Washington Academy

By Jacob Latson

Published on Nov 17, 2006



This story will describe the life of Robert David Mathews from his time as a teenager, through prep school, and into military service. If stories involving sex between consenting teenagers, including both straight sex and gay sex, offends you, go back to the Archives and pick a different story for your reading pleasure. There has been minimal research for this story therefore, names, places, dates are mostly fictitious and similarities to real life are coincidental. Some companies and organizations mentioned actually exist, but references to the activities, policies, programs and procedures are fictitious. I was not a SEAL and have limited knowledge of the force. I am writing this story from imagination and a little research, not from personal experience.

My editor, Bill, is a dedicated friend. His improvements in my writing style are greatly appreciated.

Authors Note to the Readers: Some of you might be upset at the death of Drew Anderson, but life is full of tragedies. The trials of life make us stronger, so stick with me and see what happens to the main characters. I was surprised when I read the most recent emails from my readers. They were all positive, and encouraged me to post more chapters. I may not answer your email directly, but I appreciate hearing that people are still reading my story. Thanks, Jacob

Washington Academy Chapter 26 Death Visits the Academy

Keith Phillips attended the Graduation Ceremonies, but was very concerned about Robbie's recovery. The ceremonies had been dedicated to the memory of Andrew Anderson, and the graduating cadets had to deal with a mixture of emotions. Many of them wanted to stay at the Academy to help the underclassmen deal with the loss of a natural leader, but they also had commitments to move on with their personal lives. Many were headed to the military academies, others were headed to colleges across the nation, and some planned to enlist in the military.

Vincent Brown had included a challenge in his Commencement Address. "Go forward into life the way that Andrew Anderson would want you to go. Remember him and honor his memory by excelling in your life's ambitions."

Robbie was driven back to the Academy by his aunt and uncle. David and Marie didn't want to leave Robbie alone, and were worried about his low intake of food and water. They had been assured that their nephew would be monitored around the clock, and decided to trust Dr. George Mathis and the faculty for bringing Robbie out of his denial. Their trust was wrong!

Robbie refused to attend any Academy activities, and spent most of his time sitting at the fountain in the Quad. That was the place where he and Drew went to talk about their problems, so Robbie felt closer to Drew at the fountain. He held a picture of himself and Drew in their dress white uniforms and prayed for the return of his Big Brother. God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is "No". The photo had been taken after Robbie had passed "Hell Week" and was awarded his first stripes in recognition of becoming a Cadet Fourth Class. He had other photos of Drew, but this one was the one that he cherished the most.

Keith Phillips delayed his move to California to help Robbie settle down. He was frustrated when Robbie refused to talk to him and wouldn't help him clean out Drew's locker. It took him several days before he got the courage to put Drew's personal effects in a box that would be sent to the Anderson family.

Campus Security had been alerted that Robbie was suicidal, and the entire force was on "high alert" to monitor the doors to the Jefferson Dormitory. Reports were forwarded to the Security Office whenever Robbie moved on the campus.

Trip and Tracker tried to spend every minute with Robbie, but they were frustrated when their friend refused to talk to them. They escorted Robbie to the Mess Hall, but were upset when their buddy only ate a few bites of food and a small amount of water. Robbie wasn't being nasty to them, but he simply asked to be left alone. It deeply troubled Trip and Tracker to be pushed away. Even Robbie's Little Brother, Elwood, wasn't able to break through the emotional wall that Robbie had erected.

Dr. Linda Miller was working closely with Dr. George Mathis to monitor the progress of Robert Mathews. They both feared that he would die of a broken heart and talked about the treatment options.

"I think that all of the events of the past two years are coming back to haunt Robbie," Dr. Mathis admitted to Dr. Miller. "He's been shot and had the traumatic events in Chicago and then in Kansas City to deal with, but losing his Big Brother and best friend put him into a deep depression. The medications aren't having any positive effects."

Robbie's body was deteriorating with his refusal to eat or drink. The two doctors were ready to hospitalize him and put him on heavy medications along with intravenous feeding. The Angel of Death circled the George Washington Academy.

Tracker woke up and looked across the four-man room that he shared with Trip, Robbie and Pat Leahy. Robbie's bunk was empty, and he was shocked! He quickly woke up his roommates and they searched the latrine, shower room, break room, and any other place that they thought Robbie could have gone to.

When their searches were futile, they quickly alerted David Chalmers, the faculty member and dorm monitor for the second floor of the Jefferson Dormitory.

David Chalmers was shocked to hear that Robbie was missing, and quickly alerted the Campus Security office. A brief power failure had hit the Academy, and during the loss of power, Robbie had left the dormitory when the Security cameras were shut down. All of the faculty and cadets were alerted to search for Robbie, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

"This is my fault!" Tracker sobbed to his Big Brother, Keith Phillips. "I was supposed to watch him, but I fell asleep after he did."

Keith Phillips was terrified that Robbie might commit suicide, and tried to comfort his Little Brother. They agreed to help search the campus, but knew that the obvious places had already been searched with no results.

Guy Stephens and Derrick Harmon had just finished a phone call with David and Marie Mathews, and promised to lead the search for the missing cadet. They believed that Robbie was very weak, and couldn't get far from his dormitory. When the main campus search revealed nothing, Guy Stephens asked Tracker Whitestone to use his Cherokee powers to locate their young friend.

Tracker sat in a circle with Trip, Mark Jenkins, Jake and Elwood Bluestone and the two coaches. Tracker tried to focus, but his mind was filled with a mixture of visions. Even after holding Robbie's uniform, he could only get fleeting images of his best friend.

"He couldn't walk to the woods," Tracker said to the concerned men. "I see him in his bunk and then near water or in the woods, but I can't sort out the images! I'm a total failure!"

"Come with me!" Guy Stephens ordered his best friend, Derrick Harmon. "We need to check the gate leading down to the lake for any tracks. It rained last night, but maybe we can find his tracks if he climbed the gate."

The two Navy SEALs were experts in finding tracks from their training and experiences. They were surprised to see footprints near the gate, and correctly guessed that Robbie might have made the tracks when he climbed the fence. It was hard for them to believe that Robbie had enough strength to walk to the gate and climb over, but they continued their searching. They alerted the Campus Security Forces, and quickly followed the tracks towards the lake.

After losing the trail in a gravel area, the two Navy SEALs were frustrated and afraid that they would find Robbie dead. They called for additional searchers, but didn't wait for help in finding their favorite cadet.

"Mike Edwards said that Robbie and Drew had a tent pitched near the lake on their first weekend together," Guy Stephens said. "Let's split up and search until help arrives!"

The two coaches searched for several minutes and were joined by a multitude of security officers and concerned cadets. The large group of searchers fanned out to search the lake and checked the shoreline of the lake for any footprints.

"HE'S HERE!" Derrick Harmon screamed when he found Robbie on the ground near a large maple tree. He didn't know at the time, but that was the very place where Robbie and Drew had first kissed and had sex. He lifted up the unconscious body and could barely feel a pulse. He flashed back to his days as an active SEAL, and feared that the young cadet was dead. "GET THAT AMBULANCE DOWN HERE!"

Dr. Linda Miller was in charge of the emergency response team, and quickly checked Robbie's vital signs. She ordered oxygen and called for an airlift to Bay Medical Center in Traverse City.

Robbie was placed on "life support" and everyone feared that he would die. He remained unconscious for 2 days before the medications and intravenous feeding took effect.

"He won't respond to either of us," David Mathews said to Guy and Derrick. "Marie could always get him to talk, but he's shut her out. The specialists say that he wants to die and they can't stop it! We're helpless!"

"I need to be with Robbie alone," Keith Phillips said to the group of adults. "Drew left DVD's for me, Robbie, his parents, and Coaches Harmon and Stephens. I watched my video, and Drew was saying goodbye to me. I don't know what's on the other videos, but I can only pray that he says something to save Robbie's life!" Keith gave two DVD's to Guy Stephens and asked him to send the one to the Anderson family by the fastest means possible.

David and Marie agreed to stay out of Robbie's private room to allow Keith to play the DVD on his portable player. They joined their friends and prayed that a miracle would happen.

"I've got a DVD for you to watch," Keith said when he was alone with Robbie.

"Get out!" Robbie ordered feebly. He was so weak that he could barely speak, but he wanted to be left alone to die. He had given up all desire to live, and wanted to pull out the tubes so his body would expire.

"This DVD is from Drew!" Keith said. "You're gonna watch it or I'll kill you myself!"

Robbie was furious at Keith, but he knew he couldn't overpower Keith even when he was in perfect health.

"Drew had a class in Visual Arts," Keith began. "He left DVD's for me, you, Coaches Stephens and Harmon, and his family. I just watched my video and Drew was saying goodbye to me. It's like he knew that something bad was going to happen. Drew made these files during April, before the baseball championship and before he proposed to Allison Smith. I can leave if you want privacy, but I think I should stay with you to make sure you watch!"

Robbie couldn't imagine what a DVD would say to change his desire to die, but he grudgingly agreed to have Keith watch with him.

"When he saw Drew's face on the screen, he immediately began to cry. Keith paused the video to let Robbie regain his composure.

"Hi Little Brother" Drew began when the video was started again. "If you're watching this, I 'bought the farm', and that really sucks! Maybe it was corny for me to make a bunch of DVD's like this, but I had a dream where I never made it to Michigan State University. I decided to record my thoughts and tell you what I expect of you in case my nightmare came true."

Robbie broke down again, and Keith paused the display to let his smaller friend compose himself.

"I want you to promise me something," Drew continued. "I only want you to watch this one time and then destroy the DVD. I don't want anyone else but Keith to see what I'm saying to you. If anyone else is with you right now, please ask him or her to leave. My love for you was always pure and from the first day we met, I knew that our lives would be linked forever. All of my dreams for playing college football and hopefully in the National Football League are over, or you wouldn't be watching this right now. Now that I'm gone, I want you to know what I expect of my Little Brother and lover. When you were shot by that asshole, Larry Cataline, I fell apart. I wanted to die. I couldn't even think for a minute about living my life without you, and we had only known each other for a few months. Every single day, my love for you grew stronger and stronger. You're a great guy, and I expect that you're upset about my death and don't know what to do. I'm gonna make this short, but very explicit! I want you to pick yourself up and be the best cadet in the history of the Academy! I want you to continue playing sports and train to be the best SEAL in the history of the Navy! Your uncle along with Harmon and Stephens can help train you, and I want you to be ready for Basic Training and the difficult SEAL training."

Robbie was listening intently. He fought back his tears to listen to Drew telling him what was expected of him.

"I know that you love my sister, and I dreamed that you became a SEAL and married Jennifer," Drew continued. "Maybe that won't happen, but she loves you and told me that she would wait for the rest of her life for you to propose to her. Jen has been my closest friend, and she knows about the intimacy that we shared. I hope you aren't mad at me for being honest with her, but she's always been 'there' for me, and I bet she's devastated right now. Now, get your ass up and get on with your life! Live your life like I was right beside you, and make me proud! I hope I'm up in heaven right now, but wherever I'm spending eternity, I want you to know that I'll always be with you! Goodbye, Little Brother, I love you!"

The screen went blank, and both Keith and Robbie were reduced to tears and sobs.

"HE'S DEAD!" Robbie screamed. "DREW'S REALLY DEAD!"

The screams and sobs brought an immediate reaction from David and Marie Mathews, along with Derrick Harmon and Guy Stephens and other people waiting outside the room.

Trip, Tracker, Mark, Jake and Elwood joined Eric Stephens in trying to get into the private room. Keith physically pushed them out of the room and immediately confronted them.


Eric fought away from his father, Guy Stephens and rushed past Keith and into the room.

"Robbie, you saved my life, and it's my time to help save yours!" Eric demanded. "You didn't give up on me, and I won't give up on you! I need you! Don't you dare push me away!"

Robbie opened his arms and accepted the hug from the 12-year-old son of his favorite coach. His head was spinning, but he knew that he had to do what Drew had commanded in the DVD video. He hugged Eric and Keith and sobbed uncontrollably.

The medical staff wanted to get into the room, but David, Guy and Derrick held them at bay. They all prayed that Keith and Eric could bring Robbie out of his "death wish". The medical team saw the "SEAL look" in the eyes of the three men, and knew that they would never be able to get inside the room to attend to their patient.

It was nearly 30 minutes later when David opened the door to the private room and saw something that made his heart jump with joy! Eric was feeding Robbie some Jell-O, and Keith was holding Robbie's hand and encouraging him to eat more.

"THIS IS A MIRACLE!" David said to his wife. The relieved couple hugged and shared tears of joy at seeing Robbie eating again. They didn't know what was in the DVD that Keith had played for Robbie, but whatever it was, it had worked a miracle! They closed the door and refused to let anyone get inside.

"Eric loves Robbie like a brother!" Guy Stephens said to Derrick, David and Marie. "Without Robbie, I might have lost my son, and now Eric's acting like a mature man! I'm really proud of Eric right now!"

"Can we please come in?" David asked at the door. "We need to see Robbie!"


David and Marie hugged their nephew and listened to him sobbing while describing what Drew expected of him. They quickly realized that the DVD had brought Robbie out of his "death wish" and prayed that the recovery would continue.

"You have to agree to train me," Robbie said to his uncle, Guy Stephens and Derrick Harmon. "Drew wants me to be a SEAL, and I need your help!"

"We'll do it!" the three Navy SEALs promised.

The Angel of Death had been defeated, and the future of a young cadet was plainly written.

Robbie continued to make progress, and he was finally ready to be released from the hospital. He was trying to eat, but his body was still having trouble coping with the physical deterioration.

"Can I come in?" a sweet voice asked.

Robbie recognized the voice of Jennifer Anderson, but wasn't sure if he could handle seeing the beautiful sister of his dead Big Brother. Eric Stephens had refused to leave Robbie's side during the entire hospital stay, and looked at Robbie to see if he should let the cute girl into the room.

"Hi, Jenny Kay," Robbie said softly. "Please come in. This is the angel that Drew sent to help me cope with life. His name's Eric Stephens, and he's the greatest."

Jennifer Anderson was worried that the short talk she had with Robbie after Drew's funeral had precipitated his suicidal thoughts, but she wanted to see Robbie because she loved him. She hugged Eric and asked him if she could talk to Robbie alone.

"I need to take a leak and see if I can score some Valium before we leave here today," Eric teased. "I'll be outside if you need me."

After Eric left, Jennifer Anderson walked up to the bed and held Robbie's hand. She felt guilty for what she had told Robbie, and prayed that he would forgive her.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you after the funeral," Jennifer began. "I was devastated by what happened to Drew, but I shouldn't have told you that I knew about your sex with my brother. Will you please forgive me?"

"Drew left me a DVD and told me that you knew that he and I had sex together," Robbie admitted. "I was embarrassed that you would know about that, but it happened. I'm a slut, and you need to find another guy who's not like me to spend your life with. I forgive you if you'll forgive me for being an asshole."

Jennifer Anderson broke down and sobbed on Robbie's shoulder. She was still having trouble accepting the loss of her brother, but she feared that she was losing Robbie at the same time.

"We'll get through this together," Robbie choked out. "We'll never forget Drew, but we have to do what he would have wanted us to do. I'm gonna be a Navy SEAL and serve my country or die trying. I've always dreamed of being a SEAL, and Drew challenged me to do it. I'm gonna do it! I can't expect you to wait for me, so maybe you'll find someone special who can return your love."

"I'll wait for you until the end of time!" Jennifer said to Robbie. "Please don't push me away. I lost Drew, but I'll fight so I don't lose you too!"

Robbie was surprised to see Tom and Carol Anderson walk into his hospital room. He had never been able to comfort them on the loss of their son, and he was embarrassed. He tried to apologize, but the two adults quickly cut him off.

"Drew left us a beautiful DVD," Tom Anderson began. "He told us how much he loved us and how much he loved you too. He was always proud to be your Big Brother, and we were afraid that we would lose you along with our son. We brought you this jersey to remember Drew by."

Robbie accepted the MSU football jersey that he had given Drew as a Christmas gift. He remembered how excited Drew was to see his name on the back of the jersey, but at the time, no one suspected that Drew would never play for the Spartans. Several coaches from MSU had attended the funeral, and they had expressed their sadness at losing such a fantastic athlete and fine young man. He would cherish the jersey for the rest of his life!

Robbie returned to the campus of the George Washington Academy, and pushed himself to recover the muscle that he had lost during the loss of his Big Brother. It was nearly a month before he was able to complete the morning run, but everyone on the campus was thrilled with his progress. By the end of July, Robbie was in top physical condition, and joined the football team for practices.

"MY GOD, HE'S BETTER THAN EVER!" Derrick Harmon exclaimed to Guy Stephens after watching Robbie nail Carson Smith with a crushing tackle. "Last year, we didn't have a defensive back who could stay with Smith, but Mathews made Carson drop that pass! I'd better warn Robbie to go easy on our receivers, or he'll destroy our team!"

"How has your training been going with him?" Guy asked. He knew that Derrick Harmon had started training Robbie like a SEAL candidate with a litany of strenuous physical tasks.

"Have you seen him throw a Mark 3 knife?" Derrick asked Guy. "I've never seen anyone who can juggle three razor sharp knives and then hit three targets at random without missing! At close range, he's deadlier with a knife than you and I would be with a 9 mm handgun!"

"He's doing a great job training the other cadets in the Martial Arts," Guy Stephens admitted. "I bet he could pass most of the SEAL training right now, and he's only gonna get better!"

"I've been talking to Trip and Tracker, and they didn't really come clean with me, but I bet that Robbie has given up sex for a while," Derrick replied. "He goes with the guys to town, but he refuses to go to parties where he will be alone with girls. You and I both know that he and Drew were more than friends!"

"Robbie's focused on excelling in sports and his grades are excellent too," Guy added. "David and Marie are thrilled with the reports from you and me, along with Robbie's mid-term grades. We need to keep challenging him so he doesn't give up!"

Robbie was excited about the special training he was getting from the two former Navy SEALs. He was still sharing a room with Trip, Tracker and Pat, but he was far ahead of any cadet in his physical development. The MSU jersey was pinned to the door of his locker and he put his hand on it every night when he paused for meditation and prayer before bedtime.

With the graduation of the First Class Cadets, two man rooms were available, but Trip, Tracker and Robbie wanted to stay in their 4-man room. Pat Leahy had decided to move into a 4-man room with his Little Brother, Carson Smith, leaving an empty bunk in his old room. After Pat moved into his new room, Robbie talked to his close buddies, Trip and Tracker.

"Do you guys mind leaving an empty bunk in our room for Eric Stephens?" Robbie asked his friends. "Eric and I have really bonded closely, and he's always bugging me to sleep in our room. The little dude slept in the chair in my hospital room for five nights and helped me accept Drew's death. I'd really appreciate it if we could make him part of our tight group."

"Eric has really blossomed into a great young dude," Trip said. "You got him to admit that he'd been drugged, raped, and forced to make child porn in Chicago. He worships the ground that you walk on, and I love being around him. I never had a real little brother, so I'd love to have him spend more time with us! I vote that we keep that bunk for Eric!"

"We'd better call our 'curbside pharmacists' to get a supply of Ritalin or he'll drive us all nuts!" Tracker joked. He knew that Eric was hyperactive when he was in the Jefferson Dorm with the cadets, but he loved being around the pre-teen. "He reminds me of Hunter, and I love being around him. The Academy has rules about visitors, but I bet Coach Stephens can help us get the clearance for Eric to be our 'un-official' roommate!"

Robbie was thrilled that his close friends agreed to save the bunk for Eric.

It was almost 9:00 p.m., but he decided to call the Stephens home to talk to his favorite coach about their plans.

"Hello," Sue Stephens said when she answered the telephone.

"Hi Mrs. Stephens, it's me, Robbie Mathews calling," Robbie said. "Is Coach Stephens available? This isn't an emergency, but I'd really like to talk to him."

Sue Stephens knew how much her husband and stepson, Eric loved Robbie, and was concerned that Robbie was calling Guy at home. She quickly called her husband and suggested that he take the call in his office in their spacious home.

"Hello," Guy Stephens said.

"It's me, Robbie Mathews," Robbie began. "I apologize for calling you at home, but I have a big favor to ask you."

Guy loved Robbie and would grant anything that the young man would ask him. He heard knocking at the closed door to his office, but didn't want the phone call interrupted.

"I wanna talk to Robbie!" Eric demanded. "Let me in!" The boy learned that Robbie had called his father, and was worried that something was wrong and that Robbie needed him!

"Eric, get away from that door! THAT'S A DIRECT ORDER!" Guy ordered.

"Please don't be mad at my little buddy," Robbie pleaded when he heard Guy order his son to leave the area. "This was a mistake for me to call you at home!"

"I promised you that I would always talk or listen if you needed me," Guy said to his favorite cadet. "I'll calm Eric down after I hear what's bothering you. Please talk to me."

"Pat Leahy moved out of our 4-man room today," Robbie began. "Trip, Tracker and I agree that we want to hold the empty bunk so Eric can visit us and spend the night more often. Can you get approval for a Campus Pass for Eric, and is it okay with you and your wife for him to spend time with us? I'd really appreciate it if you agree with our plan."

"That's a wonderful idea!" Guy Stephens replied. "Eric loves being on campus, and practices usually last late and he misses supper is always late at home! Mike Edwards is in charge of issuing Campus Passes, and he already told me that Eric should be given free access to the campus! My son will go ballistic when I tell him the great news! We may have to set a limit on the number of nights that he sleeps on campus, or he'll want to move in permanently!"

"Then it's okay?" Robbie asked.

"Sue and I have talked about Eric's need to be around you, and she agrees," Guy replied. "It will give my wife and me some evenings alone, and that's a real plus!"

"The Lone Star Motel might go out of business!" Robbie teased. He knew that the motel was frequently used by couples wanting privacy for sexual activities, and wanted to tease his coach.

"I should smack you for that smartass comment," Guy said to Robbie. "Hang on a minute and I'll get Sue and Eric in my office so you can tell my son the fantastic news!"

Eric was angry that his father was talking to Robbie without him, and he kicked the door to his bedroom. When his stepmother told him that he was wanted in his father's office, he was pissed and thought about refusing to go. He knew he would be grounded for disobeying his father, and stormed out of his room and into his father's office.

"Cool your jets, young man!" Guy Stephens ordered when he saw the anger on his son's face. "Robbie has some great news for you!"

"Hi Eric!" Robbie said over the speakerphone. "Pat Leahy moved out of our room today, and that leaves an empty bunk. Trip, Tracker and I are wondering if you want to claim the empty bunk!"

"FUCK YES!" Eric screamed. He realized that he had cussed in front of his father and stepmother, and quickly apologized.

"I think Eric likes the idea," Guy laughed. "There will be limits on how many nights he can spend with you guys, and we'll expect good grades and reports from the Walker Middle School or the deal is off! I think this is a great idea!"

Eric broke down crying and hugged his father and stepmother. His dream of spending nights with Robbie and the other cadets was coming true, and he was overcome with emotions.

"Pack some clothes to leave here so you don't stink like a skunk after practices!" Robbie teased Eric. "Bring that stash of pot and those Valium pills that you scored from your buddy Justin too!"

Eric laughed like a goose, especially after seeing the pained look on the face of his father. He would NEVER do drugs, and loved hearing Robbie tease his father!

"Thanks for agreeing to this," Robbie said. "I love all of you!"

Eric ran out of the room to begin packing for his next trip to the Academy! He would spend a sleepless night, thinking about being with Robbie and the other cadets after football practice the next day. He hoped that Justin would be able to spend a few nights in the Jefferson Dormitory to see how exciting life was on the famous campus! He was in heaven!

Guy Stephens and his wife celebrated the wonderful news. They had talked about how Robbie had bonded with Eric and brought out the truth about the sexual abuse in Chicago, and had never seen Eric so excited! They headed for their bedroom to share intimacy to celebrate the wonderful news and how their son had reacted.

After football practice the next day, Eric was excited about moving his clothes into the Jefferson Dormitory. He showered with the football players and tried to hide his adolescent boner that was constantly causing him embarrassment.

Robbie saw Eric trying to hide his arousal, but looked away from the boner that was causing the embarrassment to his little buddy. He knew that Eric was sprouting some pubic hair, and remembered how his own dick was constantly hard when his pubes started appearing.

"Can we talk for a few minutes before we go to the dorm?" Eric asked Robbie.

He was still embarrassed about popping a boner in the shower room, and hoped that Robbie would talk to him about his body changes.

"Let's sit by the fountain in the Quad," Robbie offered. It was the same spot that he and Drew used to visit when they wanted to be alone and talk honestly. For Robbie, this was the first time that he had visited the special spot with another person since Drew had died.

"I know that this is a special place that you and Drew used when you talked," Eric admitted. "We can go somewhere else if you aren't comfortable with me being here."

"Drew was my Big Brother and this was our special spot to be completely honest with each other," Robbie replied. "I still miss Drew, but I know that he's watching over me and wants me to be a Big Brother to you now. This can be our spot to be honest with each other."

"This is really embarrassing for me, but I need someone to answer some questions," Eric began. "Please don't laugh at me or tell anyone what I need to ask you!"

"What you and I say here will stay private!" Robbie promised. "I may not answer your questions if they get too personal, but I won't laugh at you or ever tease you. What's bothering you?"

"I think I'm gay," Eric admitted. "Will you make me go home if it's true?"

"What makes you think that you're gay?" Robbie asked. "My love for you is unconditional, and I'll always want you around unless you become a mass murderer!"

"I always pop wood when I'm in the shower room with the guys here on campus," Eric said. "I try to get it to go down, but it won't!"

"I noticed that you're getting some pubes," Robbie began. "When I started getting pubes, they were blonde, and I knew that other guys couldn't see the hair. I prayed that my pubes would turn black like most other guys my age, but they didn't. I was 11 when my pubes started showing up, and my dick was always itching and got hard at the worst possible times. It was VERY embarrassing, but I found a way to get my willy to go soft. I would think about my aunt and uncle in bed having sex, and it worked!"

Eric laughed and then continued. "I'm gonna trust you and tell you the truth," Eric began. "Justin and I have fooled around, and I really like it!

He has a computer in his bedroom, and we found some sites on the Internet with pictures of nude guys having sex. We both got boners and decided to try some of the stuff we saw on the computer. Does that gross you out?"

"Do you think that you're the first guy who has looked at porn on a computer?" Robbie asked. He didn't wait for the response and continued talking to the small dude. "Looking at porn will cause any healthy guy to pop wood, and having a close friend with you is a real turn on. I had a friend in Chicago that was like Justin, and we fooled around too!"

"You did?" Eric exclaimed. He couldn't believe that Robbie was being so honest with him.

"I think that I'm bi-sexual," Robbie admitted. "I've had sex with guys and girls and I like it both ways. There might be a girl who will be interested in you sexually, so don't put a label on your feelings for guys until you try sex with a girl."

"The girls in my school like to flirt with me and my buddies, but they won't do anything more than kiss," Eric admitted. "I want to shove my dick down a girl's throat or fuck her in the pussy!"

Robbie bit his tongue to keep from laughing at the cute little guy. Eric was being totally honest with him, and he sure didn't want to upset his small friend by laughing at his honesty.

"Being horny's part of growing up," Robbie said. "When your dick's constantly hard, it's normal to want to find a way to get off. I jerked off so many times one day that my dick was bleeding!"

Eric laughed, and admitted that he was jerking off at least three times a day. He loved Robbie for talking to him and being so honest.

"Justin and I have sucked each other off," Eric admitted. "He wants to fuck me in the ass, but I'm afraid that we will be caught. His sister's 10, and she opened the door to his bedroom when we were getting ready to blow each other."

"You need to find a place where you can lock the door," Robbie advised. "What two guys do when they are alone is private, but you need to be smart and not get caught."

"Justin's parents won't let him have a lock on his door," Eric said. "I think his parents know that we're fooling around or watching porn on his computer. What can we do?"

"Get a knife from the kitchen and stick it in the molding around the door so the door stays shut," Robbie suggested. "That'll keep anyone from opening the door unless they bust the door frame apart. That'll give you the time to pull your pants up and shut down the computer."

"AWESOME!" Eric blurted out. He was thrilled that Robbie was being so honest with him.

"Your dad would be pissed at me for telling you that, so please don't rat me out!" Robbie begged.

"Will you still let me sleep in your room after hearing that I think I'm gay?" Eric asked.

"Trip, Tracker and I love you," Robbie admitted. "I never thanked you for helping me cope with what happened to Drew. You were the only one who said the things that I needed to hear, and I really appreciate what you did for me. My buddies love the idea of having you room with us. We don't care if you're gay; we just want you to be our roommate! They won't judge you, but save your horny thoughts for the times that you're with Justin. When your dick gets hard, think about your dad throwing a fuck into Sue!"

"Ewwwww!" Eric exclaimed. "That's gross!"

"Little Eric will wilt really fast!" Robbie exclaimed. "Just picture your dad with Sue and you'll be in control!"

"Thanks a ton for talking to me tonight!" Eric said. "I love you like a brother, and I want to be just like you!"

"Let's grab some food from the Mess Hall and then get you settled in to your new digs!" Robbie suggested. "Trip and Tracker are excited about having you share our room, as long as you don't drive us nuts with your constant talking!"

Eric Stephens walked into the room that he would share with his favorite cadets and hugged Tracker and Trip before claiming the cherished bunk with his gym bag of clothes. He was thrilled that he was now 'officially' an 'unofficial' roommate of the three handsome cadets and just couldn't calm down. He was unpacking his clothes and kept the three cadets amused with his constant questions and comments.

"Where's the duct tape?" Tracker teased. "If we don't tape his mouth shut, we'll never get a minute of sleep!"

"You need to calm down!" Robbie said to Eric. "We love having you move in with us, but you have to cut us some slack by calming down or no one will get any sleep tonight!"

"I'm sorry, guys!" Eric said. "This is the best day of my life, and I can't believe that you'll let me spend nights here!"

"We all love you," Trip said. "I never had a little brother like you, but we're thrilled that you'll be spending more time with us. Maybe you need to take a shower so you can calm down."

"Let's all hit the showers," Robbie suggested. He correctly guessed that Eric would settle down if the four guys showered together, and he wanted to see if Eric could control his dick.

Eric was excited about showering with the three handsome cadets, but was worried that his dick would get hard. He remembered what Robbie had suggested, and tried to imagine his father having sex with his stepmother. The images made his dick wilt, and he showered without any embarrassing erection. He was physically attracted to Trip because the small cadet was the closest to his physical size. He tried to be discreet, but all three of the cadets realized that their new roommate was checking out their equipment.

When it was time for "lights out" the four guys settled into their bunks for the night. Robbie was concerned about how Eric would acclimate to his new environment, and stayed awake to watch his little friend. When he realized that Eric was having trouble getting to sleep, he made a quick decision.

"You can sleep with me tonight if you want to," Robbie whispered to Eric. "Just keep your hands to yourself!"

Eric was thrilled and quickly joined his favorite cadet in his bunk. He snuggled next to Robbie and thanked him for his kind offer.

Trip and Tracker were already asleep, and didn't know that Eric had slept with Robbie until the next morning. They both woke up and "signed" to each other to be quiet so that Robbie and Eric could sleep until the morning buzzer sounded. They headed across the hall to the "head" and relieved themselves before returning to their room.

"Thanks for letting me sleep with you," Eric said when he woke up. The speakers in the dormitory had sounded, and he was thrilled that he spent the night in the dormitory and that Robbie had let him join him in his bunk.

"You and I have bonded closely," Robbie admitted. "That was your first night as our roommate, and I wanted to help you calm down so we could both get some sleep. Tonight you'd better plan on staying in your own bunk, but I'll always be there for you if you need me!"

Robbie continued to make progress in his training to become a SEAL candidate, and was impressing both Guy Stephens and Derrick Harmon. They both believed that Robbie would pass the strenuous physical training for SEAL status, and frequently talked to David Mathews about Robbie's progress.

"I'm afraid that Robbie will become a SEAL and die," David admitted to Guy and Derrick. "We all know that SEAL missions are very dangerous, but we promised him that we'd train him. Marie's upset with me that we agreed to train him, but we made a promise and have to keep our word."

David didn't know at the time, that his fears would come true and Robbie's future was very dark.

On a trip to Traverse City, Robbie saw Aaron Adams, 15-year old younger brother of Richmond Adams the former quarterback of the Traverse City football team. Aaron was a cute teen, and immediately recognized Robbie and ran up to say hello.

"You've really grown since I last saw you!" Robbie said while hugging Aaron.

"What's new with you and Rich?"

"Rich is the second string quarterback at Michigan," Aaron replied. "I'm taking gymnastics with a great coach in Traverse City, and we'd love to have you join our club. I can bring a guest to any practice, and I hope that you'll consider coming with me."

Robbie knew that football practice and his special training with Derrick Harmon had filled his schedule, but the thought of studying gymnastics was intriguing. He knew that he could be excused from practice, and agreed to join Aaron the next day. The decision would make an important impact on Robbie's future.

Aleksandr Andropov had been a gold medal winner in the Olympics, and had moved to Traverse City after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. He loved gymnastics, and started training young boys and girls in an empty warehouse on the outskirts of town. Before long his athletes were excelling in competition, and the citizens of Traverse City saw an opportunity for gaining national recognition for their city. From many of the affluent residents, donations poured in, and the Traverse City Gymnastics Club moved into a beautiful new arena.

Aaron Adams was thrilled when Robbie arrived at the arena. He ran up to his friend and gave him a big hug before leading him up to meet his coach, Aleksandr Andropov. Aaron was a talented gymnast, and hoped that Robbie would join his club so they could spend time together. He told his coach about Robbie's martial arts skills and listened while the coach and Robbie talked.

"Welcome to my club," Aleksandr said to Robbie. "Karate requires discipline and physical conditioning, but in gymnastics, we aren't trying to kill our opponents! I'd like to see what you could do in some of our basic exercises."

"I really appreciate you letting me come here today," Robbie said. "Aaron's a good friend, and I'm impressed by what your students have done in competition. I hope to be a Navy SEAL when I graduate from the Academy, and balance and controlled moves are areas that I'd like to work on. I'll do my best to learn the basic moves that Aaron told me about."

Aaron was thrilled to join Robbie in the locker room to watch his friend dress for the gymnastics training. He had called his brother, Rich, and was excited to tell him that Robbie agreed to attend the gymnastics training with him. Now he was thrilled to see Robbie undress to put on a jockstrap, gym shorts, and "wife beater" T-shirt. He tried to be discreet when Robbie was nude, but his eyes were fixed on the golden blonde pubes and the large cock and balls on his special friend.

Robbie knew that Aaron was checking him out, but he ignored the eyes of his young friend and let the young teen get a good look at his equipment. He remembered his own time of checking out the development of the Navy men on the bases when he was young, and tried not to smile or laugh at Aaron.

After a series of mandatory stretching exercises, Aleksandr led a group of young teen males in warm-up drills. He was impressed how quickly Robbie learned the exercises, and decided to test Robbie's physical skills.

Robbie spent three hours at the gymnastics club and was surprised how many of the exercises and moves were similar to things he had learned from his uncle and Derrick Harmon. He was excited when he was able to execute several of the jumps, spins and flips that the famous coach was teaching. He quickly realized that gymnastics could help him in his martial arts training, and wanted to join the club.

Aleksandr recognized the raw talent of the handsome cadet and wished that Robbie had joined his club when he was a young teen. He gave Robbie a great deal of personal attention and was surprised how quickly the cadet learned and demonstrated the basic moves.

"You are sloppy, but could become a quality gymnast if you work hard," Aleksandr said to Robbie when the practice session ended. "My club enrollment is full and we have a long waiting list of boys and girls who want to join, but I can make an exception and let you join if you are interested."

Aaron Adams was thrilled! He loved being around Robbie and was proud that he had invited Robbie to visit the club. Hearing his coach give Robbie encouragement and offer membership in the exclusive club was the ultimate compliment. His emotions soared when Robbie admitted that he wanted to join the club and would talk to his coaches at the Academy for permission to include gymnastics training along with football and martial arts training.

Robbie and Aaron went into the locker room where several young teenaged boys were undressing to shower after the practice. They were both excited and shared their good news with the other boys.

Robbie was one of the oldest boys in the locker room and knew that the boys would be interested in his physical development when he undressed. Many of the boys were in the 10 to 14 age group of the famous club, and displayed varying stages of physical development. Many of the boys, including Aaron, had boners in the shower room, but no one made any lewd comments. Robbie discretely checked out the bodies of the young boys and was impressed with the slim physiques and obvious muscle tone. He also noticed that Aaron had equipment that was above average for his age of 15.

"I'm supposed to call my Mom for a ride home," Aaron said to Robbie after they were dressed in sweat outfits. The gymnastic coach insisted that all athletes wear warm sweat outfits to maintain their body temperatures and prevent cramps.

"I have my Blazer here and can give you a ride home," Robbie offered. "You'd better call home and see if it's okay for you to ride with me."

Aaron was thrilled that Robbie would offer him a ride home. He quickly called his mother and she was pleased that Robbie would drive him home. Jerry and Christine Adams had wanted to talk to Robbie after Drew's death, but were concerned that any call would cause problems. The furniture truck that killed Drew was delivering office furniture to their home, and they felt guilty for ending the life of a talented athlete.

"Can you come in for a while?" Aaron asked Robbie when they arrived at the Adams' huge home. "My Dad wants to show you something."

Robbie knew about the delivery that ended Drew's life, and wondered what he would say to Aaron's parents if they mentioned Drew. His heart was still aching over the loss of his Big Brother, but he continually thought of the challenges that Drew had made in the DVD. He had to get on with his life, so he agreed to visit with the adults.

After greeting Jerry and Christine Adams, Robbie was uncomfortable with what the adults wanted to talk about.

"I want you to see this," Jerry Adams said while handing Robbie a carbon copy of a furniture order. "I ordered new furniture for my home office, but never demanded early delivery. I know that there's a huge lawsuit pending, and the furniture company's trying to blame me!"

Robbie looked at the furniture order that had ended the life of his best friend and lover. It clearly stated that delivery was scheduled between June 15th and June 30th. Drew was killed on May 24th, and Robbie was confused.

"The furniture company had a sales goal for May, and they rushed the shipment to get paid during May," Jerry Adams said. "We feel terrible about what happened. Is there anything we can do for you or for Drew's family?"

"Barry Howell needs to see this!" Robbie replied. "Even if you had demanded delivery in May, they could have used a different driver. Drew died because of a dope head and a bunch of greedy furniture people!"

"We had 2 copies of that order form," Jerry Adams replied. "I was supposed to sign one of the copies when they made the delivery. Barry Howell has the other copy, and he said it would really help in the lawsuit."

"Thanks for showing me this," Robbie said while handing the paper back to Mr. Adams. "Even if Mr. Howell gets 100 million dollars from those jerks, it won't bring Drew back. I really miss him and feel lost without him."

"Christine and I wanted you to see that document," Jerry Adams said. "We need to go to the store and then plan on getting some Chinese take out food for supper. Will you please stay and eat with us?"

Aaron was thrilled when Robbie accepted the offer, and quickly took his special friend to his bedroom to play video games.

"I thought that I was in good shape, but I'm sore after the exercises with Coach Andropov," Robbie admitted. "Gymnastics will really help me in my martial arts training."

"I can give you a massage!" Aaron offered. He had an ulterior motive for wanting to touch Robbie's body and prayed that his friend would accept his offer.

Robbie gladly accepted the offer and removed his sweatshirt and T-shirt before laying face down on Aaron's bed. He was still wearing his sweatpants, but hoped that the massage would relieve his sore muscles.

Aaron was fully aroused when he started rubbing Robbie's back. He marveled at the muscles on Robbie's back and worked hard to massage the areas that he knew would need his attention.

Robbie hadn't had sex with anyone since Drew had died and felt his cock respond to being touched by another guy. Wet dreams or occasional jacking off had been his only release, but now he was getting aroused.

Aaron moved down on the bed and started rubbing Robbie's feet and calf muscles. He worked his way up until his hands rubbed the base of Robbie's scrotum that was hidden by the sweatpants.

Robbie was dizzy with a combination of relief from the sore muscles and his rock hard cock that needed attention. He didn't object when he felt Aaron pulling down his sweatpants, leaving him only wearing a pair of boxer-briefs. When he lifted up to help Aaron remove the sweatpants, his hard cock moved to a more comfortable position. He could feel the precum starting to leak out of his cock and sighed when he felt Aaron hook his fingers in the waistband of the boxer-briefs and pull them down.

"Turn over!" Aaron said hoarsely. His dreams of being nude with Robbie were coming true, and he was in heaven!

When Robbie turned over, he moaned when Aaron's mouth covered the head of his leaking cock. All of his inhibitions disappeared, and physical desire took over. He moved on the bed and quickly pulled down Aaron's sweatpants and swallowed the six inches of boy meat.

The room was filled with the sounds of two horny teenagers slurping and moaning during their mutual oral gratification. Both of the teens were horny, and savored the flavor of the intimate part of their friend's body.

Aaron had sucked two of his buddies before, but he had never seen a cock as big as Robbie's. He could only get a few inches of the thick meat into his mouth, but he was in heaven! He slurped and licked on the 8-1/2 inches of throbbing meat and was rewarded with a constant flow of precum.

Robbie had all of Aaron's cock in his mouth when he felt the first throbs that warned him that his friend was starting to cum. He expertly licked and slurped on the hard meat and was rewarded with six blasts of warm cum. He gulped down the watery fluid and enjoyed the unique flavor of semen that was thinner and sweeter than cum from his cadet buddies. Tasting the boy juice brought back memories of the sexual encounters that he had shared with his cadet buddies, and awakened his desires to return to an active sex life.

Aaron moaned when his cock unloaded in Robbie's mouth, but quickly recovered when the first blast of Robbie's cum hit the back of his throat. He gulped down the thick pudding and vainly tried to swallow every drop. Streams of cum ran down both sides of his mouth, but he kept gulping down the tangy juice and wondered when Robbie would stop shooting. None of his suck buddies could pump that much cum, and he didn't want to waste a drop.

When the two teens stopped cumming, they collapsed on the bed and tried to calm down. They had both enjoyed the sexual encounter, but were concerned about what the other guy would do or say.

"That was awesome!" Aaron choked out. "You must have pumped a gallon of cum down my throat!"

"You flooded my mouth too!" Robbie admitted. "Are you mad at me?"

Aaron didn't answer the question with words. He leaned over and kissed Robbie on the lips."

Robbie quickly realized that Aaron was an excellent kisser! He used his tongue to scoop up his cum that had run down Aaron's face and delivered the juice to Aaron's mouth.

The two guys kissed passionately and enjoyed the mixed flavors of cum that they had just traded. They both became aroused and wanted to continue their sexual romp.

"Please fuck me!" Aaron pleaded. "I've never been fucked before, and I want you to be my first!"

"I might hurt you," Robbie replied. "Maybe you should let one of your buddies be your first if their dicks are thinner than mine."

"I've been practicing with this," Aaron said while showing Robbie a candle that was in the drawer next to his bed.

"My dick's a lot bigger than that candle," Robbie said.

"I swiped some lube from Rich's bedroom," Aaron admitted. "This stuff is really slippery, so please at least try."

Robbie was intrigued by the thought of fucking the cute teen, and decided to stop if Aaron showed any signs of injury or pain. He pushed Aaron back on the bed and lifted his legs to expose his butt hole. The pink ring was inviting, so Robbie leaned down and began licking around Aaron's rosebud. The moans from his young friend gave him the encouragement to lick directly on the puckered ring, and he was glad that Aaron's parents were away from the home so they wouldn't hear their son moaning.

Aaron thought he would pass out from the intense feelings flowing through his body. He knew that his butt hole was clean after showering, but never expected Robbie to lick it! When he felt Robbie pull apart his ass cheeks, he screamed when he felt Robbie's tongue probe inside his love hole!

Robbie grabbed a pillow and dropped it on Aaron's face to stifle his screams of pleasure. He saw Aaron crushing the pillow to his face and returned to eating the ass of his cute friend. He only stopped eating the tight hole when Aaron begged him to stop and to fuck him. He coated Aaron's hole with the K-Y jelly and slipped one finger inside. He felt Aaron's muscles contract around his finger and waited before sliding the finger in and out of the virgin hole. He added more lube and a second finger and listened to Aaron moaning and begging for more.

"FUCK ME!" Aaron screamed.

Robbie quickly coated his throbbing cock with lube and pushed the head against Aaron's virgin hole. He waited for his young friend to relax his muscles and was surprised when the head of his cock popped inside Aaron's hole. Muscle spasms immediately took control of Aaron's body, and Robbie felt like his dick would be cut off! He tried to pull his cock out, but Aaron's strong legs had wrapped around his waist and prevented him from moving.

Aaron Adams was in pain, but he didn't want Robbie to pull his cock out. He clamped his legs around Robbie's waist to keep the huge cock in his pulsing hole and tried to relax the muscles around his fuck hole. He knew that being fucked for the first time would hurt, but he was determined to complete the act with his new friend.

Robbie had never fucked a tighter hole in his life, and wondered if Aaron would be torn open. He was pleasantly surprised when he felt the grip on his throbbing cock subside, allowing his cock to slide inside Aaron's hot hole. He didn't move until he felt Aaron relax and beg him to fuck.

Aaron thought his body would explode or be ripped wide open, but he refused to release Robbie's body from the grip of his muscular legs. All of the gymnastic training had prepared him for strenuous physical activity, but no exercise program could prepare his rectum for an anal invasion. His dick wilted when Robbie's cock stretched his anus, but jerked to life when Robbie's cock hit a special spot inside his body.

Robbie sensed when Aaron was ready for some slow thrusts, and timed his motions to the facial expressions of his young lover. He knew the angle to use to push against Aaron's prostate gland, and wanted to please his small friend. He sped up his thrusts when he saw the pleasure on Aaron's face, and saw that Aaron's cock was throbbing with each deep stroke of his hard cock. He knew that he wouldn't last long, and tried to delay his orgasm.

"I'M CUMMING!" Aaron screamed. His young cock throbbed and blasted cum across his chest and into his open mouth. He felt the blasts of cum filling his insides and knew that Robbie was unloading deep inside his body. The intensity of his orgasm caused him to pass out.

Robbie collapsed on top of Aaron and felt the last spasms of his orgasm pumping more cum into Aaron's unconscious body. It was the most intense sex of his entire life, and he hoped that his little buddy wasn't hurt. He left his cock inside Aaron's body and waited for his new fuck buddy to regain consciousness.

Aaron finally regained consciousness and moaned when he felt Robbie's cock sliding out of his well-fucked hole. He felt a rush of cold air invade his distended hole and a wet feeling flowing out of his body. He knew it was Robbie's cum that was flowing out, and he pulled Robbie's face down so they could kiss.

Robbie kissed Aaron and began licking the fresh cum off Aaron's face. He was surprised at how Aaron's cock had blasted cum all the way to his forehead, and enjoyed licking up the tasty juice.

"You're a wild fuck!" Robbie exclaimed to Aaron. "I never expected you to be able to take all of Little Robbie, but you did! I hope I didn't hurt you!"

"I loved it, but I won't be able to sit down for a week!" Aaron joked. "I want you to drive me home after every practice from now on!"

"You make too much noise!" Robbie said. "Your dad would kill me if he knew what we just did!"

"My parents are awesome," Aaron began. "They talked to Rich and me and told us that they loved us unconditionally, and wanted us to be happy in life. They said that their love wouldn't change if we were gay, bi-sexual or straight. Dad was even more explicit. He said it's normal for guys to fool around with other guys and to be very selective if we do that."

"Your parents are great people," Robbie said. "I hope that you won't tell anyone what we did."

"I promise," Aaron replied. "Ever since Rich brought you home I wanted to have sex with you. He knows that I fool around with two of my friends and finally admitted to me that you guys had sex when you spent the night here. Are you mad at me or Rich?"

Robbie was surprised that Rich had confided in Aaron and had told him that they had shared sex. He realized that many people knew about his bi-sexual desires, and decided that he should follow the advice of Dr. George Mathis and live his life without putting a label on his desires.

"Let's take a quick shower together before the 'rents get home!" Aaron suggested.

Robbie's sexual desires had been revived from the void left after losing his Big Brother!

Stay tuned....

Next: Chapter 27

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