X Sync

By JT Poole

Published on Jun 7, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. X-Sync, Psychic Warrior, Incognito, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole BlueStreak is the ownership of Lee McDougal All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole


X-Sync - Chapter 2-8 by JT Poole

// Swainsboro, GA - JT's Childhood Home //

"Baby what just happened?" Justin asked as he and JT emerged from his teleportation gate. "Are you okay? Did whatever that was hurt you?"

"I don't know, it felt like my body was overloaded with power." JT stated as he was breathing heavy. "But I am okay."

"Honey do you have any idea where we are?" Justin asked.

"Let me scan our surroundings and see." JT stated, his eyes glowing as he looked around. "Can't be, we are in the town I grew up in. My mother is still living here and I don't like this place much at all, it's too restricted..."

"Cool, I get to see what you did growing up." Justin stated.

"Yeah like that's going to be anything fun." JT stated as he magically altered his and Justin's clothes so they would fit in with their surroundings.

"Cool baby, thanks for the digs." Justin stated.

"You sound older than me. I am the old one between the two of us." JT stated laughing at Justin's slang.

"Whateva dude, you love me for it." Justin stated as he leaned over and kissed JT on the cheek as a guy driving by squealed to a stop, jumped out of his car and went over to the two of them and punched Justin in the face, and tried to punch JT too.

"What the hell! What's your problem dude!?" Justin screamed.

"We don't like faggots here!" The man screamed. "Your kind isn't welcomed here!"

"Oh let me show you what this faggot can do!" Justin stated.

"No don't. Let it go." JT stated.

"But baby he hit me and tried to hit you." Justin stated as JT turned to him with glowing eyes.

"You will forget that you saw the two of us. You will forget what has happened here. You don't know anything about the two of us being here and you don't know who we are." JT stated as his eyes stopped glowing and the man got up, walked over to his car and got in.

"Baby what did you just do?" Justin asked.

"I wiped his memory clean and hypnotized him." JT stated. "We don't need trouble here baby. This is one town that you don't need trouble in."

"Is there something you aren't telling me about this place baby?" Justin asked.

"Just act normal. Gays and Blacks haven't always been welcomed here." JT stated.

"But this is the place where you grew up right?" Justin asked.

"Yeah it is." JT stated

"Well that's a bummer." Justin stated. "I am not going to be afraid of these people. We can take care of ourselves."

"Just don't do anything to set anyone else off." JT stated. "I hate to do this, but I see I have no other choice."

"What are you doing?" Justin asked as he saw JT's body shapeshift again.

"I am morphing, what does it look like." JT stated. "God, sometimes you can ask some silly questions."

"Oh my god. You look like a white guy." Justin stated.

"I know I do, what's your point?" JT asked.

"Change back to yourself." Justin stated.

"Why? I am trying to fit in so we don't bring anymore attention to ourselves." JT stated.

"Look baby, I would rather see you as a black guy." Justin stated. "You shouldn't have to change your skin color to satisfy these bigots around here. If you stay like that I will be ashamed to be around you."

"Justin...I am trying...I am trying to make this easy for us until I can teleport again." JT stated.

"Baby just change back to you." Justin stated. "I am not ashamed of you being black, and no one else should. I love you and I don't want you changing the way you look just to keep ignorant people from causing problems. No change back to yourself."

"Alright baby." JT stated as his image melted back the way he normally looks.

"Now let's go find your mother." Justin stated as he and JT started walking down the street.

// Gainesville, FL //

"Yeah, I am here and I don't know how I got here." Lee stated talking on the phone to someone. "Every time I use my power to transport myself away, I end up back here."

"Well maybe there's something there you need to do." The person on the phone stated. "I will put some money into your account. You stay there and for a bit and see what's going on."

"I guess I have no choice but to." Lee stated, as there was a loud noise and then a strange portal opened in the sky and two girls floated down towards him.

"Halt mutant!" One of the girls stated. "Mutant has been identified as Lee McDougal also known as BlueStreak. He's one of the mutants we are looking for. Tag him, bag him and let's go."

"As you wish Messenger." The other girl said as she created a strange type of webbing from her fingertips that surrounded Lee as he tried to escape, wrapping him up and enclosing him. "He's taken care of."

The girl scanned the area around them and shook her head as the two of them floated back up to the opening in the sky. Before the opening closed, a strange beam of light shot out of the hole and latched onto Lee's body and levitated his body until he was alongside the girls in the opening as it closed.

// Washington, D.C. - Secret Sentinel Base //

"Yes sir we have the young man here in our custody." ESP stated. "We had to take him by force, he's currently unconscious."

"Make sure he isn't hurt. I want him converted before nightfall." The person stated. "I want him ready to join the others on their next mission."

"Yes sir. I will have that task taken care of by then." ESP stated.

// Swainsboro, GA //

"You!" a strange-looking woman screamed.

"Oh no, not you." JT spoke.

"Yes it's me. What do you have to say for yourself child?" the woman asked.

"This! Star Prism Power!" JT screamed as he started glowing and his clothing changed to reveal an entirely different costume. "I am Hellfire!"

"Ah baby, what's going on?" Justin asked.

"Step away child, you are in the company of a malevolent spirit." The woman stated.

"A spirit?" Justin asked.

"Cosmic Fever!" JT screamed as he projected a beam of energy at the woman.

"Your powers don't work against me demon!" the woman screamed.

"You will not hurt me or anyone I know ever again!" JT screamed as his eyes started generating lightning bolts, projecting the bolts at the woman.

"JT what's going on here, what are you doing to that old lady?" Justin asked.

"That's no old lady. She's just showing us you an illusion. Making you see what she wants you to see." JT stated as he grabbed Justin within a telekinetic bubble and floated him out of danger. "Ah, I knew you would show your true form Selene."

"I am still a match for you." Selene stated.

"If you think so. You can't hurt us if you can't touch us." JT stated. "I am not one of your servants from that little island you call home, I am not going to do your bidding."

"I will have you and the rest of your friends, just like we got Jean Grey." Selene stated.

"Yeah right Selene, keep trying." JT stated "Phoenix Fire Consume!"

"Is that the best you have?" Selene asked.

"No it isn't Selene, he has this too." Justin screamed as he created the biggest plasmoid he had ever created and projected it at her.

"Ha Ha Ha, that will tickle and make me laugh." Selene stated as she absorbed Justin's energy sphere.

"Hello Selene. I was hoping that I got to see you again." Corey stated as he appeared in a burst of flame.

"Xenix what are you doing here?" Justin and JT both asked at the same time.

"I felt something was wrong and I teleported here." Corey stated. "And this bitch does classify as something wrong."

"Well true, but we need to hurry up and handle this, we are drawing too much attention to ourselves." JT stated.

"Why didn't you just teleport away?" Corey asked.

"I have been trying but I keep falling back here." JT stated.

"I see." Corey stated. "Could it be that Selene trapped you here."

"She's using her powers to keep you from teleporting away." Corey stated.

"Well I don't know who's responsible for what, but this is the third fight I have been in within a five hour period. I left SuperNova in Limbo and ended up here with a bigot and her." JT stated as Selene tried to grab Corey.

"Do I really look stupid enough to let you get your hands on me you witch!" Corey stated as he blazed out and then reappeared next to JT and Justin, grabbed their hands and blazed out again.

<<<Note, remember this, this fight will play an important role for the next couple of chapters. >>>

// Orlando, FL - X-Sync HQ - Nick's Medical Room //

"Brian, Brian wake up." Nick stated. "I need to go to the bathroom baby, help me up."

"Alright baby, come on." Brian stated as he got out of the bed to help Nick up and to the bathroom.

"Hello there Mr. Littrell, I knew we would meet again." The man stated as he appeared in the room with Brian and Nick.

"What the hell!" Brian screamed recognizing the man standing there.

"No need to scream Mr. Littrell, I am only here to take you back home." The man stated.

"How in the hell did you get in here?" Nick asked.

"It was pretty simple really, I just phased through the force field protecting the house. After I located both of you here, I knew you were in here somewhere." The man stated. "Come on Brian, get your things let's go."

"I am going nowhere with you!" Brian screamed. "You hurt me, you used me, you did things to me that I would have never let anyone else do."

"Brian isn't going anywhere with you asshole, so leave my husband alone!" Nick screamed as he sent sonic energy waves at the man standing there.

"What is this, you have powers too?" The man asked.

"Of course I do, and I don't mind using them if I have to, to keep you away from Brian." Nick stated.

"Baby stop this, calm down. Your body hasn't completely healed yet. Don't over exert yourself." Brian stated, placing a magnetic field around him and Nick.

"I wasn't expecting both of you to have powers, both anyway, I am still taking Brian with me." The man stated sending a shockwave of electricity hurdling towards both Nick and Brian.

// Washington, D.C. - Secret Sentinel Base //

"Hello Daniel, I see you have regained consciousness." ESP stated.

"What the fuck is going on? Where have you taken me?" Daniel asked.

"That's none of your concern. The only thing you should worry about is what's about to happen to you." ESP stated laughing manically.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy2@aol.com Yahoo: johntpoole ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 29: X Sync 2 9

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