X Men Beyond

By Fora Llexx

Published on Feb 28, 2006


X-Men Beyond By: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

Proviso: X-Men and all its relevant characters that may appear in this story are copyrighted to Marvel Comics and the Twentieth Century Fox. This story is a product of pure-fiction and in NO WAY suggesting (not even insinuating, uh-huh) anything about the sexualities of the characters as well as the actors/actresses who portrayed the characters in the movie. The characters are just borrowed to be able to visualize the faces and the concept of the story.

The story below may contain scenes, language and situations not suitable to minors and is intended for mature reading only. This will also depict homosexual interactions between consenting male adults. If you are (1) offended/against the content of this story; (2) under legal age; (3) in a state or location where male-to-male sexual interaction is considered illegal, abnormal or against the law, you are requested to stop reading this material now.

This is a two-chapter episode, the second portion of the introduction of the story so it may contain less graphic homosexual interaction. Those portions should be very handy on the next episodes.

Feel free to e-mail your questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms to forallexx@yahoo.com or bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com.

By submitting to Nifty, it served as a permission to publish this story on the net. Yet, the author reserves all rights. Do not duplicate, distribute or re-publish this work without express consent from the author.

X-Men Beyond: Before the East Meets the West by: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

[From the Hospital to the Woods:] [Ororo's Point of View]

I felt a closer bond to this child after his troubled youth welcomed my motherly arms. Every whimper I counted filled my heart as I poured my sense of self to him. His body matured hastily to accommodate the growing pains of life. Defeated by fear, dejection, and loneliness, there he was... trying to build a life out of the battered collapsing past.

His confusion was visible but I couldn't deny it from him... I saw that the more he gathered the thin strands in an effort to grasp for something to believe in... the more he could see hope. I was not about to take his hope away from him. I let the soothing winds of the east calmed my thoughts and made the guilt of lying vanished from my senses. If all he needed to release his burdens was my caring embrace, I will embrace him for eternity and never let him go.

I let him moan... I let his tears drenched the pads of my attire. I felt his angst... and I felt his pain. But I have to understand, time is of the essence and I must release him to be carried to safety.

I carefully removed the needle of the dextrose tube attached to his left fist. It seemed that he almost didn't feel anything on that process; he just looked into my eyes like a baby needing some of his mother's comfort. He didn't bleed... In fact, I was surprised as I witnessed the open wound -- that's supposed to be left by the thick needle -- mended on itself. It's almost as if he's like... like Logan?! I couldn't help myself but smile on the thought...

Piotr never wasted a minute. He scoped Ali up and carried him in his strong arms. For a moment, I saw a glimpse of pride and joy in Piotr's eyes... and something else... something that was very hard to describe. But then was not the time to think about it. I'd just let the moments flow.

I received a brief telepathic instruction from the professor:

/* Ororo, you need to be by his side... he needs you to be there with him... he sees you more than he sees us. */

To which I briefly replied: /* I understand, Professor. */

As we progressed to the woods, I had to keep myself by his side even if Piotr's strides were long and fast. I peeked at Ali's face as he stared at the face of the man who was carrying him like an infant. A weak smile escaped his lips before I saw Piotr smiled back at him.

When he closed his eyes, I analyzed his face... there was nothing Oriental on his appearance. He's more like a common Pacific Islander. I smiled as I imagined that if I'm going to have a son, he would be as handsome as he is... even-toned musculature, flawless skin, proportionate physique, a beautiful face... Yes... I do feel a closer bond to this child.

The moments I so long to savor didn't last for a flood of tragic information had to be heard from the telepathic bandwidth:

/* Everyone... keep your eyes open. I could sense `they' are somewhere near... Colossus, rush Ali to the blackbird and seal it along with the students. Keep all of them safe. Everyone, let's do the best we can to protect them. */


[Scott's Point of View]

I was so busy cursing at myself. Even as I received the telepathic message from the professor for us to keep our eyes open, I was still pre-occupied by my confusion for that moment. I really hate it when I feel so confused -- I am always certain, I'm always sure! But what made me so confused right then? What's making me hurt?

I looked at Piotr as he covered himself in organic metal in preparation for the combat. He looked towards my direction as if he sensed I was looking at him. But that was just for a second, and then he started to run towards the location of the jet which was already visible from where we were although it was still less than a mile away.

/* You're out of focus, Scott... They're all around... You need to focus... */

I was startled to hear Jean's telepathic message. I didn't reply... no... I wasn't able to reply... something hit my neck... there's no pain... but... b-but... I could feel an immediate effect in me: my muscles stiffened; I lost sense of my nerves; I fell down as my sight began to blur... breathing became hard... very hard... I tried to call but no voice left my lips... in seconds, thick black clouds consumed my being...


[Jean's Point of View]

I was pre-occupied protecting the professor. I saw him being attacked by two tribal men having similar features with Ali. They swiftly appeared from the bushes and leapt towards the professor to pose a strike. I had to shoot a telekinetic punch that threw them away towards the trees.

/* I can handle myself, Jean... Don't waste your efforts on me. Focus outside the perimeter. */

The professor was eyeing at me giving me a signal that he'd be alright. I looked around and I could feel other forces involved... I could hear ritualistic chants in my head. They're near, I could smell their smoky essence. I shift my gaze towards the running Piotr... he's about to reach the jet...

But oh! I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw the tree a distance ahead of them momentarily shivered and then without any warning, violently lashed its branch to hit Piotr by his feet. My eyes widened at the sight. Piotr hit the ground hard and the tree just snatched Ali from him!

I tried to protect Ali by telekinetically restraining the tree but something hit my inner senses.


Before I could produce the necessary projection to protect Ali, I had to scream as I felt a sudden squeezing pressure in my head... Something's wrong! I could feel intense pain... someone's attacking me psionically! I tried to search around with painful eyes to see who's causing me discomfort but I couldn't focus... the pain was so intense.

I gasped for air as shocks of psionic blasts penetrated my head causing me throbbing aches I couldn't even begin to describe. My knees quivered, its strength abandoning me. I could feel tears running on my cheeks as the unbearable sensation hit me unprepared. I knelt on the ground trembling from the agony caused by the invisible culprit.

I tried to calm myself but it was as if the more I did so, the faster my strength abandoned me. Someone was absorbing my will and my strength and it's too late for me to cast a telepathic shield. Through the intense headache I was feeling, Professor Xavier managed to penetrate and transmit a blurred telepathic message...

/* Jean... transfer all your remaining strength to the void... you need to focus. Otherwise, he'll be able to drain all of your lingering energies... transfer them to the void! Now! */

/* Professor... I can't focus... */

/* Close your eyes and clear your mind... I'm doing the best I can to slice his connection off but you must make sure there's much left of your energy for yourself. Take control... Concentrate and channel your energies to the void! */

Though the professor's telepathic message was blurry, I fully understood what he wanted me to do... by hearing the most important word -- the void. Through fits and frenzy, a memory of the professor's definition of it echoed in my brain:

"If the physical or astral plane is a level of existence, the void is the level of nothingness -- or the non-existence. To be able to reach the void, you must shutdown all of your senses of experience and deliver your mind to a level of complete nothingness; where there is no space and no time."

Connecting to the void is a very difficult task, most especially in my case right then, when I was experiencing excruciating pains. It will involve blocking of the senses which was very a complex process even under normal conditions. I had no other option though, it's the void or I'll lose everything I have. I had to deliver myself to nothingness. I knew that once the connection is established, I would be able to store any of my extreme feelings, mental or physical strength there. Through continuous link, I could reclaim them, later.

By channeling my energies to the void, I could contain my physical self present on the physical event while recharging my weakening psyche on the nothingness. As a telepath, I had to master this process to be able to protect myself from other telepaths who had the abilities to drain psionic energies from other psionically powered mutants. By channeling to nothingness, it would appear that all of my psionic energies have completely been drained... thus; they'd stop feeding from what's left of me.

With sweat all over my trembling body, I focused myself and tried to turn off all of my senses... closing my eyes to see nothing as I tried to focus to deflect the noise, the smell, the pressure, the temperature, and the vibrations... it took very long to build the process as the telepath feeding on my psionic energies hungrily devoured on my open mind.

In due time, thank heavens, I achieved complete nothingness.


[The Blackbird Perimeter: General Setting]

"What's wrong, Bobby?" Kitty innocently asked as she sat beside Bobby who was sitting on top of a big rock a few meters away from the blackbird while Kurt popped in and out everywhere, panicky, because the group of seniors had left them longer than they promised.

"N-Nothing..." Bobby replied not really comfortable talking to Kitty about how or what he was feeling.

"Oh, come on... you've been sitting there eyeing at nothing... there could be something wrong... tell me..." Kitty insisted.

Bobby smiled awkwardly. Kitty had always been a good friend and such, but what's bothering him right then wasn't really something he thought Kitty would understand.

"Don't b-bother, Kitty... I was just a little... w-worried..." he murmured to himself rather than telling her. Kitty being on a close distance heard it, though.

"Yeah... me, too... but we're not the only ones, you know!" Kitty answered before she called, "Hey, Kurt! Could you stop popping in and out of the blue! It's extremely annoying..."

"I know," Kurt answered in his strong German accent, "but it had been more than an hour... they promised to return before quarter past eleven."

"Yeah, we all know that... but your teleporting here and there wouldn't help us, would it? Could you just stay on one corner for just a minute? For all we know they must be on their way here..." Kitty replied in her most annoyed look.

Bobby sighed as he tried to cast an optimistic face, "Yes... If there's any problem, we should have received a telepathic message from the professor, right? Let's just be patient and wait..."

Bobby wasn't at all convinced at his own words. He felt it... something was wrong... something was terribly wrong!


[Bobby's Point of View]

There's something that's been bothering me since we landed here on this place earlier this day... I knew I am always capable of hiding my feelings, but right that very moment, I felt extremely troubled. Have you ever felt something so intense that it seemed the whole world was casting shadows before your eyes only to realize something bad just happened to a friend, a family member, or... the person you love?

I might be overreacting. I knew there's no emotional link between us as of yet and when it comes to intuitions, I always fell short. But this time, I could feel intense agony inside me... something could have been happening or is about to happen to the person I admire so much. I tried to refuse entertaining the grief but the more I did so, the more it consumed me.

The stale smell of the breeze was enough warning for me. I may not be a telepath but I knew danger in the air when I sense one.

I looked at Kitty beside me. She's so innocent by the way she brushed her hair with her fingers. She's a very intelligent girl, but most of the time, she lacked the common sense or wasn't paying much attention. She asked me what was bothering me but I couldn't muster the strength to tell her how I was feeling at the moment. I wanted to be sure.

Kurt wasn't helping to calm me either. The more I saw him erratically appearing and disappearing in all corners made me think that he was sensing the same danger. Once, he appeared in front of us and I heard his whispers... they sounded like a German prayer... conclusive that he's reacting to the sensation brought about by the breeze.

"I'm really getting tired already... what's the point of waiting here on this stupid rock? I mean, can't we just go up the jet and get something to eat for a change? They've been gone for more than an hour now and I'm starving to death..."

I interrupted Kitty's complaints by shushing her. The slight tremors on the ground could only mean two things: it could be a mild natural seismic wave; or it was caused by somebody... I alerted Kitty by saying, "Ready yourself... they are here..."

"Those people who were supposed to capture the Chinese kid?" Kitty queried trying to figure out how I knew by looking around her...

"There's more... Feel the vibes..." I added, trying to figure out if my hunch is correct.

Kitty silenced for a moment, scrutinized the area before she exclaimed, "Oh, my God!"

"Behold the power of Terramus..."

The man who appeared in the blink of an eye from nowhere denied my hunch - it wasn't Lance after all. He was raising both hands as he sent mild seismic vibrations towards us. He stood boldly in a near distance; his shiny brown skin reflected the sun's rays; he wore a pair of what looked like g-strings that barely covered his naked muscled body. It was clear that he's another terrakinetic; judging from what he called himself... Terramus, what a funny name! Sounds like a name for a rat.

As he talked, we jumped to the ground and I immediately formed solid glacier balls on both hands as I sensed more movements around. Obviously, this Terramus guy wasn't alone.

I looked around and Kurt wasn't around either. Where the hell is he?

"Who, for heaven's sake, are you?" Kitty asked as she pouted her lips showing no fear from the unwelcome guest.

"You stole something from us and we need it back!"

He spoke like he lacked practice and the skills to speak the language. It was very clear he's a native from somewhere.

"We didn't steal anything from you, psycho!" I retaliated ferociously as I fired the glacier balls towards him.

With a flick of his hands, the glacier balls seemed to bounce in mid air and landed on a far distance some place else. Whoa! Does that mean he's a telekinetic, too?

Terramus smirked and raised his hands, "You called me a psycho? A small demonstration to show how insane I could be when someone steals our possession..." He raised his hand higher and with that, the ground shook ferociously producing masses of earth waves directly towards our direction which made Kitty and I bolt separately to different grounds.

The waves affected my motion... Maintaining my composure while in midair, I immediately encased myself in ice armor before I landed disgracefully. I made a forward roll as I hit the ground and immediately stood and get ready for the battle.

I looked at Kitty who managed to make a back handspring before she phased through the rock where we sat earlier. I looked around and it seemed that the Terramus guy retreated somewhere... he wasn't where he stood before.

I stood momentarily in bewilderment. What's going on? I stepped on to the trail and as I looked from a distance, I saw Piotr running as he carried somebody whom I thought was a girl as the long black hair was bouncing effortlessly in the air. I couldn't make out though because Piotr's still a distance away.

As I saw him, my heart beat like a drum... Piotr wouldn't run like that if something wasn't wrong.

I looked at Kitty who was looking at me with the same questioning face, "W-What was that all about?" she voiced her question.

Then I sensed the air went cold... I looked above and saw Ororo levitating in the air. She's creating massive dark clouds as she cast lightning bolts hitting the ground.

"Kitty, stay here... Piotr could use your help. He's carrying someone who looked hurt. I need to locate the seniors... I need to know what's ..."

Before I continued what I was about to say, Kitty and I simultaneously gasped in disbelief as we saw a tree ahead of Piotr suddenly made a violent sway that hit Piotr's feet. He roughly landed on the ground and it seemed that the girl he was carrying was snatched by the furious tree!

Naturally, both of us were about to go towards Piotr's direction but in the middle of the road, we were distracted by four people, similarly-skinned and with the same set of garments like that of Terramus. They emerged from the thick bushes. They looked very strong and they moved flexibly and quickly. Their punches didn't do much damage though, but they were strong enough to push me off balance.

I saw Kitty being attacked by the biggest among them but she knew when to use her phasing abilities. We both ended up in the middle as they surrounded us, their eyes ablaze and they just stood there doing nothing, glaring at us like a piece of fried chicken ready for everyone. I knew our powers weren't supposed to be used to hurt other people... I didn't want to hurt them but I needed to do something.

They quietly hummed something... whispering to each other... as if waiting for any movement from anyone before they attack us.

"Kitty, when I say go... phase through, okay!" I whispered to her. She just bowed nervously. I paused for a moment before I said, "Go!"

As I said that, I radiated a frost nova -- a mild yet freezing wave of force emanating from my core exploding as it covers a short circumferential distance -- that pushed the four men down to the ground as their torsos were covered by sheets of ice. Kitty just phased through in time...

I told Kitty to grab me from my back and as she did so, I froze the humid air creating ice trails. With my sled, we glided both of us out of there...


[Aliki's Nightmare]

Thick black clouds meshed to fill the air covering the sun's rays from touching the earth. A bolt of lightning pierced the skies and the deafening thunder roared to cast fear.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? I am confused... As far as I could recall, I was kept safe within two strong arms but now I am deserted... alone." Sadness filled my heart as I murmured my confusions.

A drop of rain hit my forehead while I sensed movement everywhere. I got scared... from what?

I looked at my hands that were trembling from the icy breeze and I could feel ruptured flesh behind me. I remembered the tenderness... the agonizing pain... as I felt blood escaped every open wound I had... in an instant, the clothes that covered me ripped by themselves; flew into the air and swallowed by the emptiness. Afterwards, a hidden force pushed me to fall on my chest aground the hardened soil.

"Curse them! Curse Theeemmmm!" I whispered with angst and hatred... but to whom?

From nowhere, I heard whispers - like a practiced choral speech - chanted words that were very much familiar to me: Governing Law 157: "A man may surpass another man in a battle but the conqueror must mark his triumph by claiming the innocence and seeding inside of the defeated man. After such process, the conqueror shall become the master and the conquered shall then be reduced to be his slave, obliged to adhere to the master's wishes without insubordination, until either of them expires."

The chant went on over and over gradually filling my head, it felt like exploding. Tears welled from my eyes as my head promptly swelled. Reverberating voices followed by mocking tenor shrieks hit all of my senses:


"Thar le rumak... le rumak... le rumak... le rumak... le rumak..."

{- You're a slave... a slave... a slave... a slave... a slave... -}

I didn't notice that my exposed body was drenched by the pouring rain as I, then, crawled on top of the thick mud, trying to regain my strength. The thoughts of the filthy law and me turning to a slave loudly echoed on every corner of my brain...

Silhouettes of men appeared from the bushes just a few distances away... I felt shame as I realized my exposed nakedness, my vulnerability beset me. Their eyes glimmered from the darkness, hunger perceptible from their glares. I reached over to cover my groin but a number of hands grabbed all of my limbs as I weakly fought to refuse the unwelcome touch.


"Thar le rumak... le rumak... le rumak... le rumak... le rumak..."

{- You're a slave... a slave... a slave... a slave... a slave... -}

Reasons filled my head... words bounced my mind... and the expression that escaped my lips:


"Feyah!" {- No! -}

"Aliki Go-Otres nemo largh!" {- My name is Aliki Go-Otres! -}

"Le tir oxo Zeleta, Ithmos Ezta le Kalithe!" {- The only son of Zeleta, High Priestess of Kalithe! -}

"Zeno mur krumak ke largh?" {- Who can enslave me? -}

Uproars of laughter filled the dense air as a huge shadow beckoned the grasping hands to release me. An earsplitting bass utterance flooded as streams of tears glowed as it flowed on my cheeks. He spoke of words unintelligible to me... yet, just as he finished uttering his words -- two strong men dragged me towards him, the gigantic shadow. Both forced me to kneel in front of him, pushing my head down making my lips suffer scratches from the rough surface of the ground. I closed my eyes when I heard him say:


"Ah... Aliki Go-Otres... largh rumak porroth... ye po yoqui axx remse..."

{- Ah... Aliki Go-Otres... my innocent slave... it's time we meet... -}


[Along the Way to the Blackbird:] [Aliki's Point of View]

I gasped as I opened my eyes and immediately got aware of the warm and humid air touching my skin... Thank the gods, it was just a bad dream!!!

I got startled by a vision of a blurred metallic face which was starting to clear out of my sight. I felt rather comforted; surprised to myself to have no fear of who he was... Even as his skin changed to a rather metallic form, he looked familiar. I immediately scanned for a clue in my memory as to whom belonged that face. The contours of that face never failed to give me evidences that he was indeed the one who lifted me up from my bed.

He was running and I immediately sensed there was something wrong going on. I looked around and saw two blasts of ice thrown in the air. To my right, I saw Eth... she was... she was levitating? And Jean... where's she?

"Put me down..." I demanded from the metallic man who had been running towards the... the ship that looked like a big black bird... it was... it was real!!!

I saw Eth forming an elemental imbalance in the air, causing a lightning to strike the ground as gushes of winds swamped the vicinity.

I didn't hear any reply from the metallic after my demand but it was apparent that there was chaos all around as he rushed me towards the nearing ship. Hinting from his action that he's not going to put me down, I closed my eyes, meditated and whispered...


"Chi libedi largh..."

{- Set me free... -}

As I opened my eyes, I saw a huge mango tree that seemed to wink at me, if ever that was possible. Without any warning, it shook violently and whipped a solid branch towards the unwarily running metallic man hitting his two legs causing him to plummet to the ground losing his grip on me throwing me in mid air. Before I reached the peak height of the throw, another branch scooped me and lifted me up leaving me unharmed by the gravity.

On the treetop, I couldn't wink my eyes in disbelief about everything I saw:

The man with the visor was lying motionless on the ground a few meters away from where the weakening Jean was lying, more than a hundred yards from where I was;

An imp-looking blue man with a wagging tail kept on appearing and disappearing everywhere;

The professor was sitting on his wheelchair, both his hands are on his forehead, as if contemplating very hard about something... no... meditation is the word;

And Eth... how come she seemed to be so out of control above ground?

I was confused... What was happening? Who were these people? Why were they attacked while I was with them? As I scrutinized my thoughts, a faint memory of a prophecy which I thought should be forgotten forever flashed in my head:

"The powerful one who can bring life to the dead had emerged from the womb of the greatest healer, conceived from an outcast seed... his power is beyond time. When the moon is ripe and before the east meets the west, he must be captured and offered to the gods to bring peace and prosperity to the island of Mangra."

After realizing the relation of the sudden appearance of these people to the almost-forgotten prophecy, I recalled what Jean declared: "we came here to rescue you."

"From the Mangrits?" I skeptically asked myself...

As I looked down, I saw the metallic guy running around, almost in panic as he seemed to search everywhere, probably searching for me. Suddenly, a humongous hefty man appeared from behind a tree and without any warning, grabbed his arm and viciously tossed him against a big rock creating crumbled dust in the air and a crack on the face of the rock itself.

I fumed seeing the devastation everywhere... the elemental chaos, the gradual loss of life, the unnecessary destruction of the ecosystem -- this ongoing war has to stop! If the Mangrits were the ones behind this, they had to be sent back to where they came from... but how?!

Instinctively, I felt something poured inside me and I just let my emotions swelled. I closed my eyes angrily... I thought about Mangra... about the tribe living there... I visualize the Mangrits... "They must be sent to where they came from!!!" I thought, before I whispered:


"Erezh redo am saruath thar plese az, imos krewzeh!"

{- Go back to where you came from, selfish ones! -}

I swayed my hand out of intense anger, but suddenly, the earth tremored forcefully. I lost my balance but the tree prevented me from falling by entangling its branches creating a net that caught me on my back. With my back against the netted branches, I searched all directions and saw a tall brown man who was raising his hands towards my tree... he probably was the one responsible for the tremor...

I glared at him and in just a few seconds, I saw him vanish so suddenly before my eyes!

I couldn't believe it... what's going on? What's going on?!!!

Questions filled my head... about what was happening to me... to the people around me... to the people who suddenly appeared to rescue me... the chaos... the unexplainable happenings. Doubts flooded my head... confusion... anger... distrust... all the mixed emotions.

But through it all, a feeling stronger than everything else made my heart beat faster. I just felt and I knew something was leaving the surroundings... something -- like a nearly departing life!

With wild heartbeats, I intuitively looked towards Jean's location and saw her trying to crawl her way towards the almost lifeless man -- the man with the curious-looking visor -- as I hear her cry, almost faint from where I was, something like "No... Please, don't die!!!"

I closed my eyes as I felt the helplessness inside. I was trembling in fear, angst and confusion... not knowing what to do. I wanted to reach there in time to heal him... I just knew that it was my responsibility knowing that I could do it given the right amount of time. Life shouldn't be wasted, most especially the life of a person who's among the people who just tried to rescue me. I couldn't waste seconds. His life is nearly gone... He's a more than a hundred miles away and if I climbed down and ran, I just knew that I couldn't make it.

I needed to be there! I needed to be there! I must be there to heal him! He's one of the people who came to rescue me... He must be healed... now!

I opened my eyes and... wait a minute... how? I couldn't explain it but I was there... I mean... I was here already! How did I...?

Perplexed, I asked myself, "What forces of nature could make me leave the treetop and land here on this spot where this dying man lay just as promptly as I did?!! I didn't recall moving, I didn't even shift... I just closed my eyes and... here I was! By Vi's grace, how did I...?"

But there's no time searching for answers... it's necessary to heal him fast. I rolled myself to kneel and looked all over his body in search for what was rapidly claiming his life and found something that looked like a small arrow pierced beside his neck. By the looks of it, it was filled with silver fang venom, a very poisonous substance derived from silver fang serpents which as to my knowledge, could only be found in the island of Mangra.

I carefully removed the arrow... no blood. This alarmed me... the venom could have been on its final stages of attacking his immune system -- confusing his defenses that he had open wounds causing his blood to clot and stop flowing inside his body. I still sensed life... I'll grab on to it...

"W-What are you d-doing? Don't touch him... Scott... S-Scott... N-No!!!" I heard Jean frightfully queried and shrieked but I couldn't risk giving her the while I needed to heal the dying man.

I closed my eyes and focused on my essence. I tried to envision every particle of his blood now covered in a hard shell of clotting. I, then, tried breaking in to every clot and helping the blood flow out as I tried to melt each hardened shell... I could feel my body stiffen as I felt myself gag. In my desperate attempt, a prayer escaped from my lips...


"E-Ero... Rama Odo... largh hasth larrizh ... largh mezre thar... athueth largh enai..."

{- E-Ero... God of Health... please help me... I trust in you... forsake me not... -}

Then... I felt a surge of overpowering tremor of pain. I was whimpering as I felt my joints ached... and all of my fingers became rigid... I choked... this was the signal...

As I opened my mouth with a loud, "Hhhaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh..." again, there they were -- the clouds of insect-like creatures rushed out of my widely gaping mouth -- thicker and blacker than I expected them to be. They seemed endless and I trembled as all of the painful sensations escaped from my core. I nearly surrendered for it took more than a minute before the process ended.

With glints of tears in my eyes, I coughed the last of them out and exhaustively gasped for air afterwards... it seemed like an eternity freeing those creatures from my gut. Before I weakly fell panting on top of the man's chest, I saw a glimpse of Jean's bewildered look.

Unaware what happened next, I just felt my lower limbs go numb as I felt what seemed like forceful jets of ice covered my nearly naked lower region... Then, I heard a trembling and angry male voice yelling something like:

"You killed him, damn you!!! You killed him!!! You killed him!!!"

X-Men Beyond: Powers of the Heart Xposed by: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

[X-Mansion: The Med Lab, Aliki's Room] [Sunday / 18-May-2003 / approx. 0800hrs GMT -5)

[Jean's Point of View]

I momentarily glanced at Scott who was by then sleeping beside Ali's bed. He sat on an ottoman close to the right side of the bed as his head was pushed forward on top of his crossed hands. I was relatively calm as I shifted my gaze towards the peaceful slumber of the tanned youth. I still couldn't believe what I witnessed back there in the Philippines.

As far as I could remember, I saw Ali being snatched by a "living tree." I mused as I termed it that way. It was funny to note that I knew trees have life, but it was my first to see a tree that actually moved without any external influences like the wind or the sun's heat or the rain drops. The only motion that I knew plants or trees are capable of doing was growth... well, except for the Venus flytrap which feeds on astray insects by trapping them.

For a telekinetic like me, I shouldn't treat it as an unusual phenomenon for I already made things move through my will. I thought I'd seen them all: giant metal spiders; moving boulders of rock; whirlwinds and tornadoes fired at will; a girl walking through walls; and all the stuffs mutants are made of... but the tree was another one of those "new things" for me.

Aside from that, I had to wonder what it was like on Ali's shoes while he was on the process of healing Scott.


[Jean's Recollection]

I remembered, I was on the process of recharging my psionic energy in the void but I wasn't able to complete it for I heard Professor Xavier's message:

/* Jean, your tormentor's gone. You're safe now. His grasp is off you... but I sense something wrong with Scott... his brainwaves are starting to blur. */

Hearing that, I immediately reclaimed my energy and scanned for Scott's brainwaves... the professor was right, it's blurring out! He was... dying?

I crawled as I shouted, "Scott... No! Please don't die!!!" I was almost begging for Scott to hear me. That was one of the very few moments I felt extremely scared about something.

But I was taken aback for from nowhere, Ali just appeared beside Scott. From my hazy point of view, I could tell he was as surprised as I was -- as if he teleported from somewhere yet he didn't know that he did. Well if he did teleport, then that was a teleportation without the smelly black ashy trails that Kurt used to leave behind or appear into.

As soon as he appeared there, I got scared. I thought he's going to hurt Scott or finish him off, most especially when I saw him touched Scott's lying body. I was frightened as I screamed, "W-What are you d-doing? Don't touch him... Scott... S-Scott... N-No!!!"

I was tempted to use my telekinetic power but then, I heard Professor Xavier's telepathic message:

/* Let him, Jean... I can sense that he's just trying to help. He's capable of healing him mystically... he knew he shouldn't waste time. Scott's brainwaves are fading fast. */

I didn't reply to the Professor, but I did observe Ali murmur some unintelligible chant. I saw his muscles stiffen, his body trembling erratically... as if he's absorbing something from Scott. I saw a faded yellow light shone out of his hands before it went bright red.

It was too painful to see Ali in frenzied fits as he continued his procedure. He was gasping for air but he seemed to inhale none. When he opened his mouth wide, my eyes widened as I saw thick clouds of insects fly out in the open air. That was too horrible to look at so I had to close my eyes. I couldn't bear to see so much of that agonizing occurrence.

Suddenly, I felt someone's presence. I looked up and was startled as I saw an angry Bobby forming orbs of ice... He hit Ali violently with everything he got as he madly shouted, "You killed him, damn you!!! You killed him!!! You killed him!!!"

Before he could shoot some more, I had to cast a telekinetic shield on Ali and project a telekinetic restraint on Bobby's hands at the same time. The Professor immediately shot a mild telepathic shock to calm Bobby as we both received his stern mental message: /* Bobby... no! Calm yourself down. He didn't kill him... restrain yourself and stop this outburst now... */

In a few while, Ororo came rushing and cast her powers to melt the ice covering the lower body of the then unconscious Ali. Apparently, she was summoned immediately by Professor Xavier to come over and help fix the situation.

By the time the ice completely melted, Scott opened his eyes dramatically. He was lightheaded but alive. Nobody said a word. As for me, I was thrilled to see him come to life but then, I felt mourning as well as I witnessed an innocent youth suffered the consequence. Perhaps the people around were feeling the same way, too.

Scott realized it was Ali's head lying on his chest... he rose as he placed Ali on a comfortable position. Weakly gazing at him, he also witnessed that his lower limbs were drenched down. I flashed the healing scenes on Scott's head to fill him in and as he realized what happened, he shot an awful look towards Bobby who was by then confused with subsiding rage.

Scott immediately got up and took Ali in his arms. His face was red, obviously angry about what happened to Ali and to the situation. He insisted to be the one to carry Ali towards the blackbird even as Piotr came rushing towards us.

He sarcastically said, "It's the least I could do for the person who saved my life," before he shot a look at Bobby and judging by the way he lingered that look, he's extremely upset... I almost felt sorry for using my retrocognitive ability to let Scott know what happened.

"Scott, you haven't completely recovered yet..." I said for I was against him carrying Ali in his weak condition but the professor gave me a look that forced me to allow him to do so. I watched his back as he slowly paced towards the blackbird with the youth's body limp in his arms.

It took me a while before I realized the sensation of movements around suddenly disappeared. I tried to scan the area and it was all clear. The noise and the air of danger were gone, as if the people who were supposed to capture Ali just vanished into thin air. It was irrefutable that the threat was gone.

"What happened?" a question in my head that didn't escape the mind of the sharp professor.

/* I think I had an idea about what happened, Jean. It was Ali. We'll organize some tests to prove my impressions. We'll conduct a mind probing if necessary. For now, let the questions go to rest. */


[General Setting]


Jean's recollection was cut short by a hoarse call. She traced where it's from and she saw Bobby shamefully standing by the entrance, hidden from the bed's point of view.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" he cautiously whispered.

Jean grinned and silently paced her way out of the room and mildly closed the door. She put her hand on Bobby's shoulder and guided him to the private room and asked with a slight smile, "How can I help you, Bobby?"

Bobby disgracefully bowed his head, still worried about what happened on the mission... Jean touched his chin and pulled it up to meet his eyes -- crystals of tears on both baby blues, awaiting the gravity to pull them down.

"I understand, Bobby... we all get confused sometimes. If it'd make you feel better, if the Professor wasn't able to inform me first that he's just in the process of healing Scott, I was supposed to hit him with a telekinetic boom first when he touched him."

Bobby looked at Jean's eyes and saw the sincere truth but he just shook his head left and right denying himself the comfort Jean's words have brought him.

"I know you understand, Jean... I know the professor and everyone understand... but does everyone include Scott and Ali? I did terribly wrong. I almost killed the only person capable to heal Scott. What if I didn't put Kitty to safety first before I went there arriving earlier and attacked him before the healing process? You see, it could only mean stopping Ali -- and in the end, regretting doing so for the rest of my life... knowing I was the responsible one why Scott died..."

Jean silenced hearing Bobby's reasons. She looked beyond those pitiful eyes and felt his agonizing guilt. She knew that Bobby wouldn't silence himself unless he heard the forgiveness personally from Scott and Ali themselves.

"Bobby... everyone will include both of them gradually. Let's just take it one day at a time. We all have differences and we must deal with it either way. Have patience, Bobby... we'll get there eventually," Jean explained calmly.

Bobby bowed again and this time, he couldn't prevent his two shoulders from trembling. The first noise he created was a blur, and then he progressed into mild whimpers. Jean couldn't hinder herself from hugging the frail teenager.

"I can't take the guilt Jean... every second of it is painful enough for me to lose my sanity. The more I wait, the more I see myself losing this battle. I wanted to end this pain once and for all," every word that escaped Bobby's lips was filled with anguish.

Jean calmed Bobby for a while. She knew he's hurting. He just cried weakly in her embrace feeling so powerless. As the whimpers subsided, Jean seriously looked at his face again and reasoned.

"You have to understand, Bobby... you're not the only one tormented by the events. Ali is still weak and still incapable of bringing himself to consciousness. He needs to recover to be able to talk to you. As for Scott, he also feels guilty because he's thinking he's mainly the cause for Ali's mishap. He first wanted to make sure Ali is safe before he can deal with you. All three of you are experiencing pains and all three of you needed time to mend yourselves. You can't just force them to end your misery alone... they have their own issues they need to deal with first. I understand your pain, Bobby, believe me, I do... but talking to them right now wouldn't make any difference. It may only make matters worse. Give yourselves time. Resolution is always at the end of the road..."

Bobby silenced for a moment, trying to grasp all of Jean's words. He knew she had a point... he can't be selfish and deny the two people the time to mend their own troubles. What he needed to do was wait for the right moment... there'd be pain, he knew, but everything will go right back on its place once things settled on their own.

He sighed and looked at Jean's understanding face. With a wry smile, he bowed his head in consideration. Before he completely advanced outside the room, he looked back at Jean and whispered an honest "thank you."


[Scott's Point of View]

I was awakened by the soft sound of the door closing. Whoever it was who had decided to make his or her presence unknown could have decided to do so to respect our rest.

I breathed for air... I didn't know I fell asleep on a very uncomfortable position, yet, curiously, I still was feeling light.

I still haven't dressed up... it's been a long day and a very long night. We crossed the International dateline twice within a twenty-four hour period, but somehow, I didn't feel lagged. As I saw the slumbering beauty in front of me, I seemed to feel that the weariness I should have been feeling right then had been absorbed by him. "Even in his unconscious state, he still managed to give me relief," I thought.

I smiled bitterly. His innocence on the situation saved my confused bottom on the line. I felt responsible for him because it was the first time I felt so out of focus in the middle of the battle. If I had been paying much attention, I couldn't have been hit by that stupid poisoned arrow because Jean could have projected a telekinetic shield in time. She could sense everything that's going on around and no matter how fast that arrow was, Jean's mind could detect its suddenness and could have performed any defense action that she does perfectly well on normal battlefield circumstances.

But Jean, just like me, got confused at everything -- because of our psychological bond -- what went on inside my head perplexed her, too, at a certain degree. She might not know what's going on inside my head, by she could feel the emotions produced by my misled thoughts. I affected her because of my stupidity and made herself almost got drained by a still unknown mind sucker in the process. Who else could I blame everything to but myself? And worse, I had let an innocent soul nearly got killed.

I still remembered the no-sting penetration of the arrow that injected a kind of poison that immediately produced a chain reaction inside my body, causing me to stiffen, convulse and pant. I thought I was about to reach my end. Through the darkness that enveloped me, memories of my youth flashed; the accident that made me lose my parents and made me acquire this... this gift that made my eyes assume an eternal switched-on living bazooka mode; the happy and the sad times with Jean; the days with the team; the stakeouts and missions; up to moment I saw him... the small fragile moment of gazing his physique lingered in the core of my brain... Ali was there... somewhere deep within.

As I traverse the dark passage, I saw a shining light from a distance calling my name. Yet, a resonating call echoed behind me, too, in a language I wasn't aware of. The resonating call grabbed me and made me go back to reality...

I weakly opened my eyes and the first color that I saw was green... the colors of the leaves of the tree acting as sun protection from where I lie. I breathed hard and felt something heavy pressed on top of my chest... I looked down to see Ali resting his head there. On that one moment, I felt a sudden rush of pleasure within me. Feeling his head rest there made me feel a whole lot better.

After a while, it dawned on me that I was hit by something. I checked the right side of my neck where the small arrow supposed to have hit me, but I didn't feel any wound or bruise -- just a sticky slime of fluid which, later on, Hank tested to be a type of snake venom.

I pulled myself up carefully placing Ali on a more comfortable position. I saw his drenched lower body and when I looked up, I saw Bobby with a guilty look on his face. Seeing the question on my face, Jean projected the recent events that just happened through her power of retrocognition. As scenes flash inside my head, I was shocked at the whole event... the horrible effects to the youth as he was healing me... the unbelievable release of what seemed like millions of black insects from his gaping mouth... Bobby's anger as he hit Ali with blasts of ice...

Remembering how I lived but made this innocent youth suffer in return made me extremely guilty... For the first time, I realized my tear ducts weren't malfunctioning at all for through the continuous flow of death rays from my both eyes; warm and wet sensations flooded and immediately dried.

I was blaming myself... for destabilizing Jean, for making Bobby react that way, for putting Ali on this type of situation. What kind of leader was I being the one to get hit by an attack first? I was supposed to be the one planning to get our team to safety but I was the one who...

I didn't continue my line of thought... the words that might appear there might rekindle my distress. This scenario was painful enough... let me just ignore the all-male macho credo, "men don't cry," for just this while.

I took his right hand that was lying comfortably beside him and lightly kissed the back of his palms -- then I progressed to sobs that I thought I wasn't capable of doing.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm really sorry..." I whispered passionately in between my moans.


[Aliki's Point of View]

The feeling of warmth grasping and lightly touching my hand made me come to my senses. I weakly opened my eyes and heard whimpers - the first thought that came to my head: "Father? Is that you?" As I thought of that, I briefly recalled my resentment towards him. I couldn't deny the fact that my anger to my father already subsided... in fact, I was wishing that he was indeed the one crying beside my bed.

My reason? Do I have to have a reason for my anger to subside? I was just telling what's going on in my own heart... I guess there's no reason at all. Judging by the way I longed for him to be by my side, I just knew that if I see my father again, I would welcome him with my warm embrace. I still loved my father after all... my respect to him might have diminished... but my love didn't.

When I heard soft whispers of "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm really sorry..." with an accent I knew wasn't my father's, I had to completely open my eyes to see who was it asking for my forgiveness - the man with a curious-looking visor... why?

I gathered my energy before I projected a proud voice... weak and hoarse... but proud.

"What was there to be sorry about?" I asked him. He abruptly stopped sobbing. I couldn't see his eyes but I knew I startled him by the way he opened his lips unexpectedly.

He stammered but there's no words clear to be really understood. I smiled understandingly. It appeared that he was uncomfortable with the suddenness of my question.

"Where am I?" I asked to shift our conversation to a different topic.

He was able to breathe a sigh before he placed my hand gently beside me. Feeling stronger, I began to lift my upper body, and seeing as I was doing so, he immediately stood and helped me to sit on the bed... perhaps seeing my inquisitive look as I shift my gaze around me, after a few while, I heard him speak in a way he thought would justify the surroundings, "You're on safe grounds now..."

I sensed a little irritation in me, the irritation I always feel whenever I hear white lies.

"If this is not heaven, this couldn't be called safe grounds. Threats, may it be natural or man-made, will always find its way inside any peaceful spot if they will themselves to. Scott... where am I?" I tried to make myself speak clearer and gentler before I asked again.

His head backed for a moment, he uncomfortably swung his shoulders indicating he's perplexed, "H-how did..."

"I heard Jean scream your name during the time I was healing you... please answer my question," I monotonously stated hinting my anxiety.

I saw an irate smirk escaped his lips before he answered in a tone I could judge a little higher than his usual, "You're in Xavier School for the Gifted Youngsters, 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Westchester County, New York..."

I contemplated for a while ignoring his unbecoming tone. New York... it could only mean I'm in the United States of America. How could I be here when I don't even have any documents, passport or a visa? I remember reading an article in a newspaper that it could be difficult to have an American visa just to enter the United States after the 9-11 incident. I felt refreshed, though. I have been wondering what America would be like. Through what I had been reading, America is the world's dream. It's the melting pot of cultures and people... very difficult to find pure Americans.

I brushed away the thought of America and looked at the somewhat annoyed man beside me. I had questions filling my head, but I could judge that answers are available when I'm ready to gather them. Letting me be overwhelmed by questions would only confound my being. I'll get the answers in time.

I bowed my head down for seconds to show my courtesy and respect. I looked up trying to pierce beyond his visor and tried to imagine what color his eyes could be. I wondered how he looked like without that strange thing attached to hide his "window of the soul."

"Thank you..." I briefly said, meaning each word.

I saw his annoyed look soften. Then, he smiled completely before he moved himself near.

"How do you feel?" he asked, his concern echoed after his question.

"A lot better..." I briefly answered.

"Can I see your legs?" he asked worriedly. I looked him on his face and I could sense he got uncomfortable with his own question... "I m-mean, uhm... d-do you still feel numbness? I heard B-Bobby hit you pretty hard..."

I never heard about his name during Jean's introduction so I asked, "Who's Bobby?"

"He's a student of this institute... he thought you attacked me..." I sensed his tone went cold. His face stiffened and blood-filled... he's upset.

I thought about the intense anger as I heard those words, "You killed him, damn you!!! You killed him!!! You killed him!!!" If it was Bobby, shooting me something icy cold as he shouted those words in anger before I lost awareness, Scott could have meant so much to him. Jean was also worried and I could feel she's ready to attack me, too, if she wasn't in her weak state. Scott could be a very important person.

"Jean also thought so..." I added.

"But Jean didn't attack you, did she?" he replied with despise in his tone.

"You're fortunate to have people like them who care for you..."

"But they shouldn't act out of their own emotions. They were trained to deal with feelings," he immediately reacted as he turned his back on me after saying that.

"How do you, then, deal with your feelings?" I asked him back.

He turned his gaze at me and said strongly, "You have no right to ask me that... You don't know me."

"In the same way to you, Scott," I replied calmly.

I saw a question written on his face before he queried, "What do you mean?"

"I was just concluding, if Bobby is a student here, then, taking into consideration your physical maturity, your actions and reactions, and how they valued you... you must be a trainer. Please correct me if I'm wrong..." I tried to remove any lingering doubts on the way I stated my conclusions. He looked offended and putting questioning tone on my conclusions would offend him even more.

"Yeah, I am... so?" he said after breathing heavily, trying to contain himself.

"You can't train people to deal with their feelings if you, yourself, won't show how it's done."

I saw his face reddened even more... he was ready to retaliate and defend his ego but no words escaped his lips. He just stood there stammering for words, fuming at what I just said. I just maintained my composure, I felt no sense of fear whatsoever against this man. I knew he couldn't hurt me so I just preserved a blank expression on my face.

In a few while, I heard his breathing soften. I decided to say something.

"While I was healing you, you looked pale and we see no signs of life on your exterior. I saw that. Everyone who could have seen you would definitely conclude you're dead."

He just continued to eye at me trying to understand me.

"My mystic disciplines allow me to heal myself and sense other people's essence. They also allow me to heal other people, but I must be in a good state of mind or health to be able to perform it perfectly. Being in a vulnerable state while healing you, I won't have the right amount of power to deflect your pain, so I must absorb it inside my body first before I could release it in a form that looked like a cloud of insects. If you witnessed me doing that to Jean or to anybody else's, you'd also think I was doing something hideous to them, you won't take second chances. You'd just stop me from doing what I was doing in all possible way -- even if it meant attacking me, or killing me."

The stiffness on his face reduced.

"You had to absorb my pain?" he asked, trying to figure out the sense in my statement. I just bowed my head to confirm.

Then, he asked a question I wasn't expecting to come from him... a question I wasn't ready to answer at that particular moment.

"W-What happens if, uh, s-say, you l-lost consciousness in the process... a-and wasn't able to release those, ungh... let's just say, pain creatures?"

It was difficult on my part to state the reality of the process but I thought there's always good in telling the truth, "It's like absorbing the venom from inside your body, Scott. If I wasn't able to release it, it'll continue the process in my body."

The horrified look on Scott's face was inevitable. There was an awful silence between us that gapped our conversation. My mind wondered about the thoughts of losing my own life...

"Y-You... You could have... d-died? Y-You knew y-you're risking your life, a-and y-yet..."

"A life without risks isn't a life, Scott," I intervened right away, "What I've done wasn't anything heroic. That risky impulse has always been there, lying dormant deep in the hearts of everyone. If Jean had abilities the same as I have, she'd do just the same as I did... and so would Bobby... and the rest."

He looked at me like I was crazy... but I was surprised when he pushed himself forward and encased me with his arms. I felt uneasy as I felt his strength hugged my body as he rested his chin on my right shoulder... uneasy... but wonderfully good. There's something in his embrace that made me think about my mother... I unquestionably miss her so much.

No words were said afterwards. His thankful embrace lasted for a long time as I silently inhaled his warm masculine aroma permeating the air.


[X-Mansion: Piotr's Room]

Yesterday had been a hard day for everyone on the mission so Piotr took his morning lazily lying on the couch contemplating about the events in the Philippines.


[Piotr's Recollection]

After I screeched my face on the ground, I knew I lost my grip and Ali just vanished somewhere. He's damn fast for a recuperating person. I was a mix between upset and worried but I had to search for him. I even felt like a fool as I was unaware of what hit me due to the hastiness of the situation. After I gathered my composure, I went towards the bushes, but instead of finding Ali, a big strong hand grabbed me by my arm and I was whipped onto the rock causing it to crack.

The attacker was a big stout brown-skin who looked like a sumo wrestler on his g-string. He was on his way to make a bull assault but I was able to maneuver to my left and chopped his backside that pushed him face first hitting the crack of the rock. I was about to leap and ready myself for a double punch when a movement from the top of tree caught the corners of my eyes.

I looked up and saw Ali, how the hell did he get there? If he was so weak to walk towards the jet, how come he's not too weak to climb up a tree! He's a damn good and believable liar!

He looked like he's saying something before he whisked his hand forcefully. As he did so, I saw something like a big bubble that enveloped him. But then, a strong movement of the earth caused him to fall down towards the branches... but what the hell! If my eyes weren't playing on me, I could swear the tree reacted by creating a net-like structure to save Ali from falling.

A movement from my left made me shift my gaze towards my attacker. His head was bleeding hard. He might be strong but his skin wasn't made of metal like mine. I grabbed him by the neck and threatened to kill him if he won't answer my questions. He looked faint...

I was on the process of asking him my first question when he just disappeared within my grasp. Damn! He could be a teleporter like Kurt! He just thought that he could teleport somewhere else to escape my iron fist!

I looked up the tree but I didn't see Ali there. How fast could this guy climb down a tree as high as that considering he's on the recuperation period? I wondered where he was but I was still hot in the thought that a pathetic fattie escaped my anger just because he's a damn teleporter like that blue fuzzball.

I searched everywhere within the perimeter but I didn't see him anymore... in fact, I didn't see anyone similar to him, at all. After a few more minutes of unsuccessful search, I gave up and proceeded to where I left the team.

I was on my way when I... wait a minute, was that Ali with his head lying on Scott's chest? What was he doing up there? How did he...?

I had to run towards them to make a clearer view. Scott stood up and carried Ali by his arms. What just happened? My questions were answered by Jean... She filled me with the events of what happened. So, if he's a teleporter, too... that explains how he got there on top of the tree in the first place! But he also healed Scott... Jean informed me that Scott was hit by a poisoned arrow beside his neck. He was dying when Ali got there in time... by teleporting. He filled me with the gory details... including insects coming out of Ali's mouth... which I thought was really disgusting!

I couldn't imagine insects coming out of those beautiful lips. I wanted to take him from Scott but the professor prevented me telepathically. I just let them...

As they passed my way, I couldn't help but notice that Ali's gown was loosely hanging and I saw his naked ass. Damn! Two beautiful toned ass to say the least! I imagined that tight ass lips covered by short young pubes winked at me... whoa! Better be prepared for that! It was just sad that his legs weren't parted so I could have seen his balls... and maybe his cock. I wonder if it's tanned like the rest of his skin...

What was I thinking! We were in a state of emergency and my head could still find a way to fill itself with lusty thoughts! Damn, I'm bad! I'm really bad!


[General Setting]

Thinking about the two mounds of tight ass cheeks and that supple butt lips made Piotr's cock twitch. He lewdly massaged his weapon as it pulsed inside his boxer shorts. He imagined its raw odor welcomed by his nose. He envisioned how it would feel if he buried his face between those two globes of warm and tight flesh as his kissed and licked and sucked that winking hole. He imagined losing his breath as Ali's ass block his air passage... he imagined passing out on that splendid sight.

He unbuttoned his pee hole and freed his magnificent manhood which was now oozing massive amounts of precum on its slit. He scooped some of it using his forefinger and inhaled its aroma. He scooped some more and placed his finger wet with precum on his tongue tasting his own bittersweet flavor. He licked his lips and enjoyed the taste as if it was from somebody else's.

He squeezed his cock and oozed more clear fluid. If he was just capable of self-sucking, he'd be willing to suck himself to appease his uncontrollable desire.

He completely removed his boxer shorts and shifted himself inverted from the bed. He placed both feet on top of the head board and he placed three pillows in a stack to lift his strong lower back higher than his head on the bed.

In his mind, he was choosing the best face to fuck; the best lips to kiss; the best cock to suck; and the best cock to fuck his ass... There were too many faces in his head... but one thing he's sure about, the best ass to fuck was Ali's! He was almost certain that he's tight enough to handle his monstrosity... How he wanted to savor the pain on Ali's face as he forcefully penetrate him... Oh yes! Damn right, the best place to cum was right there inside that warm tanned butt hole!

He thought about Scott... that bulging crotch so embossed whenever he wears his tight uniform. He thought Scott's cock was the best to please... he wanted to suck him... but no... better yet, he wanted Scott to fuck him. He even wondered how it would be like if Scott fucked him while he fucked Ali! Maybe he can even accommodate any cock in his mouth while Scott fucked him and he fucked Ali... Oh yes! What a dream come true!

If Logan wasn't some kind of a weirdo, he could have chosen to suck Logan, too... but even in his imagination, he forbids himself knowing that Logan was not the right person to deal with sexually or emotionally. In fact, he thought, Logan was not the right person to deal with... period!

Who else? Who else? Maybe there's some other available cock out there he could please by sucking... Jamie's? Too young... Ray? Too new... Professor Xavier's? Too pruned... Kurt's... Too blue... and too demonic... Roberto's? Could be a nice treat... Bobby's?

He stopped at the memory of that beautiful baby blue eyes... yes, Bobby's cock could serve the best meal... What a nice fantasy... Scott's cock in his ass; Ali's ass accommodating his cock; and Bobby's cock gagging him to eternity.

Piotr slowly massaged his cock as he let his daydream consume him. He was gasping and panting and moaning hard... he could almost feel his ass burning from Scott's cock-ramming; he seemed to feel Ali's tight ass squeezing the length of his cock as he forced himself in and out; and how he savored the pulses of Bobby's cock throbbing inside his penetrating his virgin throat...

He sensed his orgasm coming... he opened his mouth wide as he lifted his lower body and aimed his cock slit directly towards his own gaping mouth. He closed his eyes as he imagined it was Bobby's cock -- about to spurt his babymakers inside his mouth. He wanted the memory to last but he couldn't hold himself any longer.

The first shot of cum hit his upper palate and he immediately swallowed causing the second blast to hit his chin... and then his chest... and the rest of his semen splattered on his abs.

He savored the taste of his own warm and sticky juice, scooping the dripping ones all over his body and sucking it from his fingers... He was on the process of cleaning himself when he heard a knock on the door.

He scrambled and immediately put on his boxers before he opened the door halfway. It was Roberto.

"I was just..." Roberto was supposed to say his reasons for knocking but his eyes darted towards the glob of sticky fluid stuck on Piotr's chin. He bowed down in an effort to direct his eyes away only to stumble upon Piotr's open pee hole. His dirty-blonde pubes clearly seen from Roberto's view and by the way the lower left-end lifted itself upwards, he could clearly define in just that one moment of stare that Piotr's cock was the one causing it to tent unnaturally. He was shocked for a moment at that scenario. He looked away beyond the hall before he stammered his "never mind" and scurried away.

Piotr saw the shock on Roberto's face as his gaze went down his chin... he quickly touched it only to shame himself off from feeling the slime of his masturbation. He muttered a disgusted "shit!" before he scrambled to the mirror to confirm his carelessness... it was a big glob of white fluid and it was obvious to someone their age that it was indeed cum! How could have he been so mindless to just bolt towards the door without looking at the mirror first?

"So, that's why Roberto scurried away," he thought to himself. "Fuck!"


[X-Mansion: Med Lab, Aliki's Room]

[General Setting]

Scott and Ali were in the middle of a conversation, more comfortable with each other than earlier. Scott was answering all of Ali's questions the best he could. Ali had a lot of questions.

"Who informed you about me in the hospital?" Ali first asked.

"I believe that must be answered by the professor. I hope you wouldn't mind if I skip that one..." was Scott's reply.

"I saw a blue imp with a wagging tail appearing and disappearing everywhere... he wore the same uniform as you do. Is he a part of your group... or team?"

"He's Kurt... he has a power to teleport himself and everyone he touches from one location to another. He's harmless and his mutation only made him appear like that. He's also every inch a human being and a very religious one at that."

Ali silenced for a while. He'd read about mutation in one of the magazines available in his father's family's mansion. He'd read about mutants, and he thought it was his first to see one, in the person of Kurt. But that magazine also stated that most mutants usually looked like another human being... their mutation came in other forms, like supernatural capabilities...

"Are you afraid of him?"

His line of thought was cut by Scott's question.

"No, I am not. Believe me, I've already met other forms of life stranger than Kurt. If he's as harmless as you said him to be, why must I be afraid? I was just wondering about the man carrying me towards the ship. Is he a mutant, too? He looked `humanly' when he picked me from my bed, but when he was rushing me to the ship; he looked like a robot with metal skin..."

"Piotr... yes, he is, too... and so are the rest of us."

Ali looked at the man in front of him. "All of them are mutants?" he asked to himself. So, the magazine was correct after all. Most mutants appear like just other human beings.

"There must be a relation between your nature of existence to rescuing me..." he said in a whisper.

Scott looked at the face of the youth before he said, "I hope this won't shock you... The professor had the impression that you're a mutant just like us."

Ali looked at Scott's face in mild disbelief. He was expecting that answer anyway.

Scott continued, "Just like us, you have genetic mutation in the form of supernatural abilities..."

Ali smiled before he interrupted, "Forgive me, but my supernatural abilities were gifts from the gods... As I have told you, mystic healing is a discipline. Everyone who learns it will be able to perform it... There's nothing mutative about learning that discipline, Scott."

"We're not talking about your healing powers, Ali... We're talking about your other powers that were beginning to become apparent. Have you performed something that you think you haven't done before... aside from mystic healing?"

Ali stopped for awhile. Did they know about him being able to freeze his father in mid-air? Or about him creating life-forms out of non-living things? How much more does this Professor Xavier know about him?

But before Ali could answer Scott's question, Ororo entered the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation with Ali, Scott. The professor needs you at the library for the debriefing. I'll stay here..." Ororo informed Scott in her usual peaceful way.

Ali looked at the visitor and projected a wide smile as he realized who just came. But unlike before, he just remained sitting and he waited for the woman to come near. Ororo smiled at him and asked, "How are you, dear Ali?"

"Never better..." was Ali's reply.

Scott saw the happiness on Ali's face and was somehow hurt... there was a big difference on the way Ali welcomed Ororo and by the way he was welcomed earlier by Ali. He just couldn't deny the sudden jealousy he felt. The first thing he thought was just to leave the room, but he also felt obliged to say something before he went out, "I'll be out in a few, Ali. I'll be back after the meeting... you take a rest. She's going to take care of you."

Scott forced a stiff smile to both of them before he turned his back to proceed to the debriefing.


[X-Mansion: Library]

[General Conversation:]

Later at 9:00 a.m. the Professor called the mission team for debriefing. The professor sent Ororo to the Med Lab Recovery Room to check on Ali. Bobby wasn't there and the Professor just nodded to everyone in acknowledgment.

[Kitty] So, where's Ali now? Is he coming here, Professor?

[Professor] We'll be meeting him this afternoon. I just called to remind all of you to keep "the call" unknown to Ali. Let's wait until he get used to the situation first.

[Jean] Can you tell us his powers, professor?

[Professor] For now, all I can say for certain is that he has a tremendous mystical power to heal himself and others. I also sensed he's capable of sensing life. He knew that Scott was at the brink of losing his life so he reacted immediately.

[Jean] Is he some kind of a teleporter? What made him appear there in an instant?

[Professor] That, I am still uncertain. His mutant ability is still a blur to us. But I could feel that our attacker's disappearance from the scene and his teleportation has something to do with his ability. The reason why I wasn't able to disconnect your link immediately from your aggressor was because I caught a rather intense emotion coming from Ali. I looked up at him and tried to calm him telepathically but he was somewhat shielded by something.

[Piotr] I was in a close distance. I saw a bubble-like thing that enclosed Ali as he was mumbling something. He even shook his hand violently. But then, he fell from the tree because someone made the earth shake. I tell you, the tree automatically moved to create a net-like something to catch him from falling.

Jean was startled to hear that fact.

[Jean] Do you know what hit you to the ground, Piotr?

Piotr blushed to hear that Jean knew about him screeching to the ground. Kitty excitedly interrupted to answer Jean's question.

[Kitty] I know, I know! Bobby and I saw it! It's the tree! The tree whipped its branches to hit Piotr by his feet!

Piotr was surprised to hear the information.

[Piotr] The tree? I just knew that that tree has a life of its own...

[Jean] The tree has a life, alright... but it needs external forces to move or sway or even whip its branches. I wasn't aware of any occurrence that involved a helpless movement from a tree other than its growth.

[Professor] Fascinating... this information could add up to something to understand Ali's mutant abilities.

[Kurt] Wait... if someone made the ground shake to make Ali fall... Could it, by any chance, be someone from the brotherhood?

[Kitty] Lance? No... I was expecting it could be him, though, because he's the only mutant I know capable of creating massive earth waves.

[Professor] There was a terrakinetic on the scene?

[Kitty] Yeah! He calls himself Terramus... what an icky name!

[Kurt] Pretty scary, too.

[Piotr] A big guy was able to whip me brutally towards a rock. He's pretty strong, from the way he handled me... and he's huge like a sumo. If he wasn't brown-skinned and if he didn't bleed when I pushed him towards the rock... I could almost say he's Blob. But he vanished within my grasp... it was pretty annoying to know someone as big as him could teleport to somewhere.

[Professor] He didn't teleport by himself, at least, to my knowledge. As I was saying, the vanishing act of our attackers has nothing to do with their capability to teleport. When I tried connecting to Ali telepathically, I wasn't able to penetrate his mind but he managed to give out a loud message towards my telepathic link.

[Jean] What is it, professor?

[Professor] All I could say is that he was sending the enemies back to where they came from. After receiving that loud message, I tried to scan the area. I sensed movements gradually disappearing, as our attackers vanished into thin air, one at a time. When I noticed your predicament and sensed a strong mind behind it, I tried to help you out but in the process... he seemed to disappear, too.

[Kurt] He's capable of doing that? Cool!

[Professor] We need to conduct more tests to confirm our hypotheses.

In between the conversation, the Professor noticed Scott's silence so he called his attention subtly.

[Professor] Do you have any inputs, Scott?

Scott, almost not himself, answered.

[Scott] He knew he'd probably die if he healed me... but he still progressed to do it.

Jean and Piotr almost simultaneously looked at Scott and asked the same question.

[Piotr and Jean] What do you mean?

Scott realized that he had spoken his mind out loud. Looking at everyone, he smiled pitifully.

[Scott] He told me that his mystic discipline allowed him to heal others flawlessly only if he's in a healthy condition. Being in his recuperative state, he must absorb my pains first into his body before he could release it in time. If he lost consciousness and wasn't able to release the pain creatures that you witnessed, Jean... the poison that supposed to kill me will then continue its process of taking life... meaning, his life.

Everyone gasped on hearing the truth from Scott. Scott nodded in agreement...

[Scott] Yes... That's why Ali is, from now on... a hero... here...

Scott then pointed his finger in the middle of his chest, making it to clear everyone that when he said "here," he meant "his heart."

(End of Episode 2)


Aaron Sarver -- Thank you very much for your inputs and supportive e-mails. I'll try the best I can to be able to make that twist I promised you.

Kevin Martinez -- Your questions are very much welcome and I hope that you found my reply helpful.

Je Rome -- Thanks for dropping a line man...

Thanks for everyone who have read and enjoy the first episode. I hope that you enjoy this as you enjoyed the first.

Codes Legend:


--oo0oo-- - a transition from one character's setting or situation to another character's. ---***--- - provided for instances of unconsciousness, sleep, or non-relevant transitions. ---zzz--- - a transition from sleeping reality to dreaming. ---uuu--- - a transition from dreaming to awakening reality. ---vvv--- - a transition from present time to recollection. ---^^^--- - a transition from recollection to present time.

[setting] - indicates setting and time in one character's story.

Communications: /telepathic/ - indicates telepathic communications. (remark) - narrator's remarks. |language| - indicates the language spoken by the character. {-translation-} - indicates the translation of local/native language to English.

Next: Chapter 3

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