X Sync

By JT Poole

Published on Apr 7, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. X-Sync, Psychic Warrior, Channel, Blaze, Pull, Echo, Planetoid, Wildcat, Tattoo, WolfShadow, Catastrophe, Spirit, Incognito, Katalyst, Hellion, Setterwynd, SuperNova, Cell, Shade, Aqua, Tigersbane, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole


X-Sync -- Chapter 3-16 by JT Poole

// In An Alternate Reality //

"Where's Ashlocke?" The blonde haired woman asked, slapping JT in the face.

"Who the hell is Ashlocke?" JT asked, struggling to get out of the device he was in.

"You know damn well who Gabriel Ashlocke is." The blonde haired woman spoke. "We are getting nowhere with this one Adam. Maybe what the other one said is the truth."

"I don't know what to believe. This could all be some scam by Ashlocke to trick us all." A dark-haired man spoke, walking into the room. "Then again, they could be telling the truth."

"Look, I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you want. Why don't you just let us go and we can be on our way. We can act like none of this ever happened."

"No Adam we can't let them go. We let them go, then they can expose us to the world." The dark-haired woman spoke.

"Well you can always use your tele-empathic powers to erase their memories of this ever happening Emma." The man spoke.

"I can't do that Adam, he was the one that created the manifestation that nullified my powers earlier." Emma spoke.

"He must have tele-empathic powers too." Adam spoke.

Not quite buddy.' JT telepathically stated, creating a psychic projection of himself and attacking Adam and Emma. The correct term would be telepathic and this would be my full manifestation of myself, just like you did earlier, except in this form, I am much more deadlier.'

"How can we stop something we can't touch?" The blonde-haired woman asked, taking swings in mid-air at JT's astral projection.

"If we hurt the physical body, that might stop this image." Adam stated.

`Now now, I wouldn't trying touching my body if I were you.' JT telepathically spoke, as a field of energy surrounded his and Justin's bodies.

"He's erected some kind of barrier around both of their bodies." Adam spoke.

"Maybe Jesse can phase through it." The blonde-haired woman spoke.

"I don't think so Shalimar, I don't know what that energy is, it might harm Jesse." Adam spoke, just as JT destroyed the device that kept him and Justin a prisoner.

"Now that we are both free, I can do this!" JT stated, raising his hands as his body started projecting light all around.


// Someplace Else //

"Baby are you okay?" JT asked, trying to wake Justin.

"What? Where are we?" Justin asked, grabbing onto JT.

"Calm down baby we are safe now. I just don't know where we are still." JT spoke.

"I just want to go home." Justin stated, hugging onto JT crying. "Baby get us back to Orlando, please."

"I am trying, but every time I shift us, I can only take us a few kilometers from where we were. I can't distinguish the spatial coordinates of where we are."

"Spatial coordinates? What is that?" Justin asked.

"In order for me to shift somewhere, I must be able to see, visualize or know the direct location of where I want to go as long as it's in our cosmic order of things." JT spoke, looking around. "It seems to be early morning in this place. I am going to try to see if I can locate the X-Men or something."

"I don't care what we do as long as we get away from here." Justin spoke, standing up with JT.

"Come on baby." JT stated as the two of them faded away.

// Back in the Real Reality -- Washington, DC //

"That's the last one!" JC screamed out, floating down to the ground. "This would have gone better if JT was here."

"Do you guys have to keep saying that?" Chris asked, reverting back to his human form.

"Well it is your fault that he left again." JC stated as Kevin walked up to him.

"Okay guys, seems this place is normal as it's going to get with the demons that were here gone." Tigersbane stated.

"What's our next move Josh?" Kevin asked.

"We need to find JT and Justin. I feel this is far from over. We got the frogs cleaned up, but I feel this is some sort of omen or something." JC stated just as the moon changed to a dark red color that resembled blood.

"Oh my God, look up there at the moon, it looks like blood!" Lance screamed out.

"Oh my God, it does look like blood." Kevin spoke. "What's going on baby?"

"I have no idea, but this is really getting scary." JC spoke, just as Tigersbane fainted. "B? B? Are you okay?"

"Okay correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't her powers magical like JT's?" Chris asked. "With all this shit happening, she could be responsible for this mess too."

"Don't you fucking start this crap again Chris! You already ran JT off, you are not running Beyonce off too." Lance spoke, shoving Chris.

"Come on everyone, let's take this back to HQ." JC stated as he carried Beyonce on to the jet as the others followed him on board.

"Computer return to HQ." Lance stated as the jet started up and they were airborne.

// Back in the Alternate Reality //

"Baby where are we?" Justin asked as he and JT continued running.

"I don't know, but we best find some place to hide." JT stated, panting.

"Why aren't your powers working right baby?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. Whatever's effecting me seems to be effecting you too since you are not flying like you normally are." JT stated.

"You have a point." Justin stated, closing his eyes concentrating. "I can' t levitate nor can I sense anything."

"I can sense stuff, but it's taking a lot for me to do that." JT stated as he and Justin were cornered again by the people they recently escaped from.

"Baby, they're back." Justin stated, wrapping his arms around JT.

"That's it! I'm tired of this! We don't know you, we don't know who you are looking for!" JT screamed projecting energy at all four people.

"Duck Emma!" Shalimar screamed out.

I think you should watch your own back!' JT screamed telepathically as his psychic projection punched Shalimar, knocking her to the ground. Justin come on, try to fly now, I think they are the reason our powers are not working correctly.'

"How did you know that?" Justin asked, floating up towards JT.

"I read her mind. There's some kind of energy dampening and scrambling field around us." JT stated, as he and Justin landed on the roof of a nearby building. "As I was in here mind, I discovered that she's part of a group called Mutant X and since I have never heard of these people before, I am assuming that I shifted us somehow to a different reality since this is New York."

"This can't be New York, everything is so different." Justin stated. "Where is everyone?"

"That's the point. I think whatever that disturbance was in Limbo screwed up my powers and when I shifted us, we got jolted here." JT stated.

"How is that possible baby?" Justin asked. "How could something in Limbo mess with your powers."

"Justin I am a mutant just like you but, my mutant powers is my psychic powers and the ability to mimic the powers of those people around me, this it. The magic that you and the others have seen me use is the power of Limbo, which is not my power, it's just mine to use while Limbo is under my command. My power to shift between places is one of the powers of Limbo. If I wasn't able to use Limbo's power, I wouldn't be able to do some of the things that I do." JT explained.

"I don't get it." Justin stated.

"Plain in simple, I don't have all the powers you see me use." JT stated.

"So you are not as powerful as we all think?" Justin asked.

"Alone no, but with the power of Limbo at my command I am." JT spoke. "I have the same powers as you do Justin, just the added touch of my bio-morphic power which you don't have. "

"I think I understand now." Justin stated just as Shalimar, Emma and the guy named Brennan appeared. "Baby here they come again."

"Well I think it's time for Psion and Catastrophe to kick some ass!" JT stated, as his eyes started glowing and his and Justin's clothes changed back to their costumes.

"Well hello Mutant X, seems like we came to find the same thing." A cute looking white guy with long black hair spoke.

"Ashlocke!" Shalimar screamed, jumping towards him as he zapped her with a bolt of energy knocking her down.

"What the hell!?" JT screamed. "This is the guy you accused us of working with?"

"Look out baby, he's firing something!" Justin screamed just as JT was able to shift out of the way.

"Where did he go?" Shalimar asked, jumping towards Gabriel Ashlocke again.

"Sweet Shalimar, you are one step closer to being mine." Ashlocke stated.

"Never! Not in your wildest dreams!" Shalimar screamed

"You say that now, but just wait. You will be mine." Ashlocke spoke just as JT appeared behind him, zapping him with a telekinetic energy bolt. "That tickled."

"Tickled? That should have leveled a building." JT stated, grabbing Justin and shifting again.


"Baby he's immune to your powers." Justin stated as he and JT reappeared. "If he's immune to your power, then he's immune to mine."

"Well let's see if he's immune to his own power." JT stated as he shifted again, appearing behind Gabriel Ashlocke, grabbing a hold of his neck. "Arrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh!"

"Psion!" Justin screamed out, floating down to where Gabriel and JT were. "What are you doing to him?"

"What's going on kid?" Brennan asked, running up to Justin as they all stared at the scene in front of them. "What's happening, what's he doing?"

"He's killing Psion! He's killing him!" Justin screamed, created one of his pyrokinetic energy spheres and projecting it at Ashlocke.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ashlocke asked. "Are you trying to make me laugh?"

"Look out kid!" Shalimar screamed, grabbing Justin and pulling him out of the way.

"What the hell is that guy doing to Ashlocke?" Emma asked, ducking trying to keep from being hurt by stray energy beams that were flying around.

"I think he was trying to absorb his powers and use them against him. I have seen this happen before. He tried to do this before with someone that was too powerful for him." Justin stated. "That time, the power transfer reversed and the person gained his power and took over his mind."

"Oh great, just we need Ashlocke floating around with more powers than what he already has." The guy identified as Jesse said.

"You, you are a telepath aren't you?" Justin asked, pointing at Emma.

"Yeah, something like that." Emma stated.

"Could you help me?" Justin asked, sitting down cross-legged as he started floating. "I need to get into his mind and see if I can stop this."

"What do you need me to do?" Emma asked.

"I need you to be my anchor here." Justin stated. "You project energy right?"

"Yeah I do." Brennan stated."

"Good then, I would also need you to project a beam of energy at Ashlocke when you hear my voice." Justin stated as his eyes started glowing.

// Back in Orlando //

"What the hell is going on here? All the things that are happening are something similar to the signs of the..." Lance trailed off as Tigersbane walked into the room.

"Guys there's something seriously wrong with the world." Tigersbane stated, sitting down at the table.

"We know B, just don't know what it is." JC stated, walking over to her. "Does this have anything to do with religion?"

"I don't know Josh, but something's wrong. Since JT isn't here, I don't have any answers." Tigersbane stated.

"Is there like a spell or something that you could use to bring JT and Justin back here?" JC asked.

"I don't know where they are." Tigersbane stated, getting up and walking over to the computer. "Computer locate Psion and Catastrophe."

= Psion cannot be found. Catastrophe cannot be found. =

"If the computer can not find them, then they are nowhere in this dimension, possibly the planet." JC stated.

"How do you expect me to create a spell to bring them back when the computer doesn't even know where they are?" Tigersbane asked.


"Quite simple my child, just concentrate and all your wishes will come

true." The woman stated as she appeared in the room.

"What the hell!" JC screamed as everyone took stance to attack the woman.

// Back in the other Reality //

`Come on baby you can fight this. Let go of the creep. If you let him go this pain will stop.' Justin spoke to JT telepathically.

`I can't let him go, he's killing me!' JT screamed telepathically sending shockwaves across the astral plane.

"What's wrong Emma?" Shalimar asked.

"They're in pain, a great pain. Ashlocke is killing both of them." Emma spoke.

"Is there something you can do to stop him?" Shalimar asked.

"I will try, their minds seem so alien to me." Emma spoke, reaching out telepathically as a strange light from Justin stopped her.

"What's that?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, appeared when I connected with him." Emma stated.


"These two don't belong here." A strange woman appeared grabbing Justin then JT.

"What the hell is that?" Shalimar asked, jumping towards the woman.

"Shal no!" Emma screamed. "Don't touch her!"

"Why not?" Shalimar asked, landing in front of the woman stopping as Emma had said.

"Don't touch her. She's not of this world. Neither are they." Emma stated as JT, Justin and the woman disappeared.


"They are gone, how are we going to explain this to Adam?" Shalimar asked.

"Explain what?" Emma asked.

"I have no clue. Why are we here?" Shalimar asked as she and Emma walked back over to the two men. "Guys do you know why we are here?"

"No, I have no clue." Jesse stated. "Do you think Ashlocke had something to do with us being here, since he's over there, lying on the ground?"

"Probably so. Let's get him and find out what he's been up to." Brennan stated, walking over to Ashlocke lying on the ground.

// Back in the Real Reality -- Orlando, FL -- X-Sync HQ //

"Who are you?" JC asked as Justin and JT appeared in the room.

"Just think of me as the mother of all things." The woman spoke and disappeared.

"Oh my God. Do you know who that was?" Tigersbane asked.

"No, could you tell us?" Brian asked.

Quiet my child, clandestine is what I am.' Tigersbane heard a voice in her head. You will see me again soon.'

"I don't know, I was asking you." Tigersbane stated, thinking to herself of what she just heard.

"Are you two alright?" JC asked, helping JT and Justin up.

"He's not fine, we were fighting these crazy people and he tried to knock one of them out like he did Hellion and the guy almost killed him!" Justin spoke as JT started glowing.

"Oh fuck! I don't like the looks of this." Chris stated.

"Shut up Chris!" Lance spoke.

"JT can you hear me?" Justin asked.

"Yes I can hear you." JT stated, as he started glowing brighter now. "Where are we?"

"We are back in Orlando." Justin stated, floating up to JT. "Or at least I think we are back."

"You are back." Tigersbane stated.

"How do we know that?" Justin asked as he and JT vanished.

"What the hell? They just came back and they are gone already!" Chris spoke just as JT and Justin appeared again.

"We are back, I can sense the spatial coordinates of where we are." JT stated as he and Justin floated back to the floor. "We are home baby."

"Oh thank God." Justin stated as he and JT shared a passionate kiss.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: swainsboroguy2@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 58: X Sync 3 17

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