Tommy and Tanner

By David Lee

Published on Dec 15, 2011


Tommy and Tanner Chapter 46


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so. It is not my intention to offend anyone or to get you in trouble.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

This is not my first attempt at writing fiction. My longer stories on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), and "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010) under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section. There are a few short stories also: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009) under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010) under "Beginnings" and "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010) under the Science Fiction/Fantasy category.

I am now listed on Nifty under the category of "Prolific Net Authors" which will make it easier for you to access earlier stories. Some of these stories are also posted at: along with those of other writers that may interest you.

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Finally, David has a new site that is hosting a number of authors. It's at: My first story, "Always and Forever," is posted there.

David (

Tommy and Tanner, Chapter 46

Evidently Peter and Lee were doing as well as Lee had indicated, because the following week they invested in a piece of property in the country about twenty miles away. The deal had been too good to pass up.

It consisted of several acres of woods with a pond, and a creek running through it. Surrounded by arable land, it held only sentimental value for the farmer who owned it. He'd kept it for years because the house he'd grown up in had once stood there. It had been old at the time and had been torn down decades ago.

As a lad, he'd often gone mud splashing in the creek and swimming naked in the pond as his boys did after him when he had brought them out there to camp. But no one used it anymore. His sons had grown up and were living on the West Coast. When they did all get together, it was usually in California, not Illinois.

There was a pretty well maintained gravel access road. The property was neither close enough to the outer suburbs nor large enough in area to attract a developer. However, Lee and Peter fell in love with it when their realtor showed it to them. It would be ideal for weekend retreats or even some overnight stays. And in the future, it might become valuable if the population growth continued in that direction.

Because it wasn't suitable for growing crops, it was priced far below what prime farmland brought, but the sale would help the farmer buy some new equipment he wanted. So it seemed like a win/win situation for both parties and the deal was quickly made.

The men had taken Jared with them to see it the second time they looked it over. He got very excited when they told him they could probably find a travel trailer to park there or possibly erect a small cabin eventually. The cabin sounded like fun to Jared, but primitive camping was just as cool.

There was an old well which they'd had tested before they made an offer. When the results came back that the water was pure, that was the deciding factor.

"Could we camp out here before we build?" Jared asked.

Both Lee and Peter smiled at Jared's use of "we" because it let them know he was beginning to think of them as a family. They agreed that it would be a great idea.

"We could go skinny dipping in the pond too I'll bet," Jared said to see their reactions.

"I don't see why not. It's very secluded since it sits well back from the blacktop and there's corn growing all around. There are trees, and water where you could even use a kayak. You'd feel like you were on a wilderness adventure," Lee replied. "You and your buddies could run around as bare-ass as you wanted to. I know the Torrance boys would enjoy that. Peter and I might do it sometimes too."

"You'd probably get a sitter for me and leave me home if you did," Jared snickered. "I can picture you as Adam and Steve in this Garden of Eden tasting the forbidden fruit!"

"You are a cheeky boy," Lee laughed. "We might want to be here alone sometime, but we're not prudish about being nude around you if you're not offended. For sure we don't want to do anything that might endanger your staying in our family. So we won't be doing any `Adam and Steve' stuff in your presence."

"Thanks, that's cool. But if I'm in another tent, you should do whatever you want to. And by the way, since I've moved down to Tim's old room, you don't have to worry about keeping quiet; I'm not exactly naïve you know."

"Gotta love this kid," Lee said to Peter.

Tommy and Tanner began to envision the fun they might have on Lee and Peter's new "county estate" as they called it. Jared was sitting on their bed along with Tuck when he shared the news.

"We could have a totally naked weekend," Tanner exclaimed. "Wow that would be fun."

"I might not fit in." Tuck said. "I get the feeling that Tim and I are about the only straight boys around."

"You could be right," Jared agreed in a near whisper. "I think I might not be straight, but I'm not sure what I am yet. I hope that won't keep us from being friends."

"Hell no it won't," Tuck smiled. "I love my bros here and we all know what team they're playing for. Do you think Bobby's gay?"

"I can't speak for Bobby," Jared said wisely. "I'm not even entirely sure about me. Maybe I'm going through a phase or maybe I could go either way. Why do you think that about Bobby?"

"Bobby and I used to mess around," Tuck admitted. "It's no secret because my brothers guessed a long time ago, but we don't do it anymore. I think he'd still like to jack me off, but I just can't do it to him in return. He's a good kid and a great friend. If you two do it, that's cool with me. It's not as if I'd be jealous."

Jared's red face verified Tuck's suspicions without his confirming or denying anything. It was actually kind of freeing for both of them. Tuck had let his position be known so Jared wouldn't be likely to think of him as boyfriend material, and Jared didn't need to hide his orientation or what he might be doing with Bobby to satisfy his desires.

"Our problem is one of transportation," Tanner frowned. "By the time we get our licenses, school will be in session and it will be pretty late in the season to do much camping."

"Maybe you could get your friends, Chris and Drake, to drive us out?" Jared suggested. "They were really nice and didn't seem to mind camping with younger kids."

"But their car won't hold more than three extra people." Tommy ventured.

"How about inviting Devin and Andy?" Tanner suggested. "You can cram four guys into Devin's pickup. That would mean nine of us could go together. Then we could ask Bobby along, since Tuck isn't worried about Jared's and his `friendship.' Tim could drive too if he wanted to come along, but I don't know if he'll want leave Melody at home and if she came we couldn't go bare-ass."

They decided to get permission from Lee and Peter to go camping when it became possible. It might be a few weeks because of closing formalities, but they really wanted to do it as soon and often as they could.

Tanner texted his uncle right away.

A couple of hours later, he got a message from Lee that the property owner had given his okay for them to use the land immediately since they'd already paid for it. All he asked was that they sign a liability waiver to protect him in case of an accident before the title was transferred. Lee had already called his attorney to draw up the papers.

"Dad, I think you might want to get counseling for Tuck," Tim suggested when the two of them were alone. "His sexual experience with that Monica person has left him confused. I've talked to him about it, but I think a professional might do him some good."

"I tend to agree with you Tim. You're probably closer to Tucker than anyone else, so I'm sure you see things that the rest of us miss. I've been wondering about his emotions. He seems pretty upbeat, but I do see some mood swings. It's difficult to tell if it's from that experience or simply teen hormones. I'll talk to Lee about it."

"Thanks Dad. Tuck's still concerned about testifying against her after she made him feel so good. He may be only 14, but he's matured early. You know he has needs just like you and I do."

"Thanks for including your old man in the sexually active group," Tark grinned. "It's difficult to think of you as having those needs, much less my youngest son. Oh well, in another 14 years Tori will probably feel those desires too."

"Dad! She's just a baby! How can you talk about her like that?"

"Seventeen years ago, you were just a baby. I'm enough of a realist to know that girls can also have those needs. I suspect you might know something about that subject too."

Tim grinned and blushed at the same time. As usual, he appreciated his father's insight and candor.

That evening, Tark shared part of their conversation with Teri as they were getting ready for bed. She was amused on two levels.

"Tim is as protective of Tori as if she were his own daughter, and how perceptive of my macho husband to admit that girls have sexual desires too. Who woulda thunk it?"

"Hey, head football coaches know that jocks aren't the only ones who get horny even if many of their players seem to think with their glands like Brett Favre."

"What's with this `head' football coach title?"

"I got promoted this afternoon because Coach Daniels gave notice at last night's board meeting that he's taking early retirement, and they moved me up. It will mean a decent raise in pay which might help offset the minimal raises we're getting for teaching."

"That's good; we can always use the money and your hours of coaching will be about the same as they've been. But I'm surprised he decided to hang it up, aren't you?"

"Not entirely. Several parents have had their feet planted squarely in his back trying to push him out. The HR department actually extended the date for a buyout of his contract so he'd leave. Frankly, he's not been very effective on the field or in the classroom in the past several years. You wouldn't believe the problems I've had trying to catch students up who've come into my classes after supposedly learning something about history in his."

"You really believe I didn't hear all your bitching and moaning?" Teri giggled.

"I did that?" Tark gasped in mock surprise.

"Is the Pope leaning toward becoming Catholic?" Teri countered.

"Well, guess who's going to take my spot as assistant," Tark continued.

"I give up, who?"

"Our own Peter Parker."

"Whoa! How's that going to fly with the team?"

"Dr. Moore seems to think it will be fine, and she believes it's about time to have a qualified gay person on the coaching staff. Peter fits the bill because he's neither deeply in the closet nor prone to flaunt his orientation. She thinks he'll be a great role model, and his being there working day to day with the team will go a long way in changing attitudes and probably deter some bullying in the process."

"What does he know about football? Has he ever played? Does he even have a coaching endorsement?" Teri asked in amazement. "He looks like a runner."

"Here are the facts. He may not look like everyone's idea of a gridiron jock, but in college he was a place kicker and a good one. He knows the game well and, thanks to the advice of his student teaching supervisor, he got his coaching credentials before he finished college. I guess you didn't know he helped with the middle school team before he got assigned to Coolidge"

"Well, duh! I must be losing it. I remember Tuck talking about a Mr. P. coaching them, but I didn't make the connection. You must think I'm dense."

"Yup, your blonde roots are showing," Tark teased.

"But that must have been some board session last night," she continued, ignoring his comment. "Weren't there any objections to the new arrangements?"

"Evidently not. Several parents reportedly applauded when it was announced that I'd be replacing Coach Daniels, and no one spoke ill of Peter. Of course some of the total rednecks, like Jim Johnson, weren't there. Only time will tell. Dr. Moore believes that once the season gets underway, and people get to know Peter, his orientation will become a non-issue."

"You didn't say anything about this yesterday. Did you know anything about this ahead of time?"

"Yes, the board had to make sure I'd take the position, and also they wanted to feel me out about having Peter as an assistant. Naturally, I gave him a big vote of confidence. I hope I wasn't being overly optimistic. I didn't tell you because they asked me to keep it secret."

"You're a good judge of men, Tark. I'm sure it will all work out.

You're evidently also a good judge of women's needs." Teri said seductively.

"Am I to assume I'm being given an invitation that I can't refuse?"

"Oh, you can always RSVP regretting," Teri smiled coyly.

"Something won't let me do that," Tark said, guiding her hand to his expanding bulge.

There wasn't a lot of conversation after that...

Tark began trying to help ease Tucker's mind by taking him to the public health clinic to be checked for STD's as Lee had suggested. Tuck was initially embarrassed about going, but was relieved to be tested. The several-day wait was going to be agonizing for him, but it would be a relief to know for sure that he hadn't picked up anything from his brief sexual encounter if the results were negative, or to be treated if they weren't.

The doctor was a sensitive man who tried to allay his fears by telling him that oral sex was safer than most other forms where penetration was involved.

"There are, however, some things you can pick up from having oral sex with others, but most of them are easily treatable. One hazard in performing it on a girl is the risk of HPV, but it shouldn't be a problem if she did it to you. Are you familiar with that term?"

"I heard something on TV about it. Isn't it only a problem for girls?"

"It's a problem for both sexes. Women can, in some cases, develop cancer from it. Many females carry it, and they can pass it on when males pleasure them orally. Some men develop neck and throat cancer later in life from the virus. So, I recommend that all boys, as well as girls, have the shots to keep them safe. My boys have both been vaccinated."

"Do you have other recommendations to help protect my guys?" Tark asked.

"It depends. If any of them are ever likely to engage in certain activities such as anilingus, I'd suggest they be immunized for hepatitis A and B. That's also a good idea before traveling in some third-world countries."

"Do I understand that these are all available at this clinic?"

"Yes they are. Some are free, but some are fairly pricey."

"I'll be calling to set up schedules for all of my boys either way."

When Tark had a discussion with the rest of his sons later that evening, none of them balked at the idea of having the vaccinations. Tim tried not to show any emotion when the subject came up about performing oral sex on women. But after he got back to his room, he sent a quick text to Melody. Almost immediately, she texted back that she'd had the HPV shots a couple of years ago. Tim felt an immediate sense of relief. He would be safe with her without the shots, but what if they ever broke up and he got involved with someone else? Better to be safe than sorry.

Tuck shared his new knowledge with Bobby and Jared. Tommy and Tanner notified Chris, Drake, Andy, and Devin. It looked as if the health center might have a run of vaccines within the next week or so.

Drake and Chris thought they'd better wait until they got to the university to have the hepatitis ones lest they would have some reaction to a shot that would cause their parents to question why they felt the need of those vaccinations in the first place. They could get protected against HPV because that would imply that they were messing around with girls.

A grand total of nine guys headed for Lee and Peter's new spot in the country on a Friday afternoon. All were excited about getting away for a weekend of fun, none more so than Chris and Drake.

The pair had invested in a small tent and a few basic pieces of camping equipment of their own which their parents saw as a foolish expenditure. But they didn't question it too much because the boys were going off with a group of other kids. It wasn't like they'd be spending time alone, just the two of them.

However, the fact that most of the boys were younger raised a red flag with Drake's father. Drake said that they were mostly the Torrance boys that they'd been on teams with and he reminded the `rents that Tim was in his graduating class. He failed to mention that Tim wouldn't be part of the group.

His father asked if Tim had a girlfriend and Drake confirmed that he did, but that she wasn't coming along because it was a stag event.

Drake's dad still couldn't understand why the boys spent so much time together instead of out chasing girls, but Drake pressed the fact that it would be senseless to get involved with a girl and then go off to college where they'd be apart. Far better, he told him, to wait until school started in the fall and find someone on campus.

His father seemed to buy that argument, but still thought a young stud should be out having fun without getting attached. Getting laid didn't mean a life-long commitment. Drake held his breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. However, his dad left the subject alone for the time being.

Drake texted Chris and the two of them began to plan for a worst-case scenario if their parents figured them out before college began. They decided to empty their local accounts and put all the money in a joint account in a DeKalb bank when they went there with Tim and Melody in a couple of weeks for orientation.

The minute their little two-vehicle caravan arrived, the boys all went exploring. Jared was their guide since he'd already scoped out nearly every inch of the property. On their return to the front of the acreage, Jared noticed that Chris and Drake were missing. Tommy and Tanner volunteered to go "find" them while the others started making camp.

It didn't take them long to locate their friends in the far back corner with their hands in each other's shorts making out for all they were worth. When the two lovebirds became aware of their presence, Tommy and Tanner waved to them and then turned their backs on the scene so the boys could continue without being self-conscious. It wasn't very long before their friends joined them.

"Um, thanks for standing guard," Drake grinned, as Chris wiped a missed spot of cum from his chin.

"We were only too happy to help. I don't think you need to worry about anyone here ratting on you. You're out to everyone but Tuck, and he's not the kind who'd tell."

"Thanks," Chris smiled. "Do you think we can be completely open?"

"I'd say so, but if you don't want to answer any embarrassing questions right now about what you were doing, you might gather up some of those dead sticks and small branches so it will look like you were scrounging up firewood."

The four of them met up with the rest a few minutes later in about the middle of the property, not far from the pond. The boys were erecting their tents in a kind of semicircle around an old fire ring that looked ancient but serviceable.

They were all nude, a fact that surprised Chris and Drake, but not Tommy and Tanner. The four of them quickly shed their clothes too.

"Who decided on clothing optional" Tanner asked, thinking it must have been Tuck.

"I did," Jared grinned. "It feels really free and I've already cleared it with my dads. They said we could go native if we wanted."

"Pretty cool, huh?" Tuck giggled.

For all his insistence that he had no gay feelings, he didn't shy away from sporting his semi-hard cock in front of everyone else. Tommy grinned, thinking of how far Tuck had come in the past couple of years.

The younger boys picked up some of the wood the other four had gleaned and begin placing it in the fire ring. Tuck took special pride in stacking it in a manner that would allow him to set it ablaze with one match. His scouting skills were paying off and he appreciated them, even though he was pissed at the organization.

While they waited for the campfire to get going, Tommy and Tanner took a spade to a place near the east edge of the woods away from the campsite to dig a latrine. They had brought a small can of lime to sprinkle on whatever got deposited there. They knew that most of their companions would use it only for pooping because they would pee wherever there was a convenient tree.

They placed logs in a crisscross fashion to create a kind of seat so no one would fall in while trying to squat, and they hung a plastic bag with a roll of toilet paper in it on a forked stick next to the hole. It wasn't the Ritz, but it would serve the purpose quite well.

Many things are makeshift when camping rough. Supper wasn't exactly something found on any health food menu. Once the fire was going, each boy grabbed a couple of hotdogs from the cooler and began to roast them.

"Ooh! I think my weenie is on fire," Jared giggled as he grabbed his crotch in an exaggerated manner.

"I'll save you," Bobby exclaimed as he splashed some of his Coke on it.

"Now it's all sticky." Jared complained. "How will I get it clean?"

"You could jump in the pond, but maybe someone will lick it off," Devin laughed.

"Are you volunteering?" Jared bantered back.

"You're too young for me; maybe Tuck or Bobby will help you out."

"Eew!" Tuck exclaimed.

Bobby didn't say anything, but turned red in the face at the suggestion.

Their meal wasn't all junk food. Tommy had put together a three-bean salad at home that was fairly low in calories and Chris had brought fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with a low-cal dressing to help keep them all from devouring potato chips to fill them up.

Naturally a campout for the Torrance boys had to include at least one s'more each. Unlike Bobby and Jared, they were sticking to water as their libation and felt they could get away with the extra calories.

The guys kept the fire going for several hours, sitting around on short, thick logs placed on end. Those had evidently been used as stools in the past and there were plenty to go around with some to spare. The guys all looked sexy with their balls hanging down over the fronts of their seats. Someone would have to get a few pictures before the weekend was over.

Tanner started singing one of the camp songs they'd often sung at scout outings. The rest soon joined him. Then he changed some of the lyrics to songs from musicals, substituting male pronouns for female ones so they'd sound gay.

Andy then introduced them to a few marching songs his uncle had taught him, only changing the lyrics like Tanner had. He sang each section and the other boys marched around the campfire repeating the phrases like soldiers on a long trek.

"I've got a boy in Kansas City, (I've got a boy in Kansas City,)

He's got a mole on his left titty. (He's got a mole on his left titty)

I've got a boy all dressed in black, (I've got a boy all dressed in black)

Makes his living on his back. (Makes his living on his back)

Sound off, (sound off,) sound off (sound off)

Bring it on down, (Bring it on down)

One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four."

They all cracked up over it, the younger ones delighting in the word "titty." After that it became a kind of contest to see who could come up with others.

Tucker suggested that they do the chicken dance which got them laughing even harder as they wiggled their butts and flapped their arms, making their dicks flop around in the process. Interestingly enough, no one got a full-fledged erection. It didn't seem overtly sexual, but was like the high jinks that straight frat boys might be involved in during initiation while downing a few beers.

After awhile, Chris and Drake retired to their tent. The others soon followed, each pissing on the fire and finally dousing it completely with a couple of buckets of water from the pond.

What went on in the various tents was never discussed. Needless to say, Chris and Drake shared "quality time" for several hours because they were so hungry for each other.

It's likely that Tommy and Tanner fell asleep cuddling without necessarily making love. It's possible that Andy and Devin did the same.

Since Jared and Bobby were sharing a tent with Tuck, they didn't know how or when they were going to get off together. There wasn't a lot of room for maneuvering without having Tuck know what they were up to.

Jared whispered that he was going out to pee, and Bobby said he needed to also. Tuck grinned in the dark, remembering that all three of them had contributed their urine to the extinguishing of the fire. He figured they might be considering some mutual play, and he was curious to see if they would.

He rolled out of his sleeping bag and poked his head out of the tent flap, but he couldn't see anyone nearby. Listening carefully, he heard a rustling sound off to his left. He slipped out into the moonlit night and peered in that direction. There was the silhouette of two figures, one leaning against a tree and the other on his knees.

The sight took Tuck back to the day when Monica sucked him off. He could imagine what the standing kid was feeling. He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock. It took very few strokes to send him over the edge.

After shaking off the last drops of cum, Tuck slipped back into the tent and went to sleep.

The standing figure began to thrust his hip and moan softly. A few minutes later the two changed places and the other boy got his release.

Author's notes: As always, I want to thank everyone who emailed this past week: Bill K, Wayne, James H, Bill T, Tom A, Walt S, Tom A, Roger L, Rutabaga, Tim K, Paul R, Jim C, Trish R, Danny A, Jim W, Anonymous, Bob Z, and Douglas and Lawrence. As always, I hope I didn't miss anyone! I've been posting Trish R as Trish B! Mea culpa!

Be thankful you don't live in a "first in the nation" state! We are plagued by non-stop political ads decrying everything from gay marriage to expecting the super rich to pay their own share of taxes. I hate it!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post once more before Christmas, but I'm not sure. Either way, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for whatever you observe.


Next: Chapter 47

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