When Fantasy Becomes Reality

By Derhunterboi

Published on May 28, 2018


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between a man (age 28) and a minor (age 13), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read. Additional Warning: This is also a work that takes place in the Star Wars Universe although has no affiliation with Lucas Arts or the franchise. It is purely a work of fiction.

Copyright notice: ALL references to Star Wars and The Expanded Universe system, are copyright George Lucas/Disney and Lucasfilms/arts company. This story holds no affiliation to George Lucas or his Lucasfilms/arts company. If for some reason this disturbs you then please do not read further. Thank you.

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************************************************************************* When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Chapter Eight: The Plot Thickens

As Peter and I made our way on foot to the Temple we happened to walk by a demonstration outside the Senate building, and a rather large one at that. Immediately I recognized the anti-Jedi propaganda being displayed and noticed the look of curiosity pass over my young padawans face.

"Come Peter, I know you're curious and I promise to answer your questions but this is not a safe place for us at the moment," I counselled.

Once we were a mile or so away Peter looked up at me expectantly. I sighed, "Alright go ahead."

"What were those people protesting Master? It looked like they were really upset." Peter inquired.

I paused before answering, "Tell me padawan, what have you noticed since we arrived in Coruscant, does everyone respect Jedi?" I watched as Peter tried to work out an answer, unsure whether or not this was one of my trick questions.

Finally he answered, "Of course they do, we protect the peace and the people. If they don't respect us then they certainly should be."

I shook my head, "Peter think about this: how would you feel if everytime something bad happens and people die the same people were always involved. Would you continue to trust those people even if they swore to protect you?" At this Peter look stumped. "You see that protest is one of many that have been spreading the past few years of non-force sensitive citizens becoming fed up with the damage that both the Jedi and Sith have caused. Many are calling on the Senate to distance themselves from the Jedi Order and the war in general."

Peter looked at me shocked, "Are they allowed to do that?! It could undermine the Republic!"

I smiled at him, "No Padawan, to suppress such views would be to undermine the Republic. Although we as Jedi cannot agree with their views we must still strive to empathize with their situation. These people are acting in what they feel is the best interest of the Republic, doubtless many do not truly understand the brutality of the Sith and the indiscriminate killing that would ensue if not for the Jedi. However, the movement has been gaining ground in the Senate recently."

Peter shook his head, "I never liked politics even on Earth. It figures that even the wider galaxy has political problems. What can we do?" he asked.

I laughed, "WE do nothing padawan, it is not your concern for the moment. For now focus solely on your training and our mission, nothing else is as important. Understood?"

He nodded an assent, "Yes Master." It was then we passed a rather attractive young teen and I sensed a growing lust in Peter.

"Boy do you ever think about anything else?" I laughed. Peter blushed a deep shade of red causing me to giggle. "Come on, lets report our findings and then we'll take care of your little problem."

We had just arrived outside the Temple and quietly made our way to Master Siralla's rooms. On our way in a rather flushed Master Tik was leaving, giving me a curt nod before departing. Thinking it odd I decided I would have to question him about it later. Looking in Master Siralla had a small smirk on her face which quickly was replaced with a mask of impassiveness upon our entering.

"Master Siralla," Peter and I bowed before continuing. "My Padawan and I have returned from the communications station and have some rather interesting news."

"Proceed," she curtly replied.

`What the heck is going on here,' I thought before continuing. "We found the place vandalized and abandoned. Indeed the transmitters were sending a signal to the remote planet of Hutta." At this she made a face and I continued. "Once leaving the facility we were immediately ambushed by bounty hunters from the Empire, I believe they were expecting us or at least using the site before our unexpected arrival. Luckily we were saved by an old acquaintance of mine," I smiled thinking back to Dane.

She looked at me severely before responding, "I see. Obviously you know what next must be done, you must travel to Hutta to investigate this matter." I sighed, how I hated Hutta.

"Yes we all know your dislike for the place but it must be done, as for this ambush this concerns me a great deal. If you indeed were expected than I am sure you knows what that could mean." My expression darkened at that comment and Peter glanced at me worriedly. "I will look into the matter while you are away. Get some rest the both of you and contact me when you arrive."

I bowed, "Understood Master. May the Force be with you."

She smiled, "And with both of you as well. Now dismissed."

As we walked to my quarters my mood was certainly bleak as Peter doubtless noticed. He kept shooting me worried glances as he struggled to keep up with my pace. Once back in my room I sat on the bed and sighed, running my hands through my hair as I mulled over the possibility of what Master Siralla was implying.

Peter poked his head in, "Ummm Eric? Is everything alright? You seem pretty depressed." He sat down next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder.

Touched by the gesture I slowly ran my hand through his soft blonde hair, "I'm fine Peter thanks for asking. I just have a lot of my mind is all." His features took on a thoughtful expression.

"Is it about the ambush today?" he asked.

"I won't lie to you Peter it is, you understand that our mission was top secret yes?" He nodded. "And yet we were seemingly set for an ambush which would have succeeded if not for Dane, meaning that the only other two people that knew where we were going are both possibly rats."

At this Peter spun his head to face me, "You mean Master Tik and Master Siralla? But they're both Jedi they would never do that! Besides Master Tik is your former master--"

"That's what worries me Peter, hopefully the ambush was merely coincidence but I have a feeling that may not be the case." I sighed. "There's something you need to know about Master Tik as well, though I loathe to tell you."

Peter looked me in the eyes, I always forget just how deep blue they are... like the ocean back on Earth. "It's okay Eric, you can trust me," he whispered.

"Alright, remember I mentioned that former Jedi Master? The one who is now Sith and is hunting me?" Peter nodded. "Well he believed that the Jedi were becoming weak and that only the strong should deserve to be trained. Under his tutelage several Padawan's died and he was expelled from the order." At this I stopped.

"And?" Peter inquired.

I continued, "And... one of his pupils was Master Tik." Peter looked at me astonished.

"Master Tik?! But he's so kind and gentle there's no way... W-What happened?" Peter asked.

I sighed heavily, "He was forced, as part of his trial by the monster, to fight and kill another Padawan who was his best friend... " I looked Peter in the eyes before continuing, "He won."

Peter looked horrified, "You mean he.."

"Yes Peter. He had to. It was what led the Council to finally banish the man and they later acquitted Master Tik stating that he was forced to commit the crime, but apparently he has never been the same since. Even now the council watches him closely, especially with his views on emotional attachment which they believe can lead to the Dark Side."

"B-but, Master Tik is a war hero! He's fought the Sith for years!" Peter exclaimed.

"I know Peter, I know. And I've never questioned his courage, intentions, or dedication to the order. Ever. Until this... You saw his face when we walked in right? And his thoughts were cloudy and dark even while hidden. I just... I don't know what to think Peter." At this I couldn't help the drops of tears falling for the man I once trusted with my life.

Gently Peter pulled my face to his chest and gently ran his hands through my hair. "Shhh," he whispered. "It's alright, we have each other and that's all we need." I could smell his sweet fragrance tinged with teenage musk and it comforted me as much as his presence. After a few minutes I extracted myself from him.

"Man," I laughed. "And here I'm the one supposed to be the Master and yet I'm crying like a newly accepted Padawan."

Peter smiled, "The pupil exceeds the Master."

I swatted at him, "Oh really? Well come over here and I'll show you why you really should call me Master."

With that we lunged at each other, my lips meeting his and our tongues dancing in each others mouths. A heavy petting session began with me finally disengaging from his sweet mouth to lick my way down his smooth tanned body to the treasure I most sought. Slowly I began licking around his shaft and breathing in the scent in his pubes.

"Eriiiicccc...." Peter whined. I couldn't help but giggle at his need. And being the good Master I am I of course indulged and took him in my mouth to the base causing him to softly moan. Reaching around I slowly inserted a finger into him as I began giving him a kickass blowjob.

"Ooooohhh..." he moaned, grabbing my head and shoving me further down. I felt Peter slowly wrap his legs around my shoulders as I pleasured him orally while matching his thrusts with my fingers. Of course he wasn't going to last long and so I decided to try something new with him. Reaching out with the force I touched his mind filled with lust and found the node I was looking for.

Suddenly Peters eyes shot open and he began moaning and thrashing like never before. "OOOOOHHHH.... Oh mmy ggoodddd..... What is that!!!! Ohhhhh!!!! I'M CUMMING!!!!" Peter exploded in my mouth shooting shot after shot of his essence into my waiting mouth.

After a few minutes Peter calmed down and looked at me, "What the hell was that? It was insane!" I laughed.

"And now you understand why I'm the Master and you are the pupil?" I asked.

"As long as you teach me that I'll call you Master for the rest of eternity!" He exclaimed causing me to laugh. "What about you though?" My considerate Padawan asked.

"Oh I'm fine, I enjoy helping to bring you to pleasure."

"Then how about we do something that brings both of us pleasure?" Peter asked. "I want you to fuck me."

`You don't have to ask me twice,' I thought. "Are you sure? I'm pretty big you know." I responded.

"You're not the first I've taken and you probably won't be the last, just fuck me." Peter retorted.

With that I grabbed the tube of lube I keep nearby, prepared his little pink starfish and slowly inserted myself in. "Ohhhhhh...." we both let out in unison.

"Please Master..." Peter moaned, "Show me how you use that lightsaber of yours."

Despite the situation I laughed at the absurdity of his comment, "You are such a nerd." I replied before sinking balls deep into his velvety entrance, marveling at the tightness. "I'm going to fuck you now boy."

He whined, "Just do it already old man." And with that I began pounding his hole, driving all 8.5 inches in. All you could hear was my balls slapping his ass over the sounds of our moans. Being that I haven't had a fuck like this in months I didn't last long and soon was shooting a load into his tight tanned ass.

"That was amazing Peter, thank you" I panted.

He laughed, "Not so bad yourself Master. It seems I have a lot to learn about the blade technique from you." I laughed again.

"God you're a dork," we laughed and slowly drifted off to sleep. *****************************************************************************************

The next morning we were making our way to the hanger at the spaceport when I saw a familiar face waiting for us. As soon as he spotted us he smiled and walked over.

"Dane are you stalking me? I swear I can't go anywhere anymore without running into people I know." He laughed.

"Well Mr. Big Shot if I were stalking you would that be such a bad thing?" He winked at me.

"Hi Dane!" Peter exclaimed.

"Hey little man, you keeping this old fart out of trouble?"

Peter looked at me, "I'm trying but it's hard with him slowing down so much. It's actually almost his nap time."

I looked at them both with a look of annoyance, "I swear when I die I'm going to haunt you both endlessly. Anyway to what do we owe the pleasure Dane?"

He laughed, "Well remember I offered my help the other day? Well it seems like you two are getting ready to leave and you have this big ship all to yourselves. It would seem like a waste to let such a fine vessel not be piloted by one such as myself so I'm asking to join your crew!" He explained.

"Hmmm... what do you think Padawan?" I already knew his answer of course.

"Oh please can we? We need a pilot and Jax would love the extra company please???" Peter whined.

"Well I suppose but how did you find out we were leaving Dane? It's been less than 24 hours."

"Oh come now," Dane laughed. "You think you're the only one with connections in this universe? I have a buddy that works here at the spaceport and he gave me a heads up. So where we headed boss?"

I sighed, "Alright let's get on board and I'll explain."

Once seated I explained the mission, of course keeping my suspicions to myself, and Dane agreed that we need to investigate the signals. "Man I love Hutta! Can't wait to go and make it big!"

I looked at him funny, "You LIKE that polluted cesspool of a planet? It's full of gangsters, gambling, and... Ohhhhh."

He smirked, "Exactly! And where better to find merchandise for a trader such as myself than in a crime syndicate. Remember, it's not stealing if the items were already stolen."

I shook my head in disbelief, "And to think when I left you you were such an innocent kid who didn't listen to anyone. Now you're an adult who doesn't listen to anyone. Just set the course will you?"

He laughed, "Already done boss we should arrive by tomorrow."

Peter looked between Dane and me, "So how did you two meet exactly? I'd love to hear about Master Eric when he was a padawan."

Dane glanced at me before answering, "Well see I was on Hoth and our outpost was being raided frequently..." As Dane launched into the story of how we met he tended to brush over the more gruesome truth of his capture but embellished the fighting to an extreme. sigh Still a kid at heart I suppose. Peter, of course was engrossed in the story and his eyes widened in disbelief in several instances. I laughed and walked off to check on Jax.

When I returned Peter turned to me, "Is it true?? Did you really fight off a Wampa using only your bare hands?!"

I turned to Dane, "What the heck are you telling this kid? A Wampa really? You KNOW that never happened." I turned to a crestfallen Peter, "Believe me Peter if a Wampa attacked me none of us would be here."

Dane looked at me sheepishly, "Well I may have exaggerated a bit, for dramatic effect you see."

I laughed, "You are such a liar, and a bad one at that."

"Umm Master Eric, do you think it would be possible if we could watch the rest of the Star Wars films?" He blushed as both me and Dane grinned, "It's just we never finished them and..."

"Yes Peter we can, we have plenty of time to spare. I think I have holos of them somewhere, you down to watch them with us Dane?"

Dane grinned, "Of course! I love those old Earth films as ridiculous as they are. Did you know they tried making General Solo hook up with Leia?! Man would Chewey be pissed if he found that out!"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

I laughed, "Remember me telling you the films aren't exactly accurate? Well in reality General Solo was actually gay and in a relationship with a wookie name Chewbacca, apparently he was a bit of a furry."

Peter looked at me in disbelief, "Are you serious?! No way!!"

Me and Dane laughed, "Like I said George Lucas liked to take creative license. Kind of like someone else I know," shooting Dane a look.

And that was how me, Dane, and Peter found ourselves curled up on the couch watching episodes 1, 2, and 3. Dane and I of course laughed softly at some of the embellishments made but peter was so engrossed in the story he hardly noticed. But by the middle of episode 3 Peter was softly snoring on my lap as Dane and I finished the film.

Dane turned to me, "Man I wish Obi-Wan was that attractive in real life then maybe I would've joined the order."

I laughed, "So you're into guys then Dane? I would have thought after your encounter you would--"

"Both actually," he interrupted. "But only the really attractive ones, true that was an unpleasant experience but I knew not all men were like that. Some were kind and gentle." With that he looked at me before glancing at Peter.

"So what's his story then? Didn't take you for the teaching type so I'm assuming there's some deeper connection?"

I smiled, "Perceptive as ever. Yes, Me and Peter break many of the conventional norms between Master and Padawan, he also is my adopted son who I met back on Earth. He was a fragile, lost, and frightened boy when I found him who just needed some love and affection," I said as I ran my hand through his hair. "I'd appreciate if you kept the more illicit nature of our relationship to yourself however."

Dane smiled, "My lips are sealed of course." He looked down at Peter, "He is a beautiful child and I think he is very lucky to have you as a Master. I'm sure someday he'll make a fine Jedi."

I smiled as we watched Peter sleep, `He already is a fine Jedi' I thought to myself.

The next morning we soon arrived in orbit around Hutta. My god,' I thought as I looked at the planet below. It looks just as horrible as ever.'

"Mmmm can't wait to smell that fresh air!" Dane cheerily said as he walked over to stand by me.

I arched an eyebrow at him questioningly, "I worry about you sometimes. By the way if we get separated remember to meet back at the ship. Any sign of trouble and we regroup, understood?"

"Aye Aye sir!" he saluted.

"Dane please stop watching those pirate movies, most of the population has no idea what you're talking about," I said.

"Ahhh, but you do," he grinned.

"Peter," I said looking at him. "You stay by me at all times understood? If by some unfortunate chance we become separated I want you immediately to come back to the ship and keep Jax nearby. No but's."

"Yes Master."

I opened my holo and contacted Master Siralla, she answered in a few rings.

"Master, we've arrived outside Hutta and will begin to land immediately."

She looked at us all sharply before answering, "Very good. I want you all to maintain radio silence when down there, no one must know the nature of this mission. Begin by checking the station receiving the transmissions and follow the lead as far as you can. Be safe and cautious. May the Force be with you."

"And with you as well," we all said in unison.

"I've always wanted to say that," Dane said as soon as the call was ended. I rolled my eyes, "Alright let's get going shall we?" With that we began the descent into the last place I wanted to come back to.

If only we were prepared for what we'd really find.

End *************************************************************************

Author's Note: Hey everyone this is the latest installment I hoped you enjoyed! If you have any comments, feedback, or suggestions feel free to email me at Derhunterboi@gmail.com. I accept all critiques and criticisms (and naughty photos ;) ) I'm always down for a good chat! Thanks and hope to hear from you all soon!

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