When Fantasy Becomes Reality

By Derhunterboi

Published on Dec 22, 2016


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between a man (age 28) and a minor (age 13), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read. Additional Warning: This is also a work that takes place in the Star Wars Universe although has no affiliation with Lucas Arts or the franchise. It is purely a work of fiction.

Copyright notice: ALL references to Star Wars and The Expanded Universe system, are copyright George Lucas/Disney and Lucasfilms/arts company. This story holds no affiliation to George Lucas or his Lucasfilms/arts company. If for some reason this disturbs you then please do not read further. Thank you.

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When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Chapter 4: The Force of Attraction

In the morning I awoke to find Peter pressed up against me on the bed, his firm little ass pressed up against my morning wood. It was so tempting to just stay there like that but I knew I couldn't. Slowly I extracted myself from the bed with the nude greek god still wrapped inside, and made my way to the bathroom to get showered and dressed. Today was a Saturday so I took my time.

When I got out of the bathroom there was Peter standing in all his naked glory, with a sheepish grin on his face and sporting some major morning wood. I couldn't help but admire his nude frame in the daylight, his chest was smooth but well defined showing muscle underneath. His body was fully tan all over giving me the impression that he must have some italian blood in him or frequently runs nude. A flat stomach with that perfect V shape leading to his prize, his proud 5 inch cock was standing tall with a sprouting of pubic hairs at the base. It was a lot thicker than I had thought, making me think that this kid is going to be a hit with the ladies (or guys) in the future.

He smirked at me when he realized I was admiring his body, "I knew you liked what you saw last night, well look all you want then," he said.

I shook my head and gestured to the bathroom, "It's all yours go right ahead" I said. He gave me a frustrated look and then went into the bathroom, I couldn't help staring at his firm and tanned ass just as I had imagined it to be. Soon I heard the shower running. Obviously he wanted to continue last nights episode, and I would need to talk to him later about that.

As he showered I made my way over to the kitchen to get breakfast started, a pretty simple meal of eggs, bacon, and toast. While cooking I made a mental list of everything that we needed to get done for the day, whether or not Peter accepted my offer was irrelevant as I decided the least I could do is get him some decent clothes. A trip to the local mall should do for all our needs, and then a serious talk about where we stand. Just as I was flipping the eggs my holocommunicator went off.

"Strange," I thought. "They never call me I always call them, it is a direct line to the Council after all." I answered the call and an image of Master Siralla of the Jedi High Council appeared, a tall wiry woman of an undetermined age she was as wise as her wit was sharp.

Bowing my head I greeted her, "Greetings Master to what do I owe this pleasure?" Thank God that Peter was still in the shower.

"Greetings Eric, I understand this call is unusual but we have a... situation." I cocked one eyebrow at her.

"Situation Master? What sort of situation would require me to leave my assignment here and travel?" A thought then occurred to me, "It doesn't have to do with the Dark Council does it?" I asked.

"Perhaps, but we will yet see. No the situation is this: last night an Imperial shuttle was found parked in the woods several miles from your location. The agent that found the shuttle believes it to be a scout vessel and couldn't find any signs of a crash landing. That means somewhere in your vicinity there is an Imperial agent hiding out with an unknown purpose. We are asking you to investigate the situation and see if you can ferret out the agent, we need answers."

This was a lot to take in, and it could not have happened at a worse time. Perhaps while we're out today I can keep an eye peeled for this agent, I just hope that it doesn't come to a fight or I may give myself away to Peter... he already is somewhat suspicious.

"I will do my best Master," I replied.

"Good, that is all we ask. Good luck Eric, and may the Force be with you." Master Siralla then bowed.

"And to you as well Master," I bowed back to her. The holo call was ended and I let out my pent up breathe. "God why now?" I asked myself.

Just as I was preparing the plates I heard the shower turn off and a wet and sexy Peter walked into the kitchen, wearing my bathrobe.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly "It was the only thing I could find in there to wear."

"Not a problem," I replied "It looks good on you." He blushed a little. "Listen Peter, I know you still need time to mull over my offer but the very least I can do is buy you some new clothes, the ones you currently have won't last much longer."

"Actually I was meaning to talk to you about your offer," he said looking down. "I... Gosh how do I say this..." he began.

"Peter I understand if you say no, it's fine." I interjected.

"No!" he said louder, "It's not like that at all." He sighed, "I would love to live here with you, if of course you still want to have me after what happened last night."

My heart both fluttered with joy at hearing those words, and abject terror at the ample possibility of exposure. "I would be honored to have you Peter," God what was I saying? "But first lets eat and then we have a full day of shopping ahead of us."

As most teenagers are oft to do Peter ate like a ravenous dog, and in that moment I realized my biggest struggle having him live with me wasn't going to be keeping my real identity a secret, but how to feed him. After we had finished we quickly banged out the dishes, got dressed, and were off to the mall. As we drove I kept a close eye out for anyone suspicious or with that unmistakable Imperial accent.

When we arrived at the mall I asked Peter what kind of clothes he tends to wear more.

"I don't know," he said shyly "whatever is fine, you don't have to buy me clothes you know."

"Oh stop it, listen if you're going to live with me you're going to have to get used to me buying you stuff. I can afford it and you deserve it, besides I like you."

He beamed at me, "Really?! You like me?"

Crap. "Yes I like you Peter, but understand that this doesn't mean you owe me anything or need to repay me in your... special way. Okay?" He nodded. "I like you and enjoy having you around, so... what do you wear?"

"American Eagle looks cool I guess, Auntie was never able to afford it so we always got used stuff from Goodwill."

"Then American Eagle it is, I especially like their boxer briefs." I smiled at him and he began blushing furiously. "Hahaha, okay let's get you all sorted out for the school year."

"School?! Wait already?" I sighed, just like a typical teenager avoiding school like it's the plague.

"Yes school, isn't that the whole purpose of you living with me? Remember Mr. Astronaut?" I replied.

"Oh yeah, right. Well when are you going to sign me up?" he asked.

"I was hoping to get everything arranged by wednesday, I have to work out some forms with the school and have you registered under me as your guardian. Boring stuff like that."

He paused and then asked quietly, "Does that mean you're going to adopt me?"

"Would you like me to Peter?" I responded quietly.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and I smile that melted my heart, "Yes, yes I think I would."

He hugged me tightly and I held him back, embracing him with all of my love and heart. The hug lasted for a while, neither one of us willing to let go until I noticed we began to get strange looks by other shoppers. Finally I broke the hug.

Wiping the tears from my eyes I said, "Okay Peter, let's make you look sexy for all the kids at school!" He giggled and followed me into American Eagle.

A few hundred dollars later we were headed back to my car when I realized I seriously needed to pee. After explaining to him I'd be right back I needed to go to the bathroom I quickly made my way there just in time. As I was exiting I found Peter where I left him talking to a strange man, walking up to him our eyes met. There was a flash of recognition in his eyes and, triumph? I immediately went into defense mode as I greeted myself.

"My name is Paul, Peters guardian, how do you do?"

"Hello Peter my name is Varus, how do you do?" There was no mistaking that slight accent, this man was the Imperial agent. "I believe we have a business matter to discuss Paul" he said.

"Peter, here's $10 go buy yourself a treat. You earned it today buddy." He took the money and walked to the food court, giving me a worried glance over his shoulder. It doesn't take a Force-sensitive to know something was wrong. Once he had walked away I turned to Varus.

"So Varus, why did they send an Imperial Agent here? Spying for converts?"

He smiled at me, showing his large thin teeth, "Oh no Jedi something much more... specific. You didn't think your little absence would go unnoticed by the Dark Council now did you?"

Of course, an assassin then. "So where do you want us to conduct our little business Varus? Have a spot in mind?"

"The roof should do nicely, wouldn't want anyone to find out about our little intervention now would we? Better to have you die mysteriously then to warrant a full investigation by the Republic." He gestured towards the elevator, "After you."

As we entered the elevator I hoped we could finish this quickly before Peter returned from the food court. The minute the elevator opened he attacked with a vicious slash from a concealed knife. Luckily I was prepared for it and quickly dodged, jumping out of harms way. Immediately I counter attacked with the Force pushing him towards the edge. However, when I looked up he was gone and suddenly felt his presence behind me.

"Damn, he's better than I thought," I realized. With that kind of speed it could only mean he had had implants put in place to enhance his speed and strength. I needed to end this quickly which meant I had only one choice. Dodging a quick sucession of attacks I leapt far out of his reach and prepared. Closing my eyes and reaching out to the Force I quickly began making small alterations to the atmospheric pressure on the mall roof. Through an advanced and dangerous technique I was able to, with the Force, create atmospheric levels that rendered his implants useless but had to do so without his noticing. I felt Varus move in closer to strike... he was almost on me... just a few more seconds... and just as he began a downward stroke towards my neck his strength faltered. I could feel the tip of the knife on my cheek, drawing blood, Varus's eyes grew wide as he realized his error. With a quick flash of my lightsaber I ended his existence.

Using the Force I temporarily concealed his body until an agent could come dispose of him while I alerted Master Siralla. Getting onto the elevator I quickly contacted her and updated her on the situation. She seemed concerned that the Empire had known exactly where to look.

"Good work Eric, impressive and unorthodox as always. Using the Force to change the atmosphere; ingenius. I assume that is a little trick that Master Tikmawa taught you? He always had a way with specific alterations to his enviornments." A frown suddenly creased her brow, "However, this information regarding an assassin by the Dark Council is disturbing. We may have to reassign you at some point, but I will keep you updated if anything changes. Until then, continue as you have been. Again, well done." And she hung up.

Reassignment?! God, What will I tell Peter if that ever happens? It would break his heart to be abandoned by the one person willing to take him in. Sighing I got off the elevator and hadn't taken two steps before I fell to the ground, failing to avoid a fist planted squarley on my jaw. Standing over me was a very angry Peter, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"What the Fuck is the matter with you?!" He yelled, "You send me off and I'm gone for two minutes only to return and find you and that guy gone! I thought you had abandoned me like everyone else has!" He begand sobbing.

I silently picked myself up and wrapped him in my arms, kissing him on his unruly mop of blonde hair. Now I can see just how fragile this young boy is, and how quickly he had become attached to me. I had to play it careful from here on out.

"I would never ever abandon you Peter," I almost cringed at the possibility of having to break that promise if reassigned. "Listen, I had some... business to attend to with that man you met. That was all, I promise I will never leave without telling you first, okay? Deal?"

He nodded his head and wiped his face, "Sorry for acting like such a kid, I just..."

"No need to explain, I understand." He smiled and looked up at me, then noticed the bloodied cut on my cheek.

"Oh my God! Did I do that? I am soo sorry Paul!" He looked ready to cry again.

"No, no that wasn't you I just... fell... during the meeting is all." He looked at me suspicously but accepted my explanation.

"Must've been quite a business meeting then."

After we situated everything at the mall Peter and I stopped by an Olive Garden for lunch, I had asked Peter where he wanted to eat and that's what he chose saying it was his favourite. I have to say that I enjoy it too, you can travel all around the galaxy and yet still nothing compares to those damn breadsticks. As we ate I inquired if he wanted to do anything specific tonight.

He grinned at me with a glint in his eye, "Well I can think of several things" he said. "And they all involve you, me, a bed, and frequent showers."

I nearly spit out my food at his public forwardness, "Peter! we're in public!" I said mortified. "Besides I believe we already discussed this before, you don't need to repay me."

"No, this isn't repayment. Listen Paul, you're older, hot, strong and I want to try stuff with you. The only other men I've been with have been clients forced on me by those thugs who are chasing me. You're the first guy that I keep envisioning doing those things with."

"Peter.." I began.

"Paul stop. I like you and want to do things with you. By your staring and frequent boners, you obviously want to do stuff with me so what's the problem?"

"The problem is," I whispered "that you're 13 and I'm 28. I could go to jail if someone were to find out, or worse!" Oh worse, defintely worse.

"Then we'll make sure no one finds out," he said with a twinkle in his eye. I sighed out of resignation, both because he had a point and because I sort of wanted to do it.

"Well besides that, is there anything else you'd like to do? Maybe watch a movie?" I offered.

"Oh yeah! Let's watch the Star Wars movies like we said we would last night, that'd be a lot of fun."

"Sure, I own the set."

Which I do, it just is more humorous to watch now than it was before when you realize that most of the events in those films are highly exaggerated. George Lucas took some artistic license with the Jedi History. For example, in reality Luke and Princess Leia were both aware of their relation, I think George Lucas just liked messing with people and their taboos. Or that Jar Jar Binks acted like such an idiot, in reality he actually ended up being quite a powerful Sith Lord in disguise not some hated annoying side character. Stuff like that.

So that is how I found myself cuddled up with Peter that night watching the first three star wars movies, episodes 4,5,and 6. The whole time silently laughing to myself at the absurdity of it all, and at how actively engaged Peter was. Perhaps it was a little too dangerous to be watching the very films that could connect the dots into who I really am, but for Peter it was simply entertainment.

By the middle of the third movie he began to nod off and I decided to call it quits for the night. Turning off the movie I gentley picked him up and laid him down in my bed, then proceeded to undress him. It was at this point I realized the little bastard had gone commando the entire day, needless to say I was not dissappointed with the present I unwrapped. Stripping down to my boxers I climbed in next to him and turned off the lights.

Sometime in the night he awoke and began slowly stroking my cock until I woke up. As I opened my eyes I could see him silently looking at me.

"Hey there," he whispered quietly. "Remember our other plans for tonight?" He began to blush shyly.

"I do," I answered back quietly. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"More sure than about anything else in my life." And he pressed his mouth into mine.

Oh the sweet softness of his lips, we kissed for what felt like hours though it lasted only minutes. I began to slowly pet his silky smooth skin, allowing my hand to freely roam all over his firm body. I reached a hand to cup an ass cheek which fit perfectly in my palm, the other hand brushed against the soft down of his sparse pubic hair.

"Pleease," he whined. "Touch me Paul, touch my dick."

I obliged and felt the soft yet firm 5 inch rod, stroking him softly elicting a mewing moan on each down stroke. As I stroke him harder his hips thrust up to meet each stroke. I knew he was close when his body became rigid and his muscles tensed. I watched his face intently as he climaxed, making the cutest faces as he came hard into my hand. I brought my hand up to taste his sweet nectar.

Eventually he recovered, looked me in the eyes and said in a serious tone, "Fuck me Paul."

"Are you sure baby? I'm not the smallest man you know." Which was true, I was blessed in the cock department sporting a good 8.5 inches when hard as I was then.

"And you're not the first cock I've taken," he counterd. "But you're the first that I really want. Please, Fuck me."

I wasn't going to argue, so flipping Peter on his back I removed my boxers and grabbed the lube on my nightstand. Adding a generous portion to both my cock and his most intimate of places, I then placed my head at his entrance. Looking into his face for conformation he slowly nodded his head to proceed. I slowly applied pressure while watching his face for any signs of discomfort. Instead his face became relaxed, almost as if I had scratched a deep itch that he needed scratched. Slowly I began thrusting in and out of his tight ass, both of us moaning.

"Oh baby, you're so fucking tight! Ahh, I'm gonna breed your little ass!" I grunted as I increased my pace, the sound of balls slapping skin fillng the room.

"Yes, yes, yes! Oh God, fill me please! Breed my little boy pussy, fill my ass with your seed!" He moaned back.

He was so tight I knew I wouldn't last long, it hadn't been five minutes before I felt that familiar pressure.

"Oh God, Peter I'm gonna cum! Get read for it baby! AHHHHH!!"

"AHHHHH! Oh God I can feel it, so full, so warm!" I pumped him full of my load and collapsed on him, both of us breathung heavily. After a few minutes I turned to look at him and found him smiling lovingly at me.

"I love you Paul," He said quietly.

I responded just as quietly, "I love you more Peter." Breaking every single one of the Jedi teachings about emotional attachments, but it was the truth. And in that moment I could care less about the teachings, I had found my happiness and peace and it was through Peter. We fell asleep to the smell of sex in the air in thw warmth of each others embrace.

The End.

*Note from Author: Hey guys so things finally begin to heat up! I'll start work on the next chapter soon, get ready for a change of pace and scenery witin the next few chapters. Should be interesting. If you like the story or have any comments or suggestions feel free to email me at derhunterboi@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 5

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