Townie Lad's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 8, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Townie Lad's Shit

Chapter Five

Jamie had a shit at the derelict house again just a couple of days later, one cold, dank morning when he had his late start at college. I met him there, having texted him when I was about as far from it as it would take him to get there from his house. He had his furtive look on as he walked down the street towards me, and he looked around quickly before he motioned me down the alley. The back yard was deserted again, and there was no-one to see what was about to happen. Without a word he turned away from me, facing the wall, and pulled his pants down to his knees. Then he squatted down, with his bare bottom vividly pale against the cracked, mossy concrete, and grunted with satisfaction. His shit was thick and sinuous, and it coiled easily from his arse. He curled out a smooth, glistening log that grew into a long brown column, hung from him for a second or two and then dropped. Straight away he curled out two more, and then the tapered end eased slowly out as he pushed, spurting piss from his semi-hard dick. His brown little hole flared well out, pinched shut and then out again, and it fell away and dropped lightly onto the coiled brown pile he'd made. The smell rolled over to me and set me off sniffing and wanking, and looked round, smiling.

'Ooh,' he breathed. 'I fuckin' needed this shit!'

'Yeah! Cor, you smell nice. Love those big smooth turds you do in a morning as well.'

'Uh-huh. Feels well nice doing 'em. Love to shit me pants in a morning sometime, all softer like this. It'd feel so nice!'

'Ooh! Have you never done it in a morning before? Yes, we'll have to do that!'

'Yeah, let's! Uh ... oh I'm gonna do another one.'

He strained a couple of times and farted softly, and then his hole flared again and a slim, smooth turd pushed its way out. It grew thicker as more followed it, the first curl dropped, and then another and another. He grunted with satisfaction as his turds kept curling and crackling out of him, and a big pile built up under his bottom. Finally it ended, and when he strained and flared his sticky brown hole out no more came. My cock was rock hard at the sight of him squatting there over his big dump, and I could see he was nearly fully erect too.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'I'm done now. You gonna wipe me arse?'

He rocked forward a bit, and sighed happily as I reached in and wiped his hole for him. The first bits of paper came away with big brown smears across them, but then they started to come away cleaner, and I rubbed at him more vigorously. He grunted again, loving as always the feeling of having his bottom wiped for him. As soon as I was done he turned around, and held his dick down as he wanked so as not to shoot all over his pants. I couldn't resist it. I rocked forward onto my knees, fumbled my dick out and began to wank too, until both of us gasped and yelped, and shot all over his big morning shit. Then we pulled up our pants and went quickly on our way, me home to wash my hands and get on with my work, and him to college, to sit and get hard in his classes as he thought back on what he'd done.

He rang me that weekend. I wasn't long up, and pottering around the house doing odd jobs when my phone rang, and my stomach began to flutter as I saw his name on the display. As I answered I could hear the sounds of traffic in the background.

'Hey man, are you in?' he hissed. 'I stayed at me mate's house last night. I'm on me way home now, and I'm real horny, an' I'm startin' to need a dump. You doing anything?'

'No,' I said, with my heart racing. 'Come on over.'

'Cool. I'll be there in a few minutes.'

He looked tired when he turned up. He'd been out for a few drinks with some of his mates the night before, and then a few of them had got a pizza and gone back to the flat a few of them shared for a smoke. Jamie had got the munchies, he grinned ruefully, and once they'd finished the pizza he and a couple of the lads had had another one delivered. He was far too stoned to walk home by the time the others went to bed, so he'd crashed out on the sofa, with another lad snoring on the floor. He'd woken up a few hours later, desperate for a piss, and forgetting that there was no lock on the bathroom door he'd walked in on the other flatmate, who was working that day and had gone to bed early, having his morning shit.

'He was wiping his arse,' chuckled Jamie. 'He was doin' it standing like I do. Fucking stunk an' all!'

He'd gone back to the sofa horny, fantasising as he tried to get back to sleep about shitting his pants, and watching his sexiest mate doing it. Later, when he'd had a coffee and was getting ready to go, he'd gone for a piss again, this time just after his mate had been for a shit. The smell and the skidmarks had turned him on all over again, started his fantasies up once more, and as soon as he was clear of the house he'd texted me. As he finished telling me this he leaned to one side and farted resonantly, and grinned as he saw me sniff. He was smelly this morning; as thick and cloying and deliciously dirty as I'd ever known him.

'Mate ... I need to take a dump. I had dinner last night before I went out, and then them pizzas. Ate so much! I really wanna shit meself, y'know, like we were saying, do a big morning shit in me pants. 'Ave yer still got the other ones we bought that first time?'

'Oh! Yes, I have, yeah they're upstairs. I'll go and get them.'

He put them on straight away, and flashed his semi-hard cock at me as he pulled them up. They had thin horizontal stripes that showed off the curves of his cute arse perfectly, and before he pulled his tracksuit pants back up he stuck it back in my face and farted; a soft, gassy, need-a-shit fart that smelled really ripe.

'Uh,' he grunted, as he sat down next to me. 'I'm really startin' to need a shit!'

He held it for nearly an hour, until he was desperate and whimpering and clenching his bottom up tight. He'd long ago stopped farting; his chute was packed full and if he tried he'd shit himself for certain. I'd got him to help me get the bathroom ready, and teased him as he'd shuffled his feet and wiggled his bum uncomfortably. I loved the sight of him all coy and intense and desperate for a shit, with his hard-on making a great tent in the front of his pants. Finally he moaned that he was touching cloth, and I got him to stand in the corner like an errant schoolboy, drop his tracksuit pants and stand there with his hands on his head, all naughty and submissive. Twice he screwed up his face and clenched his arse tight and fought back a spasm in his chute as his body sent him the 'Go to the toilet NOW!' signal. He hadn't recovered from the second when another one hit him, and he screwed up his face in agony.

'Oh!' he gasped. 'Oh fuck I'm gonna shit! I can't hold it! Ooh...!'

He bowed his head and gave in, and moaned out loud as he filled his pants His arse crackled loudly as he did a first solid lump that pushed out a big dimple in the seat of his pants. He paused, breathing hard, and then the slimy sound started up again and his breaths grew hoarser and more excited. His shit grew a little softer, and he pushed out a hefty, smooth turd that squashed across his bottom and made a lumpy ball in the seat of his pants.

'Oh! Oh fuck ... ooh ... oh, that fuckin' stinks!'

The smell of his hangover shit was thick and cloying It hit me with full force and set me off wanking and sniffing. Then he made his cute straining face and did another long turd. The squelching and moaning was interspersed with little gassy farts as his bulge grew into a huge mound. He stuck his bum out as it ended, and pulled his pants down ever so slightly to make room for the last few little turds he farted out. Then he reached around behind him, like he always did when he'd finished, ran his fingers over what he'd done and cupped it gently in his hand. The smell filled the room, filthy and awesomely erotic.

'Mm! Ooh, Jamie, that's massive! Smells so fucking strong as well. I wanna see it. Just bend over a little...'

He took his hand away from his arse as he bent over, and I pulled out his waistband and looked down on his mess. His shit was smooth and glistening where the light caught it, a slightly darker brown than it usually was, and softer too, with little light flecks of undigested food in it. His bottom was plastered brown already. Then he stood up straight again and turned around. His dick was fully hard and he'd nearly cum, leaving a big sticky patch down the front of his pants. Now he wiggled his bum slowly and his shit made filthy sounds, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me through to the bathroom. He was trembling all over, whimpering in his throat in his excitement, and he fumbled his dick out of his pants with clumsy fingers before he turned and around and sat in his shit.

The first big squash as his hot slimy turds shot up towards his waistband and forward to envelope his balls made him cum straight away. His mouth fell open and he yelped out loud, and his dick jerked and sprayed white sticky cum across the floor.

'Oh!' he sighed deeply. 'Oh fuck ... such a fuckin' mess!'

'Wanna clean up?'

'No! Want me arse proper covered in it. Come here...'

He reached out and took my hand to pull me upright, then pulled me in closer until I was right in front of him and he could lean forward and take my cock in his mouth. He'd never done this before – we'd never had vanilla sex of any kind, nor even kissed – and it had never occurred to me that he might give the most amazing blow-job. His mouth was hot and wet and lovely, and he sighed in his throat as he tasted my pre-cum. Down below he began to get hard again, and he reached in and wanked, and wriggled around, his little moans muffled by my dick as his turds tickled him underneath and made him edge all over again. He pulled me in closer as he rocked, taking my dick deeper in his mouth, until he gagged softly. His tongue ticked my shaft, and it jerked and dribbled a bit more pre-cum into his throat.

'Oh! Jamie ... I'm gonna cum!'

'Mm,' he mumbled. 'In me mouth.'

He redoubled his efforts as he felt me starting to cum, and wanked himself harder and harder too, until I felt him tense up and moan, and he spunked all over my legs. Seconds later I fell off the edge, pulled back and spurted all over his pretty face and into his wide open mouth.

Jamie and I often fantasised together when he came around in the afternoon. He'd remain sitting on the toilet long after he'd finished, amid the fresh, light smell emanating from him, getting hard and wanking as he talked through his fantasies. The compulsion to shit himself outside in public was getting stronger, he said. It really scared him, and because of that it excited him more than anything else in the world. The feeling of letting go a huge shit into his pants somewhere he'd have to walk home from blew his mind and set his horny young dick dancing.

'I really wanna do it somewhere really public,' he said. 'In the street or in the park or somewhere. Maybe not so they can actually see me go, but where they might be around.'

'Mm, yeah, that'd be hot. Scary, but hot! The evenings are drawing in though, aren't they. Look, it's near enough dark out there already. Easier to do it in public and less chance of being seen. Sometime soon, when you can hold one in all day...'

'Cor! Wow!' He looked round and grinned sexily. 'Yeah that's a good idea. Bit safer. Let's do it! Hang on, didn't you say you was off work on Thursday?'

'No, but I'm working from home. Ooh, are you thinking ... what time do you finish college?'

'Three.' He grinned cheekily again. 'I'll try not to go first thing. Now, you gonna wipe me arse for me...?'

I spent Thursday in a haze of anticipation. He texted not long after breakfast saying he didn't need the toilet and he thought he'd be able to wait until the afternoon, and after that I couldn't concentrate on anything. He was horny too, he said by text: he kept getting hard-ons whenever he thought about what we were going to do later, and then in the middle of his early afternoon class he texted furtively from the back, saying that he needed a shit. He was getting the bus back with his mates, he said, so he'd come straight to mine. By the time he arrived I had everything ready, and I sat stroking my cock through my jeans as I waited. To pass the time I went and got my tin, and started rolling a joint for us. Then he knocked on the door. He was wearing his tight sports pants again, with his dick bulging the front of them out slightly.

'I'm really gonna have to take a dump soon!' he grinned as we sat smoking. 'I 'ad eggs again yesterday, kinda hoping they'd make me so's I can hold it, and they 'ave, but I did 'ave a big dinner again last night too, an' I'm really full!'

'Can you hold it a bit longer? Look, it'll be dark outside soon, and we can go down onto the main street, and there...'

'Yeah. Look, I might not ... y'know, if there are too many people. I don't wanna do it when anyone's too near. We'll 'ave to see 'ow it goes, and maybe come back 'ere if I can't...'

We set off twenty minutes later. It was nearly dark by then and raining slightly, and it was cold. The main street was busy with traffic but there weren't many pedestrians about, and just a few smokers huddled round the doors of the bars and restaurants. Everyone else was inside in the warm. He had his intense, frowning expression as we walked slowly up the street, and when I glanced down I could see the front of his sports pants bulging, and he had that slightly stiff gait he often had when he really needed the toilet. We wandered on, past the row of shops and the chapel and the end of his own street, and then into the quieter bit beyond.

'Here?' I asked.

'No. Not yet. I ain't ready. Soon...'

He led me across the road at a zebra crossing and back down the other side, back into the busier area, and I could hear him breathing a little faster as we got to the first of the restaurants. He stopped and turned to me, his eyes widening a little.

'Mate ... I'm really desperate for a shit!'

'Ooh! Are you touching cloth?'

'Nearly. Oh Christ I'm gonna shit meself soon! Come on...'

We started walking again, past the bars and the restaurants. I had a semi and my heart was racing, and although his jacket partly hid it I could see he was really hard. He stopped for a moment and winced painfully, then tried to look normal and walked on as he spotted a man walking towards us in the other direction. He passed us as we were abreast of the last of the bars, and then we had the pavement to ourselves. He slowed down and looked around us as we got to a bus stop, where the canopy sheltered us from the rain and partly hid us from the road and the bar opposite. There was no-one nearby. In the little pool of light from the lamp in the canopy he stopped and looked at me, all intense and wide-eyed again, and his hand went to his cock. Then he turned away, hitching his coat up slightly above his bottom.

'Uh ... oh I'm going ... ooh...'

He gave a long sigh and over the sound of the traffic I heard him fart softly, and then the seat of his pants filled out. It bulged backwards, down between his legs, and then straight back towards me again as another turd came out on top. It pushed out to the left, spreading across his bum-cheek. The smell thickened around us, all warm and lovely.

'Oh!' he gasped. 'I've done it ... '

'Mm! Yeah, smells real nice!'

He grunted contentedly, stuck his bottom out a little, and pursed his lips in his cute pushing face. I could just about hear him squelching, and then his mouth fell open in a little ecstatic gasp.

'Hang on,' I said, looking round sharply. 'There's a bus coming. Come on...'

Hastily he fumbled his dick into a more discreet position and let his coat drop to hide it and we set off along the street, leaving his smell behind us. We were walking away from the busy bit, but there was too much traffic to cross. People were coming round the corner and walking towards us, and at the end the junction with the other main street was busy with pedestrians. He looked around us anxiously.

'Mate, I've shit meself big time, an' I ain't finished! We gotta get home!'

He clenched up tight, squashing shit in his crack. Looking around us I saw a gap in the traffic, and motioned him to follow me. Thankfully we got across, and we hastened quickly back towards my street. He shrank in to the side as a couple came by in the other direction, and I hoped fervently they wouldn't notice, or smell what he'd done. The bulge in the back of his pants was very obvious, and when we went under a street-lamp so was his hard-on. He looked thoroughly freaked out by what was happening, and his relief when we got to my street was obvious. We ducked up it quickly, out of the lights of the main street. Just beyond them he stopped abruptly, hitched up his jacket again and relieved himself with a rush. He grunted loudly, and then again with satisfaction as he filled the seat of his pants right up. His shit was firm and hot and sticky, and it made him moan as more came out and it pressed firmly against the back of his balls.

'Come on,' he said again. 'Let's get in. I wanna sit in it and cum, and 'ave a joint and get real fuckin' messy!'

So we did. He edged and whimpered as he stripped to his pants in the bathroom. His hard-on tented out the front of his pants, which were soaked in pre-cum, and then when he sat down and squashed the big lumpy bulge in the back all across his bottom he cried out and came at once. Sighing deep in his throat he wiped a big splash of spunk off his tummy with some toilet paper, then took the joint I offered him. He grew hard again as we sat smoking, just like he often did, and as he shuffled on the seat his shit tickled his balls and drew little gasps from him.

'Mmm!' I said approvingly. 'You stink! Now, stand up a little. Let's see it...'

His shit was squashed across his cheeks in a big semicircle, the back of his pants caked in it. He yelped softly as he sat back down and began to rock to and fro, and then slide back and forth, moaning out loud. He fumbled his cock out of his sticky pants and we began to wank together. Then he reached out and pulled me round in front of him, leaned forward with a loud squelching sound and closed his lips around my cock. I fucked his throat as he wriggled and squished, writhing harder and harder and moaning in his throat as he started to cum again. I started to edge and trickle cum into his mouth, and then suddenly he pushed me backwards.

'Cum all over me arse!'

He spun round, hauling his pants, down, and bent over for me to fire my spunk all over his messy bottom.

Jamie said afterwards that actually shitting himself in the street had been a bit too much for him and next time he wanted to go somewhere out of sight, so it was ironic that the next time we met he ended up doing it even more publicly. I met him off the bus after college again, when he'd been holding in his shit for a couple of hours. He was squirming slightly and clenching his bottom tight as he stood on the corner waiting for me. We set off straight away for the the derelict house, but when we got there we could hear voices and the crackle of a fire, and there was smoke rising up from the back garden. Jamie looked crestfallen, glancing urgently up and down the street.

'Shit,' he said. 'Where we gonna go? I need a big fuckin' dump!'

I thought quickly. If it had been dark we could have ducked up an alleyway, but it was only just turning dusk, and there would still be too many people about to go to the park. He was walking stiffly now, and the outline of his bottom through his sports pants showed how tightly he was clenched up. Then as we reached the main road he stopped suddenly and gasped, and his eyes widened. He bent and put his hands on his knees, squirming about cutely in his agony.

'Ooh,' he groaned. 'I'm seriously gonna shit meself in a minute!'

'Come on, we'll have to go back to mine.'

He nodded and straightened up cautiously, and took a couple of tentative steps, as if he expected to lose control and shit himself there and then. The worst of the spasm had passed, though, and we set off down the street towards my place. I glanced at him as we went. He was walking quickly with his head down, frowning. Suddenly, just as we reached the busy stretch, he stopped again and his face froze, and I heard a small gassy noise.

'Oh God, it's coming ... I'm fuckin' touching cloth!'

'What ... oh fucking hell, no, not here. Come on!'

He started walking again, trying his best to look normal for the benefit of the people in the bars over the road. Dropping back a pace or two I could see a little dimple in the seat of his pants, where he was desperately trying to hold back the turd that was forcing its way out of him. I could smell it too. We got a few yards further, past a couple of shops and only a couple of minutes' walk from my street, and I began to think he might make it back. But then his bowels began to push hard again and he clenched up frantically and wiggled his bottom from side to side, still trying to walk on. But it was hopeless, and he stopped and moaned audibly as he lost his battle. The seat of his pants bulged downwards in a spike as a thick log shot out of him, and then the squelch and crackle started up as more came out and the spike collapsed into a swelling lump. The smell of his shit hung around him in the windless air.

'Oh...' he sighed. 'Oh fuck, come on...'

He started walking again, waddling a little as his turds pushed about on his bottom, pulling down the front of his coat to hide his erection as best he could. His face was very intense, and a couple of times it stiffened as he pushed. Once I heard him fart into his shit and add a bit more to the pile. Then we were at my house, and the smell caught up with us as I opened the door. We tumbled inside and straight through to the bathroom, where the poppers and the toilet seat were waiting for him.

After that we started to reconnoitre the area for places we could go. There was a little car park behind one of the restaurants on the main street that was usually quiet before it opened, another alleyway between houses on the next street to mine with no gate, and a small patch of allotments near the park that were deserted in winter. Jamie shat himself in all of them. Then one winter's afternoon he turned up at my place, all horny and excited.

'I've found it,' he said. 'Somewhere we can go, up on the main road. Little bit of waste ground by a factory, behind a fence.'

'Ooh, sounds perfect!'

'Yeah I reckon it is. And I ain't been for a dump since yesterday. Really need to go! Come on!'

'Oh fucking hell,' moaned Jamie an hour later. 'This is fucking awesome. It's the best shit I've ever sat in. It's just tickling me balls man, and it's all over me arse ... ugh, such a fuckin' mess ... ooh... oh!'

He looked up at me with his face contorted in ecstasy. He'd cum twice already and the front of his pants was soaked in it. When he half-stood to show me the damage the red stripes on his briefs had near enough vanished, and all that was left was a crumpled, brown, sticky mess. Shit was caked all over his bottom and squashing out of the waistband, and he left a great brown stain behind him on the toilet lid. It stank. As he sat back down again his shit was forced back against his bottom and balls, and he yelped and moaned and edged again. I closed in and stood over him, naked and hard and wanking.

'Oh,' he moaned again. 'I fuckin' love sittin' in me own shit. I'm gonna fuckin' cum again ... oh ... oh yeah, wank off over me, fuckin' cum all over me!'

He took one last big sniff of poppers and began to move, sliding backwards and forwards and left to right, wanking and moaning and gasping. We were in perverted heaven together, wanking off amid the stink of his shit and the filthy sound of him squishing it all over his bottom. When he came he shot all over the floor for a third time, leaned back, and smiled beatifically as I came too, and spurted all over his lithe, smooth body and his cute round face.

'Fuck me that was good!' he smiled later, as he pulled his coat on and got ready to leave. 'Can't wait til next time!'

Nor can I.


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