Townie Lad's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 10, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Townie Lad's Shit

Chapter One

'Here. This is the place I meant. Behind here.'

Jamie's breath formed a cloud in front of him in the still, freezing air as he stopped and looked around us. It was only late afternoon but already nearly dark, and quiet too: people were still at work, and those who weren't were inside in the warm. A young guy and his girlfriend had just passed by arm in arm on the other side of the road and the lights of a few cars were approaching quickly, but there was no-one else around. I looked Jamie up and down in the glow of the street-lamp opposite. He was eighteen; tall and slim and lithe, and so very beautiful. His tight black Adidas sports pants hugged his legs and showed off his pert arse beautifully beneath his jacket. He was frowning, his sweet, round face very intense as he looked around us again. As he turned I saw his cock was starting to get hard, pushing the front of his pants into a bulge. He swallowed, and then set his face in that determined, frowning expression he wore when he was really turned on, and the sight of it made my cock harder too. If I hadn't been wearing jeans I'd have had a bulge as obvious as his.

'Come on ... quick, before them cars get 'ere.'

He led the way quickly through a gap in the fence we'd been passing, and onto the little patch of waste ground behind. Next to it was the back of a factory whose lights lit the space up brightly, but it had no windows, and on all other sides were high fences. We were just feet from the road, but no-one could see us. We stopped, and he looked around again, the steam from his quick, excited breathing clouding in front of him. Heart pounding, I couldn't stop myself pawing at my cock through my jeans. Jamie looked straight at me and smiled sexily. Then his face stiffened, and he turned away. He bent his knees slightly and leaned forward to stick his bottom out, reached up and slowly pulled his sports pants down around his knees. He was wearing briefs underneath; white ones that weren't too tight, but whose red stripes showed off the curves of his smooth, bubbly cheeks as he stuck them out a little further. He stood for a few seconds that seemed like an age, very still, with his breathing audible over the hum and distant engine sounds from the factory beyond. Then he bowed his head, grunted softly, and filled his pants.

His shit was quite firm, but smooth and pliant and gassy. It crackled and hissed slimily as the back of his briefs pushed out into a point, then bulged out to the right with little gassy farts. The sound of it was horny beyond belief. Then the smell hit me. It was warm and thick and exciting; the smell of a hot lad's healthy shit, and I felt like I could cum there and then. But Jamie was still shitting, grunting excitedly as he pushed out more and more of it, swelling his pants up until he had a big ball pressed up against his bum, the stripes showing off its lumps and bumps.

'Oh!' he gasped softly.

He straightened up a little, swaying from side to side slightly, and sighed in his throat. Then he bent and put his hands on his knees once more, drew breath and pushed out another turd. It was a little softer now, and it spread out across his bottom and pushed his pile out towards me with a wonderfully filthy, slimy sound.

'Uh!' he grunted. 'Oh that's massive!'

He pushed again and more came out, mushy and squelching as it piled up in his pants. Eventually it tailed off, leaving him with a huge lumpy mound on his bottom and his deliciously dirty smell hanging thickly in the air. He reached around behind him and ran a hand over what he'd just done, grunted with satisfaction, and looked round. He was smiling; that madly sexy, satisfied little smirk of his. Then he straightened up and turned. He had a massive hard-on, pointing straight up and bulging out the front of his briefs just as his turds were bulging out the back. There was a big splash of pre-cum soaking through at its head. He grinned again, sniffed slightly self-consciously, and without saying a word he pulled his pants back up and led the way back onto the road.

It was ten minutes' walk back to my place, along the side of the dual carriageway, and then onto the main street off which I lived. Jamie walked slightly ahead, with the front of his jacket pulled down to try and disguise his erection. I walked behind him, with hands in pockets to hide my own hard-on, watching his shit pushing around on his bottom. His bulge was very obvious, and I could really smell it too. Quickly we walked the hundred yards or so up the main street, hastening past the pubs and restaurants that were just starting to busy up, and onto my street. He stood behind me on the doorstep, shuffling from foot to foot with cold and impatience as I unlocked the front door, and then we tumbled into the warm little house. We stripped urgently in the hallway, as soon as I'd locked the door, and he pulled his sports pants down again before he bent to untie his shoelaces so I could admire his big bulge again in the light, with spots of brown moisture seeping through it. The smell hit me all over again. He kicked his shoes off, grabbed my hand and led me through to the bathroom. The toilet seat was down, ready for him, and I'd put plastic bags and cleaning things to hand as well, plus some poppers. He took a deep sniff, and then another, swallowing and wanking through his briefs, then turned around and hovered over the toilet, breathing very hard and sighing softly in his throat. Then he closed his eyes and sat down.

Jamie had had a fetish for shit for as long as he'd had a sexuality, and long before he'd accepted the fact that he was gay. He'd realised it as a teenager, when he found that the sound of his fit mate having a shit, and the smell he left in the toilet afterwards, turned him on. So did his own, and he fantasised about it endlessly. In his mind's eye some hot guy stood over him as he sat on the toilet, watched and wanked as he emptied his bowels, and then wiped his bottom for him. Then the fantasies grew wilder, and he daydreamed about shitting in front of other guys, or dirtying his pants. He'd once seen one of his mates, desperate for the toilet, lose control and shit himself in the street. The memory of it still gave him a hard-on, and doing it himself made him cum harder than anything else. He'd always known he had this side to his sexuality, but just recently it had become stronger. He'd started looking at scat porn, and signing up for kinky dating and video sites, where he got a thrill out of the thought of other guys watching him. For years he'd hovered over the toilet at home and watched in a mirror as his own shit came out, and then sat down and wanked off. Now he'd started recording it, and that was how I'd met him.

He'd posted a couple of videos of himself hovering over the toilet on a porn site we both used. His arse was round and pert and smooth, and he grunted sexily as he let go and his hairless little hole began to open up. He did the most beautiful, big shits; three or four long, thick, sinuous turds that curled fluidly from him and sent water splashing up onto the toilet seat. When he turned to switch off the camera his long dick was very hard. I wanked off watching them, and then when I went to send a friend request I noticed he lived in the same town as me. I added a message with it saying how much I liked his videos, sat back and waited. I didn't really expect him to respond: he must have had dozens of messages from older guys like me, and he'd probably ignore it. But then he messaged back, and we got talking. Before long we realised that not only did we live in the same town, but only a couple of streets away from one another, and when he eventually sent me a face picture my jaw dropped.

I'd seen him around before. I've always had a thing for townie, chavvy-looking young men in their sports gear, and he was one of the fittest of the lot. He was a tall, slim lad, with a lithe body and the pertest arse I could imagine. He was quite fair, with slightly bronzed skin and light brown, almost golden hair, and a rounded smiley face, with very bright eyes and quite a prominent nose. He was quite a serious-looking guy, and only occasionally showed off his radiant smile, but when he did he was stunning. Often when I'd seen him he'd been out with groups of lads and I'd always assumed he was straight. He certainly looked and acted it. But no: he was definitely gay, and when I asked him about the kind of guys he fancied he said that he was mainly into older men; guys around my age, in fact. He was young and fit and permanently horny, and he was looking for someone to help him explore the kinks that turned him on more than anything else in the world.

One afternoon the following week, when he'd finished college for the day and I was off work, I met him. He'd wanted it to be somewhere public at first, and he looked very nervous standing at the bus stop where we'd agreed to meet. So was I: I'd always been into scat but I'd never got any further than watching a couple of guys who'd agreed to shit for me. That was a long time ago. Now I walked up the street, eyeballing the stunning, lithe young man in front of me and trying to make myself believe that he might be the one to make some of my fantasies come true! As he saw me he tensed up, like a rabbit caught in headlights, and for a moment I thought he was about to make an excuse and leave quickly. Then he smiled nervously as I held out my hand.

'Jamie? Hi.

'Hi. Yeh, that's me.'

'So ... what do you want to do? Go and get a coffee somewhere...?'

'Er ... yeah, if yer wanna, let's do that.'

He had a drawling voice, with a Cockney sort of accent that was very conspicuous here in the north. He didn't say much as we walked up the street, and whilst I ordered the coffees in a little place near my house I noticed him eyeing the door warily from the seat he'd taken in the corner, as if he might still want to leave in a hurry. He was very shy at first, and he looked deeply embarrassed again as the proprietor brought our drinks, even though at that moment he was just explaining how he'd moved up from south London with his family a few months earlier, after his father had landed a job in the city. Then I took a sip of coffee and casually mentioned how I'd liked his videos. He looked panic-stricken for a moment and went very red, but then smiled coyly, and when I reassured him that he could count on my discretion and that it was just nice to be able to talk to someone with the same interests as me he began to relax. The coffee shop was quiet and there was no-one near us, and after one more look round he leaned a bit closer, took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.

He lived with his parents and his younger sister who was still at school; four of them in a small terraced house very like mine. That meant he didn't get much time to explore his fantasies outside his imagination.

'I normally take a dump at college,' he said. 'I like doin' it in the toilet there, where I can hear other lads doin' it, and they can hear me. I like the smell in the bog when some really fit guy's been for a dump! I usually hold my morning one til I get to college so I can go there...'

'Yeah, me too. Love the sound of a guy having a shit. Go on, then, what's yours like? Do you ... um, do you always do big ones, or...?'

'Yeh, sometimes. I normally go twice a day, like once in the morning and then after I get in from college. But sometimes I don't 'ave to go in the morning, if I don't 'ave coffee. Then I always do a real big one later! That was when I made them videos, when I got in from college after I'd been holdin' it in for ages!'

'Yeah, you looked desperate. Looked like you enjoyed it too!'

His face reddened again and he looked down, but then he grinned cheekily.

'Yeah, I did. I get real horny when I need to go like that. I like to go in my pants, sometimes, when I can...'

'Ooh, really?! That's fucking hot. Go on...'

He'd been shitting himself for a couple of years, and it turned him on like nothing else. When he had the house to himself he'd hold in his shit until he was desperate and then do in his pants, walk around a bit and enjoy the weight and the smell and the sensation on his bottom and up behind his balls, and then go into the bathroom and wank until he came. He was a virile young lad, and sometimes he found that shitting himself and being in his full pants made him cum two or three times before he was sated. Then he'd got carried away one afternoon and sat in it. He'd nearly been caught that time. The mess had been horrendous, he'd only just finished cleaning up when his family got home. The smell had still been very obvious, and he'd had to pretend he had an upset stomach. He hadn't done it so much since then; only when he was sure he had the house to himself for hours. Instead he'd turned to shitting outside, feeling all naughty as he dropped his pants up an alleyway or squatted in a dark corner of the park. He was starting to fantasise about shitting his pants outside too, he said, taking a sip of his coffee and looking round quickly as the door opened. Then he looked straight back at me.

'So what about you?' he said, slightly defensively. 'What're you into?'

'Well, much the same as you, I guess. Watching and being watched, maybe getting shat on, y'know, used as a toilet...'

'Oh yeah?'

He raised one eyebrow. At first I thought he was a bit shocked, but then a little smile spread across his face.

'You'd wanna watch me sometime, yeah?' he asked. 'I'll shit for you, if you like.'

'Yes! Yes, I'd love to. That'd be awesome!'

'Er...' He hesitated, looking suddenly uncomfortable again. I realised what he might be about to say, and my stomach hit the floor. 'Um ... would yer like to now, if yer got somewhere we can go? I ... I need a shit.'

'Fucking hell, seriously?!'

'Yeah. Y'know I said 'ow I shit twice a day.'

'What, so you went this morning?'

'Yeah I did. Was real good, cos I was in the bog at college and this fit football lad was 'aving a big dump in the one next to me. I could smell it and everything!'

I looked him up and down. He was frowning cutely and I could tell he was excited. His eyes danced as he leaned a bit closer.

'I did 'ave a big dinner last night though, and that usually makes me shit in the afternoon as well. The coffee's makin' me need to go too.'

'Okay,' I said, my mouth all dry and my heart racing. 'I only live over the road from here, and I've got my own place. I'd fucking love to watch you take a shit, if you wanna go there now.'

'Yeah.' He made a face. 'I've got a bit of a hard-on! Hang on...'

He pulled his jacket on slowly, looking fixedly away from me and – I guessed – trying to think of something to make his dick subside a bit. Eventually he rummaged discreetly in his pants and half-stood, glancing down at his crotch. Satisfied, he stood up straight, and I pulled my jacket on and followed him out of the cafe. I looked him up and down again as we crossed the road and walked up my street. His face was blank and he wasn't looking at me, and I guessed he was feeling some of the same things as I was. I just kept telling myself that this utterly gorgeous young lad was about to shit for me, and every time my stomach did a backflip. I had a hard-on too now, even though I was older and not nearly as easily turned on as him. As we got to the front door and he stopped to let me go ahead I noticed he was hard again too. He stood close behind me, breathing hard, as I opened the door. Inside he looked around him, a bit wary again.

'Do you ... um, well, do you need to go straight away, or can you wait a bit?'

'S'okay, I can hang on a bit. I ain't desperate. Fuck, I can't believe I'm gonna do this!'

'I know. It's awesome, isn't it. If you wanna wait a bit, want a joint?'

'Ooh, do yer smoke dope?! Yeah, love one!'

He relaxed again as we sat smoking, and I got even more turned on as we got talking about our fantasies, and his shitting habits. He had a big appetite, he grinned, and he ate a lot of bread and fruit, which made him shit a lot. His morning dump was usually the bigger one of the day, and his smooth turds left big skidmarks and a strong smell behind. His afternoon one was firmer and not as smelly, and even though it was smaller he usually still did a log or two. He wiped his bottom standing up. It was what came naturally to him and he'd never really thought that other people might do it differently, until one day a few years ago a couple of his mates had busted him doing it in a shopping centre toilet and taken the piss out of him about it for ages afterwards. Then he broke off and his face stiffened, I heard him fart softly, and he gave me his cheeky, horny little grin.

'Ooh, do you need to go now?!'

'Yeah.' He sniffed, a little self-consciously. 'Oh, sorry, that smells!'

'Mmm!' I sniffed deep as it reached me. 'Mm, yeah it does. I like it!'

'Cool!' He looked me up and down, grinning broadly, and shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, and then his face grew serious. 'So, what d'yer wanna do? Am I just gonna sit on the toilet ... or d'yer wanna see it come out?'

'I wanna see you do it, if you're cool with that. Will you squat for me?'

He nodded silently. You could have cut the tension with a knife as we sat and finished the joint. Both of us knew what was going to happen, and both of us were turned on beyond belief by it. The suspense reached a crescendo as he crushed out the end in the ashtray, looked at me and nodded. Without a word we both stood up, and I led the way through to the bathroom. My legs felt soft and everything was unreal as we went, and when I turned round to him I saw he was looking the same. His face was pale and his eyes wide, and he wasn't bothering to hide the erection bulging out the front of his pants. He looked me straight in the eye for a second or two, then nodded, and pulled off his T-shirt. His body was pert and smooth and boyish, and then he pulled down down his tracksuit and boxer shorts in one, and showed off his cock. It was like him: long and slim and beautifully formed, his foreskin rolled back away from its swollen, shining end.

'You strip too,' he breathed. 'Wank off while I take a shit.'

He stood and watched and stroked his cock as I fumbled my clothes off, smirking slightly as he saw how horny I was too.

'Where ... where d'yer want me?'

'Right there, where you are. I'll put a bit of paper down...'

He nodded and passed me the toilet roll, and stood over me as I knelt down and spread a few sheets on the floor in front of me. His dick was right near my face, he was wanking, and above me I could hear his tense, quick breathing. Then when I put the toilet roll to one side he turned and squatted slowly down, facing away from me, bending his long legs and curving his back to show his pert arse off perfectly. He settled into a classic squat with his bottom a foot or so off the floor, leaning forwards with his fingers on the ground to steady himself. I knelt down further, almost down to the floor, so that I was looking up at his arse. His cheeks were parted wide and his hole was on full display, wrinkled and pink and pinched in tight, with just a few wiry light hairs around it.

'Yer ready?' he asked, his voice hoarse and urgent.

'Mm, yes. Do it now. Take your shit...'

His cock was almost fully hard, hanging slightly down in front of him. It bobbed gently as his bottom heaved and his tight little hole flared open, and slowly eased shut. It bobbed again as he gave a soft little grunt. This time his hole didn't close again. It tightened a little, but then he grunted, and the tip of his turd poked out. It paused, and then he strained a little and pushed open wider. It came in fits and starts at first, with him grunting softly with each push, but then slid easily out. It was very firm, even a bit dry but still smooth and greasy, shining dully as it slid out of him. The colour of it was beautiful; a lovely, rich , tawny brown. I stared at it in fascination, and then the smell started to thicken the air around us. It was only a mild, gentle aroma, but it was warm and sultry, and so fucking erotic! I couldn't stop myself from wanking as he pushed out a length of it, then stopped just as it began to break off. His log fell to the ground with a loud thud, and his cock bobbed again as he pushed out the end of it. Another lump thudded onto the paper, and he drew breath sharply.


'Yeah!' he hissed. 'Yeah ... oh fuckin' hell this is mad. I'm so hard!'

'Ooh, so am i! So good watching you shit like this. Ooh, and it smells nice as well...'

He twisted round and looked at me with his eyes wide, and smiled as he saw me wanking and sniffing, drinking in the smell of his young shit. He looked so handsome and so deeply naughty, squatting there over what he'd done.

'Yer like it? Really?!'

I nodded eagerly, and he wanked harder.

'Oh that's so fucking hot, you're fuckin' getting' off watchin' me take a dump! It's ... uh ... oh another one's coming!'

His sweet arse heaved and his tight, pink hole flared open again, and he pushed out another solid, lumpy turd that came out slowly. He paused with it jutting out of him like a thick brown finger, then gave a soft little grunt. The finger bent suddenly and dropped onto the paper, and behind it he pushed out a long rope that extended slowly down from him, growing slowly thinner as it came. His little grunts and sighs overlaid the filthy sound of it coming out of him. One last little morsel slipped out from his flaring little hole, now fringed with traces of brown. He pushed again a few times, but no more came.

Uh,' he grunted. 'Think 'I'm done.'

'Mmm! Bet that felt good. Can I ... do you want me to wipe your bum for you?'

He grinned and nodded, and I picked up the toilet roll again, noticing as I did so that my hands were shaking. I looked down on his shit as I folded it. His turds had been quite small and he hadn't done all that much, but it was beautiful, and it smelled fantastic! I wanked with my left hand as I reached in and rubbed slowly his hole with my right.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Oh that feels nice! I haven't had me arse wiped for me since I was little!'

His solid shit hadn't left him very dirty and there was only a light smear on the paper. He was nearly clean after the next one, but he was wanking excitedly as I did it, and he squeaked with pleasure as I gave his puckered hole one last, slightly harder rub. He spun round, with his cock in his hand and his eyes wide.

'Cum all over it! Go on, wank off an' cum all over it.'

I did so almost as soon as he said it, and spattered cum all over his hot little turds. A few seconds later he came too. I'd never seen a lad cum so hard, and he yelped and gasped aloud, his face contorted as he came all over his own shit.

'That was fuckin' brilliant,' he grinned later, when we'd cleared up and sat down with another joint. 'You ... you up for doing it again?!'

'Of course I am! Well, you only live a couple of streets away, so it's not gonna be a problem.'

'Ha ha, no! I'll 'ave to come round and shit for you again soon.

'Yeah! And we can maybe start experimenting with more, if you fancy it...'

He looked uncertain for a moment as he took a drag on the joint. Then he nodded and smiled. I felt myself getting hard again as I looked him up and down. Watching this gorgeous young lad shit had been the horniest thing I'd ever done, and the prospect of doing more with him was just awesome!

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Next: Chapter 2

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