Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Jun 16, 2001


Advisory: This story is pure fantasy and doesn't reflect the actual characters or actors on Days of Our Lives. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

I opened my eyes slowly. The bed was warm and comfortable and I felt like snuggling down under the covers and staying asleep all day long.

I closed my eyes again, then opened them slowly and let them travel around the now familiar room. Philip's room. My room.

A smile spread across my face. It was a brand new day in Salem, and I was still here. I was still Philip Kiriakis.

I stretched my arms above my head, a small groan of happiness escaping my lips. I let my mind wander back over the events of the day before. I'd given Jason a blow job, right here in this very room. And then I'd seduced Austin Reed into a very satisfying sexual encounter at his apartment. In fact, I could almost still feel his cock inside of me this morning, I realized.

And now, it was a whole new day. I wondered what it would bring for me. If I had my way, there'd be a few more hotties falling under my spell before it was over.

Strange. I'd never felt this manipulative in my real life. Maybe there was something in the air here in Salem that had this affect on certain people! If I wasn't careful, I'd soon find myself locking people up in secret rooms or burying them alive!

At least I wouldn't have to resort to drugging anyone to get them into bed! I smiled again at the thought of passing Sami Brady the night before, right after the hot fuck I'd had with the man she'd been after for years.

A knock on the door broke into my thoughts. "Yes?" I called out, already getting used to the sound of Philip's voice coming out of my mouth.

"Will you be taking breakfast this morning, Master Philip?" Henderson called from the other side of the closed door.

"Yeah. Tell cook to prepare my usual," I shouted back. "I'm going to need my strength today!"

The day at Salem High flew by. Classes were a piece of cake and I was able to spend most of my time thinking about what my next move would be. Or, I should say, who my next move would be. Jason avoided me like the plague, I noticed with amusement. It probably didn't help that every time I caught his eye across a crowded hall way, in a classroom, or even in the locker room after gym, I gratuitously licked my lips as a not too subtle reminder of our encounter the day before. I somehow also managed to avoid the whole Chloe situation. I wasn't sure what to do there. I didn't want to break her heart or anything, but there was no way I was playing the dutiful boyfriend. I had too much else I wanted to do, all involving the hot men of Salem. The high point of the school day had come when Shawn Brady asked me if I wanted to shoot some hoops after school. The thought of getting up close and personal with him made me agree instantly, even though it meant putting my plans for a certain other Salem hunk on hold for awhile. "Phil, are you ready to get your butt kicked?" Shawn called out to me as I walked onto the outdoor court I'd seen on the show a few times recently. "In your dreams, Brady!" I laughed, figuring it was something Philip would say. "We'll see," Shawn smiled that sexy smile and I felt the back of my knees go weak once again. Being close to him always seemed to have that affect on me. It was strange. With the other guys I'd met in Salem so far, I felt like I had control. But with Shawn, it was like I was a schoolgirl with a crush on her favorite Backstreet Boy or something. Looking at Shawn, I caught my breath suddenly. He was taking off his shirt. It was a pretty hot afternoon, after all. But somehow, I hadn't expected to be this lucky. I watched, my mouth probably hanging open, as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing the sexy smooth body that was begining to show real defintion. "Phil? Hello?" Shawn waved a hand in front of my face. "What's wrong?" "Nothing!" I shook my head, trying to get it together. I had to play this cool. Why couldn't I be as smooth around Shawn as I was with Austin last night? "Well are we going to play, or what?" Shawn asked. I nodded quickly and pulled my own shirt over my head, automatically comparing my new body with Shawn's. I had to admit, while Philip had an incredible bod, Shawn's looked a little more toned in all the right places. We started the game of one on one. Every time I tried to make a shot, Shawn blocked me and stole the ball. It was impossible to concentrate on my game when the feel of his warm, naked skin pressed against my own was all that my body could focus on. We played for awhile, the hot sun bearing down on us the whole time. We were both sweating and breathing hard. I realized for the first time what an incredibly sexy sport basketball can be as I tried to make a jump shot and Shawn jumped up directly in front of me to block it, our damp chests meeting in mid air. The feeling was electrifying. I could feel my cock getting hard inside my shorts. For a few seconds, I tried to will it down mentally, but then it hit me. Why not let Shawn feel the affect he was having on me? It could give me the opening I needed with him. I threw myself into the game then, making sure my body touched Shawn's at every opportunity. After a few minutes, the bulge in my shorts was almost painfully at full mast, but Shawn still hadn't seemed to notice. And then, it happened. I was dribbling the ball, inching ever closer to the hoop. Shawn, standing behind me, reached around my waist suddenly to try and steal the ball. His hand came into direct contact with the hard bulge that was tenting the front of my shorts. I gasped and shuddered in pleasure at the sudden touch. I heard Shawn gasp in surprise behind me, his breath hot on the back of my neck. For a few seconds, it seemed we were suspended in time. Shawn was still behind me, his body pressed close to mine. The ball had fallen from my hands and rolled to the side, but I no longer cared about it. Never had, in fact. I turned around slowly to face Shawn. He was looking at me with a mixture of shock and embarrasment on his face and I noticed his eyes dart downward for a second, as if to confirm that he'd touched what he thought he had. "I.... um..." Shawn stammered a little. He looked so incredibly sexy when he was at a loss for words! I said nothing, just looked into his eyes and waited. "Sorry, man. Look, don't be embarrased. It happens. They've got mind of their own sometimes, I know. Why don't we finish this another time, okay? I'm supposed to meet Belle at Dot Com, anyway," Shawn slapped my arm lightly and turned around. He went to the side of the court and grabbed his T-shirt off the ground. I felt a sense of loss as he pulled it over his head and then turned to face me again. "Really, Phil, don't worry. I won't say anything. We don't even have to talk about it ever again, okay?" Shawn thought I was humiliated. I guess that would seem a normal reaction to him. Little did he know that he was the cause of this hard on and that I'd very much like him to touch it again! But he was already slipping his backpack on. The game was over, the opportunity was over. But another one would present itself, I was sure of that. "Thanks, Shawn. We'll talk later, okay?" I said. He nodded and turned to go. "Oh, and just remember, I was totally kicking your butt!" Shawn called back over his shoulder. I smiled, in spite of myself. I watched him walk out of sight and then sighed. It seemed I'd have to work much harder to get into Shawn Brady's pants. But then, he'd probably be more than worth it. "Do you have a permit for that thing?" the voice, directly in my ear, practically caused me to jump out of my skin. I whirled around quickly and found myself looking once again into the smug face of Brady Black. "Brady!" I yelled, pissed at being taken by surprise by him once again. "C'mon, Uncle Phil. Answer the question. Do you have a concealed weapons permit for that thing?" Brady nodded his head in the direction of my shorts. My erection had faded some, but it was still causing a pretty obvious tent. "Fuck off," I said, trying to regain composure. "Pretty words for such a pretty boy!" Brady laughed. "So, did you enjoy your little man on man contact sport with Shawn?" "What, were you spying on me?" I asked, anger flaring up again. "Hey, it's a public court. You know, I didn't completely believe you last night. I thought you were just winding me up. But after watching you falling all over Shawn like that, I guess you were telling the truth," Brady said. "So what? Do you have a point?" I asked, walking over to grab my own shirt from the ground. "Just that I can't believe my Uncle Phil is a fairy!" Brady sneered. "Brady, I have news for you. However many cocks I suck, however many times I take it up the ass, I'll always be more of a man than you can ever dream of being." Brady stared at me, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. Then, almost as if someone had hit a switch, his face darkened. He stepped forward and grabbed me by the arms before I had a chance to defend myself in any way. "Don't you talk to me like that! I'm all man. All man! Do you hear me?" Brady's words were quiet enough, but the feeling behind them was obviously intense. His grip on my arms was painful. Our faces were only inches apart as he held me and I could feel the intensity of his anger. I suddenly wondered if he brought as much intensity to everything his did. Would he fuck with as much passion? Before I could think twice about it, I leaned forward and brought my mouth to his. I could feel his surprise and I slipped my tongue into his mouth and flicked it lightly against his own. I pulled back after a few seconds and looked into his eyes, wondering what I'd find there. They were unreadable, though. We stared at each other for what seemed an eternity, and I had no clue what was going on in his mind. His grip on my arms hadn't loosened. There was nothing I could do but stare into his eyes and wait. Just when I thought I could take it not longer, Brady suddenly moved forward with passion and brought his mouth to mine. His tongue was hot and wild as it sought out every inch of my mouth. He was still holding my arms, so I was denied my desire to run my hands all over his body while we kissed and to feel his hands on my body. But he did press himself into me and I could feel his growing erection against my own. He pulled back suddenly, leaving me wanting much more. He let go of one of my arms, but kept his grip firm on the other. We were both breathing hard, trying to catch our breath from the kiss. Brady's eyes were flickering with anger and passion and I felt a wave of desire for him as intense as anything I'd ever felt in my life. "I'll show you who's a man," Brady said. I gasped as he pulled me roughly by the arm across the court. There was a group of bushes off to one side and Brady pulled me into them and pushed me down on the ground. The enclosure was very private, with an excellent view of the court. I realized that Brady must have been watching Shawn and I from there. "Take off your shorts!" Brady ordered as he stripped off his shirt, revealing his smooth, muscular upper body. I did as he said, pulling off the shorts and boxers beneath them. It was strangely thrilling to find myself naked in public, even in this secluded area. I started stroking my cock as I watched Brady strip out of his jeans. He wore white briefs underneath them and I gasped at the size of the bulge in them. It looked huge. I didn't have much time to wonder, though. Brady pulled his briefs off so quickly that they tore. He tossed them aside, not caring. I had a brief view of a curly bush of blondish brown pubic hair and a massive pole that had to be a good eight inches, if not more, before he was on top of me again. Brady stuck his tongue in my mouth again as his fingers began pinching my nipples roughly. I moaned back into his mouth, amazed at how turned on I was. One of Brady's hands began to roughly stroke my cock, squeezing it tightly. I felt myself getting dangerously close to cumming. Brady pulled back and looked down at me, his chest still heaving up and down and the anger still as present in his eyes and face as the passion. "I'm going to show you who's a man, Uncle Phil," Brady said. I felt the head of his cock pressing against my ass and knew what was coming next. I moaned, wanting this more than I would have thought possible. "Fuck me Brady. Fuck me," I moaned. He sneered down at me, as if amused by my need. The head of his cock slipped inside me and I gasped. There was no lube, but somehow that made it even hotter. Brady groaned as he slipped even further inside my tight ass and I wrapped my legs around his butt, pulling him in more. He began to pound in and out, anger in every stroke. It was fast, furious, and filled with an odd rage, but it was the most intense fuck I'd ever had in my life. "Oh, oh God! Yes! Brady, fuck me!" I moaned. "Say it, Phil! Say I'm the man!" Brady ordered me. I said nothing, just continued to moan and whimper as he rode my ass. My silence seemed to spur him on. He began to pound in and out of me with even more fury and started pinching my nipples again with one hand, while he held himself up with the other. "Brady! Oh fuck! Brady..... you're..... yeah! oh, god!," I groaned, feeling myself drawing towards something powerful. "You're a man, Brady! You're a real man. Fuck me! Fuck me like a real man fucks his woman!" My own words, coupled with Brady's angry fucking, sent me over the edge. The orgasm was so intense that I didn't even really noticed the fact that my cock was shooting cum all over my stomach and chest. It was like I was above it all, riding a way of pure pleasure. "Yeah! Cum for me, Philly. Cum for me, bitch." Brady groaned. I was slowly floating downwards from my own explosion when he suddenly pulled his cock out of my ass and moved forward quickly. He straddled my shoulders and directed his cock at my face, stroking furiously. I groaned and opened my mouth as the first shot of hot cum hit my cheek. I raised my head slightly off the ground and tried to catch as much of Brady's cum in my mouth as I could as he continued to pump a huge load onto my face and in my hair. I swallowed what I could catch greedily. Brady collapsed next to me on the ground and we both tried to catch our breath. We were both sweaty and I had drying cum on my face and in my hair, as well as all over my stomach, but I felt incredible. I rolled over and kissed Brady lightly on the shoulder. He rolled his head in my direction and stared at me. I stared back, wondering what he was thinking. When he wasn't caught up in an extream emotion, he was hard to read. Finally, he broke eye contact and sat up. He began reaching for his clothes. I watched as he pulled on his jeans and shirt, leaving the torn underware laying off to the side. When he was dressed, he looked at me again but said nothing. I just looked back, not sure what to say. After sharing something that intense, what was there to be said? "See you around, Uncle Phil," Brady said, his voice netural. He turned and left the enclosure. I fell back onto my back and sighed, looking up at the parts of the sky barely visible through the bushes. I'd never been that subservient in sex before. I always played a more active role. Somehow, though, the experience had been hotter than anything that had ever happened to me, either as Philip or my real self. It was beyond incredible.

I managed to get out of the bushes and into one of the park's public restrooms without being seen, where I cleaned up enough to be able to get home.

I took a quick shower and then collapsed back onto my bed, where this whole day had started. I'd certainly never expected anything like this when I woke up! My ass was feeling very sore, but it had been more than worth it.

I must have dozed off for awhile, because when my cell phone rang, I jumped awake with a start. For a second, I had no clue where I was. Then it all came back and I rolled over to the bedside table and grabbed the cell phone, a staple for any Salemite.


"Philip?" A familiar voice sounded in my ear.


"I saw you, Philip. I saw what you did with Brady in the park!"

Feedback very welcome at chase_donovon@yahoo.com. :)

Next: Chapter 7

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