X Men Beyond

By Fora Llexx

Published on Mar 19, 2006


X-Men Beyond By: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

Proviso: X-Men and all its relevant characters that may appear in this story are copyrighted to Marvel Comics and the Twentieth Century Fox. This story is a product of pure-fiction and in NO WAY suggesting (not even insinuating, uh-huh) anything about the sexualities of the characters as well as the actors/actresses who portrayed the characters in the movie. The characters are just borrowed to be able to visualize the faces and the concept of the story.

The story below may contain scenes, language and situations not suitable to minors and is intended for mature reading only. This will also depict homosexual interactions between consenting male adults. If you are (1) offended/against the content of this story; (2) under legal age; (3) in a state or location where male-to-male sexual interaction is considered illegal, abnormal or against the law, you are requested to stop reading this material now.

Feel free to e-mail your questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms to forallexx@yahoo.com or bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com.

By submitting to Nifty, it served as a permission to publish this story on the net. Yet, the author reserves all rights. Do not duplicate, distribute or re-publish this work without expressed consent from the author.

X-Men Beyond: The Pleasures of Sound and Electricity by: Andruchris Gutzi bearhugsbaby@yahoo.com/forallexx@yahoo.com

[Somewhere in Pennsylvania] [Sunday / 18-May-2003 / approx. 1230hrs GMT -5]

"Sean, guess what? I proposed to Sarah and she accepted. Man, I'm getting married!"

Casey was very excited upon breaking the news to Sean. The moment Sarah accepted his proposal, he couldn't contain his heart's content and he knew he must share it to somebody. The first person that came into his mind was Sean, his best friend and ex-partner in crime.

He flipped his head to arrange his soft and straight brown hair in its usual place before he dialed Sean's number using his mobile phone. Out of excitement, he even had dialed the wrong number once and had to redial to be able to reach Sean and announce what he'd been meaning to share to his buddy.

There was a big moment of silence before Casey heard the startled reply "W-When?"

"It'd be in two weeks! Hey, I'd be expecting you to come here and help me prepare for my big day, ok? You got to be my best man and I'll take no for an answer," Casey almost shouted in inexpressible joy, oblivious to his friend's tone of questioning.

Silence once again, and then, "Y-You surprised m-me..." was the stammering response.

"That's what I intended to do, buddy! I know you'd be happy for me. It'd been a year and half with me and Sarah and I finally came to my senses that she's meant for me... Geez, I'm so excited! You better drag your sorry ass up here the soonest possible time. I'd be expecting you this week." The joy on Casey's pitch was very much apparent as he spoke.

"S-Sure..." the answer was very short and timid.

"Yes! I know I can count on you, buddy! Well, as I said, this week, Sean Cassidy... I'd be very disappointed if you won't come. See you soon!"



[New York: Sean Cassidy's (a.k.a. Banshee) Pad]

As he placed the receiver back down, Sean thought of how serious Casey was on his endeavor. Whenever Casey called him by his complete name, he just knew that Casey was either serious or mad at him. He disregarded the latter.

He felt his heart sank and almost lost his arousal. Fortunately, the call guy who was servicing his cock even as he spoke to Casey was giving him a very good head. His limping dick almost slid out of the guy's mouth but through the call guy's professional handling, he got his cock to stiffen and drool with pre-cum again.

He moaned with pleasure as he announced the call guy's name, "Paul..."

Paul didn't reply. Instead, he buried the whole seven inches of Sean's meat down his throat and made guttural sounds creating vibrations sending Sean to full bliss as he groaned and panted in all his glory. He massaged Sean's round and hard buns as his eyes grew red through the gagging he was receiving from the big bulbous head that went to and fro up his gag reflex. He looked up and was pleased to see that Sean's blue eyes disappeared as it rolled up in the sheer pleasure he was receiving. The nasal sounds escaping Sean's wet and parted thin pink lips were signs of pure delight.

Paul continued his masterful expert sucking. That's how he's being paid -- through his excellent blowjobs -- and Sean had been one of his frequent customers that he'd always satisfied. He wondered how a guy as handsome as Sean must hire a call guy like him -- he's fit and trimmed, not too bulky; he's got what they call mesmerizing Irish grey eyes under those thick pair of eyebrows; his clean shaven face had always been an asset, at least to Paul's point of view; his wavy reddish-brown hair was always cropped to decent lengths; light hair padded his chest and upper torso which added to his appeal; and he's always as pink and clean as he could ever be... not to mention he's got a six-and-a-half-inch thick cock -- which was by then slick and shiny because of the mixture of dripping saliva and pre-cum.

"Oohhh... ungghhh.... Yess.... Work on it, baby... m-make me cum..."

As Sean's balls tightened, it was a sign for Paul. He bobbed his head up and down, faster like a train piston, as Sean's grinding hips started to become erratic. The bulbous head of Sean's cock violated Paul's throat over and over, faster and deeper in each push.

When Paul felt Sean grab his hair, he knew what to do.

"Yesss!!! Aaahhhhh.... Here I come.... Baby... take it all in! Aaahhhhhhh! Aaaahhhhh!!!"

It was always hard for Paul whenever Sean shoot his load down his throat. That action in the past made him gag and throw up, sending Sean's cum out of his nose and mouth. So he knew well that upon hearing the warning, he had to pull up a little so that the head would rest just in the middle of his tongue as he pressed it to his upper palate -- so he could taste the seeds just before he swallow it.

Paul wasn't disappointed for he tasted the familiar salty-sweet-bitter flavored cream coming out of Sean's wonderful cock the moment it pulsed.


Spurt after spurt, Paul lapped everything up missing none of the thick warm juice and swallowed every drop of it. He already knew Sean for a period of time and he's one of the select customers he's willing to swallow cum from. Aside from being a hunky guy, Sean was clean and only used him, as far as he knew. Reasons aside, he just couldn't let Sean's tasty cum to go to waste. After all, Sean was and always had been a cocksucker's fantasy. Sean maybe unaware of it, but Paul was... and he wanted to live and tell the tale of an amazingly delicious juice coming from an extremely handsome stud.

After finishing Sean off, Paul had always been nonchalant. He acted in no way aggressive or too assertive. He just acted like it was business, even though, he had long liked the way Sean's cock fitted perfectly down his throat. He must not let Sean know that he was doing it because he liked it, otherwise, Sean might decide to cut the payment and in the end, he'll lose the profit. He needed the money to support himself from schooling. He still needed a year more to finish his college degree, so he mustn't stop accommodating customers. Aside from that, Sean is a big tipper and he just couldn't reject the tip knowing that he needed it anyway.

Sean handed a hundred dollar bill to the nineteen-year-old lad after a deep sigh of relief. He hated talking after orgasm. He just lit a stick of cigarette and relaxed as he looked at the naked muscled youth who's now dressing up in front of him. He was never interested at looking at Paul before, even as he always bared himself down while servicing him. To Sean, the guy's experienced mouth was best for relief, nothing more.

After his wife's death, he never remarried. For sex, he just paid college whores to suck his cock only to feel totally unsatisfied afterwards. That time, he'd been hearing from the NYPD team's jokes that guys provide greater head than chicks. It maybe a joke, or it maybe the truth, he pondered. He wondered about how it would feel to have a man suck his cock but didn't put it to action. He continued using whores and felt incomplete.

One night after watching an adult movie from a local theatre, a teenager came in and asked for a lighter. It was Paul and he was very friendly even as Sean wasn't that much interested in talking. Through the conversation mainly handled by the teen-aged hunk, Paul was explicit in his invite that if Sean wanted a masterful blowjob from him, the jock-type college boy, he could have it for a minimal fee.

Sean being horny and curious just decided to join the ride. As he experienced Paul's expertise, he was stuck with him, and even doubled the payment for a job that's always been well done. His mouth was simply numero uno on the list of blowjobs he had received from his life.

This day however, after he received the call from Casey in the middle of an oral worship he was receiving, he noticed Paul's body -- mainly it reminded him of Casey's body, it looked almost the way it was sculpted as Paul's body as he remembered.

Seeing the observing look from Sean, the teen smiled at him casually, arranged himself before pacing towards the door leaving the gazing man behind him.

Sean just observed as the two mounds of the kid's ass lifted up and down while he walked: they're like two delicious pieces of bread waiting to be devoured upon by hungry lips. He was thinking about how it could fit so great on Paul... but then his memory shifted to Casey. He remembered the thirty-three-year-old's buffed body -- when was the last time he observed him in more than a friendly way? Why?

After he left the Interpol and joined the NYPD as a detective, he tried to forget the bonding friendship he had with Casey. He had always been the always-ready partner and cohort of Casey through all the goods and bads. Casey... Casey... he thought of his name as the face of his partner emerged in his mind.

His reverie was however interrupted by another call. He wasn't expecting any from the NYPD now that he'd resigned. It could be another friendly call. But when he heard a familiar female voice, he immediately scrambled to dress up. A call like that from Jean could mean an important matter. His detective experience was always treated with respect in the Xavier institute, and this call was somehow requiring that particular skill.

"Another interesting job to do! Well..." he thought as he smirked broadly.


[X-Mansion: The Library]

[Jean's Point of View]

I just finished calling the last three seniors who weren't in the mansion. I brought Ali in the library because the Professor needed to orient Kurt and after that, meet the team. I was unsure which room was assigned to him so I just took him there. I volunteered to look after him and the professor gave me an approving nod. He'll fill me up after the meeting.

I was tempted to ask Ali about what happened inside the recuperation room but I had to wait for I thought it wasn't the best time. I was just wondering why of all people, he asked Scott to stay with him inside. Not that I mind, though, but I was just curious of his reasons for asking Scott instead of anyone of us. I was, at the same time, thinking about the recent happening and there were questions in my head that needed answers.

I recalled: Before they went out, I felt something warm but heavy inside me. I wasn't sure what that was all about but I felt happy and at the same time sad -- if it would make any sense at all. When I sensed Kurt, it was an automatic "Kurt!" and the rest of them looked towards the closed door. Then, it opened and the three of them came out of the room.

There was a deeper amity on display between Scott and Ali that was very peculiar. I couldn't avoid hinting what was going on. Scott wasn't the social type; he's the serious and stern figure leading the team with army-like authority.

Perhaps I was just misled, but looking at Scott with his arms around Ali's shoulder wasn't the Scott I used to know. He's friendly, ok, but he's a no-touchy character -- unless it was a real emergency of some sort that he has to lift somebody who's hurt or help a team member to stand... and Ali was neither for he wasn't hurt; probably looking exhausted, but seemingly capable of standing and walking on his own. Besides, the act was as casual as it appears -- or perhaps too casual?

I had been getting clues on his sudden pre-occupation and occasional irritations. I am not blind not to see that he'd been hurting and confused inside. But he had to go through all of these because if he wouldn't, he wouldn't learn how to deal with it. I was meaning to talk to him but I held off. I didn't want him to know that I had clues for, as much as possible, I wanted him to make up his mind on his own -- no pressure from other people.

But the sudden turn of events made me realize holding off on talking to him wasn't helping. It seemed to me that he's attracted to the same sex -- his confusion about me asking of Ray, his occasional unusual irritation to Piotr, the way he gazes at Ali -- there's just too many coincidences.

Sure, okay, enough of the doubts... I sensed it... I didn't want to keep my eyes closed but while they were inside, Scott's emotions had given me enough distraction to be unable to listen intently to the Professor's revelations. His emotions had gone beyond my limits and the heat of his passion aroused me so to speak. That psychological bond wasn't just sending mind messages -- it sends emotions, too! And for that matter, if he's in a perplexed condition, so am I.

I sensed his emotions calmed and I felt warmth that I never felt before. I was tempted to conduct a mind scan but I didn't want to pry. That warm feeling wasn't just something... I could tell by its bits and pieces that it was out of lust! And the only people inside were Scott and Ali, not counting Kurt who was technically not there.

And now, I was afraid of something... I didn't want to judge Scott, but if my intuition was correct, he'd better hold off. Ali was too young, and Scott must understand that child molestation is a crime. If he's interested in Piotr or any other adult members, fine, I'd give my full support -- but Ali?


I looked down to him as he sat on a chair by the corner table.

"Yes, Jean. You have a question, I know."

Sometimes I wonder if this youth had a telepathic power. For one, his judgment were oftentimes correct; two, sometimes, I couldn't reach him with mind scan like he was capable of blocking my entry; and three, he had probing abilities which was a wonder to me because not many non-telepaths are capable of utilizing their intuitions to judge a situation correctly.

"Yes, I have... but that could wait. I brought you here because the professor would like to talk to you after the meeting and he sent me to take care of you. As of this moment, Kurt was being informed about what happened and it would take a little more while before the meeting starts. You may have to wait here for a longer period. Would you be okay here?"

"You want to know why I asked for Scott and not you."

He didn't answer my question but I smiled at his statement. I wasn't jealous or anything and he didn't imply that on his tone. However, if that conclusive statement was heard by a third party, they would think I was the shallow jealous type.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Would you promise to believe me if I do?" he returned.

"I know you are a very straightforward and honest young lad. Why shouldn't I believe you?" I calmly spoke and it seemed he's relaxed to tell me everything.

"Alright... I chose Scott because I saw his scowl... his distrust... his offensive expressions... and I was hurt to feel that he, of all people, was the only one who was insensitive of my issue."

I got confused. Didn't that just negated his reasons the more? The usual psychology of a person is that: in a depressing or agitated situation, he needed a friend or someone who understands him to calm his thoughts and console him. I was amused of his reason; perhaps he wasn't as bright as I thought he was. But then, again, he was able to unfreeze Kurt... this was getting more interesting.

I crossed my brows to show disorientation, "You knew to tell... but wasn't it supposed to be easier to ask the help of somebody who understands you?"

"Somebody who wasn't telling straight answers to my questions?"

I was alarmed. What was... oh no. He did it again. I could swear he knew how to probe.

"You have to understand, Ali..." I paused... I was searching for words. He just gazed at me and he seemed to find amusement on my sudden lack of words... Seeing his amused expression, I was forced to ask him what I've been meaning to ask the whole time, "Tell me honestly, do you have a telepathic ability?"

"No." he answered candidly, "But I can read facial expressions, body motions and gestures..." he paused before he arranged himself to gaze at me straight in the eye as he continued, "...and I can sense the beating of your heart. The brain can tell thousands of lies, but your heart refused one single beat of it."

Oh my! Did I just hear that?


"I learned Imrama. The Imrama is a discipline of healing. For me to be able to heal myself or another person, I had to focus on the essence of life. And being a practitioner of the discipline, I knew how to sense the essence... and incidentally, a person's essence is in the very core of his heart."

I couldn't prevent my lips from slightly parting in skepticism.

"I knew you're keeping something from me... Aunt Ororo and so does everybody else. I knew it by the time Kurt slipped up. The mild, contained glares you all threw to him after his mistake. Ororo talked to him about it... perhaps it wasn't the first time he did it after all."

"You m-misunderstand..."

"Perhaps so... but in time, you'll realize that what you're about to say right now wasn't something I needed. You knew something about me and you're keeping it away from me."

I was cornered. This kid wasn't a kid in his appearance, in his thoughts and in his words. The predicament silenced me but I knew sooner or later, I had to say something. I'd better let my instincts guide me.

"Ali... there are some things better left unsettled for now to be dealt with in the future. You have time ahead of you... you're young. We didn't intend to lie; in fact, we're not lying. The professor thought it would be best to keep it from you until you're ready. You've been in a lot of trauma and it would be wise if we had to deal with your broken pieces, bit per bit. We cannot expect a crystal ball to shine like new after falling hard onto the solid ground. It would take time and careful process to put the crystal back on its nearly perfect condition..."

He silenced after my explanation. He bowed his head and let out a weak and surrendering sentence, "I see your point. Forgive my impatience." He perfectly understood the metaphor.

"There's nothing to forgive, Ali..." I felt extremely sorry for him.

He, then, looked up at me before he stated, "Scott's expressions were hard to define sometimes, Jean, because his eyes were always covered. I could see people mostly through their eyes, and that's something I couldn't see beyond his visor. Yet, since he's the only one who'd shown no trust to me, I had to prove to him that I couldn't have willed to attack Kurt in any way. I should not prove anything to any of you any more, so I chose him to stay with me... so he could feel my helplessness as I do the process of restoring Kurt to our time. Once he saw my struggles, he would doubt his own doubts about me."

Something hit my head. What he said was confusing at first but as I thought about it, he had made a perfect sense. Scott could be somebody who had made him feel uncertain and agitated for, indeed, Scott was very defensive and reluctant in accepting his innocence. If he could convince Scott that he didn't will what happened to Kurt, Ali would, in turn, feel calm about himself for he eradicated the only doubtful mind in space.

So that's the first step on how he unfroze Kurt... hmm... I smiled completely understanding his reason. There's no doubt this kid is something.

"That's a very wise decision, Ali." I commended before I decided to lighten the mood, "Hey... you mentioned before that you're fond of reading... why don't you help yourself around and grab a book or something to while away your time. I'll just prepare some clothes for you to wear. I don't want you to stink, literally, in front of the professor. I'll show you the showers on the student facility later so you can wash yourself. I'll grab you a towel on my way here, okay?"

He lightly chuckled. I was liking this kid even more.


[At the Recreational Area, General Setting]

Bobby and Kitty were quiet and tamed while the rest of the group comprising of Jubes, Alex, Roberto, John and Jamie were chit-chatting about various issues. Bobby was eyeing at Roberto, he's paranoid that this morning's episode had already spread around, but judging by the way the group acted casually as he joined them, he was somehow thankful. Perhaps Roberto didn't say anything, he thought.

When both of them arrived, everyone seemed to be interested on the moving tree -- that's all. Nobody even suspected anything about what he did. The group immediately crowded the two as they asked excitedly about the mission. As Kitty explained everything again (for she already told them about it during breakfast), Bobby just nodded to confirm the details.

Roberto took a seat next to John, opposite Bobby and Kitty. He was glancing every now and then at Bobby, and the last time he did it, he saw Bobby eyeing at him. He forced out a weak smile, which to his surprise, was returned. He broadened his smile and asked a casual question, "The air's a bit damp today, isn't it?" a question which was addressed to nobody in particular.

"Yeah," Bobby replied feeling a bit more casual and normal than before he entered the rec, "The day is clear, too. I was torn between going to the river to fish and relaxing here with you, guys... I decided to stay here. Besides, the sun's too shining outside."`

"I know... that's why I feel more energized than ever. I feel the heat of father sun grow inside of me, I feel stronger," Roberto stated.

John intruded by saying, "Hey, there, Sunspot! Why don't you grow some fire on your body so I could play around with it? It's getting boring in here as we speak..."

Kitty chuckled and said, "Hey yourself, John, can't you grow a fire of your own? Why do you have to mess around with other people's fire?"

John frowned at Kitty's insinuation. He impatiently yelled at her, "Shut up! You knew I am the only one here who can't produce anything from my body. I can only control, not produce..."

"Yeah, we know that alright," Jamie commented grinning innocently.

"You, too," John turned his head to the young multiple, "and the rest of your clones inside you... just shut up!"

"Hey," Jubes shouted so as to defend the youngest member, "that wasn't the fire Kitty was asking you to grow, butthead! She meant the literal one... do you have to be so hard on the kid?"

John silenced and rolled his eyes. Jubilee being the only one in the group who had special senior honorary membership made her in the position to say something -- and John was rather jealous about it.

"Hey Juvee," Kitty called, and she's the only one calling her by that nick, "aren't you supposed to be on the meeting with the rest of the seniors?"

"Yeah, your seniority," John mocked, "aren't you supposed to be there, huh?"

"What meeting?" Jubes asked, a little annoyed.

"The one that's going on right now at the Intelligence Gathering Room..." Bobby answered.

"Wait..." Jubes' frown started to dissipate after hearing the location, "nah... the Intelligence Gathering Room is off-limits to me. When they conduct meeting there, it's automatic, I can't join them. It only meant that anything that goes on in there are pure senior stuff. Did they tell you what about?"

"It's about the new guy..." Bobby said, losing his smile.

"Ray?" Alex shouted in question, "What about Ray? Sure, the guy wasn't the friendliest of all students but I didn't see anything wrong about him..."

"No, not Ray," Kitty negated, "We mean the newest guy... Ali, the Chinese guy we rescued from the Philippines."

"Ah, `that' new guy..." Alex noted and relaxed, "what about him?"

"Dunno... some strange stuff. The guy's a great healer... both to himself and to others..." Kitty replied.

Bobby sensed it would lead to the topic that he happened to dislike the most so he bumped casually to Kitty's side which was too subtle, Kitty thought it was just accidental. If she wasn't able to look at the uncomfortable facial reaction on Bobby's face, she wouldn't have had hinted it otherwise. Good thing she stopped immediately before she could proceed to detail Ali's powers.

"Yeah, I heard he's got mystic powers... Hey, did you see him perform wild stuff, like saying mantra or something before he performed healing tricks?" John asked with wide eyes.

"Where did you get that?" Bobby frowned looking at John.

"Television, for crying out loud!" Alex yelled as he laughed, "Where else can this guy get all of his information but there?"

John looked at Alex with a glare... but then he realized he was right so he just stared at Bobby, then at Kitty, for answers.

Kitty replied, "Wasn't able to..." which was true because she's not there to witness the healing process to Scott, "but I was able to see him really beat up... he had wounds and scratches on his lower legs while we transferred him through the jet. This morning, all of his wounds were gone... his skin was so smooth without any trace of wounds."

"Where did he get the wounds?" Jamie asked innocently.

Bobby froze on his seat. He knew that however they twist the conversation, it would always lead to the topic he didn't like to discuss.

"We were attacked by tribesmen," Kitty told everyone, slightly lying, slightly telling the truth.

Bobby looked at Kitty thankfully... Kitty then poked him gently on his side as she projected the most beautiful grin she could muster to be able to hide the truth.

"Shit! That must be some serious stuff... I mean, what do they want from the guy?" Alex questioned.

"We don't know yet... but the professor might inform us, sooner or later." Bobby answered with a terminating tone, "Look guys, I got to go... I need to freshen up before I take my rest... I'll check out on you later, okay?"

The guys bowed and as they did, Kitty also found a reason to leave, "Yeah, I'm beat up, too... I guess I'd see you around, then."

Kitty run along Bobby and hooked her hands around his left arm. As they walked towards the door, Jubes quipped, "Aren't they a lovely couple?"


[Intelligence Gathering Room]

The professor was able to inform Kurt about the whole scenario but obviously to him, the explanation wasn't enough to readjust the frozen (or rather, the unfrozen) teenager.

Kurt was confused; his concept of "now" had been misguided because of the time encapsulation. It had been hours since his encapsulation; his body clock was erratically flowing to adjust in time with the moving "now". He's lagged: the feeling you feel whenever you sit for hours on an airplane traveling across time zones. The professor had to give him mild telepathic shocks to straighten his senses and adjust the lagging feeling. He still felt sluggish as he was sent out by the professor.

Scott, Logan, Rogue, Remy, Piotr, Ororo, Betsy and Hank immediately entered the Gathering Room after Kurt left. Sean Cassidy (Banshee), Warren Kenneth Worthington III (Angel), and Emma Frost (the White Queen), who were all coming from outside the institute, entered later while the rest were discussing the disturbing scene on the professor's mind probe to Ali.

"So you are suggesting that his mystic power wasn't just healing?" Logan was asking as the four late seniors sat on their assigned seats.

"That's still a theory. But I have lots of supporting facts for that theory. As I was probing Ali's mind, there were clear memories and there were vague ones. The vague moments were the ones that disturbed me. It seems that Ali was keeping it from me," the professor stated.

"Professor," Betsy interrupted, "...could it be possible that Ali wasn't the one blocking it from you? Could there be a possibility that there's something else that wanted to protect that particular memories away from prying minds?" she queried.

"What made you ask that, Elizabeth?" the professor asked.

"Remember when you told me to perform a gentle mind probe on him? When I probed him gently, my first impression was that he's capable of blocking my entry to his thoughts. I'm sorry but in desperation, I didn't exactly follow your instructions. I increased the intensity of the probing but I wasn't able to penetrate him at all. Through the process, I didn't see any signs from him that he was shielding himself. In fact, I didn't sense any effort from his side," Betsy explained.

"Hmm... interesting note, Betsy. Non-telepaths wouldn't have the ability to shield themselves from even the mildest mind probe from a telepath of your kind, even with extreme efforts. Your idea makes sense. It's good to know you still have that touch of good judgment whenever it's necessary," the professor grinned as he spoke.

"What about the violent tree that attacked me?" Piotr added in.

"What tree?" Warren butted in. Sean and Emma looked confused.

"For the benefit of everyone, I'll explain it. Piotr was whipped by a moving tree while he was carrying Ali towards the blackbird during our rescue. The tree, according to Jean's explanation, grabbed Ali from Piotr's hands. I could sense that Ali affected the tree... I just couldn't understand how. His mystic ability from what I learned was healing, but I could safely assume that it could be growing inside of him. Somehow, it had to grow to remain dominant over his mutant ability which is, until now, lying dormant in his subconscious mind," the professor lined his thoughts.

"What is his mutant ability? Is he a polypath? Elemental? Shapeshifter?" Sean successively asked.

"In the probe I conducted, it revealed he's capable of time freezing and time slide, a sort of a teleporting ability that enables him to transfer from one distance to another by shifting time or by zeroing it. On the first, he's subconscious acted to prevent unnecessary attacks by forcing out a time encapsulating field that freezes the attacker; second, his subconscious acted on his will to disappear from one place and appear onto another at exactly the same time. These are just few of the manifestations of his chronokinetic ability..."

Sean immediately confessed his doubts, "Time isn't an element or something that physically exist. It is a measure of flow or a continuous flow of something. How could anybody be able to manipulate such? I'm sorry professor, but I am not a believer of time manipulation."

The professor calmly replied, "Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer, quoted on an interview that time couldn't be simply defined as a continuous flow of something, for if, as you said, we use time to measure flow, what does it flow past? However, it has been noted that time only exists because of a series of events or motion. An event must happen to make time exist. Otherwise, time is void. But since the world is in a continuous flow of motion, time exists in all forms. It could be singular, as in each individual's experience and concept of time, as being provided by each person's body clock; it could be regional, as being experienced by different countries sharing the same time zones; it could be popular, as in the time experienced by a watcher of international current events news... It is therefore, difficult to make an unbiased definition of time."

"What, then, made you conclude that he can manipulate time?" Sean arrogantly chuckled as he questioned.

"Freezing an event is a time manipulation," Hank interceded, "for an event to freeze, he must void the time... Time slide is another form of time manipulation. For him to appear from one location to another in an exact same time, he must void or shift the time for him to be able to leap beyond the events of flow to the distant destination. Since the events have been frozen and the distance was leapt upon, the only portion left to justify the action was the manipulation of time."

Sean silenced. He was confused and was still trying to make sense of the explanation.

"Like magic, time is a trick. And Ali is one of the rare mutants who were blessed by the gift to manage that trick..." Professor said but was interrupted by a mental call from Jean.

/* Professor... */

Jean's telepathic voice made professor think it was of urgency. He asked everyone for silence and continued to "open" their link.

/* Yes, Jean... */

/* I discovered something about Ali that might help solidly determine his mutant talent... */

After saying that, Jean flashed the recent events that she witnessed inside the library using total recall set in a quick mode -- like a movie in a fast forward fashion -- slowing down on each important details and conversations.


[Jean's Total Recall transmission to the Professor]

Jean entered the library room bringing the clothes he promised Ali. She was gone in only about 15 minutes, but as she came back, she saw three 350-page volumes of encyclopedia on top of the table as Ali scanned another one, flicking pages in about half-a-second interval, page after page. She chuckled and told Ali, "I know you're too eager to read books..." thinking he was just looking at the colored images and continued her talk, "but in a short while, the professor would meet you. You won't finish all of those in time."

Ali looked up at her and smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry... I just finished reading these three volumes and they're a little heavy so I decided to put them aside first. These are very interesting books. I've learned so much from reading them. I'll just return all of them back on the shelves later."

Jean smiled, thinking Ali was just joking. She opened one of the books and decided to give Ali a quick test, just for the fun of it, "Ooh, volume A. So, I see. Well, since you told me you finished reading this volume, can I ask you questions?"

"You don't believe I read it, do you?" Ali stopped scanning in the middle of the open book and looked up at her sternly.

"Not that way..." Jean defended in a sly smile, "don't take it seriously, it's just for fun."

Ali's expression told Jean that he's not convinced on her defense but she broke their eye contact and nonchalantly continued her dare, "And... since you're not from the U.S., I better test to see if you already knew the states. Don't break your head. Just give me at least 10 US states, that's all. If you do that, I'll treat you for a light snack before dinner..." Jean smilingly witted.

"I can give you all the fifty states alphabetically sorted as being imprinted on the left portion of page 197 of that book, under the article "America, The United States of" researched and written by Dr. Andrew Higgins. In fact, I'll announce all of the states in less than 30 seconds. If I did that, you'll make my dinner tonight," Ali dared with a hint of a smile.

Jean looked upon Ali's eyes and saw a nice glow. She opened the book casually on page 197 only to find that it was exactly where the alphabetical list of the fifty states was imprinted -- and Ali was correct, it was indeed on the left portion... and the researcher and writer of the topic was clearly written: Dr. Andrew Higgins! Could it possibly be?

Although he could have memorized the fifty states beforehand, Jean knew that Ali couldn't have just guessed the location where it was posted and just picked out a writer's name. Surprised as she was, Jean still tried to project a casual smile and accepted the dare, "Deal! Less than thirty minutes, or you'll prepare MY dinner, ok? On my signal..."

As Ali bowed to agree, she looked at the clock and shouted, "Go!"

In an instant, Ali grinned widely and said, "Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii..." and continued the rest, pronouncing each state in a very quick fashion not skipping a beat. After announcing Wyoming, the last state on the list, he added, "...and a nice vegetable salad with salt and olive oil dressing for my dinner please."

Jean was stupefied, Ali was able to finish announcing all the American states in just 26 seconds... she barely exclaimed the word that immediately flooded her head, "I-Impressive!"

"So, you're making my dinner tonight?" Ali smiled in a childish fashion as he asked.

"Not until you tell me the whole article..." Jean joked.

But Ali's reply caught her, too, "Not a problem... we can spend all day telling you the content of the whole book, from cover to cover. I can give you summaries, or if you prefer, the exact same words each author used on each topic. Your choice... We can start with the first three articles: History of the Letter A by Wendy Diamond of UCLA on page 1; Abacus by Tim Ruthland of the same university pages 2 to 3; and Adams, John, A Biography of, Second U.S. President by Prof. Ian Wesley of MIT, pages 4 to 7. I can even tell you the wrongly-spelled words and their pages on that particular book that could have gone unnoticed."

Jean couldn't believe what she just heard and instinctively projected a mild mind probe. To her surprise, she's able to push through Ali's mind and as she did, floods of pictures of information flooded her head. Ali wasn't just bragging -- he did read the book from cover to cover.


[Back at the Intelligence Gathering Room]

"You mean, professor, there's more?" Scott asked after the professor announced another manifestation of Ali's mutant ability.

"This manifestation discovered by Jean from Ali is called "photoreading." His mutant ability being in the subconscious only enhanced his capability to easily enter a state called "photofocus" and recognize and retain 25,000 words per minute in his head... This only solidifies my conclusion that he, indeed, has a chronokinetic ability, for photoreading is a gift mostly acquired by psionics who were capable to manipulate the essence of time."

"Enough of the kid's petty powers, Xavier," Emma frowned as she interrupted the professor, "There could be a better reason why you called us from our homes than to tell us this kid's chrono-whatever powers or mystic rackets... don't waste my time. I am not paid here to wait for revelations to unfold."

Everyone looked at her scowling face as she rolled her eyes in pure disregard.

"Alright then..." the professor stated and retold the story to everyone about Ali's tribe, the prophecy, the mansion, Go Ben Xi's relationship to Ali, the manifestations of his mutant gifts, and all the maltreatments and beatings that Ali had suffered from the hands of his relatives. Scott was shocked when he heard about the youth's ordeals. He wasn't there when the professor told the team about Ali's past. But one revelation surprised everyone for it wasn't revealed earlier because of the presence of the junior members.

"I need you to take into consideration the sensitivity of this issue. Aside from the beatings and the maltreatments, Ali was sexually molested... repeatedly... for a period of three days while he was out of consciousness. By whom and for what reasons, we still need to find out. In Ali's head, I remembered touching a memory about a specific law in their tribe and somehow, I felt there's a relationship between that law and what happened to him. The lad had had his shares of huge burdens. That's why I called all of you. We need to help protect the lad, as we promised... until he's ready."


[Scott's Point of View]

"Shit! Sons of bitches! I swear I'll make them pay if I find out his uncles were the ones who did it to him."

I was whispering to myself but my rage was almost unbearable, I could feel the increasing heat of the beams flowing out of my eyes. Sean saw me and looked worried, he gave me a sign. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and witnessed the glowing edges behind my visor; I knew in a matter of time that the increasing heat from my solar-plasmic beams might damage the visor I was wearing so I knew I had to control my emotions. But how could I after hearing the devastating revelations coming from the lips of the professor himself?

So that's why he's being distrusting; so that's why he's difficult sometimes; so that's why he's scared... There were a lot of questions in my mind answered by the revelations. I felt stupid knowing I had mishandled Ali and made him feel rejected; made him feel unwelcome; made him feel that he couldn't be trusted.

/* Scott, I need you to breathe and concentrate... */

When I heard the male voice in my head, I immediately put all of my attention to the professor.

/* The news was extremely disturbing and upsetting but hold your temper. We'll be able to rehabilitate Ali... Control those emotions and battle your rage. I can see that you're very much affected by the information.... */

/* I'll try harder, professor... I was just... feeling sorry for him. */

/* We all do, Scott... But justice will be served in the end. Believe. */

I really felt bad. Being a leader sucks sometimes. You can't show disregard and emotion... you can't show fear... you can't show affection... you can't show lack of judgment... and if all things fail, you're the one to be blamed. I just so wished right then, just for one moment, I could be able to be myself and throw a battering at something to release the intense pain I felt.

"What kind of beasts could treat a youth as gentle as Ali like a one-cent whore?"

I just wished upon hearing everything that I could go out and hug Ali as tight as I could and never let him go. If I could just transfer some of my strength to him I would. If my care would release all of his uncertainties, if my concern would give him comfort, if my... love???

Oh shit! I couldn't be... why would the notion of love be in my mind at this moment?

"Oh, fuck! Could it be that I'm in love with another man? Then, that entitles everyone to call me a homo -- oh, no! There's more!!! If this were all true, then I was just reduced to a perverted pedophile for I am not only in love to a male person, I am also in love to an under-aged teenager! I must admit it now... I can't just say I'm confused... I'm in love with Ali."

"Could it be possible that I fell in love with him for so short a time? The way I kissed him, the way I felt heat when I embraced him, the way I felt everything turned around dizzying me as our bodies met... Oh, my God! I can remember a force pushing me to press my body harder as I got closer to him so I could feel his crotch against mine. I was thinking of grinding myself onto him as I gave him wet kisses... it was almost like sexually molesting him in the process, too! God, forgive me..."

I felt repulsed... more repulsion to myself than to the ones who molested Ali. The horrible feeling didn't seem to escape the professor, Emma and Betsy. I thought they looked at me as if I was someone who betrayed everybody's trust. Did they or was I just guilty?

In a short while, everybody's attention was on me... I couldn't prevent it, I'm so out of myself. I had to go out... I had to deal with this alone.

"May I be excused, professor?"


[Piotr's Point of View]

For once, I felt really terrible... my fantasies collapsed upon hearing the news. I felt so sorry for even thinking perverted things to happen between me and Ali. I knew I was the only one who knew about those fantasies, but it stung just the same. My conscience bothered me big time. To think that I was even thinking lewd thoughts during the mission and while in front of him... Pizdets!

I bowed my head as I remembered the sad handsome face. I haven't felt so much affection in my life before... I was always thinking of short-time expressions of physical attraction. But after hearing the revelations about the youth's tribulations, my instinct told me to find Ali and just hold him tight. Somehow, I wanted to offer myself to protect him with all my might... I'd shield him from any threats... I'd be his guide, his mentor, his friend...

Even if there's nothing to happen between us, I think I'd be satisfied... because right now, I didn't feel violating him anymore even just in my thoughts and fantasies. I just couldn't find the strength to look all over him in the same manner as I did before because I knew I'm guilty of molesting him too... repeatedly, at least in thoughts.

"In fact, I don't feel molesting anybody in my thoughts anymore... period. I don't want to feel this same shitty feeling I am feeling right now ever again."

I was so ashamed that I felt everyone's burning stares were at me... I had to leave.

"May I be excused, professor?"


[General Setting]

"May I be excused, professor?"

Piotr and Scott looked at each other after asking the same line at the same time, both with quizzical looks on their faces. Everyone turned their heads to look at them in a synchronized fashion. Only Sean seemed to notice their uneasiness as they sat on their seat. Everybody else weren't looking to any of each direction.

The professor looked at them in a questioning look and both of them stammered to say something but unsuccessful to say anything intelligible. He also noticed the awkward feeling in the air but he was more focused on the more important issues. He was assigning Emma and Sean to perform investigations regarding Ali's Chinese relatives in the Philippines and what other information needed... when Piotr and Scott just blurted out the same exact words in unison.

The professor declined the requests immediately and announced sternly, "Stay, both of you, on your seats. You mustn't let your emotions get through to you. Both of you felt the same exact connection to the kid, but your affection must not hinder your decisive thinking so as to jeopardize the confidentiality of this meeting. I can sense the two of you are being pushed by your pity to go out and look for Ali so as to provide him the consolation you think he deserved. What Ali needs is our help... neither consolation nor pity. Deprive your emotions for now and deal with it later."

Due to the professor's firm voice, the two silenced and stayed.

"Now, Scott, Ororo, Betsy, being the combat trainers, I need you to focus on balancing the two competing abilities forming inside Ali. It seemed that both his powers are passive, but we must take into consideration other things that happened during the mission. If my hunch is correct, judging from the blurred images in his mind, I could roughly tell that he's mystic ability had somehow branched out to "biokinesis" and either "polyglossy" or "simple materialization". If he had affected the tree to move, and grab him from Piotr's hands, he could have channeled a spirit to perform to do so -- the tree being the medium. And if, indeed, something was hindering us from penetrating Ali's mind when he's unaware or unwilling, it could be the spirits, too."

Everyone looked interested at the new revelation and looked at Professor Xavier as he continued, "Both of these abilities are psionic... and since chronokinesis is a psionic ability, too, it would be very difficult for him to balance them for one power seemed to want to dominate the other. Thus, your responsibility is to be able to maintain the levels of both abilities. Otherwise, his emotions will be in total chaos and his ability to perform any of his powers will be faulty. He needs to be in control of his power, not the other way around."

The assigned mentors bowed their heads in agreement as they said, "Agreed, professor."

"Remy and Piotr, I need you to assist Logan to check on three small islands somewhere in the Pacific. The computer has located the coordinates. It's called the Three Spots of the Horizon. Give us feedback on the situation, there... and if possible, bring Jaktap here."

"Who's Jaktap?" Piotr asked.

"He's Ali's teacher. He'd be able to give us informative facts regarding Ali's mystic ability."

"How are we supposed to know him?" Remy queried, in his unlikely interested way.

"Ask any islander by that name... they'll be able to point him to you."

"Does he speak English?" Piotr questioned innocently.

The professor almost impatiently looked at Logan who immediately interfered, "Look, bub! We're not going to talk to the tribal teacher... we're abducting him. Get the picture?"


[Meanwhile, by the Japanese Garden, General Setting]

Ray had been intrigued by the news of another mutant that arrived early this morning. Alex invited him to the rec room for an introduction and a chit chat with the students. He's in the mansion for three days now and was looking forward to meet everyone but he had to go to the garden to meet someone he'd known for a long time.

He brushed his thinly cropped hair as he approached the elm tree. He remembered the unsightly look of his punk-inspired haircut before he entered the school... the unsightly look that caught the attention of the person he's going to meet up right now. Now that he cropped it really thin, almost semi-bald, he was wondering what would be this person's reaction on his new looks.

He felt a sudden gust of wind and he knew what that was all about and whispered, "Pietro?"

That whisper seemed to have made a reaction to the gust of wind and Ray felt the whirlwind motion around him, and then, a complete stop: a guy in a silver-colored costume suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ray... what the hell happened to your head?" the guy said in a very quick fashion.

"What do you want, Pietro? And how did you get past the security system?" Ray looked around as he asked for the reasons of Pietro's sudden message to meet up with him, ignoring his question.

"I'm too fast for that baby... And, love... don't I, at least, deserve a hug? I missed you, baby... especially your ass and your expert mouth..." Pietro smirked as he quipped.

"You know that I don't want anything to do with you anymore..." Ray retorted impatiently.

"Then, why the hell did you decide to come up here to meet me, then? Come on, baby. I know you missed my salami..." Pietro licked his lips as he grabbed the cock that was starting to outline on his silver uniform.

"Stop it, Pietro... we can't do this anymore..."

"You still haven't forgiven me, have you? Come on, Ray... Lance was just a fling. You know that this meat only belongs to you..."

"It's not that, Pietro... I'm so sick of you and your manners. You always disrespect me..."

Pietro interrupted him by saying, "In the right place at the right time, baby... In fact, I want to disrespect you again, right now... right here on this fucking garden! My salami's so fucking hard for you."

In a flash, Pietro has already positioned himself behind Ray as he pressed his hardening length between Ray's ass cheeks. He has already wrapped his arms around so as his palms are resting on both sides of Ray's hard pectorals.

"My salami misses your hot ass terribly, baby... why don't you electrify me again as I shoot my load in your gut? Ray..." Pietro whispered as he ground his body, pressing, de-pressing his crotch between Ray's buns as he started to locate Ray's nipples to play with it.

"S-stop it... Pietro, p-please..."

The moment Ray felt Pietro's hardness on his ass crack, his emotions overpowered him. Flashes of wild sexual acts that they did together echoed in his brain. Pietro knew which buttons to press on him, after all, he'd done it to him a whole lot of time. Ray craved for that thick teenage meat to pound his ass again; to violate his throat again; and make him gag as Pietro spurts enormous amount of cum to drown him into oblivion.

All the restraints that he had for himself gave in. Clearly, even after all of Pietro's misgivings, he couldn't deny the fact that he's addicted to Pietro's thick manhood... his salami, as Pietro always termed it... and Ray wanted Pietro to ram it down his throat again; or hammer it up his ass so he couldn't walk or sit for days.

"What's the matter, baby? Feeling weak under my cock's spell? Hmmm..."

Ray heard the disrespectful tone on Pietro but the friction behind him was overwhelming; the two hands working on his now erect tits were creating magical convulsion inside his body. His left hand was magnetized to the polarity of Pietro's cock and it automatically slid towards his back to grab the erect cock of the teenage speed demon.

"Oh, yes... Daddy wants it, baby... why don't you get down and press your face on my bulging groin... come on... kneel down for me baby so I could fuck your pretty face. Daddy wants to fuck your face baby..."

Entranced of it all, Ray felt his knees weakened and in only a matter of seconds, he's already down on his knees as Pietro mercilessly pound his erection on Ray's cheeks, nose, lips, forehead -- all over his face. Pietro so wanted to grab Ray by the hair like he used to do but Ray had already cut his hair short -- as if he pre-sensed this sexual actualization to happen.

Then, in between face-fucking, Pietro teased, "Do you want my cock, Ray?"

Ray just nodded as he felt himself blush from humiliation.

"I didn't ask that question for a nod, Ray... Answer me, do you want my cock or not?"

Ray felt the tears well up as he controlled himself from answering. Pietro stopped fucking his face and threatened Ray, "If you don't fucking answer, I'll ram this cock of mine on some other willing mouth or pussy, Ray! Answer me, do you want this salami or not?"

Ray stared at the cock outlined lewdly on the friction-resistant silver spandex. Pietro's sudden withdrawal on face-fucking him made Ray feel empty inside. He wanted that cock really bad, but he couldn't take the humiliation he's always getting from Pietro whenever they do this.

Pietro got impatient and yelled at Ray, "You useless cunt! At least, Lance begs me to have this salami up his hole whenever I wanted! But you, I was serving this free of charge... all I wanted is for you to say you want it... or else, you don't deserve it!"

"P-Please... P-Pietro... d-don't do this t-to me..."

"Answer me, fucker!!! Do you want my cock?" Pietro howled.

"Yes!!!" Ray almost screamed, "I want it, Pietro! I want it gagging my throat! I want it piercing my ass! Do everything you want to me, Pietro!!! Fuck me with your cock!!! Please...." and as he did so, tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was taking all these violations... but he felt incapable to resist the outlined cock he'd been longing to re-take for a long time... How long had it been? Three months?

"Oh, come on," as if Pietro wasn't convinced by the helplessness apparent to Ray, even as Ray wept in severe indignation. Pietro sneered at him as he continued mocking him, "Baby... can you make it more convincing?"

"What do you want from me, Pietro? What do you want?" Ray was crying hard as he crawled towards Pietro but the speed demon was pacing one step backward to tease the helpless teenager even more.

"If you really want this piece of meat... you'll do what I say, Ray..."

"Anything, Pietro..."

"Well then..." Pietro handed a blank DVD disc to Ray, "I want you to download some important information from the Cerebro... the list is inside the case."

Hearing the Cerebro made Ray panic. He had heard about the computer's wonders but he hasn't seen it yet. He didn't even have the courage to ask anybody about it... After all, he didn't have friends in the institute as of yet... only Alex.

"Th-That's insane..." Ray reluctantly refused.

"You'll do the most insane thing I'd ask you to do or you won't taste this piece of meat..." Pietro grinned mischievously and in one quick motion, he already slid out of his coverall revealing his youthfully muscled body and the lengthy cock that had long been fucking Ray's two ends... the very same cock Ray was dreaming of whenever he cried in bed in sheer frustration of a love that wasn't returned. Ray knew he was just used as a cum bank by this speed demon, but he felt obliged to do so... his longing to Pietro's straight and veiny cock had never abandoned him even as he left him for the institute.

Ray's jaw dropped as he saw the cock that he'd worshipped for a long time. The piss slit was drooling with precum -- the juice that never abandoned his taste buds. The taste of Pietro's quick juice had made him a cum addict... and he knew that when he tasted it again, he'd want more... and more... and more...

He took the blank DVD disc from Pietro's hand and slid it in his front pocket -- a sign of his surrendering. He closed his eyes and felt incapacitated to do anything. Pietro smirked as he came nearer and pushed his cockhead on the slightly open lips, wetting them in the process with his pre-cum. As Ray felt the familiar touch and tasted the familiar taste -- he opened his mouth wide and engulfed the whole length of Pietro's precious cock in one swift motion. He pushed his face so that his nose lied on Pietro's wiry silver pubes inhaling his man scent as he felt the head of Pietro's cock violated his throat.

"You're my bitch, aren't you Ray... You crave for my cum to drown you every now and then. You love my babymakers running down your throat, eh. Oh yeah... suck on my cock, Ray... electrify me as you did before..."

Ray touched Pietro's anal sphincter and as he pushed one finger in, he set out a mild electrical shock that sent Pietro in convulsions as he fucked the throat of the kneeling teenager mercilessly. Pietro moaned and groaned and screamed in total bliss.

"Oh yeah... that's it baby... electrify my ass... oh shit! Come on baby... finger my ass hole and volt me! Volt me!"

With that encouraging statement from Pietro, he opened his mouth and totally devoured on every single millimeter of the pulsating cock and he swallowed to make his sphincter tighten on the length and mushroomed head of Piotr's cock. As he did so, he inserted two fingers on Pietro's ass and jammed it all the way through -- then he released a mild static wave that frenzied Pietro.

He wasn't expecting it, he just felt Pietro's cock pulsed inside his mouth and before he knew it, thick gushes of creamy fluid choked him as the cream continuously spurted out the young speed demon's piss slit. He quickly pulled his head but Pietro was quick on grabbing his head and pressed his cock harder and deeper down Ray's throat.


Ray tried to swallow but the awkward situation and the need for air made him almost lose his consciousness. His face was now purple as Pietro unloaded some more of his spunk inside his mouth direct to his esophagus.

Pietro pulled his cock after the last pulse and Ray collapsed on the floor as he coughed hard copious amounts of seminal fluid out of his sphincter straight through his mouth and nose. Pietro just smirked at the look of vulnerability in front of him. In a dash, he's again, already dressed and arranged.

"Well, then my sweet... Got to go! And oh... I need that DVD next Sunday... see you later..."

As Pietro swiftly vanished, Ray was left still coughing so much cum as tears flowed on his blood-shot eyes. By the time his gut relaxed, he totally lost all consciousness.


[In the Student Facility Shower Room]

[Aliki's Point of View]

It had been a long while since I took a bath. I was afraid that I might have forgotten how faucets work. I never had a decent shower, all I could remember were those times I wet myself while I was sprinkling the garden at the backyard of my father's family mansion -- but a real bath on a real shower room was new to me. I wasn't afraid for the least, but I felt ridiculously spastic. I removed the hospital gown and as I approached the first stall naked, I thought of the things that had happened to me for the past 48 hours.

From what I've noticed to myself, I was previously most of the time quiet, silently taking the pain to myself in one corner as people judged me -- my cousins, the uncles and aunts, my father. I had been bearing all of those pains in me during my growing years without a word of defense from myself. But since the last incident -- when I let my rage grew out of me -- I felt like a new being.

I talked back to my cousins, talked back to my father, talked back to the doctor, Jean Grey, of this rescuing team... also, I could have let Scott's indifference and distrust go like I've been doing before, but somehow, something inside me kept on telling me to say something -- to express what emotions I felt inside of me. It's like a vocal pre-emptive strike -- so I could protect myself earlier before things get worse.

After the horrible incident at the mansion, I felt more liberation within. Perhaps, unconsciously, I decided for myself that once I got out of being locked up in that mansion, I'd never allow anything to hurt me anymore; I'd never allow anyone to say or do something to hurt me physically or emotionally. So, perhaps that's why I had been opening myself now -- I was allowing no one to cause me pain anymore.

Anyhow, judging from the friendly faces around and by the way they rescued me, I felt safer here. These people were always concerned about my welfare, but I couldn't pretend to myself that I doubted the display of kindness. What benefit could they achieve from protecting me?

A lot of questions were going in and out of my head. I saw Jean's face and how she was calm and always ready to answer questions... some of them, at least. But from how she answered me with the metaphor, she just concluded my hunch that they were keeping something from me. Yet again, she was right in saying that I had had enough traumas and I thought it was best for me to handle everything in the flow. I was guessing maybe it was for the best... in the meantime.

I felt myself released of the questioning burdens inside of me as I decided to let the professor and his team take care of me.

There were no classes on Sunday, so the stalls were vacant and the whole shower room was deserted as I entered. I tried to turn the shower knobs, clockwise first, then counterclockwise. The last attempt made the showerhead release a cold stream of water which felt good as it touched my nakedness. I felt a childish joy that made me jump twice from where I stood. The last time I felt really clean was by the time I was in Nanay Cora and Tatay Ben's house. Perhaps they washed me all over after seeing me lying on the dirt. I wondered how did they react upon seeing blood covered my whole body... did they realize I had no wounds the next day?

I closed my eyes and felt the reviving pleasure that the water delivered to my senses. After a few moments, I turned it off to soap myself. The perfumed scent of the soap made me hum... as I thought of things I had here that I haven't experienced in the last mansion -- welcoming friends, a caring aunt Ororo, two sisters Jean and Kitty, brothers like Kurt, Scott and Piotr... I must admit to myself that I loved being here than being anywhere else, for now. The thought of coming back to my island was still there, but after the attack of the Mangrits that happened in the Philippines, it would be best for all if I stayed here. I didn't want my mother, even my father, to be in danger. I loved them so much.

I felt my eyes welled with tears but I immediately brushed the sensitive thoughts away and shift my thoughts to being a mutant as I soaped my genital area. I read from the news how they were treated like lepers all over the world. But these mutants are human beings, too... and they have no control over their birth defects or their DNA... just as I don't have, if the professor was right to conclude I am a mutant. How do they live in this world filled with discrimination?

The professor must be right for concluding I am a mutant, though... there were things I wasn't aware I was capable of doing, like the freezing mechanism -- how did he call it, "time encapsulation?" Kurt told me that my teleporting ability rocks... perhaps that's one of my abilities, too. The professor seemed to skip explaining that ability to me. Maybe he was concerned first about "reviving" Kurt and that's why he wanted to talk to me after their meeting.

I considered they were so kind to leave the details for now.

Seeing myself so out of control because of the painful past -- the foul languages used against me, the bashing, the deprivation of food and water, leaving me in solitude, the sexual molestation...

Wait... I remembered what Kabil, the old tree, announced to me:

|Kalithenis of the Tree|

"Thar hamig le wessi le egma amper thar nalloh sothi davon am dameh..."

{- You passed the tests of life and your triumph gives way to more... -}

"Thar dizili le xaressi es beldeh uzdal..."

{- You acquired the discipline's potent secret... -}

"Fahmeh, thar krewnideth amper ali po punizi..."

{- Because, your selflessness and compassion are overflowing... -}

Did Kabil mean that I was supposed to pass all those tests just to be able to acquire the powers I didn't even intend to achieve? Was it predetermined that I pass the difficult path to be tested just to acquire the discipline's potent secret? And what was the potent secret? Was it the one wherein I could breathe life to mediums? Was it the teleporting? Was it the time freezing? Was it the mutation itself?

The questioning burdens came back with a loud bang. I tried to think of thoughts that would calm my senses -- but I wondered why the first thought that emerged in my head was Scott's face? It did calm my senses seeing his face in my mind.

Waking up with him beside my bed was the last thing I was expecting... but he was there, making me feel guiltless, blameless and calm. His grip on my hand was tight as if trying to transfer his strength to me. I remembered how I said my thank you... wait a minute, did I? I thought I did, or perhaps I said it when it was least expected... or when the right moment had already passed... or I might have said it but it appeared to him that I didn't mean it.

He could have a reason for being a little distrusting... perhaps I have been hard on him. After the near-death experience, he should be there lying and resting in the recuperation room, too. But he was there, watching over me... like a real friend, a big brother, a father...? He was whimpering as he said his sorry... and I was so glad to wake up with somebody like Scott beside my bed.

No, "glad" was a diminutive word to describe what I felt -- I was "pleasured"...

When he hugged me -- the first time felt weird but good; but the second time sent pure happiness inside me. It was strange for him to kiss me on my neck and below my ears; but the moment I felt his lips touched my skin, instead of bolting, I pushed myself harder onto him hugging him tighter as I felt every single contour of his torso against mine. There was immense sensation that grew inside me, I was feeling a lot more pleasure. Strange still, for I felt heat within me... especially during the time I felt his groin pressed against mine. I felt it was a little stiff than normal... I smiled at the thought.

On the other side of the fence, I knew that by the moment I met these people, all I did was to show distrust to everyone. Maybe its time to show some manners, after all, they rescued me from the Mangrits. The least I could do was to pay the necessary respect to honor their valiant deed.


[Alex Summers' Point of View]

At the age of 23, going on 24, I still feel unready to become like my brother, Scott. The `rents are quite accommodating and nice, but the feeling of being watched behind my back paranoids me so I decided to join the team as a junior member -- not too late I hope.

Well, I wasn't the oldest among the juniors, Kurt for example is just two years younger than me; and Piotr, who's a year older than I am just got his senior membership last fall. Rogue got her senior membership by the time she's twenty-two. So, I guess, I wasn't too late after all.

Some of the seniors like Sean, Warren, Emma and Betsy didn't pass the junior training but as for me, I liked it the way it was, you know, being with the kids. I feel younger, in the same way as the kids I am hanging with...

Being with my brother in this mansion is a blast all the time. We get to have bonding sessions and stuff like that... I missed him so much, so, one of the things that got me here in this mansion was him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have had accepted the junior membership. I could have stuffed my bag and left for home.

Scott was the one who convinced me to train first, well, as I said, being with the watchful eyes of my parents left me feeling incapacitated. Even as I turned eighteen and left for the dormitories, they're very consistent in the calls, the visits -- which was really cool at some point because they're just my adoptive parents, but wasn't that cool because I got to have my share of teasing from my dorm mates.

So I decided once I finished my schooling, it's time I move farther away -- to New York -- where they won't be able to visit me frequently. Miami's just too far away. I miss the beach and the calls, but I'd rather be here than anywhere else. I got to have my own privacy and at the same time, be with my brother for the rest of the years of stay here.

As of this moment, I was looking for Ray, because I asked him already to come to the recreational facility to join us. He's a good kid but he's also stubborn. It's just that I wanted him to open up to us. He seemed to be very reluctant and paranoid but I got his drift.

Anyway, I saw Jean with some... I don't know, maybe a girl or a guy... but as I got closer, the question in my head was answered. He was a guy, he's probably the one they... wait a minute, they said it was a Chinese kid the rescued back in Asia. How come he's so... different? I didn't think for one moment this was a kid after all -- he looked older than me, at some degree.

I like his skin, though... Reminds me of my bronzed tan while I was surfing the beach of Miami... But now that I had stayed here for almost a year now, the tan is fading on me and my pale skin started to reappear. I was supposed to ask Jean about Ray's whereabouts if she knew, but I prevented myself from doing so... for I saw her guiding the... let's just say "bronzed stud," -- for I missed to know his name -- towards the showers. Something in me was curious -- how would he look naked? Is his color the same all over?

I smiled -- I remembered the times of naked sunbathing on one of the nude beaches in Miami. I got my shares of stare and I liked it when girls and guys alike would turn their heads to check me out. I wanted, as much as possible, to have an equal distribution of tan all over my body -- leaving no spots behind -- and that's what I always get sunbathing butt naked. I'd do it also as an excuse to attract surfers or swimmers or visitors so I could get laid for a day. I could fuck any willing mouth or ass... I like seeing my cock pistoning in and out a tight butthole, or vacuum tight lips. I don't care if it's a girl or a guy -- it doesn't matter -- as long as it pleases my cock, I have no complaints.

Anyway... I just got hard seeing his skin color and even-toned muscles. I didn't know what got me really horny, just by looking at his physique. I only got a glimpse of him from his back as Jean opened the door for him. I wanted to see his face... I wanted to see his body... everything.

After seeing Jean made her way downstairs, I decided to go to my room to take a towel with me in a flash. I'll take a shower -- yes! In the Facility Shower Room... it's a public territory so no one has the right to question me what I was doing there. My excuse is that I went to the gym and the closest shower was the Facility's. I wanted to freshen up, anyway -- and yes! The voyeur inside me wanted to check out what this "bronzed stud" has in store... for me.

The moment I entered, I was already greeted by the scent of the soap and was glad to see that the curtain of the "active" stall wasn't drawn. I immediately noticed the hospital gown neatly placed on top of one table together with a set of folded clothes. Jean must have provided her something to wear for the time being.

Excitement consumed me as I passed the first stall the "bronzed stud" occupied. His body was soapy and his back was on me and I remembered absorbing his broad back that tapered down to a narrow waste and two round mounds of flesh that cracked in the middle. I was surprised at every tiny details of the musculature of this guy, nearly perfect in its condition in every way.

I removed my shirt... then, I pulled my pants and white briefs down. My seven-incher was in full attention I didn't even try to hide it. I caressed it passionately as I got engrossed at the sight before me. Precum oozed on my piss slit as I did the cock massage I so loved to perform to myself. I groped it tighter to make it ooze more precum as I licked my drying lips, my body in total heat.

Something in me was craving for the touch of his skin; something was forcing me to go near and inhale his scent; something was giving me the courage to kiss his shoulder; and gradually, I gave in to the force. I walked ever so gently, nearer... nearer... nearer... and as I touched the bare flesh of his back by my right palm, I felt thousand volts of passion surged into my own veins and flesh, I slightly yelled in pure exaltation -- that moment of pure sensation could only happen once in a lifetime and I would beg for it to last my longest while!


[Scott's Point of View]

I practically ran upstairs to gather Ali as the meeting ended. I volunteered to get him from the library, and I learned from Jean that he's inside the showers taking a bath. I remembered Piotr giving me a slightly intimidated look, but I didn't want to bother about it. I was more excited to see Ali again -- but a little annoyed about myself acting like a teenager meeting his first crush. I still felt guilty that I had seemed to have violated him when I kissed him passionately as I hugged him tight inside the recuperating room.

A minute after I arrived in front of the shower room's door, I heard a quick yelp from inside the showers; the voice was familiar but it wasn't Ali's... it was someone else. Who could be it using the facility showers at this very moment? There were no classes so I suppose everyone's using their own bathrooms. Yet again, students are students, and they'd utilize whatever they feel like utilizing. I was about to ignore it when I heard a surprised gasp from inside, followed by a loud, "By the gods!!!" A holler like that from Ali could only mean one thing: emergency.

I immediately opened the shower room door and gathered what information I could gather: Ali's hospital gown and a set of folded clothes on the table -- and someone else's. I felt my heart skipped a bit as I recognized the shirt -- I gave it to someone as a Christmas gift, together with that blue towel I bought from a discount shop. I breathed for a moment as blood raced to my head; I was extremely annoyed and angry. If Ali had hurt him, I swear I would blast him to pieces.

As I quickly moved to check the first stall, the upshot just confirmed my gut feeling -- my brother, Alex, frozen by the entrance. I peered inside the stall and saw Ali with mouth wide open, shocked as his eyes widely stared at my brother.

My rage got the best of me as I shouted, "What have you done to my brother?"

I saw fear on Ali's eyes but I didn't care. I blindly grabbed Ali by his hands and dragged him out of the stall. I threw his unwilling body by the lockers as I screamed, "What makes you think that you have the right to freeze everyone in this mansion? Huh! The moment you came here, you did nothing but freeze everyone uncontrollably in time... Who do you think you are?"

"S-Scott... p-please..."

I was deaf for his words. I let the incident on Kurt go past, but this time, he's gone too far! I quickly turned my visor's switch on as I said, "Now, try and freeze me from what I'm about to do to you..."

"Oh my God... Scott, no!"

I heard the female voice that attempted to prevent me from hitting Ali but I already released a solar-plasmic beam towards the naked...

He's naked? And soapy... he's in the middle of showering? Why didn't I see that before?

"Scott, what have you done?" Jean screamed as she rushed to rescue Ali.

I didn't know how to answer Jean. I saw that Ali was breathing hard as his shoulders and chest suffered second degree burns, and by the impact of my beam towards his body, he hit the lockers real hard so as to make a huge dent on the two doors where his back slammed. I saw a blast of blood on one of the doors where his head crashed.

Everything around me dimmed. Holy shit! Did I just kill somebody? I wasn't expecting to be really harmful. I was only about to give him a mild dose of my beam... Yet again, I screamed ferocity as I shot him, and I knew, what beam escaped my eyes wasn't anywhere mild... It was a deadly ray.

Jean was screaming and saying something but everything was a blur. In my mind, I was putting everything in place. What actions from Alex did Ali's subconscious find threatening to freeze my brother like this? Wait a minute, what was Alex doing inside Ali's shower stall, almost blocking the entrance, in the first place?

I turned around and realized that Alex was completely naked, too -- frozen in time. What was he doing by the entrance of Ali's occupied stall and why was he in a "reaching" position? My first reaction when I saw my frozen brother, I wanted to inflict pain on Ali as revenge to seek justice for Alex, but this time, something hit me.

I moved towards Alex and confirmed my suspicion. He's holding his hard-on by his left hand... precum soaked. And by the way his right hand was raised, on his position, I could tell that he's about to touch Ali... or did he touch him already?

I weakly bowed my head in shame and guilt. The realization that Alex was gay was a surprise to me... but what made me feel weaker was the fact that Alex was in an attempt to molest Ali. Why didn't I investigate first before I acted? What happened to me? Why did this happen? Why did I allow myself to become blinded by my rage? Where's my control?

"Hungh... Scott? W-where..."

As I heard that voice, I raised my eyes up to see Alex moving... and when he realized he was naked in front of his big brother with a big cum-dripping hard on, he ran towards the table to seek cover. As he looked and realized Jean was present inside, he shouted, "Oh, my God! What happened? What's going on?"

Wait a minute... why did he suddenly move? Why was he unfrozen? Could it be that... Oh, shit!!! Ali could have either lost his will... or worse... God forbid!

Jean was extremely upset with glint of tears on her eyes as she raised Ali in mid-air using her telekinetic power. Ali's unconscious... could he be dead? I was about to run towards Jean to help carry Ali, but her glare froze me on my track.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him, ever again! I swear if you ever get somewhere near this kid, you'll be facing against me. You crossed the line, Scott. I am not sure if I can trust you anymore."


[Jean's Point of View]

/* Jean... Jean... Jean... can you sense me? Please.... Jean...*/

I heard a loud call from the telepathic bandwidth and I knew it was Ali. I immediately opened the link to be able to communicate with him.

/* I can hear you, Ali... */

/* Jean, I did it again... I froze somebody again... */

The alarming sound on Ali's voice made me wonder. It wasn't long since I left him in the showers. I wasn't aware of anybody inside there especially during this day of the week. He couldn't be finished already so I could conclude that he froze somebody -- in the showers...

/* Where are you, Ali? */

/* I'm still here in the showers. Jean, please help me... I can't continue doing this. */

/* Who did you freeze? */

I flew towards the second floor to immediately get there.

/* I don't know him... but he's naked, and he touched me... then, I felt the involuntary bolt in my head again so I knew I just froze something... or someone... and when I looked back, he's there. His facial expressions were full of longing and he had a... */

I felt him hesitated to say so I assured him it was okay to say anything.

/* Jean, he had a stiff member... */

/* What? What member? */

I had an idea what he's talking about but I had to make sure that I was hearing it correctly.

/* His... p-penis... it's hard. He couldn't be aroused by me, could he? */

That alarmed me so much. A "rapist-to-be" inside the mansion? I couldn't find anybody fitting that criteria, most specially if the guy intended to rape another guy. Who could he be? The situation made me feel that I was very slow in my movement, but I tried to get there as fast as I could.

/* I'm on my way... just hang on... */

Upon reaching the front door of the shower room, I heard a loud bang as if someone or something just crashed onto a metal wall. I froze on my track as I heard a familiar voice... it was Scott's.

"What makes you think that you have the right to freeze everyone in this mansion? Huh! The moment you came here, you did nothing but freeze everyone uncontrollably in time... Who do you think you are?"

I opened the door and heard Ali in his weak voice, "S-Scott... p-please..."

By the time the door widely opened, I saw Scott adjusting his visor as he said, "Now, try and freeze me from what I'm about to do to you..."

I screamed "Oh my God... Scott, no!" but it was too late. The loud clattering bang filled the air as Ali was sent smashing towards the locker doors. I managed to release a telekinetic shield but it only protected Ali from further damage on exposure. He was already hit by Scott's beam and by the way I saw it, the blast of blood and the dents on the door, he was in terrible pain for being hit pretty hard.

"Scott, what have you done?" I screamed in disoriented anger. He didn't even had the decency of letting Ali get dressed -- as if he was intending to hit him straight towards his naked skin for a full blow and impact!

"What's wrong with you? How could you have done this, Scott?" I was feeling weak and helpless as I shift my gaze towards the limping kid and the destructive image of Scott. I didn't know he was capable of such incomprehensible misdeed!

Ali was gasping for air. I looked at his chest, burned and beet red. If he was exposed further to Scott's beams, he could have died immediately, for Scott released a great amount of solar-plasmic energy. If I wasn't able to cast a telekinetic shield, Scott could have killed the kid!!!

I was drawn by my emotion. The kid was losing his consciousness. I looked up and found the reason for Scott's fury -- the rapist on the scene!!! His brother... Alex Summers! No wonder he overreacted! He didn't even realize that his brother was naked, and was frozen in the act of lasciviousness!!!

I heard Alex say something like, "Oh, my God! What happened? What's going on?" which I was about to answer with, "Stop acting naive, you perverted bastard!" but I restrained myself.

They're brothers alright, one was an openly gay sex maniac and the other was closeted and confused homosexual who had dirty thoughts in his mind. I felt icky inside as I remembered swapping spit with Scott... we even had sex for a time. I felt dirty all over knowing that this bastard and his brother caused so much for wanting one thing: Ali's body!

There's no time for thinking anymore... the kid needs immediate medical attention. He's losing his consciousness and we might lose him fast. I knew my telekinetic energy must be conserved at all times, but this was an emergency. Ali might be heavy, but I assumed his weight is below my telekinetic limits. I levitated Ali to carry him to the Med Lab.

I sensed Scott's reluctant action to help me carry Ali but I glared at him in perfect disgust as I warned him in the clearest voice I could muster:

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him, ever again! I swear if you ever get somewhere near this kid, you'll be facing against me. You crossed the line, Scott. I am not sure if I can trust you anymore."


[Med Lab, Healing Chamber No. 3]

[Logan's Point of View]

Chuck (Xavier) said a lot of things that I thought were nonsense. If One-Eye (Scott) and Surfer Dude (Alex) have broken more than a dozen mansion rules, they should be punished. God, they should be tortured in jail if I made the decisions. I'll just let the jailbirds out there beat the hell out of these two. I'm not one to ignore this kind of baloney... the issue's they both lack control to the point of jeopardizing the life of an innocent kid! It's as simple as you do bad, you go to jail... but that's me. If they're guilty, they should accept the penalty equal to that they performed.

I still smelled something fishy... the detail of what happened was full of gibberish. They're hiding something from us, and I could tell that Chuck was protecting these two.

One-Eye was totally confused; Surfer Dude was disoriented... and why was he accidentally frozen by Ali, anyway? If Chuck's right in telling that Ali's subconscious acts on threats, Ali could have been threatened by Alex... but what action did he do for Ali to be threatened? And what was he doing out there in the student facility showers when it's supposed to be used only during school days. His reason, "going to the gym and taking a bath on the nearest shower room" was a reason full of shit. He even stammered as he said his reasons. There must be something wrong in this picture, but I admit, the gym's near the student facility showers. Still, I doubt his reason's credibility.

Blue Elf (Kurt), Half Pint (Kitty) and Baby Blue (Bobby) rushed at the healing chamber immediately as they heard the news about what happened to Ali. I was only in the healing chamber for half an hour but together with the group that's already there, I gazed in awe witnessing something amazing. It's like seeing myself heal myself; only this was another person doing it on his own for his own: doing the healing without consciousness.

We saw Ali's flesh mend on itself: pushing out the old skin as it created new ones, the burnt flesh was on a constant repair until the repair applied on the burnt skin. He was by now almost completely healed. Yet, the reddened portions were still there.

I pity the kid. He'd been through hell and back, yet still, hell won't just quit bugging him. He'd had so much to endure for this day...


I looked down towards the source of the voice, "Professor..."

"It's time. Piotr and Remy have readied the blackbird."

I bowed to affirm. Then, I came near the kid to kiss his forehead... something I wasn't accustomed of doing but I was drawn to do to him. I like this kid a lot... I admit, aside from Kitty and Kurt, he's the third that seemed to get my attention and my liking. I know I'm not very easy to please, but there was something on this kid that I liked -- especially during the time that I was attempting to make him defend himself. The kid's got a lot of guts... and there were only a few teens like him. He's something special... I almost felt he came from me... like my own son.

Before I left, I whispered, "Take yer time kid... Heal yerself and I promise I'd always be here for ya... Just get well, for us... for me, ok."

There was no response from him but I just assumed he heard me. I had to bow to hide my misty eyes. I had to show courage to everyone. I didn't age like this to become a god-damned-wimp.


[Bobby's Point of View]

I was surprised to see Logan show some affection.

We were, first, so engrossed at our observation as to how his body automatically patched layers of tissue on the burned flesh as it pushed the damaged layers to the surface. We didn't know how long it took but the process was so intriguing that we didn't care about the time. Logan healed himself faster than that, but seeing the healing process in the detailed phase as it created piece after piece of Ali's body portion was much more astonishing than the quick healing Logan was capable of.

I looked at Logan. He's like a father figure but I heard his age could be more than my grandfather's if he was still alive. Perhaps the reason why he could heal himself faster is because of his age. If Ali's by Logan's age, perhaps his body would be able to produce more tissue at a faster rate. Maybe because he's too young, that's why his body was still adjusting its healing mode.

I was a bit pissed off at Scott. I didn't know but he'd been acting a little weird lately, and it seemed to me that he's pre-occupied with something. I knew him well for over two years now; he's not the type who would misjudge a certain angle of occurrence. He's always analytical but when I heard that he fired a deadly ray to Ali -- I was thinking maybe I didn't know him real well.

My thoughts of Scott were cut off when I heard the professor call Logan. Then, Logan came near Ali's bed and kissed him on the forehead. I was weirded by that action -- for one, Logan wasn't somebody to mess around and he's not the touchy type; two, it's awkward to see him soften even in the most sorrowful event; and three, he looked affected -- and he isn't somebody who gets easily affected by things.

He whispered something to the unconscious Ali but I wasn't able to hear it. I looked at Kitty and Kurt -- both of them have the same astonished look when they saw what Logan did. They both looked at me in a manner that I could only define as "what was that all about?" look.

And then, both of them, Logan and the professor left us three. Jean and Ororo was outside the chamber talking about what happened.

As the three of us looked once again at each other, I heard Kurt said, "I can't believe Scott did this to him."

"Me, too," I blurted out, feeling no capacity to say something more.

"Look, guys... we all know Scott and Alex. They're both cool. There must be a good reason why this event happened..." Kitty explained. On this particular occasion, I loved Kitty's mind. She made the occurrence seem bearable.

"I hope you're right," I doubted.

"Bobby, when you attacked Ali -- it was because of something. You had a very good reason... You were blinded by the events, you thought Ali was someone hurting Scott and blast... you cooked Ali with your subzero material. We believed that you're incapable to hurt anybody for no good reason; and frankly, that's how I see Scott's situation, too. We'll find the reasons sooner or later. But for now, let's keep our minds open on both ends."

I silenced... yes... there was a very good reason, indeed. I smiled bitterly for I knew... even the best of reasons couldn't deny the fact that there's only one victim: Ali. Why did he have to suffer all of these mishaps? He's just too young to deal with so much suffering. My life was painful but I'm dealing only with lots of emotional burdens; but Ali -- he suffered it all! Emotional, physical, psychological... he's battered in every bit and pieces.

I felt my adoration to Scott diminished because of this occurrence. In fact, the guilt that I was feeling earlier was somehow replaced by slight revulsion.

I put my hand on top of Ali's right hand and squeezed it mildly. By that action, I was hoping I was able to transmit all the emotional messages I have with me: apologies, sympathy, encouragement, guilt... and I hope that in his unconscious world, he'd hear all those messages.

I couldn't prevent myself from whimpering in pity.

But we were all surprised when he suddenly opened his eyes as he screamed something I didn't understand. It sounded like `fee-yeah' but I was so startled to even decipher it.

As he looked at us, his eyes searched for someone... and then he looked at me as he breathed heavily... his voice was rather deep and throaty as he said, "Bobby, I need you together with the professor, Scott, his brother, Ororo, and Jean right now... please, hurry, before it's too late!"


[Scott's Room, General Setting]


Scott turned his gaze towards the door. Alex entered and paced towards his older brother who was stuffing a suitcase with all of his clothes.

"Are you ready?" Scott asked indifferently at the shameful expression of his brother.

"Do you really have to go?" Alex asked in a very low voice.

Scott sighed, "After what happened, I don't have the courage to look on everyone's eyes anymore. I wasn't expecting this to happen at the peak of my career here."

"You don't have to go, Scott." Alex replied, "If there's someone here who must go, it should only be me. It was I who put you into this trouble. I'm sorry about the display of promiscuity. I was so drawn, it was almost I wasn't myself while I was watching him."

"Stop it, okay!" Scott yelled to his brother's silence... he mellowed seeing the startled look on Alex's face before he continued, "Th-This is something I don't want to discuss right now. Both of us have to leave."

Alex sighed, "The professor completely understands your action; but I know my action defied all reasons for understanding. You shouldn't go... this institute needs you."

"Needs me? I can't even control myself, Alex... Where do you think I should put myself, huh? I wasn't trained to do shit like this. I was just so appalled on things that happened, I couldn't stand being here... with Ali around, who is probably going to judge me again when he wakes up. I just couldn't bear everything that has transpired."

"But I..."

Before Alex could continue, the door blasted open from the telekinetic boom Jean had cast and with glaring and angry eyes, she announced: "You two -- go to the healing chambers, now!"


[Med Lab: Healing Chamber No. 3]

Jean, Scott and Alex arrived at the scene almost at the same time with Hank and Betsy. They witnessed Ali levitating in the air above his bed in a standing position, bright white light shining from his body as he spoke to the Professor, Ororo, and the three teenagers. His naked silhouette was a sight to behold, his skin flickered as his hair flowed like black rivers in the air. Everyone was awed by his glory.

"It is about time..." Ali spoke gently as he saw the five new arrivals.

"Who are you? What did you do to Ali?" Scott furiously screamed.

"Silence!" Ali raised his hand as he roared and with that action, Scott's lips sealed itself.

"You are all unaware of the circumstances," Ali started speaking, his voice was throaty and seemingly composed of more than two voices in different tones and frequency, "We are the EroViRuEth quadrinitarian deities. Aliki is our most precious Kalithean offspring for he alone managed to house the EroViRuEth quadrinitarian gifts inside physical form."

"What's that?" Kitty asked peculiarly.

"Jaktap was summoned for the vindications. He is waiting for the arrival of your three members as we speak. We do not wish to linger but we saw chaos and hostility around this abode that our Kalithean offspring wasn't able to comprehend to be able to defend himself. We've mustered everything to prevent touching this ground but our intervention right now is sorely needed. The situation almost caused his life."

Scott and Alex bowed down as they felt intense shame.

Ali, possessed by the quadrinitarian deities (Ero, Vi, Ru and Eth), called their attention and looked down at both as he spoke, "Your actions weren't yours alone. Someone is playing with your emotions, the reason why you were both out of control. You were both unprotected from his powers so he' could delve into your minds and fool around with your emotions. He' pushed your gentlest part so as to feel rage you've never felt before."

Ali then shifted his gaze towards Bobby, "The same occurrence happened to you. Someone dealt with your emotions and blinded you to see the truth. These twisted emotions felt real inside of you that you thought you were really feeling it."

He then looked at the general crowd, "You must know that you've been penetrated by two of your offenders. You must stop them before they destroy all of you. They won't cease their attempts until they captured Aliki, dead or alive... Keep your eyes open."

Everyone looked suspicious to everybody. The professor was extremely alerted by the danger.

"Can't you tell us who?" Jean asked as she projected a mild probe at everybody. She couldn't detect it.

"The intervention itself is already out of our way. Uncovering the mysteries for humans like you won't do any good. Our intervention only served to warn you of the danger, nothing more and nothing less. Tell this warning to Aliki for he's unaware of the conversation during this manifestation. But as you tell him of the details, he will eventually know who is who..."

As Ali closed his eyes, the bright light started to dissolve around Ali and his body descended gently, lying down on the bed. As his back completely rested, Jean telekinetically arranged the sheet to cover his naked lower body. She still felt uncertain about Scott and Alex after the revelations from the quadrinity... they said that somebody's only playing with their emotions -- but it didn't mean that they didn't feel anything for Ali at all. For all she know, they might have intense feelings towards Ali so the telepath that had been meddling with their minds only pushed a single button and they'd go out of bounds.

Scott felt his lips parted. Now that the quadrinity has vanished from the scene, so was the seal on his mouth. He breathed a sigh as he gazed at the beautiful figure lying on the bed. He felt the sudden twinge in his heart... the effects of what happened couldn't just be justified by the reasons brought about by the revelations from the deities. He still felt uncomfortable, but the sudden impulse of moving away from the mansion had already left his mind. He had to remain in the mansion to regain everyone's trust: the professor's, Jean's and most especially, Ali's.

Bobby looked at Scott; he felt that the diminishing ardor inside him for Scott was uncontrollable. Yet, he pitied him... and then himself. Most of the people without telepathic abilities could be controlled by the puppeteer inside the mansion and he could never say that he's shielded from it.

Kurt and Kitty exchanged pitiful glances. They just couldn't figure out exactly what happened and what these things are all about.

Ororo, the Professor, Hank, Betsy and Jean were all in wild thoughts when Ali opened his eyes gradually. Upon seeing the worried faces, he asked, "What happened?"

Jean transmitted retrocognitive flashes of the latest events to Ali's mind and after that, he spoke conclusively, "They are not here in this crowd."

(End of Episode 4)


Special mention to:

PHOENIX'S 20TH CHAPTER of XXX-MEN series was (and still is) totally AWESOME! Wow, man, you didn't miss the beat of the story and you are one true "story-twister!" Damn, I was so in to it that I missed my lunch!!! Good excuse, though, to maintain my figure! Hehehehe.

Groudy Ogre - your inputs in the future, especially when things go rough in my head, will be "eternally" appreciated. I've to admit I still am not that familiar with the characters and was researching most of the times to make the characters click in my story. I'd definitely need some wise inputs from co-writers, like you.

Darius and Georgiy -- thanks for the very encouraging messages. I'll strive harder to meet your expectations, hehehehe. And keep your interest at work... Always perform a job well done, okay!

Bambi -- study hard... you'll know by the time you reach my age (being 28, ha-ha-ha) what education meant to all of us. Don't waste time, money and effort. Keep your brains working hokey!

Randy, Jeff and Jun -- what's up buddies... thanks for dropping a line! Missed you, too! This episode's for you!

Thanks for everyone who have read and enjoyed the X-men Beyond episodes. Your continued email and support had been a boost for me to continue what I had started. I hope that you enjoy this episode as you enjoyed the rest.

Codes Legend:


--oo0oo-- - a transition from one character's setting or situation to another character's. ---***--- - provided for instances of unconsciousness, sleep, or non-relevant transitions. ---zzz--- - a transition from sleeping reality to dreaming. ---uuu--- - a transition from dreaming to awakening reality. ---vvv--- - a transition from present time to recollection. ---^^^--- - a transition from recollection to present time.

[setting] - indicates setting and time in one character's story.

Communications: /telepathic/ - indicates telepathic communications. (remark) - narrator's remarks. |language| - indicates the language spoken by the character.

Next: Chapter 5

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