X School Boys


Published on Jun 2, 2003


This is Chapter 5. This is probably the sadist chapter yet. I have nothing to do with X-men, or marvel because this story is just fake.

Hope you like it, if you are not over 18 than or do not like gay sex don't Read this

~ This means someone is thinking < This means someone is talking telepathically = This new sign means inside someone's mind

In addition, for those of you that do not know who some of the new mutants are go to this site.

http://x-men.animationinsider.net/cast.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last Time...

When Bobby put his foot on the first steep, his foot whet through the step. When he tried to pull his foot out, he fell forward through the stairs. Everyone ran out and crowed around the whole in the stairs. "Bobby, are you alright?" Sunspot yelled down the whole but all there was, was darkness and silence.

Chapter 5 (ICU)

Bobby's body hurt as he hit one floor after another. He had never felt such pain in his life. He body finally stopped when he hit the basement. He couldn't see but he could faintly hear the voices of his new friends. The sun was coming up and filtering down the whole he had made .He could feel his torso was being pined down by a pile of fallen garbage. He felt a warm liquid on his head and he knew that he was bleeding. His body hurt he couldn't talk or move. All he could do now is stay there and wait till they came and got him. His eyelids were getting heavy and he could no longer keep them open. He could still hear the others yelling but he couldn't respond.

Back at the top of the whole, the others are yelling trying desperately to get a response out of Bobby. "You guys stay here, I'll go down and check to see if it's ok," Magma said running down stairs. The others wanted for what seamed like forever. They finally herd her voice. "Hey you guys, we need to get down here Bobby's trapped under a pile of junk, and he bleeding, I think we need to get him to the hospital. "Here, Sunspot, get on my back" Wolfsbane said. Roberto got on Rahne's back. She jumped down the whole face first while Roberto hung on for dear life. Rahne focused as hard as she could to change into her wolf form.

She switched into her other form and landed on her feet with Roberto still clinging around her neck. Sunspot got off of Rahne's back. Cannonball shot down after them with Ray around on his back. Ray ran over to where Magma was holding Bobby's head in her lap. "He need help you guys, he needs to got him to the hospital." She said as tears rolled down her cheeks onto Bobby's forehead. She laid Bobby's head on the ground and stood up next to her friends. "Amara, can you burn off the wood." Ray asked. "No I could burn him, but Roberto can and lift if all off". Roberto nodded and stood in the sunlight. His body heated up and burst into flames. (His mutant power of being able to absorb sunlight and it gives him super strength). Roberto walked over to the pile of garbage and started to lift it off of Bobby's young body. He uncovered Bobby's body and pulled him away from the mess. They all gathered around his body and stated to carry him up the stairs.

Back at the Manor...

Professor X was using Cerebro when he felt something was wrong with Bobby. He exited the huge room and went to find his x-men. Storm was in the garden watering the plants, Cyclops was in the garage working on his motorcycle, Jean was working on a medical test, Nightcrawler was prying, and Logan was working out. <X-men I need to talk to you, come down to Cerebro>. They gathered outside of the large metal doors. The large doors opened and Professor X rolled out.

"We have a problem, I located Bobby, he is with a group of young runaway mutants". "Well that's great Professor, where are they?" Jean asked "They are headed to the hospital. Bobby was severely injured. I fear the worst my have happened," the Professor said lowering his head. "We must go help him," Storm said. "I must go with you, if Bobby is in a coma, than I can help him out of it. We must go now." The professor said as he started to head in the direction of the jet.

At the hospital...

The kids ran into the hospital with Bobby in their hands. "Someone help us, are friend is hurt." Amara yelled to the doctors and nurses. The doctors ran to the teenagers with a stretcher. "Let get him into the ER, stat. Nurse we need blood presser." The doctors yelled as they wheeled Bobby away from his friends. "Come with me, you can sit in the waiting room. The kid's waited in the waiting room for about an hour before the doctors came out to question them. "Kids your friend is going to be alright, but I need to ask you a few questions ok?" They all nodded as the doctor began. "First of all, are any of you family?" They all shook their heads. "Ok, what is his name?" "Its Bobby," Amara said trying to hold back her tears. "Bobby what?" the doctor asked as he started to write down his name. "Its Bobby Drake," a voice behind them called out. Everyone looked behind them to see the x-men standing there. "Bobby has 2 broken ribs and a major concussion. We need a guardians signature," the doctor said looking around at all the people standing there. "Bobby goes to are school on a scholarship, I will sign," the professor said picking up the pen and signing the papers. "That you," the doctor said walking back in the ER doors. "You know Bobby?" Ray asked as he started to get his electric power started. "He lives with us at are mansion for gifted youngsters. I am Professor Xeaver, a very powerful telepath, and these are some of the people living at the school who teach the children to control their powers. Bobby is a student there. You children should think about coming to the school," Everyone introduced themselves to each other. Professor X said before he turned to Jean. "Jean I need you to contact Bobby's family for me, they need to know what happened." Jean walked over to the phone and started to dial. The doctor walked out of the doors again and over to everyone standing there. "Bobby is out of surgery, you can see him now. He is in room 824."

Everyone walked down the hallway to where room 824 was. It was the ICU. They walked in to see Bobby lying on the bed with an IV needle in his arm. Tubes where going everywhere, he was hooked up to a life-support machine. They crowded around the unconscious boy. The professor was the first to speak. "Jean, we must go inside Bobby's mind, we have to help him out this, but once we go in Bobby's mind will be in control. Jean just nodded and took the professor hand. They focused on Bobby's mind.

Inside Bobby's mind

= It was dark, and foggy. Jean and the professor walked into the barren land. "Professor, where are we?" Jean asked looking around at the dark place. "It is the image Bobby's mind made for us." They start heading into the darkness until they came apon the Bobby sitting by a pond. "Bobby are you ok?" Jean asked as she ran over to Bobby's side. "I'm fine Dr. Gray, no get away from me!" Bobby screamed as he pushed Jean away. "Bobby, we are only here to help you, if you come with us we will take you out of here." The professor said extending his hand. Bobby swats it away. "I don't want to leave here. I'm safe here, Away form people trying to kidnap me, trying to hurt me. Leave me ALONE!" Bobby lifted his hand and the water from the lake shot up and swirled around the professor and Jean. They knew that if they didn't get out they would die.

<Jean, we must get out> the professor said telepathically Jean said as they both broke the connection

They were back in their bodies before they knew it. "What happened?" Storm asked moving towards the Professor. "Bobby's resisted to come out, if we do go back in he needs someone he can trust to come in and get him out, but who?" the professor said thinking of who to bring with them. "I'll go" Ray said stepping froward. "Very well." The professor took Jean's and Ray's hand. They once again ended in a very dark forest. They walked for some time till they came across the lake again with Bobby sitting at the bank. "You guys wait here, ill talk to him". Ray walked to where Bobby was sitting and sat down next to him. "Bobby please come with the professor and Jean, there just trying to help you." "I know but I just don't want to go back out there" Ray said putting his arm around Bobby shoulder. Tears started coming down from Bobby's eyes. "If you do come with us, me and the others will join the institute". Bobby looked ray in the face. His eyes shined with a beautiful deep green. Bobby leaned in and pressed his lips on Rays. They unlocked lips and stood up. They walked over to the professor and Jean. "Where ready to go". The professor nodded and they where back in the hospital. Bobby's opened his eyes and looked around at everyone standing there. He smiled and everyone knew he was going to be ok. "Where Rogue?" Bobby asked looking for his friend. "Rogue got kidnapped by Magneto" Storm said holding Bobby's hand. "Well get her back" Bobby said laying back in his bed. However, what they didn't know is they were being watched.


Magneto was watching them from mystique video taping them. "Exhalent, more mutants for my army they will do nicely." Rouge and the others were being held captive in chases, held in by a metal that didn't allow them to use their powers. "Mystique, get to those kids as fast as you can" Magneto demanded. "I already got two new recruits"


Ok that's Chapter 5. YAY. I wonder what is going to happen next. Who are the new mutants going to be?

Next: Chapter 6

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