X Men Beyond

By Fora Llexx

Published on Dec 21, 2006


X-Men Beyond By: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

Proviso: X-Men and all its relevant characters that may appear in this story are copyrighted to Marvel Comics and the Twentieth Century Fox. This story is a product of pure-fiction and in NO WAY suggesting (not even insinuating, uh-huh) anything about the sexualities of the characters as well as the actors/actresses who portrayed the characters in the movie. The characters are just borrowed to be able to visualize the faces and the concept of the story.

The story below may contain scenes, language and situations not suitable to minors and is intended for mature reading only. This will also depict homosexual interactions between consenting male adults. If you are (1) offended/against the content of this story; (2) under legal age; (3) in a state or location where male-to-male sexual interaction is considered illegal, abnormal or against the law, you are requested to stop reading this material now.

Feel free to e-mail your questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms to forallexx@yahoo.com or bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com.

By submitting to Nifty, it served as a permission to publish this story on the net. Yet, the author reserves all rights. Do not duplicate, distribute or re-publish this work without expressed consent from the author.

X-Men Beyond: The Infiltration by: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

[By the Japanese Garden, General Setting]

"Ray, Ray... Are you okay?"

Ray remembered a few gentle tugs by his two shoulders before he heard the question. He struggled to open his eyes, both of which felt sore. He let out one rough cough and he felt pushing something out of his throat... in another coughing effort, he then felt the rough stringy feeling on his tongue and the fingers on his right hand automatically picked what previously made his throat itchy -- a long kinky strand of silver-grey pubic hair. He closed his eyes, oblivious of someone's presence, as he remembered the rough facefucking he received from Pietro. He remembered every inch penetrating his throat, gagging him in the process as Pietro's slimy juice oozed to fill his gullet -- down to his guts. He still remembered how it tasted sweet -- he couldn't believe how he had longed for that sweet moment to happen again yet he deprived himself of that cock and cum for so long.

He's intensely jealous -- as he remembered witnessing first hand how Pietro riotously fucked Lance's throat. He felt for Pietro and he thought the feeling was mutual. Even as Pietro showed more of insensitivity, Ray thought there was a connection between the two of them. He thought there was love -- he thought there was affection. And that was why he felt betrayed when he saw what was happening just in the living room of the brotherhood manor.

Pietro didn't even have the decency to scamper away upon knowing Ray's arrival from the manor to visit him. In fact, when Pietro saw him by the entrance of the brotherhood manor, he made no effort to hide the frenzied cocksucking and just let Ray watch how he pounded his cock into the gaping and gagging mouth which was willingly awaiting every thrust. He even sneered at Ray, licked his lips impishly and let out a loud groan as he ground his hips to meet the devouring lips of the teenaged terrakinetic.

That image seemed to pause in his head: it made Ray almost puke, but was able to hold it as he shook his head in an effort to wipe away the thought, disgusted by it. Only by then that he remembered how he was actually verbally and physically abused. If there was no affection coming from Pietro, then, he was just no less than a free-to-use cunt readily available to be used for dumping loads... he felt sorry for himself but instead of crying it out, he nurtured the guilt, the angst and the rage. And one of the reasons why he came to the Xavier Mansion to seek for help in controlling his gifts -- to be able to teach himself to be stronger. But what difference would it make if he himself couldn't prevent that wanton need for Pietro's body -- for Pietro's juicy salami?

He frowned at the thought as he opened his eyes and was a bit startled to meet a handsome Spanish face -- dark brown curls that shone under the sun; a slightly pale, slightly dark complexion; thick brows that framed a pair of sleepy hazel eyes; a nose prominent and nicely-shaped; and thin pair of small lips -- "Roberto!"

"W-What happened? You had a s-spell or something?" Roberto asked concerned.

He frowned profusely before he irritably growled, "Don't ask..." He then immediately shook his hand on Roberto's face to interrupt him from saying anything, as if to say, "don't bother, I'm okay," and showed indifference at Roberto's display of concern. He pulled himself together, and declined any help from Roberto. He didn't want him to get too close to him... for a reason he still doesn't know. Inside him -- there was irritation and yet, there's relief... just knowing about the presence of Roberto made him feel some sense of contentment for unsure grounds.

Even so, as he stood up, he paced away and without looking back, he proceeded towards the mansion leaving behind the stupefied young Roberto Dacosta.


[Roberto's Point of View]

Alex left all of us in the rec room minutes after Bobby and Kitty left. He said he intended to look for the other new guy, Ray. We're actually waiting for his arrival because we promised Alex that we're going to welcome Ray as soon as he entered the door. Alex, being the big brother of the group, had always been the one to always extend hands to newcomers, especially, those whom he thought lack the social skills to make friends.

Alex left, and Jubes had her fun in playing billiards with Jamie, and two of his clones. I smiled seeing how she played around with the cute twelve-year-old(s). It was fun to witness the different personalities of Jamie's clones -- the real one, I guess, was naïve and youthful with a pretty smile; one has an arrogant attitude and yells a lot; one laughs a lot and made fun of everything that happened. I wondered how he puts up with those different personalities whenever he gathered them together inside him. That must be one hell of an emotion-personality clash.

I remembered Bobby, again. I guess his mood had totally shifted from the ill-mannered to the all-smile happy-go-lucky him. But I also remembered his reluctance upon entering the rec room the first instance. His mood just suddenly changed after we came to greet their arrival.

When he smiled at me, I just smiled and blurted out something that I thought was intelligent, "The air's a bit damp today, isn't it?"

On which he readily replied to my subtle surprise, "Yeah. The day is clear, too. I was torn between going to the river to fish and relaxing here with you, guys... I decided to stay here. Besides, the sun's too shining outside."

I don't know but I felt weirdly happy for some reason after hearing his response. I was not sure how to describe the sudden rush of happiness inside my chest. It was almost an enormous tsunami drowning me, so I let out something I thought explained my sudden happiness... "I know... that's why I feel more energized than ever. I feel the heat of father sun grow inside of me, I feel stronger..."

Only to be interrupted by a dumb statement from John, "Hey, there, Sunspot! Why don't you grow some fire on your body so I could play around with it? It's getting boring in here as we speak..."

But then, I didn't remember any of the conversations after that. I knew Kitty blurted something to make fun out of John for him to react foolishly insulted. But I practically fell out of space... I was there, and yet my consciousness drifted away as I was looking at Bobby. I literally gazed, not that I intended to, but the look on his face was remarkable. I didn't know what brought that sudden feeling but it just made me feel speechless for the rest of the conversations.

My roaming mind just interrupted its phase when Bobby and Kitty left us all -- they said they need to rest. As I said, I felt dumb and deaf at the same time... as if my whole focus was on something that has now left us in the void. I sensed something inside me emptied... and sensing that feeling, I lazily declined Jubes' invitation to join them in playing billiards.

Alex said something before he left but I also didn't hear it. I just closed my eyes to pretend I was sleepy and John was cooperative in some way. He was whistling some stupid nonsense nursery tunes, but when he perhaps saw me closed my eyes, he stopped right away the whistling and probably contented himself on what he's doing.

After a few while, I decided I'd just take a walk for I couldn't pretend to be sleepy forever around them. As I told everyone my intent, they just nodded and hollered for me to come back as I reached for the door. I nodded in response and I exited the rec. I had no particular itinerary. I just paced, and paced, and paced.

I saw Rogue by the hallway. If I didn't know her personally, I could have sworn she's acting very suspiciously, it's as if she'd been prying on someone's business or something. It looked like she's looking for someone, or whatever. But she's most of the time like this so I dismissed any misjudgment and decided to greet her.

"Hey, Rogue..."

"Hey, there... yourself..."

That's odd. She replied to my greetings? She's always the introverted, unsocial and unfriendly type. Just out of respect and courtesy on her seniority that's why I always greeted her. But she would typically ignore my greetings or would just look at me and simply smile...

I looked up at her and she grinned broadly. Not the type of grin I usually see on her face. I really felt weirded... especially when she covered her smile with her right hand -- which was naked; no gloves and unprotected! I backed away as I saw her without any gloves on.

"W-where are your gloves?" I asked stammering as a big question mark engraved on my face.

"Uh... shit! Ah must hav leftit dahn d' ladies... did ah scare yah? Don't cha worry, ah won't touch," I almost didn't understand her words -- her accent felt strangely forced -- Southern... but forced... like there's something hindering her speech or she's not herself at all.

"Oh, I see... yeah... you scared me. And yeah, please, don't touch..." I said and realized what went out of my mouth was idiotic and imprudent.

She just laughed, amused. Her foggy voice felt weird in my senses, so before anything happens, I decided to say my goodbye and left her on her business.

I rushed down and made my way to the garden. I was about to sit on one bench when I heard a slightly controlled noise coming from the location of the old elm tree. The controlled noise wasn't a conversation -- it was more of grunts, moans and some "loud whispering." The voices felt familiar.

I crept to investigate, the nicely trimmed garden plants covering me as I approached a location safe to peek. And I felt rather mad as I saw one of the brotherhood members, Pietro. What's he doing up here and what's he's business?

Wait, he's talking to somebody -- I couldn't well see who from my point of view and the conversation was somewhat blurred. I shifted my position but before I could see the person Pietro was talking to, a pitiful controlled scream divulged the person's identity, "Yes!!! I want it, Pietro! I want it gagging my throat! I want it piercing my ass! Do everything you want to me, Pietro!!! Fuck me with your cock!!! Please...."

I couldn't believe what I just heard echoing around the quietness of the garden. As I shifted myself, it confirmed the identity of the other person: it was Ray, kneeling in front of the fully-clad Pietro! His face was just inches away from the protruding member outlined on Quicksilver's uniform.

Ray was... is... gay? And what about Pietro? Is this some kind of a joke?

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears as I witnessed Ray begging to be fucked... I almost felt sick of the sight. It's not every time you see gay people doing it in the brightness of the day in the middle of a garden at the risk of everyone to witness...

I have nothing against gay people... but in reality, this is going to be the first time that I'd witness a homosexual activity... yet, though I feel sickened and a little feeling mindlessly naïve, I couldn't deny the fact that the unsightly situation arouses my member, too, for a reason unknown to me. As if my hand has a mind of its own, it grabbed my own hardening dick as my eyes were glued to the ongoing activity. I closed my eyes and flashes and images of this day's happening pounded my head: Piotr, as his chin held his fresh, thick and slimy whitish cum, a product of his morning masturbation; a practice disclosed by his slightly erect thick member tenting his boxers; the very boxers that failed to hide his dark brown pubic hair exposed on the fly of his unbuttoned boxers; Bobby, those blue eyes penetrating my being; his well-chiseled and youthful body and those tits like bits of pinkish corn readily available to be devoured by hungry lips; And now, Ray -- the hard ass, snarling newbie that prevents everyone from getting close to him! I was hearing conversations from between the two of them, but by some means, I couldn't really comprehend. Maybe out of confusion; maybe out of fear; maybe out of feeling something growing between my legs that kept bugging me since the beginning of the day? I was helpless, and I was more pre-occupied with what's happening within me to even care about their conversations. I heard a sudden stop -- I couldn't believe my very own eyes now that I opened them for a second look. In just a beat of the heart, I saw Pietro's fully unclad body flashed in totally naked. I was shocked to find out he just did that. Now Ray was panting, crying(?), and quivering as he gradually pushed his head towards the pink cockhead... slowly opening his mouth in the process and in one quick gulp, he managed to take the length of the Pietro's cock as he awkwardly opened his mouth like his jaws would dislocate themselves.

His lips were now touching the wiry silver pubes at the very base of Pietro's cock. He'd taken everything? He swallowed every inch? It must have been more than six inches, and yet, he gobbled everything inside his mouth! Shit! He looked like a hungry whore straining to obtain every single millimeter of that fucking pole and there weren't any grunts of complaint from him. As though, he loved being suffocated... as though he loved being gagged!

I imagined the pink head of Pietro's straight and thick dick violating Ray's gullet and imagine it was my throat he was violating... I opened my mouth wide trying to imagine how it would be like to have Pietro's meat inching in and out of my esophagus. I almost felt suffocation overwhelmed me as I thought I couldn't breathe from the mere imagery of it!

I unzipped my fly and grabbed a hold of my hard cock, precum oozed on my slit. I couldn't deny myself this hunger and painful ache anymore. I had to be a part of this lustful endeavor!

I gasped for air as I felt the rush of adrenaline within every veins of my body. More precum oozed, and I used it to lubricate my masturbation. I felt a burning sensation as I rubbed the length of my rock-hard cock, the lubrication made me shiver in pure delight.

That and the fact that I was witnessing a live cocksucking being performed in the open air in this very garden made me pant harder than ever before. I perspired, not very often do I feel so hot to even perspire this way. I loved heat, but this kind of heat was graciously drowning me to oblivion. I no longer feel any inhibitions. I wildly beat my hard cock, enjoying every groans, moans, and panting I was hearing.

There were conversations but I didn't exactly care. All I knew was that the event was forcing my balls to contract and I felt myself reaching a violent orgasm. One hard, strong grip... I pumped myself and I blasted what seemed like gallons of cum on the grassy lawn where I was kneeling. I closed my eyes and bit my lips to prevent a scream from escaping me. I was trembling... I felt weak... even as father sun continued to shine his glory to me, I felt exhaustion I only felt during rainy days.

I collapsed on my back never minding to wipe the cum that's oozing on my piss slit. In fact, I didn't even mind arranging myself. All I remembered was that I have had the greatest explosion of a lifetime and I was nurturing every second of it as I closed my eyes in full oblivion of my environment.

I remembered opening my eyes up in sheer guilt. What just happened? What have I done? It was as if I just discovered I did something foul, though I knew I was perfectly aware of everything that had transpired. I peeked again only to see Ray on his back, lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Pietro was no more in sight... probably speeded away after...

No... he can't be dead?

I arranged myself -- guilty and worried. What if something happened to Ray? What if Pietro just killed one of the students of the mansion? I couldn't believe that I just let that violation happened and I even took part of it! I was witnessing a dismal activity and yet I just let it happen like it was a normal happening!

My heart was skipping beats as I rushed towards the unconscious Ray. Wet lines of perspiration and probably cum washed his rugged-looking face -- rivers of egg-white fluid flowed from the sides of his lips and nose. There was a force that pushes me to lean and lick all those gooey substances but instead, I took a handkerchief and wiped the grimes and slimes off his face. I was too concerned to even bother what he'd think if he woke up and found out what I was doing.

After making sure the slime was off, I kept my handkerchief in my pocket and gazed at his smiling unconscious face. It took me minutes before I had the courage to shake him up to consciousness. It was an effort -- my worried mind thought he's dead, but my intelligence decided he wasn't for I felt his heart beat and he was breathing. I shook him again, in one last attempt before deciding to take him in the med bay for treatment.

But I was thinking, what if someone asked me what happened? What should I answer? That I witnessed him being face-fucked by a brotherhood imp that he screwed his breathing passage so he unconsciously fell down to the ground? I got worried... I didn't know what to say... but if worse comes to worst, I had to do what needed to be done.

Fortunately, my last attempt paid off. He moved, groaned and coughed a little, and then another one. As if something really irritated his throat. I saw it when he lifted his hand to pick up the silvery-white strand of hair -- probably Quicksilver's pubic hair. I almost felt ashamed for feeling aroused by that. He opened his eyes and winced but he didn't look at me. He closed his eyes for a while as if he wasn't even bothered by my presence.

But then, in a moment or so, he opened his eyes again as if for the first time, he realized somebody's around him and a question more than recognition escaped his lips, "Roberto?"

I was deeply concerned, yet I didn't want him to know that I knew what just transpired so I blurted out something that was instinctively etched in my head, "What happened? You had a spell or something?"

He frowned, the same mannish insensitive manner he would throw at everyone. Even I doubted myself if I really witnessed what just happened. I couldn't see anything gay on Ray... In fact, even as I was just concerned of him, I thought he was ready to beat the shit out of me.

He said, "Don't ask..." in a very uncaring tone and waved his hand to silence me. Then he stood and left me kneeling on the ground, not even looking back at me. I felt stupefied for so many reasons but I just let it pass. After all, it was stupid of me to do whatever I did during the sexual process in the first place.

I stood up but before I completely did so, I noticed a DVD disc in a case. I reckoned it was Ray's. My first thought was to call Ray back but he was too far ahead already so I picked it up to take it to him. I lazily walked my way towards the mansion. My intention was to go to my room. But my curiosity of the disc got to me.

I opened it to find what seemed like a list attached at the inner side of the cover with a title: CEREBRO DOWNLOAD. I panicked as I saw my name on the list, together with other seniors and junior X-men trainees. What was that all about? My mind told me to keep quiet and just return the DVD to Ray, but my heart told me this was danger.

I followed my instinct and rushed towards the second floor only to find Jean levitating a long-haired, dark-tanned skinned, naked... man!!! Shit! Who was that and why was he bleeding profusely? What just happened? I saw Scott and Alex followed Jean distantly but I was not about to ask anything. I just looked at them but it almost felt like I didn't exist for they ignored my presence.

I slid the DVD inside my pocket and rushed to Bobby's room to inform him about what happened. Bobby immediately bolted and blabbered something like, "Ali? Oh my God!" before we rushed to Kitty's room, and then to Kurt's.

They told me to stay at the rec room. It wasn't personal, but the guy they called Ali, who was the teenager...? Wait... that guy was just a teenager? He seemed older to me... his built, his height, his muscle tone... he does seemed older somehow...

Anyway, Ali doesn't know me so my presence may create a flicker on him. He was still lacking control of his mutant abilities, as I learned, so I thought my visitation was not necessary. I prevented myself from insisting to come for I knew I won't be allowed anyway. Besides, it isn't my business until the professor told me it is. I decided to go to the rec room and informed everyone about what I just witnessed and told them to wait for Bobby, Kitty or Kurt to inform us about the whole scenario.

And there, we waited.


[From the Showers to the Healing Chambers] [Ali's Point of View]

I remembered the touch: it was a very warm sensation startling my peaceful bathing as my subconscious automatically attacked the uninvited presence behind me causing me to turn my head and gaze at a stranger's face -- a striking and handsome face I had never before seen in my stay in this institute. I memorized every wisp of his blonde hair, the captivating curl of his almost invisible lashes under those thick dirty gold eyebrows, the fading tan on his reddened cheeks, the wet and slightly parted thin pink lips and his carefully molded nose... if he wasn't having that lustful look in his eyes, I could have devoted my seconds to stare at those sparkling blue-green globes.

But alas, those eyes forced me to retract my vision only to notice his fully unclad body. I almost envied the rippling muscled spectacle; his torso was carefully sculptured. Down beyond, I saw a smooth erection with a foreskin pulled back a little to show the slit oozing crystals of dew. His left hand grasping his testicles lewdly while the other was raised in the air -- strange, but the sight mesmerized me that I almost forgot to panic. Only the realization that I froze another person in time caused me to shake in undistinguished emotion.

"By the gods!!!" I uttered loudly in exasperation.

I thought of Jean and tried to call for help -- but my first and second attempts were somehow blocked... or, my mind could have been a little disoriented by the sudden growing of difficult-to-define sensations inside my chest.

/* Jean... Jean... Jean... can you sense me? Please.... Jean...*/

/* I can hear you, Ali... */

Upon hearing that voice, I knew finally, I was able to break through the telepathic bandwidth.

/* Jean, I did it again... I froze somebody again... */

/* Where are you, Ali? */

/* I'm still here in the showers. Jean, please help me... I can't continue doing this. */

/* Who did you freeze? */

I was slightly shocked to hear a loud "bam" by the entrance door... my response to Jean was a little delayed for I had second thoughts of checking who could have entered the shower room in a wham.

/* I don't know him... but he's naked, and he touched me... then, I felt the involuntary bolt in my head again so I knew I just froze something... or someone... and when I looked back, he's there. His facial expressions were full of longing and he had a... */

I was not sure if what I was about to say was proper or crude. Jean might not understand the situation but I didn't know how else I could express it...

/* Say it, Ali... don't keep anything hanging. */

As I heard those words from her, I just knew that I had to say it... But while communicating with Jean, I also felt the slow movement happening inside the shower room. The one who entered seemed to have been conducting an investigation. He or she must have heard the commotion here... and I was afraid I couldn't find reasonable explanations on this scenario.

My heart skipped a beat as I imparted to Jean, /* Jean, he had a stiff member... */

I knew my words might come with a double meaning but I thought Jean should understand what I meant. But when I heard: /* What? What member? */ I just knew I had to use the proper words to describe it.

/* His... p-penis... it's hard. He couldn't be aroused by me, could he? */

But I didn't hear Jean's reply because I heard a familiar voice screaming violently in words that almost shocked me: "What have you done to my brother?"

I froze... Scott's brother? My gods, hear my prayers...

Learning that I just froze Scott's brother made me feel faint and weak inside... uncontrollable sensations overwhelmed me as I felt him grab me ferociously by my hands outside the stall past his frozen brother before he brutally slammed me towards the lockers. That action alone caused me to limp -- for my back hit against the knob and my spinal chord was harmed immensely.

The pain was unbearable, especially as I saw angst on Scott's face as he screamed, "What makes you think you have the right to freeze everyone in this mansion? Huh! The moment you came here, you did nothing but freeze everyone uncontrollably in time... Who do you think you are?"

The only words that escaped my lips were trembling, "S-Scott... p-please..." for the splitting ache behind me caused me much inconveniences coupled by the guilt that I just caused another "harmful" emission of time encapsulation field to the person dearest to Scott -- his brother.

"Now, try and freeze me from what I'm about to do to you..."

As he said those, I saw him turned a knob on his visor. Then I was blinded by a bright light, almost as bright as the sun's glory, shooting from the very eyes of the person I thought to be my protector. The ray of light forcefully hit me by my upper torso and violently slammed my body against the locker doors.

When the back of my head hit the metal surface, I immediately saw black! I heard faint conversations that seemed like murmurs that I couldn't comprehend before everything stopped spinning as the world fell silent before me and my body numbed in the cold.

A moment had passed and I saw light again but in a surrounding which was ridiculously disproportionate. The imbalance in the air was apparent and I was standing in the middle of night and day. I saw me -- no, I saw two versions of me... one red in color and the other's in blue... they're eyeing at each other in a vicious way; their animalistic rages filled the space and I felt myself helpless of the situation.

There was nothing said or done -- just the image of two shaded figures, alike in most ways to me, both on attack modes. I opened my mouth to utter something but no voice escaped my lips. Then, I witnessed an almost choreographed match -- every strike, every punch... every block, every kick... it was as if the fight was intended to show grace and flexibility instead of hunger for triumph.

The showcase of martial arts talent from both figures was indeed very impressive. I stood in awe as none of the figures received offensive strikes that weren't blocked or defended -- the act was nearly theatrical. They fought for what seemed like hours, and I was getting impatient in watching which of the two would achieve victory -- until finally, in my deepest vexation, I grabbed a hold of myself and stood in between the two figures.

They stopped instantly upon my intervention. As they eyed upon me, they bowed courteously before they merged... like two souls fusing together before they paced slowly towards me. They phased through my body and as they did so, the surroundings flashed different colors of pyrotechnics like it was the fourth of July. I closed my eyes for I felt the colorful fireworks were blinding me.

Amid the blinding fireworks, I heard hums... it sounded like singing with voices blending perfectly well... better than the best choir could muster to perform. The sound was soothing me that I felt tears running down my cheeks as I felt my knees weaken. I knelt at the presence of the most beautiful sound I have ever felt in my entire life.

I didn't hear words but I opened my eyes to glimpse at the source of the melodious music. There was no figure around but a whisper informed me of the presence of the gods. I trembled and bowed and kissed the ground I was kneeling onto. I was humbled, and honored... for the gods to visit their lowly servant... I couldn't have wished for anything else anymore.

I sang without a voice... my heart outpoured all of the emotions and confusions I was feeling. For then, the only thing I felt was contentment. There's nothing more I needed in this life. If I would die, I'd die with the most glorious feeling for deep in my soul; I longed to feel the presence of my highly revered gods. Even if I would cease as a memory I won't complain... for the dream that any human beings dreamed about was here in front of me -- awaiting my grasp.

The songs in my head overlapped by the joy in my heart were consuming my entirety. It was almost all of my questions were answered in an instant; all my confusions faded; all the uncertainties were made certain; and the outrage that was once hauling me to darkness was appeased.

In the midst of joyful exaltation, a vision of my parents flashed before my eyes. They're somewhere... together... and surely, I knew that they're together right the very moment. They're somewhere within a cell... as if they were captured. And I was awakened...


The moment I opened my eyes, familiar faces appeared before me. My instinct told me to find figures but I was dismayed to find only one of them there -- Bobby. Whispers in my head told me I had to see them urgently so I gazed at Bobby and stated, "Bobby, I need you together with the professor, Scott, his brother, Ororo, and Jean right now... please, hurry, before it's too late!"

In a matter of moments, I felt my head expanded and the glow in my hands told me I'm in a state of possession. Then I heard voices synchronized in speaking:


"Epenai sindaq, largh oxo. Thar odos ali thar. Largh mur hayeth keapo thar..."

{- Do not fear, our child. Your gods love you. We shall be gentle in consuming you. -}

I need not be asked twice. I relaxed and felt the gentle phase as I became one with the gods. As they did so, I saw years of my time pass me by in a quick fashion and motion -- like flashes of pictures set in a thousandth of seconds.

Afterwards, a bright spark of light blinded me from nowhere and four silhouettes appeared gradually before my eyes. I immediately knelt for I was definitely sure that these silhouettes belong to my gods. I sang once more, the voice seemed to come out in my efforts as I felt elated more than ever before... the voice was trembling as I utter every word in my praises to the gods.


"Opo thar pais e largh am kero, ali Aliki..."

{- Lift your face for us to see, dear Aliki... -}

As I heard their voices, I quivered as I tried to lift my head to look at the glorious presence of the four gods I vastly venerated. My tears didn't hide my longing for their touch. I had so long for their presence to welcome the lowly soul I have. Eth knelt down in front of me -- an act that humbled me so -- for a goddess like her to humble herself down to a mortal like me... I closed my eyes to praise her with my songs.

A thundering voice coming from Ero, the God of health, echoed in all the corners of the surroundings. I looked up and saw the most perfect male form I've ever seen. I could see where I got my complexion, and yet, his sight was to behold for every rippling tissue on his body screamed masculinity and his glory was radiating all the light present. I crept near him and lightly kissed his right foot in pure reverence.

|Kalithenis of Ero|

"Endameh ali oxo... oi kwesi am kiel e bebe kiuthad."

{- Most loved child... so much to overcome at a youthful age. -}

I replied in all humility and respect as I was crawling back with my head slightly raised...

|Kalithenis of Aliki|

"Con ye po thar prehd na largh hamig theres wesse, largh odo, largh mur enai thione."

{- If it is your wish that I pass these tests, my gods, I shall never protest. -}

And then, a beautiful and subtle voice in a high pitched tone spoke. It was of Vi's -- the goddess of time. I opened my eyes as I was hearing her voice and saw a beautiful pallid woman with a long jet-black wavy hair that flow effortlessly like the waves of the sea. Her body was as limber and flexible as the wind and her gracefulness reassured femininity.

I crept towards her, and grabbing the ends of my hair, I brushed her left leg and wept in all I was worth as she almost sang in her voice.

|Kalithenis of Vi|

"Chama lehath imos ourau e le yoqui. Epenai naleisga let tithires... Thar po naza jivouti qumai. Ipson theres tao larrizh thar."

{- Take all one day at a time. Do not misjudge the situation... You are in safe hands. Let these men help you. -}

Tears welled and flowed effortlessly towards my chin. I bowed my head again slithering like a snake towards my original post as if in resignation. I must not doubt my gods. Whatever happened to me was something of their decision. I revered them so, that I must not say anything to their offense. Eth, could have sensed my reluctance in speaking my doubts.

As I heard her gentle voice, I again fell into deep contentment and satisfaction. I grasped her hand and kissed her palms in the utmost respect and reverence as I cast all of the burgeoning doubts in my head.

|Kalithenis of Eth|

"Le quviari po shazhe sethre, ali Aliki. Tao po bighyett ken amper poule am thazea ye conia dalan. Protash ithere ye jalan. Largh faze theres chulah prenti fahmeh largh abeya thar dwebeth."

{- The circumstances were beyond control, dear Aliki. Men were given mind and will to decide his own fate. Each creates his destiny. We only deemed this intervention necessary for we are aware of your devotion. -}

I just bowed my head in affirmation and understanding. Yet, deep into the recesses of my mind, flashes of my fateful experiences bogged my head: the bashing, the cursing, the solace, the pains, the struggles... the rape... and all of the unknown occurrences I didn't wish to happen to me or to occur from me. I only wanted to be a faithful servant to the gods. Why must I endure all these burdens? But as I said, if these burdens were given by the gods to strengthen my patience and will, I shall willfully oblige.

Ru, the god of wisdom, shared his insight.

|Kalithenis of Ru|

"Largh revah divair le grithos le konji tao fahmeh thar amathe porque libedi amper demaroth az largh. Naza xentata teo thione lodi lonoz amper libedi. Am teoli poraq, largh xunoth fahmeh le ali amper fagaza am ta. Jo teo divair amper athueth teoli zobajo am largh. Nowai itheros... thar po imos difyene le thar amathe mali."

{- We have long released the task of protecting men for your forefathers demanded freedom and independence from us. In unison, they cried for privacy and liberty. To their demands, we submitted out of love and faith to them. But they relinquished and abandoned their duties to us. Poor creation, you are but one victim of your forefathers' misgivings. -}

I looked up at the faint complexion before me. He appeared almost like a white silhouette and I couldn't make out his form. But the eyes, they seemed to glow more than anybody else. So much of the wonderful and beautiful things... as if he'd been sharing all the necessary information and knowledge I have to know... as if through that certain spark, he'd been transmitting all the worldly facts and figures that I must learn to be able to achieve my destiny.

After a while, I calmed. In a very short while, I felt that I have gained more age and understanding than in the total years I have spent on earth.

But even so, I felt saddened by the influx of understanding in my head. My immediate reaction upon knowing my parents were captured was to immediately put things into action -- save them from their current dilemma. And yet, as if by the facts transmission from Ru, he also made sure that I'd gain full realization that "impatience shall not give justice to unjust occurrences;" rather, it would only jeopardize my parents' situation and I may suffer the devastating consequences.

The message was simple and clear; I must accept the help of these people in this mansion to be able to gain more control of myself and my gifts. I'll surrender all the tasks of protecting my parents to the gods. I have faith in them, and so, I won't fear... My gods have given their indirect promise to protect my loved ones when they synchronically announced:

|Kalithenis of the EroViRuEth deities|

"Epenai sindaq, ali Aliki. Largh qumai mur riva thar."

{- Do not fret, dear Aliki. Our hands will guide you.-}

I felt the swollen feeling in my head leveled down. As the process gradually calmed, the exhausting experience was relieved instantaneously. Then I opened my eyes and saw everyone in front of me. I didn't recall seeing all of them in front of me but now that they're here and I saw worried faces, I had to wonder, "What happened?"

Hearing me asked the question; Jean immediately sent flashes of the past few moments of events in my head. After the last event faded in my head, I looked into their faces and I saw their auric fields and I felt their essences... I had to declare a thought...

"They are not here in this crowd."


[X Mansion: Med Lab, Healing Chamber No. 3] [Sunday / 18-May-2003 / approx. 1815hrs GMT -5]

"They are not here in this crowd."

The certainty on Ali's face as he pronounced his conclusion relived the doubts in Scott's mind. "What if he's wrong this time? What if anyone of us were the infiltrators?" he thought to himself but didn't have the courage to utter.

"How can we be sure you're saying the right thing?" Kurt asked in his annoying accent that almost made people around him think he's talking in a different language.

"I'm sure," was Ali's quick reply before he waved his hand in the air. That action from him immediately encased everyone in a transparent energy-field-like dome. Everyone gasped in surprise, except Professor Xavier who seemed to show it was something expected.

Kitty immediately asked in a slightly exasperated manner, "W-what did you just do?"

"It is a `chronodome,'" Ali responded. "All of us inside it is encased in a moving "now" while everybody else outside is frozen in time... this is to protect us from meddling minds and to bide us more time. In here, we can plan and investigate what happened before, during and after the rescue in the Philippines."

"Intriguing! Am I correct to assume this is some kind of a time encapsulation reversal, Ali?" Hank immediately queried with a bewildered smile.

"Yes and no..." Ali responded, "Time encapsulation freezes one's sentient self from the outside moving world, whereas the chronodome freezes the whole world around the moving "us." We are encapsulated and the moving world is not outside but here inside, so technically, time encapsulation was reversed... however, even though we are in motion, the aging process that we must endure in the outside moving world is suppressed inside this dome. The aging factor of time encapsulation was not reversed by the chronodome."

Jean could not believe that in so short a while, Ali had demonstrated knowledge of his mutant gifts while a few hours ago or so, he kept on asking questions about it. "How could it happen in a very short period?" She's confused as to what was going on... it's very hard to judge the situation.

[Jean] /* Professor, I know this sounds wrong, but I think we need to probe his mind. It's very difficult to examine what happened because he seemed to know what's going on in a very short period of time. Can we trust him or his judgment? */

[Professor] /* The probe is not necessary Jean... we have time. I can sense a good judgment from this lad. */

[Betsy, interrupting the conversation] /* But he's just a fifteen-year-old... how can we trust a fifteen-year-old's judgment? */

[Professor] /* I guess my assumption of him being a 15-year-old kid was filled with errors. A chronokinetic's age cannot be judged by our time -- it should be judged by the time of his own ... and judging from what I see, he's definitely not a fifteen-year-old anymore. */

Ali looked at Jean, Betsy and Professor Xavier and said, "You may see me as you see me but I am not what you deem me to be me."

The professor looked at him with a hint of a smile, almost as if aware of what had transpired within Ali as he was in his unconscious state; Hank was looking around fascinated by the dome; while Jean, Ororo, Betsy and Scott looked at each before they turned their gaze at him; Bobby, Kitty, Kurt and Alex just remained looking at Ali, flabbergasted.

"During the spiritual transfusion, the gods have shared to me facts that you failed to inform me. And yet, I am glad, for it gave way to the gods' interventions. If you have completed the unfilled blanks in my thoughts right away, the gods' could have decided to leave me on my own judgment. And for keeping things away from my knowledge, you made the spiritual transfusion inevitable. I am now aware that my parents were held captive by the offending tribes, but my gods shall protect them until I'm ready for the rescue. My gods told me to trust all of you and so I will," Ali explained in a straightforward fashion.


Scott initialized his doubtful question but he was interrupted by the professor. "Ali couldn't hold this chronodome for long. Let us not waste any of his moments..."


[At the Dayroom, minutes before 1815 hrs GMT -5]

Sean had been feeling uncomfortable in front of Emma and his pacing to and fro only showed more of what he's feeling. Emma proudly sat on top of the round wooden-top coffee table instead of the available cushioned sofas around and crossed her legs only to deliberately reveal her smooth and milky thighs that glowed from the beams of day's light coming from the glass-paned windows. She laid her hands on her sides so as to show more of her cleavage. Her boobs were unrealistically big, almost out of proportion and yet, they were catchy.

Of course, the first thing that people would notice about her is the way those two globes practically denied gravity and the minimal amount of cloth she enjoyed to wear like this day's brassiere-inspired tube didn't do any good in holding those two freedom-fighting breasts.

She somehow found entertainment on Sean's nervous pacing and blurted something that surprised Sean tremendously, "What's the matter, Sean? Sporting a boner on what you see?"

"What?" Sean virtually bolted upon hearing Emma's questions. That was the only time she noticed Emma's seductive position.

Emma laughed like a whore in bliss after enjoying a bukakke fuckfest. "Calm down! You're irritatingly spastic. I'm not going to kneel down in front of you and suck your cock for all I'm worth. I have class, you know! I'm not a bitch craving for leftovers..."

Sean tried to hold his temper and let what Emma said go past his ears. If there was an underlying meaning to that quip from Emma, he didn't know and he wasn't about to find out. He grimaced in disgust -- for what particular reason, he was not sure.

Emma snorted and said, "I don't deserve you, Sean..." she repositioned herself and opened her legs widely enough to expose two of the inner portions of her milky and silky thighs coming out from the slits on both sides of her long white skirt which went up to three inches down of her waist. She then continued, "I like it better when its hot, and young, and crunchy... If I'm to choose between the tamed and the wild, I'd choose both... in fact, I want more!"

She laughed boisterously after saying her mind.

Sean was infuriated by what he had heard but rather kept his temper on check. With degrading look to Emma, he turned his back on her and decided to pace away. But then, he remembered feeling a hard and painful bump at the back of his head which almost made him lose his balance. As he turned his face, he realized Emma had just performed a round house' by her right foot kicking him, for what reason, he was unaware of... and now that he's facing her back, his body sideways, she made a back handspring' to be able to give him a full double-foot offense, one foot hitting his face and the other his forehead before she twisted her body on midair so that her right foot sprung again to hit Sean's chest by the back of her heels. That offensive maneuver sent Sean flying towards the wall, his head hitting it hard.

With blurred sight and choked up breath, he looked up at Emma and asked, "W-What...?"

Emma announced deviously, "You may have fooled everyone but you certainly can not fool me. I agree, you got the talent, but I'm not born yesterday. Whoever you are, shapeshifter, Emma Frost is not somebody to mess around with... Now tell me your business in this mansion before I decide to kill you."

--oo0oo-- [Inside Ray's bedroom] [Ray's Point of View]

I still couldn't believe I've let Pietro manipulate me again. The hell! Where did I leave my pride? How could I ever be so stupidly in love and guilty of it? Is he worth my heart? I know Pietro is just using me, but how could I prevent myself from letting him use me?

As I whispered, "Geez, my throat's still sore and I can still savor the salty aftertaste of his cum... Fuck Pietro! Fuck his fuckstick! Fuck his body! Fuck the fuck!" I felt my tears roll down like rivers...

I know, after this crying, I'll get over what happened and continue life...

I'm really sorry for ignoring Roberto earlier... I was just not in the mood although I appreciate his effort... He seemed unaware of what happened but I had that feeling of guilt... Like I have the gut feeling that he knew somehow what kind of event happened in the Japanese garden.

Thankfully though, if he knew, he reacted in a manner far different than what I expected and I felt he was genuinely concerned. It made me feel less guilty.

About the disc... what the fuck!!! Where's that fucking disc?!!!

I stood up and immediately opened the door but as I was making my way out, I felt my motion slowed down as if the world around me is about to go into a complete halt... and why do I have the feeling that it did?


[At the Rec Room] [General Setting]

Roberto, Jubilee and Jamie were sitting down on the couch at the rec. Nobody dared say a word. As if by chance they agreed not to talk for a purpose. Jamie, being the innocent and most uncomforted, showed much irritation on his face and wanted to talk about something, but he just couldn't. For some reason, he was also forced not to ask questions.

As a female, Jubilee's intuition was making the best of her. She may not be a telepath but she felt that sting in the air: she felt pain and angst, like she was being hurt immensely by someone or something. She turned her sight to her right, and she saw the gloom on Roberto's handsome face. He knew that Roberto is one of the most high-spirited students at Xavier's. However, for some reason, she found a difference on his face. He was not she expected him to be. As if Roberto's in a deep trance... and she felt there's something weird on how Roberto's acting.

"Do you want to play fire ball?" Jubilee asked out of the blue.

"W-What?" Roberto asked, as if released from his trance.

"I said, do you want to play fire ball?" she repeated.

"What's fire ball?" Jamie asked, clueless.

"You can't play fire ball, Jamie... you don't produce fire... only I and Roberto can play that for now."

"But you only produce pyrotechnics..." Jamie retorted.

"Same thing, Jamie... it still involves fire."

"I am not in the mood Jubes..." Roberto finally replied.

"You're not in the mood? Or you're not Roberto at all?" Jubilee said and in one instance, she stood and fired a pyrotechnic blast towards Roberto.

Shocked, Roberto wasn't able to act immediately and the full blast hit him hard on the chest.

"Jamie, run to the door..." Jubilee shouted in a command.

Because Jamie couldn't comprehend what just happened, he stood right just beside Jubilee and didn't move a bit.

"I said, to the door!!!" Jubes commanded, but the 12-year-old looked confused.

Roberto was recovering so Jubilee produced another pyrotechnic ball. As she shot the blast towards Roberto, the latter, though hurt, was able to stand up and made a movement to miss the blast.

"What's wrong with you?" Roberto asked.

"That's not the question, Roberto... What is wrong with you?" Jubilee asked, with hints of distrust for some reason.

"I don't get you..." Roberto's confusion was apparent on his face.

Suddenly, the door banged open and from outside appeared Rogue with a smile on her face. "What ya'll up tuh?" she announced as she was removing the two gloves from her two hands, "don't ya want ol' Rogue join yer fun?"

Everyone froze on their own floor.


[Back at the Dayroom] [General Setting]

Emma's about to release yet another attack when Sean waved his left hand as he opened his mouth to scream and release a ball of sonic blast, but because the lady being flexible and quick and the man being unfocused and weak, the blast only missed its target and hit the chain of the small chandelier by the right of the grand one causing it to break loose and crash onto the solid floor.

That distraction gave Sean an opportunity to stand up and made a counter attack. Emma, on the other hand repositioned and braced herself. She saw the sonic blast, and for that, a bewildered look on her face was apparent. Could it be that she was wrong in her assumption? It was very seldom to find a shapeshifter who could also acquire the power of the person or mutant they're mimicking... and seeing that "Sean" was able to release a sonic blast, she somehow felt weirded by it.

She still felt someone in the vicinity was ogling around, and she's sure that whoever it is, it could only be a powerful telepath to be able to mess her mind up like that! She briefly scanned Sean's mind and to her surprise, she "felt" Sean.

She was about to react instinctively when without any warning, everything stopped in time...


[At the Healing Chamber No. 3]

"Everyone, it's time."

The decisive announcement from Professor Xavier was brought by the fact that they have already covered the major details of the alarming issue; that they were able to make a strategic plan on how to counteract the current dilemma; and that Ali's instability on his hold of the chronodome was highly evident. He could clearly see that even though Ali learned much about his powers through the spiritual transfusion, his control of them was yet ineffectual. "We have to deal with it later," he thought.

Ali released a loud gasp as he released the chronodome and almost fell to the ground. Scott rushed towards him even from a distance and was able to support him in time. He mildly whispered; his concern was palpable, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Ali replied, "thank you..." and grinned meekly as he weakly steadied himself with Scott's assistance.

"Professor, I can feel chaos around us..." Jean announced.

"There's no time to waste... everyone, go as planned," the professor strictly declared.

Xavier, then, projected a mental network, a delicate process yet the best method to keep track of all the "untouched" crowd. Jean stayed with the professor to make the network stronger. Aside from that, her retrocognitive abilities will come in handy if needed.

Betsy partnered with Alex; Hank with Kitty; Ororo with Kurt; while Scott and Bobby were assigned to monitor the outside perimeter. They immediately scattered and investigated their post.

"Remember," the professor reminded everyone, "do not trust anyone."

As everyone left the room, Jean looked towards Ali and she saw him trying to rehabilitate himself on his own. She knew from the look on his face that he was not in control of his chronokinetic energy as of yet. She made her way towards the lad and touched his face... an innocent and concerned touch... but the moment her fingers landed softly against Ali's skin, both felt like a million volts of electricity flowed on each body.

"Aaahh!" screamed Jean as frames of locations in the mansion vividly flashed in her brain. It went on for only around less than a second, and then she was able to retrieve her hand. However, she wondered why she had a very odd feeling. She felt like something was going on... somewhere.

"J-Jean..." Ali whispered weakly, "t-touch me again..."

Jean was shocked. She was asking herself as to what was that all about and she was terribly confused as to what went on between Ali and her. She wasn't able to comprehend why Ali would like her to touch him again.

The professor mediated immediately through mind transfer:

[Professor Xavier] /* Jean, I saw what you saw, trust the kid. */

With that suggestion, Jean briefly looked at Prof. Xavier who was in the process of meditating to focus to keep the network open, and then, she proceeded to touch Ali's face again. This time, since the surge of volts were already expected, she was prepared of the forthcoming and maintained the touch at a longer period.

After a few seconds, she retrieved her hand gasping as Ali grew weaker by the moment.

The professor announced to the mind network bandwidth, obviously knowing the mind experience between Ali and Jean:

[Professor Xavier] /* Everyone, two locations: Recreational Room and Dayroom. We have a shapeshifter and a telepath. */


[At the Dayroom]

/* Sean, forgive me. Somebody's messing my mind up. */

Sean barely understood what caused Emma to react that way; and he just couldn't believe her reasons. She knew Emma to be such a humongous bitch and her bitching is worse than her real powers. As a telepath, Emma is above average and Sean knew that... the more reason why he couldn't comprehend the sudden attacks.

"Messing up her mind? Who's going to mess up a mind that's already messed up in the first place?" he smirked at the thought.

"You can't fool me, bitch! If fight is what you want, fight is what you'll get!" Sean bellowed as he screamed, producing ultrasonic waves that caused tremendous damage on the glass panes of the dayroom - shattering them into pieces. Emma was hit by the wave immensely and she was sent flying across the room, hitting her head against the wall before she could do something to counteract him. That attack made her lose her consciousness abruptly. Blood flowed on top of her head.

"What's goin' ahn heyah?"

As Sean heard the alarmed voice from behind, he turned his head and saw Rogue flying down in an instant. But even in the presence of another senior, he still felt infuriated by the happening and acted to produce another attack to hit Emma despite the latter's predicament. But Rogue came down as easy as she could and prevented him from producing yet another offensive maneuver. She held him steady by hugging him from behind.

"Enuff! Cantcha see she's hammer'd? Quit it, ok?" Rogue intervened.

"She started it... We're sitting quietly here when she just attacked me without warning. She could have killed me for all she's worth..." Sean angrily yelled shaking himself to let go of himself from Rogue.

"Whaddevah, Sean... She's down o'reddy! Ca'm y'rself down..." Rogue whispered strongly as she kept her grip on Sean.

"Let go of me, Marie... or you'll regret it!"


[At the Rec Room]

The three youths stood in shock as they saw Rogue removing her gloves on both hands. They all felt fear when they saw the evil smile on Rogue's face.

"Don't worry... I won't bite..." the change on the tone of voice and accent on Rogue alarmed the three, most especially, when she boisterously laughed as she saw fear on all of the youth's faces.

"W-Who are you?" Jubes asked wondering, almost stammering in fright.

"By the end of three minutes, the answer to your question wouldn't matter anymore," Rogue devilishly answered. Afterwards, she leapt towards the direction of the shocked Roberto and threw what seemed like a metallic gadget directly to his forehead. As it attached itself to the surface of the skin, Roberto shivered, as if electrified and seconds later, he dropped to the floor unconscious.

"R-Rogue... t-this is not funny... p-please don't make me hurt you..." Jubes stuttered as she discreetly gestured Jamie to leave. When Jamie saw that signal, he saw the urgency of the situation and multiplied himself into twelve.

Rogue laughed, amused at the petite wonder's declaration before she asked, "Who says you could?"

With that, she released an acrobatic maneuver. She wheeled towards Jubes and in just a few moments, a gadget was already attached to her forehead before Jubes could even produce her pyrotechnic blast. Another maneuver from Rogue and before anyone of Jamie's clone escaped the room, they all dropped unconscious with gadgets attached to their forehead. As the real Jamie lost consciousness, all of his clones disappeared in sight. Rogue collected what's left of the gadgets and stood with a wide smile on her face.

"That was the easiest part," she thought, before she morphed into another being -- as Warren Kenneth Worthington III... again!

(End of Episode 5)


Special mention to:

Krysta (cherry2788cherry@aol.com) - for your supportive remarks. It was very timely to receive a message from you because I just got the 5th chapter part finished.

Elohim Masami - my name is not Ms. Llexx... (but I love the sound of it... it sounds sexy for some reason... hehehe) Thank you for your support.

Khiry Williams, Paolo Serrano, Camelot Crusade, Paolo Landoy, Allen Murphy, Todd Cooper, Aaron Sarver - I am really very sorry for not writing soon enough. I owe you guys an apology and I hope that I could make it up to all of you. Thank you very much for inspiring me.

Codes Legend:


--oo0oo-- - a transition from one character's setting or situation to another character's. ---***--- - provided for instances of unconsciousness, sleep, or non-relevant transitions ---zzz--- - a transition from sleeping reality to dreaming. ---uuu--- - a transition from dreaming to awakening reality. ---vvv--- - a transition from present time to recollection. ---^^^--- - a transition from recollection to present time.

[setting] - indicates setting and time in one character's story.


/telepathic/ - indicates telepathic communications. (remark) - narrator's remarks. |language| - indicates the language spoken by the character.

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