I knew that without Mark or Randy I would not be able to enjoy myself. The park was something that the three of us Amigo's did together. No I just rode my bike around our small town and killing time. All I wanted was for this boring Sunday to be over with so Monday would be here and I would be able to at least see Mark again.

No, I was more than happy to sit at home and maybe even be willing to go to bed early, so that Monday would come that much quicker. Unfortunately Mom didn't like the idea of me moping around the house like the day before. She then ordered me to go outside and enjoy the nice sunny day. When she entered my room I knew instinctively what she was wanting for me to do.


"Craig, I am not going to let you sit here and wallow in self misery on such a nice beautiful Sunday." Mom stated with an air of authority. "You need to go out and get some fresh air."

"Buuuuuuttttttttttt mmmmooooooooommmmmmm," and I dragged out the `But Mom' to make it sound more melodramatic.

"Don't you start your whining! Now I want you out of this house and I order you to go out and play, and for God's sake have some fun." My mom smiled. "Oh before I forget, I don't want to see you inside until lunch time."


So here I was riding around town killing time until I had to return home for lunch. I had been in deep thought and was replaying the events of the last week. I guess I had been so deep in thought that without paying attention I rode my bike into the street where I came within a hair's breath of getting hit. I heard the car tires screeching, trying to stop and avoid hitting me. The fear I suddenly experienced of almost getting hit, combined with the sound of a blaring car horn, was so great, that without noticing it my bladder gave way and I ended up uncontrollably peeing myself.

It took me a few moments to recover from the fear I was feeling. The car was still in front of me, the driver most likely waiting for me to move out of his way. I looked up at the man sitting behind the wheel and almost instantly recognized Mr. Dingdong our Vice Principal. And no his name wasn't really Mr. Dingdong but was actually Mr. Bell but all the kids at school have been calling him Mr. Dingdong long before us Three Amigo's had even started Kindergarten. Not one student that I know of liked Mr. Bell and I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual as he is always scowling, yelling, or punishing the students. Of course that might be because he was the school disciplinarian and seem to relish in spanking us boys. So far Mark and I have managed to fly under Mr. Dingdong's radar but Randy was not so lucky.

I am not sure if Mr. Dingdong recognized me or not and I really hope he didn't as I was afraid he would punish me tomorrow at school, that is if he did recognize me.

Still straddling my bike in front of his car my mind was not on the current situation but on the yelling and maybe even spanking I might receive from Mr. Dingdong tomorrow. I have heard that he has a paddle that could bust a young boy's butt, and I did not want to experience it!

Well Mr. Dingdong must have got tired of waiting for me to move so he leaned out of his window and yelled at me. "Damn it kid get the hell out of my way!" He then gave me a real good look. "Don't I know you? Yes... Yes... You're Craig Pederson. Hmmm, I think we are going to have to have a nice little talk at school tomorrow. I want you in my office first thing tomorrow morning. Understood!" I didn't say a word but inside I was horrified at the idea of what our little talk would mean for me. All I could manage was a slight nod to let him know that I had in deed understood.

Mr. Dingdong gave me one more look of disdain as I peddled the rest of the way across the street. Somehow it had escaped both of our attentions that I had a huge wet spot now on the front of my pants and running down both of my legs. I had been so scared at first from almost being hit by a car and then the threat of the upcoming Monday meeting between myself and the Vice Principal that I had not noticed that I had peed my pants.

After the whole `almost being killed by a car' incident I decided that it was close enough to start my way home. As I rode my bike into my yard I noticed that Dad's car was not in the driveway. I put my bike inside our garage where mom kept her car and then used the side entrance to our house from inside the garage, to enter our kitchen.

"Mom! I'm Home!" I yelled out to get my mom's attention.

I found Mom in the living room talking to someone on the phone so I decided to wait until she was done. It was several minutes before she said goodbye to whoever she was talking to on the other end of the line.

"Craig that was..." Mom took a good look at me and frowned. "Craig, why did you pee your pants?" and Mom's question took me by surprise as I looked down at myself.

"I... I... I didn't know. I swear Mom I didn't know!" I tried to tell her.

"Okay we will talk about it later, right now I want you to go and take your wet things off and put them in your hamper, then get into the shower. I should have your lunch ready when you get out."

"Yes Mom," I then ran towards my bedroom.

It took me only a few seconds to strip off the wet jeans and underwear along with my t-shirt which was also a little wet at the bottom where I had tucked it into my pants. I then dumped it all into my clothes hamper and streaked to the bathroom where I proceeded to take a shower.

As I was in the shower I couldn't help berating myself. I couldn't believe I wet myself without noticing it, me who once again that morning got another gold star and reminded all I had was one more day to go. This morning like yesterday morning I again felt very guilty and was starting to hate that feeling. Mom had again allowed me to put my gold star up on my chart. She had also showed me the Happy Face sticker that I would be putting up tomorrow when I wake up dry for my 30th day.

"Just one more day, one more day." I thought to myself.

I made real sure to clean everything below my waist really good so that all the pee would be washed off of me. Normally I would have stood in the shower for a while just to enjoy the warm water raining on my back. Not today though as I was getting pretty hungry for lunch. The only thing I was not looking forward too was the conversation Mom wanted to have with me.

"I really hope she believes me" I thought to myself. And again I thought, "One more day..."


I couldn't help wondering as I was putting on some clean clothes, if mom was going to make me have to start all over earning my bed. Would she count this accident against me? She hadn't counted the other accident last week so I don't see why she would count this one, but then again who knows. I really didn't want to have to start all over again as I was again only one more dry night.

I decided to clear all of this out of my head as I walked out to the kitchen for my lunch. Besides there was nothing in my power that I could do to make Mom forget about my accident. It was done and it can't be changed.

I noticed my lunch sitting on the table but Mom was not in the kitchen like I assumed she would be. I sat down in my chair and proceeded to eat. Mom like most Moms knew exactly what I liked for lunch. She had prepared me a toasted peanut butter and strawberry Jam sandwich with potato chips and a glass of Kool-Aid. She had also cut all the crust off exactly the way I liked it.

Before eating my sandwich I opened it up and put a layer of potato chips on it then put the sandwich back together and crashed the chips before I started eating it. I loved the taste of chips on my sandwich as it gives the sandwich an extra crunchy taste. I had half of my sandwich and all my potato chips gone, plus I also had drunk almost all of my Kool-Aid, when Mom appeared in the kitchen.

"So Craig, can you tell me why you wet yourself today?" Mom asked me as she sat down across from me.

"I swear Mom, it was just and accident." I pleaded her to believe me.

"So why did you have an accident, couldn't you have stopped to pee somewhere?"

"Mom I swear, I didn't even know I had to go, let alone that I had gone." I had said with as much sincerity that I could give. "Please believe me!" I cried.

"Please Craig; help me understand why and how, you could have wet your pants without knowing?"

I wasn't planning on telling her about my close call with Mr. Dingdong's car but before I knew it, I was telling Mom everything about my near brush with death though I did leave out that I had an early morning spanking appointment. Mom of course was definitely not very happy about me crossing a road without looking both ways first.

"Craig, I thought your Father and I had taught you better than that, to not walk or ride across the street without looking both ways." I just stood there; I mean, what was I supposed to say. "Please be careful and look both ways before crossing any street from now on, I would prefer not having to scrape your body off some busy road." Mom said with some noticeable worry in her voice.

"I swear Mom I won't do it again!" Though I had to wonder how many times I had made this exact promise and from the looks of her, I was betting Mom was thinking the exact same thing.

I sighed; it seemed that Mom had decided to not count my accident today against me. "Just one more day!" once again ran through my head.

I quickly finished my lunch and was walking through the living room towards my own room before I remembered Dad's car not being here. Dad did not work on the weekends so I was curious as to where he had been all this time.

"Mom, where is Dad?"

"He got called into work earlier, it seems that there is a problem and they needed him to sort it out. It looks like he won't be home before dinner time." Mom explained. "That reminds me, I need to go somewhere for a while. I was wondering if you would like to go with me or would you rather I ask your babysitter if she can watch you until your Dad gets home.

This was different; I normally didn't get a choice like this. I couldn't help wondering why the choice all of a sudden.

"Where are you going?" I asked Mom.

"I got a call from Mrs. Smith, she was hoping that we would be willing to watch Randy and his brother Billi for a few days, maybe a little longer." Mom said sadly.

I knew something was up as I had just spoken to Randy yesterday. According to him he was expecting to be home tomorrow as his dad was suppose to work Monday. Something must have happened to change that and whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"Mom what's wrong, did something bad happen to Randy's grandma?" I asked Mom worriedly.

"Craig I don't think right now is the best time to talk about this."

I knew something was bad when Mom avoided my question. There was no doubt what my decision was, I was definitely going as I knew instinctively that Randy would need a friend.

"Mom I want to go if that is okay."

"Okay honey but please do me a favor make sure you pee real good, in fact go ahead and see if you can poop to. It is going to be a long trip even with Mr. Smith meeting us half way. We will not have a lot of time to stop and the way things are going lately I don't want any accidents. I swear I have half a mind of making you wear a diaper so I don't have to worry."

What Mom just said got my attention quickly as it was the first time in months that either of my parents brought up the "D" word. The thing that got my attention the most though was the way she phrased the statement as if my mom had diapers somewhere in the house this moment. I really, really, wanted to tell Mom that she better diaper me just in case. Of course like normal I chickened out and didn't say a word. Instead like a good little boy I headed to the bathroom to go potty like I was told to do.

"Damn it! Why didn't I just ask for the diapers?" I thought to myself. Then the next thought I had gave me a little hope, "maybe she will still go ahead and diaper me anyway. I mean Mom does know that I am sometimes prone to accidents on long car trips," though it had been over a year since the last one. This of course did not happen and because of this I was greatly disappointed.

I was not sure how far away Randy's grandma lived from here but I knew it was several hours away. Even with his dad driving Randy and his identical twin brother halfway, it took Mom and me almost five and a half hours to get to the place where we agreed to meet. Of course part of this was my fault as we had to stop a few times for a bathroom break so I didn't pee my pants. We also grabbed dinner from McDonalds before reaching the place where Mr. Smith and my mom were supposed to meet at.

Mom and Mr. Smith talked briefly as Randy and Billi grabbed their things out of their car and placed them into our trunk before hugging their father goodbye. The last thing I noticed before the twins and Mom piled into the car was a key that Mr. Smith handed my mother which would turn out to be the Smith's house key so Mom could later stop by their home and grab some school clothing and their book bags and school books. To keep peace Mom had Randy and me sit in the back seat and Randy's brother sat in front with her.

Now on our way back home and Randy and I in the back seat together I was finally able to get some answers as I started to grill Randy.

"Randy is there something wrong? Why didn't you guys come with your Dad tomorrow?" I asked concerned.

At first Randy didn't want to talk about it but I finally got him to open up to me.

"Craig I don't know why they sent Billi and I away but my grandma had another stroke and because of it she has lost a lot of her higher functions according to the doctor. She may not even live." Randy cried.

I knew I couldn't change the outcome but I could at least comfort my friend. I then reached out and hugged him to myself letting him cry onto my shoulder.

"Oh Craig, what am I going to do if I lose her?" Randy asked as he wiped away the tears running down his face.

I knew this was Randy's favorite Grandmother and that he loved her very much.

Before we were even halfway home I knew the whole story and it was a sad one. I too grieved as I had met his grandma on several occasion and liked her very much. She of course had an earlier stroke last Thursday morning and Mrs. Smith didn't learn about her Mothers stroke until almost 3pm. She had tried to find a last minute babysitter but had no luck. She had even tried calling our house to ask Mom but she had not been home at the time of Mrs. Smiths call. So without any choice she packed everything needed and waited for Mr. Smith and the twins to get home.

The first stroke though bad was not bad enough to recover from and Randy had even had some laughs with his grandma before her second stroke which turned out to be real bad and the doctors didn't think she would live. Even if Randy's grandmother lived she would never be herself again according to the hospital grief bereavement staff. His grandma would have to be placed in a nursing home as there was no way Randy's mom could take of her, the house, her twin boys, and work and work at the same time.

Randy could only guess but he felt the reason he and Billi were sent back was because their parents did not want them to watch their grandma slowly die. Their dad took emergency leave from work to stay and support his wife through this rough time and he promised the twins that if their grandma did pass that they would be able to attend the funeral which would be held back in our home town.

After talking about Randy's grandma, Randy asked me how I was doing and how close I was to earning my new bed.

"One more night I told him and tomorrow I will be the proud owner of my very own twin bed like yours and Mark's." I proudly stated. And again I thought to myself, "only one more night...

We talked a little more about my new bed and where I would put it in my room and when I would most likely get it. I am not sure when it happened exactly but Randy and I fell asleep. I barely registered that we were home when Dad carried me inside. He helped me into my pajamas and led me to the toilet. That was the last thing I remembered I don't remember if I peed or not as I didn't remember anything after being led to the toilet.


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Next: Chapter 5: The Three Diapered Amigos II 4

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