The Wounds Within My Heart

By James Heady

Published on Jul 20, 2023


The Wounds Within My Heart By James


If you're not of the legal age to read this story, or if you're offended by this type of material then leave now. This story may at times contain sex and romantic moments between consenting teenaged males. It also may contain scenes of Hate Speech towards people of different races, sexual orientations, disability groups and others. If you can't handle reading about that, then leave.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Offer to make my E-mail address a book shelf. Once it accepts, use rotted wood with glue that has lost its strength, and screw it together using stripped and warped screws.

Thanks to K. for editing this story. Your edits really help this story stand out. Thank you.

Part Two

Broken Dreams

Chapter Six

It was now the last two weeks of September, and that first week out of the two began like all the others. Pietro and I got together, and on Tuesday, he and I went swimming in the lake like all the times before. He was doing good with it, and I had briefly wondered if he would have any trouble with swimming. He didn't though, as he used mostly his upper body strength to propel himself through the water. He did a really good job!

On that Tuesday after we swam for about an hour, we dried off and snuggled on a beach towel Pietro brought from the dorm. We were just in our swim shorts, and the weather was warm enough for swimming that evening. It was after dinner when we went swimming so we would have more time, and so it was nice to finally cuddle afterwards, given the work-out we enjoyed.

Now laying in Pietro's arms, I looked into his eyes. We had our arms around each other, and at that point, I knew that I was laying in the arms of my first love ever. I was slowly coming to accept myself as gay, but I didn't need to slowly accept that Pietro was my first love. I knew that he was from the very beginning, and I knew that he felt the same about me as well. That still didn't stop me from worrying from time to time about what others would think.

As we lay there, I rested my head against Pietro's chest for a moment, then looked up at him.

"I really love being with you like this Pietro," I said. "It feels good to feel your skin against mine, and to just be in your arms. I feel so safe and happy when we're together, and when I'm laying here with you like this."

He made a sound of agreement, and began lightly stroking my hair. It was absolute Heaven being there with him like that at that moment. Eventually though it was time to head back. We got dressed again, then walked back to the dorms.

Once we neared Pietro's dorm, I stopped and turned to him. He turned to me and I looked up at him.

"When we were laying in each other's arms earlier, I really loved that," I said. "I could tell how much you were enjoying it as well. I couldn't help but wonder a couple of times though. Do you think that might have been gay, us laying there like that? I wouldn't be bothered if it did, but I know that if some of the students or staff saw us, then they wouldn't understand. I'm sure you know how they can be."

Pietro made a dismissive sound as if to say that he didn't care how it looked, then he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't care what it might have looked like either," I replied. "You do seem to understand why I might be a little concerned though, about how others might take it."

One tap.

"I'm glad you understand," I said.

We shared a long hug, then I walked him up to the door of his dorm. He entered it, then I returned back to my own dorm.

The next day at lunch, I finished up my food, then threw away my trash. Pietro was standing next to his chair at the table waiting for Mr. Marshall. Pietro and I greeted each other, and then another teacher from the Vocational Department came and got him. They walked away, and Mr. Marshall came up to where I stood looking in the direction in which they left.

"I'm really happy Pietro's had a chance to get to know you," Mr. Marshall said. "You've been a really good friend to him, and I know he really likes you a lot."

"Yeah, and I'm really glad we've met as well," I said. "He truly means a lot to me."

"That's really good," Mr. Marshall said. Then he said the thing that would shake my world to its foundation, thus destroying any future good feelings that might have developed going forward! "I don't know if anyone has told you, but these two weeks are Pietro's final weeks here."

"What?" I asked thinking I had heard wrong.

"He's going to be moving at the end of September," Mr. Marshall said.

"Wouldn't he still be able to go here," I asked. "I mean, they would be an hour or more away, right?"

"He'll be moving out of state," Mr. Marshall said. "With that move, he'll be going to a different school."

I felt the ground drop from beneath me, and I felt my stomach drop along with it. It was now sinking in what Mr. Marshall was saying. I was losing the love of my life, and I hadn't even known it was coming.

"You're sure?" I asked feeling a deep and intense sadness dropping over me like a wet and filthy blanket.

"Yeah, we just got word about it earlier this morning. "A family is adopting him from what I understand," Mr. Marshall went on. "As I said, he'll be leaving at the end of September."

"Thanks for letting me know," I said.

"You're welcome," he replied.

He left, and I ran to the restroom. I checked the stalls, and after making sure they were all empty, I got in one. I sobbed for what felt like forever! I couldn't believe what Mr. Marshall just told me. I could feel my heart breaking, and the sadness was oppressive at this point! I had no idea what I was going to do without my best friend, the love of my life and soulmate! I could feel a void opening up within me, deeper and more infinite than I could have ever imagined!

Somehow I got through the last few classes, then I went to see Mrs. Jones. I told her what happened, and she held me as I broke down. I had been alright after I cried that first time in the restroom, but as the day went on, I felt myself close to tears the whole time. Now I could break down and Mrs. Jones would understand.

She did understand, and after I dried my eyes, I sat back in my chair.

"I can imagine how difficult this must be for you," she said. "You don't ever forget your first love, especially if you never got to be with them for a long time."

"You're right about that," I replied. "I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I feel so complete and happy when we're together. No one has ever made me feel the way Pietro has. I'm in love with him, I know that, and always have deep down. I don't think I'll ever love anyone like I've loved him."

"Yeah, that first love is the most special," she said.

"Yeah, it definitely is," I said.

After we finished our talk, I went back to my dorm, then after finishing my homework, I ate dinner. Once all that was complete, I went to visit Pietro. We hung out in his room that evening which was nice.

When I arrived at his dorm, I went with him back to his room. We hugged for a long moment, then I moved back so I could look into his eyes.

"I learned from Mr. Marshall that you'll be moving away in a little over a week," I said.

One tap.

Pietro made a sad sound, and I felt a lump in my throat. Pietro took me into his arms holding me tightly, and as his cheek pressed against mine, I could feel the wetness on the side of my face close to the side of my neck. I was just barely holding back tears myself at that moment.

"I know we still have several days, but I'll still really miss you," I said, struggling even more now not to cry.

Once we both calmed down, we sat down on the edge of Pietro's bed and just cuddled while listening to music. We talked a little, but it was just mainly us staying silent and enjoying each other's company while being close. It was a magical moment like the others, but now it was marked with a sadness. I did my best though not to think about Pietro's leaving in over a week.

After we finished our visit, I returned to my dorm, and after showering, I got in bed, and fell asleep quickly. It had been a long, and sad day.


The house was trashed. Glass, dirt and flower bits from various plants as well as dishes covered the floors. The mess started in the kitchen with all the dishes smashed all over the floor. The plants had been in the living room, and along with the mess in that room, several glass knickknacks were on the floor smashed into over a million little pieces. In the kitchen was the kitchen table where Barbra Wilson sat. She was on her second bottle of scotch, and she definitely needed the drinks. Ray wasn't home yet, and he would have a nasty surprise when he arrived home. Barbra had been in her son's room cleaning that day when she found the flash drive hidden between the bed and the box springs. She figured that he had porn or some related material on it. Sure, he played that pure innocent boy act really well. She bought it, but not too much. She was starting to suspect more and more that Nohea might be gay. As she thought more and more about it, she got even more angry!

The little Bastard wasn't going to be a Faggot, not if she had anything to say about it! She and Ray were good friends with a family called the Larsons, and they had a daughter who would come to a few family functions the Wilsons would have from time to time. Barbra automatically picked the girl to be with Nohea once he became of dating age. If she had anything to say about it, they would date as well as get married to each other. When she brought up the idea to Mrs. Larson, she immediately agreed. Mr. Larson just as quickly agreed to it. The daughter's name was Linda, and she was the typical spoiled rich kid.

Linda got everything she wanted, and she didn't tolerate anyone telling her no. She would throw tantrums that riveled other kids in her class if things didn't go her way. She would also lash out if anyone ever tried to tell her no about something she wanted. All her rage issues not withstanding though, the Wilsons wanted her to get with Nohea. As far as Barbra was concerned, that's how it was going to work out. That was until she found the above-mentioned flash drive.

When she picked up the drive from where it rested, she plugged it into her laptop, then looked at its contents. It was just one file on the drive, just a journal file labeled as such. She opened it, and read through it, every single entry.

After reading through it, Barbra sat there with rage racing through her veins. So, Nohea thought she and Ray were a couple of mean assholes. He didn't write those words, but he might as well have! Then there were the four or five entries that were the most recent ones. The little Bastard actually thought he was a Faggot! Not if she had anything to say about it! He'd give into that garbage life style over her dead body! That was when she got out the scotch, and began drinking! She needed to calm her nerves, but it just barely worked!

"You're not fucking up the image of this family Nohea!" she said through gritted teeth. "You hear me you fucking Queer!" she screamed at the top of her lungs! "You're not going to fuck up my plans for you, you little Bastard!"

After that, she trashed the place, then started in on the second bottle of scotch.


David Swanson put down the phone. He had tried calling the number two times already, but there was still no answer. Over the last several days, the Bitch had texted him for more child support money. He was truly disgusted at her. She wouldn't ever let him see his son, yet she had no problem wringing money out of him like water out of a wash rag. Fucking hateful Bitch! He thought that in his head as he picked up the phone for a third time, then set it down. He had gotten her the money she demanded, but that day he was trying to get in contact with her. He wanted to see if he could find a way to make her let him see his son. It was getting harder and harder to be without him.

Sure, he had Triston, but he still couldn't forget his first son. He was also growing more and more concerned about what the boy's welfare might be like. David knew that she could be emotionally unstable. He knew that because he knew her when they were teenagers, but he hoped that she might grow out of it. He at least hoped that at some point, someone could get at the root causes of her problems. That didn't seem to be happening, and if anything, things seemed to be getting worse where she was concerned.

David did the best he could to put it out of his mind, and he went to Triston's room to spend some time with him.



The next day was a dark and rainy Wednesday. I didn't get to spend time with Pietro since I had lots of homework, and by the time I was finished with it was almost 8:30 P.M. I still had yet to get a shower. Once I finished with showering and was back in my room, I heard Doug Fields calling for me. He let me know that I had a phone call. I took it in the phone room, and it was my mom. I could hear by the tone in her voice that she was in one of her rages.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" she said sharply into the phone.

"I don't know what you mean?" I asked.

"I was cleaning in your room yesterday, and I decided to check under your bed," she said, her voice growing more and more hateful. "Do you know what I found?"

I felt myself feeling faint. I knew what this was about now.

"I found your thumb drive with the journal on it," she screamed so loudly that I had to hold the phone away from my ear. "How could you do this to our fucking family! How the fuck could you do this! Ray and I had your life planned! You were going to go to school at that school for the blind, get a career in the financial world and get married to a nice society girl! Hell, as far as I was concerned you were going to marry that girl, Linda Larson. That is if I had anything to say about it!"

I struggled to find my voice, then I began speaking through a mouth that felt like cotton.

"I wasn't trying to disrespect the family," I began. "I wasn't sure if I was gay, but I never really had been into girls. I've always only saw them as friends, nothing more than that. I really didn't think I'd be gay, bisexual or anything like that. That shouldn't matter in the end though."

"Oh it matters," she said. "It matters to people like myself, as well as to those like Ray. It also matters to other people in our family, and to our country club friends!"

"But I'm your son!" I said close to tears now.

"Meaning what, that I'm supposed to accept just any old thing from you!" she screamed. "Well I don't, and I won't accept this from you! Not ever! This will not stand, and if I have anything to say about it. You won't be in our family and be a fucking Faggot! God knows I can't fucking stand you, but the least you can do is keep up the image for our family!"

"What?" I said totally not believing what I had just heard.

"You're the most disgusting excuse for a child and for a son that I could ever have been burdened with!" she screamed. "I've never liked you! You couldn't be created without any disabilities, and you've always been soft! Now you're a disgusting Faggot! I've always disliked you, but now I truly hate you! I mean every word of that, and one way or another this situation with you will be dealt with! You can fucking believe that!"

The line went dead, and I sat there long after the phone went back into sleep mode. I then stood up feeling weak and like I would pass out at any moment. I put the phone on its charger then got into bed trying to shut out everything!


The next morning Barbra took some pills for her hang-over. She hadn't been as drunk when she called Nohea. Once she hung up on him, she went and had several more drinks. This morning though, she was in planning mode. She had already looked up different centers that clamed to cure people of being gay. She then looked up their prices, and decided she didn't want to spend the extra money. Ray had offered to just take Nohea and beat the fucking shit out of him. She told him to shut the fuck up and let her think. Finally, she got an idea then reached for the phone.

Once the calls had been made, she made the final call which would be the finishing touch.


David watched as Triston finished the last tracing on the picture he was drawing. The picture was of a man and a boy. When David asked who it was, Triston pointed to himself, then at David.

"I really like it," David said.

"Thanks," Triston spelled out on his letter board.

Standing up and walking over to the bed, he handed David the picture.

"Thank you," he said hugging Triston for a long moment.

The phone call ended that moment, and David went into his study to answer it.

"Hello?" he said picking up the phone.

It was his first son's mother.

"What do you want?" he asked. "I tried calling a few times Yesterday."

"Oh, poor little fucking you," she said in that mocking contemptuous tone he knew so well and just as equally hated. "Well, now I'm here. Guess what dickless, I got a surprise for you. I hope you have enough room in whatever shit hole it is you call home. You're going to have company."

"You know what kind of house I live in, and," he was cut off quickly.

"I don't give a fuck if that shit hole house of yours is leaning off to one side with holes chewed into the bottom of it by every fucking river rat within the city of Sangger!" she screamed into the phone. "You got company coming! I've already started the process. You want your first son so fucking bad, then he's fucking yours! If you don't accept, he's going to be a ward of the state!"

"Bitch!" David roared into the phone. "Fucking Bitch! My son isn't going to be a fucking ward of anything! Do you fucking understand me! What brought this on anyway?"

"I'll let him explain it to you!" she said. "No, never mind. I'll be glad to share every detail with you. I'd love to tell you just how disgusting and nasty your oh so lovely first son is."

She finished, and David told her he'd wait to hear any further updates. He then slammed the phone down on the desk. He played back everything she told him. He believed none of it. It sounded like what it was. Lies, slander and pure Bullshit! Now he had to go and talk to Triston. He knew that due to Triston's Autism the boy had trouble with changes to his routine. This was mainly when the changes were sudden and unexpected. David hoped that he could prepare the boy. It would be hard, especially since he had no information on when his first son would be coming there.

David entered Triston's room after knocking. He asked Triston if he could come and sit with him on the bed. Triston did so, and David took his hands.

"I need to talk to you for a few minutes," he began. "Okay?"

Triston nodded, then David continued.

"I want to let you know that there are going to be some changes that will be coming to our household here soon," David went on. "I don't know when they're going to happen, but I'll do the best I can to keep you informed as much as I can."

Triston looked slightly alarmed, and he worked to stay calm.

"I know I've mentioned my first son before," David said.

Triston nodded his head.

"Good, I'm glad you remember," David said. "Things have happened where he's not going to be able to keep living with his current family. I just got a call from his mother, and she said that she's doing things so that he can come and live with me. She said she's in the process of signing over her parental rights all together. That means that she won't be his mother, especially not legally."

Triston worked to understand what David was telling him, and it made him sad.

"I can tell that this makes you sad," David said. "It does for me as well. I hope you'll be alright as these changes come, and as I said I'll help you through them as best as I can."

Triston smiled, then nodded. He then hugged David tightly, and David held him for a long time.

Author's Notes

So things are coming to a close for Nohea and Pietro. In the next chapter, you'll get to see the last day between the two of them. You'll also get to see what happens with Nohea concerning his mom and Ray. Obviously, you can see how unhinged they both are, especially Barbra.

You'll also get to see more be revealed about David and Triston. It'll become clearer as to where they'll be fitting in with the story. I hope you enjoy all that's coming up. I hope all of you have a good evening, and I'll see you all in Chapter Seven.

Next: Chapter 7

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