Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Mar 26, 2001


Advisory: This story is pure fantasy and doesn't reflect the actual characters or actors on Days of Our Lives. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

Note: A lot of you asked where the sex was, so there's plenty of it in this chapter! I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think, okay?

After leaving the docks and a stunned Brady Black behind, I changed my mind about going back to the Kiriakis mansion. It was still pretty early in the evening, especially for Salem where the days seemed to last weeks and weeks at a time. Plus, I was still pretty wired after my close proximity to Shawn Brady at the Pub, followed by my run in with Brady.

Okay, I'll be honest. I found myself feeling incredibly horny. Who wouldn't, after all? My earlier encounter with Jason had been a lot of fun, but I hadn't exactly gotten off. And since then I'd had close, though sadly non-sexual, encounters with two really hot guys that I'd watched on TV and fantasized about dozens of times. If all of that didn't leave me horny, there'd be something really wrong with me.

I wandered for awhile, looking for a familiar landmark. Before long, I spotted Salem Place up ahead, it's lights shining like a beacon in the darkness of the evening.

I grabbed a table and ordered a cup of hot chocolate from the blonde waitress who seemed to always be working there. Did the poor woman ever get a night off? The only other person I could remember working there was Nicole, before she'd become a model at Titan. In typical Days fashion, she was now a Titan Exec, never mind the fact that she didn't seem to have gone to college. None of Titan's Execs had ever gone to college, it seemed. All you needed was a connection to Kate Roberts, be it by blood, marriage, or blackmail, and you were in.

Sipping my drink, I looked around, watching the shoppers come and go. I knew that it wouldn't take long before I saw someone that I- that Philip- knew. The Salem rule seemed to never fail- if you go there, they will come. And there could be anywhere, from New Orleans, to France, to the local coffee shop.

"Philip?" I recognized the voice before I even turned around. Austin Reed, possessor of the best pecs on the show. And, sadly, Philip's half brother. Not to mention a very righteous do gooder. Someone who thought sex was a sin if you weren't totally committed. What chance did I have? Well, it would still be fun to look at him for awhile. As long as he didn't talk too much.

"Hey, Austin. Join me?" I smiled at him as he nodded and took the seat across from me at the little table. The waitress appeared at his side and he ordered a coffee.

"So we haven't talked for awhile. How are things?" Austin asked, smiling at me. He really was nice to look at, I had to give him that.

"Things are... confusing," I replied, an idea coming into my mind.

"Confusing?" Austin scrunched up his brow a little and spoke as if the word were completely new to him and he didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Yeah. I'm actually really glad to see you, man. I really need to talk to someone about some stuff," I sighed, doing my best to seem worried and in need of some help. After all, what better way was there to get Saint Austin's attention?

"Sure, man. You know you can talk to me. What is it?" Austin asked.

"Um, could we go somewhere else, maybe? Someplace more private? I don't really feel comfortable talking about this with all these people around," I said, my mind racing ahead of me, wondering if this would work.

"Of course. Come on, we'll go to my apartment. It's quiet there and it'll just be the two of us," Austin said, standing up and taking out his wallet to pay the check. Never mind that we hadn't even touched our drinks, really. No one in Salem ever seemed to finish a meal or a drink when they went out in public.

It only took a few minutes in Austin's car to reach his apartment. I looked around the familiar hallway I'd seen on the show many times. I glanced at the door to Sami's apartment, hoping she wasn't home. The last thing I needed was for her to pop over to see Austin right now.

Austin unlocked the door and I followed him inside. He turned on the light and I looked around at the familiar surroundings with a feeling of amazement and excitement. Amazement that I was really in Austin Reed's apartment, and excitement for what I hoped would be happening next.

"Want anything to drink?" Austin asked as he took off his coat. I admired the physique I could see outlined beneath his tight white t-shirt and felt a stirring in my pants, which caused me to quickly take a seat on the sofa and place a pillow over my lap in what I hoped looked like a casual move.

"No, I'm okay," I assured him. Austin came over and sat down at the other end of the sofa, facing me.

"So, what do you need to talk about?"

"I... it's really... I don't know if I can do this, maybe it was a bad idea," I said, starting to stand up. As I hoped, Austin reached out and grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back down.

"Hey, listen, you know you can tell me anything. If it's bothering you this much, you really need to talk about it with someone," Austin said.

"Yeah. Well, it's just that... Did you ever have thoughts that weren't... normal?" I asked, doing my best to seem upset and afraid of what I was about to say.

"What do you mean, not normal?" Austin asked, his eyes registering that he wasn't quite sure what I meant.

"Thoughts that... you know you shouldn't be having?" I asked, looking directly at him with wide eyes. I knew on Philip, the look must be irresistible. Anyone who saw it would want to wrap their arms around him and make him feel better.

"Do you mean... like... sex thoughts?" Austin asked slowly.

I stayed still a moment, just looking at him with those wide eyes, like I was afraid to answer. And then I slowly nodded my head in silence.

"Oh. Philip, you're a teenager. Of course you have thoughts about sex. There's nothing about that that's not normal," Austin explained, reaching out to touch my knee for a second in reassurance.

"But what if..." I stopped, as if it was just a thought I couldn't bear to complete.

"What if what?" Austin asked patiently.

"What if they're not regular sex thoughts?" I asked, this time keeping my eyes lowered, as if not daring to meet his gaze.

"I... not regular sex thoughts? Like, what? I'm not sure I know what you mean," Austin sounded really confused now. Of course, he usually came across that way anyway.

"I think about... doing stuff. With... guys," I said haltingly, my voice soft. Even though I was playing around here, I could feel myself getting behind the emotions. It hadn't been that long ago in my real life that I'd been a kid confused by thoughts about guys. It was an easy emotion to connect to.

Austin was quiet. I waited, wondering what exactly he was going to say. Finally, when he didn't speak, I glanced up at him to see what his reaction was.

Austin was sitting there, staring at me. It was hard to read his face, though. His mouth wasn't hanging open in shock, as I'd suspected it might be. There was no look of disgust or moral outrage, both of which I'd also half suspected might meet my statement.

When he still said nothing, I decided to kick things up another notch. "Now you hate me!" I cried, jumping up from the sofa and heading in the direction of the door.

"Philip, no!" Austin was behind me in a single moved and spun me around to face him. We were so close I could feel his breath on my face and I had to fight the urge to kiss him.

"Look, I don't hate you. Sit back down. We can talk about this," Austin said, leading me back to the sofa. Once we were seated, Austin touched my knee again, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"So you have thoughts about doing stuff with guys. What kind of stuff?" Austin asked.

"Like.. you know. Sex stuff," I said quietly. I was glad for the cushy pillow once again placed on my lap, though. The thought of Austin fishing for details of Philip's gay fantasies was an incredible turn on.

"Sex stuff. Mmm hmm. Like, touching?" Austin asked.

"Yeah. I think about touching guys. And kissing guys. And... other stuff," I finished, darting a quick glance at his face before looking down at my hands again. It was still hard to read his look.

"What other stuff? It's okay to tell me Philip, I won't think badly about you," Austin said quietly. I thought I detected a hint of something in his voice- repressed excitement maybe?

"I think about kissing a guy all over. Everywhere on his body. And I fantasize about... giving blow jobs," I finished quietly, this time looking up to meet Austin's gaze directly. His face was a little flushed now.

"I see. Philip, these thoughts don't make you bad. People have thoughts all the time. Thoughts don't count. Only actions count," Austin explained.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean. Aren't these thoughts wrong? I mean, shouldn't I be thinking about girls?" I asked, striving to keep my voice sounding confused and scared.

"Listen, Philip. I'm going to tell you something that's just between us. I know I can trust you, like you've trusted me," Austin said. I nodded slowly, waiting.

"I have those thoughts, too, Philip," he said. I felt my heart beat quicken and let out an inner yell of delight. This was going a hundred times better than I thought it would.

"You.. you think about guys, too?" I asked. "Like, about kissing guys? And giving them blow jobs?"

Austin nodded. "Yeah, I do. I've had those thoughts since I was younger than you are now. I've never stopped having them. About guys I've boxed with, guys at the gym. Even guys I've been friends with."

"Like who?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

"I don't think that's important," Austin said, not sounding quite sure of himself.

"It's just that... well, I have thoughts about guys I shouldn't think about that way. Like Shawn Brady. He's my best friend! But I think about him like that all the time," I said.

"Oh. Well, I used to fantasize about Eric Brady all the time, and he was my brother in law, so don't feel too badly about that, Philip," Austin said in a comforting tone.

My cock, still hidden beneath the pillow, began to strain against the fabric of my pants at the thought of Austin fantasizing over Eric Brady.

"So it's okay to have these thoughts, then?" I asked.

"Well, it doesn't make you bad or anything. Like I said, thoughts are thoughts. It's only actions that matter," Austin explained again.

"Is that why you married Carrie?" I asked. Austin sighed softly and ran his fingers through his hair, then laid his head against the back of the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah. I mean, I loved Carrie. A lot. I wouldn't have married her if I hadn't loved her. But I got married because that's what we're supposed to do. Men are supposed to be with women, that's the way God wants it. So we can have whatever thoughts we want about guys. That's not wrong. But we need to be with women," he said.

I cringed a little at this ridiculous idea. How stupid was it to think that God would want us to do something that wasn't right, that left us unfulfilled and unhappy? Luckily, Austin wasn't looking at me and missed the cringe and the rolling of my eyes that went with it.

"I understand. But don't you ever... I mean, haven't you ever... given in to your temptations?" I asked.

Austin was quiet for awhile and I'd almost decided he wasn't going to answer my question at all when he sighed and rolled his head in my direction.

"Temptation is everywhere, every day. At the gym I'm constantly tempted. Just walking around Salem Place, I'm tempted. But we have to resist those temptations," Austin said.

I nodded, since he was looking at me. "So you've never given in to temptation?" I asked.

Austin sighed again and closed his eyes. "Yeah, Philip. I have. It's hard not to sometimes and nobody is perfect."

"So you've been with guys?" I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice.

Austin opened his eyes and looked at me. "I've never told anyone this, Philip. But I know you understand. And maybe I can help you not to give in to temptation like I have."

I nodded again, waiting for him to go on. "I have been with guys a few times, yeah. Once in high school, when I was about your age. Once when I first started boxing. And once after I walked in on Carrie in bed with Mike Horton."

"What... what was it like?" I asked.

"Well, I won't lie to you. At the time, it was really great. But the guilt afterwards at knowing I'd done something wrong wasn't great," Austin sighed.

I couldn't take this any more. I was on the right track, but it seemed to be taking forever. I needed to do something to get things going.

"Austin, I don't think I can resist the temptation. I mean, every day at school, after gym class, I'm there in the showers, surrounded by all these hot guys. Guys like my friends Shawn and Jason. And seeing them, naked and wet, soap suds all over their bodies, it's more than I can take!"

"Philip, I know how you feel, really," Austin said.

"No! You can't know, Austin. You can't know what it's like to want to drop to my knees right there in the shower, not even caring if everyone is watching, and take Shawn's cock in my mouth. You can't know how much I want to get him off, to taste him, to swallow everything he gives me!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"I do know, Philip! I've felt the same way so many times!" Austin said.

"I feel like if I don't get some relief, if I don't act out these desires with someone, I'm going to go insane. If I could just do it once, know what it's like, maybe I could get it out of my system," I said.

"Philip, you can't think that way. You've got to fight these urges. Even giving in once would be a mistake," Austin said.

"No. It can't be a mistake, Austin. Not when it feels so right!" I moved my hand just right, so that it hit the edge of the pillow, sending it to the floor and exposing the very obvious tent in my pants.

I watched as Austin's eyes took in the sight and noticed the beginnings of a rise in his own jeans.

"Philip, things that feel good aren't always right," Austin said, but his voice cracked just a little.

"Austin, I don't care. I can't stand it any longer! I'm going to do this, tonight. I'm going to go find someone and I'm going to be with him. I'm going to act out all my fantasies," I said, standing up. The tent in my pants became more obvious once I was upright and it was about level with Austin's face.

"Philip, don't be stupid! Forget about wrong or right, you could get hurt! There are a lot of scary people out there. I can't let you go throw yourself at some stranger," Austin said.

"Then help me, Austin. Just this once. Just between us. Please. I need this," I said, a very genuine tone of pleading coming into my voice.

"Philip, what are you saying? I'm your brother!" Austin said, but he didn't sound as shocked as he could have been.

"Half brother, Austin. And so what? If you don't help me, I'm going to do just what you said. Throw myself at some stranger!" I declared.

Austin's eyes fell to the front of my pants, an area he'd been avoiding since I stood up. There was definite desire in his glance.

"Please, Austin. Just this once," I whispered, reaching out to touch the side of his face.

"Philip, it's not right..." Austin said, but his voice was lacking any moral convictions now.

"You said it yourself, Austin. Forget about wrong and right," I said softly as I continued to caress the side of his face with one hand and used to other to slowly unzip my pants.

Austin's eyes followed the course of my fingers as they worked the zipper down and then slowly reached inside. I shuddered a little at the first touch of my fingers on my aching cock, and then pulled it through the opening, exposing it to Austin's hungry eyes.

I stroked it just a little, a few inches from his face, and he started to lean forward, bringing himself closer. I reached down and unbuttoned my pants, letting them fall around my ankles. After only a moment's hesitation, Austin reached up and pulled down my boxer briefs slowly, as if savoring the moment.

I gasped as he pressed his face against me, his nose resting in my soft blond pubic hair and his lips against the base of my cock.

Austin inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of my crotch. "Oh, Philip," he moaned. They were his last words before he grabbed hold of my rigid cock and brought his lips to it's head. His tongue darted out licking all around the head and then up and down it's length, sending shivers racing along my spine.

"Oh, God, Austin. That feels so good," I moaned. There was no need to put on an act any longer. I was thoroughly myself now, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

Austin slowly licked his way down to my balls and then sucked first one and then the other into his mouth, rolling them around with his tongue and sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body as I gripped his t-shirt clad shoulders and moaned.

Releasing my balls, he licked his way back up my shaft and then, after just a moments pause for breath, took the head of my cock between his lips. His mouth was incredibly hot and the combined feeling of his busy tongue and the suction almost pushed me over the edge.

"I want your cock, too," I moaned. "Please. I want to taste you, Austin." He pulled back, releasing my cock from his mouth. Standing up, he quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it across the room. My mouth went dry at the sight of his incredible upper body. It always looked fantastic on the screen, but in person it was beyond words.

"You are so hot," I whispered, reaching out and touching his chest, gently pinching his nipples between my fingers.

"Take your clothes off," Austin said, his voice heavy with desire. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my pants and boxers off all the way, watching Austin as I did so. He undid the snaps on his jeans and then slowly, sensually pulled them down over his bulging package, barely contained by his tight white briefs.

I practically ripped my shirt off and then fell to my knees in front of Austin before he could remove his underwear. I reached around and cupped his firm ass in my hands, squeezing and kneeding the round mounds that I'd fantasized about many times, as I brought my mouth against his hard cock. I sucked gently, with only the fabric between his meat and my mouth.

"Philip, oh God," Austin moaned as I worked on his cock, leaving the front of his underwear completely soaked. After a few minutes, I couldn't wait any longer to taste the actual thing and I reached up and pulled the briefs down in one swift move. His cock, a hard, thick seven inches, sprang free and landed against my nose. I wasted no time in getting it in my mouth and working a few inches down my throat, causing Austin to grip the back of my head and let out a series of loud groans.

After a few seconds I pulled back, wanting to get a taste of his balls. They were low hanging and surprisingly hairy and I could only take one in my mouth at a time. I licked and sucked them with abandon, lost in the taste of sweat and manliness that was Austin Reed.

Suddenly Austin reached down and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me up off of my knees. I felt a momentary pang of fear- was he putting a stop to this NOW?

But my fears were extinguished when Austin leaned down and began to suck on my nipple and pressed his hard cock against my own.

"I want to suck you, too. You know what a sixty nine is?" Austin asked, looking into my eyes.

I almost laughed, but remembered at the last second that I was Philip and Austin thought this was my first time with a guy. I nodded slowly, loving the look of desire that was clouding his eyes.

Austin grabbed me by the hand and led me quickly back to his bedroom. We fell onto the bed at the same time and Austin brought his mouth to mine, his tongue searching my mouth for a few seconds before he pulled back. He turned me onto my side and then moved quickly down to the other end of the bed, so that his cock was directly in my face.

I shuddered as I felt his lips once again wrap around the head of my cock. I leaned forward and greedily swallowed as much of his cock as I could, loving the feel of it in my mouth. I went to work, concentrating on sucking Austin's cock and playing with his balls as he worked noisily on my own dick, slurping away and letting out little moans of delight.

After a few minutes of delicious cock sucking, Austin suddenly rolled me over onto my back and climbed on top of me so that his knees were on either side of my head and his cock was hanging down in my face as he continued to suck me off. I wrapped my arms around the back of his legs, just below his tight ass, and pulled him into me, taking his cock almost completely down my throat. Austin groaned and began pumping his cock up and down, fucking my face.

I felt myself getting dangerously close to cumming as the stud on top of me fucked my mouth with increasing speed. I could tell be the way he was moving that he, too, was close and I knew I had to stop him from cumming.

I reached up and pushed him gently away. Austin let out a small cry of disappointment but rolled off of me and looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

"God, yeah. I just wanted to slow down a little," I grinned, knowing that Philip's grin was one of his sexiest features. I reached over and started slowly stroking Austin's cock, to keep his desire at full throttle.

"Ahhh," Austin moaned, closing his eyes and thrusting up against my hand. "That feels so good."

"Lay back on the bed," I told him. He acted quickly, with no hesitation. I let my eyes linger, taking in the sight before me. Austin Reed was stretched out, completely naked, on his bed. He was sweating just a little, which gave his incredible body a sexy shine. He was mine to do with as I pleased. Fantasies can come true.

I started with his chest, fist licking and sucking lightly on his nipples and running my mouth all over those incredible pecs. I licked my way down his chest, stopping to trace his gorgeous abs with my tongue as he ran his fingers through my blond hair and moaned Philip's name.

I slowly worked my way back up his torso, covering every inch of his stomach and chest with my mouth. I worked my way up and kissed his throat softly, sucking just enough to leave a mark. I ran my tongue slowly along his shoulder and then down his muscular arm.

One by one, I took each of his fingers into my mouth and sucked on them for a few seconds, my eyes locked on his as I did so. The desire in his eyes was at a fever pitch as I released his thumb from my mouth and then kissed my way back up his arm. He looked surprised when I suddenly grabbed ahold of his arm and raised it in the air. His surprise turned to a moan of pure passion when I buried my face in his arm pit, licking and sucking for all I was worth.

I kissed my way across his chest and gave similar treatment to the other pit. For some reason, I'd always fantasized about burying my face in Austin's bushy pits.

I was contemplating my next move when Austin suddenly sat up and started nibbling gently on my earlobe. "I want to show you something you've probably never even thought of," he whispered in my ear.

I just nodded my head, wondering what it would be that he thought innocent Philip hadn't even thought of. "Lay back on the bed," Austin said, echoing my own words from a few minutes before. I quickly complied and had only one quick regret as I looked up at the bare ceiling above me. It was too bad Austin wasn't the type to have a mirror above his bed. As hot as it was to be experiencing this, it would be even hotter to look up and see Austin and Philip doing these things to each other.

Austin moved quickly downwards, stopping for a moment to suck lightly on the head of my cock and give my balls a quick lick. As his tongue moved it's way down my balls and reached the sensitive area just below them, I knew what he was up to.

I gasped out loud as his tongue continued even further down and ran along my crack. Before I even had a chance to register the pleasure, Austin's tongue had made it's way to my hole and was licking small circles around it.

"Oh, my God! Austin! Yeah!" I moaned. "You're licking my asshole!" It was no act that I was enjoying this, but I thought I should sound a little shocked, too, since Austin expected me to be a total novice at gay sex.

I felt Austin blowing soft little puffs of warm breath against my now wet hole and began to reach new levels of bliss. Austin Reed was rimming me. Could life get any better?

"Oh, Austin!" I groaned as his tongue pushed it's way inside of Philip's virgin ass. I began to writhe around on the bed as Austin's hot, wet tongue worked it's way in and out of my ass. It felt so incredible and every time I looked down, Austin's eyes were staring up at me, taking in my pleasure with rapt attention.

Without warning, I felt one of Austin's fingers join his tongue and press slowly inside of me. "Oh, yeah. Finger my ass!" I yelled, letting go of everything but the pleasure I was feeling. No more games, no more pretending. I wanted Austin inside of me more than I'd ever wanted anything.

Austin's tongue vanished, leaving my hole wet and ready as he fingered me rapidly with first one and then two fingers. Finally, he worked in a third and I knew that I could take no more.

"Fuck me, Austin. Please. I need you inside of me. I need your cock in my ass. Please!" I begged shamelessly, loving the sound of those word's coming out of Philip's mouth.

Austin didn't need to be asked twice. He raised my legs up onto his shoulders, running his hands up and down them for a few seconds appreciatively. I wondered for a second if Austin was a leg man, but then all wondering ceased as I felt the head of his cock against my asshole.

Austin had used a little saliva to wet his cock, and my hole was still wet from his tongue job, but when the head of his cock pushed into my ass, I felt a searing pain. It was, after all, the first time Philip's ass had been fucked. Austin moved slowly, pushing himself in inch by inch while he continued to rub my legs and made soothing noises.

When he was finally all the way in, he held still for awhile, letting me get used to it. My cock had gone soft at the first rush of pain, but when Austin finally began to move slowly in and out of my ass, hitting my prostate each time like a pro, it was back at full mast in no time.

"Oh, yeah. Fuck me, Austin. Fuck me. Fuck me like you fantasized about fucking Eric Brady. God, your cock feels so good in me," I moaned, letting go with a torrent of words. What can I say, I'm a talker! "Fuck my ass. You're the champion, you're the man!"

Austin's eyes were closed now as he pumped back and forth, a look of ecstasy on his face, his chest glistening with sweat, his hair damp from the workout his body was getting.

Opening his eyes a little, Austin reached down and wrapped his strong hand around my dick and began stroking it in time with his thrusts. With the sight of this soap God above me, riding my ass, and the feel of his hand wrapped around my dick while he gave Philip's virgin prostate it's first workout, I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Oh, God, I'm going to-" I didn't even finish my sentence as the orgasm ripped through my body and my dick erupted. Hot cum landed on my chest and I felt some of it hit the side of my face. I let out an animalistic yell and tensed up as I came, which must have pushed Austin over the edge.

I watched as he released my dick and brought his hand to his mouth, sucking some of my cum off of his fingers as he came inside of me. I could feel his dick pumping it's load into me and then he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily.

We lay there, sweaty and spent, for several minutes. I was running my fingers through his damp hair and breathing in the musky scent of him and of the sex we'd just had. I could have stayed like that for hours, I think.

"Oh, my God. Philip, what did we just do?" Austin pulled out of me and sat up. Here we go, I thought with a mental sigh.

"Austin, don't freak out, okay? It was fantastic," I said, reaching out to touch his back.

"Philip, it was wrong! We gave in to temptations. We shouldn't have done this. It was wrong."

"Austin, don't start. You know what? God wouldn't give us these feelings if they were wrong. God wants us to be happy, even if that means we like guys and not girls, okay? God made us the way we are!"


"No buts, Austin, okay? I'm sorry but I'm not going to feel guilty for this. It was incredible and it was right! I'm gay. That's how I was created and I'm not going to pretend differently. Think about it, okay?"

Austin nodded slowly, still looking uncertain. I kissed his shoulder quickly and got off the bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower, okay? We can talk some more when I get out, if you want."

I hopped into the shower and let the hot water rain down on me, feeling as relaxed and satisfied as I'd ever felt in my life.

Shutting the shower off, I dried off quickly and went out with a white cotton towel wrapped around my waist.

"Austin?" I called out for him as I began gathering up my clothes. It took me a minute to find my shirt, but I finally spotted it just inside the kitchen.

That's when I spotted Austin's note on the fridge. He'd gone for a walk, had a lot of thinking to do, and he'd call me tomorrow.

I got dressed right there in the living room and wrote a quick note to Austin, telling him again what a wonderful time I'd had.

On my way out, I passed Sami Brady in the hallway and smiled. If only she knew!

Stay Tuned! You're probably wondering where the kinky guy was, right? Well, I'm putting that off for a chapter or two. But it's coming! As are plenty of hot Salem guys! :) Write me with suggestions, comments, praise, hate mail, whatever at chase_donovon@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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