Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Mar 14, 2000


Hey all!!!! Thank for reading my story. First of let me warn those who want a sex story this isn't one. It's more of love story. PLease tell me what you think at Ganymede21@yahoo.com. I would appreciate it dearly. Please be nice I'm new to this. Okay here goes with all the disclaimers.

Please do not read this if under 18 years of age. Please I do not mean to imply anything about any of the memebers of Nsync. If they're not gay, okay then but, if they are more power to them.

Shout outs..

Kyle~ Thanks for all your help. It was wonderful and your stories are great! In this one I will not break J.C's heart.

Bill~ Thank you for being so great from the beginnig your writing has inspired me.

To all of those who wrote me~ Thank you!!! You were so sweet to me I appreciate it so much!! Please keep on writing! I'm sorry it took so long. I got busy, stil am. Oh well we deal with what we are given. : )

Please read other great stories such as "Extreme Nsync", "Not meant to be" and "Studio in the country"

Here we go!!!

The next morning I got up fairly early. After breakfast and my shower I cleaned up the house. For some reason it just never seems to stay clean. As I finished up my bedroom the phone rang "Hello?" " Hi is Scott there?" "This is him" " Hi, this is Joe" I almost fainted right there. But then I thought, how did he get my number? " Hey Joe, what's up?" " Nothing really. Hey, would you like to work on our song?" Of course I would but I couldn't seem to eager. "Sure, that would be great. Hey Joe?" "Ya?" " How did you get my number? I don't care that you have but I was just wondering because I don't remember giving it to you. I very well could have and forgotton" "It's on the phone list" He laughed I grabbed my backpack and found the paperwork that really barely glanced over at the first rehearsal. There it was, the phone list. " Oh, god I feel really stupid" I sighed and he laughed some more. "Meet us at 42nd and Jefferson." " Cool, I will be there as soon as I can" " Great. See you then. Bye" " Bye" I quickly grabbed my stuff together and left the house with my backpack on, C.D player, and a note for Will, which I taped, to the T.V as I left. I took the subway until 35th and then I walked the rest of the way. I was actually glad that I walked. That way I got to listen to my C.D. It was a nice walk NY looked nice this time of year. When I finally got to 42nd and Jefferson I found a studio. I guessed this is where we would be working and I moseyed my way inside. I approached the receptionist's desk. "Can I help you?" I turned down my C.D player at the point. "Is Joe Fatone here?" She eyed me funny. "Well you're the first guy to ever try to get an autograph from them here. Sorry, guy, they need their privacy also." "No, I'm not here for an autograph. I'm in..." the she interrupted me "Sure you're not," she said in a sarcastic tone. "Please tell him that Scott Patricks is here." " Fine." She seemed fed up with me" If I do that will you please leave?" " Sure" She went to the switchboard, hit a button and she began to talk. " Yes, hello Mr. Fatone... there is this guy here to see you...Scott Patricks... You do know him?...Oh dear, I'll send him right in." She looked at me with sorry eyes and apologized. "Hey guy, I'm very sorry about that. You see, we're trained..." I cut her off. I knew what she was going to say. She was just doing her job. "Don't worry about it." I smiled " I understand" "Thanks..." "Scott" "Thanks Scott" "You welcome..." "Shannon" "Your welcome Shannon" I smiled at her and she smiled back. She seemed really sweet. She led me into a studio with a piano in it. Joe was inside with the piano player. He was fairly lanky. He had brown hair and a pair of oceans, most commonly called eyes. They were a gorgeous blue color, I felt as if I could fall in. It must have been J.C. I knew his face fairly well. J.C was plinking out the melody of the song that Joey sang by himself. Joey sang along as the blue-eyed boy played. I never realized what a beautiful voice Joe had. I hung back toward the door so I wouldn't intrude. I just wanted listen. The music from this show was spectacular. I would have to compliment the composer when we worked with him. Joe caught sight of me standing in the doorway. " Hey Scott, come in! Don't just stand in the door way." He smiled. I did. I walked in and laid down my backpack and turned off my C.D. player. The studio was very nice. My eyes searched the room until they Joe's. I smiled sheepishly and he smirked. " This is J.C" Joe motioned toward the man behind the piano. I shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Scott" " Nice to meet you" "Ditto" I said, "By the way, you play very well." " Thanks. One tends to pick up a little piano when music's your business." His eyes saw my C.D player. " Hey, who were you listening to?" " Madonna." I stated "Cool." J.C said " I used to love her," Joey said "I always have loved her. She is awesome." Joey nodded at my comment," Speaking of awesome, that's how you sounded. You sang fantastically." I told them. "Thanks Scotty" I cringed at the use of "Scotty" and Joe must have saw. He laughed out loud. "Don't like the nickname, huh?" " Not really. It always makes me feel like I'm seven. But it's okay" "Good considering I'm going to call you that anyways." He chuckled Very few people called me Scotty. Only my elder relatives and Kyle did. Which was okay because they had done forever and I didn't mind but if someone I don't really know does it, it automatically makes me cringe. Well , I guess Joe would be added to my list. " Fine" I smirked " I'll still call you Scott' J.C smiled wryly. " Thank you, J.C" I nodded to him then I turned to Joe "I'll call you Joey" " I don't care" He shrugged. He probably didn't. When half of America knows you by a certain name, I'm sure one gets used to it. I had a sinking feeling that a lot of people would call me Scotty from now on, but tell the truth I don't think it bother me as much as it used to. We decided to get to work. J.C. started by playing the song once through without us singing so he could get the hang of it. Joey and I patiently followed along in our sheet music. He J.C. had finished I started clapping. He took a short bow and said " Shut up" I laughed and he smirked. "Okay Joey, we'll be working with your part first considering you have the first verse. It starts on this note" J.C played the note and said " Ready?" Joey nodded. J.C played and Joey sang along fairly softly. "We're going to try this again, Joe so that you are more comfortable." J.C started playing and Joey sang along louder this time a little more confident this time. "Good job, Joe" J.C complimented him like a father would to his child. He voice had this sincere reassuring quality to it. "Scott it's your turn. Ready?" "Sure" I shrugged. J.C started playing and I came in on the right time. I sang in my normal voice and only got soft when I got confused. When we were done motioned that were going to do it again but before had he played my part alone so I could pick it out. He nodded and started playing once more and I came in. This time I was sure about my noted so sang them with no reservations. J.C. smiled at me. "Good Job" he said. "Thanks" "We are moving on to the next part." J.C announced " Joey you should take the higher part and Scott you the lower part " We both nodded a listened to him intently as he played our parts separately. Then he played it again and we sang along this time. It was not quite as bad as I thought it would be but it still wasn't great. He played out parts again and we tried again this time it was little better. It progressed this way for awhile and we ended up practicing that part five times. When I Joey and I hit the last note of the part we were singing the fifth time J.C. just smiled and said " You guys, that's going to be great" " Thanks" we both said and unison. We then practiced the rest of the song. The rest wasn't very hard to learn. There was only one problem area, it was where our lines over lapped but we each had different words and rhythms. We seemed to pick it up fairly quickly. After finishing that part Lance came walking in the door. "We're supposed to all be here at 4:00 right?" "Yep, except for Joey because he has rehearsal" J.C. said then he looked at his watch "Considering it's 3:50 you're on time," he added "3:50? Oh geez,we have rehearsal in an hour. I need to get home and grab my stuff." I said as I gathered up my stuff and put it into my backpack. " How are you getting home, Scott?" Lance asked "Subway" I said absently "No you aren't. I'll take you" Joe said I smiled at Joe and said "That's very sweet of you but I can make it honestly, besides don't you have some studio work to do?" "Actually he doesn't so be thankful and go with him" J.C smirked "I have to go to the same rehearsal as you this is more logical if you think about it" Joey said "Fine, you convinced me. Thanks" I said. I felt bad. I didn't want it to seem like I was using him for his car. I always hated feeling like that so I tried to be careful about asking for rides and stuff like that. As I got into the car Joey looked over to me paused and said "Is there anything wrong?" "No I'm fine," I said quickly "Scotty, I know I haven't known you long enough to make personality judgments on you, but I think I'm perceptive enough to know when something's the matter. Come on, in the last year I have spent most of my time in a bus with four other guys (each with their own personality quirks). Needless to say I learned pretty quick when someone was upset or uncomfortable. You can talk to me and I'll listen, honest." I was flabbergasted at the speech that Joe had just presented. It was done so well it almost seemed he had planned it, but he couldn't have, he had that certain sincerity in those warm eyes of his that can't be faked. It was so real, so touching I couldn't believe it. I looked at him and said, " I just didn't want to seem like a leech that's all." He gave me an odd look, " Is that all?" "Yep that's it, " I said. I was a little hurt; it mattered to me. My eyes must have dropped to floor. He soon put his arm around my shoulder he looked at me in the eyes and said " Don't let the little things bother you" then he laughed. His laughter is infectious, I swear because I started laughing too. It's like in Peter Pan where the talk about the first Baby laughing and its laughter breaking into millions of pieces and that was the beginning of Fairies. Well his laughs and giggles were like that; sweet, sincere and magic. After then laughter died down we sat there in momentary silence. He knew where he was going and it amazed me that he remembered. Then something unbelievable happened. He turned to me and said "Thanks" "For what?" I asked. I had no idea what he was talking about. "For worrying about the little things" I just smiled brightly. He had this way of making me feel so good and brushing any insecurity I had away. We got to my apartment far to quick for my tastes but all good things must come to an end. I grabbed my backpack and stepped out of the car. "Thank you for the ride Joey, it was very cool of you," I said "No problem. Hey Scott?" "Yes?" "How about you and I catching some dinner? I'm starving and we still have forty-five minutes before rehearsal starts." "Sure, just wait a couple minutes so I can go in and grab the rest of my stuff" "Okay" he said. I quickly went inside my apartment and grabbed my stuff from inside. I threw them into my bag. I made sure I grabbed my pair of shorts and my book. I changed into a pair of khakis and a soft shirt that felt like suede but wasn't. I loved it. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I fixed my hair and sprayed on some cologne. I made sure everything was okay and locked up. When I came out to the car Joey looked me and whistled. "Whooee, now just who are we dressing up for? " "We are dressing up for ourselves, it makes me feel good." I smiled. He looked at me a nodded. "I understand, sometimes a person just feels the need to dress up." "Exactly" I said "What type of cologne are you wearing?" he said, "I don't think I've smelt it before." "Happy" "What?" "Happy, by Clinque" I spoke up "Oh, it smells nice." "Thank you, I think it fits my personality." "That is does." He laughed maybe "I'll have to try it" "You should, I love the stuff" as I said this I looked out the window "where are we eating?" "I heard of this new place called Plato's, it's supposed to be great," "Sounds good." We pulled up to Plato's and Joe parked the car we got out and walked inside. We were met by a Hostess. She smiled wide grin. It was a nice place. Casual yet sophisticated. The restaurant was done in dark green and dark purple. The word Plato's was written in silver cursive. "Hi and welcome to Plato's. How many in the party?" "Two" I said "Smoking or non?" she asked "Non please." Joe said "Please come with me." She said as she grabbed to menus and led us to the back of the restaurant. No seemed to notice us even enter which is nice. I'm sure Joe gets tired of being recognized everywhere he goes. We sat down and I glanced at the menu. Everything sounded good. I knew what I wanted though and so did Joe. We placed our menu's down and Waitress came over to us. "Hi, I'm Emily and I'll be you server today. Are you ready to order?" "Yes." Joe responded "So what would you two like this evening?" "I'll take your Clubhouse with Fries please." "Anything to drink?" "I'll take a coke." "And what will you be having this evening?" she asked me "Your Oriental Chicken salad and a seven up, please" "Okay sounds great. That should be up for you guys soon. Thank you." Emily said and then turned and left. We chatted for a bit about New York and the people. We talked about how we both like Central Park but mostly during the day. It was odd it seemed we had just started talking when the food came. I said thank you to the waitress and I started putting the dressing my salad. He quickly dug in. I thought of something and decided to ask him. "Hey Joe, do you ever find it hard?" "What?" he asked honestly " Being a baritone?" I said as I took a bite "Well I never thought about it very much." "Really? I think it's hard most good parts are written for tenor. That alone makes so envious of the lucky few individuals who have those ranges. I never wanted to be Bass..." before I could finish my thought his hand came up to my face and wiped what must have been dressing from the corner of my mouth. Then our eyes met. I know I have talked about this man's eyes but I most reiterate. They are breath taking. His eyes have tranquil warmth to them that makes the receiver of his gaze feel lost in them. To tell the truth I don't mind it a bit. We shared a moment and I was happy but that moment faded leaving us with awkwardness. I laughed nervously mumbling "Thanks" he smiled sheepishly. The rest of the meal we chatted intelligently about so many things. He must have thought I was an idiot because I was smiling the entire time hoping that I get to revisit those eyes of his again. I looked at my watch absently and saw the time. "Damn!" "What?" "We've got ten minutes to get to rehearsal," I said. I hate being late. "Oh that..." he seemed a bit disappointed ' I wish we had some more time." " So do I" I said as I grabbed the money from my wallet and placed it on the table. Joey set down his money and we bolted out the door. We jumped in the car and raced to rehearsal. I should have probably been more worried about being late but I was too happy to care.

Next: Chapter 3

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