Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Here we go again. Hello Everybody I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get a new chapter but I've been so busy and i have spaced. So here it is, For you all!! Please write me...it's fun!

Discalimer: Bottom line this is fake ...total nonfiction...fantasy is fantasy. : )

I hope you all like ti ..before we go..I want ot thank; Jay ...thanks for being sweet... Kyle... thanks for caring about me.. Bill..thanks for including me in your story..: )

"Hey is Kyle there?" I had to ask, Kyle had a roommate. His name was Jay nice guy. Worked in some big department store but I don't remember which one. "This is he" the said absently "Hey Kyle, this is Scott" "Hey I should have known it was you... So how are you?" "Good...I mean really good." "Really?" he seemed moderately interested. "Yes. I had the best time last night." I stated trying to make him curious. "That's nice..." " I haven't had that much fun in a long time" I reiterated "Okay I'll bite, what did you do last night?" good old Kyle always knew how to be a jerk at the right times. Of course I felt bad for making him fish for information. "Oh it isn't important." I said. Sometimes the very tone of his voice made me feel guilty. "No, really tell me. Please. You have my full attention. I put down the paper." "Okay, great" I said excitedly 'I went dancing with the guys last night." "The guys?" "Yea, Joey, Lance, J.C and the others. "Oh, Nsync..." he said, "Very cool... how was the club?" " It was great. I had the best time. I love to dance so it was perfect. But another thing happened last night..." "What?" "Well, Joey kissed me..." I said ever so nonchalantly. "No, way. You've got to be kidding me." "No he did. It wasn't anything passionate or "hot and heavy" but it was just so...so.." "So...so?" "Perfect." I stated simply. "Well, that's great Scott. So what else is in the works?" "What do you mean?" "For you and Joey" "Nothing...it was just a kiss right?" "Was it?" I could almost hear him lift his eyebrow with the question. I thought for a moment. I better not read into this. "Yes. " I said plainly "Oh you just seemed pretty excited for "just a kiss" that's all..." I didn't want to lead on I was hoping it was more. "Well you know me getting excited over little things like a kiss." He laughs lightly "Well listen Scott I'm sorry but I have to go. I need to work on some stuff for work." "It's cool I need to get going also. I have to work today. Got to pay the rent." "Bye Scott" "Bye Kyle" I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag for work. I walked down to the subway that stopped relatively close to my work. I walk into work and start. I never really liked the middle of the day shift but I didn't mind so much now considering it gave me time to go to rehearsal. The day went by quickly. I only had to deal with a couple dumb customers. I swear some people are innately stupid. But all day all I could think about was what Kyle had said to me. "Was it just a Kiss?" I hoped it wasn't. I hoped that Joe would come running into the store and grab me into an embrace and just hold me as if to let me know I would never be alone again. Then I would just gaze in to his eyes and be happy. Well, so much for hoping. It was time to be realistic. The day ended quickly for me and I headed home. When I got there I prepared for our dance rehearsal by changing into shorts with sweats over them, grabbing my dance shoes, my C.D player and a book just in case. I made my way to the studio where I was the first there besides the choreographer. Ben saw me a smiled a fake smile. "Hey" "Hey Ben" "So are you ready for tonight?" "Ready as I'll ever be" "I'm sure you'll do fine. You always look like you're having fun on stage." I hated that comment more then anything! It was so harsh. It doesn't mean, "You looked like you were having fun up on stage" it means "You aren't very good but at least you smile enough to look like an idiot and therefore you are moderately amusing." I just smiled at him and rolled my eyes when his back was away from me. "Thanks" I sat on the ground and listened to my C.D. player for a bit until everyone came to the studio. As soon as Joey and the actress got there we started. The choreography was rather funny in the aspect that the girl had a strong ballet background, My strongest style was Jazz and Joey's was hip-hop/pop from his concerts. So the way we executed the simplest steps looked very different. The Choreographer never seemed to be irritated by it but he mentioned it a couple times, as we all had to do a step or two in unison. As the night ended I walked up to Joey who was met by Lance in the doorway like always. "Hey Joe." "Oh hey Scott. What's up?" "What are you doing tomorrow?" I prayed that he wouldn't be busy "A friend of mine is in town and we were going to spend some time together. Why?" Well God was now effectively on my black list. "No reason, I have nothing planned tomorrow and thought it would be cool if we hung out together." "Oh I'm sorry Scott, I would honestly like to." "It's cool." I said with my best fake smile trying to hide my disappointment. "Hey, I just got a really great idea! Why don't you, Lance and J.C hang out tomorrow?" "I don't know if Lance or J.C would want to..." "Sure they would, wouldn't you Lance? I mean just yesterday you were telling me about how you had nothing going on for the next couple days, so it would be perfect!" Joe exclaimed excitedly. Lance finally spoke 'That would be cool if you don't mind Scott." Mind? No way. He was a nice guy and I liked him so it would be fun. "Sure! I would like that!" "What time tomorrow?" "My house at 11:30" "Great!" I left rehearsal wondering what we could do to keep our selves busy. We didn't have rehearsal tomorrow because it was just a music review and we knew our music well. I knew we could do the Lunch thing watch a movie at one of our places and that was all I had. I climbed into bed that night stumped and feeling sorry for Lance because he would be so bored the next day and it would be my fault. The next morning I got up around eight and eat and cleaned up. The house was pretty torn but not too bad to clean up because I just put Will's stuff in his room. He was already gone for the day and wouldn't be home until six o'clock p.m. He lift a note on the fridge that reminded me the rent was due and for me to leave my portion on the on the counter for him tomorrow. I made a mental not as I wiped down our kitchen counter. I had just sat down when the doorbell had rung. I smiled knowing full well who it is. I answered the door and there were Lance and J.C. "Hey guys come on in." "Thanks" "No problem" They came in and just stood. I looked at them funny and said . "Take of your coat and stay awhile" "What?" J.C asked. I soon started laughing at his confusion. "I'm sorry, it was thing my mom used to say to me if I kept my coat on." I smirked' Can I take your guy's coats?" "Sure." They both said in unison as they took them off and handed them to me. "Would you both like 7-up?" They both nodded and said thank you and were so polite. I really they appreciated them even though I could tell they were both a little nervous with me. 'You don't have to be nervous with me. I mean even though you don't know me that well, I'm a nice guy, honest." I laughed. They both chuckled a bit. And Lance said. "It's not that we're nervous or anything like that. We know you're not using us or anything like that because Joey told us you were a good guy. Surprisingly enough Joey has an uncanny judge of character. ""I blushed a bit and sipped my drink. "Thanks it's nice to know that you at least trust me for the main part." Then J.C asked the dreaded question "So what's the plan for today?" I shrugged sheepishly "I had a few idea but they are pretty stupid" "Give yourself more credit, try it on us" J.C smiled "Yeah, shoot." "Okay I thought we could always do the Lunch thing and maybe rent a movie back here. Or if you guys are feeling up to it we could play miniature golf, bowl or even try the dreaded thing known as shopping" They both laughed at my bad ominous voice that I tried to use." "Lets go miniature golfing." J.C suggested. "Ya, I wanna try the windmill." Lance said half jokingly "Okay I know a perfect place that pretty decent but doesn't get a whole lot traffic especially on a Thursday." We all agreed on the place. J.C volunteered to drive and away we went. Again I felt like I was in a very odd position. These were guys who I listened to sing for the past year or more. Whom I considered to be one of my favorite musical acts. I even had tickets for one of their upcoming shows. I was spending quality time with members on Nsync it was a dream come true. Now if only God would work on the million I need. We walked up to the office where we paid for our game and got our balls and clubs. As Lance set up for the first hole J.C turned to me. "So what other music do you like besides Madonna?" "I like so much. I really enjoy most music. The B-52's, Ace of Base, Alanis Morrisette and Tori Amos all hold a special place in my heart." I said, "I'm not a big fan of country or Rap." Lance arched an eyebrow at my comment. "You like Ace of Base and the B-52's and you don't like country." He smirked 'Talk about cheesy" He putted making the hole a par as I got up with my putter. "Hey, Leave my music alone. I know the Ace of Base and the B-52's are cheesy but I love them and at least they don't use corny pick up lines for the titles of their songs" I spat at Lance with smile. "Ouch, Low blow" Lance grimaced "How could you?" He moaned in mock pain. "You make it so easy, dear" "Dear?" J.C asked confusedly as it was his turn. "I called you dear didn't I?" I asked in dread "You sure did." Lance said with satisfaction "Please give me some more terms of endearment." I chuckled "But really, why did you call me, dear?" "I do that every once in awhile when I get comfortable with people" I mumbled slightly Lance and J.C smiled. Then J.C spoke "It's kinda like at school where you accidentally call the teacher Mom." "Exactly" I said I was a bit embarrassed. I didn't the guys long enough to even be that friendly with them. I mean they were probably only spending the day with me because they felt sorry for me. Though I don't think I mind being a charity case but, then I was interrupted. "Scott it's your hole." It was Lance. "Oh, okay" I said as I went to hole two. The rest of the time at the miniature golf course went fine. I felt like an idiot the entire time. I just said everything wrong. I mouth and my mind just never seemed to connect the boy's put up with me surpassingly well though. They even laughed at a few of my comments. As we left the golf office after finishing the last hole J.C. turned to me. "Thanks Scott. I had fun" "Ya me too." Lance chimed in. "You don't have to say that. It's very sweet of you. You can tell me if you were bored out of your mind." "Honestly I had fun." "Of course we did, plus I won. So I must've had a great time, right?" Lance chuckled. " Ya, I guess so." "Now what shall we do?" J.C asked "I'm sure we could catch dinner if you guys are hungry." "Sounds great! How about you Lance?" "Fine, but where to eat?" "I heard of this great Chinese place called the Mandarin Throne. Do you like Chinese food, Scott?" "I love it." I said "Great. We'll go there." Lance said "Hey I bet some of the other guys would like to come. I'll call them" Lance promptly called the other guys. I heard him saying things like" Hey this Lance...we're thinking about diner...Mandarin Throne...Yeah sure...about fifteen minutes...Just me, J.C and Scott... you know, Scott...Joey's friend... Yes from the show...okay I'll see you there...what? Oh cool...see you later Chris." J.C asked, "Who else is coming?" "Just Chris." "Oh okay, what's with the others?" "He said Joey wasn't home yet and Justin is busy other matters" "Oh I see." said J.C simply as we moved our way to the car. We hopped into the car and went to The Mandarin Throne. It was a nice place very authentic looking. Everything seemed so realistic. When we were being seated our Hostess noticed Lance and J.C and smiled big but stayed quiet. She just grinned and said how much she loved their music. The both smiled and said thank you. She brought our Menus and left. It was nice that she didn't freak out or anything. Everything looked so wonderful. I loved Chinese food so much. This place didn't just serve Mandarin but it served Hunan and few other Chinese styles of food. Chris soon came walking in the door. The waitress quickly seated us with him. He grabbed a menu and started scanning. "Hey, guys" "Hey Chris" We all said in unison. "So what are we having?" "A number 5" Lance said pointing to a beef combination "Number 17 for me" I said. It was a sweet and sour chicken combination. "Ya, me too" J.C chimed in. "Well I'm going to have to go with Lance on this one." Chris smiled The waitress came by and took our orders she left her card with us. She told us if we needed anything just to ask her. Chris smiled slyly at the girl and I chuckled. "What?" "I saw that look." I laughed "Excuse but I believe I'm allowed to shop around." He smirked "Speaking of which, Scott, do you have anyone in your life?" J.C mused. Oh god, how I wanted to scream yes I'm secretly infatuated with one of your best friends. I would love to spend forever with him just so that he'd be near and so I could look in those eyes of him. I wanted to shriek that his very essence and being enraptured me. But common sense won me over. "None, I have no one." I stated "I don't see why not you're a nice enough guy." Chris said "Thanks I think, even though I don't think I like the idea of being nice enough." I laughed "Don't worry Scott, that's me too." Lance smiled The waitress swung by and we ordered. She reminded us that her name was Caitlin and if we needed anything we should let her know. I knew she just wanted a big tip but when you work in job with tips you do what you can. "So how's the show going?" J.C asked his blue eyes meeting mine. "Good. Hopefully." "That's doesn't sound positive." Lance smiled "It is positive. I'm a just a bit nervous. That's all." "It's understandable." "So what have you guys been up to with all this time off?" I asked "What time off?" Chris asked in sarcasm "Seriously, it hasn't seemed we've had much at all. This is my first free day in awhile. I've been so busy with Freelance and Nsync." Lance said as he sipped his water. "And you're spending your day with me? I feel so privileged." I smiled "Well consider yourself lucky" J.C smiled "Oh I do" We spent most of the rest of the time talking and laughing. I was glad they all had a sense of humor and that they could put up with my sarcasm that sometimes could be so evident without me meaning it to be. I did gain an insight of all the guys though. Lance is thought of the shy one. The fact is that he really isn't all that shy he is just softer then most of the rest of the guy. Lance is stable and always the one to ask if you have a question about the group because he knows what's going on. Lance knows that he is famous but doesn't act it and that's what I respect most about him. J.C is one special character. He is so eccentric. One minute he is loud and full of energy but the next he quiet and thoughtful. He seems to go one spectrum to another that what makes him so amusing to be around. He loves what he does and is passionate about people. He cares what people think and how they are doing and that's inspiring in it's self. Chris reminds me of an older brother. He is sarcastic, wisecracking and sweet. Though he doesn't act as the protector (J.C's area) he makes sure everyone is good and that things don't get two terribly tense. He is diplomatic and thoughtful when it comes to listening people. His perception about people is amazing sometimes. We finished our meal and headed back to home. They dropped me off and told me they had a really great time. I did too and I told them of course. It was great to get to spend time with them and hopefully I built on some friendships. ~~~~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~~ Hey every body please write me!! at Hypnos31@aol.com

Next: Chapter 6

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