When Fantasy Becomes Reality

By Derhunterboi

Published on Dec 19, 2016


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between a man (age 28) and a minor (age 13), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read. Additional Warning: This is also a work that takes place in the Star Wars Universe although has no affiliation with Lucas Arts or the franchise. It is purely a work of fiction.

Copyright notice: ALL references to Star Wars and The Expanded Universe system, are copyright George Lucas/Disney and Lucasfilms/arts company.

This story holds no affiliation to George Lucas or his Lucasfilms/arts company.

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When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Chapter Three: A New Assignment

After being raised to the rank of Jedi Knight I spent the next 8 years on various missions and tasks that the Council needed doing. The normal stuff you'd expect, mediating peace talks, avoiding or ending civil wars, and thwarting the Empire whenever possible. I had made quite a few friends along the way as well, something I had trouble doing even back on Earth but the galaxy is a big place after all. Eventually I had made a name for myself in the order, and was given an assignemnt and alias to go along with it.

Typically each Planet in the Republic has a Jedi or two watching over things, and a few planets that aren't associated with the Republic occasionally have an overseer as well. That was to be my job. I was charged with watching for any suspicious activity or interference from the Empire, as well as keeping an eye out for any force sensitive children to train for Jedi. My planet was a familiar one: Earth. The elders felt that Earth was reaching a point when they will soon become conciously aware of the wider galaxy and develop the technology to interact, such as warp. Because of that it was vital that they have at least one agent on the ground, and what better agent than a local.

What had happened ten years prior was sucessfully covered up, although it required months of Jedi intervention to alter or surpress memories, fast paced rebuilding that only the Republic could achieve, and a lot of subterfuge. Ten years later no trace of what happened on my campus remained, all the bodies were given back stories into how they died, and any lingering memories were eventually discounted as drugs or crazy ramblings. Just to be safe the Council assigned me to a major hub in the U.S, a place that had been untouched by the bombardments and attacks.

My new name was to be Paul Ardson, a regular guy from Massachusetts who was (ironically) an accountant. I guess the Council thought that would be funny, I wasn't entertained and I suspect Master Tik had something to do with it. Nonetheless I had my assignment, was given an emergency shuttle that I retrofitted to look like a 2016 Z06 Corvette (I mean might as well right?) and a holo to contact the Council directly to report.

Imagine visiting dozens if not hundreds of planets over the past ten years, and then ending up back on Earth for the first time. Yeah weird. I felt like an alien in another world, and I guess I kinda was after all this time. Luckily the Republic was good at this sort of thing and had also acquired me a house, a job at a firm, and several grand to get me started. They had had agents (non-Jedi) on Earth for quite some time to study the progress of humans so I had some connections. Payment from the Republic wasn't an issue either as they would sent me monthly installments of rare and valuable Earth elements that I then converted to cash through those self-same connections. Gold and diamonds and stuff like that, gold in particular is a pretty common mineral in the galaxy so it's not hard to come by. The job was really just a cover, but I ended up enjoying the desk work as opposed to killing people.

I had been undercover for around 6 months when I started getting strange feelings while shopping around town, vibrations in the Force. This went on for around a week in which time I found nothing, and believe me I looked. One night I was at a bar downtown when I felt the vibrations again but stronger. Paying for my tab I grabbed my coat and walked outside. There, huddled in the dark alley, was a boy of about 13 shivering in the cold. I sensed pain, sorrow, loneliness, and anger in this boy. A lot of anger. I could tell the moment I laid eyes on him that he was Force sensitive, and that unchecked and untrained he could cause a lot of damage to himself and to other people around him. And if the Empire found him... well, the ingredients were already there.

I decided there was really only one option, I had to help him. Walking over to him a squatted down to his level,

"Hey kid," he ignored me. "Listen, are you okay? Do you need help or a place to stay?" I asked with concern. He obviously hadn't showered in a while evident from the smell, and his clothes were more like rags. He finally looked up at me with the brightest pair of blue eyes, almsot like an Alaskan Husky.

"Get away from me you pervert!" he said and pushed me away. I was taken aback not by his reaction, it was to be expected really, but by his strength. He had used the Force to push me back a foot, he certainly had the talent although raw.

"Hmm, listen kid I'm not a pervert I just hate to see a person in need. I'm offering you food, a shower, and a place to rest at least until morning okay?" I explained. "You don't have to accept, but I really can't stand by and do nothing for someone who needs help."

"I don't want none of your pity mister, I can look after myself like I've been doing my whole life."

"It's not pity, it's decency. I'm offering you help beacuse I can not because I have to, besides it's only for one night if you want it."

He looked at me a little softer and then nodded. I smiled and offered him a hand up which he ignored walking past me. Shrugging I guided him to my car to which he looked at me funny.

"This is your car?!" he asked, and I could see of that natural boyish excitment in his face. "Are you rich or something?"

I laughed, "No, no nothing like that it's just my corvette, I splurge a little when it comes to cars." We both got inside, and he surprised me by putting on his seatbelt right away.

"What do you do for a living?" he asked.

I shifted the car into gear and headed to my house, "Well i'm an accountant for a local firm nearby. I just got off work and was having a few drinks before headed home."

He laughed, "There is no way an accountant could afford this thing. You gotta be secretly rich." "Do you have any wife or kids?" he asked.

"No, it's just me. Although I do have a dog named Jax that lives with me, or rather I live with him since he thinks he owns the place." I chuckled.

"You don't think it's a little strange that a single 30 year old guy is picking up a kid my age and bringing him home alone?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

I laughed, "I'm 28 actually so don't age me, and I told you Jax is there. I'll admit it might look odd but I can assure you I have pure intentions, it's not like i'm giving you drugs and alchohol or anything. You came of your own free will."

"Do you have any?" he asked.

"Any what?"


I sighed, so that was the situation. "No i'm clean and even if I did have some I wouldn't give them to you."

"Pffft, lame." he said. Typical teenager. We pulled up to my house, a modest two story house that was a ranch style with a big backyard for the dog. Well I call him a dog but he's actually not a native species to Earth he just looks like a dog, with his golden retriever coat. The only real difference is when he gets angry he grows large and sharp needles out of his fur. That's why he mainly stays indoors but he's a pretty laid back dog so I don't have to worry much.

I unlocked the door and ushered the kid inside, and of course Jax comes barreling down the hall to greet us. Jax is all over the kid, which causes a great deal of giggling trying to get away from Jax's licks.

"Okay boy, down now. Yes, he's friend now calm down." I look at the boy as he looks back at me.

"Thanks," he says and holds out his hand. I take ahold of it and we shake, "Peter." he says, "my name is Peter and i'm 13."

"Nice to meet you Peter," I reply. "My name is Paul, and you've already met Jax. Please come inside, I'll get the food ready."

"Do you have a bathroom for me to wash up in?" he asks politely, the change in his mood is incredible.

"Sure, down the hall to the right. In fact, why don't you take a shower while I get the food prepared. I can wash your clothes while you're in there too, I have a spare robe around here."

"Sure, will do thanks." he says.

As he turns and walks away I notice the slight sway to his hips which shows off a delicious looking ass. "Dammit," I think to myself "stop it, he's 13 and a guest." But by those swaying hips I think he may have other intentions of why he accepted coming here. Putting that out of my mind I went into the kitchen and began preparing dinner. It was late, I was unprepared for company, so I just made the easiest thing possible: Spaghetti. I decided to keep the alien foods out of it so as not to freak Peter out, but you haven't lived until you've tried Spaghetti with Alderaanian Ale.

While the food cooked I went over and found Peter's clothes (or what was left of them) neatly folded outside the bathroom door. Scooping them up I went over to the washing machine and threw them in, I noticed a lot of holes and some odd stains all over his clothing. "Kid really needs new threads," I thought.

Just as I finished setting the food on the table I heard the shower turn off. I made my way to the closet and grabbed a spare robe for Peter and hung it on the doorknob for him. When he finally came out the transformation was amazing. Gone was the dusty, dirty, and oily brownish hair from before to be replaced by a nice head of disheveled blonde hair. His skin was now clean and smooth and I noticed he had a nice tan. The robe revealed his upper chest and I could see he was quite fit as well, if a little on the skinny side. Peter stood at abut 5'3 and maybe 110 pounds, and overall was quite handsome.

Trying to act as if I had not just checked out the hottie I invited him to sit down and eat. He ate tentatively at first but soon his hunger overwhelmed his desire to be polite and he ate like a ravaneous animal. Obviously he hadn't eaten for a while. While sneaking scraps to Jax I began asking him a few questions.

"So Peter, what were you doing out there on the street alone?"

He sighed, "I used to live in an orphanage, my parents both died from an overdose when I was really young. I had an aunt who I lived with for a while until she got put into a mental ward, she was convinced aliens had attacked Earth or something." I almost choked on my food, great the kid was homeless with an aunt in the hospital because of us. Just what I wanted to hear, should be an interesting report this month.

Peter continued, "So the orphanage ended up kicking me out because..." he hesitated, "...umm, well because strange things began happening around me. I knew things before they happened, sometimes I knew what others were thinking and when I got angry objects would fly across the room. They called me a demon and kicked me out."

This kid was defintely force sensitive, I will have to do a midi-chlorian count later on but at 13 he's too old to be sent for training. They trained me becuase they had to, not because they wanted to. My strength to the force was undeniable and Master Tik was insistent that I be trained, even if he had to do it himself. Otherwise I'd be cannon fodder against the Dark Council who wanted me dead. Looking at this kid in front of me I felt for him, but he could easily live on without being trained and live a normal life. The best I can do is help him heal his wounds and his anger.

"Since then I've been living on the streets doing what I need to survive" he looked at me and I could see that hard glint in his blue eyes, this kid had seen a lot in his short life.

I leaned back in my chair lacing my fingers behind my head, "What is it that you want to do with your life Peter? If you had to choose one thing what would it be?" I asked.

He looked taken aback, perhaps no one had ever asked him that before.

"Well," he said. "Don't laugh but I've always wanted to be an astronaut. I know it sounds childish but it's true, I want to explore and see what's out there beyond the stars."

Now it was my turn to be taken aback, I mean what are the chances really? "Well I believe you can achieve that Peter and with the right support it's defintely possible."

He laughed, "Please you gotta be real smart to be an astronaut and I haven't been to school in at least a year. Besides, they'd never let a homeless person up there."

Here was my chance, here I could make a huge difference in this kids life. "You don't have to be homeless Peter, and as long as you have a place to stay school isn't an issue."

He scoffed at me, "What like living here with you? Look, you're a nice guy mister but we just met. There is no way I'm going to live here with a stranger that I just met." He began getting angry, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, everything I touch dies just forget about me. I've got people after me anyways so you'd only get hurt." He got up quickly to leave.

My heart about burst for this kid, I had to help him. To carry such a burden at such a young age...

"Peter stop" he did, "Look first off you can't go anywhere in just my bathrobe." He looked down and then sighed. "And I know how you feel, you're not the only one whose been hunted. But I can protect you from whoever it is, I can give you a home to live in and the support you need to fulfill your dream. If nothing else then at least think about it tonight alright? You can use my guest bedroom down the hall."

He nodded his head and turned to go to the bedroom, he stopped and looked at me. "Thanks," he softly said and then walked down the hall.

As the door shut I sighed, "How the hell am I supposed to help this kid?" I thought to myself. I mean it's not like I couldn't afford it, but what would the High Council think? I can't just adopt a child and pretend like everythings normal, not in my line of work. The best I can do for now is help this kid heal and ensure that he doesn't become a danger to himself and others. The High Council be damned.

Later that night as I was deep in sleep I was suddenly awoken by my alarm system, someone was trying to get into my safe. "Great," I thought to myself as I put on my robe "wonder who it could be."

I got to the room where the safe was and there was Peter, frozen in fear at being caught. In his hands was some gold and diamonds direct from the Republic, guess I'll have to have better passwords put in next time. I turned off the alarm, crossed my arms and looked at Peter.

"Let me guess, you're a fan of jewelry?" I asked sarcastically.

"S...sorry.. Paul, I just.. I..." he began meekly.

"No need to explain, if you need money you could've just asked. The problem is I don't think you would've gotten very far with those. Don't you think it'd be a little suspicious if a homeless teen walked into a bank or jewel shop and asked to sell all of that?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I saw the safe and needed the money to get those guys off my back so..." he trailed off.

"And you owe these guys for what exactly?" I asked.

"Well... after the orphanage I ran into them, I was starving and needed money so they offered me their help. They would pimp me out for sex in exchange for money, and they'd get ther cut out of the deal. When I began avoiding their payments that's when they began chasing me down, they wanted their payment one way or another."

My god, he became a prostitute just to survive. No wonder he's so scared to trust me, everyone who has ever offered him help has hurt him.

"Look Peter, trust me on this. You don't need to do that stuff if you don't want to. I am openly offering my home to you and can protect you against those thugs. I'm putting my trust in you if you can put it in me, okay? But please no stealing anymore."

I took the valuables from him and locked them back in the safe, I turned back to him and he had tears in his eyes. I walked over and hugged him, I could hear an audible gasp escape his lips. It occured to me that this may indeed be the first time he's ever been hugged. He began sobbing into my shoulder. When he calmed down I sat him down in my living room and handed him a cup of hot chocolate (I hate coffee).

As he sat nursing his drink a thought occurred to him, "Hey how did you get all that stuff anyways? I thought you said you were an accounant."

I laughed, "I am an accountant, but I've had several profitable investments in the past that have paid off."

He nodded, "Yeah but with all of that money you could be living in a mansion or something."

"Why would I want that? A big empty mansion for just a man and his dog? No, that's just a waste. I enjoy living a simple life."

He shook his head and looked at me strangely, "You're such a weirdo, I can't figure you out."

"I'm a mysterious dude," I laughed. Inside my heart skipped a beat, if he notices he can't sense my thoughts... I had used the Force to shroud my presence before I came here so as not to be discovered by Imperial agents or other Force-sensitives. As a result he cannot sense my thoughts even if he tried, but then neither could anyone else.

"Well it's late," I announced. "I am headed for bed, goodnight Peter and please no more stealing okay?"

"Paul, I'm sorry" he said. "I shouldn't have done it and I knew it was wrong but I was desperate. Please, give me another chance okay?"

"I already have forgiven you Peter, the past is in the past okay?" He smiled and nodded and we went back to our rooms.

Later that night, while still in a daze of sleep I felt movement in my bed. Thinking it was just Jax tring to show who was in charge I thought nothing of it. That is, until I felt something warm and moist engulfing my cock. I jumped up and instinctively reached for my lightsaber on the nightstand while turning on the light.

There sitting on my bed, nude with his disheveled heair and wiping drool from his mouth, was Peter.

"Peter!" I said, surprised. "What the hell are you doing?"

He gave me a confused look, "You gave me food and shelter for the night, was kind to me, offered me a place to stay, and all I did in return is try and steal from you. I'm paying you back the only way I know how." He stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Peter, you don't have to do those things to thank me," I said. "I helped you because I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. You don't have to pay me back, your company and smile is all the reward I need."

"But... but I want to," he said. He looked sad and frustrated that I wouldn't accept his offer, "I want to do it Paul. And I know you liked it otherwise you wouldn't be hard." I looked down at my obvious boner tenting my boxers.

"Yes, yes I liked it. But not like this Peter, I'm a grown man and you're too young. If anyone found out I'd be in deep shit, and in more ways than one." I can't even imagine what the High Council would do to me, is there a penalty for a child molesting Jedi?

"I wouldn't tell anyone! If you liked it and I liked it then I don't see the problem." he said angrily.

"The problem is the reason, you're doing it because you feel obligated to Peter. Don't. I don't need you to physically satisfy me in order for me to treat you nicely. The act is it's own reward. Now please return to bed, we can discuss this in the morning."

"Can't I sleep in here with you?" he asked. "We don't even have to do anything!" he quickly added. "I just want to be close to someone tonight, I haven't felt this vunerable in a while."

I sighed, "Sure but you're nude."

He grinned at me, "I always sleep in the nude."

I relented, both because of his insistence and also because I kinda liked the idea. Who can say no to those eyes after all? I turned the light off and got back to bed, he scooted up close to me and i could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Why were you holding a lightsaber when you found me? he asked in a whisper.

I hesitated a second, "It was a replica and the closest thing I could grab. I'm kind of a Star Wars nut."

"Really? Me too, we should watch the movies sometime," he said. Then he did the unexpected and gave me a peck on the lips. "Thank you," he said softly and then drifted off to sleep, a smile on his lips.

God what am I getting myself into?

The End

*Authors Note: Hey guys thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, some exciting and steamy action should be taking place next chapter. If you enjoyed my story and have any comments or suggestions please email me at: derhunterboi@gmail.com, Thanks!

Next: Chapter 4

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