Tommy and Tanner

By David Lee

Published on Oct 20, 2011


Tommy and Tanner Chapter 38


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

This is not my first attempt at writing fiction. My longer stories on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), and "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010) under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section. There are a few short stories also: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009) under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010) under "Beginnings" and "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010) under the Science Fiction/Fantasy category.

I am now listed on Nifty under the category of "Prolific Net Authors" which will make it easier for you to access earlier stories. Some of these stories are also posted at: along with those of other writers that may interest you.

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Finally, David has a new site that is hosting a number of authors. It's at: My first story, "Always and Forever," is posted there.

David (

Tommy and Tanner, Chapter 38

As manager of the local Dominick's, Todd Baker had the authority to hire about anyone he wanted to work in his store. The ink was barely dry on Tim's application when he was given a job as a stocker and bagger when needed.

He would begin part-time a few evenings a week and go full-time during the summer after graduation. Todd was still negotiating with the younger Torrance boys and Andy about working for him as least part-time.

There were pluses and minuses working at the supermarket rather than scout camp. Tim would miss the outdoor activities, but would enjoy being closer to Melody. The pay was better than just getting free board and room, but he'd have enjoyed the fresh air. He would have loved working with the boys in camp and teaching them skills. The camaraderie would have been awesome, yet he'd have more time with his brothers this way and probably make new friends at the store. There were always trade-offs in life.

On the evening of the next scout meeting, a court of honor where badges would be awarded, Tim and Tuck accompanied Tommy and Tanner to the church to paint the Sunday school rooms. The boys had gotten a start on it already, so it wouldn't take a lot more time to finish.

Tuck knew he didn't have experience painting, so he removed outlet covers and switch plates and masked off areas that shouldn't be painted while the others were cutting in and rolling. When his brothers moved into the last room, they initially allowed him to do some of the roller work which made him feel proud. Before they finished, they had him using a small pad to cut the line next to the ceiling on the last wall, after Tommy showed him how to do it. He turned out to be a fast learner and made quick work of it.

"Note to self," Tommy announced. "Next painting project get Tuck to do the fussy work because he's so excellent!"

Tucker beamed from ear to ear. Behind his back, Tim gave Tommy a big thumbs-up. Tim was pleased to see the youngest of the boys coming into his own and being recognized for it.

It was nearly 10:00 by the time the boys got home – later than they'd planned on, but they had the project completed and could check that one off their agendas.

At the court of honor that night, Tucker was up to receive two merit badges. He, of course, was not there to accept them. Several scouts and their parents wondered why no one from the Torrance family was there since usually Tark or Teri and all the boys all attended on awards nights. Several other families were conspicuous by their absences too. Something seemed amiss.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Schultz announced that the assistant scout master would be taking over from then on. He said that he was resigning from the position. He would not comment on why he was quitting, merely saying it was a matter of personal conviction.

After the meeting Jim Johnson, Bart's father, caught up with Leo Schultz on the way to his car.

"What's with this `personal convictions' shit? Are you going soft in the head? Does this have to do with my son exposing the two perverts?"

"It has to do with the fact that two qualified, excellent scouts will not receive their Eagle rank because the organization is still in the dark ages while some lazy bullies might eventually do just enough to pass."

"You'd better not be calling my son a lazy bully if you know what's good for you! I'll get you thrown out of scouts."

"You'd better not be referring to the Torrance boys as perverts either," Leo responded. "And you seem to forget that I'm leaving scouts. Your son evidently isn't. If it's ever within my power, I'll see that he's thrown out for his attitude and the way he treats the younger boys."

Leo was shaking with anger when he at last drove home. For him, the Eagle rank would forever be cheapened if Bart somehow managed to attain it. Given the boy's attitude and lack of initiative, it was highly unlikely. However, both father and son did have a way of intimidating people into giving them what they wanted.

The Torrance boys did get Tark out to train in the gym and pool on other scout nights. Because he'd always kept in good shape, his strength and mobility were returning rapidly. He stretched in the hot tub at the end of each evening's workout. He was bound to prove his surgeon wrong and gain the full range of motion in his left knee.

His therapist released him from their sessions at his next appointment, saying that what he was doing with his boys was more than adequate for his continuing recovery.

The big social event for seniors, and underclassmen who were dating seniors, was the prom. There was little doubt about who would be going with whom in many cases, but considerable question in others.

Chris and Drake had not originally planned to spend their hard-earned money to take some girl out for a very expensive evening and one which might involve social pressure to do more than they wanted to with any girl. Because neither was dating at the time, they'd thought they were off the hook. Almost no one went stag.

Pressure came from an unexpected source – parents. Both of their mothers told them they'd always be sorry that they didn't go to their senior prom. Their fathers also kind of pushed them to go, saying that their peers would think they were queer if they weren't out trying to hook up with girls. It was that latter attitude and its implications that scared the boys into seeking dates.

Eventually, the boys saw the possibility of turning a bad situation into one that could be worked to their advantage. They decided to ask a couple of girls who were sophomores and who came from rather strict, conservative families. That way, there should be no expectation of trying to bed the girls after the dance was over. It turned out that they were even more correct in their assumptions than they'd imagined.

The fathers of the girls were good friends and agreed on a plan to keep their girls chaste. They insisted on giving the boys $50 apiece to cover dinner and a corsage for each of the girls. That way, they informed the boys, there could be NO expectations that the girls owed them any "favors". In addition, the girls would have to be brought home within 20 minutes of the end of the dance. That would allow for driving time to the house where both girls would spend the night, but not allow time for any hanky-panky.

The boys feigned disappointment at having their evening cut short, but were inwardly thrilled! With the extra money, they wouldn't be out very much for the evening and could spend it on something they'd both enjoy – a motel room for the night together!

Chas was planning to get his parents to pay for a room. In fact, he was pushing for a suite with two bedrooms, one for Mindy and him and the other for Tim and Melody, but that was not what he told them. His proposal to the `rents was that there would be a party with a bunch of friends from school and that there would be a little drinking. Everyone would be careful not to overindulge, but he was sure his parents wouldn't want anyone out driving even after a beer or two. His mother felt he was being responsible and his dad was secretly pleased at the prospect that his "nerdy" son would likely be getting a little action. So, all was arranged.

Tim wasn't thrilled with the idea like Chas thought he would be. Tim's middle brothers were the only ones who knew for sure that he and Melody were sexually involved. (Tark, of course, suspected.) Tim's concern was that if he and Melody spent the night in a hotel together, everyone in school would know. He wasn't ashamed to be making love with the girl he had fallen for, but he didn't want to ruin her reputation or cheapen what they had together. Perhaps his logic was a bit askew by most people's standards, but that was how he felt.

Melody seemed to be impressed with his thoughtfulness. There were times that she wanted to shout from the rooftop that she was making love with one of the hottest guys in the senior class, but she also wanted to maintain a lower profile. That they shared their bodies was no one's business.

On the day of the big event, many guy's cars were cleaner than they'd been in months, and they were all dressed like gentlemen. Lots of photos were taken by proud parents in addition to the formal pix the professional photographers snapped before and during the dance.

It would be hard to estimate the economic impact this event had on local businesses, but restaurants served a lot more dinners than on the usual Saturday night. Formal wear shops, limo services, and florists had benefitted as well. Even the bowling alley had additional income from being rented for one of the after-prom parties. And the large dining room at IHOP was reserved for a group breakfast.

Tim had grown back his beard and shaved it to a "pencil line" width that accented his firm jaw. Tommy and Tanner had helped him by carefully checking for stray hairs that were slightly out of line. With his facial hair and dark tux, he looked as much like a groom in his 20's as a 17 year old on the way to prom.

When he arrived to pick up Melody, her parents couldn't help but think of him as a prospective son-in-law. They probably wondered if the two would end up in bed that night. Both were realistic enough to know it could happen, but neither was quite ready to think of their little girl as a grown woman with the desires that come with that status. They were relieved when Tim told them about the all-night parties they planned to attend after coming home to change into casual attire.

The evening was special for most of the attendees. The high school gym had been transformed by the theater department into a beautiful setting. Kids in the scene shop class had created backdrops to disguise the large space and make it into a fairyland of color and lights.

For some kids, the real fun would begin when the dance ended. Chas could hardly wait until his girlfriend saw the beautiful setting he'd planned for their first time of "going all the way" together. He hadn't told her about it because he wanted it to be a surprise.

When they entered the suite, she was impressed with the quality of the place.

"How soon are the others coming?" she asked.

"Uh there aren't any others. Tim and Melody didn't want to come and so it's just you and me!"

"I'm not ready for this! I thought a bunch of people would be sitting around having a drink or two and visiting, like you told your parents."

"I told them that because I didn't want them to know we'd be sleeping together."

"Well, you thought wrong! Take me home right now or I'll call Daddy to come and get me. If he has to come, I'll tell him what you were going to do."

"But, I thought you loved me, Mindy. When we make out, I can hardly keep from having an orgasm right in my pants. I'm all prepared with condoms, lube, and everything. Please!"

"I thought you really cared for me, but you just want to screw like all the rest of the boys!"

"You make it sound cheap. I'm not just after sex. I love you. You're the girl I want to spend my life with. Damn! I planned this whole thing so it would be magical. It's not like we're doing it in the backseat of a Buick. Couldn't we at least get out of our clothes and cuddle in bed? I'll keep my underwear on if you want me to."

At the sight of Chas's tears, Mindy's heart began to soften. She had to admit that she cared a lot for him. Still, there was college ahead and several years before they'd be able to marry – if they still wanted to by then. But, he looked so sweet and vulnerable at the moment. She could at least hold him. Then, she'd insist that they go to one of the parties so no one would suspect they'd been alone in a hotel room.

Mindy in her bra and panties, and Chas in his boxer briefs, climbed into the king sized bed. At first they lay on their backs, holding hands, not allowing their bodies to touch. Then, he turned on his side and kissed her on the lips. It was a gentle kiss that soon turned more passionate. Reflexively, she put her arms around his back and pulled him closer. Now he was lying on top of her, supporting most of his weight on his knees and elbows. She could feel his erection through the two thin layers of cloth that separated it from her special place. There was something very sensuous about being so close.

His tongue snaked across her lips begging admission, and they automatically opened inviting him in. Seconds later, the room was filled with the sounds of desire.

Chas carefully undid the strap on Mindy's bra and she shrugged her shoulders to help him remove it completely. He then gently suckled on her right nipple. At that moment, she felt transported to another realm. When he moved to her left one, she could sense her resolve weakening. She did not resist as she felt his right hand slip past the waistband of her panties. She only gasped when his middle finger found its target.

"Where is that condom?" Mindy asked breathlessly.

"In the pants pocket of my tux, but I'm not going to get it."

"You have to; I don't want to get pregnant!"

"You can't get pregnant from getting kissed and sucked and that's all I'm gonna do."

"No, please I want you in me."

"I'm not going to force you."

"I'm begging! I want to right now," Mindy exclaimed as she went to find his pants.

Seconds later, she was back, carrying a condom and the tube of KY Jelly. Chas was so excited that his hands trembled as he pulled down his underwear. His cock sprang out like a rattlesnake, standing proud and throbbing with each heartbeat.

Mindy wasted no time in extracting the condom and rolling it over his erection. Then she lubed it liberally and straddled his waist. Slowly, she impaled herself on it until she hit bottom. Chas nearly came when she did.

Her attempts to ride his white pony were amateurish as best. After a few minutes, He gently rolled her onto her back and did what comes naturally to every male of all species. He was gentle, taking long slow strokes that brought both of them pleasure. He didn't speed up until she prompted him to. Toward the end, he was thrusting like a porn star. All too soon, they were momentarily suspended in air awaiting the drop. When it came, Chas flooded the condom so much that Mindy was aware of its expansion in her canal. She came shortly after he did.

They lay quietly in the afterglow until he softened and fell out.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I was really trying not to do it after you didn't want to."

"I wanted it," she replied. "I was just scared that I wouldn't be able to handle you, and that everyone would know."

"They'll probably be able to tell from the contented smile on my face," he giggled. "But, I think we should go to one of the parties for a while so that people will think we've been making the rounds. Tim and Melody are the only ones who know about this room and I know they won't spread gossip. Perhaps I should slip them one of the key cards to come back here while we're out."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Mindy agreed. "We should put on our casual clothes and show up to a couple of places. Uh, would you be interested in coming back to bed later?"

"Yeah!" Chas grinned.

Tim and Melody were at their second party when they bumped into Chas and Mindy. Tim could tell by Chas's grin that he'd had a good evening so far. They knew each other far too well to fake it.

Chas sidled up to Tim and slipped him the extra key card. Tim accepted it with a frown.

"I'm not sure it'll see any use," he said doubtfully.

"You've already established an alibi by being seen in a few places. We're doing that now. We might be back later, but there are two bedrooms with their own bathrooms, so no one would disturb anyone. We could all use some sleep if nothing else..."

"Thanks, Buddy. I'll talk to the wife about it," Tim joked.

After a short tete-a-tete, Tim and Melody left, ostensibly to head for another gathering.

"You're sure it's okay," Tim said as they drove toward the hotel.

"Yes. I was hesitant like you were because I didn't want the world to know, but I do trust Mindy and Chas. I could tell by how radiant she looked that they hadn't spent their time playing cards."

"Maybe playing strip-poker," Tim giggled.

"You are a very bad boy!" Melody laughed. "Don't boys think of anything but sex?"

"There is something else?" Tim said in mock astonishment.

"I may have to pull your pants down and spank your bare bottom to straighten you out," Melody threatened.

"Just the thought of that is straightening part of me out!"

She reached over to cup his crotch and could tell he wasn't joking about that. Carefully, she slipped her hand up the leg opening of his cargo shorts. He moaned in response.

"He's got a hair-trigger tonight. Be careful or he may go off in your hand."

"Maybe I'll make him shoot before we get started so you'll last longer later."

"Okay, but just don't do it now. I'd hate to walk through the lobby with a load dripping down my leg!"

Once in the suite, it took only a second to find the unused bedroom and begin to undress. Melody went to the bathroom to freshen up and Tim took a turn next. He found her under a sheet with the lights turned down low.

They kissed and cuddled for a while, Tim getting closer to cumming by the second. He thought if he was going to explode soon that perhaps he could give her that feeling too. So, he kissed his way down to her mound where he began to apply his talented tongue.

"Turn around," Melody requested. Tim complied by moving his feet toward the headboard.

He wasn't sure that she wanted to suck on him while he pleasured her, but it was worth a shot. She didn't disappoint him. Knowing that it would take her longer to achieve an orgasm, she backed off every time she felt he was close. The last time, she didn't stop quickly enough and was suddenly nearly drowned by his offering. Because of all the anticipation, he went into a kind of total-body ejaculation that set her off too. A night sky on the Fourth of July was no rival for this!

They cuddled and kissed for some time before briefly drifting off to sleep.

"Do you want to show up at any other parties or just stay here and make love the rest of the night?" Tim grinned. "It might take me another 10 minutes to recharge, but maybe not."

"I don't want to do anything but stay in bed with you, but I guess we should make one more appearance." Melody sighed. "Then let's come back and continue where we left off."

When Tim and Melody returned an hour later, they could hear sounds of life in the other bedroom. They quietly sneaked into theirs and took a quick shower together. Melody had to be careful not to get her hair wet so she wouldn't have to do as much too it before they went to breakfast.

Sharing a shower got them right in the mood to make love again. Pandora's Box had been opened and what had been freed would never be successfully confined again.

Tim set out a condom and lube on the nightstand before they got in bed.

"I'm on the pill now, so you don't have to use that if you don't want to."

"That's cool, but I know that no method is 100% sure, so I'd like to double our chances of not being parents before we're ready. I would love to have a kid right now, but it's not very practical with college and all."

"You're so responsible. I guess that's part of why I don't feel frightened about giving myself to you. I love you so much." Melody said with emotion showing in her eyes.

They played and teased for a long time. Eventually, Tim rolled the condom on and lubed it up. Melody lay back with her legs pulled up to give him good access. He eased his way in without causing her any discomfort and again they began the ancient tango of love.

Perhaps Drake and Chris had the best prom night of anyone in Coolidge High. Their chances for making love had been few and far between given that they could never be sure when it was safe. About the time they'd plan to be at one house or the other, a sibling or parent would be at home. Their dads thought they were getting too old for sleepovers and that nipped other opportunities in the bud. They were beginning to be paranoid that their parents suspected what was going on between them.

Like Chas and Tim, they had shown up at enough mixers that night to be able to have ready answers for what they'd done if anyone inquired.

Motel 6 wasn't the Hilton, but a clean bed with privacy was like heaven to them. The desk clerk assumed that the boys were going to have sex, but that it would be with prom dates whom they smuggled in. That was fine with him as long as they didn't tear up the place.

The only room he had left on short notice was on the third floor where he mostly booked old people looking for an AARP discount. He warned the boys that if he got any complaints he'd evict them with no refund. It wasn't something he'd likely have to enforce because the room was at the end of the balcony and the couple who were renting the one next to theirs were both deaf as a post.

The boys promised to be quiet.

The desk clerk also said the room had only one bed, but it was king-sized. Were they sure they wanted to sleep together? Chris quickly answered that they were cousins and weren't embarrassed to share a bed as they had done so through the years growing up.

The guy grinned as he imagined two teenage couples fucking in the same bed. Hmm, he wished he'd installed a camera in there like he had in a couple of other ones.

At last in their haven for the night, the boys wasted no time tearing each other's clothes off. They kissed, feeling each other's butts as they stood by the bed.

"You want to shower first?" Drake asked.

"Later, after we've done it once," Chris answered. "Right now, I want to lick your balls. We both showered before the dance and there ought to be a nice buildup of fresh sweat for me to taste."

"Oh, you nasty boy! I'm thrilled that we think alike!" Drake giggled.

The next several minutes were spent doing exactly that, licking balls. When they moved on to sucking cocks, it was soon over – for the moment, that is. They lay back cuddling and kissing until sleep overtook them.

Their nap was interrupted by a need to piss, so both got up to share the pot. Then they shared the shower, getting aroused in the process.

Back in bed, Drake pulled out the lube, offering his ass to be ravished first. Chris was happy to comply. He loved the feeling of being buried to the hilt in his boyfriend's hot, tight chute. Anal sex was the greatest invention since sex itself!

Chris didn't last long. It was enough time to make Drake super-horny and put him close without touching himself, but not quite enough to put him over the edge.

Although he felt really spent, Chris didn't want to leave Drake unsatisfied, and so he lay on his back with his knees to his chest as his boyfriend prepared to enter him.

Drake lasted even less time than Chris had. He filled Chris's canal nearly to overflowing. In fact, some juice did ooze out as they lay kissing again. Fortunately they'd remembered to put a towel under them when they started.

The boys awoke to the sounds of the slamming of a door in the room next to them. Drake got out of bed and peeked through the drapes in time to see an elderly couple making their way to the stairs. Had he been dressed, he would have run out to help them negotiate the stairs with their luggage. It seemed to him rather cruel to put old people on the upper floor of a place that had no elevator. Perhaps that was the motel's way of making them pay for their senior discount. To his mind, that wasn't nice at all!

It was early enough for them to take a shower and get to IHOP for breakfast with some of the other prom attendees. They fooled around in the shower and got off one last time. Then they hurriedly dressed and headed for the restaurant, happy with how things had turned out.

Author's notes: Thanks to all who emailed this week: Paul R, Bert H, Paul F, Rutabaga, Matt Q, Bill T, Bill K, Ott H, Caleb, Roger L, Mark H, Tom A, Danny A, JTR, Jim W, John McD, JJ, Scott McG, and Daniel F. I sincerely hope I haven't accidentally omitted anyone!

One of the guys emailed that the BSA is now allowing gay kids to stay in scouting until they reach 18 and then they have to leave. They may not assume any adult leadership roles. I guess it's an internal secret because I could find no policy statement to that effect. Too bad the scoutmaster wasn't aware of it. I'm not sure the boys would have stayed at that point.

Various organizations have put financial pressure on the BSA to be more inclusive, but to no avail. I used to buy popcorn at their fund raisers, but I don't feel good about doing that anymore. It's sad that they put in the rules about gays at about the same time the rest of society was beginning to be more accepting. Hopefully change will come eventually.


Next: Chapter 39

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