Warmest Eyes

By moc.loa@13sonpyH

Published on Apr 5, 2000


Hey all!!!! Thank for reading my story. First of let me warn those who want a sex story this isn't one. It's more of love story. PLease tell me what you think at Ganymede31@yahoo.com. I would appreciate it

dearly. Please be nice I'm new to this. Okay here goes with all the disclaimers.

Please do not read this if under 18 years of age. Please I do not mean to imply anything about any of the memebers of Nsync. If they're not gay, okay then but, if they are more power to them.

Shout outs..

Kyle~ Thanks for all your help. It was wonderful and your stories are great! In this one I will not break J.C's heart. Oh, ya thanks for keeping me sane. ; )

Bill~ Thank you for being so great from the beginning your writing has inspired me.

Jay~ Hey. THank you for writing and cahtting with me. It was great!

To all of those who wrote me~ Thank you!!! You were so sweet to me I appreciate it so much!! Please keep on writing! I'm sorry that this chapter took even longer then the last. But what can I do. I'm in the middle of show. I should be able to write more when the show ends. Which is soon. Still Thank you.

Please read other great stories such as " Extreme Nsync"," not ment to be" and "Studio in the country"

Here we go!!!

"I guess we had nothing to worry about." I shrugged "Guess not. Oh well, at least we're here." Joey said as he took out his script and plopped himself against a wall. He started going through lines. I walked over to where Kyle was sitting. He seemed to be going over some stuff but I decided to interrupt him anyway. "Hey Kyle" "Hey Scotty What's up?" " Nothing really...I thought I was late" I said "Nope you're not. The choreographer isn't even here yet." He said with an irritated sigh. "Really? How odd..." I said " Well, we'll deal until he gets here. So what did you do today?" "Joey and I worked on our song together at a studio." I said trying not to sound too excited. " You and Joey?" he smiled" hmmmm" He thought out loud " Shut up!" I laughed "Our relationship is totally platonic. Besides he's not even gay." I explained thinking I was being perfectly logical. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" Kyle smiled using a Virgo truism. "Of course not... " I smiled "Have you told him yet?" " I don't think I'm going to tell him..." "What?" "Telling someone that you are gay is hard thing for both parties. What if he reacts badly or explodes? What If he calls me a fag?" I shuddered then I went on. "What if I loose a friend that I have barely attained, I don't want to jeopardize that, Kyle. I have barely become comfortable with myself let alone expect an almost complete stranger to." "It's your choice Scott." Kyle said simply "Thanks for understanding Kyle." "No problem, I've been down this road already, remember? I'm here for support." "Ya I know, and you'll never know how much I appreciate it." I smiled "Oh I know, Scott. Hey you'd better go get changed." I glanced down at my clothes and nodded. I quickly walked over to the bathroom and changed in to a pair of shorts and a loose shirt so I could dance in them. I put on my Jazz shoes on sat down against a wall close to Joe and stretched. Joe looked over to me and smiled. I smiled back and asked. "So how's the book?" I said with a joke. He looked up from his script and laughed lightly. "Fine... just fine." He said. I smiled and went back to my stretches until Joe interrupted me. "Hey Scott?" "Yes?" I responded as I stretched my arm over my head. "Did you have a good time at dinner?" " Ya, it was great. Thanks again. " I said "No problem." Joe's voice seemed to drop off at the end like he was upset or something. "Why do you ask?' I inquired "No reason really...It just seemed like you wanted to get out of there in a hurry." I was shocked. I didn't mean to make it seem like that. The truth is I would have stayed forever in that restaurant if only Joe was there. "Joe, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to sound like that. I loved dinner, honest. It was just I thought we were late. I can get fairly anal about being on time. It's been that way ever since I was really young. I feel awful." " Oh no, don't feel like that. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. So you really did enjoy yourself?" He asked with his eyes brightening. "Of course, I had an awesome time." "Okay I'm just making sure." "I am very sorry Joe." "Don't worry about. We'll just have to break you of that habit, won't we since we will spending some time together and all." My heart jumped when Joe said this. The idea of spending more time with Joe was quite pleasing. The Choreographer then came rushing through the door. He looked fairly frazzled. He must have known that he was late. He looked around the room .he wore a shirt that said If dance was any easier it would be football. Walked over and spoke to Kyle nodded. "Alright everyone please get onstage for warm ups. Thank you." He said with an authoritative tone to his voice. I smirked at him as I got on to the stage. The Choreographer put in C.D. Shadow boxer by Fiona Apple came on. We stretched slowly. I could feel my body just shed days of stress. " I miss Dancing. I should take up lessons again." I thought. I glanced over at Joey and he looked irritated. I shook my head. He would soon appreciate stretching. At that moment I almost forgot that Joey danced all the time because of his concerts. He was probably bored. Soon Putting the Damage on by Tori Amos came on. I grinned wide. Putting the Damage on was on of my favorite songs and held a lot of meaning to me. After our warm up the Choreographer, whose name was Ben, told us that we would be blocking Jane's dream. The character of Jane was my character's sister and Joey's character's wife. So we were both involved. The Dance started with the actress who played my character's sister dancing alone. I soon joined her. First the music is lively and free. Then I froze and Joe's character came into the dance. He and the actress started to dance sweetly. He danced to the happy music as well. Then we all danced together. Together our moves were very close to each other's but the were opposite. I was on the left, Joe on the right and the actress was in the middle. Then there was a music change. The notes got harder and faster then it got more fearsome. Finally at the music climax there was huge cymbal crash and we both fell to the floor. The actress tried to help us both up. Then the others came on doing a dance to represent them as the military. Joe was picked up by them and joined to represent he was drafted. They came to where I was sitting but I got up and danced away doing something totally different and unsynchronized with them. These steps showed that I had dodged the draft then I danced off. After I had left stage the actress danced by herself. She did a graceful dance that conveyed a loss for her husband and brother. The remorse and sorrow could be seen her every movement. The group representing the army continued to dance behind her, slowly, silently and poignantly. She soon moved to the side of the stage and collapsed in anguish. The music started to raise into another climax. The army dancers got more intense. It seemed every movement they did had a purpose. At the high point of the music there were multiple cymbal crashes. After each crash a solider fell to the ground. Joe was the last to fall. The actress moved her way over to Joe's body and sobbed over his dream death. Then there was blackout, which represented the dream, was over. Everyone's eyes were huge after we listened to Ben explain it. I was glad he started with the dancers who player the play army, that ment I got to watch. As he instructed I paid close attention trying to absorb as much information as possible. The dancer who played the army all had the dancer build, sleek, lithe and graceful. I watched with envious eyes as they moved with ease. I was so entranced by them I didn't even notice a person sit next to me. "So, how much longer do you have?" the voiced asked. I jumped. I didn't expect it. I almost started laughing "About 20 minutes." I looked at my watch then I looked at the individual. I saw a pair of the most mesmerizing green eyes. They weren't warm, like Joe's; they did however have a surreal quality to them. It was Lance. "Thanks. Sorry Scott, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled I laughed too. "It's cool." I replied." Lance must be here to pick up Joe." I thought. Then it occurred to me. We only had 20 minutes and he hadn't even got to us. I sighed. Another 10 minutes passed by before Ben called the three of us over. When he did he basically blocked all of our entrances. Which wasn't too difficult. He looked at his watch and shook his head. "Sorry, people. It's time to go. We'll finish this next time." We all nodded. Joe saw Lance standing there and smiled. "I feel like I have a chauffeur service." "Which is funny considering we took the car here." I laughed "You know you're right!" Joe walked over to Lance "Hey, Lance how'd you get here?" continued Joe, Lance just smirked. "J.C dropped me off to tell you that we are all going clubbing. I'm here to ride with you." He smiled. "Cool. I'm so there. First I'd like a shower, okay?" "No prob. Hey Scott would you like to come?" Lance asked me "I was just going to ask that." Joey stated "Come on, Scott it will be fun!" He said with a wide grin. I thought about it for a minute. Why not! "Sure I'd like to go. On the same token as Joey I'd like to go to my apartment to shower and change as well." Lance looked at his watch impatiently "well, okay..." "Wait, I have a better idea. Scott, your clothes looked fine the ones you wore at dinner. So why don't you just use Lance's shower in his room?" "That's cool." I said, " Is that okay Lance?" "That's a great idea and it will save us quite a bit of time." "Good." I said. We got into the car and drove to their hotel. Joey drove and Lance let me sit shotgun. I was excited to say the least. It wasn't only because I was hanging out with the guys from Nsync. It was deeper then that. It must have been because I was making a friendship that I felt was going to last. When two people just click it's nice. I'm glad it happened between Joe and me. But at the same time I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen when the show ended. I didn't even want to fathom the idea that we wouldn't talk again. It's not like we'd become best friends or anything like that. It was just nice to have some to talk to who had the same interests. We arrived at hotel rather quickly. We all got up and headed up to their rooms. They had an entire floor set aside for them. Their rooms were rather nice, big and spacious. As soon as we arrived on the floor Joe quickly zipped to his room. I looked at Lance who smirked and opened his door. He turned on a light. "There is Hotel Shampoo and soap in there for you. I'm positive there's enough towels. You can borrow a brush if you like..." "Thanks, but I think I got one," I said as I rummaged through my bag. I found it and smiled but swiftly went back to digging around in my bag. "Now what?" Lance groaned "Sorry I just can't find my gel." I said quite irritated with myself being so scattered. Lance walked in the bathroom and came back with a fairly large container of gel. "Here, use as much as you want" He said as he pushed me into the bathroom "Thanks, Lance" "No problem, you can really thank me by hurrying up!" "Okay, okay" I laughed I promptly got in the shower and cleaned myself up. After I was done I spiked my hair in front like I normally did. I searched around in my dance bag and found my deodorant. Thank God for that. I also found my cologne, which surprised me because I didn't remember throwing it into my bag, I shrugged and sprayed. I was done. I came out of the bathroom and found Lance reading. He looked up from his book. "Wow, you were quite fast, it only took you fifteen minutes." "Thanks" I said as I handed him his gel back. "You are even done before Joe." "Well, you must all take time with your appearance. It must be like every time you're out, you have to be ready for photographers and stuff." I said "Not actually. We're not like that. We come as we are. Take us or leave us." He shrugged "Cool, It's nice to know you guys are real." I said "Imagine that!" Lance grinned sarcastically. I started laughing "Hey Lance, you are rather funny." "I think so" Just as Lance had said that Joe came in the door. He came in wearing a blue shirt that was really shiny almost holographic looking and a pair of what looked like black slacks. He was smiling that brilliant smile of his. His hair in perfect place, messy yet still neat. He looked great. Every girl in place and a few guys would be all over him. "Do I look good?" Joe asked "Wow" was all I could say. "What?" he asked with a smirk on his face "I mean, Wow what a cool shirt. You'll be the life of the party." I lied "Oh. Thanks I picked it up last time we had some free time." "Joey, you look great, let's go." Lance announced as he stood up and pushed us out the door. We both laughed as we were practically herded to the car by Lance. We got in and I got nervous. I had never met the other member of Nsync other then, J.C and Lance. What if the other guys didn't like me? What if they didn't like musical theater? I anxiously looked out the window and noticed it was raining. I would take that as a sign. I let the rain wash all my fears away clean like the it did to the air.

Next: Chapter 4

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