Townie Lad's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 22, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Townie Lad's Shit

Chapter Three

Jamie stood in front of me, naked apart from his briefs. The afternoon light streamed in through the window and fell across his smooth body, showing off his pert little nipples and flat tummy, and his long, shapely, hairy legs. The white briefs hugged his beautiful bottom tightly, and at the front his big semi-hard cock bulged them out. He grinned sexily as he struck a pose with his bottom sticking out slightly and his left hand on his hip, showing off a new tattoo on his upper arm. I leaned in closer, naked and wanking, as his face grew intense. He turned away from me and bent forward, putting his hands on his knees and thrusting his bottom back towards me so it was just inches from my face.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'I really need to take a dump!'

He hadn't been since the previous morning, and he'd been surprised when he didn't need to go first thing. Knowing it was coming made him horny, and he'd texted me asking if I was in later. I was, and both of us got hard at the prospect of another session. He'd started to need it at lunchtime, but he'd held on manfully through his afternoon classes. He hadn't been able to stop himself farting a couple of times, and his dick had started to stiffen in his pants as the fit lad at the next desk looked round and fanned the smell away. He'd almost given in and gone to the toilet between that and the last class of the day, but he was horny and determined to hold on until he got to mine, and he'd fought the urge down again. Now his chute was packed full and his turds were pressing painfully against his clenched hole, starting to force it open. I loved the sight of him desperate for the toilet. He stood in front of me for what seemed like a long, long time, clenched up and squirming, looking back between his legs at me as I wanked, then lifted his head up and grunted as he gave in and took a big dump in his pants.

He grunted loudly and arched his back as he did a sturdy log that pushed his seat out into a point, paused, and then bent down and collapsed as he did a hefty load of slightly smoother, tackier shit. The smell hit me, thick and warm and enticing, and I dribbled pre-cum onto the towel I was sitting on. Right in front of my face his pants bulged out towards me, squelching and hissing as his turd kept on coming.

'Oh!' he sighed loudly as the sound tailed off. 'Oh fuck yeah!'

He wriggled his hips a little, and the lump in the back of his pants moved cutely to and fro. He reached around and fingered it, and then hurriedly took his hand away as another turd slid down the chute. More crackling came from his bottom, mingled with gassy little farts, and then his body took charge and his mouth fell open as he pushed a lumpy brown mass into his crack and across his cheeks, and the ball in his pants grew into a lumpy mound. He reached around and fingered it again, sniffing self-consciously at the thick smell he'd made.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'I've finished.'

He straightened up, and as he turned around I saw he was fully hard now, with his cock standing up proud and a sticky spot forming at its head. I reached out and fumbled it out of his pants, so that sprang out and pointed straight at me, and as I began to wank him he looked down on me with his eyes half-closed, sighing in his throat. As I wanked a bit harder his breathing deepened, and then quite suddenly he tensed up and his face contorted, and he came hard. It shot out of his dick and spattered all over me, and white, sticky rivulets ran down my chest and stomach and face. I wiped them away with the edge of the towel as he stood trembling.

'Love how horny you get!' I grinned. 'Gonna stay in it a bit and cum again?'

'Yeah!' he said enthusiastically. 'Wanna sit in it! Wanna get me arse messy! Ooh, it smells...'

'Yeah it does! I fucking love the smell of your shit. Come on...'

He got hard again as I walked him round the house. He loved sniffing poppers when he'd shat himself, so I gave him some, and then made him squat and wriggle, go upstairs on all fours so I could crawl behind him and watch his pile pushing about with the smell blasting into my face, and then stand and bend over so I could pull out the back of his pants and look at the mess he'd made. The smell seemed to come up at me all the more strongly as I looked down on the big brown pile nestling between and against his buttocks. My cock was bobbing up and down and dribbling pre-cum.

'God I wanna cum all over your arse!' I breathed. 'Spunk all over it!'

'Yeah! But I wanna sit in it first. Wanna big messy arse for you to shoot all over!'

He tucked his dick back into his briefs and led me through to the bathroom. He came a second time as he sat down. His face screwed up and he jerked and yelped and spunked into his pants. I thought it was all over for a second, but then he leaned back and smiled, and to my amazement I saw his dick stiffening yet again. He fumbled it out of his pants, all sticky and shining with cum, and stroked it as he sat, sliding gently back and forth and groaning as his shit squashed everywhere. I began to wank too, turned on beyond the point of no return at the sight of this horny teen making such a mess, and encouraging him to move harder, until the shit was nearly up to his waistband and starting to squash out around his legs.

'Oh! Oh! ... Oh I'm gonna cum again!'

He jumped up suddenly and pulled his pants down, so that his arse pointed straight at me. Just like the first time we both came as he bent, so that his cum spattered all over the floor and his legs and his destroyed pants, and I shot all over his messy bottom.

Jamie finished his big splashy dump with a little wet fart and a 'plip-plop,' and screwed his nose up cutely at his own smell. Then he lifted himself off the toilet, bent over and pulled his cheeks apart to show off his hole. Its tight little pink ring was crusted with sticky brown shit that clicked softly as he puckered it out. As I stood next to him, slowly folding up the paper, I looked down into the toilet. He'd really filled it this morning. His brown curls were long and smooth, all jumbled up and broken at the ends and sticking up out of the water in several places, and the smell was thick and ripe and erotic. He sighed as I reached in and drew the paper across his anus, and brought it away with a ragged brown smear.

'Aw,' he said contentedly. 'I love it when you wipe me arse like this.'

'Good, innit! You've done such a big one too. Wish there was time for you to do it in your pants! I'd love to see you do that again.'

'Mm, yeah, I wanna do it too! I ... um, well, I wanna do it outside. Feels well naughty doing that, like when I did it in the garden one time.'

'Really?!' I asked, reaching in with another pad of paper. 'I'll go for that, and my back yard isn't overlooked, so if you wanna do it there...?'

When his bottom was clean I dropped the last piece of paper into the toilet, and he stood up with a huge hard-on. His hand went to it, and he quickly wanked himself off into the toilet and shot all over his shit and used toilet paper. He smiled and gave me a hug before he headed off to college.

For one reason and another we didn't get chance for him to do it in his pants for a few weeks, but every time he came round he went in the yard. I loved how he looked furtively around, even though he knew there was no-one to see, before he pulled his pants down to his knees. Summer was coming to an end, and the warm light emphasised the curves of his body as he squatted bare-bottomed over a carrier bag, and the rich colour of the thick turds that curled out of his hole, hung momentarily like brown stalactites, and piled up beneath him. Mostly he could only come in the afternoons and his shits were quite small and firm, but then the last time he came in the morning before college.

'I'm busting for a dump!' he said urgently. 'I only went once yesterday, in the morning, and I'm really desperate now. I'm touching cloth!'

I knelt down on the dry ground and fumbled my cock out. Just a foot in front of my face he pulled his pants down and flashed his bubbly arse at me, cheeks taut as he clenched up, hopping from foot to foot in desperation. His dick was really hard. Then he grunted frantically and squatted, and as his cheeks parted I saw the brown smears on either side of his hole and the big turtle's head squashed between his cheeks. Even as he was still lowering himself down his bowels were giving way and his hole was squelching open, and before he was fully down he had a big log hanging from him. Then he relaxed, and his big dirty shit surged out. His turd hit the ground with a loud 'splat,' and he dropped a series of thick, smooth logs on top of it, making a big pile under his arse.

'Oh!' he sighed in relief. 'Fuck I needed that! Oh ... oh shit, I've skidmarked me pants.'

'S'okay, I can lend you a pair if you like.'

'Could yer? Oh ... ooh I'm gonna shit more.'

His brown hole flared and farted and bubbled brown, and he unloaded a big pile of softer, light-coloured shit that half-buried his logs and piled up on top of them. I couldn't believe how much he did! The smell was thick and sultry, blown around me by the light breeze, and I sniffed at and wanked, edging and dribbling pre-cum on the ground. Eventually he was done, and I started wiping his arse. His hole was plastered in it, and it took a lot of paper to get him clean. I even took him inside and stood him over the toilet so I could moisten some paper there and clean away the stains in his crack. He grunted contentedly and wanked as I dried him and then gave his satisfied hole one last vigorous rub. As I drew away he spun around, hard and wanking, and shot a big load of spunk into the toilet. He smiled and gave me one of his big hugs before he set off for college, where he'd sit in the toilets once again, listen to his fellow students taking their shits around him, and get hard as he thought back on the awesomely horny thing we'd just done.

That Saturday, Jamie and I sat at my place sharing a joint and chatting, both hard in our pants as he related what he'd got up to a few days earlier. He'd woken up horny and he hadn't needed a shit in the morning, and when the urge to go to the toilet started to come on after lunch it had made him hornier still. I was at work and there was no way he could hold it until I'd finished, but that didn't matter so much, because his parents and his sister were away and he had the house to himself until late in the evening. As he sat in his afternoon classes his dick stiffened in the tight boxer briefs he was wearing as he contemplated going home and shitting himself. Then another idea came to him; one so horny that he had to force himself to think of something else and try to force his throbbing dick to subside. His classes ended mid-afternoon, and he got the bus back to our part of town with his mates as usual, only half-listening to their banter as his mind raced. He kept growing a semi as replayed the fantasy that had come to him earlier again and again in his mind. It was so risky, but so fucking horny. He just had to do it.

He got off the bus at his usual stop, walked a little up the main street and turned into his road. He really needed a shit by then and he was clenching his bottom up to hold it in, and that made him even hornier as he walked quickly past the neat little terraced houses. There were narrow alleyways between them that led through to the back yards, one for every pair of houses. Most of them had gates across them, but about 100 yards up one house stood empty and derelict, and the gate was missing. As he reached it he stopped and looked up and down the street. There was no-one nearby, and no-one looking from the windows of the houses opposite. For a moment he stood in an agony of indecision, wondering whether to run home and do his business there. Then he made his mind up and dived down the alley. At the top someone had forced the gate into the derelict house's garden. It was overgrown and full of litter, but although in the middle there was a pile of super-strength lager cans and the remains of a fire around which some of the local homeless folk had sat drinking, there was no-one there. There was silence apart from the faint traffic noises. His throat was tight and he was trembling with nerves as he shrank back into the shadow of the garden wall, in case anyone should be watching from the back windows of the street behind. His shit started to move inside him, and he gulped and clenched up tight to stop it. For a moment he stood, daring himself to do it, but wondering whether even now he could bottle out and run home. Then he realised it was too late. His shit was forcing his hole open and he couldn't hold it back. He was going to shit himself whether he wanted to or not! He opened his legs a little and stuck his bottom out, and gave in.

His shit was huge, and he grunted with relief as it packed his crack and bulged his pants out and spread across his bottom, all warm and slimy. The smell thickened the air around him. He couldn't believe what he was doing. His head spun with excitement and his dick grew rock hard, and he edged and dribbled warm pre-cum into his pants as he pushed and grunted, and other soft turd piled up on his bottom. When he was done he reached around behind him and felt the big lumpy pile, fumbled in the front of his pants and arranged his sticky dick so as to hide his hard-on as best he could, and then set off home.

'Was fuckin' hot!' he grinned, puffing on the joint. 'Felt so fucking naughty walking up the street wiv me pants full. Some woman I went past smelled it too. Saw her look round and sniff! I had such a wank when I got in. I fucking sat in it and cum three times before I cleaned up!'

'Cor! That is fucking awesome! Bet it feels amazing doing it in public. Love to watch you do it...'

'Yeah, that's what I were thinking. It's real horny doing it in your yard, but I wanna go somewhere else and do it, then come back here and get messy!'' He looked at me and grinned. 'And before you ask, no, I ain't been for a shit today! Eaten loads too.'

'Mm! So are you thinking...?'

'Yeh. Not the same place though. It's too close to home and me mum and me sister are in. I dunno where ... you're from round 'ere. Know anywhere?'

'Ooh, yes. Somewhere near here, somewhere nice and private...'

'Yeh.' He nodded. 'Not somewhere anyone can see me do it.'

'Hmm. Maybe the shops up on the street the other way, round the back there in the car park. They'll be shut today so it'll be quiet. Oh, but there's probably gonna a camera on the car park. Maybe the trading estate, but that's a bit far to walk, or...'

'Hang on, them shops. That car dark don't have a camera. Remember that bloke's posh motor got done over there last week? Was on the news.'

'What, that Porsche that was vandalised and there was no CCTV? Was that there?!'

'Yup. And there ain't no windows in the side of that big shop next to it either, so get behind the wall and no-one can see yer. I'd forgotten, that's where me mate Joe was saying some of them who drink in the pub down the road go for a spliff. Football's on this afternoon though, so they ain't gonna be there now'

'Sounds ideal then!'

'Yeah. And I think I might just be starting to need a dump an' all!'

A couple of hours later we set out from my house, and walked purposefully up the street in the chilly autumn afternoon. I glanced over at Jamie. He had his intense, frowning look, and the slightly stiff, awkward walk of a lad who really needs to go to the toilet. Not long before I'd made him a cup of strong coffee and rolled another joint, and even before we'd finished them he'd winced and said he was starting to need a shit badly. Now he was walking with his hole clenched up tight, and when I dropped back a bit his cheeks were tensed and firm through his tight sports pants. What he'd done was going to be pretty obvious as we walked back down the street! I caught up with him again and he looked round, eyes narrowed.

'Mate ... I really need a shit,' he breathed. 'Feel like I've gotta fart, but if I do I'll shit meself! Ain't much further, is it?'

'Nah, just a minute longer. You can see the entrance there, look, in the wall on the other side of the road, just past the chapel.'

'Where ... oh, yeh I see it. Fuck I hope no-one's in there!'

So did I, and my stomach fluttered as we nipped around the barrier and went in. it was a small car park, just half a dozen spaces marked out against the blank face of the building opposite the entrance. The other side was hidden by the high wall that marked it off from the road. There were no cars parked, and no-one around; nothing but the hum of the traffic on the main road beyond. Behind the wall and out of sight from the entrance, he stopped and looked around, and his hand went to where his dick was starting to rise and make a bulge in his crotch. He was trembling a little, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

'I really need to take a dump!' he said, his voice soft and hoarse. 'I can't hold it ... I'm gonna shit meself!'

He was still trembling as he took a step forward and turned away from me, standing with his knees bent and his legs slightly apart, so that his bottom stuck out. He reached up with fumbling fingers and pulled his sports pants down, until they were round his thighs and he showed the white, striped briefs underneath. Then he hitched his jacket and top up too, so his bottom was on full display. My cock was rock hard, and I pawed at it through my pants as he stood there in front of me, shaking with excitement, with his quick breathing making little, excited sighs. He looked around, his eyes wide again, and his mouth fell slightly open.

'Ooh ... here it comes! ... Oh!'

He looked away quickly and bowed his head, and his his arse relaxed. He farted gassily, then again, and began to crackle softly, and gave a little gasp as a little lump appeared between his cheeks. He tensed up again, touching cloth and whimpering as he teetered on the edge of filling his pants completely, and then groaned as he abandoned himself to it. Over the sound of the traffic came his squishing, filthy noises, the smell began to thicken the air around him, and the dimple between his cheeks swelled up into a lump the size of a tennis ball. Carried away with the sensation he pushed and grunted, and another slightly softer turd shot out of him, pushed his bulge outwards and spread out behind it.

'Oh!' he sighed. 'Ooh ... oh yeah...'

He reached around behind him and fingered his load, sighing in his throat as he did it. I took a step forward towards him, rock hard and wanking.

'Phew, Jamie! That smells fucking beautiful! Lemme see it.'

I looked around us self-consciously as I pulled out the back of his pants, but there was still no-one there to see. His big brown pile nestled against his bottom, all lumpy and smooth and glistening.

'Have you finished?'

He shook his head.

'Go on then, finish your big shit now...'

He grunted and strained, and his bottom heaved a little. Then he did a wet, muffled fart and a big mushy turd whose smell hit me hard as I watched it spread across his cheeks and force its way up towards me. As it squelched and surged out of him he gasped louder and louder, until as it ended he gave a little strangulated yelp.

'Oh! Oh fuckin' hell I've cum!'

He straightened up, wide-eyed again, and turned around. The front of his pants was soaked, and he was dripping spunk. His dick was softening just a little, but I knew when he was horny like this he'd be hard again in minutes. He pulled his sports pants up quickly, and when he let his jacket drop it went some way to hiding the bulges front and back. We set off for home. I walked slightly behind him at first, watching the mound on his bottom swaying from side to side and up and down as he walked, with the smell wafting back at me. When I caught up with him again I saw how intense his expression was. We didn't pass anyone on the short walk back to mine; not close enough to see and smell it anyway, but even so he looked fretfully as people passed by on the other side. By the time we reached mine his dick was getting hard again, and the bulge made the big sticky patch soaking through his pants even more obvious. He fidgeted impatiently as I unlocked the door.

'Oh fuck,' he grunted. 'I done such a big one. So heavy ... oh I wanna sit in it man!'

Inside we tumbled through to the bathroom, tearing our clothes off as we went. I'd made everything ready before we'd gone out. Now he stepped out of his sports pants and stood in front of the toilet, massaging his big cock through his briefs and whimpering. He took a big sniff from the poppers bottle, and as his head spun he dribbled a bit more pre-cum into his pants. I knelt down beside him, wanking, and sniffing at his stink.

'Go on. Sit in it. Sit in your shit!'

He stood for a second or so longer, breathing hard and trembling, and then lowered himself down until his bottom was just a few inches above the seat. It drew his briefs tight across his bum, and he moaned as it pressed his shit against the back of his balls. Then he sat in it. He plonked himself right down in his pile, so hot lumpy shit squashed all across his bottom and shot forward around his balls. His mouth fell open in a great grunt and gasp.

'Oh! Ugh ... oh fuckin' hell that's so big!' He squirmed a little, sighing in his throat. 'Fuck ... it smells!'

'Yeah, it does. You stink! Go on, sit in it ... sit in your big shit. Wriggle around a bit ... yeah, like that!'

His shit squelched loudly as he rocked from side to side and back and forth, and as it tickled and massaged him underneath, all hot and slimy and lumpy, he began to moan loudly and edge again. I leaned in closer, sniffing at his stink and wanking hard.

'You like having your bum covered in your own shit, don't you!'

He nodded and whimpered, and squirmed around again. As he leaned back his shit squashed further up, so that when he leaned forward and began to wriggle a brown lump began to emerge from out of his waistband. His breathing was growing heavier too, and he moaned and whimpered softly as he edged. I was close to cumming too, and for a moment we wanked madly together.

'Oh fuck ... I'm gonna cum again ... quick, cum all over me arse!'

He jumped up and tore his pants down, and bent over so his bottom pointed straight at me. He had a great rounded brown patch right across both cheeks and big smears down his thighs. It was right in front of my face, gassing me with his stink. He started to cry out, and then his whole body stiffened and his dick spurted hard onto the floor, and at that I jumped up and spunked all over his messy bottom.

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Next: Chapter 4

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