X School Boys


Published on May 28, 2003


Ok here is Chapter 4. More mutants will be put into this one. I have nothing to do with X-men, or marvel because this story is just fake. Hope you like it, if you are not over 18 than or do not like gay sex don't

Read this ~ This means someone is thinking, < This means someone is talking telepathically -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last Time...

Bobby walked into the bathroom to the shower. He turned on the hot water and cleaned himself off. When he walked back, out he saw Logan sleeping. He walked over to the bed, crawled into the bed, and fell asleep. Bobby was woken up by a loud noise from the hallway. He got out of bed, put his boxers on and opened the door.

Chapter 4 ( The Runaways)

Bobby's hand shook at he reached out and touched the cold doorknob to his warm flesh. He turned it slowly not make noise and wake Logan. Bobby opened the door and stuck his head out, all he could see was darkness but he could hear someone was out there. He stepped out and into the darkness where all he could see where to glowing yellow eyes. "Is someone there" he whispered into the darkness. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could see the outline of a woman's body. He felt a hand grab him by the throat and push him agent the wall. "Your coming with me and theirs nothing you can do." Bobby tried to yell out for someone to help him but nothing came out. He lifted his hand and shot a ball of ice at his attacker. Bobby fell to the ground and gasp for air. He stood up and flicked on the lights but no one was there. He heard someone coming up the stairs. He stood there to see his attacker. He saw Rogue's head peek over the top step.

"Bobby," Rogue said as she ran to him and kissed him on the lips. Bobby pulled her into a hug when he started to let go. "Sense when could I touch you without getting hurt," Bobby asked pulling away from her. Rogue leaped into the air and kicked Bobby in the face, knocking him to the ground. Rogues skin started to turn blue until her true self was reviled, it was Mystique. She walked over to where when Bobby had hit the floor, she picked him up by his neck when she heard Logan come out of his room, his claw withdrew and a mean look on his face. "Came back to finish what we started" Logan said with a growl. Mystique through Bobby over the banister letting him fall to the ground. Bobby screamed as he fell until he stopped in midair by a strange force. Jean was standing below him, using her powers to brake his fall. Jean landed him on his feet and ran to his side.

"Are you ok," she asked holding his face in her hand. Jean ran up the stairs to help Logan. Bobby stood in shock from the event that just happened when Logan came flying down in front of him. Logan stood up and started to run up the stairs again when he stopped. "Run kid there after you." Bobby did as he was told and stated to run to the front door when he stopped and put on his shoes. He opened the door and ran out in nothing but his baby blue boxers and white Adidas sneakers. He ran down the driveway and out the gates.

Mystique, knowing Bobby had run, made a brake for the front door. She ran out onto the grass where a car pulled up with Magneto in it. She jumped in and they drove away. Jean ran to the professor's office where she had located him.

<Professor, Mystique was here> Jean said to the professor using her powers. < I know Jean; she was here for a reason >. < Why? > <Magneto needs mutants to lead his mutant army, he's kidnapped so students. > <When you and Logan where fighting Mystique; Toad, Sabertooth, and Lady Deathstrike snuck into the dorms. > <Which ones? > <Shadowcat, Jubilee, Siryn, Multiple, and Rogue> <What about Bobby, where is he? > <He is quite all right, he running now but now there is no way to stop him, he must come back when he is ready>

Bobby ran down the street, passed the buildings and trees. He must have been running for an hour. He slowed down and stopped in his place to look around. He had no idea where he was. It was New York City but no one was around. No one he knew at least. It started raining on Bobby's almost naked body. All he could do now is cry. He sat at a bench on the sidewalk and let the tears flow. The rain started to come down hard. Bobby deiced to go into an abandon build across the way from him. He walked into the opening that the door would be at. He walked up 10 flights of stairs to find a girl about 15 with red hair and green eyes sitting at the top of the stairs. Bobby walked up to her and knelled down to talk to her.

"Hi I'm Bobby, what you name?" "I'm Rahne, but everyone calls me Wolfsbane." "Why do they call you that?" Bobby asked with wondering look on his face "Because I can do this," she said and within a few seconds she had changed into a wolf and ran off.

"Wait" Bobby, yelled as he ran after her. He ran to a room filled with teenagers. A young boy with a shaved head except some red hair in front came up to him. "Hi my name is Ray but they call me Berzerker." The young boy said making electric in his hands. "I'm Bobby" Bobby said as he made a snowball in his hand. "You're a mutant to, well let me introduce everyone. This is Roberto" he said pointing to a hot 16 year old Mexican boy "but we call him Sunspot. This is Amara, she is a princess in her country of Nova Roma, and we all call her Magma." Amara a beautiful black 14-year-old girl with long brown hair stood up and turned into a fire person. Her body and hair was turned into flames. "Last but not least, that is Canonball." Berzerker pointed to a young boy sitting in the corner of the room. "He can be shot like a Canonball. And you met Woldsbane". "Come on lets get you some clothes" Berzerker said pulling Bobby into his room. Bobby put on a tight white T-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans.

He lay on the bed looking out a broken window thinking of what happened tonight. ~ How could this night go from one of the best to the worst of my life ~. Bobby thought until he realized he was being watched. He lifted up his head to see Magma standing in the doorway.

"Hi Bobby" she said in a shy and tidied voice. "Hey" Bobby said sitting up in the bed "What's going on" "Nothing, I just wanted to see how you where doing" she said walking in and sitting down next to him. "I'm fine, I was just thinking" "About what?" "My friends, my family, how you guys live on your own." "We live by are wits" "How did you get here?" Bobby asked with an inquisitive look on his face "Back in my Island, my mother was killed by an evil mutant named Black Witch, when I tried to stop her she through me in a volcano. That's when I learned I had my powers. My father was sick so he sent me to live with my aunt here but when she died, I was on my own, so I started living on the streets. Believe me, its nothing like the royal life." She said giggling "How do you guys survive by yourselves?" "Using are powers to get what we need. Berzerker keeps on talking about you. He says how great it is to see a new guy around here and how good you look."

Bobby looks in shock at Amara and let his jaw drop. "What did he say?" Bobby asked in Awa. Amara put her hand over her mouth and ran out of the room. Bobby sat in the bed thinking about what he just herd. ~ Does Ray like me, he is really cute, no he's to tuff to be gay ~. Ray walked in the room when Bobby was thinking. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Bobby. "Hey man, are you ok?" Ray asked as he shook Bobby's arm. Bobby snapped out of his daze, "Yea I'm fine". "Ok I just wanted to check on you, it's not easy living on your own. It gets lonely." Berzerler said looking into Bobby's crystal clear eyes. "Yea, I can tell." Bobby said flashing his cute smile. "You know Bobby, I'm glad you came here, ya know, because I need someone new to talk to," Berzerler said moving closer to Bobby and putting his hand on Bobby's leg. "Listen Ray I have to tell that...," Bobby words where cut off my Ray grabbing Bobby's head and pushed their lips together.

Bobby didn't resist Rays sudden lust. Ray crawled and sat on top of Bobby's lap. They broke the kiss wish Rays 16 year-old body on top of Bobby's. Ray started to unbutton Bobby's jeans. Bobby took of off Ray's shirt to revile Rays amazing toned body. His pecs were large but smooth and hairless and his abs where rock hard with a cute red bunny trail going down. Ray ran his fingers up Bobby's body under his shirt felling Bobby's great abs. Ray pulled off Bobby's skin-tight t and Ray started kiss Bobby's neck softly. Bobby lifted Ray's head to ask him a question. "Have you ever done this before?" Bobby asked the young horny boy. "Well, there was this one time with this really hot guy but all we did was he made me give him a blowjob and I didn't get anything." Ray looked down. "Do you want one?" Bobby asked running his tongue over his lips. "SURE" Ray yelled in excitement.

Bobby rolled Ray over on the bed and unzipped his pants. He pulled them down and pulled Ray's 6-1/2 inch dick from his black boxers. Bobby licked the leaking precum form the head of Ray's hard cock. Bobby licked around the head before he took the whole thing in down to Ray's pubic hair. Ray moaned as Bobby worked his mouth. Bobby started moving his head up and down Rays hard shaft while swirling his tongue all around. Ray had never felt such a good felling than this. Ray forced Bobby's head to go up and down faster. Bobby felt Ray's body tense up and he knew he was going to cum. Ray held Bobby's face down when he shot his hot load in Bobby's mouth. Ray shot 5 hot, sweet cum in Bobby's mouth. Some of his cum was on Bobby's lips so Ray brag him in for a hot kiss of cum and saliva mixed tougher. Bobby fell over on the bed next to Ray: panting, sweating, and smiling. "You are sooo cool Bobby." Ray said pulling up his pants. Bobby saw the rain was stopping, he walked out of the to where the other where sitting. He keep walking out of the room to the stairs. When Bobby put his foot on the first steep, his foot whet through the step. When he tried to pull his foot out, he fell forward through the stairs. Everyone ran out and crowed around the whole in the stairs. "Bobby, are you alright?" Sunspot yelled down the whole but all there was, was darkness and silence.

To be continued....

Well that's chapter 4. I worked so hard on this. The new mutants I introduced in this chapter (Magma, Berzerler, Wolfsbane, Sunspot , and Canonball) will be used in the future.

Next: Chapter 5

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