Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Dec 3, 2000


NOTE: This story is pure fantasy and doesn't reflect the actual characters or actors on Days of Our Lives. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

Warning: The story takes a very sexual turn in this chapter.

I walked slowly through the double doors and stood looking around. Salem High. For a second, I closed my eyes tightly, wondering if it would all be gone when I opened them, this strange dream. Or delusion. I wasn't sure yet which it was.

It was all still there, though, and I moved further into the hallway, letting myself be swallowed up amidst a sea of faces.

I realized as I walked that I had no clue where i was going. How often did we see the teen gang on Days actually in class? Not very often. If they were in school at all, they were talking in the hallways. I had no idea what classes Philip might have, or where to go.

"Hey Phil," I heard a familiar voice behind me and felt a tingle of anticipation rush down my back. I knew the voice well enough. Shawn Brady. No doubt about it. And I was about to be looking at him in the flesh, not on a tv screen.

I turned around, wondering if this would be the point where reality returned. Wasn't that usually the way? The dream ends right when you get to the best part?

"What's wrong, man? Did you have a fight with Chloe?" Shawn's eyes looked directly into mine, a concerned look on his face.

"Chloe?" My mind had pushed every single thought out of my head except for one- I wanted this guy bad. I could feel the heat from his body, he was standing that close to me. He smelled incredible, there was an aroma of shampoo and soap hanging over him, as if he'd come to school directly from his morning shower, but there was an underlying aroma of pure sexuality that just seemed to waft off of him.

"Are you okay, Phil? You look really out of it," Shawn said waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times and tried to gather my thoughts. That attempt was halted abruptly when Shawn causally pushed back the sleeves of his sweater as he continued to look at me with concern written all over his face. His bare arms, muscular and covered with dark hair, made my mouth go suddenly dry with desire.

"Hey guys." I shifted my gaze reluctantly as we were joined by Mimi Lockhart.

"Hi Mimi," I smiled at her, coming back to my senses. I had to calm down here. There was plenty of fun to be had as long as this very real seeming dream lasted, but I couldn't exactly leap on Shawn Brady in the middle of the hallway at school. Things in this dream were real enough to let me know that such an action wouldn't be very productive.

"It's alive!" Shawn joked, punching me lightly on the arm. "What's up with you, Kiriakis? You were like a zombie a minute ago."

"Sorry, man. I just had something on my mind," I said, allowing myself a quick glance down at the promising bulge in his tight jeans.

"Well, come on. We're going to be late for class." I followed behind Mimi and Shawn, which gave me ample opportunity to check out the other side of Shawn's tight jeans. I swallowed hard at the sight of his tight little bubble butt, packaged so perfectly into those jeans, just waiting to be unwrapped.

By some coincidence, it seemed that every class Philip had was with either Shawn, Mimi, Belle Black, or Chloe Lane. This worked out perfectly for me, because it seemed that just as I was wondering what to do next, one of them would appear and tell me that if we didn't hurry, we'd be late for class.

Time seemed to move quickly. The only uncomfortable moments were around Chloe, Philip's girlfriend. I knew from watching the show that Philip was completely love sick over this girl, but my own thoughts ran more towards Shawn and some of the other hotties I spotted around school. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, since I was in a soap opera high school, but nearly every guy I saw was mouth wateringly beautiful.

By the last class of the day, I wondered just what I was doing. By some incredible twist of fate that I didn't understand in the least, I was being given a chance to actually be a character on Days of Our Lives. And what was I doing with that chance? I was sitting in a classroom! I could be doing that in my real life. No, this was a chance at some real fun. This wasn't reality, so there wouldn't be any consequences. I could do anything! And, let's face it, I was also drop dead gorgeous. How many times had I thought about how much easier my life would be like if I could look like one of the guys on TV? I wasn't bad looking in my real life, but I wasn't exactly a male model, either. This truly was a chance of a lifetime, in more ways than one.

When the bell rang, I leapt from my seat, determined to have some real fun before I woke up.

"Phil, wait up! Are you going to Dot Com?" I looked over my shoulder and slowed my pace. Jason! He was little more than an extra on the show, hanging about with his troublemaking girlfriend Jan and stirring things up, but he was hot as hell, with short blond hair and the usual soap opera good looks. Today he was dressed in the tight blue jeans that so many of the guys seemed to be wearing in this school, and a sweater that fit tightly against his chest, showing off his toned physique.

Why, I wondered for a split second, couldn't I have shown up in this fictional world during the summer, when the guys ran around shirtless all the time? Well, I'd just have to work a little harder to see some skin.

"Actually, I was headed home. Want to come over?" I asked.

"For what?" Jason sounded surprised and a wary look came into his eyes as he looked at me.

"Just to hang out," I shrugged, acting casual.

"You haven't wanted to hang out with me sing Ghoul Girl cast her spell on you," Jason said.

"Suit yourself, man. I just thought we could hang out for awhile," I said, turning to go.

"What, did you get tired of Vampira and remember who your real friends are?" Jason asked, following behind me.

"Something like that," I said as I turned to look at him. "She didn't have that special something I was looking for." I flicked my eyes briefly down to the front of Jason's Jeans without being too obvious and turned around again, heading for the exit.

We made it back to the Kirakis mansion and the privacy of Philip's bedroom without any trouble. I took off my jacket and tossed it and my book bag onto a chair next to the door, motioning for Jason to do the same.

I followed his gaze as he looked around the room and wondered if he'd ever been there before. I couldn't exactly ask, since Philip would know such a thing. And really, the room was still new to me, too!

Jason made his way to the stereo system in one corner of the room and started looking through Philip's cds. As I watched him, I thought more clearly about what I was about to try. If the people I was interacting with in this dream were exactly, 100% the characters on the show, I had no chance with any of the guys. As written, none of them were gay. But, it was a dream, or maybe a delusion, that belonged to me, right? No matter how real it seemed, I must be creating this somehow in my head. So I should be able to get the guys to do anything I wanted.

"I'm surprised Ghoul Girl doesn't have you listening to opera by now," Jason said as he continued to browse through the cd collection. "You still have some pretty school stuff here, Kirakis."

"Thanks. Put on whatever you want to hear, man," I told him. At that moment, I decided on an approach. I couldn't be too blatant, because so far the characters had been pretty true to form. I had to proceed cautiously, at least until I knew exactly what I was dealing with.

Opening the armoire next to the window, I pulled off my sweater and glanced into the mirror. I smiled again at Philip's reflection, standing there in a tight white undershirt. Across the room, I could see Jason's back as he continued to flip through the cds, oblivious to me. I slowly unbuckled my belt and then in one swift moment left my pants fall to the floor.

"Don't you have their new cd yet?" Jason asked, turning around with a cd in his hand. He halted when he caught sight of me standing there in a the t-shirt and boxer briefs, my clothes in a pile next to me.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Jason sounded alarmed.

"Changing, man. What's it look like?"

"You could have told me, man!"

"Why? It's no different than changing in the lockeroom. It's not like I'm naked," I smiled at him.

Jason shrugged and looked a little uncomfortable, but turned back to the cds without another word. I decided to step things up a little.

"So, Jase, how are things with Jan these days?" I asked as I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. Jason glanced over his shoulder at me and shrugged again.

"Okay, I guess. Why?"

"She putting out?" I asked.

"What??" Jason turned around to face me, his face turning a little red.

"You heard me, man. Is she putting out? Are you getting any?" I laughed a little, my eyes locked onto his.

"Yeah. Of course," Jason didn't sound even remotely convincing. "Why? Ghoul Girl givin' it up to you?"

"No, man. She freaks if I even try and kiss her for too long," I sighed.

"Sucks to be you," Jason laughed.

"Oh, like you're getting so much more! Come on, I know Jan better than that," I bluffed.

Jason opened his mouth to protest, then thought better of it and laughed a little. "Okay. I'm not getting any, either."

"What's wrong with these girls, man? Two hot guys like us, they should be fighting to give it up to us!" I grinned.

"Damn right!"

"Are you ever going to put on a cd?" I asked. Jason opened up the case he held in his hand and put the disc in. In a few seconds, the voice of Lenny Kravitz was filling the room.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked, stretching my arms above my head slowly.

"I don't know, it's your house. Too bad it's freezing outside, a swim would be nice," Jason sighed as he walked over and looked out the window at the pool.

"Do you ever feel like if you don't get off you're just going to go nuts?" I asked casually, ignoring his observation.

"What?!" Jason turned around and stared at me in shock.

"Oh, come on, Jason. We're both guys! I always feel like this after a long day at school, looking at the babes. Like if I don't get some relief I'm just going to lose my mind! Are you telling me you don't go home feeling like that ever?"

"Uh... yeah, I guess. Sure," Jason nodded.

"And Jan's no help, is she? So you just gotta rely on man's best friend," I grinned holding up my right hand and waving it in the air.

"Dude, if you want me to leave so you can beat off, just tell me!" Jason sounded angry, but he was blushing like crazy.

"No, man. That's not what I meant. We're gonna hang out. I just thought we'd have more fun if we got this out of the way right now. Then we can watch a video or play some playstation or something," I said, licking my lips slightly.

"What... what do you mean, get this out of the way?" Jason's voice cracked a little.

"Oh, come on, dude! I mean if we jerk off, get the toxins out of our systems, we can just chill afterwards," I did my best to sound exasperated with his slow grasp of the situation.

"Jerk off? Together?" Jason sounded shocked, but I was pleased not to note any disgust in his voice.

"Yeah, why not? We're friends, and we're both guys here. No big deal. You do your thing, I'll do mine," I said. He still looked uncertain and I knew something extra was needed or I'd lose him.

"I mean, Shawn and I do it all the time. Lots of guys do. What's the big deal?"

"Shawn? You and Shawn... you really do that?" Jason looked stunned, but less uncertain.

"Sure. I mean, it's not a big deal, man. It's no different from doing it alone," I smiled.

"Um... okay, I guess," Jason said nervously. I felt a wave of excitement and triumph, but did my best to remain an aura of nonchalance.

"Cool. You need any lotion or something?" I asked as I pulled my t-shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor.

"Yeah, sure," Jason remained standing by the window, still looking a little uncertain, as if I was setting him up for some sort of a joke.

I grabbed a tube of hand lotion I'd noticed on the dresser and quickly dispelled any lasting doubts Jason might have had by pulling off my boxer shorts and flopping down on the bed.

What a sight, I thought in amazement. Philip's toned body was incredible. And the centerpiece of it all was the thick seven inches that huge between his legs, nestled in a patch of dark blond hair and above two low hanging balls.

I squeezed some lotion into the palm of my hand and then tossed the bottle next to me on the bed. Without looking at Jason, I ran my lotion covered hand up and down the length on my cock a few times, getting everything nice and slick. Then I glanced across the room at Jason, who was standing with his mouth open, his eyes locked onto my cock.

"Dude, are you gonna do it standing up or what? Come on. Here's the lotion," I motioned with my head as I continued a nice, slow stroking. Jason seemed to come out of his daze when I spoke. Clearing his throat a little, he moved slowly across the room towards the bed, as if he wasn't quite certain of what to expect one he reached his destination.

"Better strip, man, you wouldn't want to get any on your clothes," I said softly as I seemed to devote all my attention to my own cock, acting like Jason's presence was of little interest to me.

In reality, I wasn't missing much. I watched as Jason swallowed hard and then slowly pulled his own sweater over the top of his head. He wasn't wearing an undershirt, so I immediately got an incredible view that I'd never seen on tv. Jason's torso was as tanned as Philip's, and nearly as toned. He was well on his way to having a perfect six pack. His large nipples stood at attention, surrounded by tiny, almost invisible wisps of blond hair, matching the light dusting of hair under his arms.

I continued my sensual stroking of my cock, pleased with it's thickness. My own cock was long and thin, so it was quite a change of pace to find my hand wrapped around the wide cock between Philip's legs. I watched from the corner of my eye and Jason undid his jeans and dropped them to the floor around his ankles. The front of his briefs were bulging with promise and there was already a noticeable wet spot on the fabric straining against the head of his cock.

He sat down slowly on the very edge of the bed and bent down to take off his shoes and pull his jeans all the way off. When he was done he sat up and glanced over at me. When I met his eyes, my hand still slowly stroking, he looked away quickly.

"Come on, dude. Get with it! Aren't you just aching to cum? I know I am," I moaned slightly. Jason glanced my way again and then scooted farther back on the bed. With a slight sigh, he pulled his briefs down and let them hit the floor. His cock was already fully hard and must have been about seven and a half inches, surrounded by an equally light dusting of curly little blond hairs. I watched as he reached for the lotion and squirted some into his hand.

It was all I could do not to gasp as I watched him begin to stroke himself, rubbing lotion up and down his hard cock. This was incredible! I couldn't believe that I was lying here, jacking off with one of the hot young guys on my soap opera! Hell, I WAS one of the hot young guys in my soap opera!

I gave it a few minutes, just the two of us lying side by side on top of the king sized bed, completely naked and stroking our cocks. The only sounds in the room were the soft slap of skin against skin and the occasional stifled moan from Jason or low, outright moan from me.

I kept watch, waiting for the exact moment when Jason was so lost in pleasure that he'd be open to almost anything. Finally, when I saw the pace of his hand increase ever so slightly and noticed him lightly biting his lower lip, I knew my moment had come.

Slowly, steadily, I moved my body towards his on the bed. His eyes were closed, his whole body focused on the feelings centered in his cock. I released my grip on my own dick and slowly reached out, wrapping my hand firmly around his own as it moved up and down on his meat.

Jason gasped and his eyes flew open. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a moment and quickly pulled his own hand out from under mine and started to sit up. I continued stroking his cock and looked directly into his eyes.

"Please let me," I whispered, increasing my stroking. A shudder of pleasure passed through his body and his head dropped back on the bed. He closed his eyes without another word and didn't resist.

Still stroking, enjoying the feel of his warm, hard member against the skin of my hand, I gently bent forward and brought my mouth to his nipple. I heard a gasp and felt another shudder run through his body, but he kept his eyes closed as I began to suck and nibble lightly on first one and then the other of his nipples, my tongue dancing lightly with the little wisps of blond hair.

I slowly began to kiss my way down his chest, letting my tongue devour the firm young body, savoring ever second of contact. I dipped my tongue lightly into his belly button and continued downward. I felt a jolt rush through my own body at the instant when the head of Jason's cock slipped between my lips.

Jason's moans were no longer stifled. He body, damp with sweat, was writing around in pure ecstasy as I took inch after inch of his cock into my mouth. Just as slowly as I'd gone down, I began to raise my head, watching as each inch reappeared, glistening with my saliva.

"Oh, God. Phil. That's... oh, God!" Jason moaned as I began to increase the pace of my movements, taking him down my throat again and again, my head bobbing up and down on his shaft. I reached one hand up and began to play with his hard nipples, causing him to moan even louder than before. If I was myself and we'd been in my dorm room, I would have worried about being overheard, but I just gave in to the moment, not caring about anything but Jason's cock and making it explode inside my mouth.

His moans soon became a light panting, interspersed with an occasional "Oh, God!" or "Oh, Wow!" I looked up at his face, glowing with sweat, where his extreme pleasure was written in every line. I had no doubt that this was the first time he'd ever experienced anything like this and felt the thrill of being the first to bring this pleasure home to him.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity and yet not quite long enough, Jason's hand clenched onto my shoulder and he gasped a single, prolonged word: "Ohhhhh!" My eyes still locked onto his face, which was transfigured in the most intense pleasure, I felt the first hot gush of his cum hit the roof of my mouth. Swallowing quickly, I continued sucking as he shot time after time, emptying what must have been a lifetime's worth of cum into my mouth.

At last, Jason's body seemed to go limp. At that exact moment, an odd sensation rushed through me body, leaving me dizzy. The room seemed to swim before me and suddenly everything went black.

To Be Continued? I hope you liked the way this went. If you did, let me know, so that I know people want to read more! chase_donovon@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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