Tommy and Tanner

By David Lee

Published on Nov 16, 2011


Tommy and Tanner Chapter 42


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

This is not my first attempt at writing fiction. My longer stories on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), and "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010) under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section. There are a few short stories also: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009) under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010) under "Beginnings" and "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010) under the Science Fiction/Fantasy category.

I am now listed on Nifty under the category of "Prolific Net Authors" which will make it easier for you to access earlier stories. Some of these stories are also posted at: along with those of other writers that may interest you.

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Finally, David has a new site that is hosting a number of authors. It's at: My first story, "Always and Forever," is posted there.

David (

Tommy and Tanner Chapter 42

By prior arrangement, Jared was dropped off with Tommy and Tanner at the Torrance residence when the boys got to Middleton. Lee and Peter were there helping to prepare a steak dinner cookout in the back yard. They said something about its being a celebration in honor of their new son.

Tuck came downstairs and dapped fists with his brothers and Jared. He then took Jared up to his room to show him something on his laptop about dolphins that he'd found on the `net. It went into depth on the subject that the two had been fascinated by in science class. Lee, who was putting the finishing touches on a salad, noticed and appreciated Tuck's taking Jared under his wing. Such attention would facilitate his transition and healing.

After helping with cleanup, Lee and Peter took Jared home. He was happy to see that his clothes and most of his meager belongings were waiting for him in his new room. He loved the bed with the twin-over-full bunk arrangement because he'd have plenty of room to stretch out and he could probably invite someone to stay over sometime. That would be a new experience for him. When he lived at home, he'd never wanted to have any friends in, even if he'd have been allowed to, because of the possibility that Dirk would pick on them as well as him. For the first time in many years, he felt relaxed. Perhaps he could invite Tuck over.

Peter and Lee showed him around the house and told him that they were planning to buy it as soon as Lee's condo sold.

They had been debating where they would settle and who would commute, but Jared's addition to their family had tipped the scale in favor of this place. It was in a family-type neighborhood where there were other kids around, and it was also within walking distance of the high school. They would miss the swimming pool and the little spa at the condo, but might put in a hot tub to compensate.

Peter and Lee had been concerned about how they could help Jared get acquainted with more friends his age in the area and weren't sure how to get it started. They didn't know that plans for his assimilation into the local teenage social structure were already in the works.

On Monday morning, Tuck called to ask if he could come over to hang with Jared. Peter was thrilled. Tuck arrived on his bicycle a few minutes later. He asked Jared if he'd like to ride to the park, and soon the boys were headed off, Tuck on his shiny 21 speed model and Jared on his old hand-me-down that had seen better days. As he watched them disappear down the street, Peter made a mental note to take the boy bicycle shopping soon.

The two boys played Frisbee together for a while, and later another boy their age, whom they recognized from school, joined them. Jared's mind was so occupied with having fun that he forgot about his problems for the moment. Even his healing burns didn't itch.

They took a break when the other boy left, and Tuck mentioned that he and Bobby were now working for his brothers in the mowing business. He asked if Jared would like to join them. Jared was very pleased to be invited. It would be a way for him to have spending money. He had been worried about how he'd get along. Perhaps he could save up for a new bicycle!

When the two returned to Peter's house before noon, Peter insisted that Tuck stay for lunch. It gave Jared a little more time with another peer and also rewarded Tuck for his good deed of including Jared in his activities.

In the afternoon, Peter took Jared to the social services office where they met Lee. The three of them had an appointment with Lucille Peshel who had been assigned to Jared's case.

Lucille rose from her desk to greet them warmly as they were ushered into her office at the appointed time.

"I'm pleased to see that you were awarded temporary custody so quickly. Did you have any problems with Nancy?"

"Not after her initial verbal attack on my orientation." Lee answered. "Thanks for giving me the heads-up about her. While I hate to use anyone's orientation as a bludgeon, I guess there are times when you truly do have to fight fire with fire."

"I'm pleased to have been of service to you." Lucile nodded. "You know that all of us in this office respect you highly."

"Thanks. You're making me blush," Lee smiled.


I have a number of papers for you men to sign. They're the standard forms that you've read many times, Lee. May I ask you to peruse them in the waiting room while I confer with Jared in private?"

"Of course; I know the routine."

Jared began to fidget, not knowing what the social worker would ask him. However, the first thing she did was get him to sit down beside her and once he began to talk with her, it was more like having a conversation with a friendly relative than being grilled by a stranger, as he'd originally feared. He so very much did not want to screw up and be placed in a group home or with someone he'd never met. Lee and Peter might have been total strangers until recently, but he'd already become comfortable with them.

He found that he could tell Ms. Peshel anything and everything, and soon had done just that. She held his hand when the tears fell as he told her about the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of his brother and how his pleas to his parents had fallen on deaf ears.

Lucille handed him a Kleenex and told him that things would work out. She would see to it.

"Do you have any idea how fortunate you are to have made a connection with Lee Ratliff? He's a wonderful man and has great compassion for kids who have had it rough. He probably won't tell you this, but because of his dysfunctional birth family, one brother ended up unhappy in an orphanage and another turned to drugs and was murdered. Lee was the lucky one to have been adopted and given a better childhood.

Now I have one more question to ask of you and it's an important one. What are your feelings about living in a home with two gay men?"

"I'm fine with that. I'm honestly not sure if I'm gay or not, but I think I might be. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. I spent the weekend around some boys who are boyfriends and I could see myself being like them. They're really cool."

"I think you need to be open to whatever you feel inside and not decide you're gay because you have cool friends who are. However, if that is the case, I believe Lee and his husband could be great role models. Do you think their relationship would be an embarrassment to you at school?"

"No. I'm planning to join the gay-straight alliance group next fall that my friends are helping to start, and I know I'll have plenty of support from them. In fact, one of them is Lee's nephew."

"Great! Let's get your guardians back in to sign the papers and get you on your way. I'll be checking with you periodically to see if there are any changes in your situation or feelings. There will be a hearing later before a local judge to rule on your case. If all goes well, I will recommend that your placement with Lee and Peter be made permanent. I think you're in for great things to come."

On the way home from the appointment, Peter drove into the parking lot of Target. Lee had gone back to work, but the men had agreed on Peter's plan while Jared was being interviewed.

He led Jared to the sporting goods department in the back. Jared's face lit up at the sight of the shiny bikes in the racks.

"Do you see anything that would be good enough for you to ride around on?" Peter asked.

"I'd like about any of them. Would you loan me the money to buy one? I can pay you back with what I earn mowing with Tuck."

"Don't worry about that. I noticed that your birthday is coming up in a few days and this will be a present from Lee and me. We want you to choose anything here that you like, or we can go to the bike shop in the next `burb to find something else."

Jared spent several minutes looking at each bicycle trying to decide which one was the best value for the money. He'd been given no spending limit, but felt he shouldn't go for the most expensive one. A high school aged stock-boy in the standard dress of red shirt and khaki slacks came over to see if he could be of assistance.

"I have this one and I like it," he said. "It's called a hybrid like everything else these days, but in this case I guess it fits. The 28 inch wheels are great for long distances and the tires are thin enough for a road trip, but still fat enough so you don't lose control as easily on loose gravel. It's great on the trails."

"But, it's over $200," Jared exclaimed.

"No, it's on sale. The sign's just fallen over. This week it's only $175, so you could get extra stuff and still stay under $200 if that's your top price."

Jared looked at Peter to see his reaction and was happy to see him smiling.

"We can get you a speedometer, a water bottle with a holder, and a lock too if those interest you."

"Wow! Thanks!" Jared grinned. "That's a lot to spend on me, though. I'll mow and do stuff around the house to repay you."

"You probably will end up mowing our yard because Tommy and Tanner have the contract, but you'll get paid for that. You will be expected to pull your own weight just like Lee and I do, but we're not going to make a slave out of you. Anyway, this is a gift with no strings attached."

"Thanks," Jared said again as he hugged Peter.

Jared wheeled his new bike to the front of the store while Peter picked up a few things for dinner in the grocery section. He selected a large turkey breast which would provide leftovers for lunches, and grabbed a couple of boxes of Florentine rice to go with it. He had everything else he needed at home.

At the car, the guys carefully positioned Jared's new vehicle on the bike carrier that had been left on since the men had gotten Jared's things. With their purchases all stowed, they drove home.

James Tarkington Torrance II, usually known as "Jim" since his divorce, had come to spend a few days with Tark and family. Of course he loved seeing his teenage grandsons, but it was little Tori that drew him, and Teri's parents, to their house that Friday. On Sunday, she would be baptized, and her grandparents all wanted to be there for that rite. He and his lady friend, Lara, were in the back yard with Tori and Tuck when his mobile rang. He frowned as he flipped it open to answer. Lara tried not to listen to his side of the conversation but Tuck had his ears open and straining.

"No Cynthia, that's out of the question." Jim said into his phone. "You're the one who left me for that younger, supposedly richer, nobleman and I've moved on.

Yes, I'm not surprised. I figured him for a gold-digger the minute I laid eyes on him, but it wasn't my place to burst your bubble.

I'm sorry to hear that. My lawyer will contact you within the week. I have set up a trust fund for you that will keep you off the welfare rolls, but it may not provide you with summers on the French Rivera.

You'll have to adjust! I've already given you what you asked for and more. I owe you nothing. This trust is only to prevent people from accusing me of putting the mother of my son on the street – not that you were ever devoted to him. Now please do not contact me again unless it's through my lawyer.


"Was that my ex-grandmother?" Tuck asked with a grin.

"Yes, that was Cynthia and I'm sorry to have sounded hard-hearted, but she has been trying to inveigle her way back into my life ever since that fake count dumped her. I'm sorry you and Tucker had to hear it, Lara. I hope you don't think badly of me."

"I was really too busy with Tori to listen to your conversation; therefore, I don't have any opinion one way or the other. I'm sure you weren't unkind."

"I have an opinion," Tuck said. "I think you did way more than you needed to if you've set up a fund to support her. She never acted like she even liked us kids, much less loved us. I'll bet she wasn't that nice to you either. How come you married her; you're so different?"

"They say that men marry women who are like their mothers. My mother was something like she is – caring more about social position than family. Both were involved in all sorts of boards and clubs rather than putting Band-Aids on cuts.

Mother also saw Cynthia as a suitable mate for me because of her old New England lineage even though she didn't come from money and her immediate family was rather dysfunctional. Her mother saw me as a meal ticket for her daughter, so deals were made..."

"It sounds like one of those arranged marriages in Afghanistan or India or someplace," Tuck frowned. "Was she ever affectionate?"

"I suppose she was. I was young and naïve and didn't know what a relationship was supposed to be like. My parents weren't demonstrative in their affection for each other or me – just the opposite of your parents.

Ah, but my life has changed!" Jim said as he gave Lara a shoulder hug and kiss on the cheek.

She responded by melting into his side. Tuck smiled, wondering what they were doing in the motel they were staying in at night. Jim had made sure that the family knew he'd booked two rooms for them, but Tuck suspected they might not be spending the whole night apart. He kind of hoped his grandpa was getting some, and that Lara might become his step-grandmother. Her attentiveness to Tori was a good indication that she was a loving person.

Lara Peterson was indeed making a good impression on everyone in the family. She was a pretty lady who might have been viewed as a prospective "trophy wife" had it not been for her intelligence and her genuinely warm personality. Lara came from "old money" as Jim had, but was not snobbish or impressed by those who thought too highly of themselves. In a number of ways, she was the antithesis of Cynthia – a fact that made Teri quite comfortable about having her come to visit. Lara didn't cause stress headaches!

During their short stay, both grandfathers helped Tuck, Bobby, and Jared build trailers for their bikes. The three boys were keen on extending their possible range for mowing without having to ask Tim or Devin with help in transporting the smaller mowers. Tommy and Tanner had always pushed their equipment to a job-site unless it involved the riding mower. The younger boys weren't big on doing that because they thought it made them look like dweebs. Ah, the power of adolescent machismo.

Tuck had found a beat up child-carrier trailer at a garage sale for $10 and had immediately thought of replacing the "cabin" with a trailer bed big enough to hold a mower.

Floyd helped him determine how to make the platform strong enough without its becoming a burden to pull.

Jim helped Jared and Bobby with plans to make tubular frames using electrical conduit to replicate the form of the commercially made unit. In the midst of their designing, they made a quick trip to Menard's to find suitable wheels for the trailers.

When they got back from shopping, they enlisted the help of Tommy and Tanner to speed up the cutting and riveting part of the process. By dinnertime on Saturday evening, much of the work had been completed. The boys could finish the details the following week. They all felt good about what they were able to accomplish. Their elders were pleased as well. It was great to have boys doing something active and constructive rather than spending all their time playing video games or searching the `net as their only pastime like some of their peers.

Tori's baptism came off without a hitch. While it wasn't a requirement in the Presbyterian Church to have godparents, Tark and Teri chose to have Lee and Peter fill that role. It might have been logical to have asked two of her brothers do it, but then there would be the question of which ones. Tim had certainly bonded with his little sister from her first breath. Tuck had taken a particular interest in her as well, but if Tommy and Tanner were passed over, that wouldn't seem appropriate.

Lee and Peter had been honored to be asked. It made them feel even more like they were blood-kin to the Torrance clan. They made it clear that Tori would be well cared for if, God forbid, anything ever happened to her parents.

The whole immediate family, along with her godfathers, gathered in a semicircle around Pastor Anna when she baptized Tori. The little girl didn't fuss when she felt the water or when Anna carried her up the aisle to introduce her to the congregation as the newest member of God's fold.

From the pew, the grandparents all tried to take discreet photos without using any flash that might take away from the sacredness of the ceremony. Lara had staked out a place in the balcony where she could make a video of the event. Using her telephoto lens, she got some great close-ups.

Following the service, all of the extended family went back to the Torrance residence for brunch which was catered by the Bakers. Brendon had been invited as well. He excitedly informed the boys that he was going to get a little sister like Tori.

"We are expecting," Jennifer admitted. "But it's too early to tell if it's a boy or a girl. Brendon is so impressed with Tori that he's insisting on a little sister. Of course he may not get his wish."

"I'll be happy for either," Todd chimed in. "As long as we have a healthy baby, I'm not going to complain."

Everyone congratulated the Bakers on their good news.

Jared was about as happy as anyone present. Jim and Floyd had insisted on picking up the tab for the parts needed for his bike trailer just as they had for Tuck's. (Bobby's father had sent money for his.) Now he was celebrating the baptism of his baby "cousin" as her brothers had insisted he call her. Like Lee and Peter, he felt as if he were part of the family.

On Monday evening, Lee and Peter had a small birthday party for Jared. The guest list included Bobby as well as Tuck, Tommy, and Tanner. Since Jared had wanted it to be a sleepover, the boys all brought sleeping bags to camp out in the family room. Jared thought it was the best party he could ever remember. That brought smiles to the faces of his new dads.

He received small gifts from each of his guests which he opened after the cake had been served. He high-fived or dapped fists with each of the boys in attendance after open their presents. He really wanted to hug them, but was concerned that such a show of affection might be too demonstrative.

The boys talked for quite a while after the lights were turned out. Most of the conversation was among the three younger members of the group. Tommy and Tanner were content to listen and add to it only when asked a specific question. They noticed that Jared never brought up anything about his former home life. The three mostly talked about school, sports, and their summer job.

Early in the week, Jared and Bobby got the chance to use their new bike trailers to mow a lawn a couple of miles from the Torrance residence. Tuck was supposed to go with them, but had forgotten about his dental appointment when scheduling to mow. Since he and Bobby had done the lawn together once, he trusted that Bobby knew what to do and would make sure it was perfect when finished.

The route had a couple of small hills and the boys were glad that they had used large diameter wheels in building the trailers so that there was less resistance than would have been with the kind that came on coaster wagons. It was a perfect early June day for a bicycle ride and the pair felt almost as if they were on a pleasure outing.

On top of that, the yard they were doing was situated next to a preserve with a wooded section coming right up to the fence. The lucky property owners had the beauty of a small forest without the responsibility and expense of keeping it up.

After 45 minutes of steady work, Jared and Bobby took a break to sit in the shade sipping ice water from their bottles. Both were dressed in thin basketball shorts and had shed their shirts when they first arrived. They were warm from the sun and their bodies glistened with a light sheen of sweat.

"It's nice the family isn't here so we can get almost naked," Bobby remarked. "I love going commando and letting it flop around freely."

"I like it too, but I was afraid to let someone see me like that," Jared confessed. "In a way, I wish they were home because I've gotta pee."

"No problem." Bobby grinned.

"Did they give you a key?" Jared asked in amazement.

"Nope, but where there's a tree, there's a place to pee!" Bobby laughed at his rhyme. "Come, I'll show you. I could stand to take a leak too."

Bobby led Jared to a gate that was almost completely hidden behind bushes in the backyard. The boys slipped through into an area that was well screened from the house and the rest of the woodland as well. The minute they arrived, Bobby boldly pulled his shorts to his knees, allowing them to fall all the way to his ankles.

Since he chose to piss openly, Jared thought he'd look like a wuss if he didn't do the same. Besides, it was kind of cool seeing another guy peeing and letting him watch you do the same.

When he'd finished, Bobby didn't hurry to pull his shorts back up. In fact, he stood there shaking off the drips a bit longer than necessary. As a result, his dick began to plump up.

Jared stood mesmerized. Other than seeing Dirk's erection more times than he wanted to, he had no real experience with other boys' stiffies. He started to get hard simply watching.

"You've got a nice cock," Bobby said breathlessly. "I think you're as big as Tuck and you've got foreskin like he does."

"Thanks," Jared responded. "Yours is nice too."

"Would you like to touch it?" Bobby asked.

"Okay," Jared agreed.

His heart was pounding so loudly that he wondered if Bobby could hear it. As he caressed Bobby's hard dick, Bobby reached over and began to stroke his. It all felt so HOT!

Jared thought about the experiences he'd had with his brother. He had hated being used, but he had loved taking Dirk's hot appendage in his hand and having the sense of power that came with being able to give pleasure to another male. Doing this with Bobby was really awesome because he knew Bobby wouldn't be likely to force him to do anything he didn't want to do.

Before long, the boys were glassy-eyed and panting. They both shook as their cocks exploded. The first shots hit each other's abs, with successive ones squirting on the ground and a few drops landing on their shorts.

Bobby scooped up Jared's load from his belly and licked some of it off his fingers. Jared was surprised, but followed suit, tasting the residue of Bobby's jizz. It was probably the most daring thing he'd ever done that hadn't been forced on him.

Jared used his underwear to wipe up the rest from his body and offered the dry side of them to Bobby who took him up on it. Jared decided to stuff his briefs in his pocket remain commando for the rest of the day.

"Now that's what I call a real break!" Bobby giggled.

"Yeah, it beats sitting in the shade and talking." Jared agreed. "Do you and Tuck always take sex breaks?"

"Nah, he's not into it as much as he used to be," Bobby said, shaking his head sadly. "I think he thinks it's too much like being gay, and he doesn't seem to be into guys all that much."

"Well, I think it's cool," Jared smiled. "I hope we can do it again sometime."

"If you want to, I'm sure we can arrange it." Bobby grinned.


"We'd better get back to mowing or everyone will wonder what took us so long."

"If anyone cares, we can say we had to double check to see that it was all perfect." Jared grinned.

The lady of the house arrived home just as they were finishing up and did a quick walk around to inspect. After confirming that they had done a very good job, she insisted on paying them with cash on the spot instead of being billed later and having to send a check. She included a sizeable tip in addition to the agreed upon price. To say the least, the boys were pleased.

Author's notes: A big thanks to all who wrote to me the past week: Paul R, Bob Z, Jim W, Danny A, Tim K, Rutabaga, Bill T, Walt S, Ott H, Roger L, Trish R, Anonymous, Bill K, Bert K, Wayne, Harold T, Tom A, Stef, Adam J, Luci, Paul F, JJ, Michael S, and JTR. I appreciate your input. You might notice that there are new names. I've lost track of the number of new responders since last year at this time. It's well over 100! I'll try to get another chapter posted after Thanksgiving, but I won't promise.


Next: Chapter 43

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