The Wounds Within My Heart

By James Heady

Published on Jan 23, 2024


The Wounds Within My Heart By James


The following story includes sex/romantic scenes between consenting teenaged boys. It also may at times contain scenes of Rape, Abuse and bigoted language. If you're offended, or not of the legal age then please read no further. Also remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this and other materials on the site free to the public.

I'd like to take a moment to thank K. who's my editor without whom this story wouldn't be what it is. I really do appreciate the edits you make when needed, and they've improved the story greatly. Thank you.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, replace my E-mail address's mouthwash with dirty dish water instead.

The Wounds Within My Heart

Chapter 24


That Saturday came in the form of a dark and rainy day. I spent most of the morning cleaning the kitchen and my room, which didn't take long. I was happy about that since that meant more time with Alex. He would be coming by around 12:00 P.M. Beth was heading out around 11:30 A.M. to spend some time with a friend. They'd be out shopping for a couple of hours, and while she didn't say it out-right, I figured that she was giving me time so Alex and I could be there just the two of us. I appreciated that, and couldn't wait to see him.

Since that Thursday night when we hung out at his house, Alex and I had exchanged texts at certain points yesterday. He updated me about how school was going, and let me know how much of a struggle it was to stay awake during math class. He then mentioned how coach worked everyone really hard in gym class that afternoon. He told me that his muscles were definitely aching after school when he got home. When I asked him about which muscles were the most tender, he said it was the ones in his back and shoulders. It was at that point I imagined him lying shirtless on my bed with me massaging his shoulders as well as his back. I got hard immediately, and after a moment had to go into the restroom. Once in there, I had to wipe away the precum soaking my boxers. I smiled as I cleaned up. I was clearly hot for Alex, and hoped he felt the same for me!

When we sent the last few texts later on last night, we talked about how excited we were to be getting together today. We decided on figuring out what to do once he arrived at the house. He was glad about that, and I felt the same.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard Beth coming towards my room. I had finished with the kitchen a few minutes before, and was taking care of the last couple of things in my room. I had vacuumed, then emptied the trash. Now I was checking to make sure that all my dirty clothes were in the hamper.

"Thanks for cleaning up the kitchen and your room," Beth said as she neared where I stood, closing the lid to my clothes hamper. "It looks really nice."

"Thanks," I answered. "I'm glad you like it."

"Me too," she answered. "I'll be going now. There's left-overs in the fridge, as well as money if you two want to order out."

"Okay," I said as we hugged. "Do you want us to order anything for you if we order any take-out?"

"Thanks, but no. I appreciate your offer. Kate and I will be getting something while we're out."

"Okay, sounds good," I said as we separated. "I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, and I hope the same for you guys as well," she answered.

We hugged again, then I sat down on the bed as I heard the front door close. As I sat there, I thought about how much I had come to really like Beth. She was really caring, and was also doing an amazing job at being the parental figure I needed. It was at that point that I started thinking of her as the mother I never had, but should have had all along.

Soon I heard a knock at the door, and I looked at the clock on my phone. It was 12:00 P.M., and I smiled. Walking through the house and to the front door, I asked who it was.

"It's Alex," he called out.

I smiled, then unlocked and opened the door.

"Hey, good to see you!" I said.

"Same here," Alex answered as we squeezed each other's shoulders for a moment.

Stepping back to give him room, Alex walked into the house as he removed his coat. I closed then locked the door while he hung up his coat. After that, I showed him around the house, and he told me how nice he thought the place was.

"I'm glad you like it," I said. "I just cleaned up the kitchen, then my own room before you got here."

"Cool," he answered.

"As I'm sure you noticed, it's raining today, and has been like that since I woke up this morning," I said. "Did you want to do something here at the house, or go to the mall and look around the stores? They do have a few places in there where we could do some gaming if you're into that. I'm open to suggestions."

"I'm good with hanging here at the house," he said standing in front of me looking down. "I'm kind of tired from the day I had yesterday, and could use some R&R."

"That sounds good," I said smiling.

Internally, I was truly pleased! I was hoping he would want to hang out here at home with me. I also hoped that he would want it to be just the two of us. I found myself wanting to be close to him, and I also wished that he might sit with his arm around me.

"We can sit in either the living room, or my room," I went on.

"Your room is fine," he responded, as he came up beside, me gently putting his arm around my shoulders.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, and experienced an immediate feeling of calmness. It felt good with his arm around me as we walked towards my room.

After showing him around my room, he sat on the edge of the bed. I put on a random playlist of music, and then sat down beside him.

"I'm really glad to see you again," he said putting his arm around me. "I had a lot of fun Thursday night, and I know I said that a couple of times yesterday when we texted. I really do mean it though. You're really cool, and I think we're going to be best friends."

"Me too," I answered. "I'd really like that for us to be best friends."

We went on to talk about other things. I told him about how Nohea and I knew each other, and after I finished that story, he said how glad he was that Nohea and I patched up our differences, as well as getting a second chance to work things out between us.

"I'm really happy about that too," I said. "I'm glad I'm not like I was, and couldn't believe how mean I was to him."

"I'm glad you're working on bettering yourself, and I think you're doing a really good job of it," Alex said as he rubbed my back up and down gently. "Clearly you were in a difficult situation back then. While how you behaved wasn't right as you've said, I don't think the adults did right by you to have you in that kind of setting. Sounds almost like some blood sport if you ask me. You deserved better than that, and so did Nohea. I'd even say the same for Pietro. I mean, not that the public education system is any better, but at least kids aren't in some residential setting away from their parents for long stretches of time. Anything could happen in a situation like that."

"You're right, and I've thought of that too," I said. "I'm just glad I'm in a home where I'm cared for, and Beth is definitely turning out to be a warm and caring person."

"I'm really happy for you," Alex responded.

"Thanks," I said.

We moved on to other topics. We talked about different movies and shows we enjoyed watching, as well as what kinds of music we preferred listening to. We talked about some of that on Thursday night, but we went more in-depth about it that day, which was really fun. The subject eventually came up about what we wanted to do when we finished with school and graduated. I wasn't even remotely sure at that point, and Alex talked about still trying to figure it out, though he did think some about doing something concerning music. I told him that I thought he'd do a really good job with that.

"Thanks," he answered.

"No problem," I replied. "You really do seem like you know what you want for your life. I think I'll get there some day before the next two centuries are up."

We both laughed at that, then I got up to get Cokes for both of us after offering. Once seated again, Alex put his arm around my shoulders once more, and I slowly scooted closer. I also was careful with my movement, as I didn't want to be too forward and cause him to put a wall up between us.

After finishing our Cokes, I threw away the cans and we sat down in the living room to watch TV for a bit. So far though, there wasn't much on, and after I typed in another channel number on the number pad, the TV landed on the TLC Channel.

"Hey, TLC," Alex said. "Or should I say TLC, formally known as The Learning Channel?"

We laughed, then he spoke again.

"Try pressing the button again and it should show what show is on," he went on. "I didn't see the name when it was on a moment ago."

I did as he asked, and he read off the name of the program currently showing.

"Smothered," he said. "Yuck, I heard of this show. It doesn't sound good from what I've read about it."

"Why, what do they do on it?" I asked.

"It's basically about these sets of mothers and daughters who are unusually close," he answered.

"Um, what?" I asked. "You don't mean'''."

"No, not like that, but it does get close to the edge," he went on.

We stopped talking to listen for a moment. Alex described what was happening on the show at that point. One of the mother/daughter sets were in a garage, and from the dialogue, the mother was talking about how she and the daughter were getting ready for her to implant sperm into her daughter as a surprise for the daughter's girlfriend. Apparently, they were wanting to have a baby.

"Oh God no," I said as I listened to the mother and daughter prepare.

"I know that TV isn't like how it was 50 years ago, but this is fucked up," Alex said laughing.

We continued watching while they did their thing, and at that point, the mother told her daughter that she would have to lay there for about 30 minutes to let it settle in.

Alex made mock throwing up sounds, and I was laughing really hard.

"Damn!" I said still laughing. "I've heard of Mommy-And-Me Time, but this gives it a whole new twist."

When it got to the point in the episode where the mother said something about how she was glad to be the first to put it in her, we both lost it. We were laughing so hard that we were shortly out of breath. I hadn't laughed like that in a long time, and we were both coughing as well as trying to catch our breath again. We soon had ourselves under control, and Alex turned to me when a commercial came on.

"Seriously, what the fuck is it with this channel and the creepy ass shit they show now?" he said. "You got that weirdo with his fucked-up hair and those four wives of his trying to put whipped cream on shit on their show Sister Wives. There's those two people with their eight kids that used to be a thing, then there's that crazy ass family with their trillions of kids the oldest of whom is a fucked-up rapist. Now there's whatever the fuck that was we just watched. What is it? Is the person who runs TLC a fucking dirty-minded pervert or something?"

We laughed before I answered.

"Yeah, I don't know what the hell it is," I said.

At that point, the show returned from the commercial break. Now it was showing a mother and daughter. These two were talking about how they liked to hang around the house together while naked.

"Oh fuck," I groaned. "No! I can't believe I'm hearing this!"

Alex was laughing as they continued talking.

We watched for another moment, then I picked up the remote.

"Did you want to keep watching this?" I asked smirking at him.

"And what, expose my brain to more nightmare fuel than it already has been?" he responded. "Feel free to change the channel anytime."

I laughed, and began looking through the channels again. I landed on one that listed itself as a channel related to LGBT-Friendly content. That's what it said from what Alex read on the screen. We decided to see what it had to offer, and at the moment a show titled Love, Victor was playing.

I leaned back against the couch, and Alex did the same. His hand was close to mine, and he had been sitting on my right the whole time. Our hands moved closer, and I found myself glad for the slight contact. We continued to watch as his pinky finger lightly rested against mine. I moved mine ever-so-slightly so that mine was pressing all the way against his now.

As we watched, the scene currently playing was one where the main character Victor was in bed with his boyfriend Bengy. Though the images were visible if I strained my eye enough, I didn't need vision to hear the passionate kissing they were doing as they began making love. Music faded in drowning out any further auditory sounds from the two boys, thus leaving it up to the imagination.

I surprised myself at that point when I moved my hand and began holding Alex's firmly, not wanting to ever let go of it. He just as quickly closed his hand around mine, and though a small part of me yelled out in my head to let go of his hand, I ignored it. The voice quieted far more instantly this time and I sat there fully enjoying holding hands with my new friend. Soon though the episode was over, and we had been quiet the whole time. We also stared at each other for long moments throughout the episode before turning our eyes back to the screen. I hoped that Alex was thinking the same as I was that whole time.

During the course of watching the episode, I remember imagining that it was Alex and I doing what the two characters had been doing, mainly in the scenes where they had been making out and being sexual with each other. I found myself also wishing that Alex was holding me in his arms as we sat there.

After the episode was over, I took my hand out of Alex's, and let him know that I had to use the restroom. I told him I'd be back in a moment. I was going there, but mainly to wipe the precum I felt leaking hard into my boxers. I went in, and closed the door.



I sat there as Aiden went into the restroom. Now alone, I shifted to adjust my half-hard cock. I could feel the precum in my boxers, and thought back over the last few minutes of Aiden and I sitting together watching that Love, Victor episode. Watching the two boys making out and getting ready to make love was totally fucking hot! I couldn't stop picturing Aiden and I completely naked and in bed. I imagined us making out passionately, with him beneath me as I thrust against him loving the feeling of my hard cock rubbing against his!

I also thought about how much I wanted to take him in my arms as we sat there. I resisted doing that though. I worried that doing that would scare him away. So I settled for being there beside him and holding his hand. I loved how small and soft his hand was in mine! I knew I could have sat with him like that all day!



I stood in front of the toilet. There was a lot of precum flowing from my cock, and fortunately, my erection was going down. Once it was completely soft, I took some toilet paper, and began wiping the fluids from my boxers, as well as from off my cock. It didn't take too long, and soon I was flushing the paper down the toilet and washing my hands. Once that was done, I went back into the living room where Alex sat. He was leaned back against the couch as the TV showed some cooking show. He glanced at it for a moment before flipping to another channel.

"Anything else on that looks good?" I asked.

"Not really," he replied.

I checked the time, and saw that it was almost 2:00 P.M.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "I could make some of the left-overs that are in the fridge, or we could order something out."

"What's in there for left-overs?" Alex asked turning down the volume on the TV.

"We have some chicken, baked potatoes and mixed vegetables," I replied. "There's a lot still left in there for the both of us."

"That sounds good," he answered. "I'd really like that."

"Cool," I said.

Entering the kitchen, I pulled out the food, and began heating it up. It didn't take long, and soon it was ready. When I let Alex know, he came in the kitchen, and sat down. I had already set the table and soon I sat down across from him.

"This is really good," he said. "Thanks for lunch.

"You're welcome, and I'm really glad you're enjoying it," I answered.

We talked as we ate, and it was nice to be there across from him. I was really enjoying his company, and I didn't want that time between us to end. Soon though, Alex was pushing away his plate, and I was finishing up myself at that point. After cleaning up, we went back to my room, and I put on some music then lay down on the bed.

As I lay there, the rain was coming down hard outside. At the moment, Alex was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back turned to me, then he moved to lay down beside me. We lay on our backs as we talked about whatever came to mind, and I was realizing at that moment just how much I loved being there with him like that. It felt so natural and so right!

Eventually a silence settled over us, and I turned to face Alex. He had since moved onto his left side facing me, and as I faced him, I moved closer to him. He put an arm around me, and I snuggled in closer. He held me, and I was discovering just how calming it was with him lying there holding me. It was absolute Heaven!

We both eventually drifted off to sleep for a bit, and when I awoke and checked the clock, I saw that it was almost 3:00 P.M. I got up, and Alex joined me in the living room where we hung out a little while longer before it was time for him to go back home. It had been a really nice visit, and we made plans before he went back home to get together that up-coming week sometime.



I sat in my room that dark and rainy Saturday. Pietro was checking his E-mails while I helped Triston with building a building with his Legos. Aiden and Alex texted us a couple of times that day, letting us know how the visit was going. I was really glad to see how well they were both getting along. They seemed like they were becoming fast friends, and I wondered if anything more would happen between the two of them.

Once Triston and I finished our building, Pietro said that it looked really nice. I agreed, and so did Triston. A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I said. "I was sure I knew who it was from the text I received about ten minutes ago. "Pietro, you can stay in here and play with Triston, if you don't mind."

"Cool," Pietro replied as I left the room closing the door behind me.

Once at the front door, I opened it and the UPS man held out a box for me. I took it, then thanked him. After closing then locking the door, I went to my dad's home office. After letting me know I could come in, I entered closing the door behind me. I showed Dad the box, and he helped me cut through the tape. Once it was opened, we looked at what was inside. I had my dad describe what the contents looked like, and the writing on it.

"Good, they got it right," I said. "I'm really glad. You'll keep it in here with you until it's time? You're still cool with that?"

"Definitely," Dad said as we hugged.

"Thank you," I replied, and he locked up the contents of the box, then threw away the box in which it had been shipped. I then returned to my room where Pietro was showing Triston some of the latest music he had added to his music player. Triston clearly was enjoying what he was hearing, and Pietro shared it to Triston's own music player.

"I'm back," I said sitting down on the edge of the bed. "It was someone who had something for dad, but it's all been taken care of."

"That sounds good," Pietro replied.

I smiled, and was glad that my boyfriend didn't suspect anything.

Author's Notes

There you have it, Alex and Aiden's visit. Then there's what Nohea got that was shipped to the house. You'll have to wait to see what that's about. As for Aiden and Alex, you'll see them share more moments together in the coming chapters, and clearly, they really like each other. I hope you all like what I have in store for the boys as the story progresses.

All that being said, I hope you're all having a good evening, and a good weekend. I'll see everyone in Chapter 25.

Next: Chapter 41: The Wounds Within My Heart III 25

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