X School Boys


Published on Aug 24, 2003


This is the long awaited Chapter 8. I have nothing to do with X-men, or marvel comics because this story is just fake. Hope you like it, if you are not over 18 than or do not like gay sex do not Read this.

~ This means someone is thinking < This means someone is talking telepathically = This mean means inside someone's mind or dream In addition, for those of you that do not know who some of the new mutants are go to this site. http://x-men.animationinsider.net/cast.html

Last Time...

Lightning, rain, wind, and snow flew around the X-men and the Brotherhood. "She has Storms powers but not her control." The Boom Boom said. "We must stop her," the Professor said look at Bobby. Bobby nodded and lifted his hand. "I'm sorry Rogue," Bobby whispered as he shot his powers.

Chapter 8 (A Sad Ending And A New Begging)

Bobby's powers shot out of his hand and into the air directly at Rogue. The shiny ice hit her with a force. Rogue through her head back in pain but repelled the force. "Fool, you can't hurt me with hot or cold." Rogue said laughing devilish. "My powers makes her impervious to hot or cold, we need another way to stop her," Storm said coming out of her daze. "Professor, maybe if Jean can levitate me up there so I can talk her out of it," Bobby asked in concern. "It will be dangerous but it's our only hope. Ill make a force field around you to protect you" The professor said looking at Jean. Jean put her hand out and Bobby started to lift up in the air. He flew up in front of Rogue. Their eyes locked with one another when Bobby reached his friends. Rogue looked deep into his blue eyes and felt feelings of guilt rushing to her. "Please Rogue, stop this before u hurt someone u love." Bobby's plea fought through the voices in Rogues head to her true feelings. Rogue reached her hand out and touched Bobby's face. Tears rolled down her face, as she knew what Bobby was feeling at the moment. The storm started to die down till only Bobby and Rogue were floating in the air. "Bobby IM sorry can u forgive me for what I have done" Rogue said through her tears. "Of cores I will, you're my best friends, and nothing will ever change that" Bobby said as he pulled Rogue into his arms. They held each other tight. Magneto and his followers were quickly recovering. "I have one thing to do Bobby," Rogue said as she pushed her best friend away. She lifted her hands into the air and a storm once again started brewing. Magneto's feet started to lift off the ground as he floated off the ground towards Rogue. Rogue conjured up a lightning cloud. Many bolts flew out and struck Magneto but had no effect on him. "You fool, lightning cant hurt me, I control magnetic fields. Magneto laughed as he reached eye to eye with Rogue. His hand rapped around her next and he started to squeeze as hard as he could. Rogue could no longer breath but she could still use storms powers. She concentrated as hard as she could on her newly acquired powers. The air in the large area started to spin faster and faster. A funnel formed above Rogue and Magneto. A tornado formed around them and they started to spin within the funnel cloud. Magneto could no longer hold on as he lost grip on Rogue's neck. Rogue calmed down and stopped the storm but remained suspended in the air. "If I cant win then no one will," Magneto yelled as he was toughen into the wall "Toad, use plain number 2."

Toad extended his tongue and attached to a beam in the ceiling. He lifted up into the air, jumped onto Rogue, and attached a small machine to her chest. He jumped away quickly. The small machine started ticking. "It's a bomb!" Rogue yelled trying as hard as she could to pry it off her chest. She lowered herself to the ground. The X-men came running up to her but they keep their distance. "You only have 2 minutes X-fools, see you around but just to make sure Toad, Sabertooth, Pyro, and Blob keep and eye on them," Magneto yelled as he, Mystique, Quicksilver, Avalanche, Lady Deathstrike, and Scarlet Witch ran out down the hallway the teen mutants ran in. The four left behind circled the x-men. "OK, me, Magma, Boom Boom, and Iceman will take care of those four, you guys try and get rid of the bomb and get out of here." Berzerker said. Berzerker approached Sabortooth, Magma stepped up to Toad, Boom Boom stood up to Blob, and Iceman squared off with Pyro. "Ok you guys I have an idea but I have to touch Kitty's and Jeans skin and you guys have to run," Rogue said. She reached out her hands and placed them on Kitty's and Jeans cheeks. Meanwhile, Bobby stood in front of John. He walked closer but John moved back. "John, try and remember what you felt for me that night we went to the movies." Bobby said slowly walking towards his friend. John fell to floor grabbing his head. "It's so hard to think right now, I can't think straight. Bobby walked over to John keeling on the floor, sat down next to him, and grabbed his hand. "Try and think John," Bobby said looking into John's eyes "But please help us get that off Rogue." "I can but everyone has to get out now!" John said running to Rogue pulling Bobby along. "Everyone just get out, if you run out the hole you guys made now, trust me." John said getting ready to do something. The professor nodded and told the x-men to move out. Bobby stopped and looked at John. John grabbed his hand. "Bobby if I don't make it out of here I want you to know that....that..... I love you," John said as he forced as kiss onto Bobby's soft lips. "I love you to John," Bobby said as he ran out the hole. Everyone got into the X-jet and lifted off the ground but before they could get away from the large metal dome exploded. The jet was shaken, and Bobby watched as he saw flames, smoke, and derby fly out.

3 days later

Bobby was sitting in his window think about his friends that he had lost. The tears rolled down his face when he heard the doors open. Storm walked in and over to Bobby. "Your still thinking about them aren't u?" She asked as she sat down boy him holding his hand. "Why did they have to die Storm, I don't understand?" He said as he cried even harder. Storms ran her hands through Bobby's hair and then pulled him to his feet. "Come downstairs Bobby, I have something to show you." Bobby whipped his eyes and followed Storm to the living room. There in the doorway stood Rogue and Pyro. Bobby ran down the stairs as fast as he could and jumped into their arms. "What are you doing here, I thought u died?" Bobby said hugging them as hard as he could. "Well remember how I touched Kitty and Jean, well I used their powers to phase through the bomb and before it exploded I put a force field on me and John." Rogue explained. Bobby let go of them and locked lips with john. He felt his whole body tingle. John finished the kiss and looked Bobby in the eyes "But I have some bad new," A car pulled up in the driveway. "My parents heard about the whole thing Magneto and me getting kidnapped so there taking me out of the school. IM sorry Bobby I love you but I have to go. Goodbye." John said as he turned his back and walked out of Bobby's life.

To be continued.......... Hey everyone that is Chapter 8. Sorry it took so long to get out because I have had a long and complicated summer.

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