Washington Academy

By Jacob Latson

Published on Jul 16, 2006



This story will describe the life of Robert David Mathews from his time as a teenager, through prep school, and into military service. If stories involving sex between consenting teenagers, including both straight sex and gay sex, offends you, go back to the Archives and pick a different story for your reading pleasure. There has been minimal research for this story therefore, names, places, dates are mostly fictitious and similarities to real life are coincidental. Some companies and organizations mentioned actually exist, but references to the activities, policies, programs and procedures are fictitious. I was not a SEAL and have limited knowledge of the force. I am writing this story from imagination and a little research, not from personal experience.

My editor, Bill, is a dedicated friend. His improvements in my writing style are greatly appreciated.

Feedback is appreciated to Jacob_latson@hotmail.com

Feedback is appreciated to Jacob_latson@hotmail.com

Washington Academy Chapter 2 Plebe Surprises

Robbie and his dorm mates were ready for breakfast and listened to the cadets inspecting them for proper cleanliness and dress. The cadets were all friendly and pointed out a few plebes who had missed a few whiskers when they had shaved. They waited for their plebe buddies to properly shave and finally lined up and walked silently down the hall and stairs to the Mess Hall. There were four dormitories on the campus and each housed up to 300 young men of all ranks. Plebes were all housed in dorm rooms with 20 beds, while sophomores (Cadet Third Class) had rooms for eight men, juniors (Cadet Second Class) were in 4 man rooms, with seniors (Cadet First Class) given the special status of two man rooms. Juniors and seniors were allowed to trade rooms and bunk with their friends or big brothers.

The plebes finished breakfast and immediately were taken to the Amphitheatre for the formal beginning of their orientation. They all stood at attention when Chancellor Brown walked onto the stage. They had been instructed by their guides in how to conduct themselves in the presence of any member of the administration, and they all performed correctly.

Vincent Brown looked out at the handsome faces of the young plebes and was pleased. He saw young men of all races and sizes, and knew that the selection process at the academy was still working. He welcomed the plebes to the academy before turning the meeting over to Michael Edwards, the Personnel Director.

The plebes all listened to Mr. Edwards describe the events of the day. They all groaned when they heard that they would all have their heads shaved before P. T. began.

Robbie and Tracker were next to each other when their long hair was buzzed off. They both groaned when they saw their hair fall to the polished floor and looked into the mirror to see the results. All that was left of their long hair was stubble. They got out of the barber's chairs and waited for Keith Philips to lead them outside to the athletic field. They both glared at Keith when he complimented them on their new haircuts.

Guy Stephens was in charge of the plebes after they had their heads shaved. He and his staff instructed the plebes in a series of stretching exercises before the P. T. began.

Robbie was in great shape, but before the first P. T. session was completed, he was tired and sore. The plebes had been run through an obstacle course several times before their Cadet Trainers were satisfied with their performance. They were given a brief break and a drink of Gatorade before the group was led into Grant Hall and into the gymnasium. They were directed to take seats in the bleachers and saw the upperclassmen sitting in separate areas of the gym.

"Gentlemen, we want all of you to direct your attention to the mats in the center of the basketball court," Derrick Harmon announced. "Every cadet at this selective academy is trained in martial arts, and now you'll see a demonstration of how each cadet's trained. This is Cadet Second Class Andrew Anderson, and he needs a volunteer for this demonstration."

The plebes were all smart enough not to volunteer for anything. Guy Stephens walked back and forth in front of the plebes and then pointed at Robert Mathews to step forward. Derrick Harmon knew that this demonstration was always a part of orientation for new plebes, but usually the biggest, strongest looking plebe was selected. He watched Robert Mathews walk into the center of the gym. He saw Guy whisper something to the small plebe, and wondered what was going on.

Drew Anderson had recently defeated the reigning champion of Martial Arts in combat. He had witnessed this demonstration in the past, and had expected to face one of the biggest plebes. Several of the plebes weighed over 250 pounds and were destined for being linemen on the football team. He knew that Robert Mathews was small, and he wondered why the little guy had been selected to get his ass tossed around in the demonstration of martial arts.

Derrick Harmon had the microphone and announced that every cadet had to respect his opponent but be ready to defend himself in an attack. He still wondered why his boss had selected one of the smallest plebes for the demonstration, but addressed Anderson by saying, "You can now demonstrate the methods we teach here at the Washington Academy".

Drew moved to attack Robert Mathews, but wasn't ready for what would happen.

His initial attack was avoided and he quickly found himself on his back! The little guy was a blur when he moved, and he never saw the leg moves and blow that dropped him to the mats. He quickly jumped up and was pissed. No lowly plebe was going to embarrass him in front of the entire academy! He launched another attack and doubled over in pain when the plebe blocked his blows and kicked him in the stomach. He struggled to his feet and was quickly dropped again by a kick to his side.

"ENOUGH!" Derrick Harmon yelled. He was shocked that a plebe had just taken down the Martial Arts Champion and tried to decide what to say to the cadets and plebes. "Every cadet here learns to respect his opponent and be prepared for a better trained adversary! You just witnessed a small guy take down a much larger opponent, and now I'll show you how a larger man can use his superior size to defeat a smaller opponent!"

This is exactly what Stephens had dreamed about. Derrick Harmon was the Martial Arts Trainer at the academy and had pulled a prank on him the previous week. His balls still felt the effects of the itching powder that Derrick had coated his jockstrap with before they played handball. He was going to get even with his friend by letting him find out just how good Robert Mathews was in the martial arts.

Derrick waited for Andrew to stagger off the mats before he attacked the new plebe. He was impressed by the moves of the plebe and knew that the young guy had been trained. He was going to take the young guy down, but not severely hurt him. His initial offensive move was blocked and he found himself on the mats! He shook his head in disbelief and decided to use the advanced moves he had been taught in SEAL training. He attacked again and found himself on the mats staring at the smiling face of Guy Stephens. He quickly realized that he had been "set up" by his boss and was in trouble. He looked into the eyes of the young plebe and wondered how he would save face in front of all of the cadets in the academy.

Robbie was doing what was instinctive for him in defending himself. He thought back to what Uncle Dave had told him about the martial arts being an honorable sport. He was confident that he could drop Mr. Harmon again, but then realized what he was doing. He was embarrassing the Martial Arts Instructor, and that was a big mistake. He thought about the words that Mr. Harmon had said about how a larger man can use his size to defeat a smaller opponent. Robbie quickly realized that he was making a big mistake by displaying his martial arts training and made a quick but small nod towards Mr. Harmon.

Derrick Harmon saw the eyes of his opponent and the almost imperceptible nod of the plebe's head. He quickly advanced and saw the plebe leave himself wide open for a take down. He quickly knocked the plebe down and pinned him to the mats.

The cadets stood and cheered for their Martial Arts Instructor. They had been shocked to see Drew Anderson defeated by a lowly plebe and feared that their coach would suffer the same fate. They watched their coach stand up and offer his hand to help Plebe Mathews to his feet. They watched the two opponents bow to each other before Plebe Mathews returned to the bleachers to join his plebe buddies.

Guy Stephens was thrilled. He believed that Robbie could have defeated Derrick Harmon, but had let the coach win the match and save face in front of the entire academy. His prank against Derrick could have backfired if Robbie hadn't let the coach win the match by pinning him to the mats. David Mathews had trained his nephew well! He grabbed the microphone and announced a brief intermission.

The cadets and plebes all streamed out of the gym to tables covered with cups of Gatorade and water. They all were shocked that a plebe had martial arts training that could defeat their Academy Champion and hold his own with their Martial Arts Coach.

Robbie was afraid that he had screwed up again. He was going to leave the gym when Guy Stephens stopped him and asked him to go to his office. When Robbie walked inside the office he saw Derrick Harmon standing there. His fears of being in trouble again were extinguished by the laughter of Guy Stephens.

"You should have seen your face!" Guy teased Derrick. " A lowly plebe knocked you on your ass! Plebe Mathews could have wiped the floor with your ass, but for some reason, he turned into a wimp and let you take him down!"

"You set me up!" Derrick shouted at his boss. He turned to face Robert Mathews and demanded to know where he had been trained.

Robbie was terrified. For the second time since he arrived at the academy, he had been forced to use his martial arts training. He had humiliated an upperclassman and also a member of the staff. He was certain that he was in big trouble.

"Derrick, I want you to meet Plebe Robert Mathews," Guy said while laughing his ass off. "Do you remember a SEAL trainer by the name of David Mathews?"

Derrick looked at the small blonde haired boy and suddenly saw the family resemblance. "Son of a bitch!" Derrick exclaimed. "You're Robbie!"

Guy was still laughing while he was dialing the telephone on his desk. He turned to Robbie and tried to calm the small guy down by repeating that he wasn't in trouble.

"Your uncle trained me and Derrick in SEAL camp," Guy said. He was still laughing at how Robbie had knocked Derrick on his ass two times before letting the coach save face and win the match. "David will shit his pants when he hears what happened here!"

"Please don't call my uncle!" Robbie pleaded. "I'm sorry for taking you down Mr. Harmon! Please don't expel me!"

"You and I both know that you could've kicked my ass out there and been the big hero for all the plebes and cadets," Derrick admitted. "You put me down twice, and then I saw that look in your eyes and the nod that told me that you understood the lesson I was trying to display to the cadets and plebes. You let me drop you and pin you to the mats! Why'd you let me win?"

"I screwed up, Sir," Robbie said. "I was supposed to let Cadet Anderson kick my ass, but Mr. Stephens told me to take him down! Then you attacked me and I was scared. I didn't want to fight you, but I didn't know what to do. I finally realized that you were showing the guys that a big guy has the advantage when the opponents have equal training. I apologize to you for being an asshole! Please don't send me home!"

"The only place you're going is back into the gym after we talk to your uncle!" Guy said.

"I have to leave, sir," Robbie said. "I'm not allowed to talk to my family for the first six weeks!"

"Relax, Robbie!" Guy said. His attention was diverted to the speakerphone where he could hear the telephone ringing.

"Hello," Marie Mathews said.

"I need to speak to Captain Mathews," Guy began. "I'm calling from the Washington Academy, and I need to talk to my buddy."

Marie Mathews was immediately worried. "Is Robbie okay? What's wrong? Please tell me! Is Robbie hurt?"

"Relax Marie, this is Guy Stephens!" Guy said. "Robbie's just fine! Please get David on the line and you can listen too. I'm so happy right now that I wanna scream!"

Marie Mathews quickly called for her husband and told him to pick up the phone in his office. She was concerned that something had happened at the academy that would make it necessary to break the rules and call them. She recognized the name of Guy Stephens and was thrilled that he was calling.

"Hello," David Mathews said when he picked up the phone.

"David, it's me, Guy Stephens!" Guy began. "Don't be concerned, Robbie's here in my office and he's just fine! You really shocked me and my staff by turning loose a martial arts expert on our academy!"

"Jesus Guy, is Robbie hurt?" David asked with concern in his voice.

"Robbie's fine, but he seems reluctant to talk to you and Marie," Guy said. "I've got you on my speakerphone and another SEAL is here with us. Do you remember Derrick Harmon?"

"Of course I remember Derrick!" David admitted. "What's going on at the academy that you called us? Is Robbie in trouble?"

Guy explained what had happened since Robbie had arrived at the academy and had been attacked by Cadet Cataline. He described how Robbie had defended himself and humiliated Larry Cataline and sent him to the Infirmary.

David and Marie were both upset until Guy explained that he had witnessed the nasty comments made by the cadet and how Robbie had defended himself. They were shocked, but knew that Robbie could take care of himself. They listened to both Guy and Derrick describing the martial arts demonstration in the gymnasium and were shocked.

"Robbie, are you okay" Marie asked.

"You have my permission to talk, Plebe Mathews," Guy said to Robbie.

"I'm fine, but I'm worried that I've screwed up big time!" Robbie admitted to his aunt and uncle.

"Robbie didn't screw up at all!" Derrick said. "He could have taken me down and been a hero in front of all of the cadets and plebes, but he let me take him down. You sent a 'lethal weapon' to us here, and I sure wasn't ready!"

Robbie finally felt comfortable in talking to his aunt and uncle. His concerns about breaking the rule of 'no contact' for six weeks were extinguished. He admitted that he wanted to return to the gym and join his plebe buddies, and was relieved when Guy gave him permission to leave. Before he left the office, he accepted four tokens from Mr. Stephens. He knew from his orientation that the tokens could be used in the vending machines to buy soft drinks. The tokens were a prize that all cadets desired because soft drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew were severely restricted. He left the office with the sounds of his uncle laughing and teasing the two academy staff members.

Guy and Derrick talked to Marie and David Mathews and renewed their friendships. The two men continued to praise what Robbie had done and let them know how thrilled they were to have their young man at the academy. Guy explained that he was bringing charges against Cadet Lawrence Cataline for his actions, and believed that the cadet would be expelled. When Guy explained that Larry's father was General Lawrence Cataline, David was concerned that Robbie would be targeted for retribution from the cadets. Both Guy and Derrick explained that Cadet Cataline was a jerk that nearly all of the cadets wanted expelled. They promised to watch for any form of retaliation against Robbie if Larry was expelled.

Robbie left the office and headed for the gym. He saw Cadet Andrew Anderson talking to some other cadets and was afraid to approach him. He really wanted to apologize to the upperclassman, but was afraid. He finally took a deep breath and approached the group of cadets.

"Mr. Anderson, may I please talk to you in private?" Robbie asked. He was pleased that the cadet excused himself from his buddies and followed him down the hallway. Drew was still pissed at being humiliated in front of the entire academy, but he would listen to the plebe who seemed like a nice kid.

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you in the gym, Sir," Robbie began. "Mr. Stephens knew that I had martial arts training and he told me to take you down. I feel like shit right now! I embarrassed you in front of everyone, and I'm ashamed! When I first met you at the orientation table, I was hoping that we could be friends. I guess I blew that chance, and all I can do is apologize and beg you to forgive me!"

"You didn't do anything wrong," Drew said to Robbie. "I was arrogant! I beat the Captain of the Defense Team in combat, and I was expected to kick the ass of a big plebe in that demonstration. I outweigh you by at least 50 pounds, and you nailed my ass to the mats! Where'd you learn how to fight like that?"

"I'm really not supposed to tell you," Robbie began. "I feel like shit for what I did, so I'll trust you and tell you the truth. My uncle was a Navy SEAL and trained SEALs in hand-to-hand combat. I got my ass kicked a lot before Uncle Dave trained me, and I sure didn't like to humiliate you in front of everyone. Mr. Stephens saw me in action, and he told me to take you and Mr. Harmon down. Please forgive me!"

"Holy Shit!" Drew exclaimed. "Is your uncle, David Mathews?" When he saw Robbie nod his head he continued, "David Mathews is one of the most famous graduates of this academy! His picture is outside the Training Room and in the Hall of Heroes! I just never connected your name with his! I won't hold a grudge against you for showing me that I can get my ass pounded by a plebe!"

"Will you join me for a drink?" Robbie said while displaying the four tokens. It was his way of making a peace offering to the upperclassman.

"Holy Shit!" Drew exclaimed. "No plebe has ever been given four tokens during the entire summer training!"

"They're all yours," Robbie said while placing all four tokens in Drew's hand. "Please don't be mad at me!"

Drew Anderson accepted the four tokens and put his arm around Robbie's waist. The physical contact sent a jolt of electricity through both young men. They walked together back towards the hallway where cadets and plebes were talking and drinking water or Gatorade.

Andrew Anderson held up the tokens and called Keith Philips and Lamar Young to join him at the vending machine. Both of the cadets were surprised to see the tokens and wondered how Drew had scored them. All of the cadets loved the restricted beverages in the vending machines, and knew it was a sign of accomplishment to drink the soft drinks in front of the other cadets.

Robbie was going to return to his plebe buddies when he felt the strong arm of Drew Anderson hold him back. "You're gonna drink with us!" Drew said to the young guy. "Watch the faces of the other guys when we get some 'joy juice'! It may not sound like a big deal to you, but wait a few weeks and see how much you'll crave a cold Mountain Dew instead of water or Gatorade!"

Robbie was surprised at how the cadets all watched in envy when Drew flipped the tokens to Keith and Lamar. The two cadets made a big production about having the tokens and pretending that it was a big decision to select their beverage from the vending machine. Robbie wanted to give Drew the last token, but Drew insisted that he select a soft drink and join the fun. Robbie had to admit that the Coke Classic tasted great. His intake of soft drinks was severely limited when he lived with his aunt and uncle, and he had always been envious of his friends who had unlimited access to "soda" or "pop" at their homes.

"Will you sit with me at lunch?" Drew asked Robbie. He was afraid that the plebe would refuse, but was thrilled when Robbie accepted with a broad smile. The deep dimples on the cute face caused Drew's cock to twitch in his sweats. He was glad that the sweats were baggy and would conceal his arousal for being near the young plebe. He had studied pheromones and knew that the young plebe was pumping them out to be received by his senses. He pushed aside his feelings of being beaten in the martial arts demonstration and basked in the recognition of the other cadets for having a can of Mountain Dew to drink.

Robbie drained his can of Coke and dropped the can in the recycling container next to the vending machine. He was surprised to see the cadets walking around, making a big deal out of drinking the restricted soft drinks. He had a lot to learn about academy life, and hoped that he wouldn't make any enemies because of his actions in the gym.

When the cadets heard a whistle blow, they quickly headed back inside the gym. They soon found seats and saw Mr. Stephens holding the microphone to address the crowd.

"Gentlemen, I have an announcement!" Guy Stephens said to the cadets and plebes. "We all know that many of the cadets and plebes in this gymnasium have relatives in the military services, but we also know that we normally keep that information secret. I have to be honest when I tell you that Plebe Robert Mathews has a special relative in his life. The cadets will recognize the name of Captain David Mathews because of his picture outside the Martial Arts Training Room in the Grant Athletic Building. Captain Mathews was a Navy SEAL and had a distinguished record that resulted in several medals and appointment to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. I, along with Mr. Derrick Harmon, had the honor of being trained in hand-to-hand combat by David Mathews, and you just witnessed how good his training can be. Plebe Robert David Mathews has over eight years of martial arts training by the best instructor to ever wear the insignia of the Navy SEALs. Robert Mathews recently won the National Junior Karate Championship in New York City. That competition is for young men under the age of 16, and he proved to the entire country that he's very talented. The lesson for all of us is to NEVER underestimate your opponent! Plebe Mathews won't get any special treatment during Summer Training, but he'll be used as an assistant instructor in the martial arts classes. Let's give Plebe Mathews a round of applause for his demonstration of superior martial arts training!"

The cadets stood and cheered while applauding for Robbie. He was embarrassed, and wanted to crawl in a hole. He had just learned something important about his uncle, and wondered what other new information he would learn during his time at the academy.

Tracker Whitestone was next to Robbie and pulled him up on his feet to accept the applause of the cadets and plebes. Robbie was embarrassed but finally stood and waved to accept the applause of the crowd. Tracker was proud to be a friend of the plebe getting such unusual recognition, and hoped that Robbie would help train him.

Chancellor Vincent Brown walked to the center of the gym and made an announcement that had every cadet and plebe happy. "Gentlemen, it's time for chow!"

The cadets and plebes cheered mightily and headed out of the building towards their dorms. Drew grabbed Robbie by the hand and reminded him that he had agreed to have lunch with him. Robbie was pleased to learn that Drew was living in the Jefferson Dorm. He was happy that they could become friends instead of enemies as a result of their sparring match in the gym.

Drew was thrilled that Robbie would have lunch with him. He was aware that plebes normally ate meals with their guides and didn't want to interfere with Keith's position with Robbie and Tracker. He had signed up for a little brother, but was passed over because of his recent election to the Tribunal. He wished that he could trade the elected position for the chance to bond with Robbie.

Robbie finally accepted the admiration of the cadets and plebes for his martial arts abilities during lunch. He knew that the martial arts taught humility, and tried to accept the congratulations without being arrogant. He sat across the table from Drew Anderson and stared at the handsome face. He listened to every word that Drew spoke and wished that Drew were his guide for orientation.

Drew noticed that Robbie was very quiet during lunch. The mess halls were always noisy during meals with everyone talking and teasing each other. He caught Robbie staring at him and saw Robbie blushing when he returned his eyes to his food. Drew looked into Robbie's blue eyes and wondered if anyone else in the world had eyes that blue! Those same blue eyes had been locked on his during their sparring match in the gym, but now the gaze was soft and inviting. He looked at the soft red lips on the young plebe and dreamed of kissing them. Robert Mathews was the sexiest guy he had ever met!

When the guys had destroyed all of the food on their trays, they got ready to leave. Robbie stood up and said, "Mr. Anderson, may I take your tray to the kitchen?"

Drew was surprised. He looked at Robbie and replied, "You don't have to wait on me."

"I want to do it, sir," Robbie responded honestly.

Drew nodded and watched other plebes take the hint and carry trays for other cadets. This group of plebes was learning fast!

After Robbie carried his own tray to the conveyor belt, he saw Drew waiting for him. He was thrilled that the upperclassman hadn't left the mess hall to socialize with his cadet buddies.

"We've got some free time if you want to talk," Drew said. He really wanted to get to know Robbie and was pleased when the small plebe agreed to join him.

The two boys walked around the grounds and saw cadets and plebes playing Frisbee and other sports.

"Throw me a couple of passes," Justin Chambers said when he tossed a football to Drew.

Drew was the quarterback on the football team and threw several passes to different guys. He looked at Robbie and said, "Cadet Second Class Chambers is the leading receiver on the football team. Do you play football?"

Robbie nodded and Drew told him to "go long" for a pass. He saw that Justin was also running out for the pass and he sped up to get behind Justin. When he saw the ball in the air, Justin closed in and tried to catch it, but Robbie jumped high in the air and caught the ball.

The guys on the lawn cheered for Robbie when he caught the pass and threw it back to Drew. Justin was being teased for not catching the pass and ran back to Drew for another try.

Drew whispered something to Justin and then told Robbie to try and breakup the pass like he was playing defense. Drew had told Justin to head deep but stop and run back towards him for the pass. It was a hook pattern that they had used in football games the previous year.

Robbie had played defensive back, wide receiver, and running back on a Pop Warner football team when he lived in Chicago. He saw Justin take off and sped after the wide receiver. When he saw a hesitation in Justin's path, he quickly planted his feet and turned towards Drew. The pass was in the air and Robbie cut in front of Justin and intercepted the ball. The guys who witnessed the play cheered. Drew and Justin were impressed.

The guys wanted to play more football, but they heard the loud speakers announce the end of "free time".

Drew congratulated Robbie on his football skills and told him he hoped that the small plebe would tryout for the football team. He knew that Robbie would have to complete the Summer Training before trying out for any team, but he was convinced that the handsome plebe would pass without any problems. They were walking back towards the Jefferson Dorm when Cadet First Class David Benson ran up to them.

"Drew we have to get ready for the Tribunal," David said. "Plebe Mathews has been ordered to appear too."

Robbie was afraid. He suspected that the Tribunal would be hearing what had happened with Larry Cataline in the Training Room, and that he would have to testify. He also remembered that Chancellor Brown had said that "dress whites" were required for the Tribunal members.

"I can't go there!" Robbie said anxiously. "Dress whites are required, and mine aren't ironed!"

"Your whites are ready!" Keith Philips said. "When you guys were screwing around on the lawn, I got them ironed and hanging in your locker! Let's hit the showers and I'll help you get dressed."

"I don't know what's going on, but I bet this has to do with an asshole named Larry Cataline," Drew said to Robbie and Keith. "Just try and relax, Robbie. All you have to do is be honest. I won't let things get out of hand."

Keith led Robbie back to his dorm room and joined him in the showers. With his status as guide for Plebe Mathews, he was required to attend the Tribunal hearing. During the shower, Keith tried to calm Robbie down and explain what would happen during the tribunal.

"We'll be in the Chancellor's conference room," Keith offered. "There are five upperclassmen on the Tribunal, and they'll listen to the formal charges and then hear testimony from anyone involved. After they hear the testimony, we'll be asked to leave while they deliberate. It's like being in a courtroom with the Tribunal members acting like judges and jury members. If there's reasonable doubt, the cadet will be exonerated and returned to active status. Deliberation never takes more than a few minutes. If he's guilty, he could receive punishment ranging from D. T. to expulsion."

"I'm gonna be sick!" Robbie yelled before running to the nearest toilet. He vomited up everything he had eaten during lunch and continued retching.

Drew Anderson was wearing only his boxers and T-shirt when he saw Robbie running for the toilets. He'd left his own room before dressing for the Tribunal to talk to Robbie and calm him down, but he was too late. He saw Keith trying to comfort the plebe and decided to leave them alone.

Robbie finally calmed down and returned to the showers to wash off the vomit. He was weak from throwing up and didn't want to go anywhere except to his bunk to recover.

Keith let Robbie sit on the bunk and try to get calmed down. He saw Drew walk into the dorm room and motioned for his buddy to come over.

Robbie had a towel wrapped around his waist when Drew sat next to him and hugged him. The hug seemed to help and he thanked Keith and Drew for being with him.

"You get ready," Keith said to Drew. "I've got my uniform here, and I'll help Robbie get dressed."

Robbie and Keith were soon properly suited in their "dress whites" when Drew came in and told them it was time to leave. The three young men walked in silence across the campus and into Washington Hall. Cadets and plebes stopped their recreation time to look at the formally dressed men headed for the Tribunal. They all wondered what had happened to "muster" the Tribunal so early in the school year.

When they arrived at the hallway outside of the conference room, Robbie saw Larry Cataline waiting outside. Larry had two black eyes and a swollen face, but still sneered at Robbie.

Drew went into the conference room while Keith and Robbie waited outside. The silence was broken when Larry said to Robbie, "When this crap's over, I'm gonna kick your ass and make sure you 'ring out'."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, CATALINE!" Keith screamed. "If you mess with Mathews, you'll have me and Anderson to deal with!"

The verbal exchange was interrupted when Guy Stephens opened the door. Robbie was surprised to see Navy Commander Stephens in full uniform with bands of ribbons across his chest. The handsome officer motioned for all three young men to enter the conference room.

Robbie was surprised that Chancellor Brown was wearing the uniform of an Army General. He knew that most of the administrators were military officers, but he never realized how high they were in rank. He sat down next to Keith and faced the conference table where five cadets were seated.

"We're on the record!" David Benson announced. Robbie saw that a tape recorder had been started to document the proceedings. "Today is 10 June, 1992, and the time is 1400 hours. The recording secretary will voice the names and ranks of all present."

Robbie choked back his emotions. He had never witnessed any form of military court and hoped that he didn't pass out or throw up again. His stomach boiled and he knew that others in the room could hear his stomach growl.

"The charges will now be read," David Benson announced.

"Guy Stephens, Commander, United States Navy Reserve reporting," Guy said clearly. "I present charges of Honor Code violation against Cadet Second Class Lawrence Alexander Cataline. On 9 June, 1992, Cadet Cataline verbally abused Plebe Robert David Mathews and then threatened Plebe Mathews with physical harm. Cadet Cataline said, 'If I take a shit and want you to lick my ass clean, you'll do it!' and soon after said, 'I'm gonna kick your ass and then fuck it!' Cadet Cataline then attacked Plebe Mathews in the Training Room. Plebe Mathews defended himself before I could intervene."

Drew was shocked! He hated Larry more than ever for treating Robbie like dirt and threatening to beat and rape him. His body tensed with anger, wanting to kill Larry for what he had done. He looked at Robbie and saw the small guy shaking with fear.

Stephens continued by saying, "I witnessed these verbal and physical attacks and present this written report for review by the Tribunal".

Vincent Brown was nauseated. He had never heard of charges like these against a cadet threatening a plebe on his first day on campus. Verbal threats and physical confrontations happened on the campus due to the raging hormones of young men, but threatening to rape a plebe was the worst thing he could imagine. He was thankful that Robbie had been able to defend himself and also that Guy had witnessed the altercation.

After listening to Guy Stephens read his entire report, David Benson said, "Cadet Lawrence Alexander Cataline, how do you plead to these charges?"

"Not guilty!" Larry replied.

Everyone in the room listened to Larry Cataline give his version of the Training Room incident. He lied and said that Mr. Stephens had heard Plebe Mathews using vulgar language against him, and that Plebe Mathews had threatened to beat and rape HIM!

The formal hearing lasted about 30 minutes. Robbie was shaking like a leaf when he testified to what had happened. He looked directly into the eyes of the Tribunal member who asked him a specific question before replying honestly. When the testimony was completed, David Benson asked everyone to leave so the five Tribunal members could confer.

The deliberation lasted only a few minutes before everyone was called back into the conference room.

"Lawrence Alexander Cataline, stand up!" David Benson ordered. "It is the unanimous verdict of this Tribunal that you're guilty as charged! It is our recommendation that you be stripped of all uniforms and any other Washington Academy property and be immediately expelled. You have disgraced this fine institution and violated our Honor Code! You're dismissed!"

The five Tribunal members knew that a cadet could appeal the verdict to the Chancellor. It might take days for the appeal process, but the cadet would be confined to his quarters until his appeal was heard.

"Please let me interrupt," General Brown said. "I have the final say in administering discipline at the Washington Academy."

Drew was afraid that the Chancellor would overrule the Tribunal and let Larry remain in the cadet ranks. He bristled with anger at the thought of General Lawrence Cataline having influence over the formal proceedings.

Vincent Brown continued by saying, "I consider General Lawrence Cataline my personal friend, but I speak for the entire staff at this fine academy by saying we WILL NOT allow any cadet to remain here after being found guilty of these terrible charges. I'm ordering Commander Guy Stephens and Lieutenant Commander Derrick Harmon to immediately remove Lawrence Alexander Cataline from this academy! You've disgraced your father and family name, along with violating our Honor Code. Take him to the nearest motel and let him call someone for a ride back home! THESE PROCEEDINGS ARE FINAL!!"

Mr. Stephens grabbed Cataline and dragged him out of the conference room. Larry was screaming obscenities at everyone and threatening that his father would close down the academy. Derrick Harmon was waiting outside the door and helped drag Larry down the hall.

Robbie was nauseated. He ran for the wastebasket in the conference room and started retching.

Drew and Keith tried to comfort Robbie, but they could hear him sobbing while his head was buried in the wastebasket.

"Take care of him," Chancellor Brown said to Keith and Drew. "I'm going to call General Cataline and tell him what happened here. Don't worry. General Cataline and I've talked about Larry's behavior in the past, so the general knew his son would be expelled for another serious offense."

"Come on little buddy," Drew said helping Robbie stand up. "Let's get you cleaned up and back to your dorm to rest. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Please don't judge everyone here and the academy by the actions of that asshole!"

When Keith and Drew got Robbie outside of Washington Hall, they were immediately surrounded by cadets and plebes. Everyone demanded to know what had happened. They told the three guys that they had seen Mr. Stephens and Mr. Harmon dragging Larry across the quad (center courtyard) and into his dorm.

"Did we get rid of that prick?" Lamar Young asked excitedly.

"He's history!" Drew replied.

The cadets all cheered. They quickly told the plebes that Larry Cataline had always been a jerk and had been in a lot of trouble at the academy. They were all happy that Larry was being expelled.

Michael Edwards, the Personnel Director, walked up to the group of cheering cadets and plebes. He asked if he could talk to Robbie in private.

"I'm really sorry for what happened here," Mr. Edwards said. "I know you've only been here for a day or so, but I was wondering if you've met a cadet that you'd like to have for your guide. I know Keith Philips has been filling in, but he shouldn't have two plebes under his wing. If you don't have a cadet in mind, I can pick one for you."

"Sir, would it be possible for Cadet Anderson to be my guide and big brother?" Robbie asked. "He may not want that, because of what I did to him in the gym, but I really like him."

"Excellent choice!" Mr. Edwards replied. "Do you want to ask him, or should I do it?"

Robbie looked over and saw Tracker, Keith and Drew standing nearby in the quad. He took a deep breath and admitted to himself that he was scared, but wanted to ask Drew. He walked over with Mr. Edwards to where Drew was standing with Tracker and Keith.

"Can you excuse us?" Mr. Edwards asked Tracker and Keith. The two guys walked away and Mr. Edwards decided to give Robbie and Drew some privacy.

Robbie was afraid that Drew would reject his request, but he took a deep breath and looked at the handsome face of Andrew Anderson.

"Cadet Cataline was supposed to be my guide," Robbie began, "But he's gone now. Mr. Edwards said I could pick a different cadet, and I'd like you to be my guide and big brother. Will you please consider it?"

Drew choked back his own emotions while meeting Robbie's blue eyes pleading with him. When Robbie's head dropped, he put his hand under Robbie's chin, lifted up the cute face to make eye contact again, and smiled.

"I'd love to be your big brother!" Drew said. "I'm gonna expect a lot of hugs when I'm not kicking your ass in the Training Room!"

Robbie wiped away his tears of emotion and joined Drew in a big hug. He was thrilled that Drew agreed to be his big brother and wanted to celebrate.

Mike Edwards saw the joyful exchange between the two young men and was relieved. The staff had all discussed the events and charges, and wanted order restored to the campus. He walked over to Drew and Robbie and congratulated them on their new status. He handed Drew a set of keys and said, "Hit the mess hall and grab some food. You guys are relieved of duty until tomorrow at 1200 hours. I think some time down by the lake will give you guys a chance to get to know each other! My Jeep's in the parking lot!"

Drew was talking excitedly while he explained to Robbie that the lake was off limits for cadets unless they had a special pass. He'd never heard of a cadet being given the keys to an officer's Jeep and being allowed to take a plebe to the lake for R & R (Rest and Relaxation).

The two guys ran for their dorm to change clothes and get ready for the trip to the lake. The other cadets and plebes were jealous, but realized that Robbie and Drew, deserved some free time. The grapevine at Washington Academy had quickly spread the details of the Tribunal meeting, and everyone now knew what had happened.

Robbie was headed for a great time with his big brother!!!

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Next: Chapter 3

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