Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jun 17, 2018


The following story may contain descriptions of sexual encounters and contact among consenting adults. Of course, my story is a work of fiction; however, it maybe loosely based upon facts and experiences that my friends and I have discussed openly or personally experienced. Many of the facts are drawn from actual life experiences and life experiences of people that I care deeply about; therefore, specific names, places, times, and dates have been altered to protect all innocent parties. I'm a baby boomer who grew into maturity during the 1960s. All rights reserved. This story is copyrighted and is not to be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. This story is sexual explicit, so, if you are not of legal age do not read the story.

Chapter 2: Finding Love in Vietnam

Mark threw open the sliding door to the balcony of his apartment taking in the spectacular view of the ocean along with a breath of sea breeze. Thursday afternoon the crashing waves intensified Mark's sense of excitement yet provoked his feeling of emptiness. The looming question that afternoon, should Mark grab his board and indulge his physical being in some surfing, or take a nap in preparation for the evening dinner date with his closest friend from high school days now home on leave. Naptime won out.

The former soldier's spirits had been elevated seeing that his best bud made it through the hell of Vietnam and back to the world alive, so the dinner date took precedence over surfing. Mark walked over and stood in front of his cherished stereo system looking down at the stack of half-dozen LPs on the spindle ready to play. Questions Mark pondered as he studied the stereo, did his old friend still hold any queer values or same sex sexual desire or had he given all that up since he'd become a hard-core paratrooper? What might lay ahead for him and his buddy?

With the machine on and tonearm resting on the spinning vinyl Steppenwolf's Magic Carpet Ride began to play. Mark pulled off his boxer shorts, kicking them across the room like a football. As the music continued to play Mark's vivid memories of the past began flooding his head. He surveyed to room taking notice that dirty clothes littered the floor of the apartment and unwashed dishes rested in the counter, sink and on the table.

Mark decided to clean up the apartment on the off-chance sex might be in the offing later-on. Bare-ass-naked Mark began picking up his clothes, putting the items in the hamper. Once he completed that task on to the kitchen to wash and dry and then stack the dishes in the cupboard. Marked enjoyed the freedom of nudity as he vacuumed the floor before he shuffled into his bedroom where he flopped across his queen size bed.

On the bed he gazed down at what he considered, impressive manhood. He began stroking his hard cock as Sookie Sookie began to play. Mark flicked and twisted his hard nipples thinking about Boomer and those marvelous secretive years of their youth together.

Boomer discovered early-on in their friendship that Mark's nipples and blowjobs were his friend's Achilles' heel, and Boomer's attribute that most attracted Mark, his breathtaking cockhead. Mark enjoyed sucking on that magnificent cock and Boomer enjoyed playing with Mark's nipples. Mark dug the shit out of his buddy tweaking, sucking and biting on his nipples among other stimulating sexual behavior that turned him on.

Boomer could stimulate Mark's nipples, making him cum without touching his penis. The first thing that caught Mark's attention during their initial meeting in the pool house: Boomer's striking cockhead. From then on Mark could never get enough of it. The two enjoyed playing with each other's cocks and giving each other blowjobs until they went separate ways after the weekend before basic training.

Mark continued to fondle his hard cock with one hand while tweaking his nipple with the other fantasizing about Boomer's warm wet mouth engulfing his pink cockhead. His mind ran wild thinking, what might happen later that night. Like so many men Mark's cock and nipples connected like electric circuits: sensitive to touch they sparked sexual response like high-voltage electric current when titillated. Touch one and the other sprung to attention with the snap of drill team precision.

The Pusher began playing as Mark's mind recalled the X-rated weekend that he and Boomer shared before they shipped out for basic training. However, Mark's major thoughts that afternoon: how lucky he'd been compared to his best friend on their very different assignments and experiences while in Vietnam. Mark also began dreaming about that special friend who shared the desire to listen to music. Now lost to the explosive ravages of war. His eyes began to tear up as he attempted to push the harsh memory of his hooch-mate and one-time lover out of his head while he continued to ponder the present.

While in Vietnam Mark kept track of his best bud by way of the parental grapevine. Although erratic Mark's mom tried to keep her son informed as to Boomer's whereabouts and what he was doing.

For almost two years Boomer served in the deadliest MOS in the Army: an infantryman in Vietnam. His first assignment, the 173rd Airborne Brigade in 1967 for almost a year before being wounded in action. Two months later after release from the hospital in Japan instead of sending him back to the states the Army flew Staff Sergeant Black back to the 507th Replacement Company in Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam for a replacement assignment to another airborne division in need of seasoned leadership.

Between the two units the veteran paratrooper participated in a combat jump as well as some of the bloodiest fighting of the Vietnam War before he returned to the world. Mark on the other hand managed to secure a safe assignment as a Stock Control and Accounting Specialist in a logistical depot in Vietnam.

Although a demanding job that entailed long hours. Mark established stature as a go to person who could be counted on during crunch time to deliver. Because of his establish value to the unit Specialist Fifth Class Hunter enjoyed certain benefits, creature comforts and privileges that accompanied his rank and position within his new unit. The more rank and stature the greater chances for better living conditions.

Unlike forward combat basses Mark's support unit provided personnel with the comfort of hooches furnished with beds and lockers for personal gear; also available hot chow, showers and other civilized amenities not afforded more forward soldiers. After he got to Vietnam and settled Mark requested his mom and dad send certain personal items to make living conditions more tolerable. He bought a stereo system at the big Post Exchange in Long Binh, so he might enjoy his favorite tunes when off duty. Listening to his music kept Mark sane during the bedlam called the Vietnam War. In the meantime, Boomer faced the unfortunate experience of exposure to miseries and misfortunes as a grunt warrior in Vietnam.

Boomer found himself in the thick of all the foulness of warfare where he watched his friends die unimaginable deaths around him each day. The bullet riddle bodies and bodies blown to bits littered the landscape after firefights. When on forward operating basses and firebases Boomer and other GIs shared sand bag reinforced bunkers, many times, with rats the size of domesticated cats. Mark heard many direct and indirect war stories from others about the squalid living conditions and destruction that faced forward operating combat personnel in Vietnam.

Although Mark felt a sense of dismay for those wretched forward warriors he'd been blessed with his safe assignment during his months in Vietnam. He never experienced anything more dangerous than the occasional Viet Cong rocket attack. Eventually, he found love in the mayhem of Vietnam, but lost it as quick as he found it.

After Mark's reassignment to the world he found an even better job at his new permanent change of station: Sacramento Army Depot. A logistical depot in Sacramento, California, where he finished out his last months on active Army duty before receiving an early out for school.

Compared to others Army life for the most part had been good to Mark with job enjoyment; decent pay, medical care and more than normal amount of vacation time for a person his age. Thirty days paid vacation, unheard of in civilian life for a 20-year-old. Mark had almost been tempted to reenlist; however, because of certain protocol Army life did not sweeten his cup of coffee. Army protocol regarding same sex sexual relations with Army personnel hindered his lifestyle. A culture he'd discovered early in life and something to which he'd become addicted.

Born To Be Wild played as Mark lay on his back on the bed staring at the ceiling while he tweaked his hard nipple with finger and thumb. He had to be careful, because too much stimulation could lead to ejaculation. The finger on his other hand teased his sensitive asshole. The combination of playing with his asshole and nipples only further enhanced the chances for ejaculation. Mark's memory flashed back to the first time his ass had been tantalized by another man's finger, before he took him anally.

Back in high school days and during that X-rated weekend before basic Boomer attempted to finger fuck Mark. He wanted to engage in anal sex, but Mark feared the pain of taking a cock up his ass. The closest Boomer and Mark got to engaging in anal intercourse, frotting, using a method they called weenie in the bun. That's where the bottom acts as the bun and the top is the weenie. The top moves his cock back and forth in the lubricated bun to fruition. A lieutenant, a couple years older than Mark, seduced Mark romantically one night while listening to music and then made love to him.

Even though one an enlisted man and the other an officer the two immediately hit it off when they first met finding they had much in common. Both were natives of New Jersey, neither smoked nor did they drink alcohol to excess. They enjoyed each other's company during off duty hours and relished listening to the New Jersey Doo-wop sound of music as well as sharing the same taste in literature. They shared books, records and other treasures received in care packages from home. Before long they were sharing each other's letters and family photos from home and then when a vacancy became available Mark moved into the lieutenant's two-man hooch. One of the smaller and more secluded hooches off the beaten path.

Neither of the two indulged in illegal substance as some soldiers did; however, they would attend USO shows or club shows after working hours and consume a beer or two, before they headed back to the living area.

After a few weeks living together they became bosom buddies. They'd discussed visiting the other's family when they got back to the world. Lieutenant Charming's family knew about their son's queer lifestyle, but Mark's family in the dark about his chosen lifestyle.

Out of the blue one night while listening to Frankie Valli sing, Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Lieutenant Charming kissed Mark. One of those deep seductive kisses. The romantic kiss took Mark by surprise, because he'd never been kissed romantically by another man; however, Mark submitted to his seducer desire and reciprocated.

After that kiss the two became more intimate over subsequent days, eventually becoming involved as discreet lovers, if one could have a lover in Vietnam at that time in our history. The song, Can't Take My Eyes Off You and I Love You Baby, became their songs. They played them over and over when they engaged in sex with each other. The two began to fall in love with each other.

Mark braced for the worst. He feared two things; getting caught together and because the lieutenant and his team went outside the wire on missions--Injury or death. He asked God to watch over the lieutenant every time he left the security of the compound. Mark and the lieutenant shared all their secret and private thoughts while they listened to their special music well into the nights. Of course, they had to be judicious with their illicit behavior fearing their sexual trysts might be discovered and if so that meant the end to both men's careers in the military as well as treasured benefits.

The lieutenant would be hit with the harshest punishment; however, both would receive dishonorable discharges for those few minutes of carnal pleasure. The night that Lieutenant Charming took Mark's anal virginity he did so with special attention to details.

With their special songs playing in the background the lieutenant, no stranger to anal intercourse, lavished his lover with significant foreplay, exercising great caution and care before penetration. Lieutenant Charming procured a tube of K-Y jelly from a medic friend. He practiced caution before he allowed his well-lubricated condom covered cock to enter his lovers equally lubricate asshole. Before Lieutenant Charming inserted his cock into Mark's tight asshole he whispered into his ear for him to go with the flow rather than fight it.

Once the lieutenant's cock achieved full penetration Mark freaked out but in a good way. Fourth of July fireworks celebration exploded inside Mark's head and body as his lover fucked him. He'd never experienced such exhilarating passion as he felt that night. Once the pain of initial entry subsided Mark began to enjoy the rapture as his lover's cock rhythmically sliding in and out of his ass.

With his lover's cock inside him the rhythmic motion and sounds of sex along with music filled Mark with exuberance. The rubbing of the lieutenant's cockhead against his prostate blew his mind. Lieutenant Charming experienced in anal intercourse knew how long to stroke in and out and when to slack off to keep him and his lover from climax. The two sensed sexual chemistry between them and Mark knew from that first time he wanted the lieutenant penis inside him forever and vice versus.

Not often do two people find a twin-soul. Plato's twin-soul theory of over 2,500 years ago states in part that love and sexual chemistry, while a bit confusing, lends itself to some very interesting ideas. The "twin-soul theory" is borne out of the idea that everyone has another half of his or her soul somewhere in the world and it is true desire to reunite with it. Mark and "Lieutenant Charming" discovered true sexual compatibly--soul mates.

Once they both ejaculated Mark asked Lieutenant Charming to leave his withering cock inside his throbbing asshole while they smothered each other with soulful kisses. Nothing but a Viet Cong attack could spoil the night for them. An hour later alert sirens blare the warning of incoming rockets.

After an exhilarating night the two cemented their relationship forever. They agreed to become partners for life and talked at length about what they wanted to do after separation from active service. Whatever they did or wherever they settled they wanted to do everything together. They never wanted to be apart. The two wanted to grow old together. They decided on California for college where Mark could get his degree and the lieutenant his master's degree.

The two agreed that they would attend the same university if possible and live together as a couple. They agreed that the bay area of California might be the best choice for them, because same sex lifestyle was more acceptable. For weeks after that epic night the topic of conversation centered on what to do after they separated from the Army and began living together. They soon discovered that both had scheduled DEROS dates on the same day and that day grew closer with each day. Then suddenly in the blink of an eye their future exploded: Crashed and burned.

As quickly as their relationship took off it ended. Rumors began circulating around the mess hall that a chopper went down somewhere around Tay Ninh with Lieutenant Charming and his team onboard. The group had been sent to retrieve a downed Huey helicopter and return it to base for repairs. From the initial report an RPG brought the chopper down and Lieutenant Charming as well as all onboard were killed. Just that quickly all hopes and plans for Mark and his lover's future went up in smoke.

That's the way things happen during war: full of life one minute and dead the next, just that quick. Mark agonized over his lover's death. He wasn't a combat warrior; he served as support officer for the war effort. A God-fearing man, an intellectual, a romantic, not a warrior, but he died as a warrior on a support mission. That's the way the Chaplain eulogized him at the memorial service.

Mark cried many times, even while attending the memorial for his partner. He destroyed the Four Seasons LP that contained their two songs. Mark became overwrought with anxiety, fear and depression. He sought comfort from the Chaplain; however, because of the nature of the relationship Mark could not divulge all the details regarding his emotional state for fear of UCMJ reprisal.

The two made passionate love the night before the chopper crashed. As Mark pack all the lieutenant's personal belongs he kept the last pair of boxers and T-shirt he wore the night before the morning he perished. Mark wanted to retain his lover's the smell forever. Mark burned his lover's underwear in proper military manner a couple days before his DEROS from Vietnam. He couldn't carry tangible evidence of his heartbreaking loss back to the world, it was over, and Mark needed to get on with life.

After Mark returned stateside with a heavy heart over the loss of his lover he jumped at the chance for an early out to go to school. A few months after assignment to the Sacramento Army Depot Mark separated from the Army to return to his home of record in Long Beach.

Next: Chapter 3

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