Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jun 20, 2018


The following story may contain descriptions of sexual encounters and contact among consenting adults. Of course, my story is a work of fiction; however, it maybe loosely based upon facts and experiences that my friends and I have discussed openly or personally experienced. Many of the facts are drawn from actual life experiences and life experiences of people that I care deeply about; therefore, specific names, places, times, and dates have been altered to protect all innocent parties. I'm a baby boomer who grew into maturity during the 1960s. Yes, I did serve in Vietnam. All rights reserved. This story is copyrighted and is not to be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. This story is sexual explicit, so, if you are not of legal age do not read the story. If you do read stories on Nifty contribute.

Chapter 5: Memories of the Past

With sunrise just minutes away, twilight began to fill the bedroom with ambient light as Mark awoke sensing warm wetness engulfing the sensitive head of his hard cock, or maybe just a dream. He dared open his eye lids and peer down towards his manhood. Mark's mouth agape by the action at the foot of his bed--No dream.

A shadowy figure between Mark's legs with its head buried in his crotch Mark began to blink his eyes to get an unclouded view. His vision became clearer with each blink. Mark could see the outline of Boomer on his knees in position at the foot of the bed performing oral sex on Mark's stiff member. Intently Mark watched the paratrooper's tongue artfully encircle the purplish coronal ring of his cockhead, bathing it with warm saliva. Mark sighed, letting out a grateful moan.

The paratrooper's mouth disconnected from Mark's hard cock upon hearing him sigh. Boomer looked up at his friend's face. Oh no, don't stop Mark thought. Mark experienced a recurring dream. His dream of dreams, to wake up every morning to a passionate person polishing his knob. Mark had been a devotee of blowjobs since that very first time Boomer sucked his cock years ago. Over progressing years both had become connoisseurs of oral sex.

Mark could see Boomer's tongue lick the tip of his cock scooping up the oozing precum. He could also see that lost twinkle in his friend's eyes had returned. Boomer's eyes and face appeared fuller of life than they'd been since the two departed for basic training years prior. The first enticing smile he'd seen on his friend's face since there're tryst in that hotel years before. "I woke up feeling guilty that I got off last night and you didn't." Boomer began a stealthy low crawl up Mark's body towards his chest and face kissing him on the way up.

"Last night was your night buddy," Mark said. "I was yours for the taking."

Facing Mark, the paratrooper said, "This morning it's my turn to get you off baby, tasting a treasure I haven't tasted in years. God I've missed your dick."

Boomer began to tweak first one then the other hard nipple before he began to lick and suck on them with gentleness. He enjoyed hearing Mark's lustful moans and groans as he bit down with care on the succulent hard-little nubs. With each nibble to Mark's nipple he began bucking his midsection up into Boomer. After about ten minutes of nipple play Boomer began to kiss Mark's neck and face. The two humped, kissed and ground their hard cocks together for a few minutes before Boomer whispered, "Let's sixty-nine like the good old days. I need to taste more of your precum."

"Oh, hell yeah baby."

The two young men wasted no time turning opposite each other on the bed where they began to fondle each other's balls before taking the other's beautiful hard cock into their mouths. In doing so Mark saw a couple scars on Boomer's legs that he'd never seen in years past, probably from bullet or shrapnel wounds he thought. He also saw the words Death Before Dishonor tattooed above Boomer's dark dense pubic hairline. Suddenly, Boomer said, "Give me our signal, if you remember it, when you're ready to cum, if not, I guess I'll just eat your cum for breakfast."

Mark didn't reply, to wrapped up in sucking his friend off.

"Remember the first time I came in your mouth?" Boomer asked.

"Oh yeah," Mark said as he disconnected sucking on his partner's cock.

Mark wanted Boomer to focus on sucking his cock not reminisce about old times; however, he remembered that night to which Boomer alluded. The two were sixty-nining in Boomer's parents cabin up in Big Bear, and Boomer unexpectedly exploded in Mark's mouth filling it to overflow. Mark not expecting the volume of cum began gagging, spiting, grabbing his T-shirt trying to wipe cum from inside his mouth and off his tongue.

After that surprise the two developed a signal to warn the other of impending ejaculation; however, in the weeks to come both boys began to enjoy the taste of each other's jizz. Both men continued to suck each other Friday morning. Within minutes both ejaculated in each other's mouths and were sucking the other's withering wangs dry, to the point of sensitivity.

As the two lay opposite licking each other's cocks and kissing each other's inner thighs Mark couldn't help to notice how huge Boomer's legs had become since he last saw him naked. Boomer, no longer a pudgy teenager with no definition. Over the years he had developed a build and bulked up taking on the physique of a professional football player. More than likely from humping the jungles of Vietnam carrying a near hundred-pound rucksack on his back up and down the mountains.

"Come on let's take a shower and then go get some breakfast," Mark said.

In the shower, Mark the taller of the two by a couple inches, stood behind Boomer lathering up his body. With each stroke of Mark's soapy hands, the size, build and bulk of Boomer's body became more evident and it amazed him. "I can't believe how well-developed your body has become buddy."

"Months of airborne physical training and humping the bush."

The longer the two remained in the shower the more their dicks grew hard again. Mark began pushing his hard member between Boomer's soapy butt cheeks much like the days of weenie in the bun, while the paratrooper pushed back asking for penetration. "Any time you wanna fuck me go ahead."

Mark kept rubbing his hardness into his friend's crack wondering how many dicks his old jack off buddy had taken in the ass since they last saw each other. "So, you top or bottom?" Mark asked.

"Not picky...Either way but enjoy being the bottom." Boomer pushed back ready to get fucked.

"I wanna save fucking you for later, let's get out of here, get dressed and go get some breakfast," Mark said.

"You don't want me?" Boomer asked with disappointment on his face and in his voice.

"Oh, I want you baby. I want you more than any fuckin thing, but I want our first time to be special, lots of foreplay, not a meaningless quick fuck in the shower."

Mark, now aware that his old buddy had engaged in anal sex since their last get together and apparently enjoyed it began to formulate a plan of attack in his mind. Boomer turned facing Mark where he began to kiss his buddy before the water turned cold. With the water off the two dried off and exited the shower. As they towel dried Mark saw more scars from wounds. He also saw the tattoo of paratrooper wings on Boomer's left deltoid upper arm with a bronze star in the static lines.

Mark said, "Remember what I said last night. If you're not gonna stay at your folks then you're welcome stay with me while you're in Long Beach on leave, but you gotta call them man. At least tell them you're home."

"I will...I'm just not ready yet."

All Boomer had to wear to go out for breakfast, a pair of musty smelling wrinkled Kaki trousers and a new tie dye T-shirt in a plastic bag. All left over stuff from his last R&R jammed in his AWOL bag, so he opted for his uniform. While Boomer dressed Mark called into work requesting Friday off. He had no classes on Friday. "Where you want to go for breakfast?"

"You lead, and I'll follow," Boomer said. "By the way before we eat I need to stop by the fleabag hotel to pickup my duffle bag if I'm gonna stay here."

"Where's it located?"

Boomer fished around in his thin worn out wallet producing the hotel receipt. "Know where this place is located?"


Mark began driving towards the hotel. Once at the hotel Boomer went to his room where he collected his duffle bag. At the desk he turned in the key in and finalized his bill. Then Mark drove towards the pancake house for breakfast. Inside the girl at the reception desk guided them to a secluded area in the rear where Boomer's parents were seated. The parents got up and began hugging their son, crying as they hugged him. Even Mark and the waitress began to cry.

Boomer kept saying that he was sorry. Sorry that he hadn't written more and hadn't called them to pick him up from the airport when he arrived; however never once did he shed a tear.

Finally, everyone ordered. After few more minutes of conversation breakfasts arrived. In between talking the two men chowed down on their hearty breakfasts; Boomer ate as if he hadn't eaten in days. He reordered another stack of pancakes and more bacon. After breakfast all were off to get Boomer some new casual clothing. He picked out a nice pair of bell bottom jeans, couple button front casual shirts and new pair of shoes. Boomer's dad insisted on paying for the items. The two were ready to go back to Mark's apartment, so they bid the parent's farewell. Boomer told his folks that he'd call later to come by for more visiting and check out any clothing that might still fit him.

In the car on the ride to Mark's apartment Boomer asked, "I wonder how mom and dad knew we'd be at that restaurant for breakfast this morning?"

"I know that your folks have breakfast there on Friday mornings and sometimes on Saturdays, so I took a chance."

"Thanks," Boomer said.

At the apartment Boomer called his parents to thank them and tell them they were on the way over to see them. On the way to Boomer's house Mark said, "Be cool. It's been a long time, so there's gonna be a lot of tears buddy. And feel free to show a little emotion."

"Yeah, I hear you," Boomer said. "I don't think I've got anymore emotions or tears in me.

"Remember; try to curb the vulgarities of the Nam. Be polite and cool."

"Thanks for the reminder. I'll try to be good," Boomer said. "Hit me if I get out of line."

All went well for the first visit with Boomer's parents. Between sobs of emotions his parents begged him to stay with them the two weeks on leave, so they could catch up. Boomer declined telling his folks that he wanted to stay with Mark at least for the next few days. He needed freedom and the last thing he needed, to be smothered by his parents.

While the two boys visited they rummaged around Boomer's old room trying to find any clothing that might fit and other items the paratrooper could use while on leave. They found a couple pair of shoes as well as a few T-shirts, socks and underwear that no longer fit in the dresser drawer of his old room. Everything in the old dresser and closet appeared too small for Boomer's new body. Even his swim suite no longer fit.

Boomer asked his parents if his old bicycle might still be in the garage. Assured that the bike was in the garage he and Mark went to see how the bike had fared over years of non-use and neglect. Two flat tires, but other than that in good shape. Boomer used the old handpump and began to pump air into the tires. Once inflated he pushed the bike out of the garage. "Can we take this with us back to your place?"


Of course, Boomer's parents lavished much love and affection on their son during the visit as well as furnishing lunch to the boys. Mr. Black offered his son money, but Boomer turn it down telling him his bank account had money in it. "Wasn't much to spend money on in the Nam. The only time I spent money was my two R&Rs."

At one point while Boomer and his mom talked Boomer's dad called Mark off to the side to ask how things were going so far. Mark assured the father that his son appeared okay except for alcohol consumption. Mark told the father he would keep an eye on him and update if anything came up out of the ordinary. The two boys assured the older folks that they'd be at the party on Saturday afternoon before biding farewell to Boomer's parents Friday afternoon. Then they loaded the bike in the trunk of Mark's car and hit the road back to Mark's apartment.

With a bicycle hanging out of the trunk of the 68 Charger R/T the boys began the drive back to Mark's apartment. Before arriving at the apartment, the two made a stop at the Ralph's Grocery Store close to the apartment to pick up a few items.

Of course, Boomer needed a couple more bottles of vodka, tomato juice and other items. At the apartment complex the boys carted the groceries and new clothing into the apartment along with the bike. Once inside and settled Boomer fixed a strong Bloody Mary. "Do you think you need that before I fuck you?" Mark asked with a bit of sarcasm.

"Gotta loosen my asshole up for that big dick of yours," Boomer replied humorously holding the 8 oz tumbler filled with a small amount of tomato juice, just enough for color, couple dashes of Tabasco and the rest with vodka up in the air for a toast.

After a couple big gulps Boomer set the tumbler on the counter and grabbed Mark, pulling him in for a big wet kiss. After a few minutes of embrace Mark asked Boomer to sit at the table to talk. "We need to have a serious talk buddy."

The dejected paratrooper sat down across from his friend at the two-person bistro table with a freshened Bloody Mary cocktail in hand. "What did I do?"

"Nothing," Mark said. "You did absolutely fucking nothing. I just need to explain a few things to you."


"A lot has happened since we last saw each other. I need to ask you some questions before we get too far into any type relationship. Clear the air between us."

"Okay. That's cool."

"First off I want to apologize to you for not keeping in contact with you over the years. I did try, but I guess we both were just trying to stay alive."


Secondly, you kind of surprised me with all the kissing and asking me to fuck you last night and this morning in the shower. Back when we were teenagers I don't recall anything romantic about our friendship and although we did a lot sex stuff together we never engaged in anal sex."

"Back then we were best buds and jack off buddies," Boomer said. "But things changed for me over the past couple years. I need a special person in my life...You."

"Understandable," Mark acknowledged. "And things have changed for me too. Now before we go much farther we need to get everything out on the table and clear the air: a clean slate."

"I'm cool with that."

Mark began to fill his best buddy in on Lieutenant Charming, their relationship and the tragic ending to that relationship. He further explained about his many sexual companions from the university. After a lengthy conversation Mark said, "I guess we need to tell each other what our true feelings are towards the other. Last night you said some things that caught me off-guard and I didn't have responses or know how to respond."

Boomer reached across the table taking Mark's hand into his hands before saying, "I've cared for you since we first met before high school. I loved you then and love you now. More than a brother."

"Same with me...I'm beginning to understand better now."

"However, I guess I didn't know how much I loved you until I faced death so many times each day in the fucking jungles of the Nam. Furthermore, each time I survived I told myself that if I ever made it back to the world alive I would not only tell you but show you how much I love you."

"And I love you too," Mark said. "I need to tell you some things before we get too far into a relationship."

"Same with me."

"When it comes to anal intercourse, which in my opinion, is the ultimate love making act connecting two men, I got to tell you I'm not a virgin. And although I've been with multiple partners since we last saw each other only a couple of those relationships developed into anal intercourse," Mark said.

"Same with me Mark...And like you one of my partners was also killed in Vietnam...Do you suppose we were punished by you know who," Boomer said pointing to heaven, "for engaging in sinful acts with another person, a guy?"

"I don't know, but that thought has crossed my mind on many occasions."

The two men continued filling each other in about their sexual indiscretions since the two parted years prior. Mark continued telling Boomer about his sexual friends from the university; however, he was willing to breakup with all them to try to make a go of things with his old friend. Boomer explained how he lost his anal virginity to another soldier while on R&R in Australia.

"Where's your friend from R&R? Are you two still in contact?"

Mark could see moisture creeping into Boomer's eyes. The first time he'd seen any emotions from his best bud. "No, he's dead...Killed when the fucking gooks overran the firebase he was on in the Nam."

"I am so sorry to hear."

"He died a hero, but dead none the less."

Boomer bawled as he attempted to tell Mark everything all at once. Mark took his chair and moved next to Boomer to hold and console him. He knew his friend hurt inside to the nth degree as he'd hurt when he lost his partner. Mark took Boomer's face in his hands and kissed him. Not one of those lust filled kisses, but rather a tender loving kiss of empathy.

"We are survivors; survivors of one of the most horrible and unjust wars since the Civil War buddy. You more than me have seen and experienced things that no human being should ever have to endure." Mark kissed Boomer again. "I'm here for you baby. Whatever you want to do you tell me."

Mark took a drink of his red wine and Boomer took a big drink of his Bloody Mary before Mark began to talk again. "One of my professors at the university, a retired Lieutenant Colonel and former Battalion Commander with the 1st Cav, tells our class that Vietnam is the biggest basket of bullshit lies ever perpetrated against the American People. It's his opinion that Vietnam is nothing more than a proving ground for the military-industrial complex to test warfare theory, material and equipment using the domino theory as the excuse for the war."

"From what I saw I think your professor may be right," Boomer said.

The two went on discussing Vietnam, their sexual desires and partners as well as how far they'd gone with former partners. After all the talk about sex Boom asked, "So, you experienced many multiple partners with any of the guys from the university the since we last saw each other? Like threesomes and foursomes? Any shit like that?"

"A few."

Maybe we can try a threesome of foursome before I leave?" Boomer asked in a timid manner. "I just want to experience some of that shit before I commit to anyone person."

"If that's something you want to explore I'll see what I can arrange," Mark said. "Do you want to have sex with just girls, guys or a mixture?"

"I've been in the jungles of the Nam for two years I just want to fuck and suck anything and everything for the next couple weeks."

Mark laughed. He knew what his friend referred to regarding sex. Mark told Boomer that he'd check with some friends that might be up for an orgy, but he'd have to check with them first. Boomer sat in his friend's lap facing him grinding on his erectness before he dropped between Mark's legs where he began devouring his friend's hard cock.

Next: Chapter 6

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