Washington Academy

By Jacob Latson

Published on Oct 10, 2006



This story will describe the life of Robert David Mathews from his time as a teenager, through prep school, and into military service. If stories involving sex between consenting teenagers, including both straight sex and gay sex, offends you, go back to the Archives and pick a different story for your reading pleasure. There has been minimal research for this story therefore, names, places, dates are mostly fictitious and similarities to real life are coincidental. Some companies and organizations mentioned actually exist, but references to the activities, policies, programs and procedures are fictitious. I was not a SEAL and have limited knowledge of the force. I am writing this story from imagination and a little research, not from personal experience.

My editor, Bill, is a dedicated friend. His improvements in my writing style are greatly appreciated.

Feedback is appreciated to Jacob_latson@hotmail.com

Washington Academy Chapter 17 Tribute and Changes

Everyone on the campus of the George Washington Academy was excited about the coming weekend when the new plebes would arrive and a special meeting was called. Vincent Brown had welcomed several visitors to the campus, and directed Michael Edwards, Personnel Director, to handle a multitude of television and newspaper reporters. All of the visitors were in the Amphitheatre when Vincent Brown, Chancellor of the Academy, walked up to the lectern and collection of microphones. The area in front of the stage was packed with reporters and camera operators, and he knew that several television stations were making live broadcasts. It was a great opportunity for the Academy to display the unique educational program to the entire nation.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" Vincent Brown announced. "My name is Vincent Brown, and I have the honor of being the Chancellor for the George Washington Academy. Before we introduce our distinguished guests, it's my privilege to introduce to our visitors, THE CADETS OF THE GEORGE WASHINGTON ACADEMY!"

The visitors had wondered why the Amphitheatre was empty for this important event, and were physically startled by the rhythmic beating of snare drums. Doors leading to the Amphitheatre quickly opened and cadets dressed in their white uniforms streamed in from all directions. It was a breathtaking parade of handsome cadets marching in step to the incessant beating of the drums to take positions in the rows of the main seating area.

When all of the cadets were standing in front of their seats, Vincent Brown, dressed in his Army General uniform, saluted the cadets and said, "Gentlemen, be seated!"

The visitors, all except one young boy, were awestruck by the loud drumbeats and the precision marching of the cadets. Camera operators tried to capture the way the cadets marched in step and mechanically turned when they reached a position in the Amphitheatre, and the announcers tried to add their comments to the live broadcasts without disturbing the ceremonies.

"I'd like to introduce some special visitors to our Academy," Vincent began.

"Please welcome Tom and Judy Wilson, their daughter Julie, and a special young boy, Toby!"

The Amphitheatre erupted with the sounds of cheers, whistles and applause for the Wilson family. Everyone could see that Amanda had her arm in a cast, and that little Toby seemed oblivious to all of the activities and noise in the large meeting room. Toby was playing with a toy truck, and ignored all of the distractions around him.

"Please welcome Richard Denehey, Sheriff of Alger County, who asked to speak to all of you on this important day," Vincent Brown announced.

Sheriff Denehey walked up to the lectern and briefly described how he had come to the Academy to solicit volunteers to search for a missing boy: Toby Wilson. He described the rescue attempts and the actions of Tracker Whitestone and Guy Stephens that saved the boy's life.

"It's my pleasure to introduce to you, the Governor of the State of Michigan, the honorable John M. English," Sheriff Denehey announced.

Video cameras were rolling and flash bulbs were popping when the Governor walked up to the lectern to address the crowd.

"It's always a pleasure to be here on this beautiful campus," Governor English said to the crowd. "Today I have the honor of recognizing this fine academy for a tremendous contribution to the State of Michigan in community service, and to also recognize a very special young man. First, I would like Chancellor Brown to come up to join me."

Vincent Brown knew that he would be accepting an award from the Governor, but didn't know what it would be. He walked up to the lectern and accepted the applause and cheers of his cadets.

"On behalf of the citizens of the State of Michigan, it is my honor to present to the George Washington Academy this award," Governor English began. "I'll read what is engraved on this special plaque. 'Presented to the George Washington Academy for the outstanding contribution of over 21,000 hours of community service to the people of the State of Michigan during May of 1993'. On behalf of the State, I thank you, your cadets, and your support staff."

Everyone was cheering and applauding when Chancellor Brown accepted the plaque that would be placed in the trophy case in Grant Hall. Everyone except Toby Wilson, who continued to play with his toy truck like he was alone in his backyard or bedroom.

"And now, it's with great pleasure that I ask Cadet Third Class Tracker Whitestone to come up on this stage!" Governor English continued.

The audience erupted again with applause, cheers and whistles when Tracker walked up the steps to the stage. Toby Wilson was still playing with his toy when he saw Tracker coming up on the stage. The special boy jumped out of his chair, threw his toy down, and ran towards the handsome cadet.

Tracker was nervous about being in front of so many cameras and people, and hoped he wouldn't stumble and fall on the steps. He wasn't ready for a small boy running towards him, but quickly tried to brace himself.

Toby Wilson ignored everything in the Amphitheatre until he recognized the handsome cadet who had carried him out of the gully near the campgrounds. He squealed with joy at seeing his rescuer and jumped into Tracker's arms and hugged his savior. The flash bulbs were popping when Toby hugged Tracker and planted several kisses on Tracker's cheek. It was a "Kodak Moment" that would be printed in several newspapers and magazines, and would also be broadcast on many television news programs.

Tracker tried to carry Toby back to the chair near his parents, but the little boy wouldn't let go of his special friend. Tracker decided that he would carry Toby up to where the Governor was waiting for him.

"I think you have a young admirer!" Governor English laughed. "I don't think Toby wants to be put down, so I'll be brief in my presentation. On behalf of the State of Michigan, it is my honor to present to Tracker Whitestone, the John McCoy Life Saving Award! This award is rarely given to people who have shown courage and dedication in the saving of the life of a citizen of the State of Michigan, and includes this medal that I'm now giving to Tracker Whitestone!"

Tracker was trying to choke back his tears of emotion when the Governor held out the medal attached to a long ribbon and put it around his neck. His emotions changed to joy when Toby lifted the ribbon so it went around his neck too.

The Governor laughed at the exuberance of the little boy in wanting to be included in the ceremonies before continuing, "I think I'll ask Chancellor Brown to accept the plaque, since Cadet Whitestone seems to have his hands filled with a happy little boy! I've been the Governor of the State of Michigan for six years, and this is only the second time that I've had the pleasure of making this presentation. The plaque says, 'Presented to Tracker Whitestone for exceptional service to the State of Michigan by saving the life of Toby Wilson. Awarded on May 24, 1993'."

The Amphitheatre was filled with the sounds of applause, cheers and whistles from the crowd showing their approval of the exceptional honor. The cadets streamed toward the stage after Chancellor Brown announced that they were dismissed. Everyone wanted to congratulate Tracker for gaining recognition for his heroism.

The entire campus was filled with excitement over the awards presented by the Governor, and celebrated the public attention. On the Friday before the new plebes would arrive, the cadets had another meeting in the Amphitheatre with the Academy Staff. Every cadet had an assignment, and Robbie and Tracker were excited to learn that they would be assigned to one of the Registration tables.

On Saturday morning, the new plebes started to arrive. The campus was in perfect condition, with the lawns freshly mowed and the floors of every building glistening from the new coats of wax.

Drew walked up to the door of a car that had arrived at the front of Grant Hall, and professionally welcomed the new plebe and his parents.

"My name is Cadet First Class Andrew Anderson, and I welcome you to the George Washington Academy," Drew said while opening the car door for the lady passenger. "This is Cadet First Class Keith Philips, Cadet Second Class Jerome Landry, and Cadet Third Class Patrick Leahy. Please tell me your name."

The formal introductions would be repeated several times by the teams of four cadets who had been assigned to welcome the new arrivals. Things were going well until three cars arrived at the same time. Even Drew and Keith were shocked when they saw the sizes of the two cadets that got out of the first two cars. Knowing that the new plebes would be either 14 or 15 years of age, the welcoming cadets were startled to see two guys that were 6 feet 5 inches tall and looked to weigh over 250 pounds each.

Drew was opening the door of the third car to arrive when he overheard a teenaged boy talking to his parents.

"HOLY SHIT! EVERYONE'S HUGE! I CAN'T STAY HERE! THEY'LL KILL ME!" the anxious boy blurted out. "Take me back home!"

Drew looked around and quickly realized that all of the cadets assigned to welcome the plebes were football players, and didn't properly represent the diverse population of the Academy. The boy making the comments was about 5 feet 8 inches tall and probably didn't weigh 120 pounds. No wonder he was intimidated by the size of the cadets and the arriving plebes!

Mark Jenkins was out of the car, but he pulled his parents aside and continued to argue with them. He was firmly convinced that he could never compete athletically with the huge teens, and begged his parents to take him home.

"Get Robbie and Trip out here!" Drew told Keith. "We screwed up by only having big guys out here to welcome the plebes!"

"Excuse me please," Drew said to the Jenkins family. "I just realized that we only have football players on the welcome groups, and I assure you that not every cadet is as large as we are."

Mark Jenkins was embarrassed that the handsome cadet had heard his comments to his parents, and wished that he could evaporate. He had read the Academy brochure and recognized Andrew Anderson from the feature article on athletics.

When Drew saw Robbie and Trip coming out of the building, he said, "I'd like you to meet my Little Brother, Cadet Third Class Robert Mathews, and his buddy, Cadet Third Class Carson Masterson III, known around here as Trip."

"You're cadets?" Mark Jenkins asked in shock. Robert Mathews was about 5 feet 11 inches tall and the other cadet was only 5 feet 6 inches tall! The guy known as Trip was shorter than he was!

"My friends call me Robbie!" Robbie said while shaking the hand of the new arrival. He could feel the sweat on Mark Jenkins' hand and could feel the young guy shaking.

"My full name is Carson Winthrop Masterson the Third, but everyone calls me Trip!" Trip added while shaking Mark's hand. "Not everyone around here is a big doofus like these two cadets!"

Mark laughed along with his parents. They were all relieved to meet two cadets who were under six feet tall and didn't weigh at least 235 pounds.

Drew turned to Keith and made a motion with his hands that told his buddy to make a switch in the assignment of Big Brother for Mark Jenkins. Keith understood the signal from Drew and quickly returned to the Reception Tables to find out who would be assigned to mentor Mark Jenkins. He knew that the First Class Cadets could change the assignments under special circumstances, and linked Trip with the new arrival.

Mark was feeling better about enrolling in the Academy after meeting Robbie and Trip, but still wondered if he would be able to complete the Summer Training and Hell Week. He was a cross-country runner and knew that he would be one of the smallest guys to start the Academy.

Normally the parents would be asked to release their son to the cadets, but Drew could sense that Mark Jenkins still wasn't comfortable with his new environment. He talked in private with Keith and they decided to include Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins with parts of the orientation tour. The two cadets also moved some smaller cadets from the Registration Tables to replace the football players in the welcome groups.

"My name is Cadet First Class Thomas Kosmanski, and I welcome you to the George Washington Academy," Tom said while standing and shaking the hand of the new arrival. "May I please have your name so I can determine who your guide will be for the Orientation Tour?"

Mark Jenkins was thrilled when Tom searched the computer database and announced, "Your guide is right here with you! Cadet Third Class Carson Masterson will be your guide, but you better get used to calling him Trip."

Trip was elated when he heard that he would be the mentor for the handsome young teen. Mark had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, and could only be described as HOT!

"How did that happen?" Robbie asked Tom after Mark and his parents left with Trip.

"Keith and Drew made it happen," Tom replied. "The kid was ready to bolt out of here! We've had some other small guys arrive earlier, but the ones that just got here are all huge! The Academy better hire some more help in Food Services, or you and I will starve if these plebes beat us to the tables!"

"Mathews and Whitestone!" Derrick Harmon said. "I need to talk to both of you!"

Robbie and Tracker were supposed to be on Registration Tables, but quickly turned their duties over to other cadets to talk to Mr. Harmon.

"I should have talked to you guys earlier, but I got tied up with some crap in my office," Mr. Harmon apologized. "My two nephews will be arriving shortly, and I asked that you two guys be assigned to be their mentors. I have to warn you that Jake and Jon are big guys who fight with each other at the drop of a hat. They're great kids and need the discipline that we provide here. They're both fantastic athletes and excellent students, but they always seem to get in trouble because of their tempers. I don't expect any special treatment for them, but I wanted two guys who can steer them in the right direction."

Robbie and Tracker were excited to meet the twin nephews of Derrick Harmon, and wondered just how big the identical twins would be. They didn't have to wait long to find out.

"My name is Jacob Bluestone, but my friends call me Jake!" a tall teen announced to Tom Kosmanski. "The jerk next to me is my younger brother, Jonathan!"

Tom Kosmanski looked up and was shocked to see identical twins that were 6 feet 10 inches tall and looked to weigh 260 pounds each.

"My name's Jonathan Bluestone, but my friends call me Elwood!" the other teen began. "The dipshit next to me is two minutes older than me, but I'm smarter and kick his ass all the time!"

"We're the Blues Brothers!" the twins said in unison.

Tom Kosmanski laughed when he realized that the two handsome teens wanted to be called Jake and Elwood, just like Dan Akroyd and John Belushi in the classic movie, "The Blues Brothers".

"Boys!" Derrick Harmon exclaimed when he recognized his two nephews. His sister had talked to him for several years about having her two sons attend the prestigious academy, and her dreams were coming true.

"UNCLE DERRICK!" the twins said in unison.

"It's Mr. Harmon from now on!" Derrick said while hugging his nephews. "Welcome to the Academy!"

Robbie and Tracker were introduced to the two giants, and couldn't believe the size of the hands that were offered to them for handshakes.

"I'm only gonna say this once to you two," Derrick Harmon began when the four young men left the Registration Tables. "Your tempers have to be controlled, or you'll both be hauled off this campus so fast that you'll think your boxers were hooked on the front gate! I'm a member of the Staff, but I won't intercede if you get in trouble for fighting. You're both assigned to the Jefferson Dormitory, but we'll separate you if you cause any trouble. I'll be humiliated if you guys get expelled, so listen to these two cadets and do what they say!"

"My Big Brother's a hero!" Jake said to Elwood. "We saw him on television and in the newspapers!"

My Big Brother is the Martial Arts Champion!" Elwood snapped back. "He'll kick your ass if you mess with me!"

"Knock it off you two!" Robbie said to the twins. He had been thrilled when he learned that he would get a Little Brother, but these two teens were going to be a handful to control.

"The fastest way to expulsion is to fight with another cadet!" Tracker added. "Do you guys always argue and fight?"

"We love each other," Jake admitted. "We're both very competitive but never really hurt each other."

"Jake's right," Elwood added. "The only time we lose control is when someone tries to hurt one of us. We got suspended from one Middle School when some gang members tried to beat up Jake. We kicked the shit out of all six of them before some teachers broke up the fight, and our parents had to get a lawyer to get us re-instated."

"Do you think it would be better if you guys were in different dorms?" Robbie asked. "Maybe you need to be separated so you don't fight with each other."

"NO!" both teens replied. They both promised to stay out of trouble and didn't want to be separated.

"The first step if you guys fight with each other will be separation," Tracker advised. "Any serious infraction of the Honor Code will get you hauled in front of the Tribunal! Robbie and I don't want to have our Little Brothers get in trouble or be expelled. It's our job to help you get through Summer Training and Hell Week, so do your part and we'll have a lot of fun."

"When can we go to town and meet some girls?" Jake asked.

"We're both horny!" Elwood added.

Robbie and Tracker rolled their eyes and wondered if they would survive the first weekend with the two huge teens. Jake and Elwood would challenge both of them in the coming weeks.

Robbie was surprised to learn that neither Jake nor Elwood could swim. Knowing that Hell Week would include completion of a long distance swim, Robbie and Tracker started working with the "Twin Towers" in private swimming lessons. The bonds of friendship grew stronger when both twins were finally able to swim the width of the indoor swimming pool. To celebrate their vital accomplishment, Robbie and Tracker took their Little Brothers to town for a meal and visit to a mall. The tall twins attracted a lot of attention from the people in the restaurant and mall, especially from the teenaged girls. Robbie was surprised to see Lisa Watson walking with a girlfriend, and quickly called to her.

Lisa knew that Robbie had been busy at the Academy, but was still upset that he hadn't called her for a date for several weeks. She knew that Robbie had dated several of her girlfriends and also knew that most of her friends had "scored" with the handsome cadet. She ran up to Robbie and was impressed with the tall twin brothers. After a brief conversation, Lisa made it clear to both Jake and Elwood that she and her girlfriend wanted to have sex.

Any plans for shopping were quickly changed when Lisa said that her parents were out of town, and she could call some of her friends for an impromptu party. On the way to Lisa's home, Robbie made sure that Jake and Elwood knew the rules about sexual adventures.

"Don't ask don't tell!" Robbie said emphatically. "That goes for other cadets if they aren't your close friends, but it especially applies to the Administration. Tracker and I can get in trouble if your uncle finds out that we took you to a party in town, so just go with the flow. Lisa loves to fuck, but her girlfriends might hold out until the next date, so don't let 'the little head do the thinking for the big one!' Be cool and you might get your nuts cracked tonight!"

The four cadets only had about 3 hours before they had to be back on the Campus, but they made the most of it. Robbie had seen the twins nude when they showered at the pool and during the times when they changed clothes together, but he had never seen the twins with erections. Both guys had "average" sized equipment when it was soft, but Mother Nature had given both of them "growers" when they were aroused. A total of six girls were at Lisa's home and within the first ten minutes, all of the girls had removed their tops to expose their breasts.

Jake and Elwood were in heaven when the girls started flashing their firm tits in their faces. Both of them popped wood, and they wasted no time in licking and sucking the nipples that were shoved in their faces. The girls were horny, and quickly started undressing the four cadets to really get the party going.

Robbie was glad that he had a large supply of condoms in the console of his Blazer, and made sure that everyone would use them if they got lucky with the girls. He looked over and saw Karin pulling Elwood's erect cock out of his pants, and was surprised to see that his Little Brother's cock was at least 10 inches long and very thick. Karin was blowing Elwood while Lisa was giving Robbie the same treatment.

With six girls and only four guys, there was a temporary problem until the twins grabbed the extra girls and started eating them out. The twins were sitting on the leather sofa with Karin and Elaine sucking their cocks, and Cassie and Melanie stood on the couch to put their juicy cunts on the faces of the twins. The room was filled with the sounds of slurping and moaning and the unmistakable aroma of sexual fluids. Before the four cadets left the home, they had each blown their load at least three times, and all six girls had come at least twice.

"Lisa's a wild one!" Elwood exclaimed to Robbie on the drive back to the Academy. "You must have made her cum four times in less than an hour! If this is what we get for swimming the width of the pool, imagine what will happen when we swim the length!"

"Remember what I said about 'don't ask don't tell!" Robbie warned. "What would your uncle say if he knew that you guys just got laid?"

"We've always been honest with Uncle Derrick," Jake said. "Our parents were too afraid to talk to us about sex, so Uncle Derrick took over. We both fucked a neighbor girl when we were 12, and the only thing he ever said was 'use a rubber'!"

"It's hard to call him Mr. Harmon," Elwood admitted. "We've messed up a few times already, but he just laughs and cuffs us on the back of the head."

When the group got back to the Campus, Derrick Harmon met them on the front steps of the Jefferson Dormitory. He knew that his nephews had gone to town, and wanted to find out about the trip. "Did you boys have a good time in town?" he asked.

"This should answer that question!" Elwood said while tossing a pair of bikini panties to his uncle.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Robbie blurted out when he saw Mr. Harmon catch the lacy panties. He had warned the twins to keep quiet and feared that all four of them would be put on detention. He didn't know that Elwood had taken the panties from one of the girls, and never dreamed that his Little Brother would toss them to a member of the administration. He was shocked when Mr. Harmon grabbed HIM by the front of his shirt and pinned him against the wall of the dorm.

"Either you control him or I will!" Derrick Harmon yelled at Robbie. "You and Tracker are supposed to teach my nephews how to behave around Staff Members, but it's obvious that you're failing! I don't care if you take them into the Martial Arts Room and kick their asses black and blue, but I NEVER want this to happen again!"

Drew and Keith had just walked out of the building when they saw Mr. Harmon pinning Robbie against the wall and yelling at him. They couldn't believe their eyes, and ran up to the group. Mr. Harmon had just stormed off after throwing the panties on the ground, and Drew was livid. He didn't know if he should go after his coach and kick his ass or chew Robbie out for pissing off a Staff Member.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" Drew demanded of his Little Brother. "I've never seen Mr. Harmon grab a cadet like that! He was ready to kill you, and I need to know why!"

"It's my fault!" Elwood admitted. "About a year ago, Uncle Derrick was visiting my parents when I came home from a date. My parents were in the kitchen when he asked me how my date was, and I tossed him the girl's panties. He just laughed and tossed them back to me after making sure that I used a condom with her. I didn't think! He asked if we had a good time, and I just tossed Karin's panties to him. He snapped and I don't know why."


"Maybe I should throw these away!" Jake said while displaying the pink panties he had taken from Melanie. "I was ready to toss them to Uncle Derrick too, until I saw him go postal with Robbie!"


Robbie was livid and stormed away from the group of cadets. He wondered if he should ask to give up his role of Big Brother for Jonathan Bluestone. He'd never seen Derrick Harmon snap and physically threaten any cadet, and didn't know what to do. He needed time to think, and headed for the Quad to be alone.

"FUCK!" Elwood exclaimed. "Now I've lost my Big Brother! I really fucked up this time!"

"Let me talk to Robbie," Drew said. "He's my Little Brother, and we have a close bond. You're lucky he didn't snap and tear you apart. I was the Martial Arts Champion here at the Academy for six months until Robbie kicked my ass and if he ever 'loses it' with you, even your uncle won't be able to stop him. He needs some time to cool off, and you guys better learn from this or start packing for the trip home or a ride to the morgue!"

Drew walked across the Campus and looked for Robbie. He knew that Robbie liked to sit by the huge fountain in the center of the Quad, and wasn't surprised to find him there.

"Hey," Drew said when he sat down next to Robbie. "I think we need to talk."

"I just want to be left alone," Robbie replied.

"We're Big Brother and Little Brother, and you know the rules," Drew began. "Neither one of us can tell the other to get lost, so I'm staying right here with you."

Robbie grumbled, but knew that Drew was right. He couldn't push his Big Brother away when he was troubled, so he decided to sit and think about his options.

"Maybe Elwood needs a different Big Brother," Robbie thought out loud. "Those twins are a real handful to be around, and maybe someone else like you should take over for me."

"BULLSHIT!" Drew exclaimed. "Mr. Harmon hand picked you and Tracker for his nephews, and you can mold Elwood into a great cadet! They're both 14! They're boys in the bodies of grown men! They both think with their dicks, and want peer approval for scoring with those girls in town. It's a status thing, and very normal. Do you remember when we were at the lake and Brooke and Allison sucked and fucked both of us? You weren't bashful about bragging to Keith and Tracker about scoring, so why do you think the twins are any different?"

I didn't throw a pair of panties in Mr. Harmon's face!" Robbie replied.

"Everyone's different," Drew said. "They've done that with their uncle in the past, but he didn't go postal. They need to learn that things are different now that they're here on campus. They're both a riot to be around, but they have to learn the limits and it's your job to teach them. You're not a quitter, and I'm here to help you in any way I can. Right now I want you to get up and find Elwood to talk about what happened and how he should act in the future. He's really upset right now, and ready to quit the Academy. We can't let that happen. Mr. Harmon will be in deep shit if anyone hears what just happened, so I asked everyone to shut their fucking mouths until we sort things out."

Robbie knew that Drew was right, and he hugged his Big Brother before returning to the Jefferson Dormitory to find Elwood. He wondered if Mr. Harmon would hate him or retaliate for the incident, but he was determined to talk to Jonathan Bluestone to clear the air. When he got to the third floor, he found Elwood sitting on his bunk, trying to hide his tears from his plebe buddies.

Jake had told the other plebes to leave them alone, and was hugging his twin brother to comfort him. Many psychologists have studied the emotional connection between identical twins, and the Bluestone twins shared every emotion in life. Without talking they could share their feelings and thoughts.

"We need to talk," Robbie said to Elwood. "Let's go somewhere private."

"Are you gonna kick my ass?" Elwood asked Robbie when they got to the Break Room. "I'd feel better if you did! I really messed up this time and I'm begging you to forgive me!"

"Yes, you screwed up!" Robbie said to his Little Brother. "I've screwed up before, and my Big Brother didn't give up on me, just like I won't give up on you. All that I ask of you is to NEVER do something that stupid again! It's one thing to brag to other cadets about getting blown and laid, but we NEVER admit anything to any Staff Member, even if they ask us a direct question. DON'T ASK DON'T TELL! Maybe I should carve that in your forehead!"

"You and Tracker have been great to us," Elwood admitted. "We were both afraid to admit that we couldn't swim, but you guys kept our secret and taught us both how to swim the width of the pool. When we were three years old we were in a boating accident and nearly drowned. Uncle Derrick told us that we would have to learn to swim here, and we almost didn't come here because of it. I need your help to overcome my fear of the water, so please don't give up on me. I promise to do everything you ask of me, and I hope you won't stop being my Big Brother."

Robbie hugged his Little Brother to end their discussion. When he and Elwood walked back to the dorm room, they saw Tracker talking to Jake. The four guys cleared the air before getting ready for bed.

Early the next morning Derrick Harmon walked into Guy Stephens' office. He needed to talk to his boss about the altercation with his nephews and Robbie Mathews, and to admit what he had done.

"Jesus!" Guy said after hearing the details of the altercation. "You really fucked up! I'm obligated to report this incident to Mike Edwards, and you might be disciplined. Manhandling a cadet is definitely over the line for any member of the Administration. Any of the cadets could report what happened to Vince (Chancellor Vincent Brown) and a formal inquiry will be launched. I sure don't want to lose you!"

Derrick Harmon knew that he was in trouble, but hadn't thought about an inquiry and possibility of losing his job. His stomach rolled and he thought he was going to throw up.

Guy Stephens had to admit that he had crossed the line by losing his temper with cadets in the past, but he had never grabbed a cadet and threw him against a wall. He was very upset and tried to figure out what to do when his intercom buzzed.

"You have a group of cadets here asking to talk to Derrick Harmon", Joyce Carlin said. "I asked them to wait in the conference room until you were through talking to Derrick. Do you need my help with anything?"

Guy Stephens wondered who was waiting to talk to Derrick, and found out by talking to Joyce. All of the cadets that had witnessed the confrontation with Derrick were present, and he was afraid of what they wanted to talk about.

"Do you men mind if I sit in on this meeting?" Guy Stephens asked the cadets. He was relieved when he was allowed to attend the impromptu meeting, and closed the door of the conference room.

"I'd like to be the spokesman for this group," Robbie said. He then described the events and the desires of the cadets to clear the air with Derrick Harmon. "I know you were upset with me for not controlling my Little Brother, and I hope we can put this crap behind us."

Jonathan Bluestone tried to hold back his tears in apologizing to his uncle for the entire incident. He didn't want his uncle angry with him or his Big Brother, and tried to take all of the blame.

"I have to tell all of you that you can file charges against Mr. Harmon for physically assaulting Robbie," Guy Stephens said.

"Doesn't the Honor Code apply to situations like this?" Robbie asked.

Both Guy and Derrick were confused about Robbie's question. The Honor Code was written to explain how cadets were expected to behave both on and off the Campus, but didn't address situations between cadets and administrators.

"When Tom Kosmanski and I got into a physical confrontation, you were going to take him in front of the Tribunal until he and I worked out our problems," Robbie explained. "The Honor Code says that cadets can work out their differences to avoid formal charges, so why can't the same thing apply to all of us and Mr. Harmon?"

Guy Stephens tried to hide his elation at what Robbie was saying. If this situation could be defused, he wouldn't be obligated to notify the Personnel Director.

"We've all talked about what happened, and we all want to go forward like nothing happened," Drew added. "We know that we can't talk about this with any other cadets, and Keith and I will make sure that the 'Blues Brothers' learn to keep their fucking mouths shut about their sexual conquests!"

"I'm proud of all of you for coming here today," Guy Stephens said. "Let's seal this deal with a round of handshakes!"

Instead of handshakes, all of the cadets exchanged hugs with their two coaches before leaving the conference room.

"Can you believe that?" Derrick asked Guy after the cadets left. He was relieved that the situation was resolved, and promised to control his temper in the future.

"Robbie learned a lot from David Mathews!" Guy said. "His body language and mannerisms are identical to his uncle! It was like David was here talking to us instead of Robbie. If it wasn't so early in the day, I'd suggest that we go have a few beers to celebrate."

"How about 18 holes of golf followed by a few pitchers of beer at the West Bar?" Derrick asked.

"Let's go!" Guy replied.

The two coaches took the rest of the day off to relax after the stressful situation.

Comments are appreciated to Jacob_latson@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 18

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