Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jan 23, 2019


Chapter 9: Breakfast with the Parents

Outside the church Pastor Roberts met his flock trying to meet and greet all wishing them well for the days ahead as they departed for the parking area. Mr. Black told his son that he and his mother wanted to take him to breakfast, so the family might discuss plans for his future. Mrs. Hunter invited Mark and Kelley to go to breakfast with them before dropping the boys off at Mark's apartment. Mark called out, "Boomer call me and let me know what's up after breakfast."

"Will do."

Mark wondered if the pastor knew something sinful might be up among the group as he and Kelley walked away. The two families split up heading for their individual vehicles where each family could go separate ways to breakfast. At the restaurant everyone in the Hunter party enjoyed big breakfasts while discussing different issues. Mark's mom asked, "Mark what do you think Boomer is going to do?"

"Like what mom?"

"Do you think he's going to stay in the Army or get out?"

"I really don't know," Mark said. "He's got a few more months to do before he's eligible for release...He's been kind of tight lipped about his plans. One thing I do know for sure, whatever he decides, he's gonna have to slow down on the drinking."

"So, Boomer has a drinking problem?" Mr. Hunter asked with look of concern.

"I don't know if it's problem dad, but he's goin through at least a fifth of vodka a day...Sometimes more."

"Oh my," Mr. Hunter said. "Keep an eye on him son."

"I will."

"So, Kelley you're attending Pepperdine?" Mr. Hunter asked.

"Yes sir...My parent's alma mater. Dad's a professor and mom works in administration."

"So, what is your area of study?" Mr. Hunter asked. "Theology?"

"No, not religious studies," Kelley said. "At present undeclared, just trying to get prerequisites out of the way and figure things out."

"Good luck on whatever you decide for your major...We'll be praying for you. I'm sure you'll do well," Mr. Hunter said.

The waitress asked, "Can I get you all anything else."

Mr. Hunter asked for the bill. The group finished their coffee and prepared to leave. On the way to the car Kelley asked, "Can you drop me off at your place after you drop Mark off, so I can get my car?"

"No problem," Mr. Hunter said. "Do you want to get your car Mark?"

"No. I'll leave it in the garage, ride my bike to school."

Pulling up in front of Mark's apartment complex Mark got out of the car, waved good-bye and began walking up the walkway to his apartment. Inside, Mark put on some music, while complaining to himself about the mess. He stripped down, hanging his uniform in the closet.

Within minutes Mark's apartment looked presentable. With music playing in the background a little before two his landline rang, Boomer, informing his old friend that he planned to spend the night at his parents after he attended the youth fellowship meeting. Shortly after Mark hung up, Kelley called, asking if he could come over. Mark invited the younger man over.

A few minutes later a knock on the door. Mark answered the door to find Kelley standing in the doorway wearing rose-colored granny glasses, dressed in tattered jeans and tie-dye T-shirt with Birkenstocks on his feet. The threads he'd borrowed from Mark over his arm. Mark invited the hippie attired young man inside. Once inside, Mark wearing nothing but white boxers and T-shirt, invited Kelley to get comfortable. "Ya wanna listen to some other type music? Ya want coffee?"

"Sure, always up for a good cup," Kelley said kicking off his Birkenstocks.

Of course, Mark had more on his mind than listening to music and drinking coffee. Both men took seats on opposite ends of the small grey couch where they began listening to some Righteous Brothers tunes while sipping coffee. Mark envisioned the three men romping in his bed that afternoon, but that couldn't happen with Boomer a no show. Before long the men became engaged in conversation.

The boys began chatting, their hands buried inside the crotch area of their pants, clearly playing with their junk. Mark wanted to know more about his new hippie friend sitting next to him. Kelley showing a different side than the boy he met at the party the day before as well as church and breakfast that morning. As they talked, they also eyed each other up with looks that said, I want more. After a few minutes Mark asked Kelley, "So when did you know?"

"Know what?"

"When did you become aware you might be queer?" Mark asked.

"High school," Kelley replied. "Freshman year, I met this boy in band class and realized we went to same church and attended same men's youth fellowship. I'd just never noticed or befriended him before. I became impressed with how well he played the piano and organ among other musical instruments. Anyway, we somehow hit it off and became friends. Actually, within the first month we became more than friends...We became jack-off buddies...One thing led the other and by Christmas break we were givin each other sixty-nine blowjobs."

"Sounds about the same as how me and Boomer hit it off," Mark said. "How'd you know I'd let you do what we did in my bedroom back at the party yesterday?"

"Intuition I guess," Kelley said. "When we exchanged looks with each other across the table down by the pool before we went upstairs you gave me that inviting look. Then when I moved next to you when your friend went with my dad and I started rubbing your leg with mine. I kinda knew."

"I'm kinda glad you accepted."

"During a few minutes of silence Mark fantasized once again about a threesome with Boomer and Kelley. While thinking about things Kelley asked, "So, you and Boomer queer too? A couple?"

"Me, I guess I'm pretty much queer or maybe bisexual, at least for now, but not sure about Boomer...Maybe he's just experimenting, testing the water...We're not a couple, just best friends."

"I see," Kelley said.

"Yeah, for the time being I'm just enjoying having sex with guys. Nobody special...No commitment."

"Sounds like me," Kelley said. "Since my boyfriend moved after the summer of high school graduation, I've been kind of lost...Afraid to approach another guy cause of my folks...Don't want anyone to find out because of my dad."

"I understand...I won't say anything," Mark said, "So, Kelley you want to spend the night? Boomer's staying over at his folks tonight. I'd like to hear more about you and your buddy from high school days and what you've done sexually thus far."

"I think I'd really enjoy hanging out with you all and getting to know you guys better, maybe a threesome," Kelley said smiling.

Mark thought, this young man, no novice when it came to sex with guys.

"But what I'd really like to do is blow you again," Kelley said interrupting Mark's thoughts.

"Tonight, it's just gonna be you and me cause Boomer's staying at his folks tonight after he attends youth fellowship at the church. Your dad wants him there, us too, I think."

"Cool," Kelley said, all smiles. "So, we got time for a blowjob before youth fellowship"

Kelley edged closer to Mark. Before long Kelley began caressing the older boy's hardness buried beneath the fabric of his shorts, meanwhile Mark began running his fingers through the younger man's blonde shoulder length hair. Slowly, Kelley's hand began to move up the front of Mark's body where he found hard nipples beneath the fabric of the white T-shirt. Mark groaned and squirmed. A groan that told Kelly go ahead.

Mark continued groaning while Kelley continued playing with the hard nipple on Mark's chest. With gentle affection Kelley leaned in to kiss Mark. The two began tongue dueling, making out intensely. Both men's hands began roaming over the other's bodies, caressing each other with passion. Kelley broke the loving embrace. The aspiring hippie took Mark's hard nipple between his front teeth biting down on it ever so gently while Mark continued moaning and groaning louder, squirming under the younger man's tender bite. Kelley continued stimulating Mark's nipple.

With hard nipple between his teeth he once again began tugging on Mark's impressive hard cock. Suddenly, Mark cried out, "Oh, baby fuck me."

Kelley paid no attention to Mark's plea. Pulling off Mark's T-shirt he continued sucking and biting on the nearest nipple. In the meantime, Mark held Kelley's head inhaling the fresh scent. He enjoyed smelling the young man's hair while Kelley continued biting and sucking on his nipple. "Let's take this into my bedroom," Mark said.

The two broke apart and got up. A smiling Mark took Kelley's hand into his leading his new-found boyfriend into the bedroom. Once in the room they wasted no time undressing. Once undressed they gazed upon each other's bodies before the two grabbed each other pulling each into another embrace. Their open mouths met, tongues began dueling, while their hard members met. Kelley pushed mark onto the bed where they began humping grinding their hard cocks into each other's crotches as they continued making out. Mark, now sure, Kelley might be a little more experienced regarding sex than originally thought.

"Let's go shower," Mark said breaking the embrace. "I enjoy shower foreplay."

"Cool, me too."

With Kelley in tow Mark began walking towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom he turned the shower on. With the water at desired temperature the boys stepped into the tub, pulling the curtain closed behind them. They stood close, caressing each other as they soaped up. Kelley, slightly taller of the two moved behind Mark where he began soaping up Mark's ass crack and fingering his rectal opening.

Bodies soapy Kelley began to finger fuck Mark's inviting soapy asshole. After a few seconds finger fucking the younger man began to press his hardness into the older man's buttock while taking both hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He tenderly rolled, twisted and pulled on the hard nubs, listening to Mark moan and yelp. The older man began pushing his buttock back onto Kelly's cock.

"I want you...I want you to put it in," Mark said.

Standing behind Mark the younger man knew full well his new friend wanted it and Mark wanted that magnificent big cock buried in his ass. "Put it in," Marked demanded.

Kelley asked, "Do you want to do it here in the shower using soap?"

"I don't give a fuck, I just want you to fill my ass with that magnificent cock of yours."

Kelley proceeded to push his soapy cock into his friend's ass. Mark letting out yelps of pain as the spongy cockhead attempted to breach Mark's soap lubricated anal sphincter.

"You okay man?" Kelley asked.

Mark reassured Kelley, so with Mark bent over at the waist and hands planted on the surround Kelley continued pushing. Suddenly, the spongy cockhead popped into the chamber between the inner and outer muscle. Mark let out a final painful yelp. Kelley stopped pushing. Mark asked, "Don't push your cock in farther." The excruciating pain brought tears to Mark's eye, but he wanted Kelley to fill his ass, bang his magic button and make him cum like a volcano.

Next: Chapter 10

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